I doubt it, but that'd be awesome if it did happen. Kevin Thorn back as Mordecai? We've already got a hellfire guy and a cemetary guy, so a heaven guy would complete it.Everyone thinks its Vince or Twker right? Thats a good possibility, but I was just thinking... What if its a totally different character? Like, another Brother of Kane or something, that could be who he is talking about... And I think its possible, I mean, wwe is pushing alot of new guys recently, so maybe they want another.
Kane was more dominate when he had his mask, look at rey mysterio he has a mask and he could still do all his moves, if its hard to breathe Kane should just get a lighter mask.
Anyways I hope this storyline leads to Kane getting his mask back.
I really hope it isn't Taker he is talking about. As much as i love Taker, i don't want to see another Kane vs. Taker feud. I'm happy that Kane has turned heel, never been a fan of him being a face. Paul Bearer could be a likely choice but it would be so amazing if it was somone like Sid as he's been rumoured to return to the WWE for a while. It'll be interesting to see how this plays out over the next few weeks. Why do most people think Kane will be better with his mask on, sure when he had the mask he was agile and a good wrestler. If anything Kane needs to stop looking so damn flabby and lose some weight, then he'll become better in the ring.
Honestly, who knows? It could be something big like the return of the Undertaker, or it could just be part of Kane's heel turn and it really didn't have any meaning behind it. Either way, this is a pretty interesting storyline and I can't wait to see what happens with it