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Jan 4, 2023
Reaction score
Ignition: Episode 196
Promotion: World Series Wrestling​
Date: June 20, 2019​
City: Cleveland, OH​
Venue: Wolstein Center​
Attendance: 5,350​

The 6/20 Ignition opened with pyro exploding inside the Wolstein Center in Cleveland, Ohio. The commentary trio of Mauro Ranallo, Chael Sonnen, and Paige Knight welcomed the audience to the show, and immediately we got set for the first match of the evening.

Match One: Will Ospreay vs. Dragon Lee

The first match of Ignition was a singles match between Will Ospreay and Dragon Lee. Over the past several months, Ospreay and Dragon Lee went back and forth in singles matches. Dragon Lee defeated Ospreay in his debut match in WSW, with Ospreay taking the second meeting at Undisputed. This was the rubber match.

Ospreay received a massive ovation from the Cleveland crowd, and he came to the ring with determination in his eyes. On commentary, Chael Sonnen noted:

Will Ospreay wanted this match, he challenged for it. He has vowed to make 2019 the Year of Ospreay, but think about it: Dragon Lee, RUSH, and Jon Moxley...all three of these men have crossed paths with Ospreay in the past few weeks. It makes you wonder, is it even possible for Will to be 100% focused on the task at hand tonight?!
Dragon Lee made his entrance, accompanied by RUSH. For weeks, RUSH had been watching his younger brother’s matches from afar – going so far as to attack Will Ospreay. Ospreay urged Dragon Lee in the lead-up to the match to fight him one-on-one. RUSH came to the top of the stage and smirked at Ospreay before fist-bumping Dragon Lee. Lee completed his walk to the ring alone.

Unlike their previous matches, there was no handshake as the bell sounded. Instead, both men cautiously circled each other, knowing what was at stake. A methodical grappling sequence ensued – both men countering each other and jockeying for position. On commentary, Paige Knight noted that this was a slower pace than we had seen before because both men knew that one false move could mark the end.

Dragon Lee attempted a headscissors, but Will Ospreay cartwheeled out of it. Ospreay then tried a headscissors, only for Dragon Lee to cartwheel out.

The pace quickened, as both men ran the ropes – ducking clotheslines and leapfrogging one another. Ospreay tried to catch Dragon Lee with the Oscutter, but Lee blocked and tried Desnucadora – Ospreay escaped. Both men hit simultaneous dropkicks and kipped to their feet. The stalemate didn’t last long, as Dragon Lee crushed Ospreay with a one-legged dropkick!

Dragon Lee went to work on Ospreay, hitting strikes, wrapping his arm around the top rope, and manipulating the joints.

Lee shot Ospreay into the corner, but he ran into a boot and an enziguri. Ospreay hit a 619 over-the-top rope that sent Lee to the floor. Ospreay then connected on a HIGH slingshot plancha to the floor, and the Wolstein Center began to sing “OS-PREAY, OS-PREAY, OS-PREAY" to the tune of “Ole, Ole, Ole.”

On the floor, Ospreay threw nasty chops before sending Dragon Lee back inside and covering for barely a 1 count. Ospreay hit a hard back elbow that yielded yet another 1 count. Ospreay showcased his catch-as-catch-can background, tying Dragon Lee up on the canvas with an arm trap surfboard submission – pulling new moves out of his arsenal in this rubber match.

Ospreay drove Lee into the corner with more knife-edge chops. With his chest turning red, Lee tried to fire up with forearms, but Ospreay cut him off with a spinning heel kick to the gut. Lee reversed a whip into the corner, and Ospreay elevated himself over the ropes to the apron. Ospreay tried for Pip, Pip, Cheerio, but Dragon Lee blocked and countered with an STO. Mauro Ranallo noted the familiarity between these two opponents and how much time both had spent scouting one another.

Dragon Lee showed off his aggression, hitting piston-like forearms that drove Ospreay down in the corner. Dragon Lee called for the Bull’s Horns—an homage to his brother RUSH—but Ospreay exploded out the corner and hit a lariat on Dragon Lee. Ospreay hit a flurry of kicks to drive Lee down in the corner...Ospreay tried for the running double knees, but Lee moved and Ospreay crashed into the turnbuckles! Showing his ridiculous speed, Dragon Lee crushed Ospreay with running double knees of his own, followed by a vertical suplex for a 2 count.

Dragon Lee shot Ospreay into the ropes, but Ospreay bounced back with a handspring corkscrew kick that connected flush! From the apron, Ospreay fired up the fans and connected with Pip, Pip, Cheerio for a 2 count!

Dragon Lee rolled to the floor, and Ospreay looked to fly....he went for the Sasuke Special, but Dragon Lee moved...but Ospreay landed on his feet on the floor! The spectacle of athleticism was short-lived, as Dragon Lee nearly beheaded Ospreay though with a pump knee strike!

Dragon Lee sat Will Ospreay on the guardrail. He got back into the ring and flew like a torpedo.......


Like a missile, Dragon Lee nailed Ospreay, and both men went flying into the third row of the Wolstein Center!

“Holy Shit” chants sounded out!

As the referee went through the 20 count, Dragon Lee threw Ospreay over the guardrail and back into the ring at the count of 13.

Dragon Lee tried a deadlift German Suplex. Ospreay tried to block with a back elbow; however, Dragon Lee trapped the arms and hit a bridging straight-jacket German for a 2 count!

Dragon Lee hung Ospreay in the tree of woe, and he climbed to the top. As Lee reached the top turnbuckle, Ospreay sat up, and both men went back and forth with hard forearms. Dragon Lee hit a headbutt that knocked Ospeay back into the tree of woe.... he tried for a draping diving double foot stomp...

But Ospreay hit a desperation upkick at the last second to knock Dragon Lee off the top to the floor. Ospreay then climbed to the top and flew...

Corkscrew Moonsault to the floor!

Ospreay showcased his amazing ariel ability, effortlessly flying and connecting with his target. Quickly back inside, Ospreay hit an inverted Bloody Sunday DDT for a near fall!

Ospreay’s eyes were full of passion...he felt the energy of the crowd...

Ospreay CRUSHED Dragon Lee with a hook kick! Ospreay went for Storm Breaker...

Dragon Lee blocked! Lee tried to widen his base, so Ospreay hit rapid-fire kicks to the sternum. He popped Lee repeatedly with kicks. Ospreay went for Storm Breaker again....

Dragon Lee countered with a Satellite DDT!

Dragon Lee maintained control of Ospreay’s head. He rolled through...

Dragon Lee went for the Brainbust......NO....Ospreay countered with a Stundog Millionaire!

Both men were down, and the crowd gave both men a standing ovation. “Both These Guys” echoed off the walls of the Wolstein Center!

Ospreay and Dragon Lee met each other on their knees in the center of the ring. Face to face, with the crowd whipped into a frenzy, they teed off on each other with back-and-forth forearms. The test of the heart, led to both men slowly rising to their feet. The forearms were vicious. Ospreay fired up and roared, but he was crumbled by a heavy forearm shot from Dragon Lee. Lee hit the ropes but ran directly into another hook kick from Ospreay!

What followed was an insane sequence of agility. Ospreay charged at Dragon Lee; however, Lee moved and went for a rebound German Suplex...Ospreay flipped over and landed on his feet! Ospreay attempted a dropkick, but Dragon Lee blocked and flipped Ospreay over...he landed on his feet yet again! Dragon Lee connected on a pump knee strike followed by a poision rana! Dragon Lee hit the ropes, but Ospreay caught him with a standing Spanish Fly!

Both men were down again!

The crowd went crazy as Ospreay crawled to the apron and climbed to the top rope...Dragon Lee followed and cut Ospreay off with a superkick! Dragon Lee attempted his running hurricanrana over the ropes, but Ospreay caught him...


Dragon Lee landed with a thud! Ospreay rolled him back into the ring. He climbed up to the top...


He covered...but Dragon Lee kicked out at 2.5!

Ospreay didn’t hesitate or argue, he stayed on the attack. He rose to his feet and sized up the fallen Dragon Lee.

Robinson Special connected!

Ospreay felt the energy...passion oozed through his body. He went to end it with the Oscutter.....

Dragon Lee picked him off in midair with a knee strike!

“WSW” chants rang out followed by “This Is Awesome!”

On commentary, Chael Sonnen stated:
We are officially in the deep-water guys as we inch closer and closer to the 20-minute time limit mark. Both men are spilling their guts here in Cleveland. This is about as equal as it gets, but if I’m scoring it on points, I think Ospreay may have the slight advantage.

Ospreay rolled out to the apron, and Dragon Lee slowly rose to his feet in the center of the ring. Lee grabbed Ospreay and pulled him to his feet. Both men were exhausted, and Dragon Lee threw heavy-handed strikes over the ropes. Ospreay followed with a stiff gamenguri!

Ospreay vaulted to the top, but Dragon Lee swept his legs from under him. Ospreay fell into the Tree of Woe.


Both men were out on the floor. Dragon Lee slowly rolled himself back into the ring as the referee administered the 20-count yet again.

15, 16, 17, 18.......Ospreay was still down!

At 19...Ospreay threw himself back into the ring to avoid the countout!

Dragon Lee immediately drilled a knee strike! Dragon Lee went for Desnucadora...

Ospreay blocked with all his might! He threw anvil elbows to escape the grip of Dragon Lee. He then hit a massive roundhouse kick! With the crowd chanting his name Ospreay roared and went for a Liger Bomb....

But Dragon Lee countered into a Destroyer!

Dragon Lee obliterated Ospreay with a running knee strike!

Will Ospreay kicked out at 2.9!

Dragon Lee couldn’t believe it! The sheer will of Will Ospreay was on full display on Ignition!

Dragon Lee looked to the stage where his brother RUSH watched. RUSH gave the thumbs-down signal....and Dragon Lee nodded. He pulled his knee pad down.....


Pulling Ospreay to his feet, Dragon Lee went for Desnucadora....



A trifecta of high-impact moves connected for Ospreay. As ring announcer Justin Roberts announced that 30 seconds remained in the match, Ospreay hit an Oscutter off the top rope!

Ospreay hit Storm Breaker!




Ospreay wins!

Will Ospreay (19:50)

The crowd exploded at the finish. These two men saved their best for Ospreay won the rubber match with just 10 seconds remaining! Ospreay’s face was pure emotion as he soaked in the moment and the victory.

Dragon Lee was crestfallen. He struggled to pick himself up off the mat. Ospreay went over to him—he looked at Dragon Lee, the man who had pushed him to the absolute limit over the past 2.5 months. He offered his hand...

But Dragon Lee kicked it away!

Dragon Lee rolled out the ring! The crowd booed as Dragon Lee clutched his head and made his way up the ramp to RUSH.

Ospreay looked confused and shook his head. RUSH met Dragon Lee on the stage and put his arm around his brother – all while staring daggers at Ospreay. Inside the ring, Ospreay called for the microphone. Breathing heavily, Ospreay stood in the ring and said:

Dragon don’t want to shake my hand bruv, that’s on you! You are a helluva wrestler who you hang around with though bruv. You lie down with dogs you get fleas!

I have promised that 2019 would be the Year of Ospreay, and I keep my promises. I had to take care of Dragon Lee first, now I turn the page...

On July 13 we are going to Toronto. SummerFest...the biggest show in WSW’s history... I want YOU JON MOXLEY! You’re the new predator here, but this is my kingdom! I haven’t forgotten dropped me on my skull, and now the bill is coming due. OSPREAY/MOXLEY IN TORONTO!

A video promo aired for SummerFest on July 13, from the Scotiabank Arena in Toronto. Streaming exclusively on Netflix!

As Ignition returned from a commercial break, highlights of Chael Sonnen’s retirement at Bellator 222 in Madison Square Garden aired. The camera panned to the announce table:

Mauro Ranallo: Ladies and gentlemen, this past Saturday night at Madison Square Garden, we saw the end of an era. Our good friend, our broadcast colleague, and the man seated to my left; Chael Sonnen, officially retired from Mixed Martial Arts. Chael, you were and continue to be an innovator. When we look at the growth of MMA over the past 20 years in North America, your personality and passion helped fuel that growth. On behalf of our entire family here in WSW, congratulations on an unbelievable career inside the Octagon.

Chael Sonnen: Mauro, I can’t tell you how much that means. I had a tough life growing up, and I was lucky to discover the sport of MMA when I was saved my life. I have been a professional fighter for 23 years and have no more bullets left in the chamber. I’ve used up all my toughness. I left every drop of my blood, sweat, and tears inside that cage, and I have no regrets. I’m excited for what’s next, and I leave knowing that MMA is in a far different place than where it was when I discovered the sport in 1997 in a dark, dingy armory in Vancouver, Washington.

Now...that means you are stuck with me. I have PLENTY of energy to call wrestling matches, and I’m not kidding you. The last thought that went through my mind before I left MSG on Saturday night was...'man, I can’t wait to be back here for November Reign and watch our men and women of WSW tear the house down.’

Match Two: Marti Belle vs. Rachael Ellering (w/ Candice LeRae)

The second match of Ignition was a singles match between Marti Belle and Rachael Ellering. The crowd was still buzzing from the Dragon Lee/Will Ospreay match, as Ellering made her way to the ring accompanied by Candice LeRae. Both women were clad in all black. Frustrated with a string of defeats, Candice LeRae had gone dark and recruited Rachael Ellering as her charge. This was Ellering’s first match since joining forces with Candice LeRae.

As the bell sounded, Belle charged into Ellering – throwing chops and kicks. They had no effect. Ellering just absorbed them and flashed a nasty grin. Marti Belle hit the ropes for momentum, but Ellering folded her in half with a wicked lariat!

Ellering grabbed wrist control, lifted Belle to her feet, and then whipped her back down into the canvas face first!

Belle grabbed at her face in pain as Candice LeRae shouted instructions to Ellering. Showcasing her power, Ellering bieled Marti Belle halfway across the ring and followed with a running senton!

Ellering grabbed Belle in a gutwrench and walked around the ring with her. On commentary, Paige Knight marveled at the strength of Rachael Ellering, who finally spiked Belle down with a gutwrench suplex.

On the outside, Candice LeRae wore an evil smile...seemingly knowing she had a monster on her side with untapped potential. Ellering finished Marti Bell with the Bosswoman Slam for the pin and the win!

Rachael Ellering (2:32)

Following the match, Candice LeRae hopped in the ring and gave orders to Rachael Ellering. They were not through. Candice grabbed Belle by the hair and pulled her to her feet – Belle could barely stand. As boos sounded out, LeRae whipped Belle to Ellering who hit another Bosswoman Slam!
LeRae and Ellering stood tall, and Candice shouted:

“This is MY DIVISION!”

Like a lightning bolt, Ivelisse sprinted to the ring with a chair! LeRae and Ellering bailed quickly as Ivelisse slid into the ring swinging the chair like a Louisville Slugger! The bad blood between LeRae and Ivelisse had been brewing for weeks!

LeRae and Ellering high-tailed it up the ramp as Ivelisse spiked the chair into the center of the ring and begged the two to come back and fight! From a safe distance, Candice LeRae smiled and pointed to her head – seemingly outsmarting Ivelisse and avoiding the attack; however, Ivelisse flashed a wicked grin...

The lights went out inside the Wolstein Center...

A video featuring a figure riding a motorcycle down dark streets aired. Through damp Cleveland streets, the motorcycle cut through the night. It finally came to a stop outside the Wolstein Center. The figure looked up at the marquee advertising WSW Ignition and removed the helmet to reveal long, black hair.......slowly, they turned to reveal themselves to the camera.......

It was Mercedes Martinez!

She spoke:

After 19’s finally time...

As the video ended, the music of Mercedes Martinez hit! The LED video screens lit up with the phrase “OG Badass.” Mercedes Martinez made her entrance!

Candice LeRae and Rachael Ellering couldn’t believe what they were seeing – LeRae looked for a place to run, but there was nowhere to go! LeRae begged off and then tried a sneaky right hand...

But Mercedes Martinez blocked it, and with zero hesitation...she laid out Candice LeRae with a right hook!

LeRae was out cold!

Rachael Ellering and Mercedes Martinez locked horns and started wailing on each other on the stage! A mob scene had broken out on Ignition! The women went at it like two bulls in combat!

Referees and WSW Security sprinted in from the back to separate Martinez and Ellering. Candice lay flat on the stage.

Ivelisse got the microphone:

Night night Candice! You got do I! Meet the toughest bitch I know...Mercedes Martinez! The OG Badass! One call from me, one shot from her, and you’re sleeping! You want to fight puta...let’s fight!

The crowd got behind the passion of Ivelisse’s words, as the referees and security struggled to keep Rachael Ellering and Mercedes Martinez apart. Ivelisse had made good on her promise, she had evened up the numbers game and brought Mercedes Martinez to WSW!

Highlights aired of the alliance formed between Deonna Purrazzo, Kay Lee Ray, and Io Shirai to stand in opposition to Diamond. We see highlights of the trios match from last week that saw Kay Lee Ray score a stunning pinfall on WSW Women’s World Champion Tessa Blanchard – the first time Blanchard had been pinned in months.

As the video ended, Paige Knight was standing in the center of the ring with a microphone:
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to Ignition, and please welcome...Kay Lee Ray!

The crowd cheered the arrival of Kay Lee Ray. Since her debut in December, KLR had steadily climbed the ranks of the women’s division; however, no victory meant as much as the one she scored last week over the World Champion.

As she stood in the ring, a “Kay Lee Ray” chant broke out. Paige spoke:

Kay Lee, last week you did something no one in WSW has done in over a year – you pinned Tessa Blanchard, the WSW Women’s World Champion. You and I have known each other for a very long time, and I know you have something very important to say here tonight.

Kay Lee Ray took a moment and looked around at the crowd before speaking:

Last week was the biggest victory in my ten years as a professional wrestler. Right here in this ring, I pinned the shoulders of the World Champion to the mat for 1, 2, and 3. Three seconds change lives in this business Paige. Three seconds is all it takes to go from a good hand to a main event star.

That leads me to Diamond...I can’t say that I’m surprised that Tessa Blanchard and her crew have risen to the top of WSW. They are brash, they are mean, and they are willing to cut any corner and hurt anyone to stay on top. For the past year and a half, Tessa and Diamond have gone through the women’s division one by one. They have gone scorched earth to ensure they stay on top, and Tessa sits on the throne. A prideful tyrant, Tessa has defended that belt against the best women in the world, and time after time, Tessa is left standing when the dust settles. With Nixon back, Diamond is at full strength once again, and Tessa believes she truly holds ALL of women’s wrestling in the palm of her hand. Tessa prides herself on the spoils of her victories, the finest jewelry, the cars, the clothes, the expensive champagne...

But Paige, as you know, pride comes before the fall. Tessa’s got one problem...she never saw me coming!

Let me tell you a story for just a moment. It’s a story of a little girl from Paisley, Renfrewshire. A little girl that was all knees and elbows, never wore a dress, and preferred to play rugby rather than with dolls. It’s the story of a little girl who never fit the mold of a “proper lady.” A girl who was called weird, odd, and ostracized by her classmates. A story of a little girl who grew up lonely, afraid, and scared that she would never find her place in this world.... it's the story of me.

I wasn’t popular, I wasn’t pretty, and truth be told...I felt small and insignificant. I used to get on my knees and pray at night that I could change...that I could wake up and look like all the other girls.

All that changed when I was 14 years old and discovered professional wrestling. I discovered someone who spoke through my television screen and right to my heart...I discovered Saraya Bevis and WAW. Paige, I stand next to you and say this with tears in my’re an inspiration.

At 16, I decided to become a professional wrestler because of you. You paved the way for so many young women in the UK to break into this business. Not only that, but you also forged the path across the Atlantic into the kicked down the door of women’s wrestling and showed that it’s okay to look different, to act different, and to sound different. Success in this business isn’t defined by looks, it’s defined by grit, kicking ass, being 100% true to yourself, and REFUSING to take no for an answer.

I started at the bottom...I wrestled in garages and cow pastures...driving for hours on end across Scotland and the UK to wrestle on any show that would let me compete.

I loved it.

I loved the grind because in professional wrestling I found my WHY...through the bruises and broken bones I found myself between these ropes, and I discovered that Kay Lee Ray is a goddamn alley cat from Scotland and I’m DAMN proud of it!

With tears in her eyes, the chants of “Kay Lee Ray” fired up inside the Wolstein Center, and the crowd was captivated by her powerful words. She continued:

There’s one cold hard truth to pro’s never easy.

Time after time I was turned down by major promotions for not having “the right look” or for “having an accent that no one would understand.” I had scouts and coaches tell me to stay in the UK because I wouldn’t appeal to the mainstream. All those scars from my past resurfaced...until WSW was formed and became THE greatest professional wrestling company in the world.

I have been given NOTHING in my life, I have EARNED everything...and when I signed with WSW, I knew this was my chance to EARN my keep and prove that I was UNDENIABLE!

And last week...that wasn’t luck Tessa...I EARNED that pin over you! Those 3 seconds were TEN YEARS IN THE MAKING!

“You Deserve It” chants fired up before Kay Lee continued:

That brings me to July 13 and SummerFest...the biggest show in the history of WSW. I’ve earned the right to call my shot...


At SummerFest, I am going to stand in this ring, look you in the eyes, and BEAT you. I am going to become World Champion! I am going to take that belt that you covet and not use it as a golden throne but as a torch of hope and inspiration for every single girl that has been made to feel small and insignificant. I pinned you once, and I promise I’m going to do it again, but this time it will be for EVERYTHING!

I may not look like you Tessa, I may never have the money you do...but just like I learned all those years ago, inside these doesn’t matter.
You say that Diamonds are forever...well at SummerFest, I’ll show you that the alley cat that’s toiled, struggled, and refused to die is the MOST animal there is!

A LOUD “Kay Lee Ray” chant fired up again, and the crowd gave KLR a standing ovation following the incredibly passionate and personal words.

A commercial aired for the “Biggest Summer Ever” for WSW. The commercial hyped SummerFest on July 13 on Netflix, Ignition 200 on July 18 on Paramount Network, and Grand Prix 2019 coming this August!

Backstage, the newest member of the WSW broadcast crew, Melissa Santos was inside the locker room of Golden Triangle, WSW World Champion Kenny Omega, Ricochet, and Kota Ibushi.

Melissa Santos: Back here on Ignition, and I’m here with Golden Triangle. In the main event tonight, you three will take on Black Arrow. Kenny, I’ve got to start with you. SummerFest is four weeks away, and you will defend the World Championship against Claudio Castagnoli. As a competitor, how do you balance knowing that match is on the horizon with the task at hand tonight?

Kenny Omega: Melissa, let me be the first to officially welcome you to WSW. We’re very glad you’re here, and that’s a very good question.

Claudio Castagnoli is an unbelievable threat, he’s world-class, and he’s got my full attention. Claudio, I saw your video last week...I saw you threaten my family...namely Ibushi. You’re going down a dangerous road, my friend. You have no clue how deadly Ibushi is, and you have NO CLUE how dangerous I am when my family is threatened. At SummerFest...I won’t make threats; I’ll just knee you in the face and beat you.

But...that’s four weeks from now. Tonight, we deal with Black Arrow. Look Ric, Ibushi and I knew that when we formed Golden Triangle, we placed a giant target on our backs. Call it a coincidence, but Black Arrow has aimed at that very target.

I’m not shocked though; Adam Cole is a snake and the single most opportunistic asshole I’ve ever met. You see there’s a long history between Adam Cole and I, and one that, quite frankly, we don’t have time to get into. Adam’s lived his whole life yearning to walk a mile in Kenny Omega’s shoes. He’s the next guy in line to proclaim, “insert wrestler name here...better than sign...Kenny Omega.” He begged to come to Japan, he begged to be in Bullet Club, and now he’s going down his checklist and challenging us. We’re flattered. But Adam, all those words...all that means nothing when we beat you. Tonight isn’t about Kenny’s about Ricochet, Kota Ibushi, and Kenny’s about Golden Triangle.

This right here, this is what elite looks like.

Kota Ibushi then surprisingly spoke up in English:

Black Arrow tonight...we beat you! Dawson and Wilder, Ricochet and I are coming for you and then the World Tag Team Titles. But Claudio Castagnoli...I want you next! You will not break Kota Ibushi...I will not be a pawn. I will stand on my own and beat you just like Kenny will. You challenge my honor...I will challenge your WILL!”

Match Three: TK Cooper (w/ Dahlia Black) vs. Cody

The third match of Ignition was a singles match between TK Cooper and Cody. The Cleveland crowd wildly cheered when these famous words sounded out,

Wrestling has more than one royal family...

As Cody made his entrance amongst pyro and cheers, the commentary trio discussed Cody’s string of victories since his brutal war with Ethan Carter at Undisputed – including a hard-fought win over Travis Banks last week. Tonight, he squares off with the other half of the South Pacific Power Trip, TK Cooper.

As the bell sounded, the two men shook hands in respect before circling each other. A grappling exchange followed, with Cody showcasing his amateur background – seizing waist control to drop TK Cooper to the mat. Cody drove Cooper into the corner and fired off the first strike of the match with a chop. Cooper fired back with a chop of his own that stunned Cody. Cooper hit a second chop, followed by a third.

Cooper whipped Cody into the corner. The blonde star floated over a charging Cooper and caught him with a sunset flip; however, Cooper rolled through and countered with a jackknife cover that scored an early 2 count!

On commentary, Paige Knight noted this was the biggest singles match of TK Cooper’s career. He had primarily been known as a tag specialist, winning tag team gold with Travis Banks around the world – and winning the 2019 WSW Global Cup tournament – but he had the opportunity to shock all of WSW by seizing his opportunity and beating Cody one-on-one.

TK Cooper hit an arm drag, and he attempted to apply an armbar on the mat. Cody blocked and powered up to his feet, but his slam attempt was countered with yet another arm drag. Cooper transitioned into a hammerlock on the mat.

Cody fought his way to his feet and elbowed his way out of the submission. A rope running sequence followed with ducked clotheslines, leapfrogs, and baseball slides. Continuing to bounce off the ropes, both men hit simultaneous dropkicks for a stalemate! On commentary, Chael Sonnen noted that TK Cooper was up to the task, he had done his homework and his scouting of Cody early in this match was superb.

The two men locked up yet again, with Cody grabbing a side headlock and wrenching down. Cooper fought his way free, leading to a criss-cross rope running sequence that saw Cooper hit a leg lariat followed by a stiff short arm lariat for a 1 count!

Cody rolled to the apron for a reprieve, but Cooper stayed on the attack. He sprung off the middle rope, over the top rope, and NAILED A DDT on the apron!

Cody flopped down to the floor from the impact!

Cooper wasted no time getting Cody back into the ring, he covered...but Cody kicked out at 2!

Cody was dazed, and Cooper went to work – throwing hard knee strikes to the temple. A “Cody” chant sounded out, as the crowd attempted to rally their new hero. On commentary, Chael Sonnen said:

Combat sports is a zero-sum game. When you are wrestling at the pace Cody has the last few weeks, you lose preparation time for your opponent, and maybe most importantly, you are going to get worn down physically – I don’t care what kind of shape you’re in. Right now, we’re seeing that it looks like TK Cooper is just one step quicker than Cody.

Cooper whipped Cody into the corner. He charged, but the ring veteran Cody hit a drop-toe hold to send Cooper face-first into the middle turnbuckle. Firing up from the crowd support, Cody laid in heavy forearms and chops that rocked TK Cooper. Cody took Cooper up top and brought him crashing back down with a superplex!

He covered for a 2 count!

With the trademark passion in his eyes, Cody threw his weight belt into the crowd. He then hit a trio of body slams with the crowd counting each one. “One More Time” chants sounded out, and Cody obliged with a fourth body slam followed immediately by the Figure Four!

Almost instantly, TK Cooper turned the submission over to reverse pressure – knowing this was the same submission that put away his tag team partner Travis Banks last week. Cody quickly scrambled to the bottom rope for the break.

Cody grabbed at his leg, slow to rise, and TK Cooper caught him with a dropkick. Whipping Cody into the corner, TK Cooper landed a trio of charging leg lariats. Bouncing around like a pinball, Cooper nailed a strike combination – forearm, spinning backfist, and a discus elbow!

TK Cooper covered for a near fall!

Knowing the opportunity at hand, Cooper climbed up to the top looking to fly. As he reached the top rope, Cody wisely rolled himself to the floor. Cooper wasted no time though, lowering himself to the apron, and CRUSHING Cody with a double foot stomp right between the shoulder blades!

Cody cried out in pain. Cooper quickly threw him back into the ring. In one fluid motion, Cooper vaulted himself from the apron to the top turnbuckle to connect on a BEAUTIFUL moonsault. He covered...

But Cody got his shoulder up at 2.5!

Dahlia Black clutched her head on the floor, she couldn’t believe that Cody kicked out!

Cooper went for a powerbomb, but Cody countered with an Alabama Slam followed by a jackknife cover...

But TK Cooper kicked out!

Cody pounded on the mat, and the crowd responded in kind. Cody went for the Figure Four, but TK Cooper caught him with an inside cradle....




Cody scrambled to his feet and hit a sunset flip, but TK Cooper countered by sitting down and capturing the legs...



Kick Out!

TK Cooper had an answer for everything Cody threw at him! Cooper went to the corner to pull himself to his feet. Cody charged, but Cooper got the boots up. Cooper hit a bulldog.

Climbing to the top once again, TK Cooper flew with a diving double-foot stomp......

But Cody rolled out of the way!

TK Cooper rolled through on the landing, but as he turned to charge at Cody – he was met with a basement dropkick to the knee!

Cody went for the Figure Four!

But TK Cooper blocked Cody’s left leg from locking in the submission. Cooper’s eyes bulged as he fought with all his might to keep the leg up...

Cody used his heel to drive down stomps into the forehead!

TK Cooper clung out for dear life, but the heel of the boot just rained down like an anvil!

Cooper lost his grip, and the Figure Four was applied tight!

TK Cooper tapped out!

Cody (9:00)

Following the match, Cody ran his hands through his platinum blonde hair, knowing he had been pushed. After getting his hand raised, Cody extended his hand to TK Cooper who used the ropes to pull himself up. Cooper shook Cody’s hands to cheers before rolling outside and slapping the apron in frustration.

Cody called for a microphone. Breathing heavily for a moment he spoke:

Thank you, Cleveland! My dad always said that there was no greater moment in wrestling than right after winning a match and soaking in it...wearing the moment for just a little bit. If you’ll indulge me for just a second, I’d like to do that with you!

The crowd cheered and chanted “Cody” once again, as Cody smiled – pure joy was on his face.

I’ve long said that WSW is the greatest professional wrestling company in the world because we ARE professional wrestling. There’s a locker room of men and women back there who are hungry, they are ass-kickers, and they are willing to spill their guts for the love of this beautiful sport. Guys like TK Cooper and Travis Banks who kicked the absolute hell out of me last week are the heartbeat of pro wrestling and the heartbeat of WSW.

These past few weeks have been the happiest I’ve been in a long, long time. After Undisputed, I vowed to leave the past in the past and to get in this ring and wrestle...why, because wins and losses matter. Stacking wins is the most important thing in my life right now outside of my family. Under these lights, inside this ring, and wrestling for all of you has liberated me. Each week I walk down that ramp, and I feel the red clearing from my ledger.

That brings me to July 13 and SummerFest. It seems to be a hot topic around here. We’re headed to Toronto and 16,000+ rabid fans for the largest show in WSW history. I plan on being there, and I’m damn sure going to be a part of it.......

As Cody spoke, a man in a hooded sweatshirt ran down through the crowd and slid into the ring...

A moment of confusion went through the Wolstein Center...

The man grabbed Cody, spun him around, and DROPPED HIM WITH A BRAINBUSTER!

Cody lay flat in the ring, motionless.

The hooded figure looked down at the fallen Cody, before slowly raising his head and pulling the hood of the sweatshirt off...


Sporting a thick beard, Austin Aries looked around the arena with wide eyes – the crowd buzzed as this was his first appearance in WSW in months!

With a wild look in his eyes, Aries slowly crouched down next to the prone Cody. Very gently he patted Cody on the cheek.

Holding his arms out to the side, Aries slowly rose. He closed his eyes and tilted his head back, basking in the jeers of the crowd.

On commentary, Mauro Ranallo said:

Months! It has been months since we’ve seen this man! Austin Aries is back in WSW, and he just laid out Cody...what the hell?!

Ignition returned from a commercial with Todd Keneley desperately running after Austin Aries backstage.

Austin, Austin...just one minute. We haven’t seen you in months!

Austin Aries whipped around. Keneley pressed him:

It has been months...why now? Why Cody?

Aries put his hood back up on his sweatshirt and said:

Not now. I’ll speak on my terms. See you next week.

Aries then turned and walked away from a befuddled Todd Keneley.

The camera then cut back inside the arena where Chael Sonnen stood in the center of the ring with a microphone:

Welcome back to Ignition right here in beautiful downtown Cleveland, Ohio! At this time, please welcome the LA Express!

Boos rained down as Johnny Mundo, Mike Bennett, Taya Valkyrie, and Maria walked out on stage. They got halfway down the ramp, and Johnny Mundo took his sunglasses off and looked around at his crew. He turned around annoyed to see Brian Cage come out, several paces behind his stablemates with a scowl on his face.

Mauro Ranallo noted:

To say it’s been a challenging few weeks for the LA Express would be a massive understatement. Since their mammoth win over Golden Triangle in a trios match here on Ignition, Johnny Mundo has been beaten by Kenny Omega, Brian Cage suffered a serious back injury and was defeated by Ricochet in his return, and Taya Valkyrie has been beaten by Kay Lee Ray. The leader of LA Express, Johnny Mundo has demanded a team meeting here tonight.

As they entered the ring, an “LA Sucks” chant broke out. The typically cocky Johnny Mundo looked irritated as he spoke:

This would normally be the time that I bury the absolute shithole that is Cleveland, but I don’t have the time or energy for that tonight...

This drew a visceral reaction from the loyal people of Cleveland. Mundo continued:

You know what...excuse me...Chael what the hell are you doing here?! This is an LA Express team meeting, I know it’s your job to stand there and hold the microphone, and God knows you need this paycheck because you can’t fight anymore. You proved that last weekend in why don’t you give me the mic and get the hell out of my ring before I knock you out faster than Lyota Machida did!

This did not go well with the always proud Chael Sonnen. He stared daggers into the eyes of Johnny Mundo and bowed up. Mundo dug in further:

What are you going to do tough guy? Hit me...well, I guess that would technically be more punches than you landed in your last fight.

But let me be clear – you touch me, and we’ll beat you down...and then I’ll sue your ass for aggravated assault and get you fired.

Sonnen was angry, and a “Chael” chant started up. Cooler head prevailed though, and Sonnen shoved the microphone into the chest of Johnny Mundo before leaving the ring. Mundo smirked and continued:

Now...let's get down to business.

The LA Express is the single greatest thing I have ever built in my illustrious career. I created the LA Express because pro wrestling needed a savior. A savior who would find and build the stars to carry WSW and this sport to the next level. Being a savior is a massive burden to bear, but I was the man for the job.

I painstakingly sought out the men and women who were worthy enough to stand beside me, embrace the bright lights, get to the top, and live the Hollywood dream.

For months we dominated – we were a hungry pack of wolves that systematically took a scalpel to everything and everyone that stood in our way. Time after time we have come this close to the top of the mountain, but we have never summited it and planted our flag.

I’ve thought long and hard about this, and I’ve got to say...

It’s because all of you aren’t carrying your weight!

I have given you every opportunity to succeed, but you have failed every time I gave you the ball!

Look at us! I handpicked every single one of you! When I see this group, I see Mike Bennett and Brian Cage – future World Tag Team Champions, I see La Wera Loca, the First Lady of Slamtown, Taya Valkyrie becoming Women’s World Champion again, and I see the beautiful Maria becoming the most influential manager since Sensational Sherry and Bobby Heenan...and of course...I see myself as the future WSW World Champion...

I can’t want that for you though! You must want that yourself! You have to WANT to be in the LA Express, because I promise you...just as soon as you hopped on this ride, I can kick you off!

I wanted to do this publicly because I want confirmation that you’re committed to this...

Johnny Mundo pointed at Mike Bennett.

Are you in?!

Mike Bennett emphatically nodded yes.

Johnny Mundo pointed at Maria.

Are you in?!

Maria nodded yes.

Johnny Mundo pointed at Taya Valkyrie.

Baby, I know you’re in... you helped me build this, and I can’t wait to see you hold gold again.

Johnny Mundo then pointed at Brian Cage. Cage scowled at Mundo.

What about you big man?

You seem to have a problem with me lately. Two weeks ago, I watched you tear the house down with Ricochet...the man who put you on the shelf and wrecked your back. We had the plan executed to perfection, you had the kill shot, but you couldn’t pull the trigger. And what happened...

Cage, you are a physical freak. I look at you and I see dollar signs, but you can’t do it on your own...are you in?!

Brian Cage stepped up to Johnny Mundo and took the microphone.

Johnny, two weeks ago I asked to wrestle Ricochet on my own. I said I had it, and when I say I got it...I mean it!

You’ve pointed out everyone’s flaws...except yours. You want to have a team meeting and air out dirty laundry. How come you haven’t mentioned getting beat by Kenny Omega in the main event of Undisputed and losing your shot at the World Title?! To me, that’s failure in the highest degree...

The crowd oohed at this. Johnny Mundo was hot; he took the microphone back and stepped back from the massive Brian Cage after sizing him up.

That right there...that’s what I love about you Cage. You’re all hyped up and pissed, and I like it. That attitude is why I put you in the LA Express, and that’s what makes you a killer!

Let me ask you one question though, is there ANYONE in this business that’s done as much for you as I have?!

The answer is NO!

I’m the influencer here! Because of ME, you’re in WSW. You’ve been in the main event of Ignition, you’ve been on the premium Netflix specials, and you’re making more money than you ever have before...think of that brand new house you just bought in Southern California, the house you are going to raise your family in. Where did that money come from? It came because of ME!

If it wasn’t for me Cage, you’d still be sweating it out on a crappy soundstage in Boyle Heights with Matt Striker, praying that Lucha Underground gets renewed for another season!

This last line drew oohs from the crowd before the boos started again.

I MADE you a star, and I will continue to make you a star. Think about where you came from and what you have now...think hard about that Cage. So, fall your ass in line, trust me, and go all in!

Brian Cage’s eyes burned holes in Johnny Mundo. A slight “No, No, No” chant was heard, but Cage lowered his head and stepped back in line. Mundo smiled:

That’s what I thought!

Walking back front and center, Mundo suddenly flashed a smile bigger and faker than a televangelist:

That felt healthy! Sometimes it’s good to get things off your chest. Mark this date down, June 20, 2019...this is the date that the LA Express gassed up and got ready to ride again! And we’re going to show why next week...

Because next week here on Ignition, we’re issuing an open challenge to any trio in the world. Anyone that wants to try their luck...come take on the LA Express. Next week, we get our edge back, and this pack of wolves will feast again! The redemption tour has started, and we will show why we are STILL the most dominant faction in pro wrestling!

Mundo flipped the microphone to the canvas, as the boos started again. Mundo gave enthusiastic fist bumps to Valkyrie, Maria, and Mike Bennett who all obliged.

Mundo looked Brian Cage up and down before extending his fist; however, Cage just looked at it. Mundo held his fist higher momentarily. When it was clear the gesture wasn’t going to be reciprocated, Mundo patted Cage on his massive chest and left the ring. The LA Express followed, except for Cage. He looked down at the microphone for several seconds before eventually turning and leaving the ring. He followed the crew several steps behind, just as he had entered.

Ignition returned with a vignette featuring Deonna Purrazzo. We see highlights of Deonna’s match with Tessa Blanchard at Undisputed. Purrazzo spilled her guts but came up short. We see highlights of Nixon Newell’s return and subsequent attack on Purrazzo. Highlights are shown of their interaction in the trios match last week, which saw the two women brawl over the guardrail into the crowd. Purrazzo’s voice narrates the piece:

Let me tell you a little something about me. I’m from Hackettstown, New Jersey...the heartbeat of blue-collar America.

In Hackettstown, the lights don’t shine brightly...we’re a community built on hard work...never afraid to roll up our sleeves and get our hands dirty to get a job done. My hometown shaped me, it made me who I am today.

Ever since I was a little girl, I was never allowed to lick my wounds when I got knocked down. I had to rub some dirt on it, get back up, and keep fighting. That’s not just a slogan or life motto, that’s what the people of Hackettstown do every day, and that’s what’s engrained into my DNA.

I’ll tell you something else my hometown taught me. When we say something, we’re ready to back it up.

My words aren’t hollow, and they aren’t cheap. Diamond...I’m coming for you.

One by one, I am going to pick you off. And I’m not going to stop till the job is done.

Congratulations’re first on my list. It will never be lost on me that the very first thing you did with your surgically repaired knee was smash me in the face. Your comeback could have been an inspiration for thousands. But you took the path of least resistance. You ran to the bright lights, the money, and all the perks that come with being Tessa’s stooge.

You like the bright lights, Nixon? Well, I can’t wait to snap your arm under the brightest lights WSW has ever offered...SummerFest!

Tap out or blackout...I don’t care. In Toronto Nixon, you’re the first domino to fall!

Melissa Santos was backstage inside the locker room of Black Arrow – Dawson, Wilder & WSW Intercontinental Champion Adam Cole.

Melissa Santos: Back on Ignition, and I am here with Black Arrow. You three vowed to send a message, and tonight that message becomes action as you take on Golden Triangle. Adam, there’s a lot of history between you and Kenny Omega – what are your thoughts as you head into the main event tonight?

Adam Cole: This is where we the main event. Tonight is about leaving no doubt. When we say something, you bet your ass we are going to back it up. Around my waist – the Intercontinental Championship is THE belt in WSW, and after all these years, I will finally prove to Kenny Omega that I am THE guy! I can’t take that World Title from you tonight, Kenny, but believe me there will be a day that I will. Consider this Chapter One of our journey together here in WSW.

The priorities seem to be skewed around here. WE are the men that broke Bobby Lashley, WE are the men that finally got rid of that carny leech Arn Anderson, and WE are the men that will end the fantasy of Kenny Omega and Golden Triangle. Look around you Melissa – Adam Cole, Dawson & Wilder...we are the BEST in the game today and there is no three-man team in the world more dangerous than us!

Dawson: This right here...this is personal! You look at the three of us, you see money, you see professional wrestling at its absolute BEST. But it goes deeper than that. Wilder, Cole, and I are looking to cement our LEGACY. WE want to be known as the three TOP GUYS in the whole damn sport. Everything in WSW runs through us. After tonight, there will be no doubt!

Wilder: We also made a promise to collect gold! Adam has his, and after tonight, Dawson and I will set our sights on winning those World Tag Team Titles once again, because as far as I’m concerned...WE MADE THOSE BELTS. It’s not a threat, but a promise...we will all hold gold and Black Arrow will be undeniable!

Adam Cole: And that why when Black Arrow aims...we don’t miss!”

The camera cut back inside the arena to the announce desk as Mauro Ranallo, Chael Sonnen, and Paige Knight broke down the bracket of the Elite 8 Tournament. Ace Austin and Brian Pillman Jr. were first round winners, and they will meet in the semi-finals in two weeks. Tonight, the other half of the bracket kicks off with Jungle Boy vs. Myron Reed. Before they could throw to the hype packages, Chael Sonnen spoke:

Mauro, can I just say something for one minute? It’s been an insane night here – we saw Will Ospreay and Dragon Lee tear the house down, we’ve seen Mercedes Martinez debut, and Austin Aries return. But...I’ve been sitting here stewing since my interaction with Johnny Mundo. I've been in the combat sports game for a very long time, so I’m not going to cower from trash talk. However, that was one of the most disrespectful things I’ve ever been a part of. I lived and died in the cage of MMA, and last Saturday night was one of the most emotional moments of my life.

I love WSW, I love my job, but I’ve been fired before...and I will probably be fired again. I promise you this...Johnny, if you ever speak to me or any of my colleagues like that again, we’re going to have a problem. You’re a big-time superstar, and I will never doubt or question your ability. You just need to know something...I’ve always got one more punch left in me!

Now let’s get to the match and talk about competitors that deserve our time before I get fined more than I already am!

Sonnen threw his pen down on the desk in frustration.

Match Four: Elite 8 Tournament First Round – Myron Reed vs. Jungle Boy

The fourth match of Ignition was a singles match between Myron Reed and Jungle Boy in the Elite 8 Tournament. As both men made their way to the ring, inset promos aired.

Myron Reed said:
Let me make something loud and clear...I’m not just happy to be here. I’m here to win this whole damn tournament. I’ve waited my whole life for this, and I can promise you that when the dust settles, I’ll be left holding that Elite 8 trophy...EVERYONE will know the name Hot Fire Myron Reed!

Jungle Boy said:
My name is Jack Perry, but you can call me Jungle Boy. Pro wrestling is my everything, and lately, it’s been my only thing. I have worked my entire life to earn my way onto this stage and this platform. Now, I get to do what I do best. Tonight, the world finds out who Jungle Boy is...and this match is for the living and those gone too soon!

The crowd gave Jungle Boy a big positive reaction—especially amongst the women in the audience. Mauro Ranallo noted that Jungle Boy had recently turned 22 and had been a pro since 2015, primarily on the West Coast independent scene. He is also the son of the late actor, Luke Perry.

At the bell, Myron Reed exploded out of his corner with a shotgun dropkick! Jungle Boy flew back into his corner from the impact! Myron Reed immediately followed with a leaping splash. He rolled back to the center of the ring and charged in again with a leaping uppercut – showing off his insane speed and agility.

Reed shot Jungle Boy into the ropes and tried for a hip toss, but Jungle Boy flipped over to his feet, only to be popped with a massive overhand chop! Reed then planted Jungle Boy with a reverse DDT!

Reed cockily dusted his hands off and shouted:


Reed vaulted himself up to the top turnbuckle and shouted:


Reed caught Jungle Boy with a picture-perfect missile dropkick! He covered, but only got a 2 count!

Reed paint brushed the back of Jungle Boy’s thick hair, taunting the young wrestler:

Come on Jungle Boy – this all you got?! Gonna be an early exit!

The trash talk cost Reed though, as Jungle Boy fired up and scored a trio of chops for his first offense of the match. Jungle Boy hit a step-up spinning head scissors, followed by a deep arm drag. Grabbing the wrist of Myron Reed, Jungle Boy showed off his insane catlike agility, springing off multiple ropes and hitting a rope walk Mexican Arm Drag!

This flurry woke the crowd up, and Jungle Boy hit a dropkick of his own for a 2 count! A “Jungle Boy” chant started to permeate.

Jungle Boy and Myron Reed engaged in a dizzying sequence of back-and-forth:
  • Reed scored a double-leg takedown and a jackknife cover for 1
  • Reed missed a standing double stomp, and Jungle Boy rolled him up for a 1
  • Jungle Boy tried a German Suplex, but Reed hit a back elbow to escape. Reed hit the ropes but ran directly into a sunset flip for a 1 count!
  • Reed picked the ankle of Jungle Boy and slowed the match down by locking in a Texas Cloverleaf!
In a match that was best described as a pinball machine so far, Myron Reed grounded Jungle Boy. The submission was cinched in deep!

Jungle Boy clutched at his mane of hair and gritted his teeth – he knew what tapping out would mean! With the crowd behind him, Jungle Boy clawed at the canvas...

And he grabbed the bottom rope for the break!

Reed broke the hold but immediately stomped on the lower back of Jungle Boy. Jungle Boy rolled to the apron, and Myron Reed paraded around the ring, running his mouth again:


Reed charged, but Jungle Boy caught him with a shoulder to the midsection through the ropes. Jungle Boy vaulted himself over Reed’s back, hit the ropes, but was DESTROYED by a spinning hook kick from Myron Reed! In one fluid motion, Reed hit a slingshot back suplex, followed by a slingshot leg drop!




Jungle Boy refused to stay down!

Myron Reed looked to end it. He went to the apron and flexed.


Reed went for the No Cap Slash (springboard 450 splash), but Jungle Boy moved out of the way!

Reed landed on his feet though. He rolled through, but charged right into a ripcord lariat by Jungle Boy! Myron Reed got turned inside out!

Both men were down as the referee’s count got to 6. Jungle Boy and Myron Reed got to their feet at the same time. Jungle Boy charged, but Reed matrixed under his attack, kipped to his feet, and connected on an enziguri! Cover!

Jungle Boy kicked out at 2!

Insane athleticism by Myron Reed was on full display, but the heart of Jungle Boy couldn’t be denied. Reed grew frustrated, he got in the referee’s face and demanded that it was a 3 count! Reed then shoved the referee and screamed!


Reed charged, looking for the kill shot, but Jungle Boy moved and caught Reed with a rebound inside-out powerslam! Jungle Boy covered, but Reed kicked out at 2!

Jungle Boy pounded on the canvas to get the crowd behind him. Jungle Boy lit into the chest of Myron Reed with chops! Each chop popped harder than the last, as Myron Reed leaned against the ropes, staggered. With pain on his face, Reed looked into the eyes of Jungle Boy and doubled down:


Myron Reed slapped Jungle Boy in the face!

This fired up Jungle Boy, who hit the ropes and CRUSHED Reed with a leaping uppercut! He covered!



Kick out!

The “Jungle Boy” chants fired up again, but louder this time!

Jungle Boy went to the apron. He tried to vault to the top for a springboard, but Reed hit an enziguri to cut him off! Myron Reed charged, but Jungle Boy hit a step-through spear!

Not wasting one precious moment, Jungle Boy picked the ankle. Jungle Boy slapped on the Snare Trap (STF).

The submission was tight in the center of the ring...

Myron Reed tapped out!

Jungle Boy (8:25)

The crowd cheered the victory of Jungle Boy, who advanced in the Elite 8 Tournament. Myron Reed clutched at his neck, rolling to the apron, seething in the anger of defeat. On commentary, Mauro Ranallo noted:

What a victory for Jungle Boy tonight! Myron Reed is a rising star, but Jungle Boy withstood every shot, showed his heart, and he’s made believers out of these fans here in Cleveland. Watch out for this kid from Valley Village, California!

Ignition returned with highlights of Jon Moxley’s debut match last week – a wild, bloody brawl with RUSH that saw Moxley claim his first WSW victory.

The camera then cut to Jon Moxley pacing inside a dark hallway inside the Wolstein Center:

This is a crazy ass ride that I’ve found myself on.

It’s a jungle out there. A world full of alphas that want to break you down to climb the pyramid and become the apex predator.

I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Freedom is an addictive drug. It makes you do things you never thought were hunting the best wrestlers in the world because you CAN! It’s what causes you to spill blood in the ring with RUSH – the baddest man to come out of Mexico in a long time.

Freedom is what allows you to drop a generational talent from the UK on his head, look him in the eye, and ask him to do something about it.

WILL OSPREAY! I’m a wild man, but I’m a calculated man. I picked you because I wanted to fight you. I’ve followed your career, I know the miles you’ve traveled, the sacrifices you’ve made, I know what you can do, and I see that hunger in your eyes...I respect that. If I’m being honest, I wanted you to fight me back. I heard you tonight...loud and clear. Your challenge is accepted! I’ll see you at SummerFest!

I told the world that they may recognize me...BUT they don’t know who Jon Moxley is! I showed them last week. Everyone found out that Jon Moxley is a very violent man but at SummerFest....after I beat you Will, the whole world will find out that I’m the best wrestler in the world!

But that’s July 13...hell we’re in my home state of Ohio! You’re out of your damn mind if you didn’t think that I wouldn’t come home and look for a good fight. Next week on Ignition, I’m marching my ass to that ring, and I’m begging someone to step up and come fight. Ohio made Jon Moxley, and there’s no place I’m more dangerous!

A video package aired showcasing the havoc caused by the Lucha Brothers in recent weeks. Following their controversial loss to The Hart Foundation at Undisputed – a match that saw Teddy Hart pull off Pentagon’s mask – the Lucha Brothers put The Hart Foundation squarely in their crosshairs.

Two weeks ago on Ignition, The Hart Foundation took on Valiente and Volador Jr. of CMLL, but after the match, Fenix and Pentagon struck with insane fury. They beat down both teams with chairs, and duct taped Brian Pillman Jr. to the ropes to watch the destruction. The Lucha Brothers stole the WSW World Tag Team Titles in the process. Last week, Fenix and Pentagon struck again – attacking Pillman following his first-round victory in the Elite Eight Tournament – Pentagon performing the deadly arm snap.

The video package is interspersed with footage of Konnan, Fenix, and Pentagon standing in a dark alleyway. Konnan spoke:

This isn’t a game ese this is war. HART FOUNDATION HAS OUR POINT BEEN MADE YET?!

Two weeks in a row Fenix and Pentagon have sent you to the hospital!

You aren’t the top dogs around here anymore! As you sit at home broken men, I want you to look at your families, your pets...anything you hold dearly, and I want you to treasure them.

Because we will TAKE EVERYTHING FROM YOU! We TOOK your belts; we TOOK your hearts...and I promise you.....if you think about coming for revenge.... we will TAKE YOU STRAIGHT TO HELL!

With a World Tag Team Title draped over his shoulder, Pentagon spoke:


Backstage, Melissa Santos interviewed Salina de la Renta and the number one contender for the World Championship, Claudio Castagnoli. De la Renta and Castagnoli were dressed to the nines.

Melissa: I am here with Salina de la Renta and Claudio Castagnoli. Claudio, at SummerFest you will face Kenny Omega for the World Title, but last week you sent a very clear message to the Golden Triangle. We heard the challenge from Kota Ibushi earlier tonight...what is your response?

Claudio: I accept. I have been very clear about what my goal is. I am the man who will break Kenny Omega and become WSW World Champion once again. But Kenny, I am not just going to break you physically...I am going to break you mentally and emotionally. Next week, I am going to crush the skull of Kota Ibushi, and I want to look you right in the eyes when I do so. You will show up to SummerFest a shell of a man...and I will end the myth of Kenny Omega in front of your fellow countrymen and fulfill my destiny.

Salina de la Renta: I don’t speak fiction...I speak fact. I promised Claudio when he signed with me that I would make him a champion once again. Under my watch, he has become the most dangerous man in all of combat sports. Kenny, just know...the blood that is about to be shed is on your hands. Now, please excuse us...we have a suite to get to.

Ahead of the main event, the commentary team ran down the card for next week:
  • Claudio Castagnoli vs. Kota Ibushi
  • Jon Moxley In Action
  • Lucha Brothers vs. Valiente and Volador Jr.
  • Austin Aries Speaks Following His Shocking Return
  • LA Express Open Trios Challenge
  • Elite 8 Tournament First Round: Alexander Hammerstone vs. Alan Angels
Announced for SummerFest:
  • WSW World Championship: Kenny Omega (c) vs. Claudio Castagnoli
  • WSW Women's World Championship: Tessa Blanchard (c) vs. Kay Lee Ray
  • Will Ospreay vs. Jon Moxley

Match Five: Black Arrow vs. Golden Triangle

The main event of Ignition was a trios match between Black Arrow and Golden Triangle.

A hailstorm of boos rained down as Black Arrow made their entrance. The ever-cocky Adam Cole led the way, as Black Arrow seemingly slithered like snakes down the ramp to the ring. On commentary, Chael Sonnen said:

There are a lot of words that describe this unit right here...and most of them involve four-letter words. However, you simply cannot deny what they have done. Since forming Black Arrow, Adam Cole has captured the Intercontinental Championship – becoming the only man to defeat Bobby Lashley TWICE – they even broke the man’s leg. This group is dangerous, and they are hellbent on taking over WSW.

The exact opposite reaction sounded out as Golden Triangle made its way to the ring. A deafening roar sounded out inside the Wolstein Center as Omega, Ricochet, and Ibushi stood in the smoke of pyro explosion. Mauro Ranallo set the scene:

Take a look at what’s standing in the ring. The World Champion and the Intercontinental Champion – two men woven together by the fabric of Bullet Club in Japan -- flanked by tag teams that are hellbent on capturing championship gold themselves. This is what WSW is all about guys.

All six men stood in the ring as a shockwave of electricity was felt throughout the building. The cameras panned to a suite where Salina de la Renta and Claudio Castagnoli watched the match from high above. De la Renta took her seat with a glass of chilled champagne. She smiled smugly and toasted the ring, as Omega glanced up at the suite for more than just a moment before refocusing his attention on the task at hand. Adam Cole noticed this, smiled, and shouted:

Don’t look at him, Kenny! Look at me! I’m the REAL champion here you stupid son of a bitch!


Omega smirked at Cole and made his finger gun gesture. Omega challenged Cole to meet him in the center of the ring to start the match. The Death Busters and Ibushi and Ricochet cautiously left for the apron, leaving Omega and Cole alone.

The electricity in the Wolstein Center went to a 10, and “Holy Shit” chants rang out at the sheer sight of Omega and Cole in the ring together.

The two men circled each other, and they prepared to lock up....

But Cole backed away and tagged in Dawson!

Adam Cole laughed as the crowd loudly booed him.

Omega and Dawson circled each other and locked up. Dawson landed a swift knee to the midsection of the World Champion. Dawson hit the ropes, but Omega dropped to a knee to avoid him, seizing waist control. Omega went for a German Suplex, but Dawson grabbed the top rope to halt the momentum. With his trademark speed, Omega rolled back and charged for a V Trigger, but Dawson bailed through the ropes to the floor!

Dawson walked around outside, readjusting his tights and killing Omega’s momentum, as the Cleveland crowd fired up a “Kenny” chant. Dawson returned to the ring and as the two men went to lock up – Dawson hit a swift right hand to the jaw, followed by another. The referee chastised Dawson for the closed fist, but Dawson ignored him and slapped on an Arm Wringer. Dawson shot Omega into the corner, but Omega floated up and caught Dawson with a beautiful tijeras!

Omega tagged in Ibushi who fired off a wicked kick to the sternum of Dawson to drop him. Cole entered the ring and was cut down by a nasty kick. Wilder entered and met the same fate! Ibushi made a throat slash gesture to Claudio Castagnoli up in his suite!

Ibushi grabbed Wilder and looked to go for the Last Ride, but Adam Cole made the save from the floor – grabbing Wilder’s ankles and pulling him to the floor.

Ibushi looked at Black Arrow on the floor and vaulted over the top to the middle rope, but his moonsault attempt was cut off by Wilder who chop-blocked him – sending Ibushi crashing hard onto the apron!

Black Arrow were like sharks that smelled blood in the water. Dawson threw Ibushi into the steel ring post. Cole and Wilder each got cheap shots in on the floor before Dawson took things back inside.

Black Arrow cut the ring off, using frequent tags to keep the explosive Ibushi in their corner. Wilder and Dawson laid in heavy-handed strikes, while Cole hyperextended Ibushi’s left leg around the middle rope before landing a dropkick to the leg.

The crowd started to clap along, trying to will Ibushi back up – but Wilder mockingly clapped along before using a spinning toe hold to ground the strong style master once again.

Dawson tagged in, and Wilder attempted to whip his partner for a corner splash, but Ibushi got a boot up! Wilder charged and blocked Ibushi’s boot, but caught a kick to the midsection and a pump knee strike instead! Cole grabbed Ibushi from the apron, but his effort was in vain as Ibushi hit a Pele Kick! Ibushi rolled under a double clothesline attempt by the Death Busters and tagged in Ricochet!

Ricochet came in a house of fire, striking anything that moved. The crowd got whipped into a frenzy by Ricochet's nonstop movement and offense. A dropkick sent Wilder through the ropes to the floor. He caught Dawson with a Standing Spanish Fly, and then he hit a Fosbury Flop onto both Adam Cole and Wilder on the floor! Back inside, Ricochet hit a double knee facebreaker on Dawson for the first 2 count of the match!

Feeling the passion and energy of the crowd, Ricochet went up top for the 630.......

But Dawson rolled himself out to the floor to jeers.

Black Arrow regrouped as a trio at the base of the ramp, but Ricochet didn’t waste one second – he hopped from the top turnbuckle back into the ring, ran the ropes,


The crowd went crazy for Ricochet, who threw Dawson back into the ring. Ricochet went up top once again – looking for a moonsault, but Wilder hopped to the apron and grabbed his leg. Ibushi hit a knee strike on the apron to knock Wilder back to the floor. Adam Cole hopped to the apron and grabbed Ricochet’s other leg; however, Omega caught him with a knee strike to send him to the floor.

All three members of Golden Triangle climbed to the top of the same corner...........


Bodies went everywhere!

Omega came off onto Cole on the floor, Ibushi onto Wilder on the floor, and Ricochet onto Dawson in the ring!


Dawson kicked out at 2!

Ricochet chopped into the chest of Dawson, each strike popping like firecrackers.

Wilder hopped to the apron, attempting to get into the ring, but he was blocked by the referee. Ricochet hit the ropes, but he caught a knee to the back from Adam Cole on the apron.

Black Arrow knew how to bend every rule in the book to their advantage, and they showed that here. Dawson hit a snap vertical suplex before tagging Wilder. Like a wild man, Wilder dropped knees into the back of Ricochet. Wilder applied a surfboard stretch – Ricochet gritted his teeth from the pain!

Wilder dropped an elbow into the back of Ricochet before popping off a beautiful tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Dawson immediately came off the middle rope with a knee drop, and Wilder covered for a near fall!

Wilder tagged in Adam Cole. The Intercontinental Champion stalked Ricochet. He smiled as he savagely kicked the worked-over back. Cole then hit a twisting neckbreaker for another 2 count! Black Arrow had succeeded in grounding Ricochet.

Ricochet reached in vain to his corner for a tag, but Cole stomped down on the hand and shot the bird at Ibushi and Omega. Cole drug Ricochet back into Black Arrow’s corner, and the trio used quick tags once again to fire into Ricochet. On commentary Paige Knight noted,

There isn’t anything flashy about the attack of Black Arrow, but it is so effective. They pick a body part, cut the ring off, and just relentlessly attack it. It is textbook tag team wrestling.

Wilder applied an abdominal stretch on Ricochet, as the Cleveland crowd started a “Ricochet” chant. Feeling the crowd, Ricochet threw elbows to escape the hold. Ricochet lunged for a tag, but Wilder grabbed his foot at the last second! He tried to drag Ricochet back into Black Arrow’s corner, but Ricochet hit an enziguri!

Ricochet leapt...


Ibushi ran wild with clotheslines, kicks, and knee strikes a plenty. Ibushi hit a sympathy of strikes on Wilder: a spinning kick to the midsection, a pump knee strike, and a bicycle kick! Dawson charged in, and Ibushi hit him with a pop up powerbomb onto Wilder! Ibushi hit a standing double knees moonsault onto both Death Busters and covered both men!

They kicked out at 2!

Wilder was isolated in the ring, and Ibushi hoisted him up into the electric chair. Ricochet climbed to the top.....

He leapt.....

But Wilder slipped down the back of Ibushi, and Ricochet flew DIRECTLY INTO A SUPERKICK FROM ADAM COLE!

Wilder hit a dragon screw to the worked-over leg of Ibushi! Wilder slammed Ibushi’s knee into the canvas repeatedly before locking on a half crab!

He wrenched back deep!

Kenny Omega entered to break it up, but Dawson caught him in a guillotine!

The World Champion powered Dawson over the top rope with a backbody drop to the floor!

Adam Cole flew in with a guillotine on Omega!

Cole had the submission on tight!

Unable to break the guillotine, Omega launched himself and Cole into Wilder and Ibushi to break up the submission and save the match.

Everyone was down in the ring. Slowly but surely Ibushi tagged Omega and Wilder tagged Cole!

The crowd came alive as the World Champion and Intercontinental Champion went toe to toe! They went at it!

Back-and-forth chops turned into back-and-forth forearms!

Omega got the better of the exchange and ducked a wild swing by Cole. He went for a Snap Dragon, but Cole hit a back elbow to escape followed by a pump kick....and another! Cole went for the trio of pump kicks, but Omega countered with a V Trigger and You Can’t Escape!

The pin attempt was broken up by Dawson!

All hell broke loose, as Ibushi entered and dropped Dawson with a discus clothesline. Wilder kicked out the bad leg of Ibushi, but Ricochet vaulted off the back of Ibushi and spiked Wilder with a DDT!

Golden Triangle stood tall. Omega hoisted up Cole into a vertical suplex and Ibushi did the same with Wilder. With both men lifted into the air, Ricochet sprung off the top and hit a double missile dropkick!

Omega covered Cole, but Dawson broke up the pin!

“This Is Awesome” sounded out through the Wolstein Center!

Dawson low-bridged Ibushi to dump him to the outside. Dawson tackled Omega back into the corner, and Ricochet blind-tagged in.

Ricochet vaulted into the ring, as Omega took Dawson down with a Snap Dragon!

Ricochet ducked a superkick by Adam Cole and hit a quebrada!



Kick OUT!

Ricochet stayed on the attack...he went for the Benadryller!

Cole escaped!



Cole lowered the knee pad......

LAST SHO........


RICOCHET ducked!

Cole turned around.....





Golden Triangle (13:58)

The crowd went nuts! Mauro Ranallo exploded on commentary:


Ricochet exploded with a triumphant roar for the win. Golden Triangle rejoined him in the ring to celebrate.

Adam Cole grabbed his head and rolled out the ring...he was dazed! Dawson and Wilder grabbed Cole and pulled him up the ramp...retreating. Halfway up the ramp, Cole realized what happened, and he clutched his belt and sank to his knees.

Kenny Omega grabbed the World Title and posed in the corner – pointing a finger gun at Claudio Castagnoli. The smile was wiped away from Salina de la Renta’s face, and she threw her champagne glass to the ground. Castagnoli slowly rose from his seat and stared down at Omega and Ibushi. Ricochet posed on the ropes and pantomimed the belt around his waist at Adam Cole. Mauro Ranallo closed:

What a night and what a match! Omega and Castagnoli for the World Title at SummerFest, Ibushi and Castagnoli next week, and Adam Cole’s next challenger has just introduced himself...his name is RICOCHET!


Will Ospreay def. Dragon Lee​
Singles match​
Rachael Ellering (w/ Candice LeRae) def. Marti Belle​
Singles match​
Cody def. TK Cooper (w/ Dahlia Black)​
Singles match​
Jungle Boy def. Myron Reed​
Singles match​
Golden Triangle (Kenny Omega, Kota Ibushi & Ricochet) def. Black Arrow (Adam Cole, Dawson & Wilder)​
Trios match13:58


Saturday, July 13: ScotiaBank Arena in Toronto, Ontario, Canada -- Streaming LIVE on Netflix
WSW World Championship: Kenny Omega (c) vs. Claudio Castagnoli​
WSW Women's World Championship: Tessa Blanchard (c) vs. Kay Lee Ray​
Will Ospreay vs. Jon Moxley​
Deonna Purrazzo vs. Nixon Newell​



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Jan 4, 2023
Reaction score
News and Rumors

June 27, 2019

  • If there was ever any doubt that a full-scale wrestling war was underway, the events of the past seven days were confirmed as such. With a spike in WSW popularity (and the instant sell-out of SummerFest that caught the industry off guard), a decline in WWE popularity, and the XFL debut looming, Vince McMahon named Paul Heyman and Eric Bischoff new Executive Directors of the company on 6/27. Heyman will serve as the Executive Director of Raw, and Bischoff will take over Smackdown, with McMahon overseeing both brands. The changes are expected to go into effect in mid-July, which will be executive roles rather than on-screen television characters.
    • There are more questions than answers. Where does Paul Levesque fit in? How much autonomy will both men have? Only time will tell, but this is an unprecedented move by Vince McMahon – something he has only tried once before. With business declining in 1996, McMahon turned over creative to Bill Watts, and the relationship fell apart in a matter of weeks due to constant creative vetoing by McMahon. Heyman and Bischoff are much more political and understand how the WWE game is played.
    • The decision to promote Heyman is a bit easier to understand. McMahon was looking to lock him down to a long-term contract, and he was already serving in a creative capacity for Brock Lesnar and Ronda Rousey. He is well respected as a creative genius, and a lot of talent would come to him for advice. However, this isn’t the first time Heyman has been elevated to a role like this. He was put in charge of Smackdown in 2002. Heyman built the brand around workers like Chris Benoit, Edge, Rey Mysterio, and Eddie Guerrero, and for a brief period, Smackdown drew more viewers than Raw. A dispute with Stephanie McMahon severed the relationship eight months in, and he was demoted to OVW. In June 2006, McMahon decided to relaunch ECW as a third brand following the success of the ECW One Night Stand shows. The idea was flawed from the beginning, and McMahon and Heyman had a falling out six months in after a disastrous pay-per-view. Heyman left the company and was gone until 2012 when Brock Lesnar returned.
    • Bischoff is a more curious case. He currently co-hosts the 83 Weeks podcast with Conrad Thompson, but he has not been involved with the creative aspect of wrestling since his TNA run from 2010-2012 (a period that has been highly criticized). Bischoff was a successful on-screen character in WWE during the mid-2000s, but he did not wield any decision-making power. Bischoff overseeing Smackdown is particularly interesting given the move to Fox in October. Despite being treated as the secondary show for years, Smackdown will be the most important show by the fall. They need to draw ratings, and they will have to do it on Friday – the toughest night of the week for television viewership. Bischoff spent a significant portion of his career in television production, and the internal spin is he is well-positioned to communicate with Fox executives.
    • With the Q2 investors call looming, this decision came as a total shock both internally and externally. It is no surprise that WWE needs a shakeup – the product is stale, metrics such as ratings and attendance are on a downward trend, and for the first time since 2001, there is a viable alternative option (ironically, one headed up Shane McMahon).
  • This has been one of the toughest business weeks for WWE in recent memory. Stomping Grounds on 6/23 at the Tacoma Dome drew 6,000 fans. While the show was much better than expected, the attendance number is well below usual for a PPV. This number is misleading too, as two-for-one tickets were being sold for several weeks leading into the show, and WWE officials were handing out free tickets in shopping malls days before the show.
    • The main event really hurt, as the fans turned on the Seth Rollins vs. Baron Corbin match with Lacy Evans as a heel ref. Chants of “This is stupid” to “WSW” to “CM Punk” to “This is boring” were heard.
    • With the advent of the WWE Network, PPV numbers are a miniscule metric in 2019, but the early estimate of 9,800 – 9,900 buys would be a record low.
  • This was followed with the 6/24 Raw in Everett, WA which drew 3,500 fans – the smallest crowd for a Raw taping in recent memory. Smackdown on 6/25 in Portland, OR drew 2,500 fans.
  • Raw and Smackdown also featured numerous two-of-three falls and elimination matches due to a new Vince McMahon edict that no wrestling can take place during commercial breaks. Vince decreed that commercials don’t happen during play in real sporting events; thus, two of three falls create natural breaks, as do elimination matches. Industry insiders note that there is a short runway for this strategy before it gets contrived, and WWE is already broaching that territory by having a fluke for every match that goes more than ten minutes on television. The feeling within WWE is this will be dropped soon, as Vince frequently changes his mind, and many people are negative on the idea.
  • The 6/24 Raw did 2,275,000 viewers with a .73 in the key 18-49 demo. The 6/25 Smackdown did 1,921,000 viewers with a .62 in the key demo. The 6/20 Ignition, a loaded show, did 962,000 viewers with a .38 in the key demo – finishing third for the night on cable, trailing the NBA Draft and Real Housewives of New Jersey. Without significant sports competition for the first time since early May, Ignition was up 28% in viewers and 8.5% in the key demo. This is a good sign for WSW. The 2019 NBA Draft did great numbers on ESPN though, and 6/20 was a strong night for television all around. Of note, the Ignition tapings from Cleveland drew more fans than Raw and Smackdown – the first time this has ever happened.
  • After scheduling an NXT UK Takeover in Cardiff, Wales on 7/13 (the same day as SummerFest), WWE announced Evolve will hold its 10th Anniversary special on the WWE Network, head-to-head with WSW’s Ignition 200 on 7/18. Evolve is one of several independent promotions that signed with WWE to feature content on the Network months ago to combat the FloSlam streaming service. The move essentially was the death kiss to FloSlam, and none of the promotions that signed with WWE have been featured until now. It is a heavy WWE show, as Johnny Gargano defends the NXT Title against Akira Tozawa in the main event and Drew Gulak defends the Cruiserweight Title against Matt Riddle in the semi. Also on the show are NXT wrestlers Babatunde and Arturo Ruas, as well as top Evolve stars like Austin Theory.
    • The announcement stirred things up and is reminiscent of the 80s when WWE would find different ways to sabotage Jim Crockett Promotions and WCW’s PPV shows.
    • The WWE side noted that Evolve and WWE have been in talks about putting an Evolve show on the Network for a long time. They note that Evolve is celebrating its 10th anniversary that weekend, and the show is in Philadelphia, three days before the Extreme Rules PPV.
    • It creates more publicity for both shows. There is a battle to see who puts on the better show, and in that sense, it is a no-lose situation for WWE. If WSW has a better show, they didn’t beat a WWE show, it’s an Evolve show, and they are on cable. If Ignition has a lower-than-expected rating, Evolve did its job of counterprogramming.
    • Cody did issue a response, tweeting out

  • Following his highly acclaimed match with Dragon Lee on Ignition, Will Ospreay appeared as a guest on Wrestling Observer Radio on 6/24 with Dave Meltzer and Bryan Alvarez. Ospreay was very candid in the 90-minute interview.
    • Ospreay said he signed with WSW in 2016 for stable pay and the chance for exposure in America. He never envisioned what would happen next for him and the growth of the company. He said signing a long-term extension was a “no-brainer” as he viewed WSW as, “the best professional wrestling on the planet, and it’s not even close.” Ospreay is signed until 2022 for significant money.
    • Ospreay said WSW’s growth was due to “the talent, the booking, and the quality and diversity of the matches we feature.” god bruv, if there’s one element of wrestling that really pisses me off, it’s this bastardization of the understanding of what wrestling know what I mean?! Just my opinion – and I may get in trouble for this but fuck it – for years WWE dictated what wrestling was. They told you that there was one style and if you didn’t like it, then you were stupid. They spent all this time trying to prove they were major league and everyone else was amateurs or minor league, that they totally watered down their product. There are so many good fucking wrestlers there that aren’t allowed to actually wrestle. They have to perform the WWE style. I’m not a performer bruv...I’m a wrestler. I think that sentiment is felt in our locker room. When you buy a ticket to WSW you know you are going to see a buffet of what wrestling is. You’re going to see Lucha, you’re going to see strong style, you’re going to get theatrics, you’re going to get technical wrestling...all in one card where every match is different. I think people have gravitated towards that.
    • Ospreay said he was excited for SummerFest and his match with Jon Moxley:
      Three months ago if you told me that this would be my match on literally the biggest show in WSW history, I’d have told you no way. But crazy shit has happened in 2019. It’s a big match for both of us. I’ve made a big deal out of the Year of Ospreay or whatever, but Jon knows this is a big match for him too. He’s reinventing himself, and I think we are going to blow people away in Toronto.
    • Ospreay noted that he expects to move to the US full-time by the end of the year. He said the process has taken longer than originally expected, but he saw light at the end of the tunnel.
    • Ospreay mentioned that he wants WSW to expand its global footprint as part of its vision strategy, and he views himself as a key piece of that:
      I love being in the US, and there’s obviously a lot of room for our growth here...we’re doing a good job in Canada, but I think we have an amazing opportunity to expand globally. I love traveling the world, it’s a big part of why I am the person that I am. I’m Essex till I die, but there’s elements of Japan, Ireland, and Australia in me...all places that I loved to perform before I signed with WSW, and I know we would kill it there. One of my missions is to carry the torch of global expansion for us. I want us to run London, Dublin, Sydney, Osaka and Tokyo.
    • He said that he is his own worst critic. He mentioned that he wants to be viewed as the greatest wrestler in the world, and anything below that mark is a failure in his eyes.
      I’m always looking for what can make the picture perfect...ya know?! How can I change this or tweak my style. I did a fuck ton early in my career in terms of moves, and I’m evolving that. I need to for longevity. I’m working on improving my promos because that is so critical in North America to get your character and angle over – I'm trying to swear less, you’d never know it by this interview (laughs). I want to do this for a very long time, and I dream that when I finally hang it up...people say Will Ospreay was the best to ever do it.
  • Whether the interview sparked this or not...Seth Rollins chose this week (of all weeks) to go on the defensive. Rollins took to Twitter:
    ...Find anyone else alive who does what I can do as well as I do it as often as I do it. Ya can’t.
    • Ospreay responded with two words:
      I’m alive.
    • Rollins responded:
      Ahhh I’m sorry little guy. WWE is a global brand with millions of fans. We are the destination...congrats on being king of the niche though.
    • Ospreay let it sit for a while before responding:
      Hmmm funny that the niche is now outdrawing the destination...numbers don’t lie bruv.
    • Rollins then decided to play this card:
      I mean if you wanna talk numbers we can compare bank accounts too. PS That’s counting a month off with a broken back...buddy.
    • Ospreay then dropped the hammer:
      You love adding stuff don’t ya. I mean the original question was ‘Find anyone else alive who does what I do as well as I do it as often as I do it’ No talk of money. You said anyone. Here I am. Just as consistent. Just as good. Ignition is Thursday night at 8 PM...tune in and find out what your Universe is already learning. Hope the back heals up.
    • As if this ordeal wasn’t messy enough, Chris Jericho chimed in:
      Probably not the week to be beating your chest, Seth.

  • Ignition will begin to go live weekly on 8/15 with the start of the Grand Prix. It now looks like the show will move to Tuesday in October with Smackdown’s move to Friday. This would make sense given the heavy sports competition on Thursday nights – the NFL is set to run a full slate of games on Thursdays this season. There have been extensive meetings between Shane McMahon and the Paramount Network regarding television and battle strategies moving forward. WSW’s current deal with the Paramount Network runs till December 31, 2021.
  • The WSW Experience will run July 12-13 at the Metro Toronto Convention Center during SummerFest weekend. As has been the case with their six tentpole events, the WSW Experience features meet and greets, autograph signings, and a live version of Chael Sonnen’s “Inside the Ropes” podcast with guests Kenny Omega, Cody, and Shane McMahon. Wrestling Observer Radio will also take their camp to Toronto for live shows.
  • In a first for WSW, the company announced that Shane McMahon would conduct a post-SummerFest press conference immediately following the event. The press conference will stream live on WSW’s YouTube page. The typical media call with Shane McMahon will be held on 7/12.
  • In another first, WSW will stream the SummerFest Kickoff Show live on YouTube on 7/13 at 7 PM. This is the first time they have ever done a preshow of this nature, with the idea being to feature a couple of matches and promos for the main card on YouTube for free, to entice people to sign in (or sign up) for Netflix to stream the main card. It will be interesting to see how they put this together. WWE’s preshow is usually a bunch of nothing, but these types of shows can work if done right.
  • The Briscoe Brothers’ deal with ROH is expected to end in the next few weeks. There is high interest from WSW when the window opens to begin negotiations.
  • Austin Aries returned on the 6/20 Ignition – attacking Cody and starting a feud between the two. Aries has been with the company since day one, but the relationship between the two sides has been strained to say the least. Aries has a bit of a reputation, and he grew unhappy and vocal with his positioning given the influx in talent over the last 8-10 months. At one point Aries asked for his release, but clearly, it was not granted. Aries is under contract until the end of the year, and he has not signed a new deal yet. His return to television though is a sign that both sides have found a happy medium for now.
  • Regarding his absence since Undisputed, Ethan Carter is not injured. His absence is part of a larger story according to those with knowledge of the situation. In this same vein, Bobby Lashley is off TV for the moment to sell the injury from Black Arrow at Undisputed. It is expected that he will return for the Grand Prix.
  • Mercedes Martinez officially signed with WSW and debuted on the 6/20 Ignition. She is being inserted into the program with Ivelisse, Candice LeRae, and Rachael Ellering. Like most unsigned talent in 2019, Martinez had offers from WSW and WWE. Martinez, 38, has been a fixture on the independent scene since her debut in 2000. She appeared in WWE as part of the Mae Young Classic in 2017 and 2018, and both times she was offered a developmental deal that she did not sign. Martinez is well respected within the industry, and she is expected to be the first of several women signings for WSW this summer.
  • WSW will hold an Ignition taping on 6/29 in Daytona Beach as part of the CEO gaming convention. At this time, the show has sold approx. 5,000 tickets, and there is hope that the walkup will be strong. The arena seats 8,000. This has already outperformed the 2018 New Japan show that did 2,500 fans.
  • #StrongHearts (CIMA, T-Hawk & El Lindaman) answered LA Express’ open trios challenge on social media this week, and that match will be on the 6/27 Ignition. CIMA cut a promo noting that the trio has had two very good matches in WSW; however, they do not have a win yet, and they are hellbent on rectifying that on Thursday to showcase the fighting spirit of OWE.
  • Advertised for the 6/27 Ignition
    • Claudio Castagnoli vs. Kota Ibushi
    • Jon Moxley In Action
    • Lucha Brothers vs. Valiente & Volador Jr.
    • Austin Aries promo
    • Ricochet promo
    • LA Express vs. #StrongHearts
    • Kay Lee Ray vs. Shanna
    • Elite 8 Tournament: Alexander Hammerstone vs. Alan Angels


Jan 4, 2023
Reaction score
It has been a minute since I've posted on WS, but I have been lurking for many months.

For those that have followed WSW, you know this has been my passion project for a number of years. It's like an old friend that you haven't seen in a while, or a habit that you just can't kick. Truth be told, I wrote half this episode of Ignition shortly after my last News & Rumors post (News & Rumors is my favorite part of this whole BTB), but I never finished it.

Quite honestly, time got sparse, and my move by move style of writing started to grate on me after all these years. Recently, I've had a bit more time to write, so I decided to finish this sucker. I actually think it's a fun episode of TV on the build towards SummerFest.

I am going to continue to write WSW; although, I am going to experiment with a new style for weekly TV. Hopefully, this will make the process easier for me -- and allow me to generate more content. I will go with a more robust style of match writing for PPVs.

The year 2019 was so fascinating in wrestling, and the prospect of continuing WSW through this timeline has me excited.

Thanks to everyone that has followed along, commented, or sent a kind message over the years. From WC to WS, I appreciate all of you and the awesome community that is BTB.


Ignition: Episode 197
Promotion: World Series Wrestling
Date: June 27, 2019
City: Cleveland, OH
Venue: Wolstein Center
Attendance: 5,350

The 6/27 Ignition opened with a video highlight package recapping events in WSW:
  • We see highlights of Claudio Castagnoli’s training video from two weeks ago. In the montage he called out Kota Ibushi – threatening to destroy everything Kenny Omega cares about ahead of the World Championship match at SummerFest. We see Ibushi issue a challenge to Castagnoli last week.
  • Highlights of Golden Triangle’s victory over Black Arrow last week are shown – including Ricochet pinning Intercontinental Champion Adam Cole.
  • Highlights are shown of the passionate words of Kay Lee Ray last week – she will challenge Tessa Blanchard for the WSW Women’s World Championship at SummerFest.
  • We see Jon Moxley’s debut in WSW one month ago...the night he shocked the world and dropped Will Ospreay with a Death Rider DDT. Highlights of the incredible Will Ospreay/Dragon Lee match from last week are shown, a match won by Ospreay. We see his postmatch challenge to Jon Moxley for SummerFest.
  • We see the shocking return of Austin Aries last week as well – running in through the crowd and dropping Cody with a brainbuster.

After the Ignition opening, the camera cut inside the Wolstein Center in Cleveland, Ohio where the commentary trio of Mauro Ranallo, Chael Sonnen, and Paige Knight welcomed viewers to the show. Ranallo noted that WSW was on the road to SummerFest, just 16 days away from the biggest show in the company’s history.

The Wolstein Center came unglued for the opening guitar riff of Shoot to Thrill by AC/DC.

The wild man, a native Ohioan, Jon Moxley made his way through the crowd, mobbed by fans as he stormed through the stands.

Moxley jumped the guardrail, entered the ring, and threw off his ring jacket. He paced like a hungry tiger, looking at the stage. Chael Sonnen noted on commentary:

Moxley accepted Will Ospreay’s challenge for SummerFest. It will be “The Ariel Assassin” vs. “The Death Rider” in Toronto, but Moxley issued a challenge of his own last open challenge. He is begging for a fight here in his home state of Ohio. My only question guys, is who is crazy enough to actually step in the ring with this man?!”

There wasn’t a long wait, as the LED video board lit up with the name....


One of the newest members of the WSW strolled out onto the stage. Guevara debuted in the Elite 8 Tournament, but lost in the first round to Ace Austin. Ranallo noted:

Sammy Guevara has lit up the US independent and international scene for several years. He has scary athleticism that he has blended with the lucha libre style. Give credit to him, he’s not shying away from the challenge. Guevara is not short on confidence, but he may have more guts than brains here tonight.”

Match One: “The Death Rider” Jon Moxley vs. Sammy Guevara

A thunderous “Moxley” chant broke out at the bell, but Guevara didn’t back down. He went nose to nose with Moxley in the center of the ring. Moxley barked trash talk, and Guevara responded with a massive slap to the face!

Moxley absorbed the slap, smiled, and lit into Guevara with heavy forearms! Moxley shot Guevara into the ropes. Guevara ducked under a massive lariat attempt and flipped over Moxley on the rebound. Guevara caught Moxley with a dropkick that sent him through the ropes to the floor!

Not wasting one second, Guevara flew....


Back inside, Guevara came off the top with a picture-perfect missile dropkick that sent Moxley tumbling back into the corner. Guevara kipped to his feet, motioned that he was crazy, and charged at Moxley....


Moxley nearly took Guevara’s head off! Sammy went twisting through the air on contact and crashed on the mat. Showing off his raw aggression, Moxley sprawled on the canvas and laid in ground and pound.

Standing Guevara up, Moxley landed two hard chops before spiking Guevara down with a high angled back suplex for a 2 count! Moxley dropped an elbow and then applied the Regal Stretch – bending Sammy Guevara in half!

Guevara cried out in pain and looked for the ropes. With all his might he inched his way towards them, and Moxley started fish hooking him! Chael Sonnen said:

We know Moxley is crazy, this dude loves to fight...but don’t get it lost. He is a highly skilled, highly trained fighter. Look at the way he commands the mat. It is the element of his game he has worked the hardest on. He wants to grind you, he wants to stretch you. Opponents like Sammy Guevara or Will Ospreay want to use their speed to counter his brute force...a strong mat and submission game is how you take that away from them.

With all his might, Guevara reached the bottom rope. Moxley broke the submission and laid in more ground and pound.

The referee checked on Sammy Guevara, who had glazed over eyes. Showing his guts, Sammy shoved the referee away and connected on a wild forearm. Moxley wore it, spit on the mat, and dared Guevara to do it again. Sammy connected with another one! Sammy went for a third, Moxley ducked, but Sammy was too quick – he caught Mox with superkick. Bridging German Suplex from Guevara....

Moxley kicked out at 2!

Guevara was feeling it! The crowd actually applauded Sammy’s effort. He hoisted Moxley into a fireman’s carry, but Moxley scored a knee to the temple to escape. Moxley fired off two more hard knee strikes to the gut and dropped Guevara with an X-Plex!

With a wild look in his eyes, Moxley hooked Guevara....


It was academic from there...1, 2, 3!

Jon Moxley (3:52)

The roar of “Moxley” chants sounded out again over the screaming of an AC/DC guitar. The Death Rider posed in the corner for the fans, now officially 2-0 in WSW.

Moxley hopped from the corner and looked at the prone Sammy Guevara. Moxley looked around at the crowd and pulled Guevara to his feet! Sammy slumped into the ropes, dazed from the match, but Moxley offered a fist bump – acknowledging the fight Guevara showed him.

Sammy responded in kind! The crowd cheered! Moxley nodded his head in approval and left the ring. Guevara dropped down to the canvas.

Moxley backed his way up the ramp, soaking in the cheers of the Cleveland crowd..............

Will Ospreay charged down the ramp and laid out Moxley with a flying knee strike!

Moxley went tumbling from the impact! Ospreay hadn’t forgotten about being dropped on his head by Moxley – now it was time for his revenge. Ospreay laid into Moxley with strikes and threw him into the steel guardrail! Ospreay hopped to the apron and flew....


Ospreay had flattened Jon Moxley!

Referees started running down from the back to hold Ospreay back, but he wasn’t having it. Amazingly, Moxley started crawling up the ramp, attempting to get on his feet and keep fighting. Ospreay showed two referees down and laid in a boot to Moxley. He screamed:


Ospreay hooked Moxley...


Turnabout was fair play, as Ospreay had gotten his pound of flesh tonight! Referees circled Moxley to check on him, and Sammy Guevara staggered up the ramp, finally coming too.

Ospreay posed on stage, and the camera cut to a flattened Moxley. Laying flat on his back, he was smiling....MOXLEY WAS SMILING! Ranallo described the scene:

My God Moxley is smiling...this man is insane! Ospreay gets his revenge tonight, but it is going to be an absolute war at SummerFest!

A vignette aired. Ariel shots of Mexico City are shown to establish the scene. A sleek black Bentley Continental GT pulls into the parking lot of a five-star hotel. We see two pairs of shoes exit the car and begin walking into the hotel.

The camera cuts quickly as we see cigars get lit, chilled Don Julio 1942 is poured, and voice of RUSH is heard. He speaks in Spanish with English subtitles:

Ahora es el momento de que me escuches.

Controlamos todo México porque nadie se compara con nosotros. Tenemos un linaje real y durante años hemos dominado con violencia.

WSW es la tierra de las oportunidades. Te he observado durante semanas. Intentaste hacerlo por tu cuenta. Intentaste fingir que eras alguien que no eres... y fracasaste.

Conozco tu verdadero yo, y ahora hacemos las cosas a mi manera...

(Now is the time for you to listen to me.

We control all of Mexico because no one compares to us. We have a royal bloodline and for years we have dominated with violence.

WSW is the land of opportunity.

I have watched you for weeks.

You tried to do it on your own. You tried to pretend you were someone you aren't...and you have failed.

I know the real you, and now we do things my way.)

The camera pulls back to reveal RUSH sitting in a plush leather chair, clad in an immaculate white suit. He smokes a cigar and sips tequila.

Voy a traer a la familia a WSW...

Traigo la unidad que todavía infunde miedo en el corazón de cualquier luchador en México y la descargo en el mundo.

No puedo hacerlo solo. Te necesito hermano... juntos llevaremos la Facción al siguiente nivel.

Se acerca La Facción Ingobernable.

(I am bringing the family to WSW...

I am bringing the unit that still strikes fear in the hearts of any wrestler in Mexico, and I am unleashing it on the world.

I can't do it alone. I need you, brother...together we are going to take the Faction to the next level.

La Faccion Ingobernable is coming

RUSH puffs his cigar and speaks in English:

They have their main eventers, they have their superstars...together we will crush all of them, bloody them, and spit on them. You can have everything you, women, fame, international success...all of it, if you join me. We are the LFI of violence, and this is our time!

Now, we dominate.

Now, we take their titles.

Now, we take over WSW!

RUSH extends his fist over the table. The camera pans back to reveal Dragon Lee sitting on the other side. Dragon Lee nods his head:

Dragon Lee completes the fist bump as the camera cuts to black.

Backstage, Melissa Santos interviews Salina de la Renta and Claudio Castagnoli:

Melissa Santos: Welcome back to Ignition, Melissa Santos here exclusively inside the locker room of Claudio Castagnoli with his manager Salina de la Renta. In tonight’s main event, Claudio will face Kota Ibushi...a former Intercontinental Champion and world-renowned wrestler. Salina, why accept this match tonight just two and half weeks from SummerFest?

Salina de la Renta: Tonight is about punishment Melissa. Claudio Castagnoli fears no man and he does not fear defeat. Since signing with me seven months ago, Claudio is unbeaten, and there is a trail of broken bodies left behind him. We add one more to the list tonight...Kota Ibushi.

Tonight isn’t about Ibushi’s about Kenny Omega. We promised to break you down Kenny! We promised to end the myth of Kenny Omega by exploiting your weaknesses, and we always deliver on our promises.

We are going to systematically destroy everything you love, and when you show up to Toronto on July won’t be the Best Bout will be a hollow, empty, weak man...ready to fall at the hands of the MOST DANGEROUS MAN IN COMBAT SPORTS...CLAUDIO CASTAGNOLI!

Tonight, Kota Ibushi will suffer immeasurable pain. Claudio will win, and he will seek to make sure Ibushi can never wrestle again. I want you to watch real close Kenny...I want you to see what your best friend goes through. Tonight, we take your heart...and at SummerFest, we take your title.

Your mistake Kenny was thinking you could change the world...

Match Two: LA Express (w/ Maria & Taya Valkyrie) vs. #StrongHearts

The second match of Ignition was a trios match between the LA Express and #StrongHearts of OWE.

During their entrance, highlights of the LA Express team meeting from last week aired. The delusional Johnny Mundo threatened to fire his faction, frustrated at their recent string of losses. It was clear there was uneasiness in the group. We also see Mundo’s altercation with Chael Sonnen last week.
The crowd booed the LA Express, and Johnny Mundo made sure he was front and center to pose with Taya Valkyrie. Brian Cage walked several paces behind his stablemates. Mundo looked at Chael Sonnen and said:

Watch closely tonight, I’m about to do something you couldn’t do in your mediocre!

Mundo laughed and sauntered down the ramp. Sonnen growled on commentary:

I’m a professional, and I’m letting that go. I value my job, but Johnny Mundo is going to learn a very hard lesson one day very soon.

As they entered the ring, Mundo gave over the top high fives to Mike Bennett, Maria, and Taya Valkyrie. He tried with Cage, but the big man stared daggers into Mundo. Johnny slapped him on the chest instead.

The crowd was respectful for the entrance of CIMA, T-Hawk & El Lindaman.

At the bell, LA Express offered a handshake; however, #StrongHearts weren’t going to be fooled by the devious squad from Southern California. CIMA exchanged glances with his teammates, and they started laying in strikes immediately!

A pier sixer broke out seconds into the match! CIMA took Johnny Mundo over the top with a leg lariat. T-Hawk deeked Brian Cage, and lowbridged him to the floor. Finally, a charging Mike Bennett was backdropped over the top onto his stablemates on the floor by El Lindaman!

Not wasting a moment, CIMA started clapping his hands, and #StrongHearts hit stereo dives: low-pe suicida by El Lindaman, tope suicida by CIMA, and a tope con hilo by T-Hawk!

#StrongHearts were fired up early, and they slapped hands with ringside fans as a “StrongHearts” chant started up.

Back inside, order was restored as T-Hawk started with Johnny Mundo. T-Hawk shot Mundo into the ropes, and Mundo tried a shoulder tackle; however, T-Hawk absorbed it and didn’t move an inch. Slapping his chest and flexing, T-Hawk hit the ropes, but ran directly into a spin kick from Mundo. Mundo fired another kick into the chest of T-Hawk. He went for a high kick, but T-Hawk blocked and CRACKED Mundo with a wicked chop.

The force of the chop sent Mundo into the corner. T-Hawk charged, but Mundo got his foot up; however, T-Hawk blocked it and LIT into Mundo with another chop that ripped through the Wolstein Center.

T-Hawk looked to pick up the pace, but as he ran the ropes, Taya Valkyrie tripped him from the floor. The momentary distraction allowed Mundo to connect on a dropkick followed by a superkick to the skull of a prone T-Hawk. Mundo hit the Standing Shooting Star Press for an early 2 count!

Mundo wiped his abs and proclaimed:

I am the sexiest man in all of wrestling!

Mundo tagged Mike Bennett, and T-Hawk tagged El Lindaman. Bennett and Lindaman circled each other and grappled – going back and forth to establish the dominant hold. Lindaman won the exchange and slapped on a side headlock, but Bennett went old school and stomped the foot to escape. Hitting the ropes, Bennet landed a lariat, but the young powerhouse of #StrongHearts didn’t budge. Bennett tried again and was met with the same result. Lindaman shook his head no. Bennett tried a third time, but Lindaman ducked and snapped him down with a German Suplex!

Bennett avoided a PK and tried a German Suplex of own, but Lindaman spread his legs to create a wide base to block the move. Bennett responded by hitting a forearm to the back of the head followed by a bulldog.

Bennett tagged “The Machine” Brian Cage. Cage entered and pointed at the veteran CIMA. He barked at Lindaman to tag out.

CIMA tagged in and charged across the ring – hitting a shotgun dropkick!

Cage popped out of the corner in a flash, much to the surprise of CIMA. Cage threw chops and kicks, but CIMA avoided them with his trademark agility. CIMA scored a basement dropkick to the knee of Cage and followed with an enziguri to bring The Machine down to one knee. CIMA tried a deadlift German Suplex, but Cage blocked with a stiff back elbow strike. CIMA bounced off the ropes for momentum, but Cage CRUSHED him with a bicycle kick!

Cage ran across the ring and knocked T-Hawk off the apron. He tried to do the same to El Lindaman, but he ducked and popped Cage with a gamenguri. Lindaman vaulted to the top and tried to fly, but Cage caught him in midair and pressed him overhead!

Showcasing his freakish strength, Cage walked around the ring with Lindaman overhead. He then threw Lindaman from the ring onto T-Hawk on the floor! Cage single handedly took out all three men of #StrongHearts!

Mundo called out for a tag from the apron, and Cage looked at Mundo annoyed. He begrudgingly tagged the leader of LA Express. The slight miscommunication was costly, as CIMA recovered and peppered Mundo with a combination of kicks and knee strikes before capping the flurry with an STO! CIMA rolled back to his corner and tagged Lindaman.

Lindaman came in with a tijeras to send Mundo into the corner. He charged for a splash, but Mundo moved, and Lindaman ate turnbuckles. Mundo caught him with a neckbreaker followed by the Moonlight Drive swinging neckbreaker for a 2 count!

Mundo tagged Bennett, and LA Express showcased triple team offense – hitting a pendulum powerbomb followed by stereo dropkicks. Bennett covered, but T-Hawk charged in to break up the pin. As the referee admonished T-Hawk and chased him back into his corner, Bennett blatantly choked Lindaman in the ropes. Bennett then took the referee, allowing Taya Valkryie to get a forearm shot of her own from the floor.

The crowd jeered and chanted “LA SUCKS” and Bennett basked in it! He whipped Lindaman into the corner and followed with the Boot Scrape (running big boot)! The impact was sick!

The LA Express cut the ring off from El Lindaman – singling out the smallest man of #StrongHearts. Bennett and Mundo made quick tags back and forth to ground Lindaman. Bennett applied a leg trap chinlock.

Digging his fingers into the canvas, Lindaman worked his way to the bottom rope to force the break.

Bennett mocked Lindaman – softly booting him in the head and taunting him to get up. Lindaman pounded on the canvas to fire himself up, and he started to throw to the gut, one to the chest, one to the head! Lindaman grabbed Bennett and landed a flurry of forearms. He hit the ropes....

But Bennett cut him down with a spinebuster!

Mundo entered the ring illegally and hit a sliding lariat to the back of the head. Mundo knocked T-Hawk and CIMA off the apron. Bennett whipped Lindaman into a HUGE discus lariat from Cage! Lindaman folded like a cheap suit! Bennett covered...

But T-Hawk dove in to break up the pin fall!

T-Hawk saved the match for #StrongHearts. Bennett looked to end it, he hoisted Lindaman onto his shoulders, looking for Go Back To Japan....

But Lindaman showed heart and fight! He drove down into Bennett with hard elbows! Lindaman hit a DDT to escape!

Lindman inched to his corner... he lunged...and tagged in T-Hawk!

T-Hawk came in a house of fire, striking anything that moved. He chopped and kicked Bennett with ridiculous speed. Mundo charged into the ring and ATE a pop-up rising knee strike!

Brian Cage entered, and the crowd buzzed. The two men teed off on each other with chops! T-Hawk landed two swift leg kicks to stun Cage. T-Hawk dropkicked Cage through the ropes to the floor. T-Hawk sidestepped a charging Bennett and tripped him, sending him draping onto the middle rope...CIMA flew off the top with a knee to the back of Bennett! CIMA wiped out Mundo and Cage with a pescado!

T-Hawk hit a crosslegged fisherman’s buster on Mike Bennett!



Kick Out!

T-Hawk was fired up! He grabbed Bennett into a fireman’s carry...but Maria jumped onto the apron! Boos rained down as Maria distracted the referee and T-Hawk. The LA Express playbook was in full effect, as the distraction allowed Bennett to dig into the eyes of T-Hawk to escape. Bennett hit a reverse DDT!

Bennett tagged out to Brian Cage.

Cage ran over T-Hawk with a wicked lariat! CIMA flew off the top for a Meteroa, but Cage caught him. Brian Cage brought the entire Wolstein Center to its feet by powerbombing CIMA so hard he bounced up off the canvas!

Lindaman entered, and Cage disposed of him with an F-10!

F-10 to T-Hawk!

Brian Cage was a one-man wrecking crew! He slashed the throat and looked to end it with the Drill Claw!

Johnny Mundo blind tagged in!

Cage couldn’t believe it! He looked at Mundo in disbelief.

The fans booed as Mundo smiled and said:

I got it big man!





LA Express (10:51)

The glory hound Johnny Mundo scored the pin fall after Brian Cage laid waste to the opposing team. Mundo celebrated the victory, with Bennett, Maria, and Valkyrie joining in the celebration. Cage stood in the corner, fuming over what had just transpired.

Mundo called for the microphone and spoke over the boos that rained down:

What a victory tonight for the LA Express! I know you LOSERS in Cleveland aren’t used to watching greatness, so consider yourself lucky to be blessed with some Southern California greatness!

Now before we go celebrate and recover with soymilk protein shakes and poke bowls...I want to make a point to my team. THIS! THIS is what I was talking about last week! Tonight is what the LA Express is all about! We executed the game plan perfectly.


Taya and were perfect in air traffic control!

Mike, you showed why you are the pros pro!

Cage, you are a one in this sport possesses the raw power and speed you do! Don’t feel bad about what happened at the were throwing dudes around and I just wanted to make sure your cardio wasn’t running out!

Cage side eyed Mundo, clearly not happy with this comment. Mundo continued:

This is what brought us to the dance, and this is what is going to take us to the top of the mountain! WE are the greatest trio in professional wrestling, and tonight the train got back on track! This is a warning to all of WSW...NO ONE that can stop us....

Mundo was interrupted by the music of Karl Anderson and Doc Gallows!

For the first time in months, Gallows and Anderson stood together! Gallows had his ankle broken during an attack by the LA Express in April.
Anderson came on stage with a microphone and spoke:

What’s the matter Johnny, you look like you’ve seen a ghost!

Remember us...Anderson and Gallows the BADDEST tag team on the planet!

Now, the big man and I have been away for a little while, and in that time, we’ve been doing a lot of thinking. We've been thinking about what’s next for us. We saw our future in front of us...we saw ourselves walking back in here, kicking ass, and PROVING why we are STILL the greatest tag team in wrestling! We saw ourselves winning championship gold once again...tearing down the house with teams like the Lucha Brothers, the Hart Foundation, and the Death Busters!

But...there’s one moment we could help but replay over and over again...and that’s the LA Express breaking Doc’s ankle...taking three months away from us!

We were gone, but we still heard your voice. It’s hard not do a lot of talking Johnny. We heard you brag about breaking Revolver; we heard you brag about hurting Doc, and we heard you rant and rave about how great you you are a visionary. The truth is...the only thing you’re good at are ab workouts and reinventing yourself.

I give you find ways to make yourself relevant each time it looks like the walls are finally closing in. You change your name, get off the road to go act in some straight to DVD B-movies, or surround yourself with hungry talent, desperate to make it in this desperate that they’ll do listen to you bark orders at them while you make a profit off their sweat equity. You may call that being a visionary...where we’re from we call that being a carny son of a bitch!

The crowd loved the last line and started a “carny” chant at Mundo. Anderson continued:

We kept hearing your voice, over and over, praying for this moment to get here! The moment we could look you in the eyes and say that you hurt us...but you should have killed us, because the bill is coming due!

Johnny Mundo ran his fingers through his hair and responded:

Ahhh the great Karl Anderson and Doc Gallows...the most dangerous tag team in the world. I find it funny that you choose to come out here and interrupt MY victory to talk about relevance, when you are nothing more than gatekeepers around here now!

Look at what’s in front of you! There’s three of us! I said no one can stop us, so do us all a favor...charge down here and see what happens. I beg you...come down here and let us break you one more time!

Anderson and Gallows didn’t take the bait. Gallows took the mic, smirked and responded:

Like Karl said...we’ve had some time on our hands. The funny thing about time is it heals all wounds...and helps to mend some old fences too. We’ve got friends that became brothers all over the world...and you should know...we always have a couple bullets left in the clip....


The Wolstein Center came unglued for the arrival of the ace of WSW. Styles made his first appearance since Undisputed, and he stood shoulder to shoulder with Karl Anderson and Doc Gallows!

Styles took the mic:

Looks like it’s three on three. When these boys call...I listen. You want the best three-man team in the world?! What do you say LA Express vs. Some old SUMMERFEST!

Johnny Mundo was incredulous inside the ring; he couldn’t believe what he was seeing...the cockiness and bravado was totally gone. Before he could respond, Brian Cage ripped the microphone from his head and shouted:


Cage spiked the microphone down. Mundo couldn’t believe it! He yelled at Cage,


Styles, Gallows, and Anderson started to walk to the ring! Anderson spoke:

This is about the time where y’all should say...oh shit!

Styles, Gallows, and Anderson hit the ring! The LA Express scrambled outside the ring to escape; they wanted no part of this family reunion tonight. The LA Express retreated up the ramp and Mundo looked incredulous at Brian Cage and the challenge that stood in the ring.

Styles, Gallows, and Anderson stood tall as a “Holy Shit” chant sounded out. Anderson looked around the Wolstein Center and raised the Too Sweet hand sign...Gallows reciprocated.... they looked at AJ....

AJ threw up the Too Sweet too!

The “Too Sweet” chant rang out, followed by cheers. Mauro Ranallo narrated the scene:

For the first time in WSW, AJ Styles, Karl Anderson and Doc Gallows stand together. The history between these three men is vast, dating back to their time in Bullet Club in Japan. Anderson and Gallows originally came to WSW in 2016 to hunt AJ Styles...forming Revolver in the process. They have fought wars with and against each other, but tonight on Ignition they have proved that blood is thicker than water...and this club has the LA Express in their crosshairs!

Ignition returned with Paige Knight standing in the center of the ring with a microphone:

Welcome back to Ignition, and please welcome...RICOCHET!

The crowd cheered the arrival of Ricochet, the human highlight machine, who pinned Intercontinental Champion Adam Cole last week. Ricochet was all smiles during his entrance, slapping hands with hands as he entered the ring for his interview.

Ricochet shook Paige’s hand, and she spoke:

Ricochet, last week here on Ignition, you pinned the Intercontinental Champion, Adam Cole to secure victory for the Golden Triangle. Tonight, I know you have a challenge that you would like to issue.

Ricochet spoke:

Thank you Paige, and you are absolutely right. I’ve always been a man that prefers to let my actions in the ring speak for me, but tonight...I’m calling out Adam Cole! I want a shot at the Intercontinental Title!

The crowd cheered at the challenge, and the Wolstein Center soon sprang to life with the guitar riff entrance of Adam Cole.

Cole walked out on the stage with the gleaming Intercontinental Title over his shoulder. He was solo, not flanked by his Black Arrow stablemates. Cole received an electric reaction, and he waited out the jeers before speaking with a smarmy grin:

Congratulations’re finally getting some promo time!

For weeks, I have said that I would defend my Intercontinental Championship when I found an opponent worthy enough to stand in the ring and challenge me for THE belt in WSW.

You pinned me in the trios match last week...and believe me when I say this...Black Arrow and Golden Triangle are far from through. But let’s not bury the lead. You did something no man has been able to do in WSW in over six months, and that’s pin me.

I recognize pisses me off, but I recognize it. A blind squirrel finds an acorn every once in a while, and I stand here and look at your face, I look at your conviction, and I’m actually think you can do it again.

Let’s have a quick history lesson the last year, I have been World Champion, I main evented November Reign, I became the only man to beat Bobby Lashley twice, and I AM the current reigning and defending Intercontinental Champion.

I am Adam Gold Bay Bay, and when this belt is on the!

Ricochet fired back:

You know, those are mighty big words from a guy standing up on the stage and not standing in this ring, looking at me man to man. But I wouldn’t expect anything less from you Adam.

I earned my shot last week when I pinned you in this ring. And I don’t just think I can do it again...I KNOW I CAN! And deep down, I think you know it too. You talk a big game, but I scared you last week...I showed that you aren’t invincible.

You’re a guy that loves the spotlight, right? You call yourself THE champion of WSW. That Intercontinental Title has the prestige it does, because it was made by guys like Kota Ibushi, Cody, Will Ospreay, and Bobby Lashley. Men that forged that gold in competition. Men that MADE that belt...not hide behind it!

You love the spotlight don’t you Adam? Well, how about we do this under the brightest of Toronto at SummerFest. You and me, one-on-one for the Intercontinental Title!

The crowd oohed at the zinger of Ricochet, and it was clear that Adam Cole seethed with anger. However, he composed himself. He began to saunter down the ramp and said:

In this game there’s three levels. Good, great, and special. Me...I’m special...I’m the guy they build companies around.’re good, hell you might even be great. But what you will never be is special!

You and me...for all the marbles at SummerFest? YOU’RE ON!

But let me make one thing clear...your five minutes of fame are about to end. On the biggest stage ever offered in WSW, I will beat you. I will prove you aren’t a closer and you’re nothing more than the third-place member of the Golden Triangle.

You snuck one past me last week...congrats you can tell your grandkids about it.

You’re right, I love the spotlight. And under those bright lights of SummerFest, I will prove that you’re nothing more than a fluke...and anything Ricochet can do...I can do BETTER!

Standing about halfway up the ramp, Adam Cole raised the Intercontinental Title high to boos. Ricochet smirked at Paige Knight and............


The crowd went nuts at the sheer agility and athleticism of Ricochet! Adam Cole was stunned, his eyes widened at what he had just seen!

With the confidence of a pack of lions, Ricochet sauntered up to Adam Cole and spoke into the microphone held by Cole:

See you at SummerFest...champ!

No other words were uttered, no fisticuffs, just a pure walk off. Ricochet smiled and headed up the ramp as his music hit. Adam Cole was stunned, he slowly turned and looked back at the freak athlete that will challenge him for the Intercontinental Championship at SummerFest...Ricochet!

Mauro Ranallo said:

Has Adam Cole’s mouth finally written a check he can’t cash! We’ve never seen an athlete like Ricochet, and at SummerFest he’s called his shot. Adam Cole vs. Ricochet for the Intercontinental Title in Toronto!

A vignette aired featuring Bandido.

The strum of a Spanish guitar sets the scene, as we see Bandido training – running the ropes, flying in the ring, and hitting a heavy bag. The footage is interspersed with highlights of his thrilling match with Kenny Omega, his trios match at Undisputed, and his first WSW singles win over Caristico two weeks ago on Ignition. Bandido’s voice narrated:

Mi nombre es Bandido y soy el hombre más buscado de la lucha libre profesional.

No vengo de un linaje real de la lucha libre mexicana.

Todo lo que tengo...lo logré por mi cuenta...mi sangre...mi sudor...y mis lágrimas.

Mi misión es llevar la tradición de la lucha libre a la próxima generación.

Vine a WSW para ser el mejor...

(My name is Bandido, and I am the most wanted man in professional wrestling.

I don’t come from a royal pedigree of Mexican lucha libre.

Everything I have...I accomplished on my sweat...and my tears.

My mission is to carry the tradition of lucha libre for the next generation.

I came to WSW to be the best...

The music comes to a crescendo as we see a flurry of highlights of Bandido hitting the 21 Plex followed by a shot of him CRUSHING the heavy bag with a wicked spinning kick. The video closes as he speaks in English:

I am the most wanted...and I will NOT fail!

A message at the bottom of the screen reads, Bandido In Action...Next Week!

Match Three: Lucha Brothers (w/ Konnan) vs. Valiente & Volador Jr.

The third match of Ignition was a tag team match between the Lucha Brothers and Valiente and Volador Jr. of CMLL.

The arena went pitch black for the arrival of the Lucha Brother, suddenly illuminated by the explosion of their pyro. Clad in all black, Fenix and Pentagon Jr. made their way to the ring with the stolen WSW World Tag Team Championships.

As they make their entrance, we see highlights of their assault on The Hart Foundation – savagely attacking Teddy Hart and Davey Boy Smith Jr. three weeks ago, on the 6/6 Ignition. This came after The Hart Foundation’s non-title match with Valiente and Volador. The Lucha Brothers stole the title belts and attacked both Valiente & Volador with chairs too, setting up this grudge match tonight.

The crowd was respectful for the entrance of the CMLL tag team, but the temperature rose quickly as Valiente and Volador sprinted to the ring and slid inside. All four men stood in the center of the ring, nose to nose. Pentagon performed the Cero Miedo taunt in the face of Volador, and the scrum was on!

All four men traded haymaker blows as the bell sounded. Valiente and Volador were back for revenge, and the new, ruthless attitude of the Lucha Brothers was on full display!

Pentagon and Volador spilled to the outside, where Pentagon threw Volador into the steel guardrail. Pentagon charged, but Volador exploded off the rail with a WICKED dropkick on the floor!

Inside the ring, Fenix and Valiente went back and forth with hard slaps. A dizzying rope running sequence ensued, with drop downs, leapfrogs, counters, and reversals. Fenix tried a hard shoulderblock, but Valiente didn’t budge an inch! Fenix hit the ropes again, but he ran into a dropkick!

A flurry of pin attempts followed, neither man scoring more than a 1 count. Both Fenix and Valiente kipped to their feet for a stalemate standoff!

Fenix shoved Valiente in frustration, and Valiente shoved him right back! Fenix dug into the mask of Valiente, and Volador entered the ring to break it up. Pentagon followed, and the referee scrambled to break things up before a donnybrook could ensue again!

Pentagon tagged in as did Volador.

The two men circled each other, before Pentagon held up his hand. He slowly removed the glove from his right hand. He went for the Cero Miedo taunt, but instead opted to spit in the face of Volador!

Pentagon hit a spinning heel kick to the midsection, but Volador fired back with a Thesz Press and rained down right hands!

On commentary, Mauro Ranallo said:

Volador Jr. and Valiente represent the traditions of honor and respect in CMLL, the oldest lucha libre promotion in the world; however, tonight, we’re seeing just how personal they have taken the actions of Pentagon and Fenix!

Scrambling to his feet, Volador rained in forearms and lariats. He bounced Pentagon’s head off the top turnbuckle. Pentagon reversed a whip into the corner, but as Volador went to float over...Pentagon CRUSHED him with a superkick to send him over the top to the floor!

Valiente charged into the ring, but Pentagon caught him with a waist lock. Fenix blind tagged in and hit a superkick to Valiente, followed by a German Suplex from Pentagon. The Lucha Brothers hit the Uno, Dos, Tres...stereo superkicks to either side of Valiente’s head! He dropped like a rock.

They counted down again...Uno...Dos...Tres...

Fenix and Pentagon hit the ropes, slid outside and CRUSHED Volado with stereo superkicks on the floor!

Konnan pounded the apron in appreciation of the offense of his charges.

Outside, Fenix ripped open the singlet of Valiente, and Pentagon POPPED him across the chest with an overhand chop!

Pinning Volador against the guardrail, Fenix cracked him with a chop and slid back into the ring. Pentagon held Volador, as Fenix sprinted across the ring....

TOPE SUICI........


Volador moved, and Fenix CRASHED into his own brother! Volador jumped to the apron. Asai Moonsault CONNECTED on both Lucha Brothers!
Valiente flew in with a pescado!

Volador threw Fenix back inside the ring. Tagging Valiente, the CMLL duo hit a double team: catapult by Volador into a second rope missile dropkick by Valiente! He covered for a 2 count!

Valiente hit a body slam followed by a springboard leg drop for another 2 count!

Valiente tagged Volador and the duo whipped Fenix into the corner. Valiente whipped Volador for a leaping splash to drop Fenix into a seated position, and Valiente followed with a slingshot dropkick. Volador covered for yet another 2 count!

Utilizing quick tags, Valiente came back in and seized waist control; however, Fenix threw a hard head butt to the jaw to break the grip. Fenix hit a Pele Kick. He went to tag Pentagon, but Valiente whipped him into an opposite corner at the last second.

Fenix avoided a corner charge, and he connected on his springboard spinning kick! The impact echoed throughout the Wolstein Center! Fenix tagged in Pentagon, and Valiente tagged Volador!

Pentagon ripped down Volador with a Sling Blade! Sling Blade for Valiente! Superkick to Volador! Superkick to Valiente! Pentagon was a one-man wrecking crew! He shook the ropes and performed the Cero Miedo taunt.

Volador popped up and hit a double sledge to Pentagon. He ducked a wild swing by Fenix, and threw him over the top; however, Fenix skinned the cat. Volador turned into another superkick from Pentagon and a hook kick from Fenix!

The Lucha Brothers threw Volador into the corner – enziguri from Pentagon, leaping forearm by Fenix. The Lucha Brothers double hip tossed Valiente onto Volador in the corner. Fenix then catapulted Pentagon with a cannonball into both men! The Lucha Brothers were on fire!

Pentagon went up top and connected on a Diving Double Foot Stomp! He covered....

But Volador kicked out at 2!

Konnan pounded on the apron and shouted:

Pentagon went for the Package Piledriver, but Volador fought out. He threw forearms, but Pentagon maintained wrist control, ducked a forearm and hit Made In Japan!



Kick out!

The veteran Volador refused to go quietly into the Cleveland night. Pentagon called for his brother to go up top...the Lucha Brothers went for the Fear Factor....

But Valiente rose on the apron and pushed Fenix off the top, back into the ring. Pentagon charged at Valiente with a shoulder tackle through the ropes. Valiente avoided him and caught him with a leg drop over the middle rope. Using the draping Pentagon’s back as a springboard, Valiente caught Fenix with a high revolution tijeras!

Turning his attention to Pentagon, Valiente hit a backstabber. Volador came off the middle rope with a guillotine leg drop! The CMLL duo rose, fired up.....

But Fenix took both of them out with a double rolling cutter!

All four men were down as the crowd applauded the fast break action in the ring. Volador and Fenix traded strikes. Fenix whipped Volador into the corner, but Volador elevated himself up and over the top.....and wiped out Pentagon with a cutter on the apron!

Back inside, Valiente sat Fenix on the top turnbuckle. He slapped Fenix across the face! He went for a superplex, but Fenix fought out by biting the masked head of Valiente!

Valiente fell back into the ring, clutching his head. Volador sprang to the top rope, looking for a hurricanrana, but Fenix fought him off and shoved him off into the ring.

With Fenix still perched on the top. Volador elevated a charging Valiente up.......


Volador covered!



Fenix kicked out!

Volador thought they had it! A “WSW” chant broke out!

The CMLL duo went to their knees in disbelief in the ring. Like a panther stalking his prey, Pentagon slid into the ring behind them and hit superkicks to the backs of both men’s heads.

Pentagon went to town with hard chops to both Valiente and Volador. He hit the ropes, but Volador avoided him with a leapfrog, and Valiente caught him with a DDT!

Pentagon crawled to the corner, dazed. Valiente and Volador whipped Fenix towards his brother, but Pentagon elevated Fenix over the top to the apron.

Superkick to a charging Volador!

Pentagon elevated a charging Valiente over the top to the apron and hit a kick to the gut. Valiente went to all fours on the apron.







Pentagon slit the throat.....


Fenix took out Valiente outside with a tope suicida cannonball!

Pentagon covered Valiente......




Lucha Brothers (14:10)

The Lucha Brothers won again! Konnan got into the ring with the World Tag Team Titles, and directed traffic. It was clear the Lucha Brothers weren’t done...they were here to send a message.

Fenix threw a hapless Valiente back into the ring. He threw two steel chairs into the ring!

The crowd started to boo as the Lucha Brothers slammed the chairs on the canvas – eyeing their fallen prey. They raised the chairs.........

The lights went out, and static appeared on the screen followed by a voice...

We interrupt this broadcast to bring you a special message from Hart TV

The camera cut to a handheld camera.......


Hart looked into the camera; he was in a dark car that was clearly moving:

Lucha Brothers! You want a war.... you got one!



The sound of a siren rang out as the camera cut back inside the arena. A confused Pentagon, Fenix, and Konnan looked at each other as the siren got louder.


With sirens blasting, a full ambulance drove next to the stage!

The crowd went nuts!

The ambulance was driven by Davey Boy Smith Jr.!


The crowd EXPLODED as Davey Boy and Teddy returned! They weren’t alone.....




The trio hit the ring! Pillman threw the ladder in the ring, he wore a cast on his arm (a side effect of the Arm Break from Pentagon) and the Lucha Brothers escaped, sprinting from the ring – Konnan clutching to the stolen tag team titles.

Davey Boy was fired up – kicking the ropes and flexing. Teddy Hart climbed the ropes and bellowed a primal roar! Pillman set up the ladder in the ring!

Hart grabbed a microphone and climbed the ladder. He spoke with a burning passion:







Hart threw the microphone down as he sat on the top of the ladder. Pillman and Davey Boy stood in opposite corners – their eyes seethed with rage! The crowd exploded in a LOUD chant of “Teddy, Teddy, Teddy!”

The challenge was evident, The Hart Foundation wanted their belts, they wanted their revenge, and they wanted the Lucha Brothers....


Ignition returned from commercial with Chael Sonnen standing in the center of the ring with a microphone:

Ladies and gentlemen, it’s very clear that WSW is on fire right now. That fire turned into a full-blown inferno with the return of this man last week...please welcome...Austin Aries!”

Boos rained down as Austin Aries slowly sauntered out onto the stage, clad in sunglasses and eating a banana. Just one week ago, Aries made his shocking return to WSW, appearing for the first time in months to attack Cody and drop him with a brainbuster.

Aries seemed to relish the moment as he entered the ring. Sonnen spoke:

Austin, it has been seven months since we’ve seen you. Last week I think you made your intentions very clear. I have to ask you, why now and why Cody?

Aries took the last few bites of his banana before flipping the peel to the floor. He slowly removed his sunglasses before speaking:

It feels good to be home......

Boos filled the arena as Aries flashes a smarmy grin and looked around:

Love me, hate me, cheer me, or boo me...I don’t care. I can call this place home though, because I BUILT the foundation of WSW!

It’s been seven long humor me for a moment as we go on a little history lesson...all the way back to 2015 and the genesis of WSW.

Shane McMahon called ME. He called ME to pitch ME on his create a professional wrestling company that would buck sports entertainment and fill the void left in the industry. A company that would give the fans what they craved.

I was one of the first people to put my name on the dotted line in 2015. On that very day, Shane McMahon looked me straight in the eyes and said, ‘we’re going to build this company around you.’

I was there on DAY ONE. Look around this arena tonight, look at the ticket sales, look at the business.... without me, none of this is possible. Without me...we’d still be in Center Stage as yet another start-up looking to fight the evil empire.

Everyone wants to look at WSW now. Everyone wants to sing the praises of this company and the vision of Shane McMahon, but NO ONE wants to look at the WSW of four years ago. I am the ONE that every fan, wrestler, and office member should look to and say, ‘thank you.’ Without me, there’s no WSW!

I say all that Chael, and seven months ago I walked out the door and I legitimately never knew if I would step foot in a WSW ring again. I was TIRED of being looked over time and time again for the next new shiny toy! I was TIRED of this company profiting off the success that I established without so much as a ‘thank you.’

Just because I haven’t been on social media, doesn’t mean I haven’t been busy. I’ve been watching, I’ve been listening, and I have set my sights on the war in professional wrestling...a war that I started on the front lines four years ago!

You know what I’ve seen? A lot of cosplay pro wrestling...a lot of guys that have the costumes but can’t display the magic. I’ve also seen a lot of guys try to step up and carry the flag of WSW, and proclaim themselves the general of this revolution.

I AM the last true magician of wrestling. For 19 years, I’ve carved my legacy into this canvas...night in and night out as the best bell to bell wrestler on the planet. I’m the guy that’s too dangerous to give the ball to, but SO DAMN GOOD you have to. I’ve made all these people FEEL...pain, joy, and anger.

I can hear and feel that anger now, because after seven long months.... I walked back in that same door and in the one moment made my presence felt just like I did on DAY ONE. I dropped Cody Rhodes on his skull. I left him lying. In that moment, I made Cody and every WSW fan...FEEL!

So, why Cody? It’s quite simple...he’s a leech. It makes me sick to my stomach every time I see that blonde hair bastard next to the logo that I helped establish!

Cody can come out here, pander the story of his family, preach about how much he loves wrestling, put on a suit and go on every goddamn podcast and act like the general in this war...but I see right through that. Cody, I see you for who you are. You think you’re a magician...but the Rhodes magic died with are nothing more than an opportunist with a famous last name.

Let me run some names by you Chael: Shawn Spears, Ted DiBiase Jr., Damian Sandow, Ethan Carter, Karl Anderson, Doc Gallows....all people that Cody sucked the life out of to get himself to the top...and all names that he blew past and left in the dust for the next best thing.

You are a leech Cody, and I am a magician....

The Wolstein Center crowd began to chant “Cody,” but Aries cut them off...

You can chant all you want...he’s not in the bulding...I hear his neck is a little sore!

This drew louder jeers. Aries continued:

You’ve done some bad things’ve burned a lot of people. Amazingly...somehow, some way, you’ve got these people to believe in you. Well, once again...I’ll make them FEEL. I’ll make them feel HEARTBREAK.

You want to know why I’m back Chael...July 13, SummerFest in Toronto...the biggest show in WSW history. This company wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for me...and on that night...I’ll give them something they will never forget. I’ll rip the heart out of the guy they tried to REPLACE ME with.

Cody, I’ve heard you talk about how wins and losses matter, and I’ve seen you stack wins week after week. I come back, drop you on your skull, and you can't work! It's time to take your medicine kid. It’s time you face the’s time you face the magician.

Do me a favor and take next week off too. I want you to have a front row seat for what’s coming for you at SummerFest.

Cody, you think you’re the think you wave the flag of WSW? It was never yours to hold!

At SummerFest, I will prove that Austin Aries is a creator...and Austin Aries is an executioner!

The strong words of Austin Aries resonated as his music hit. Aries had laid out the challenge, he wanted Cody at SummerFest!

A commercial aired for the “Biggest Summer Ever” for WSW. The commercial hyped SummerFest on July 13 on Netflix, Ignition 200 on July 18 on Paramount Network, and Grand Prix 2019 coming this August!

Match Four: Shanna vs. Kay Lee Ray

The fourth match of Ignition was a singles match between Shanna and Kay Lee Ray. Shanna was already in the ring as Ignition returned, and the Cleveland crowd cheered for the arrival of the Number One Contender for the Women’s World Title, Kay Lee Ray.

The passionate words of Kay Lee Ray had inspired the fans last week, and a loud “Kay Lee Ray” chant broke out as she entered the ring.

As the bell rang, the two women locked up and jockeyed for position. Shanna caught KLR with an arm wringer before whipping her into the corner. Shanna charged, but KLR DRILLED her with a stiff forearm shot to the jaw. Showing her striking ability, KLR dropped Shanna with a roundhouse kick to the side of the head.

Shanna reversed a whip into the ropes and caught KLR with a Mexican Arm Drag. Shanna hit a boot to the temple followed by a standing double foot stomp. The Portuguese pro slapped on a side headlock and wrenched it in.

KLR quickly got to one knee. KLR threw elbows to the midsection to break Shanna’s grip...but Shanna took the short cut, grabbing a handful of KLR’s hair and whipping her violently to the canvas.

Knowing what a win over the Number One Contender would mean, Shanna continued the attack. She threw a hard kick to the sternum.... but KLR absorbed it! Shanna threw another with the same result! KLR rose to her feet, slapped her chest, and screamed, “Bring It On!”

Shanna threw a forearm that was met with the same result. Fired up, KLR decked Shanna with a forearm to the jaw. Piston forearms followed, each one meeting their mark! The crowd got behind KLR’s intensity, and she dropped Shanna with a hard lariat. KLR covered for a 2 count!

Shanna reversed a whip into the corner and caught KLR with a splash. Shanna whipped KLR into the opposite corner and tried for another splash, but KLR moved and Shanna ate turnbuckles. KLR fired off a trio of hard kicks in the corner. As each kick connected the crowd chanted “Kay” “Lee” “Ray!” KLR leapt to the middle rope and dropped Shanna with a rolling DDT! She covered for another 2 count!

Returning to a vertical base, KLR shot Shanna into the ropes. Shanna ducked a couple lariat attempts and showed her ring prowess...catching KLR with a roll up for a quick 1 count! Shanna then transitioned into a half crab – arching her own back to bend KLR like a pretzel! The crowd oohed at the torque Shanna got on the submission.

KLR gritted her teeth and clawed at the mat as the crowd clapped along – willing her to the bottom rope for a break!

Shanna stomped down on the small of KLR’s back. Shanna went for a fisherman’s suplex, but KLR threw knees to the midsection to counter. KLR then snapped off a vertical suplex.

Both women rose at the same time, and KLR CRUSHED Shanna with a superkick! Shanna fell back into the ropes, bounced back, and ATE another superkick!

KLR hooked Shanna – Gory Bomb!


Kay Lee Ray (4:15)

Kay Lee Ray picked up another win on her road to SummerFest and her match up with Tessa Blanchard. On commentary Paige Knight noted:

Her words last week brought tears to my eyes. She has fought so hard for this moment, but do not kid yourself. Kay Lee Ray is one of the best strikers to ever come out of the UK. Kay Lee Ray can do something not many women can, she can match the raw physicality of Tessa Blanchard!

Kay Lee Ray stood in the corner and saluted the fans in victory...........

Tessa Blanchard ran down and blasted her from behind!

Like a hungry dog, Tessa Blanchard attacked Kay Lee Ray. Anger and intensity burned in the eyes of the Women’s World Champion as she savagely pounded on KLR, embarrassed at being upstaged by the challenger for the last several weeks. Boos rained down from the Cleveland crowd.

Wearing the World Championship belt around her waist, Blanchard turned KLR inside out with a lariat. She took the belt off and held it high to jeers!

Grabbing KLR by the hair, Blanchard screamed:



The World Champion had flattened KLR! With a wicked smile on her face, Blanchard held KLR’s limp head towards the LED video board. Blanchard screamed:


Cameras cut to a backstage attack by Nixon Newell and Tenille Dashwood (Blanchard’s Diamond stablemates) on Deonna Purrazzo and Io Shirai! The cameras cut just in time to see Dashwood and Newell blast Shirai and Purrazzo with chairs from behind!

KLR’s allies were jumped – Diamond had shown their wicked ways, executing a perfect sneak attack!

Dashwood launched Shirai into some road crates! Shirai splattered on the concrete!

Nixon Newell threw Deonna Purrazzo into a backstage garage door, causing a loud metallic clang! Newell wouldn’t stop there, she bounced Purrazzo’s head off a door and the assault spilled into the parking lot! Newell threw Purrazzo into the side a parked car!

A large dent was made in the door from the impact, and Deonna was down on the parking lot asphalt, gasping for breath. Nixon Newell stalked her...

You want to hunt Diamond?! You want to put our arms on your mantle?! I’ll break yours BITCH!

In one motion, Nixon Newell grabbed Deonna Purrazzo’s arm and slammed the car door on it!

Purrazzo screamed and writhed in pain! She clutched her arm tight to her chest as WSW officials and backstage personnel scrambled to restore order as Nixon Newell laughed at the damage she caused.

Back inside the arena, loud boos sounded out as Tessa Blanchard laughed! She threw KLR down and retrieved the World Title belt.

“You Suck” chants sounded out, as Blanchard urged KLR to get to her feet.

Ever the fighter, KLR refused to stay down. She pulled herself up by the ropes...staggering to her feet.......


KLR fell into a heap in the ring, unconscious! Tessa Blanchard and Diamond had made their mark!

With loud boos ringing down, Blanchard posed with the belt. She left the ring, grabbed a microphone, and backed up the ramp. Holding the World Title high, Blanchard spoke:


A vignette aired. The camera simply showed a full screen of white light.

After a couple seconds, an x-ray was placed on the white light, illuminating a full dental scan. A voice sounded out:

The Doctor will see you now....

The x-ray scan was removed to reveal the words....

Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D....coming soon!

Ignition returned with Melissa Santos backstage with Trevor Lee.

Welcome back to Ignition. I’m here with one half of the Carolina Outlaws, Trevor....

An exacerbated Trevor Lee cut Melissa off and spoke with anger dripping from every word:

CAN WE JUST CUT THE CAROLINA OUTLAWS CRAP MELISSA! Look, I know you’re new, but I am so sick and tired about hearing about The Carolina Outlaws! That name, that’s POISON! Poison to EVERYTHING I have worked FOR!

The interview was interrupted as Andrew Everett, the other half of The Carolina Outlaws. Everett came into the picture.


Andrew Everett physically grabbed Trevor Lee and spun him so the two men could go eye to eye. Everett continued:

You haven’t answered my texts...nothing. Eight years! Eight years! We have been together...riding up and down the roads, sleeping in my truck at truck stops when we had no money to make the next town. Eight years...what the hell dude! Why?! WE’RE BROTHERS! We have been together for everything life has thrown at us. Why now have you decided to be a jackass?!

Trevor Lee shoved Andrew Everett to back him up and spoke:

WHY?! Look at our record Andrew...we’re TRASH! We’re NOTHING! I can’t keep losing...this is ALL I HAVE! All that matters in this business is wins and losses. I don’t care how close we get...I don’t want to hear about turning a corner...the ONLY thing we have to our name lately is a whole lotta L’s.

You wanna talk about EIGHT YEARS...I didn’t ride those roads, working for $25 a night, to make it this far and have it all taken away from me.

I need to get MINE! You and I...we’ve done this for a long time, but it’s time for me to go on my own for a bit.

Next week, I SHOW who Trevor Lee is. Next week, I have a match...a SINGLES match. One on one with Bandido!

If you love me like a brother, then honor my wishes and stay the hell out of my way!

Trevor Lee stormed off the interview set. Everett’s eyes were a cocktail of confusion, anger, and sadness at the harsh words uttered by his partner.

Melissa said:

Andrew, that wasn’t easy to hear...

Everett cut her off:

No. If that’s his wish...I’ll respect it...

Match Five: Elite 8 Tournament First Round – Alan Angels vs. Alexander Hammerstone

The fifth match of Ignition was the final first round matchup of the Elite 8 Tournament. On screen brackets showed the tournament so far – the winner of this match advances to face Jungle Boy in two weeks.

As the wrestlers made their entrance, inset promos aired. Alan Angels said:

My name is Alan Angels, and I have come to WSW to be the BEST! I have grinded on the indies...working my ass off to get into the WSW Dojo, and now I’m here on Ignition to shock the world. This opportunity comes once in a lifetime, and I will NOT let it slip through my fingers!

The jacked Alexander Hammerstone performed curls with a tension band for a pump while he spoke:

You know what I think...I think everyone in the Elite 8 Tournament is going to use this promo time to tell their 30 second sob story...full of adversity, grit, and determination. They want you to believe they defied the odds...they overcame adversity and now they are going to win this tournament.

That ain’t me. Look at me. I’m the guy that stole your girlfriend in high school and then scored the game winning touchdown on Friday nights. I look like money, I wrestle like money, and 30 years from now...the name Hammerstone will be legendary.

Watch me work...I ain’t getting paid by the hour. And go ahead and start engraving my name on that trophy.

As the bell rang, the commentary trio noted the classic matchup of speed vs. size when comparing Angels and Hammerstone. Hammerstone showed off that power by easily bieling Angels across the ring after a collar and elbow tie up. Hammerstone laughed, slapped his chest, and flexed.

Angels gathered himself and used his speed to avoid the grasp of the larger Hammerstone. Angels tried a misdirect on a rope running sequence, but Hammerstone mowed him over with a shoulder tackle. Laughing, Hammerstone put his oven mitt sized hand over Alan Angels face and lifted him into and overhead press. Hammerstone started walking around the ring while pressing Angels, showing off his freakish strength.

Hammerstone’s over confidence cost him though, as Angels was able to slip out of his grasp. Angels started throwing leg kicks, looking to chop the big man down. Hammerstone caught one of the kicks, but Angels caught him flush with an enziguri right behind the ear!

With Hammerstone staggered, Angels hit a superkick to the knee! Hammerstone went down to a knee.

Superkick to the jaw by Angels...followed by a standing moonsault!

Angels covered, but he barely scored a 1 count! Hammerstone kicked out with authority and scrambled to his feet...his cockiness replaced with anger.

Hammerstone charged at Angels, but Angels caught him with a hurricanrana that sent Hammerstone through the ropes to the floor!

Hammerstone landed on his feet on the outside and slapped the apron in frustration. Alan Angels clapped his hands together in the ring to get the Cleveland crowd behind him. He ran the ropes and charged....

Tope SUIC.....


Hammerstone caught him in midair!


Alan Angels arched his back in pain, as Hammerstone just spiked him on the hardest part of the ring. Hammerstone grabbed Angels and connected on a release overhead belly to belly on the outside. Hammerstone sent Angels flying through the air...splattering him on the floor mats.

Hammerstone flexed and talked trash to the ringside fans – knocking the beer out of a fans hand, yelling:

You don’t need those carbs fatass!

Angels retreated back into the ring, and Hammerstone followed...stalking his prey. Hammerstone loaded up for a big lariat, but Angels ducked and caught Hammerstone with a low bounce back stunner!

Angels went to the top!

Grabbing at his back, Angels gritted his teeth, gathered himself, and flew.....


The big man was just too strong. He transitioned Alan Angels onto his should and drove him into the canvas with a running powerslam!
Hammerstone ran his finger over his throat and hit the Nightmare Pendulum (verticle suplex dropped into a side slam)!


Alexander Hammerstone (4:30)

Hammerstone wins and advances to the semi-finals of the Elite 8 Tournament. The bracket graphic updated to show: Ace Austin vs. Brian Pillman Jr. & Alexander Hammerstone vs. Jungle Boy. On commentary Mauro Ranallo described the outcome:

My goodness...the stars of tomorrow have been of display in this Elite 8 Tournament, but Alexander Hammerstone just put on a clinic. 6’4” and 251 pounds of raw muscle...this guy is a freakshow, and he’s just stamped his ticket to the semi-finals!

A video promo aired highlighting the feud between Ivelisse and Candice LeRae. We see LeRae’s turn towards the dark side, her recruitment of Rachael Ellering as her muscle, and the debut of Mercedes Martinez last week...knocking Candice LeRae out with one punch. The footage is interspersed with a promo by Ivelisse and Mercedes Martinez.

Ivelisse: Tick tock...tick tock...we’re waiting Candice! Or have you not woken up yet from your little nap last week? You wanna talk makin’ an impact? My girl Mercedes knocked your bitch ass out. Lights out...night night! Where we come from, that’s how you handle business!

Mercedes: I have waited my whole life for this...NINETEEN years I have spilled my blood, sweat, and tears inside of a ring. I didn’t find wrestling...wrestling found me. This sport saved me, and it gave me a family I never had. I never thought these bright lights would shine on me, and I was cool with that. But here’s the thing...when opportunity knocks, you answer the door. When family calls.... you pick up. You mess with mess with me.

Candice, I loved the feeling of my fist popping your jaw last week. And Rachael, I can’t wait to lock horns again. This ain’t over girls...numbers are even now. I’m here, and I’m ready to fight!

Ivelisse: The way I see’ve got one option. You got one-week, putas. WE ain’t hard to find...and I promise don’t want us to come looking for you!

A video promo aired on Kota Ibushi.

The video showcases Kota Ibushi training in the gym and in the ring. The footage is interspersed with highlights of his career in Japan and in WSW – including his debut, winning the Intercontinental Championship, reuniting with Kenny Omega, and forming Golden Triangle. Ibushi narrates the footage, speaking in Japanese with English subtitles:

A lot has been said about this match tonight. Most people want to make it about Claudio Castagnoli and Kenny Omega...that is not how I see it. This match is about Kota Ibushi. This match is about my honor.

My friendship with Kenny is stronger than blood. Many years ago, we found each other in Japan...two wanderers and dreamers that found their guiding light in each other. I am proud to be Kenny’s friend. I am proud of his career. He is the best wrestler on the planet, he is the best champion in wrestling, and I am excited to be in his corner at SummerFest.

But SummerFest is not tonight. Salina de la Renta and Claudio have made this personal. They think they can attack our bond and attack my honor. They think I am just a pawn in this war they have launched to manipulate Kenny’s mind and take the World Championship.

Ibushi is a lot of things...a pawn is not one of them. I have held titles around the world, my strikes are legendary, and I am unlike anything Claudio has ever seen.

I am not one to talk. I have always preferred to let my actions in the ring speak for me. Tonight, they will...

Claudio, I am going to hit you harder than you’ve ever been hit before in your life. I am going to make you wish that you never let the name Ibushi slip through your lips.

Tonight, will change you. I am going to take something from you in that ring and when you pray to your God at will pray that you never cross paths with Ibushi again!

Ahead of the main event, the commentary trio rundown next week’s 4th of July Ignition:
  • AJ Styles vs. Mike Bennett
  • Women’s World Title Contract Signing
  • Austin Aries In Action & Cody Answers Aries' Challenge
  • Bandido vs. Trevor Lee
  • Mercedes Martinez Debut vs. Taya Valkyrie
  • Jon Moxley & Will Ospreay Face to Face
  • Elite 8 Tournament Semi-Finals: Ace Austin vs. Brian Pillman Jr.

Match Six: Kota Ibushi (w/ WSW World Champion Kenny Omega & Ricochet) vs. “The Assassin” Claudio Castagnoli (w/ Salina de la Renta)

The main event of Ignition was a singles match between Kota Ibushi and Claudio Castagnoli. The crowd exploded for the arrival of Ibushi and the Golden Triangle. A stoic, focused Kota Ibushi led the way to the ring, flanked by his stablemates, World Champion Kenny Omega and Ricochet.

Claudio Castagnoli and Salina de la Renta entered to jeers. Castagnoli was ready for battle. Salina de la Renta stared daggers into Kenny Omega and flashed an eerie, wicked smile in his direction.

Mauro Ranallo narrated the scene on commentary:

Look into the eyes of Kota’s a look of pure determination. Tonight, this is personal. In just 16 days, Kenny Omega will defend the WSW World Championship against Claudio Castagnoli...a violent, sadistic combatant. Claudio Castagnoli and Salina de la Renta have waged physiological warfare on the Champion. Make no mistake about it, Castagnoli doesn’t just want to beat Ibushi tonight...he wants to hurt him!

Fireworks started immediately. As soon as the bell rang, Ibushi exploded out of his corner and DRILLED Castagnoli with a running boot to the face.

Pinning Castagnoli against the ropes, Ibushi lashed out with forearms and leg kicks...striking the Number One Contender with a blitzkrieg to start the match!

Castagnoli covered up as best he could before landing a forearm flush to the jaw. Ibushi and Castagnoli whipped the Cleveland crowd into a frenzy by going back and forth with HEAVY strikes. Castagnoli threw forearms and Ibushi responded with leg kicks! Each shot landed with the force of a freight train.





Ibushi ducked a forearm, and dumped Castagnoli with a German Suplex!

Castagnoli scrambled to his feet, and Ibushi DESTROYED him with a bicycle kick! Castagnoli tumbled through the ropes to the floor!

The normally stoic Ibushi wore his emotions on his sleeve – he was FIRED UP!

Ibushi CONNECTED on a twisting pescado!

Ibushi took things back inside and scored a 2 count! Staying on offense, Ibushi looked for another German Suplex, but Castagnoli hit a pair of back elbows to escape. Standing switch, and Castagnoli looked for a German of his own, but Ibushi hit a back elbow to escape. Castagnoli rocked Ibushi with a European Uppercut. Hitting the ropes for momentum, Castagnoli went for a running uppercut, but Ibushi avoided it and dumped Castagnoli with a half and half suplex!

Ibushi landed a kick, hit the ropes for momentum, but Castagnoli cut him off with a step up enziguri. Castagnoli then planted Ibushi with a tornado DDT!

Salina de la Renta screamed, “NOW TAKE IT!” from ringside! Castagnoli NAILED a running uppercut! He covered for a 2 count!

Driving Ibushi into the corner, Castagnoli went to work on the neck – raining down elbows! “The Assassin” placed Ibushi on the top turnbuckle. He continued the assault on the neck with elbows before looking for a superplex....

Ibushi slipped out and through the legs of Castagnoli...

Pele Kick!

Ibushi kicked the rear of Castagnoli, and he tumbled over the top rope onto the apron!

Grabbing at his neck, Ibushi worked back to feet and tried an outside-in suplex. Castagnoli made a wide base to avoid the move. Castagnoli threw hammerfists into the neck of Ibushi to break free of his grasp. Standing on the apron, Castagnoli put Ibushi over his shoulder and lifted him over the ropes....

Castagnoli tried for a tombstone piledriver on the apron......

Ibushi kicked his legs and reversed....

Ibushi went for a tombstone on the apron......

Salina de la Renta grabbed Ibushi’s foot to distract him, and Castagnoli escaped!

Ibushi looked down at de la Renta with fire in his eyes. Ricochet and Omega screamed at the referee to eject her from ringside.

All of this allowed Castagnoli to recover on the apron. Ibushi turned his attention back to his combatant – he charged, but ran right into another uppercut!


Ibushi’s head bounced off the apron with a sick thud and his limp body flopped to the floor!

The crowd started a “Holy Shit” chant, but it quickly died out as Omega and Ricochet scrambled around the ring to check on Ibushi. Ringside doctors scrambled to Ibushi who remained motionless on the floor.

A stunned silence filled the Wolstein Center. Castagnoli reentered the ring – crouching down in the corner, rocking back and forth, his eyes were unphased, dead of any compassion.

On the outside, Ibushi slowly was able to get to his knees. The crowd applauded. Omega pleaded with his best friend, he showed him the white towel Ibushi walked down to the ring with:

Ibushi, you are hurt! There is no shame in walking away...YOU ARE HURT!

Ibushi’s response was faint, but he clearly said...

The ringside medical crew positioned themselves under each of Ibushi’s arms and lifted him to his feet.


Ignoring the pleas of Omega, Ricochet, and the doctors...Ibushi got back into the ring!

Castagnoli attacked immediately! He stomped down on Ibushi, and landed anvil elbows to the neck! Castagnoli was a machine as he threw all of his weight into each strike! Castagnoli ripped a limp Ibushi up and dropped him with a German Suplex! Ibushi folded in half!



Ibushi kicked out!

The crowd went wild and started an “Ibushi” chant. Omega looked on with grave concern in eyes, as it appeared Ibushi kicked out of straight instinct....his eyes were glazed over.

Castagnoli didn’t panic. He looked to inflict more damage. Castagnoli went for the Ricola Bomb.....

Ibushi countered with a hurricanrana! He hooked the legs on impact.....



Castagnoli kicked out!

Castagnoli scrambled to his feet, but he ran into a SAVAGE roundhouse kick to the head!

Both men dropped to the canvas, staring at the lights!

“This Is Awesome” sounded out in the Wolstein Center!

Castagnoli got to his feet at the count of 8, and somehow, someway, Ibushi got up too. The two met met in the center of the ring and engaged in a back-and-forth strike battle. Each shot landed with a thud, and the crowd cheered “Yeah” for Ibushi and “Boo” for Castagnoli.

The pace of the strikes quickened, and just when it looked like Ibushi had the advantage...Castagnoli hit a headbutt! Another headbutt! And a third! Ibushi went to a knee from the force. He tried a kick, but Castagnoli caught it. Claudio shook head no and then tried to decapitate Ibushi with a lariat....

Ibushi ducked and hit a Shotei!

Ibushi with a lariat that turned Castagnoli inside out!

The adrenaline hit Ibushi and faded quickly. He grabbed his neck and slowly sank to his knees, he hung his head.

Omega and Ricochet pounded on the apron in support of their friend. The crowd responded by getting the “Ibushi” chant going again.

The support rallied Ibushi. He started pound on the canvas to fire himself up. Ibushi roared and got to his feet!

Ibushi pointed at Castagnoli and charged. V-Trigg............NO

Castagnoli avoided the move and Ibushi smacked the turnbuckles! Castagnoli hit a Dragon Suplex! Castagnoli with a discus uppercut!




For the first time in the match, Salina de la Renta showed surprise on the outside. She thought that was it! She screamed:


Castagnoli went for the Sharpshooter....but Ibushi clutched to the bottom rope for dear life. The referee forced the break before the submission could even be applied. Castagnoli refused to let go, and the referee physically pushed Castagnoli off. He admonished him, and Castagnoli shoved him away....

And walked into a jumping knee from Ibushi! V-Trigger from Ibushi!

Ibushi pulled his knee pad down. He went for Kamigoye.........

Castagnoli countered with a DDT!

Ibushi spiked down right on top of his head!

Chael Sonnen went nuts on commentary:

That’s another blow to the head and neck area of Ibushi! We are seeing miles and miles of heart and determination by him, but at what point does the referee step in. This is SO DANGEROUS!

Claudio Castagnoli rose...Ushigoroshi!

With textbook precision, Castagnoli dropped the neck and back of Ibushi’s head over his knee.

Salina de la Renta screamed:

Omega looked panicked on the outside. Ibushi was in a bad spot and he knew it.

Castagnoli paced around his fallen opponent and for the first time...he grinned....a psychotic grin!


Castagnoli dropped Ibushi with a piledriver! Ibushi was out and not moving.

Boos rained down as Claudio Castagnoli stared at Kenny Omega. Castagnoli roared:

Castagnoli grabbed the wrists of the fallen Ibushi and started savagely stomping down on his head! Boot after boot landed like an anvil. Ibushi couldn’t defend himself........


Claudio Castagnoli (17:10)

Omega and Ricochet scrambled into the ring to check on Ibushi who was motionless. The ringside doctors flooded into the ring. Justin Roberts announced that Claudio Castagnoli had won via TKO.

The World Champion got right next to best friend. With tears in his eyes, he screamed:


Claudio Castagnoli went to the outside with Salina de la Renta and backed up the ramp, coldly looking at the damage he had just caused.

The medical crew ran a stretcher down to the ring, the ring crew scrambled to start loosening the ropes, and the doctors immobilized the neck of Kota Ibushi.

The doctors pled with Omega to back up so they could tend to Ibushi:

Back up Kenny...back up!

Omega had tears streaming down his face as he watched Ibushi get loaded onto the backboard in the ring.

On the stage, Castagnoli raised his arms high as boos showered him. Salina de la Renta laughed.....SHE LAUGHED!

The final shot of Ignition was an emotional Omega looking at Ibushi with his hand over his mouth. Slowly his hand dropped and he turned to stare at Castagnoli.....hatred burned in his eyes.

This was no longer a battle over the World Championship belt.......this was now a personal war between Claudio Castagnoli and Kenny Omega!


Jon Moxley def. Sammy Guevara​
Singles match​
LA Express (Johnny Mundo, Brian Cage & Mike Bennett) (w/ Maria & Taya Valkyrie) def. #StrongHearts (CIMA, T-Hawk & El Lindaman)​
Trios match​
Lucha Brothers (Fenix & Pentagon Jr.) (w/ Konnan) def. Valiente & Volador Jr.​
Tag team match​
Kay Lee Ray def. Shanna​
Singles match​
Alexander Hammerstone def. Alan Angels​
Singles match​
Claudio Castagnoli (w/ Salina de la Renta) def. Kota Ibushi (w/ Kenny Omega & Ricochet)​
Singles match​


Saturday, July 13: ScotiaBank Arena in Toronto, Ontario, Canada -- Streaming LIVE on Netflix
WSW World Championship: Kenny Omega (c) vs. Claudio Castagnoli​
WSW Women's World Championship: Tessa Blanchard (c) vs. Kay Lee Ray​
WSW World Tag Team Championships: Escalara de la Muerte: The Hart Foundation (c) vs. Lucha Brothers​
WSW Intercontinental Championship: Adam Cole (c) vs. Ricochet​
Will Ospreay vs. Jon Moxley​
LA Express vs. AJ Styles, Doc Gallows & Karl Anderson​
Deonna Purrazzo vs. Nixon Newell​
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2020
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A more recapped style of match writing makes sense for weekly shows, tbh. I’m all for it if it means we get more content from you. This has always been a joy to read so it’s so good to have you back in the saddle, mate.

Love the way you’re booking Moxley so far, really enjoyable stuff. He’s obviously mowing through Sammy here which is the right move. Aftermath is effective as it builds heat for their match at the PPV, and it allows Ospreay to get one back. I don’t know if the feud is THAT personal at this point that the Death Rider needed to happen on the ramp, but Ospreay evening things up is definitely the right move. Also, Moxley smiling afterwards shows just how twisted he potentially is, which has me excited for the future. Great stuff brewing here.

Great stuff to signal RUSH and Dragon Lee bringing in LFI. Well written, but again, it’s the booking here for me that’s gold. Having RUSH sit back for so long and allow Lee to try and do things ‘his’ way and fail is such a nice slow build to turn this into them bringing LFI in for a reason as opposed to just because.

Solid stuff here from the epic pairing of Castagnoli and Salina. Promo does the job of hyping tonight’s main event, and it just makes sense for them to fight one of Omega’s friends on the way to the big showdown at Summer Fest.

Enjoying the stuff you are now letting simmer with Mundo and Cage. The eventual payoff should be fun. Mundo basically stealing the pin from Cage here was a nice addition to this chapter. The Club reuniting for another six person tag should be fun. No issues with this, good to have AJ back for sure.

Ricochet/Cole just makes a world of sense after the tag result last week so no fault of the booking here. I think the future money match is certainly Omega/Cole after the promo two weeks ago, but there’s plenty of time to get there. Looking forward to seeing you explore Golden Triangle/Black Arrow in the meantime. Even the colour scheme in their names is a contrast, truly feels like these factions were made to feud with each other. Promo to set up this match at Summerfest was good, although Ricochet doing the flip to get outside and Cole being all surprised felt a little forced and cringe for my liking. Otherwise, really good.

I’m not that big on Bandido personally, but I have noticed since he debuted, even in his losses, he’s still made to look relatively strong. Expect you have some big things in store for him moving forward.

Loved the turn and booking of Lucha Bros with Konnan after their initial loss to The Hart Foundation. You’ve managed to create so much heat here in the past two weeks, it has been good to follow. Nice match here but they were always winning, and from the return of handheld camera stuff from Teddy, to the ambulance driving in, all really cool stuff here. A match being made for Summerfest works. If I want to be real picky, I feel like the ladder match stipulation is just kind of thrown in to make the match ‘an epic’. Considering the hatred between these two teams and the brutality of Lucha Bros attacks, maybe an Ambulance match or something would more present the hatred that’s here.

Aries/Cody is another solid edition to the Summerfest card. Aries promo was pretty good here, putting over his reasons for attacking Cody, and there’s clearly some bitterness at being left behind by the company. I feel Aries is coming in just to play a filler role and give Cody a win on PPV, but this promo was still quite good.

Kay Lee Ray obviously looks strong in her match considering she’s the number one contender. Aftermath with Diamond getting some heat back was strong. And whilst I like the idea of the rest of Diamond attacking Purazzo and Shirai to ensure they can’t interfere, I think maybe Blanchard standing tall in such emphatic fashion here, and Purazzo getting her arm severely damaged should have been done at two different times. Feels like Purazzo’s arm injury is getting glossed over here, and I get that it’s probably the lesser of the two feuds, but feels like a big enough event that it should get some more focus in my opinion.

Britt Baker coming in? Cool.

The way The Carolina Outlaws angle has progressed this week and last week has caught me off guard. With Trevor constantly talking over Everitt, I just assumed it was leading to a generic heel turn, where he eventually beats Everitt down. Instead getting frustrated and going this way, just feels like it came a little out of nowhere. I don’t have an issue with it, just some general commentary. I am looking forward to seeing how this progresses.

Hell yeah. All in on a Hammerstone push, tbh. Owning that fan was clearly the highlight here. Already done really well at getting Hammerstone’s personality across. Hoping for big things here.

Short, filler promo from Ivelisse and Martinez was fine. Martinez’s debut last week was pretty damn awesome to. Looking forward to the eventual tag showdown here.

Ibushi promo here to hype the main event and wanting to stand on his own two feet here was solid enough.

Main event was perfect. The way Castagnoli butchered Ibushi was amazing. Selina with her added encouragement on the outside just adds so much to the act as well. Really great stuff here, with Kenny having to watch his friend get destroyed. Match ended due to referee stoppage makes it that much worse to. Aftermath with the stretcher and stuff, Castagnoli just looks so deadly right now, and this sets up Omega to chase revenge. Great work.

It’s so good to have you back. I’ve always been a big fan of this BTB, and it’s clear you have not missed a step. Great show, well done. Master a recapped style and post more frequently please.
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Jan 4, 2023
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News and Rumors
July 3, 2019

  • The new era of WWE, led by Paul Heyman as the Executive Director of Raw and Eric Bischoff as the Executive Director of Smackdown, kicked off to some extent on 7/1. The addition of Heyman and Bischoff turned heads over the last week both inside and out of WWE. This news has certainly provided fuel for online discourse, but the key reason behind the move were declines in arena attendance, ratings, merchandise, and WWE Network numbers. The rise of WSW as the trendy, cool product certainly aided the decision as well.
    • Another factor at play is the relaunch of the XFL in Q1 of 2020. Vince McMahon cannot carry the workload and oversee everything himself.
    • It is believed the timing of these moves were made when they were to get ahead of the upcoming Earnings Call. In a sense, it is a route for WWE to avoid being asked difficult questions regarding business declines by already introducing a solution to rectify the issue.
  • The discussion around Heyman and Bischoff was further amplified by internal communication issues at WWE this week. The promotions department sent out an email blast advertising the 7/1 Raw in Dallas and 7/2 Smackdown in San Antonio, hyping Heyman and Bischoff as the stars of the respective shows, with the hook being to tune in and see what changes they make. WWE wore egg on its face with this one, as Heyman and Bischoff are working in executive positions, and as of right now, neither have any plans on being on-screen authority characters. Heyman has been staunch about this, viewing the on-screen General Manager role as played out. He will continue to appear as the voice of Brock Lesnar, but nothing further as far as a television character is concerned.
  • The Raw episode from Dallas featured numerous elements of Heyman’s fingerprints – more risqué content, pyrotechnics and explosions, new angles, new talent, and a different pacing.
    • The show began with a falls count anywhere match between Braun Strowman and Drew McIntyre that ended when Strowman tackled McIntyre through the video wall. There was a pyro explosion, and the crowd went crazy for the special effects. Both Strowman and McIntyre were laid out and put in an ambulance. People loved the pyro, chanting “This is awesome,” and “Thank you Heyman.”
    • There was still a ton of “Vince-speak,” but Corey Graves did exclaim, “Holy shit” after the explosions at 8:10 PM. The angle was constantly brought up and replayed throughout the night, and it was mentioned in promos by both heels and babyfaces. The term “hospital” was used twice during the broadcast, despite the term infamously being on Vince’s list of banned words.
    • There were also more special effects used for the Undertaker’s entrance, and the Street Profits debuted.
  • Attendance for this Raw was way up as well, drawing 10,500 to the American Airlines Center. Smackdown drew 6,500 in San Antonio which is the typical average – if not slightly higher—for the show. Both these numbers were well up from the dismal crowds they drew in the Pacific Northwest last week.
  • Despite the email blast, Bischoff was not in San Antonio for Smackdown, and unlike Raw, there were very few changes to what the show has been. It is expected that the first Bischoff led show will be 7/16 -- the first Smackdown following the Extreme Rules PPV. He will move to Stamford with his family next week.
    • Bischoff has not followed the modern scene, and reports are a lot of his on-boarding involves catching him up on everything in WWE. Since his run with WCW, Bischoff has spent much of his career in the television production business. He declared bankruptcy in 2017, but his career was resurrected by Conrad Thompson and the 83 Weeks podcast.
  • Even with elements of the new creative direction on display, the decree of no wrestling during commercials was still in effect. Three weeks in, and this is already a tired gimmick. There was only one random 2 out of 3 falls match on Raw (Miz vs. Elias), but numerous matches – including the main event – featured some sort of DQ or schmoz before the commercial break, leading to the match restarting after the break. Smackdown implemented a picture-in-picture feature this week, which is a better alternative.
  • The first Paul Heyman produced Raw was a big ratings success. The show did 2,496,000 viewers and a .79 in the key 18-49 demo. In a turn of events, the viewership increased between hours one and two. This bucks the trend of the show losing viewers throughout its three-hour run time. The third hour did lose viewers, but at a much lower percentage than normal. The 7/2 Smackdown did not fare as well, drawing 1,890,000 viewers and a .56 in 18-49. The viewership number is the fifth lowest number the show has ever done for a live broadcast.
  • Facing heavy competition from the 2019 Democratic Debate, the 6/27 Ignition did 787,000 viewers and a .39 in the key 18-49 demo. The show was down 18% in total viewership, but up slightly in demo rating. The show was way down with the 50+ audience, but the demo rating remained strong because WSW’s audience skews much younger than WWE. Internally, WSW officials were very pleased with the rating, as they are really pushing their product towards the younger audience. The Debate dominated television that night – doing 10,573,000 viewers on NBC and 6,681,000 viewers for the MSNBC simulcast on cable.
    • The 7/4 Ignition is in a tough spot, airing on the 4th of July. Traditionally, the 4th of July, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and New Year’s Eve are the lowest nights of the year for television viewership. The best-case scenario for WSW is for the rating to do comparable numbers as last week, but the most likely scenario is a significant holiday drop. Regardless of the number, the 7/4 rating should be viewed as nothing more than an outlier.
  • Kota Ibushi is fine and fully healthy following his 6/27 Ignition match with Claudio Castagnoli. The story of the match was Castagnoli’s continued attack on the head and neck of Ibushi, including a scary German suplex on the apron that saw Ibushi’s head whip violently on impact. Castagnoli won the match by referee stoppage. They shot a big angle afterwards with doctors, medical personnel, and a stretcher. They even loosened the ring ropes to get the backboard into the ring to sell the idea that Ibushi was really injured. He was fine, but the announcers sold it big, including mentioning CTE. There were plenty of critics of this, and for good reason due to concussion issues. Those close to Ibushi said that he thought the match went perfect, and he views the shocked outrage as a sign that they did their jobs correctly and got people to believe.
  • The 6/27 Ignition was a packed show, featuring the return of AJ Styles and his reunion with Karl Anderson & Doc Gallows for the first time ever in WSW, the return of the Hart Foundation – setting up their ladder match with the Lucha Brothers for SummerFest, a major angle with Tessa Blanchard, Diamond, and Kay Lee Ray, and a long main event and post-match angle. As such, several segments had their timing cut – most notably the promo exchange between Adam Cole and Ricochet.
  • From a booking and creative standpoint, Shane McMahon oversees everything, with a large portion of the day-to-day process handled by Cody, Arn Anderson, and Sonjay Dutt. Top stars such as Kenny Omega and AJ Styles also have input into their programs as well. Cody has described the idea of WSW as a smorgasbord, similar to the Eddie Graham style of delivering a show with multiple styles and types of matches to try and appeal to the most people.
  • The 7/4 and 7/11 episodes of Ignition were taped in Daytona Beach as part of the CEO gaming convention. The tapings drew 5,000 which is a great number for a mid-sized market – above what WWE house shows are currently doing in markets this size. The show greatly outdrew last year’s New Japan event at the CEO convention which sold 2,000 tickets.
  • With Ignition moving live weekly on 8/15, the current plan is to run mid-sized arenas for most television tapings and book NBA/large arenas for their tentpole events. WSW will hold Grand Prix Finals at the Cow Palace on 9/21 and November Reign at Madison Square Garden on 11/30. The reality is, everything WSW does now leads to MSG. Running MSG is a calculated risk and a huge financial investment for the company. They need to stay hot throughout the summer and fall.
    • The 7/18 Ignition in Atlanta – promoted as Ignition 200 – has already sold over 6,500 tickets. WSW is running the State Farm Arena for this show, the major NBA arena in Atlanta.
  • WSW announced that Alex “Goldenboy” Mendez will be a special color commentator for the 7/4 Ignition. Mendez is a commentator and big name in the e-sports world, and his appearance is a tie-in with the CEO convention. Mendez is also a wrestling fan and has been promoting WSW on his social media channels.
  • 7/13 is shaping up to be a massive day in professional wrestling. WSW will hold SummerFest in Toronto, a show that shocked the wrestling world with its instant sell out. WWE has countered this with an NXT UK Takeover that will air earlier in the day due to the time change, and they will stream Evolve’s Anniversary Show head-to-head. There are many people in WWE watching this closely, as they do not believe these counterprograming attempts are strong enough to impact SummerFest. WWE will hold Extreme Rules on 7/14 in Philadelphia, but if SummerFest performs well – there is a belief that further head-to-head measures will be taken to attempt to cut off WSW’s momentum.
  • The political dynamics of professional wrestling are incredibly interesting right now. WSW’s rise has greatly cut into New Japan’s growth in the United States, Ring of Honor has fallen to a distant third place, and Impact is an afterthought because their exposure is so low due to their only outlets being the Pursuit Channel and Twitch.
    • New Japan is set to host the first night of the 2019 G1 Climax in Dallas on 7/6; however, ticket sales are a far cry from what they could have been just one year ago. Despite WSW’s desire to work with them, NJPW’s thoughts are that ROH is their North American partner, and they refuse to work with anyone else. There are also some hurt feelings on both sides with The Young Bucks defection to NJPW in January and Kenny Omega’s defection to WSW in February of this year.
      • WWE booked Raw on 7/1 in Dallas at the American Airlines Center to beat New Japan to the market and the building.
    • ROH has fallen on tough times, and their interest levels are at low point. They have lost a ton of talent recently, and the ROH portion of the Madison Square Garden show during Wrestlemania weekend was poorly received. Their 6/28 War of the Worlds show in Baltimore drew just 1,200 fans. The promotion was built on high match quality, but fans have other options for that in 2019 with NXT and WSW. Perhaps more than anyone, ROH has been directly impacted the most by WSW’s growth.
    • There are rumors flying that Impact will be moving to AXS soon. While nothing is finalized, there has been a ton of chatter from Impact’s front office about a new television deal. This would be a much-needed move for the future of the company, as they are currently averaging around 10,000 viewers a week on Pursuit – with Twitch streams doing around that number as well.
  • WSW’s rise has been a particular area of study for the Wrestling Observer’s Dave Meltzer. In his latest newsletter, Meltzer extensively broke down numbers in regards to viewership, demographic studies, and audience overlap. His numbers show that while there is an overlap between the two audiences, a significant portion of WSW fans are not WWE fans. Meltzer’s theory is the audience comes from two camps, those who despise WWE and want an alternative, and a new fan base WSW has created through social media. Historically, being the number two promotion in wrestling is always difficult. A lot of WSW’s success has been built around the work rate of their matches, having popular, modern stars, and a strong segment of their fanbase hates WWE. If WWE is ever able to turn things around product-wise, WSW will have trouble being the cool alternative if the main product is cool. WSW needs an uncool WWE product to become really competitive, and this is a big reason why they are making some of the big business decisions they have recently. Those internally believe that Shane McMahon wants to “strike while the iron is hot.”
  • Eli Drake debuted on the 6/28 ROH War of the Worlds show as the newest member of the NWA.
  • The house show tour this week will run 7/5 in Birmingham, AL and 7/6 in Huntsville, AL.
  • Advertised of the 7/4 Ignition:
    • Elite 8 Tournament Semi-Finals: Ace Austin vs. Brian Pillman Jr.
    • Mercedes Martinez vs. Taya Valkyrie
    • Bandido vs. Trevor Lee
    • Jon Moxley & Will Ospreay Face to Face
    • Austin Aries vs. Lee Johnson & Cody Answers His Challenge
    • Women’s World Title Contract Signing
    • AJ Styles vs. Mike Bennett
    • Claudio Castagnoli & Salina de la Renta Promo
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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2020
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As always, love the level of detail you go into in regards to the happenings around the industry, including the run down of what the other companies are doing. Really like the strategy of the second company having to strike now, because if WWE improves, they are bust. Not something I had really though much before, but makes perfect sense, and allows you to make some big moves within your BTB as well.

It has been almost a month since your last post, but posting this in the hope that you're still around and that next Ignition is coming.


Jan 4, 2023
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Author's Note: Sorry this has taken me so long to get up! December was a long month that presented less opportunities to write than I thought. I tinkered with a new format for the weekly shows, and I will probably still experiment to be able to generate content a bit quicker. Let me know if this is easier to read. Should have time here to write this month, and I hope to be more frequent in January. As always, appreciate everyone that reads.


Ignition: Episode 198
Promotion: World Series Wrestling
Date: July 4, 2019
City: Daytona Beach, FL
Venue: Ocean Center
Attendance: 5,000

The 7/4 Ignition opened with a memorial graphic for Perro Aguayo.

The memorial graphic faded, and the show began with Paige Knight standing in front of a black private jet and limo on a runway of the Daytona Beach International Airport. The engine of the jet turned off as she spoke:

Happy 4th of July, and welcome to Ignition!

Paige Knight here at the Daytona Beach International Airport, where I am waiting on the door of this jet to open for the arrival of Diamond. Tonight on Ignition, we will see the contract signing for the Women’s World Championship match at SummerFest.

Airport personnel scurried around the plane to open the door, and Diamond emerged from the jet. Dressed to the nines, Nixon Newell, Tenille Dashwood, and Women’s World Champion Tessa Blanchard walked down the stairwell.

With the gleaming World Title belt over her shoulder, Blanchard approached Paige:’re here. No one makes the champ wait.

Paige responded:

Tessa, we are going to do things a little different tonight. We’re going to ride together to the arena, allowing us to spend some time together ahead of the contract signing. You have been World Champion for 293 days; you are the longest reigning Women’s World Champion in the history of WSW. But this match at SummerFest...this feels different.

Blanchard scoffed:

This is more than just another match. I’ve got a lot of things to say, and you’re going to do some listening...get in and let’s ride...

The women entered the limo, and the camera faded to black.

A recap video aired, highlighting the events of last week:
  • We see highlights of Jon Moxley’s victory over Sammy Guevara last week and the surprising attack by Will Ospreay afterwards – turnabout was fair play, and “The Ariel Assassin” dropped Moxley with his own Death Rider DDT on the stage.
  • We see highlights of the brutal match between Claudio Castagnoli and Kota Ibushi. A match that saw Castagnoli repeatedly attack the head and neck of Ibushi. We see the German suplex on the apron, the piledriver, and the stomps to the head that ended the match in referee stoppage. We see Omega’s tears and the rush of the medical personnel to attend to Ibushi. The haunting words of Salina de la Renta from several weeks ago are heard:

We will break you Kenny...we will take everything away from will be a shell of a man when you get to Toronto.

The Ignition opening video aired:

A pyro display – fitting of the 4th of July – exploded inside the Ocean Center in Daytona Beach. The ring ropes for tonight’s show were red, white, and blue.

Mauro Ranallo, Chael Sonnen, and tonight’s special commentator – Goldenboy -- wished the audience a happy 4th of July and ran down the card. Making his WSW debut, Goldenboy said:

It’s a true honor to be here tonight guys. This is a celebration of Independence Day and the CEO Fighting Games Championships here in Daytona. I am a lifelong wrestling fan, and I am so grateful WSW has given me the opportunity to marry the two things I love most – video games and pro wrestling!

The camera panned throughout the arena, revealing several fans in Street Fighter and other video game inspired attire throughout the crowd.
The jubilation inside the arena turned quickly as the music of Claudio Castagnoli hit!

Boos rained down from the rafters, as Salina de la Renta and Claudio Castagnoli slowly walked onto the stage. Castagnoli was clad in a tailored suit and Salina wore an evil grin, seemingly basking in the hatred of the audience. They slowly walked down the ramp, stood in the center of the ring, and as the music ended – the boos got louder.

No words were spoken. Salina clutched a microphone and smiled at the boos. Castagnoli was unphased, cold and stoic. Salina brought the microphone to her mouth, and the boos got louder. De la Renta paused and lowered the microphone. Slowly she extended her arms to the side and totally bathed in the jeers. This only made the crowd boo louder and harder.

The jeers suddenly turned to shocked cheers, as a hooded figure ran down through the crowd, jumped the guardrail, and slid into the ring behind Castagnoli and de la Renta!



Mauro Ranallo narrated the scene:

Oh my god that’s the World Champion! Look at the eyes of Omega! That’s pure rage coursing through his body!

Castagnoli sensed something was wrong, and Omega pointed the finger gun at Castagnoli!

Castagnoli turned, and the two men came face to face!

Omega attacked!

The crowd whipped into a frenzy as Omega and Castagnoli teed off on each other! Hatred coursed through the World Champion’s veins as he lashed into Castagnoli – throwing him through the ropes to the floor.

On the outside, Omega landed a kick to the kidney. The two men brawled at ringside and toppled over the guardrail into the crowd!

Castagnoli tried to distance himself from Omega, stripping his suit jacket off and ripping his dress shirt open. Omega followed like a rabid dog. Castagnoli grabbed a trashcan in the crowd and blasted Omega with it! Napkins, popcorn, and beer cans went flying. Omega exploded through the debris and cracked Castagnoli with a V Trigger! Castagnoli went toppling through a mass of people!

The crowd went nuts as the two men brawled their way through a mob scene. Kenny Omega was angry; his eyes were nothing but white-hot rage. This was no longer a rivalry over the World Championship – Castagnoli had made this a personal war.

Castagnoli fired an uppercut into Omega’s jaw. He pinned him against a wall inside an entrance portal and drove knees to the midsection. Grabbing a handful of hair, Castagnoli threw Omega into a concrete wall!

Castagnoli staggered back, stunned and wounded by Omega’s attack. The reprieve wouldn’t last, as Omega grabbed a mop from the arena staff and drove it into Castagnoli’s gut! Omega reared back, swung, and SNAPPED the broom over Castagnoli’s back!

The crowd went nuts, as Omega pantomimed mopping the arena floor. Mauro Ranallo was all over it:


The two men brawled back into a VIP section of the Ocean Center. Goldenboy noted this area was set up for VIPs of the CEO Gaming Convention. Omega drove Castagnoli into a concrete wall over and over again!

Letting out a primal roar, Kenny Omega ripped a television out of the VIP area. Omega’s anger had taken over! He raised the television and charged...looking to smash Castagnoli in the head with the television.....

Castagnoli moved and the television SMASHED onto the wall with a loud CRASH!

Omega dropped the television; his hands stun by the recoil. Desperate, Castagnoli DUG HIS FINGERS INTO THE EYES OF OMEGA! Castagnoli drove heavy forearms into the jaw of the World Champion.

Castagnoli’s ripped off his torn, tattered dress shirt. He grabbed Omega......



Mauro Ranallo went nuts on commentary:


Foaming at the mouth Castagnoli knelt beside a fallen Omega. Spit flew as he spoke:


Ignition returned from commercial with replays of the wild brawl to start the show. The Ricola Bomb through the glass coffee table is shown several times. Chael Sonnen stated:

This is absolutely insane. Is there going to be anything left of Kenny Omega by the time we get to SummerFest? Let’s call it what it is guys...Kenny Omega is a guy that earned his reputation as the best professional wrestler in the world by being elite inside the ring and in control of every situation he’s in.

What just happened shows me that he’s not in control of this situation. He’s reacting, he’s letting his emotions carry him, and he just paid the price. We’re two weeks away from his title defense, and he just got slammed through glass!

This is calculated by Salina de la Renta and Claudio Castagnoli. They have launched a full-on psychological war with the World Champion, and they are winning! They have been one step ahead of Omega the entire way. Think about the press conference, the match with Ibushi...what we just saw. They have pushed Omega to the brink, and as a fighter that’s not where you want to be. Emotion can only carry you so long when the bell rings. No other way to put it!

The commentators hastily threw it backstage to Melissa Santos. A shaky camera followed Santos, who hustled down a hallway after medical personnel who were assisting Omega to the training room along with his Golden Triangle stablemate, Ricochet. Omega’s back was cut and bleeding from the glass. Santos reported:

Guys, it is a crazy scene back here, as doctors and our medical personnel tend to the World Champion.

Omega disappeared inside the training room. Santos went to the door:

Excuse me...excuse me...I’m looking for an update on the World Champion...

A WSW doctor stopped in the door way and addressed Santos:

We have no comment at this time. This is active treatment. You will have to wait for the official report later.

The doctor shut the door to the training room, and Santos turned to the camera:

There is very little I am getting right now from the doctors. As you could clearly see, Omega was cut up pretty bad and bleeding. I will have more information as soon as it is available.

Match One: Bandido vs. Trevor Lee
The first match of Ignition was a singles match between Bandido and Trevor Lee. The crowd cheered for the exciting entrance of Bandido. The trumpets of Narco by Blasterjaxx sounded throughout the Ocean Center, escorting Bandido to the ring.

A smattering of boos sounded out as Trevor Lee made his entrance. Over the past several months, Lee had grown more and more distant from his tag team partner, Andrew Everett. Frustrated over a string of defeats, Lee demanded last week that he would go out on his own – insinuating that Everett was the weak link. Lee came to the ring alone.

The crowd chanted, “Bandido” in support of the new star who has dazzled since joining WSW. On commentary, Mauro Ranallo mentioned that Bandido made a splash on his first night by challenging Kenny Omega in his first match ever in WSW – still Bandido’s only defeat in WSW.

Bandido offered a handshake in a sign of sportsmanship. Lee hesitated, pulled his hand back, and shoved Bandido instead. The two then launched into a lightning quick rope running sequence filled with dropdowns and leapfrogs. Bandido slid through the legs of a charging Trevor Lee and scored a dropkick. Bandido showed off his speed and agility, hitting Lee with a series of fast-paced moves: strike flurry, high revolution tijeras, and a standing moonsault which scored an early 1 count!

Trevor Lee bailed to the outside and kicked the steel ring steps in frustration. The camera cut backstage to show Andrew Everett, Trevor Lee’s tag team partner, intently watching the match on a monitor – honoring his friend’s wish to go at it alone.

Lee would powder on the outside, milking the 20 Count, before reentering the ring. Bandido and Lee circled each other before launching into a grappling exchange. Lee won out with a wristlock, and he showed his grappling prowess, as he would adjust the hold on each of Bandido’s escape attempts. Lee scored a hard forearm and knee to the gut before firing off a series of strikes.

Bandido struck back, blasting Lee with several chops; however, Lee took the shortcut – grabbing at Bandido’s mask and throwing him down to the canvas by his hair. Lee landed a stiff kick to the spine before manipulating the pace, slowing things down with a grounded headlock. Lee shouted,

This is my time!

The crowd started a “Bandido” chant to rally behind the masked luchador. Bandido would fight to his feet and hit elbows to the midsection to escape the grip of Lee. Bandido hit the ropes for momentum, but he ran directly into a spinebuster from Trevor Lee! This scored a 2 count!

Lee pulled his hair back and got more aggressive. Lee launched a series of hard kicks, each one aimed at Bandido's chest, showcasing the desperation of a man on the brink.

Three massive kicks connected and echoed throughout the Ocean Center. Lee went for the homerun shot to the head, but Bandido ducked and hit a German Suplex!

Both men scrambled to their feet. Bandido ducked a wild lariat swing from Trevor and sprung off the middle rope with a beautiful Mexican Arm Drag, sending Trevor Lee through the ropes and onto the floor once again. Not wasting a second, Bandido ran the ropes and CONNECTED on a picture-perfect Fosbury Flop!

Quickly taking things back inside, Bandido went for a springboard hurricanrana, but Trevor Lee dodged underneath the flying luchador. Bandido landed on his feet and rolled through. The two then met in the center of the ring for a fast-paced sequence of pin attempts.

Roll up by Lee...1, 2, kickout!

Inside cradle by Bandido...1, 2, kickout!

Reversal by Lee...1, 2, kickout!

Bandido fought for a backslide, but Lee countered into one of own....1.....

Lee broke the count, powered Bandido up, and PLANTED him with a Deadlift Sitout Powerbomb!



Bandido kicks out!

With the match reaching its climax, Trevor Lee connected on a leaping forearm that landed flush to the jaw! The shot caused Bandido to fall back into the corner. Lee pulled his hair back once again to reveal a wild look on his face, Lee crouched in the corner to set up for his finisher, the Mushroom Stomp (running doublefoot stomp). He urged Bandido to get to his feet...

Lee charged, but Bandido rolled underneath at the last second! Lee landed on his feet on the middle rope in the corner, and in one motion he flew off with a moonsault....

Bandido caught him! Showcasing his power, Bandido positioned Lee on his shoulders, and pressed him overhead!

Gorilla Press Driver!

Not wasting one second, Bandido hit the ropes and connected with a running dropkick to the back of Trevor Lee – sending him draping over the middle rope...

Bandido signaled to the crowd, surged forward, and NAILED the 21 Plex, sending Trevor crashing to the mat.

The referee slid into position, and the count begins: one, two, three!

Bandido (10:45)

Solid, athletic contest.

The purpose of this match was to continue getting Bandido over with his impressive in-ring skills. The kid has a ton of charisma and talent, and it’s registering with our audience.

This was a very good showing from Trevor as a singles. Trevor has tools: good power which really shines when he’s in with a smaller opponent, the ability to fly, and his facials are great. He really got the crowd on that Deadlift Powerbomb.

Bandido took a moment to celebrate with the fans, climbing the turnbuckles and holding his hands high. The announcers hyped up his athleticism and resilience, emphasizing how this victory propels him further into the WSW spotlight.

Meanwhile, Trevor Lee rolled to the outside in clear frustration. Grabbing the back of his head, he stormed off in a clear look of defeat and anger. He continued to grapple with his inability to succeed.

Andrew Everett came out from the back and met his partner on the stage. He offered a handshake for the effort, but Trevor Lee ignored him and passed him by. A clearly perturbed Everett grabbed Lee’s arm, spinning him around.


Trevor Lee’s face burned with rage. In a split second, he PUNCHED ANDREW EVERETT SQUARE IN THE JAW!

He screamed:


Everett staggered back and grabbed his jaw. He was in shock. Boos sound out as Trevor Lee stormed off to the back.

A vignette aired.

The history of AJ Styles, Doc Gallows, and Karl Anderson is chronicled through still pictures and video:

We see images from PW Illustrated of the trio as Bullet Club -- Gallows & Anderson as IWGP Tag Team Champions and WSW World Tag Team Champions, AJ Styles as IWGP and WSW World Champion. We see the debut of Anderson & Gallows in WSW – attacking Styles and forming Revolver three years ago.

AJ Styles’ voice narrates the piece:

Three years ago, everything changed.

A brotherhood was broken, and a civil war was waged.

Highlights of AJ Styles war with Gallows and Anderson as members of Revolver are shown.

You can’t turn back the hands of time, but life has a way of making things whole again.

In the darkest hour, in the deepest will always be there.

What if I told you that everything old is new again.

What if I told you that broken trust can be mended.

What if I told you that wounds heal, and blood is always thicker than water.

Would you believe me....

Or would you be foolish enough to deny it.......

Either way, watch what happens next............................

A flash of video clips air: highlighting Bullet Club’s dominance around the world, Gallows & Anderson hitting the Magic Killer, Styles hitting the Styles Clash and Calf Slicer.

The rapid cuts end with an image of the three holding up the Too Sweet last week – the first time they have stood together in a WSW ring.
Styles voice is heard one more time:

People always want a revolution, but they never know what it looks like until it hits them....

The Club rides again.

Backstage, Todd Keneley was with the LA ExpressJohnny Mundo, Mike Bennett, Brian Cage, and Taya Valkyrie. Mundo stood front and center, chomping on a piece of gum with a big smile on his face. Cage lurked in the back, his massive arms folded across his chest. Keneley brought us in:

Todd Keneley here backstage with the LA Express.

Johnny, last week we saw the shocking reunion of AJ Styles, Doc Gallows, and Karl Anderson. This group struck fear into the hearts of wrestling for several years, and their prowess as a trio is known around the world. We are seeing them stand together for the first time in WSW, and you will face them in two weeks at SummerFest. How do you use tonight as a launching pad, as not one, but two members of the LA Express will be in singles action

Mundo smiled into the camera for an extra beat before responding:

Twice is nice Todd!

It’s only fitting that on Independence Day, the most EXPLOSIVE faction in wrestling is showcased two times!

First of all, Styles, Gallows, and Anderson...I give them credit, they knew how to make an entrance last week. Now, we may have had some slight miscommunication when the challenge was issued – believe me, that has been rectified...

Mundo turned and glared back at Brian Cage before continuing:

You see this right here BC...this is why they pay me to talk, not you.

Mundo turned back to Keneley, as Cage sneered at Mundo behind his back.

...But let’s look back at how we got here Todd. Seven months ago, we broke Doc Gallows ankle and put him out of action. We isolated and exposed Karl Anderson as the fake tough guy he is. That’s how we roll. Kudos to them, they made amends and went and got AJ Styles.
But here’s the deal, AJ is made of glass...a relic of the past. In fact, that’s what that trio is...three men who USED to be good, three men living off a past reputation...this right here – WE are the NOW.

Everything they have...we have a better version of. WE have the best big man in business in Cage, WE have a real tough guy in Mike Bennett...and of course we have ME.

Look at me Todd, I’m the guy AJ Styles wishes he could still be.

That brings me to tonight! Right here in 4K, the First Lady of Slam Town takes her first step back towards the Women’s World Title by slapping that street urchin Mercedes Martinez back to the indies, and MAIN EVENT Mike Bennett will make sure AJ Styles doesn’t even make it to Toronto! Get ready AJ, you’re headed straight back to the IR!

Last week, the whole world saw the LA Express fire our engines up. This train is headed down the tracks, and it’s only a matter of time before we are draped in gold.


No sir, we have a very special announcement tonight........The newest member of the LA Express is on the way! Mike and Maria are expecting!

Bennett and Taya applauded this news. Mundo continued:

And because I am the leader that I am, allow me to be the FIRST person to give your special angel their first gift.

Bennett smiled in anticipation, as Mundo snapped his fingers and Taya Valkyrie handed Mundo an infant onesie featuring a cartoon graphic of a baby Johnny Mundo (with abs, his hair, and trademark sunglasses) wearing a diaper.

The shirt said, “My favorite wrestler is... Johnny Mundo.”

Mundo gave it to Bennett and beamed.

Here you go Mike! That’s custom made, one of one. I’m happy to sign and personalize that as well once we find out if it’s a boy or girl.

Bennett looked at the onesie. It was clear he had no clue what to think or say. Mundo then removed his shades and looked at Bennett with a serious expression.

Now, don’t screw this up tonight...

Mundo put his shades back and flashed the big (seemingly fake) smile once again.


Mundo and Taya walked off screen. Cage paused, glaring at Mundo as he walked off, before slowly following. Mike Bennett was left staring at the onesie. Todd Keneley looked back and forth between the onesie and Bennett and sheepishly said:

....Congrats, Mike.

Bennett just shook his head incredulously and followed his stablemates.

Match Two: “La Wera Loca” Taya Valkyrie (w/ Johnny Mundo) vs. “The OG Badass” Mercedes Martinez (w/ Ivelisse)

The second match of Ignition was a singles match between Taya Valkyrie and Mercedes Martinez, making her WSW debut
The crowd booed as the music of the LA Express hit. Taya Valkyrie made her way to the ring, her demeanor brimming with arrogance. Accompanied by Johnny Mundo, she smirked at the audience, soaking in their boos. Mundo joined commentary for the match, where he continued his smarminess and veiled shots at Chael Sonnen:

Mauro, it is a pleasure to be with you. Chael, every time I see you, I’m shocked you’re still employed...protect those few braincells that Lyota Machida didn’t knock out of you at Bellator – your family needs that direct deposit.

Goldenboy – that's a horrible name by the way – I know you come from the world of video games, so you’ve never seen anyone do a push up, let alone anyone that’s looked like me before...I can confirm these abs are real.

Mercedes Martinez entered accompanied by Ivelisse. Her focused expression betraying no nerves. On commentary, Mauro Ranallo mentioned:

What a huge night for Mercedes Martinez. She is a nineteen-year veteran that is making her WSW debut. She’s a lifelong friend of Ivelisse. She was the very first phone call that Ivelisse made to help even the score with Candice LeRae and Rachael Ellering.

What a task in front of Martinez tonight as she faces a former Women’s World Champion in Taya Valkyrie.

The two women locked up at the bell. Neither were able to gain an advantage. It was irresistible force vs. immovable object as they jockeyed from corner to corner locked in the collar and elbow tie up.

Taya backed Martinez into the corner, but rather than break clean, she slapped her across the face.

This was a huge mistake, as Martinez was unphased. She walked out the corner and yelled at Valkyrie to do it again. Valkyrie responded with another slap and chops, but Martinez absorbed them all. Valkyrie hit the ropes for momentum, but Martinez nearly took her head off with a wicked lariat!

Martinez showed off her aggression and power. She dumped Valkyrie with a Saito Suplex, whipped her into the corner, and hit a trio of high impact moves: running forearm, high running boot, and a hesitation basement dropkick!

Taya rolled to the outside, visibly rattled.

Martinez didn’t let up. She followed and wiped Valkyrie out on the floor with an apron cannonball!

Martinez took things back inside, but Taya rolled across the ring to the floor again. She was stunned by the early flurry from Martinez and wanted to create as much distance as possible.

The crowd booed at this cowardly act. Martinez stalked her prey. She followed to the apron and reared back for a PK...

But Taya was playing possum. She ducked the kick, and swept the legs of Martinez, sending her crashing on the apron.

Taya then took control on the floor -- landing several strikes and whipping Martinez into the steel guardrail several times. Taya taunted the ringside fans before taking things back inside. Valkyrie worked to grind down on Martinez – using underhanded tactics: choking her in the ropes and milking the 5 Count. Valkyrie delivered a snapmare followed by a brutal kick to the spine for a 2 Count.

Taya shifted her focus to Martinez’s lower back. She dropped a couple swift elbows and worked various submissions, pulling back on Martinez’s chin, but the tough fighter from Connecticut refused to give in. Ivelisse pounded on the apron to rally Mercedes. Martinez fought to her feet, showing off her strength by hoisting Valkyrie into a fireman’s carry, only for Valkryie to slip out and hit a backstabber!

Mundo sang the praises of Valkyrie on commentary:

Look at that catlike quickness by Taya! She’s speed and power combined, it’s what brought her to the dance, it’s what made her World Champion, and it’s what’s going to get her that belt back!

Valkyrie shot Martinez into the corner with authority and then taunted the crowd some more. Valkyrie landed a hard running hip attack. She followed with another!

Valkyrie lined up for the hat trick, but Martinez moved and Valkyrie smacked into the turnbuckles! Quick as a cat, Martinez popped to her feet and dumped Valkyrie with an exploder suplex!

Both women were slow getting to their feet—Martinez clutched at her lower back. They met in the center of the ring and teed off on each other – going back and forth with hard forearms and chops.

Back and forth they went – their shots echoing throughout the Ocean Center. Once again, the two redwoods refused to budge an inch. Martinez hit the ropes and swung with a haymaker clothesline....

But Valkyrie ducked and wiped her out with a running crossbody on the rebound!

Taya climbed to the top turnbuckle; however, Martinez stunned the crowd by scaling the ropes – quick as a cat – to cut off Valkyrie.
Martinez took her down with a superplex!

She maintained control, floated through, and hoisted Valkyrie up for a delayed vertical suplex!

The crowd counted to 10 before Martinez dropped the former World Champion to the canvas!


Kick Out!

The crowd started to rally behind Martinez and her power. Martinez charged for a big boot, but Taya ducked and countered with a spinning neckbreaker!

Valkyrie screamed:


Valkyrie went for Road to Valhalla......

But Martinez fought out with a hard back elbow that connected flush on the jaw! Martinez grabbed waist control, and brought the Daytona Beach crowd to their feet with three wicked snap German Suplexes! Martinez showed off her power and wrestling prowess, sinking her hips and generating quick, massive explosion on the Germans!

Martinez’s face was full of passion.... she grabbed the arms of Valkyrie....


Martinez wasn’t done, she locked on an innovative leg trap, Dragon Sleeper!

Valkyrie was bent in half! She clawed at Martinez’s arms, trying to escape.........

She tapped out!

Mercedes Martinez (9:46)

Really solid match between two veterans who know how to work.

Crowd knew they hated Taya, but they weren’t totally behind Mercedes yet – that's okay, this was her debut. We wanted this to be a slugfest, and they laid it into each other. Crowd finally popped for the power moves, especially the snap German spot and delayed vertical suplex spot. Goal was to showcase Mercedes’ power and give her a big win in her debut.

The crowd cheered as Martinez stood tall, celebrating her hard-fought victory. Taya rolled out of the ring, clutching the back of her neck in obvious pain. Johnny Mundo swore, and spike his headset down on the announce desk. On commentary, Mauro Ranallo said:

Two words gentlemen – statement made. What a debut by Mercedes Martinez, as she has just taken down one on the most formidable forces in WSW and a former Women’s World Champion!

Ivelisse got into the ring, and hugged Martinez. She had a microphone, and she spoke with fire burning off each word:

Seeing is believing, and the OG Badass just showed you why she’s toughness BITCH in the game!

Times up! Where are you, Candice?! I gave you one week to answer my call. It’s funny how you don’t show your face when the numbers are even. WE’RE RIGHT HERE!

The crowd booed as it became evident that Candice LeRae and Rachael Ellering had no plans on facing the enraged Ivelisse and Mercedes Martinez face-to-face.

Ivelisse smirked after waiting a few seconds:

I would expect nothing less from a coward like you.

I’ll spell it out for you then. We could come and find you, and beat your ass backstage or in a parking lot. But we’ve already done that! Mercedes has already knocked your ass out cold.

This time, I want to do it right here in this very ring. I want to PROVE that WE’RE better! I want you to hear that bell ring, feel defeat sink into your pours, and I want the record to show it....

Candice LeRae and Rachael Ellering appeared on the LED video board backstage. Boos sounded out at their appearance. LeRae spoke with Ellering standing behind her menacingly. me we can hear you.....all you do is scream.

It doesn’t shock me that your only friend in the world is a busted Daytona Beach biker bar bouncer...congrats, you’ve found the only woman in the world dirtier than you!

Mercedes, you make me SICK! You are NOTHING compared to Rachael Ellering. This is what an athlete looks like! A second-generation superstar, that just needed the right mentor to mold her into the powerhouse she was born to be!

Ivelisse, I am sick and tired of hearing my name in your mouth.

I am on a MISSION to RECLAIM what is MINE, and that’s this Women’s Division.

You want your’ve got it.

BUT...not tonight, not here in filthy Daytona Beach in front of rednecks and video game creeps. No... I have a better idea in mind. Everyone seems to be talking about SummerFest, but in two weeks we are celebrating Ignition 200. On that night, under those bright lights, I promise you...I will make sure you will never say my name again, because I’m going to knock you out!

Mercedes picked up the microphone and was short and sweet:

See you in Atlanta assholes!

The challenge was accepted and the date was set. Candice LeRae & Rachael Ellering vs. Ivelisse & Mercedes Martinez at Ignition 200!

Highlights air of the rivalry between The Hart Foundation and the Lucha Brothers. Since returning under the management of Konnan, Pentagon and Fenix embraced darkness – becoming more violent and savage.
  • We see the Lucha Brothers’ return on the 5/8 Ignition, winning a tag team battle royal to become Number One Contenders.
  • We see highlights of the match between The Hart Foundation and The Lucha Brothers at Undisputed, that saw Teddy Hart pull Pentagon’s mask off to aid in their win to retain the World Tag Team Titles.
  • We see Konnan declare war, and the subsequent attacks by the Lucha Brothers – the savage sneak attack beating on The Hart Foundation – duct taping Pillman to the ropes to watch his friends and stablemate get beaten down. We see Pentagon perform the Arm Break on Pillman, and the Lucha Brothers stealing the World Tag Team Title belts.
  • Finally, we see the return of The Hart Foundation in an ambulance last week – challenging the Lucha Brothers to Escalera de la Muerte at SummerFest.
A sit-down interview aired, featuring Chael Sonnen interviewing The Hart Foundation. The trio is seated in a row. Chael spoke:

I am joined at this time by a group that has been at the center of chaos here in WSW, the World Tag Team Champions – The Hart Foundation. Gentlemen, I appreciate your time.

There has been trouble brewing for weeks now. The Lucha Brothers – Pentagon and Fenix – they attacked you, and they didn’t stop there...they stole the belts. Last week, you challenged them to Escalera de la Muerte...a ladder match at SummerFest for the titles. Tell me, why a ladder match?

Teddy Hart leaned forward; his usual bravado was gone:

Because enough is enough, Chael. These guys – Pentagon and Fenix – they've crossed a line. It’s not just about the titles anymore. It’s personal. They don’t just want to be the best; they want to set fire to the entire tag team division and they want to do it at the expense of the Hart Foundation.

My last name means something, Chael. It means excellence. It means legacy. And it means that when you steal from me, when you lay your hands on me, you’re going to regret it.

Konnan likes to say that possession is 9/10ths of the law...the way I see it, they committed highway robbery. I know Konnan, and I know that no matter where we come from – he'll find a way to slither away like the snake he is and make off with our gold...he’s been doing it for a very long time.
The only way we can settle this is to strap those belts to the rafters of the Scotiabank Centre and see who can scale those ladders and truly climb the mountain.

Chael pressed further:

Teddy, forgive me if I overstep here, but this whole thing has felt deeper; especially, for you. You just used the word ‘personal.’ Why is this personal?

Teddy responded:

I shouldn’t be here. I’m a screw up. Every morning that I wake up, I know that I’m on my last chance.

For most of my adult life, I skated by on being a Hart. I never once stopped to consider what that meant. I was entitled...I was a punk. Drugs, women, booze...I was addicted to it all. But it was always someone else's problem...never mine. I was too wild. I was too out of control. I lived my life at a 100 miles per hour.

The problem with living 100 miles per hour, is eventually the car wrecks.

I burned out. I wrecked. It was over for me.

I broke the trust of everyone around me...friends, family, everyone.... all gone.

But you know what? God gave me another chance when I didn’t deserve it. At the bottom of the barrel – begging for one more pill or one more beer, Davey Boy and Pillman found me. They found me and saved me.

When everyone had left me for dead...they gave me the last chance that I needed. That’s why I’m here!

You’re damn right it’s personal. Everything I have in my life right now is due to these two men sitting next to me. I owe them everything, so I give them everything I have night in and night out.

That’s why we’re champions...NOTHING has ever been given to us, we had to fight every damn step of the way.

And now these clowns – the Lucha Brothers – think they can come in, steal our belts, and end the Hart Foundation...end the journey we’ve on?! No way!

Chael turned towards Davey Boy:

Davey Boy, I’m curious – when you look at this ladder match, it’s the kind of match where you could lose everything in a split second. Throughout your career, surprisingly, you’ve never competed in a ladder match. You pride yourself on your power and grappling, how do you adapt to such a high-risk environment?

Davey Boy grinned, and he spoke in a calm tone with undercurrents of intensity:

Whatever it takes, Chael. We’re talking about the World Tag Team Titles...OUR TITLES!

Titles we EARNED with blood, sweat, and tears. When it comes down to it, the ladders don’t care if you’re a high-flyer or a submissions expert. Gravity doesn’t care. All that matters is how much are you willing to sacrifice, how much are you willing to bleed, how much of your body are you willing to give for the ultimate prize.

You just heard Teddy’s story. It’s all true. This man constantly lives his life in a two-strike count. If he can do that...that I can scale those damn ladders and retrieve what’s OURS!

This is our time. A match like this has a finality to it. When we hit the ground after that match, belts in hand, I can promise you...history will remember The Hart Foundation.

Chael continued:

Brian Pillman, let me turn to you. You’ve been focused on the Elite 8 Tournament, and tonight here on Ignition, you face Ace Austin in the semi-finals. You’ve also got a cast on your right arm courtesy of Pentagon. You are cleared for in-ring competition, but let’s not pretend you’re 100%. What’s your mindset right now?

Pillman smirked; his energy was youthful but still exuded confidence.

Show me one champion that ever played an entire season can’t. Fact of the matter is, all of us chose to earn our living in the most violent sport on the planet.

Ace Austin is a helluva talent. He’s lit up the indie scene and Japan, and I know this cast is nothing more than a bullseye for him. If there’s one thing everyone needs to know about The Hart Foundation...we’re all a little crazy. We all LOVE and LIVE for the rush that courses through the veins when step inside those ropes.

Getting to the semi-finals...that’s just a start for me. Teddy and Davey Boy are going to climb those ladders at SummerFest, proving to the world that we’re the top tag team, and I’m going to win this tournament and prove that I’m the future of this company. I’m about to make history!

Chael asked:

Finally, I need to ask about Canada. SummerFest is in Toronto. When you think about professional wrestling in Canada, there’s one name that comes to mind...Hart.

The history, the legacy, and everything that goes with it. What does that mean to you here two weeks away from the biggest show in WSW history?

Teddy answered:

It means everything. This right here...this version of The Hart Foundation is about redemption.

Each of us has a story. Each of us has a past. We aren’t choir boys...we’re alley cats. There’s a lot of people that probably thought we’d never get to this point, but we get to bring it full circle.

The arc we have been on comes full in Toronto.

We’re headed to OUR HOME. We’re headed to Canada!

Lucha Brothers, I hope you’re ready...when you walk into SummerFest, you will walk into a feeling, an emotion greater than Game 7 of the Stanley Cup Finals. You will feel an energy that hasn’t been felt in Canada for over 20 years...on July 13, 2019...the Hart Foundation walks in Canada once again.
17,000 people will be behind entire country will be behind us...I’ve got nine lives, and I’ve burned through eight of them! I’m prepared to risk it all to not let these people down!

I’m ready to go war and climb the ladder through hell to win!

A commercial aired for the “Biggest Summer Ever” for WSW. The commercial hyped SummerFest on July 13 on Netflix, Ignition 200 on July 18 on Paramount Network, and Grand Prix 2019 coming this August!

Ignition returned inside the limo of Diamond en-route to the Ocean Center. Tessa Blanchard sat back against the sleek leather seats, the World Title gleaming over her shoulder. Paige Knight spoke with the trio:

We are just a few moments away from pulling into the Ocean Center for tonight’s World Championship contact signing. I am inside the limo of Diamond, and I want to take advantage of our time together to ask you a few questions.

Nixon, I’ll start with you. Let’s talk about your match at SummerFest against Deonna Purrazzo. You made quite the statement last week, by smashing her arm in a car door. Deonna’s made it clear that she wants to surgically eliminate Diamond from WSW. Do you have any thoughts on that?

Nixon laughed, her voice dripped with sarcasm as she leaned forward:

Surgically eliminate? Oh please, Paige. I was out for ten months. I ripped apart every major ligament in my knee. I promised one thing when I returned...I was going to make an impact. That impact was felt when I drove that same surgically repaired knee into Deonna’s skull at Undisputed, and it was felt when I wrecked her arm last week.

Do you think a little Fujiwara Arm Bar is going to stop me? It’s cute, really, but her arm is practically useless, and if she wants to actually show up at SummerFest and get into the ring with me, I’ll just finish what I started.

Deonna, you’re not the only one who knows how to break an arm.

No amount of fancy submissions will save you when I’m standing over you, looking down at the wreckage I’ve made. You can try to ‘surgically eliminate’ me all you want – but I promise you, your arm won’t be the only thing you lose.

Paige then turned her attention to the Women’s World Champion:

Tessa, you are the longest reigning Women’s World Champion in WSW history, but you said earlier – this match at SummerFest feels different. Why?

Tessa responded:

Because of the emotion involved in it.

There’s something about Kay Lee Ray...something about her pulls emotion out of makes them care for makes them root for her, and that’s rare. Hell, I saw were crying a few weeks ago when she talked about her journey.

Here’s the thing...what’s so special about her story?! She grew up poor and ugly, she had no friends, and she discovered wrestling. So what?! That’s the most common story in combat sports...there’s nothing special about that. But...there’s something special about Kay Lee Ray, because she makes the people believe. She makes them believe that the underdog can win.

That’s what makes this different.

Paige pressed further:

That’s all very fair, and I do think we need to acknowledge that she earned this title match by pinning you in a trios match. No woman in WSW has scored a pinfall against you in over a year. Does that stick with you?

Tessa leaned forward slightly, smirking:

You’re goddamn right it does!

I don’t lose. Plain and simple. The fact that she was able to put my shoulders on the mat for 3 seconds eats at me every day. And worst of only adds fuel for the people that actually think she can beat me for the World Title. Kay Lee Ray resonates with the people because they see themselves in her. I saw those tears streaming down your face – you see yourself in her, don’t you?!

I didn’t invite you to ride with us because I like you, Paige. I wanted you to be here, so I can look you dead in the eyes and say this....

I am going to kill the fairytale, and I am going to do what I always do...WIN!

There’s one constant in WSW....DIAMOND.

People hate me, they hate us, because we have what they want. Money, power, fame...all ours. Why? Because we make a living squashing the dreams of the underdog. Kay Lee Ray doesn’t have what I’ve got. She doesn’t have the bloodline, the talent, or the entire world under her feet like I do. I’ve CARVED my spot at the top, and Kay Lee’s dream dies at SummerFest just like your dream died when your neck gave out!

We are the one percent, and people hate the top of the food chain because they will never come close to living this lifestyle.

Look at us. Look at this moment right here. We are in a limo, riding to the show, making the people wait. That’s what stars do...they make them wait. I’m the ONE they pay the money to see, not some scrawny marble mouth that closed her eyes, prayed, and got lucky once. I’m going to walk into that arena tonight, sign my name on that contract, and once I do...the sand starts to fall in Kay Lee Ray’s hourglass.

Match Three: Lee Johnson vs. Austin Aries

The third match of Ignition was a singles match between Lee Johnson and Austin Aries. Johnson was already in the ring when the music of Austin Aries hit.

Boos sounded out, as Aries sauntered out from the back, his signature smug grin worn on his face. The commentary trio noted that Lee Johnson debuted in the Elite 8 Tournament, and this was the first match for Austin Aries in seven months.

At the bell, Aries immediately took control, displaying technical grappling precision. He backed Johnson into the corner. Aries stepped back, offering a clean break, only to deliver a cheap shot to the gut. He worked Johnson over with a series of sharp chops that popped like firecrackers.

Aries took Johnson down with a quick side headlock takeover, applying pressure on the neck. He talked trash while doing so:

You don’t belong in this ring, kid. I’m about to show you how magic is done!

Lee Johnson fought his way to his feet, showing some resilience. He elbowed out of the headlock and backed Aries into the ropes. Johnson caught Aries off-guard with a step up enziguri, followed by a dropkick that sent Aries stumbling back into the corner. Johnson laid in a series of quick strikes - forearms, a sharp uppercut, and a running bulldog that took Aries down!

Johnson slapped his chest and screamed:

Let’s Go!

He climbed to the top rope and flew.....



Aries had it scouted, blocking him in mid-air and countering with a gut buster!

Rather than make a cover, Aries mocked Johnson – wiping his hands off as if he was doing light work. He delivered some mocking soft boots to the temple, before striking down with the thunder of hard knees to the rib cage.

Aries then delivered a picture perfect vertical suplex, floating over into a pin attempt for a 2 count!

Aries whipped Johnson into the corner with authority and followed with his massive shotgun dropkick!

Johnson fell to the canvas and rolled to the apron, clutching his chest. Aries followed out to the apron. With a cruel smile, Aries grabbed Johnson......


The crowd gasped, as Johnson slumped to the floor, barely moving.

Aries smiled, reentered the ring, and lounged across the top rope in a recliner position as the referee made the 20-count with a worried expression on his face.





Austin Aries (3:14)

Quick win for Aries to build momentum for him heading to SummerFest with Cody.

Johnson has upside. He’s probably the greenest of the eight guys called up from the Dojo, and he needs to work on his charisma, but he is very athletic and the tools are there.

Aries won by count out, and he smiled in the center of the ring, raising his arms in victory. Johnson clutched at his head on the outside. Ringside officials quickly attended to him.

Aries grabbed a microphone and smugly said:

This is what real wrestling look like, people! I don’t need 20 minutes to get my shit in...I’m not paid by the hour; I’m paid to win.

Cody, I want you to take a look right here. This is your future! I dropped you on your skull once before, and I’ll do it again...I’m the only one who deserves to be at the top.....

The crowd went nuts as these words sounded out over the arena sounds system....

Wrestling has more than one royal family....

Cody was here! Clad in a suit, Cody made a beeline towards the ring, he was all business. He got into the ring and squared off with Aries. Aries prodded further:

You know what I want Cody...what do you say?!

Cody didn’t mince words......


Cody and Austin Aries was official for SummerFest!

Aries smirked, looking directly into the intense eyes of Cody.

The two men were nose to nose and the intensity flowed like electricity!

Aries spit in Cody’s face!

Cody laid into Austin Aries!

The crowd whipped into a frenzy as the two men traded blows!

Cody got the better of the exchange....Disaster Kick!

Cody was fired up, and he ripped off his suit jacket. He quickly grabbed Aries looking for Cross Rhodes......

In a flash, Aries countered out and PLANTED Cody with a DDT!

In one motion, Aries went for a brainbuster! He lifted Cody up............

And then placed him down on the mat – he didn’t follow through with the move.

Aries crouched next to a fallen Cody and said:

The first one was a warning...I’m getting paid to hit the second!

I’m one step ahead of you...always! Anything you can do, I can do better!

Aries mockingly clapped Cody on the cheek before leaving the ring. The crowd jeered as Aries walked up the ramp. Inside the ring, Cody looked at Aries – a mixture of surprise and anger was on his face – Aries message was made loud and clear.

A vignette aired.

Inside a darkened, posh home movie theater, a projector cuts on, sending blinding white light onto the screen. On the screen we see highlights of Will Ospreay defeating Dragon Lee and Jon Moxley beating RUSH.

The camera pans back to reveal RUSH and Dragon Lee (clad in a black mask), sitting in plush leather chairs in the theatre watching their defeats. RUSH spoke in English:



Alone, we were embarrassed and handed defeat.



Finally, we stand together....and we will not be stopped. We will conquer!

Are you with me?

Dragon Lee looked at the screen, watching his defeat to Will Ospreay. His eyes showed the soul of a man that was bitter at the defeat. Dragon Lee spoke in English and Spanish:

I’m with you brother.

Sabes que estoy listo. (You know that I’m ready.)

Venimos de la mis escuela. (We came from the same school.)

Pase las mismas pruebas que tu. (I passed all the same tests you did.)

Dragon Lee sprung to his feet and RUSH followed suit. Dragon Lee continued:

The moment this dragon awakes, stars will burn!

Dragon Lee put his hand on RUSH’s shoulder. A wry smile crept on RUSH’s face.

We will TAKE whatever we want brother. In Mexico or the US, it doesn’t matter. La Faccion de Ignobernable is BACK!

The screen cut to black, and the silver logo of LFI appeared on the screen.


Ignition returned with a table set up in the ring. A black table skirt dressed the table, and a woman – identified as a WSW attorney sat in the middle of the table. Two chairs sat on opposite sides of the table.

Kay Lee Ray made her entrance for the contract signing for the WSW Women’s World Title match. Seconded by Io Shirai, Kay Lee Ray got a big reaction from the Daytona Beach crowd.

Cameras cut backstage where the limo of Diamond pulled into the Ocean Center. Paige Knight exited one side of the limo, and then World Champion, Tessa Blanchard emerged, flanked by Nixon Newell and Tenille Dashwood. Cameras followed Diamond through the backstage area to the stage for their entrance. Bodak Yellow by Cardi B sounded out, providing the soundtrack for their entrance.

Both women sat on opposite sides of the table, and a “KAY LEE RAY” chant sounded out. Paige Knight stood in the ring and moderated the proceedings:

Ladies and gentlemen, we are here in Daytona Beach to sign the contract for the Women’s World Championship match on Saturday, July 13 at SummerFest. This match is one-fall, with a 60-minute time limit.

We are joined by General Council for WSW, Megan Prochazka. At this time, we are ready for you to sign.

Kay Lee Ray looked into the eyes of Tessa Blanchard with intensity before signing her name onto the contract. The contract was then passed to the World Champion. Blanchard looked at the contract and then stood up.

Kay Lee Ray followed suit, anticipating a fight; however, Blanchard laughed and took a microphone:

Why don’t you take a seat, sweetheart...

The fans started chanting “You Suck” at Blanchard. Tessa chuckled as she sat back down before continuing:

Kay Lee, this match is too important for me to flip a table or powerbomb you through it.

Think long and hard about what you just signed. You just signed up for destiny...the biggest match of your life. If you win, then you’ll become what you always wanted to be...a World Champion.

But...when you fail, when you lose – think about the weight that will carry. Listen to these people...they believe in you. You give them hope.

The problem with hope’s fleeting. I CRUSH hope. There’s a long list of women that hoped they could take this title from me, and I have beat them all.
Look at me Kay Lee! I am the GREATEST champion in professional wrestling today. This belt symbolizes greatness, this isn’t a participation trophy...this isn’t something you earn because you believed you could do only hold this belt because you are the BEST IN THE WORLD!

I am the top of the food chain in WSW...this is MY mountain top!

Tessa Blanchard signed the contract and issued one last parting shot:

At SummerFest, I’m going to do what I always do...I’m going to win...and when I do, you’re going to have to stare into the eyes of all these people that believe in you – and more importantly – you're going to have to stare at yourself in the mirror and admit that you are what you always have been...a loser!

Kay Lee Ray rose to her feet and Tessa Blanchard did the same. Tensions rose and the crowd could feel it. Calmly, Kay Lee grabbed a microphone and spoke:

Tessa, you do a lot of talking. At the end of the day, you’re nothing more than a bully. You don’t intimidate me. I’ve faced people like you my whole life. If you aren’t already, you should be real scared of me...

Tessa Blanchard flashed a cocky smile....and SLAPPED Kay Lee Ray across the face. For a brief second, Blanchard and Diamond bowed up – daring Kay Lee Ray to do something. KLR didn’t hesitate....


A full-on brawl broke out! Blanchard and KLR rolled on the canvas – a rolling ball of butcher knives – both women laying into each other.

Newell and Dashwood quickly intervened, but they were taken out as – Io Shirai jumped onto the table and took out both women with a missile dropkick! Newell and Dashwood fell to the outside!

Shirai followed, and she laid into both women with strikes. She ping-ponged back and forth – firing kicks and chops on Newell and Dashwood.

Shirai DESTROYED Tenille Dashwood with a strike combination – leg kick, chop, leg kick, and a kick to the head! She chopped Dashwood down like a redwood!

However, the numbers game was too much. Nixon Newell blasted Shirai from behind and ran her head first into the steel steps!

The crowd chanted “WSW” for all the chaos. Inside the ring, KLR and Tessa Blanchard threw bombs at each other. Blanchard swung wildly with the World Championship belt. KLR ducked it and hooked the arms of Blanchard........



Nixon Newell made the save! She grabbed the legs of the World Champion and pulled her to safety outside the ring!

Diamond made their retreat up the ramp. Blanchard was shocked at how close she had come to disaster. KLR flipped the table over in the ring and kicked the ropes – she was fired up! She urged Blanchard back to the ring.

Mauro Ranallo narrated the scene:

Kay Lee Ray will NOT back down from Tessa Blanchard and Diamond! Look the eyes of the challenger. She is READY for Blanchard! She is READY for SummerFest!

Match Four: Elite 8 Tournament Semi-Finals: Ace Austin vs. Brian Pillman Jr. (w/ Teddy Hart and Davey Boy Smith Jr.)

The fourth match of Ignition was a singles match, and a semi-final match in the Elite 8 Tournament. An inset promo aired for Ace Austin as he made his way to the ring:

You know, it’s no surprise that I’m here. Look around you – who else do you see stepping up like I do?

Brian Pillman...he’s got the name, he’s got the legacy. But when it comes down to it, legacy doesn’t win matches like I do. There’s no room for ‘good sons’ here in WSW. And tonight, I’m going to make sure that his ‘big chance’ in this tournament is short-lived. Just like I’ve done everywhere I’ve been, I’ll make sure this tournament ends with the Ace on top!

Pillman and The Hart Foundation got a big reaction from the Daytona Beach crowd. A LOUD “Pillman, Pillman, Pillman” chant rang out.

The camera flashed to Jungle Boy and Alexander Hammerstone in the crowd, scouting the match for their potential opponent in the Finals.

The two locked up, with Austin taking control with a waistlock. Pillman slipped out and grabbed a wristlock; however, Austin showed his great agility -- cartwheeling out of it to escape Pillman’s grip.

They locked up again, this time Austin grabbed Pillman’s injured right arm, twisting it behind his back in a hammerlock. Pillman winced, clearly feeling the pressure on his injured arm. Austin, sensing his opportunity, smirked and increased the pressure, enjoying the discomfort he’s caused.

Pillman fought out with elbows, and he shot Austin into the ropes. Austin countered a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker attempt with head scissors that sent Pillman tumbling to the ropes. Austin charged, but Pillman deeked him, low bridging him to the floor.

Pillman hit the ropes, looking for a tope suicida......

Austin PICKED HIM OFF in midair with a rising knee strike!

Pillman crashed with a tremendous thud onto the floormats.

Austin took full advantage, relentlessly targeting Pillman’s injured arm. He drove the arm into the steel guardrail several times, stomped on it, and even trapped it around the ring post, pulling back on it with a grimace of satisfaction. Pillman yelled out in pain, and the crowd booed Austin's blatant targeting of the injury.

At ringside, Teddy Hart and Davey Boy Smith shouted encouragement to Pillman. Back inside, Austin continued to isolate the arm, but Pillman showed his resilience. With a burst of energy, he surprised Austin with a quick spinning back elbow, sending Austin into the ropes. As Austin bounced back, Pillman launched himself with a Thesz Press. Pillman rained down shots with his healthy left hand!

Pillman hit a hard lariat and was fired up as “Pillman” chants sounded out. On commentary, Goldenboy noted:

There’s something about Brian Pillman that resonates with the WSW fans. Listen to the crowd, he is feeding off their energy...trying to block out the pain in his arm!

Pillman clutched his right arm close to his body, fighting through the pain as he began to build momentum. He landed a crisp flurry of offense: snap suplex, a sharp kick to the midsection, and a series of knee drops to Austin’s head. Pillman hoisted Austin onto the top turnbuckle, looking for a superplex; however, Austin fought back with forearms and elbows.

Austin slipped through Pillman’s legs, ripped him out of the corner, and DROVE him down with a running Liger Bomb!



Quickly following up, Austin sent Pillman CRASHING into the corner with a hard running dropkick!

Austin trapped Pillman in the corner and chopped his chest. Pillman’s chest turned bright red, but he still fought back! Pillman began to throw chops of his own, but Austin stopped him with a thumb to the eye!

The referee chastised Austin, who mocked the official. Pillman used the brief lapse by Austin to deliver a jawbreaker out of nowhere. Pillman shot Austin into the ropes, ducked a leg lariat, and scored a Russian Leg Sweep!

Davey Boy pounded on the apron to fire up Pillman.

Barely able to use his right arm, Pillman climbed up top. Steadying himself, Pillman flew....

AIR PILLMAN (diving clothesline)


One, two... NO! Austin kicked out.

Pillman got to his feet, shaking out his injured arm. Pillman looked for his finisher, Dying Compromise (swinging hangman’s neckbreaker), but Austin escaped and in desperation landed a roundhouse kick to the injured arm!

Pillman instantly went to his knees in pain!

Austin stayed on the attack, NAILING a leaping, spinning roundhouse!

The kick hit flush to the temple!




The crowd cheered in appreciation of Pillman’s fight and guts. Ace Austin couldn’t believe it! He thought he put Pillman away!

Austin got to his feet, looking to finish Pillman for good. He went for The Fold..........





The bell rings, and the crowd erupted into cheers as Pillman SURVIVED and advanced to the Elite 8 Finals!

Brian Pillman Jr. (9:08)

Match was designed to tell the story of Pillman’s injured arm and his fight to overcome the adversity.

We have something in Ace Austin. Kid is going to be a star, just needs to put everything together with his presentation, but the in-ring ability and charisma is there.

Pillman is a modern version of a late 80s/early 90s wrestler. He works old school, doesn’t do a ton of flashy moves, but he makes the most out of what he does. He played the babyface in peril role well here, and he has a natural connection with our audience. He needs to work on the flow of his offense.

Finish was designed to highlight the wrestling skills Pillman has learned under the tutelage of Davey Boy and Teddy as the junior member of The Hart Foundation, and it conditions the audience that the finish can come at any time – it’s not just when a finisher is hit.

After the match, Ace Austin was in shock. He couldn’t believe he lost. Davey Boy Smith and Teddy Hart jumped into the ring to celebrate with Pillman. On commentary, Mauro Ranallo said:

We have seen guts and miles and miles of heart tonight by Brian Pillman Jr! He advances to the finals of the Elite 8 Tournament and will face the winner of Jungle Boy and Alexander Hammerstone at Ignition 200 in two weeks!

The celebration was cut short as all the lights in the Ocean Center went black!

Inside the ring, The Hart Foundation prepared for an attack from the Lucha Brothers, knowing this was their calling card.

However, the LED video board illuminated to show scenes of a dark cathedral. Konnan walked to the front of the church and began lighting candles. His face illuminated from the light of the flickering candles.

Escalera de la Muerte. The Staircase of Death...

That’s what this has come too. Desperate men do desperate things when they are backed into a corner.

That’s how far we have pushed the Hart Foundation. We took your honor, we took your belts...and you know there is no way you could ever pry them from our hands. want to hang the belts 20 feet above the ring in Toronto to try and get them back.

Good luck.

Fenix and Pentagon are going to tear you apart. You have given them weapons to do what they do best, fly, hurt, and maim.

At SummerFest, we will become World Tag Team Champions, we will officially bury the Hart FOR GOOD, and we’re going to do it in Canada.

I promised a revolution. Hart Foundation, you want revenge, you want violence...we’ll show it to you! NO ONE in WSW is safe...

From the darkness behind Konnan, Fenix and Pentagon emerge. They flank Konnan, the stolen World Tag Team Titles over their shoulders. They speak in a haunting low voice:

Cero Miedo...

A video airs on Black Arrow. We see Intercontinental Champion, Adam Cole, Dawson, and Wilder board a private jet to head to the Download Festival in England. We see highlights of them with Slipknot and Def Leppard. We see Adam Cole go on-stage with Slipknot and hold the Intercontinental Title high in front of thousands of people.

The video is intercut with scenes of Black Arrow talking on the private jet. Cole lounges back in his seat, wearing a custom Adam Gold Bay Bay t-shirt. Dawson and Wilder sit across from him, sipping bourbon. A flight attendant walks by offering to take Adam Cole’s order, but he rudely dismisses here, too invested into his conversation with Dawson and Wilder.

Adam Cole said:

Look at us...we’re flying in style, headed to Download! This right here gentlemen...this is the good life. When we formed Black Arrow, this was this vision...this was the dream...and it’s all because of this beauty right here, the Intercontinental Championship!

Cole taps the golden belt over his should and laughs. Wilder nods approvingly:

As far as I’m concerned, that’s THE singles title in WSW, and it’s only a matter of time until Dawson and I get those World Tag Team Titles back. THEN – the dream will be complete; Black Arrow will be covered in gold!

Dawson agreed:

Damn right. The Hart Foundation and Lucha Brothers are going to break themselves into hundred different pieces in that ladder match, and you know what...we’ll be there pounce on what’s left of them. We are the greatest tag team in the world, and it’s way past time we collect what’s ours!
Let me say this though...Adam, I can’t wait to watch you squash Ricochet under your boot like a cockroach!

Adam Cole grinned confidently:

It’s only a matter of time men. Guys like Ricochet are flash in the pans.... they are nothing more than a sideshow act.

Look, Ricochet is a good wrestler, but he’s not a star. I am the marquee.

I saw it in his eyes last week guys, he actually believes he can beat me and become champion. You know I’ve been thinking about’s almost cruel what he’s doing to himself. He’s aligned himself with Omega and Ibushi and filled his head with this non-sense about changing the world. His biggest problem is, this is MY world and I’m not changing for ANYONE!

God, I cannot wait to expose him at SummerFest! My resume speaks for itself, and it gets solidified at SummerFest. When I walk out of Toronto, they’re going to remember me as the guy who is head and shoulders above everybody else in this business.

Dawson nodded:

And that’s the difference. Ricochet is a Cinderella...a darling. Cinderella may pull a first round upset every March, but they never win the big one. Because when you’ve got guys like us around, all those flips and dives and flashy nonsense isn’t going to save you. We’re gonna shut him down.
Why don’t we do this. Next week when we get back from Download, how about I soften him up for you, champ. Give him a taste of what’s to come, and get me ready to go hunt these Tag Team Titles.

Adam Cole smiled:

THAT is the best idea that I’ve heard today...and we’re on a private jet for god sakes!

Cole then cut his eyes and spoke seriously:

Leave no doubt whatever it takes

It’s real simple men, this right here...this is special...this is elite...this is undisputed.

There’s A LOT of guys out there that think they can get on our level. The time has come to send a message. At SummerFest – we take Ricochet off the list. The clock has struck midnight, and it’s tie for Ricochet’s dream to die.

And then, one by one we’ll scratch every name off, and one day.... I’ll cross Kenny Omega’s name off too, because this belt...this is THE BELT of WSW.

Wilder and Dawson held up their drinks. Dawson spoke:

Cheers to that brother, because when Black Arrow aims...we don’t miss!

A vignette aired. The camera simply showed a full screen of white light.

After a couple seconds, an x-ray was placed on the white light, illuminating a full dental scan. A voice sounded out:

The Doctor will see you now....

The x-ray scan was removed to reveal the words....

Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D....coming soon!”

Ignition returned with the music of Will Ospreay hitting the Ocean Center, sending the crowd to their feet. Clad in street clothes, a look of passion burned in Ospreay’s eyes as he entered the ring and took a microphone.

“Ospreay” chants ring out throughout the arena as Will began to speak:

Jon Moxley!

Where are you bruv?! We’ve both got our shots it’s time we look each other in the eyes!

There is a brief moment of silence as Ospreay paced in the ring. The tension rose as AC/DC’s Shoot to Thrill sounded out...

The crowd turned and looked around, not knowing which way the unpredictable Jon Moxley would come from. A roar was heard as he emerged from an entrance portal in the crowd and made his way down the steps towards the ring.

Moxley hopped the guardrail and entered the ring. The two men stood feet apart and a “Holy Shit” chant started. The intensity was thick in the air.

Moxley spoke:

Will, I admire your courage. You are standing inches away from an uncaged tiger that has an appetite for blood.

July 13 at SummerFest, it’s the match everyone wants to see...Will Ospreay vs. Jon Moxley. You know Will, I didn’t come here to be some polished “five-star” athlete that you can put on a highlight reel. I came here to remind everyone what real, dangerous professional wrestling looks like.

I take one look at you and I see an incredible of the best in the world. But I look into your eyes and I see a desperate man. I see someone that feels like he has something to prove. But not to the fans, not to the suits, to himself! Will, you want to fight me because you need to PROVE to yourself that you can beat the most dangerous man in pro wrestling.

I’m not here to put on a show, Will. I’m here to hurt, to maim, and to show the entire goddamn world that I am the baddest and sickest son of a bitch in this game!

You’ve been calling 2019 the Year of Ospreay, but let me tell you something – after SummerFest, 2019 will be the Year of Moxley!

Ospreay smirked at Moxley’s words, his eyes flashing with a mix of intensity and passion. He responded:

You’re goddamn right I have something to prove bruv. I’m going to PROVE that I’m the best wrestler alive on the planet! You want to see if I’ve got the heart to match the skill? Fine. But don’t mistake me for some pretty boy who’s just here for the applause or social media buzz. I’m here to FIGHT!

You wanna bring violence? You wanna bring blood? I’ve bled for this business. I’ve bled for my career. I’ve traveled THOUSANDS of miles...given up family, relationships, EVERYTHING to be standing where I am right now. I’ve EARNED every drop of sweat, every bruise, every scar, and every ounce of pain. Let me tell you something bruv – you’re stepping into my world!

I was WSW long before you. I was here because I knew back in 2016 that this was the best wrestling on the planet! For the past three years, I’ve pushed myself to the absolute limit night in and night out against the best wrestlers in the world today!

You just walked through that door!


You are just as desperate as I am!

You are hellbent of showing the world that you are actually the man you say you are! This is a new level Jon...a level you’ve never been at before. You want to come into my house and throw your weight around. Think about that bruv...because I promise you...I am unlike anyone you have ever faced before!

Moxley spoke, his voice was dark and testing:

You’re going big game hunting kid.

You think putting my scalp on your wall will validate you.

You think you’re ready?!

You think you’ve got what it takes to survive me?

At SummerFest on July 13, you and ALL of WSW is gonna get a real education. Trust me. I’m gonna drag you into a war that you’re not ready for.
You’re right, I just walked in the door, and I can promise you that WSW has no clue what I’m about to unleash.

I’m gonna take you to places you’ve never been before, and you’ll learn real quick that not everyone can play the game the way I do. It will be beautiful, glorious wrestling violence, and I’m gonna beat you within an inch of your life. And when I’m done...all of WSW will be on notice!

Ospreay didn’t miss a beat, his voice was fueled with fire:



I’m not afraid of violence bruv!

In a swift motion, Ospreay headbutted Moxley right in the forehead!

Moxley stumbled back a bit, and blood instantly started trickled from his forehead. Moxley flashed a wicked smile, and the blood dripped down his face. He screamed:

Now we’re talking!

The two men then lashed into each other! Ospreay and Moxley went at it again!

A swarm of security officers and other WSW wrestlers flooded down from the back to separate the two men. “Let them fight!” chants sounded out. On commentary, Mauro Ranallo said:

Moxley and Ospreay are on a collision course! My god the fireworks are going to fly at SummerFest when they are one on one!

A vignette aired on Ricochet.

Ricochet is shown running down a beach at dawn and training in a gym. Highlights of Ricochet’s acrobatic, high-risk style inside the ring are interspersed. Ricochet’s voice narrates the package.

...Ever since I entered into this business, I knew I was different.

I knew that I could do things that others couldn’t.

I’ve worn that like a badge of honor...I know that I can change this industry.

We see highlights of Ricochet pinning Adam Cole two weeks ago and his flip outside the ring last week during the promo exchange with Cole.

I pinned Adam Cole. 1, 2,’s not lost on me that not many men can claim that.

Adam is the master chess player. He’s a manipulator, a card counter at the blackjack table, and a snake in the grass.

It’s not about being good, it’s not about being great, and it’s not about being’s about being better. Point blank, Adam Cole runs his mouth off about his greatness, but the reality is...he hides behind that Intercontinental Title.

That title needs to be around the waist of someone who will honor it and defend it each night with respect and the intention of making it the MOST important title in WSW by proving it inside the ring. Adam Cole claims that, but the truth is...he’s failing as a champion.

I have never held a singles title in WSW. This is my shot; this is my chance. I earned this.

Adam, I pinned you once, and at SummerFest I am going to do it again. I want to be the Intercontinental Champion. It’s so close that I can taste it.
On July 13, your name will be removed from that title belt and replaced with...Ricochet!

The vignette ends with Ricochet performing and insanely high box jump and yelling a triumphant roar.

Backstage, Melissa Santos was standing outside the trainer's officer of the Ocean Center. The door opened, and WSW World Champion Kenny Omega appeared accompanied by several trainers. He moved slowly. His back was bandaged up from the Ricola Bomb through glass earlier in the night.
Santos was quick on the scene:

Kenny...Kenny. I was hoping we could get a quick update from you. How are you feeling?

Omega grimaced, waved the trainers away and spoke:

Pain...yeah I’m feeling in. I’ve got glass embedded in my back, bruises on my ribs, and I can barely breath without it hurting like crazy.
But you know what Melissa, Claudio did something tonight. Something I didn’t expect...he unlocked something deep inside me. Something I thought I left behind in the past.

You want to break me, Claudio. Well congratulations....tonight, you broke this version of Kenny Omega – the guy who smiles, does every interview, and plays nice for the fans. Unfortunately for you, you’ve awakened something much worse.

The Cleaner is coming back. want to know who Kenny Omega really is?! You want to see what happens when I finally let go?! You’ll get your answer on July 13 at SummerFest!

Omega took one final, intense look into the camera before turning and walking off-screen.

Ahead of the main event, the commentators ran down the card for next week:
  • Ricochet vs. Dawson
  • Will Ospreay vs. Travis Banks
  • Pentagon Jr. Vs. Davey Boy Smith Jr.
  • Elite 8 Tournament Semi Finals: Jungle Boy vs. Alexander Hammerstone
  • We hear from Cody
  • Kay Lee Ray & Io Shirai vs. Tessa Blanchard & Tenille Dashwood
Then they ran down the card for SummerFest:
  • WSW World Championship: Kenny Omega (c) vs. Claudio Castagnoli
  • WSW Intercontinental Championship: Adam Cole (c) vs. Ricochet
  • WSW World Tag Team Championships – Escalera de la Muerte: The Hart Foundation (c) vs. Lucha Brothers
  • WSW Women’s World Championship: Tessa Blanchard (c) vs. Kay Lee Ray
  • Cody vs. Austin Aries
  • AJ Styles, Doc Gallows, and Karl Anderson vs. LA Express
  • Deonna Purrazzo vs. Nixon Newell
  • Jon Moxley vs. Will Ospreay
In two weeks, Ignition 200 will feature:
  • Finals of the Elite 8 Tournament: Brian Pillman Jr. vs. The Winner of Hammerstone/Jungle Boy
  • Candice LeRae & Rachael Ellering vs. Ivelisse & Mercedes Martinez

Match Five: Mike Bennett (w/ Brian Cage) vs. “The Phenomenal” AJ Styles (w/ Doc Gallows and Karl Anderson)

The main event of Ignition was a singles match between Mike Bennett and AJ Styles. Bennett was accompanied by “The Machine” Brian Cage, noticeable absent were Johnny Mundo and Taya Valkyrie after Valkyrie’s defeat earlier in the evening.

Styles made his entrance accompanied by Doc Gallows and Karl Anderson to a thunderous ovation. Goldenboy noted that this will be the first match for AJ Styles since Undisputed on May 18.

The opening moments were competitive as Bennett and Styles circled each other. Bennett showed no fear, taunting AJ with some trash talk. Styles got the better of an early exchange with a side headlock takeover. Bennett countered with a headscissors, but Styles kipped up to his feet to escape.

An early rope running sequence saw Styles hit one of his trademark dropkicks. Bennett escaped to the floor for a reprieve. On commentary Chael Sonnen noted:

You’ve got to wonder about the mindset of the LA Express. Despite what Johnny Mundo may say, I don’t think everything is copacetic. Taya has already lost tonight, Bennett is facing Styles here, and they are staring down the barrel of a trios match with a reunited Club of Styles, Gallows, and Anderson at SummerFest in two weeks. Something tells me, that they can’t afford to lose this match.

Back inside, another rope running sequence was interrupted by Brian Cage, who tripped Styles from the floor. This was the opening Bennett needed, as he scored a spinebuster before tossing Styles through the ropes to the floor.

Outside, Bennett threw Styles into the steel guardrail several times, as Cage loomed nearby like a thunderstorm.

Back inside, Styles tried to fight back with an enziguri, but Bennett ducked and hit a release German Suplex that sent Styles tumbling into the corner. Bennett continued the assault with the Boot Scrape (running corner big boot), followed by a backbreaker for an early 2 count.

Bennett would throw Styles through the ropes to the floor again and distract the referee, so Brian Cage could STEAMROLL Styles with a lariat on the outside.

Gallows and Anderson were incensed!

They charged around the ring to fight, but Cage held his hand up and pleaded innocent to the referee. The referee ordered Gallows and Anderson back to their side of the ring under the threat of ejection.

Bennett maintained control with a series of methodical offense, including a sharp side headlock and running backbreaker. He talked trash to Styles, mocking his accomplishments. Commentary mentions that Bennett was a student of the game. AJ’s injured back put him out of action following Undisputed, and Bennett was attacking that same back relentlessly.

Bennett went for a veticle suplex, by Styles countered with a small package for a near fall! Styles, rose to his feet, favoring his back from the earlier punishment. He started to fire up.

Styles ducked a lariat attempt from Bennett and cracked into his opponent with a brutal striking sequence, capped with a spinning backfist that caught Bennett flush on the chin. Ushigoroshi hit followed by a release snap suplex into the turnbuckles!

Styles went to climb to the top, but Cage interfered yet again, grabbing Styles ankle, crotching him on the top. Gallows and Anderson had enough! They charged around the ring and squared off with Brian Cage!

Cage urged Gallows and Anderson to fight him, but it was all a setup, as Mike Bennett WIPED OUT Gallows and Anderson with a tope suicida!

Cage used this opportunity to strike, attacking Gallows and Anderson with Bennett. Bedlam had broken out in Daytona!

The crowd buzzed as the big men, Doc Gallows and Brian Cage teed off on each other!

With the brawl on the floor going on, Styles regained his balance on the top......


A “WSW” chant started up, as Styles threw Bennett back into the ring. The referee desperate to restore order, EJECTED Cage, Gallows, and Anderson from ringside!

With all this going on, AJ Styles sprung off the ropes and CONNECTED with the Flying Forearm! Cover...




Styles seized the momentum. He went for the Styles Clash, but Bennett countered by powering up and looking for an Alabama Slam. Styles escaped and scored a rollup for another 2 count.

Both men scrambled to their feet. Styles ducked a pump kick, hit a Pele Kick, and drilled a Blue Thunder Bomb!

Styles went for the Styles Clash again, but Taya Valkyrie ran down and jumped on the apron!

Valkyrie distracted the referee!

With the referee’s back turned, the crowd jeered heavily, as Johnny Mundo ran down through the crowd and entered the ring with a steel chair!

Mundo reared back and swung.....



Mundo’s eyes got HUGE! His plan backfired!

Styles swiftly disposed of Mundo, with a jumping enziguri to the chair – sending the steel BLASTING into Mundo’s face!

Styles grabbed Bennett.......





AJ Styles (12:37)

Simple and effective TV match that is about as old school as it gets. Styles and Bennett are total pros, and they could do this match in their sleep. The whole match was designed to build towards the trios match at SummerFest and play up the tension in the LA Express.

Mundo is criminally underrated. He’s great as a heel – his facials are awesome.

After the match, the crowd cheered as AJ Styles stood tall in the ring, holding his arms high. Outside, Taya Valkyrie helped her husband up. Johnny Mundo was incredulous – he couldn’t believe his plan backfired. Bennett was out cold.

On commentary, Mauro Ranallo said:

[QUOTES]AJ Styles wins, and the LA Express goes 0-2 on the 4th of July. It is sheer desperation mode for Johnny Mundo and his squad on the road to SummerFest.![/QUOTE]

Styles stood on the middle ropes and pointed at Mundo, as the camera zoomed out to close the show.


Bandido def. Trevor Lee​
Singles match​
Mercedes Martinez (w/ Ivelisse) def. Taya Valkyrie (w/ Johnny Mundo)​
Singles match​
Austin Aries def. Lee Johnson​
Singles match​
Brian Pillman Jr. (w/ Teddy Hart & Davey Boy Smith Jr.) def. Ace Austin​
Singles match​
AJ Styles (w/ Karl Anderson & Doc Gallows) def. Mike Bennett (w/ Brian Cage)​
Singles match​


Saturday, July 13: ScotiaBank Arena in Toronto, Ontario, Canada -- Streaming LIVE on Netflix​
WSW World Championship: Kenny Omega (c) vs. "The Assassin" Claudio Castagnoli​
WSW Women's World Championship: Tessa Blanchard (c) vs. Kay Lee Ray​
WSW World Tag Team Championships: Escalera de la Muerte: The Hart Foundation (c) vs. Lucha Brothers​
WSW Intercontinental Championship: Adam Cole (c) vs. Ricochet​
Will Ospreay vs. Jon Moxley​
Cody vs. Austin Aries​
LA Express vs. AJ Styles, Karl Anderson & Doc Gallows​
Nixon Newell vs. Deonna Purrazzo​


Jan 4, 2023
Reaction score
News and Rumors

July 10, 2019

  • The eyes of the professional wrestling world will be on Toronto this week, as World Series Wrestling holds SummerFest at the Scotiabank Arena on 7/13. The event shocked the wrestling world with its instant one-day sell out. 16,900 tickets have been sold, shattering the company ticket sales and gate records. As of today, there are 286 tickets left on the secondary market website Stubhub, with a $120 get in price.​
  • The show will stream live on Netflix at 8 p.m. Eastern. The SummerFest Kickoff Show will stream free on WSW’s YouTube channel beginning at 7 p.m. This is the first time WSW has held a “pre-show,” and it will be interesting to see how the company presents this. In theory, pre-shows should hype the main card and feature 1-2 matches to entice viewers to purchase the PPV (or in this case, stream the show on Netflix or subscribe to the service). WWE has featured pre-shows for years; however, they are very much skippable, featuring matches not pushed on television and lengthy talking segments with a panel.​
  • WWE is countering SummerFest with two streaming events on the WWE Network on 7/13: NXT UK Takeover Cardiff and Evolve’s 10th Anniversary Show. Due to the time change, Takeover will stream live in US in the afternoon; however, Evolve will run head-to-head with SummerFest. It’s a low-risk gamble for WWE. If they succeed in driving viewers away (even a small number), they will pat themselves on the back and deem it a win; however, if the move is deemed unsuccessful, the expectation is they will ramp up their efforts to counterprogram and cut off WSW’s current momentum.​
  • On the 7/8 edition of Wrestling Observer Radio, Dave Meltzer was asked if WWE would move NXT to a cable network, such as FS1, to run head-to-head with Ignition. Meltzer’s response was candid:
    ...I think there is a strong chance that happens. I don’t know anything for sure, but look at the Vince McMahon playbook...he’s very predictable when it comes to things like this. It would make a lot of sense from a WWE perspective, especially if Ignition ends up moving to Tuesday in October. I can tell you this, there’s a lot of people in WWE paying attention to WSW that did not before. They wrote them off as insignificant, but they can’t do that anymore.
  • WWE will hold their Extreme Rules show on 7/14 in Philadelphia. The comparisons between the two shows were always going to be there; however, it will be a very interesting look about the current state of both promotions when watching these events on back-to-back nights.​
  • The SummerFest media call with Shane McMahon will be held on 7/12. Following the show, WSW will stream a post-show press conference on their YouTube channel for the first time ever.​
  • WSW World Champion Kenny Omega has been speaking with the media this week to promote SummerFest. In an interview with Yahoo Sports, Omega said:
    What makes WSW so special, and what made it so attractive to me, is the total team aspect that you feel here. That sounds cliche and cheesy, but it’s very true. I think what you find here are hyper talented men and women that want to change the business...rewrite the narrative of what professional wrestling is. I think we all feel a big responsibility to not just ride this high we’re on, but to build something sustainable for the future that will change the game forever.
  • In an interview with Busted Open Radio this week, Cody said:
    We’re living history right now, and that’s a pretty special feeling. We have the pen in our hand and we’re writing the next chapter of this sport. You look around our locker room, and it’s a smorgasbord of veterans, newcomers, and men and women that are finally getting their shot at the big time. But it’s a big time that we’ve built, not inherited. We’ve built this from the ground floor up with a new style of wrestling and modern story telling that’s not afraid of embracing tradition. This has been a slow, steady climb...we’re not an overnight success, but since the very beginning I think WSW has always had an audience that wanted more out of their wrestling. We’ve capitalized on that, and we’ve grown that audience. We’ve sold almost 17,000 tickets, and this will be the biggest non-WWE show in North America since the hey-day of WCW. It’s special for everyone involved, and the best is yet to come...I truly believe that.
  • Outside of SummerFest, the biggest news in professional wrestling this week was the death of CMLL President, Francisco “Paco” Alonso. Alonso passed on 7/6 at the age of 66.
    • The death was shocking to almost all in wrestling, as there was no indication that he was ill. Even the CMLL wrestlers were unaware until the news was announced at the 7/7 show at Arena Mexico.
    • His daughter, Sofia Alonso, said her father fainted on 7/5. Alonso suffered a heart attack while being transported via ambulance to the hospital and passed away the next morning.
    • Alonso was notoriously private, and very little is known about him given his status in professional wrestling. He ran CMLL for over 30 years, only conducting a handful of press interviews during that time.
    • For years, Alonso held an isolationist attitude when it came to CMLL. He softened on that stance in recent years, making deals with New Japan Pro Wrestling and most recently, World Series Wrestling. CMLL wrestlers have been featured on WSW TV in 2019, and RUSH and Dragon Lee are currently being prominently featured, with the looming debut of La Faccion Ingobernable on American television. The partnership has also opened the door for WSW talent to work Arena Mexico, a bucket list item for many non-Mexican born wrestlers.
    • The partnership between WSW and CMLL was notable, as Konnan is signed with WSW. Once a top star in EMLL (the previous name of CMLL), Konnan left the promotion in 1992 with Antonio Pena, Alonso’s head of creative, to form AAA. This launched a wrestling war in Mexico that still continues to this day. Alonso held bitter feelings for years over this, but the relationship did not prevent him from entering into a partnership with WSW, knowing the value of American television exposure.
    • Sofia Alonso, 28, was named the Director of CMLL, making her youngest person to lead a professional wrestling company in the world.
  • It is unknown if this impacts the relationship with WSW in any way. WSW issued a tribute to Alonso on their social media channels, and they announced a tribute match for the SummerFest Kick Off Show. WSW signee Bandido will team with Caristico & Diamante Azul vs. Los Guerreros Laguneros (Euforia & Ultimo Guerrero) & Templario.
    • The original plan for the Kick Off Show was to feature Bandido in a singles match; however, Alonso’s death changed this, and Bandido asked to be added to the match.
    • It will be very interesting to see how the crowd reacts to this match. It's on the pre-show, not the main card, but no one outside of Bandido has been featured prominently on WSW TV. WSW's fanbase, features more "hardcore" wrestling fans than WWE; hardcore meaning, fans that are aware and watch more wrestling than just one company; however, this will be interesting. The CMLL guys are always entertaining, and they are opening the show so the crowd will be hot, but this is a big spot for them.
  • In regards to Austin Aries’ return, his contact runs through the end of the year, and he has not signed a new deal. Aries has had a hot and cold relationship with the company in recent years, but the two sides reached an agreement for his return. Sources confirm that if things go well, both sides are open to contract extension discussions. It is believed that WSW also has the option of extending Aries’s contract for the seven months that he was away.
  • LAX (Santana and Ortiz), the top tag team in Impact, are expected to be wrapping up with the company soon. LAX has about a month left on their current deal, and they have received significant offers from both WWE and WSW. No decision has been made, and both WWE and WSW feel good about their chances. Those in WWE believe the team will start with them in September, and sources close to Santana and Ortiz expect the decision to be WSW.
  • The 7/8 Raw did 2,352,000 viewers and a .72 in the key 18-49 demo. The show went head-to-head with the MLB Home Run Derby, but they only dropped 5.8% in viewers – last year they dropped 8.9%. While the show has been criticized for a lack in quality, it held the audience better than any Raw in a long time, only dropping 2.6% from the first-to-third hour. Raw was 7th for the night on cable.
    • The show drew 8,000 in Newark, NJ. While the first show of the Paul Heyman era featured edgier content and pyrotechnics, this week felt very much like a typical Raw in 2019. The no wrestling during commercials decree is still in-tact; however, this week featuring a ton of short matches to try and avoid the random run-ins/match restarts, two out of three falls, and elimination matches that have already been overdone over the past few weeks. It’s very much a reminder that despite Heyman and Bischoff’s new roles in the company, Vince McMahon is still pulling all the strings.
  • Running against the 2019 MLB All Star Game, the 7/9 Smackdown did 1,853,000 viewers and a .53 in the key demo. It is the fourth lowest number for a live Smackdown in history. Given the competition, the show actually held up well. Smackdown finished 2nd for the night on cable.
    • The show only drew 3,000 in Manchester, NH.
  • As expected, the 7/4 Ignition posted low numbers, doing 648,000 viewers and a .25 in the 18-49 demo. The show dropped 17% in total viewers and 35% in the demo. As reported last week, the 4th of July is one of the worst nights for television each year, and these numbers can simply be thrown out as outliers. Still, the show finished 4th for the night on cable. It is expected that numbers will bounce back for the 7/11 go-home Ignition, as there will be very little competition on the night from sports and politics (both of which are dominating cable right now).
    • The 7/4 Ignition was a fairly run of the mill show, with no premier matches and more talking and vignettes than the show typically features building towards SummerFest.
  • Roman Reigns was interviewed by The Sportster this week and raised some eyebrows with comments regarding WSW:
    Obviously there’s been some changes around here...Ambrose leaving and popping up over there...Competition? No, there’s no competition. WWE, we know exactly what we’re doing. We have the best talent in the world. There’s no comparing, I say that with firm confidence, all the way from the top to the very bottom. We are world class all the way through. Is it another option? Sure. I’m never against optimism, but I think you have to be foolish if you think there’s a competition or actual comparison.
  • The 7/16 Smackdown is expected to be the first show under the direction of Eric Bischoff. Bischoff and his family were moving to Stamford this week. Those within the company have been told nothing though as to how things will be impacted, if at all.
  • Sasha Banks is expected back with WWE “soon” according to sources within the company. Banks is scheduled to be in Stamford to film video game content this week, indicating that her unhappiness may be smoothed over. Regardless, WWE will freeze Banks’s contract for the time she was away. Given the rise of WSW, WWE is not looking to release any talent they deem valuable at this time; especially, a major star like Sasha Banks.
  • Alex “Goldenboy” Mendez appeared as a guest commentator on the 7/4 Ignition as a tie in with the CEO Fighting Games Convention. Mendez received rave reviews from the WSW staff for his professionalism and product knowledge. The door is open for the two sides to work together again pending Mendez’s busy schedule in esports. Mendez posted the following on Twitter:
    HUGE thank you to @WSW for allowing me to live a dream tonight! Great team, great people, and awesome times in Daytona!
  • The 7/18 Ignition 200 in Atlanta is still hovering around 6,500 tickets sold. The only matches announced so far are:
    • Candice LeRae & Rachael Ellering vs. Ivelisse & Mercedes Martinez
    • Finals of the Elite 8 Tournament
    • It is expected that Britt Baker will debut on this show. WSW is very high on Baker and her unique story as a real life, full time dentist and professional wrestler. Baker has a good look, and they expect to push her right out of the gate.
  • Bea Priestly is expected to sign with WSW soon. The expectation was that she would be signed back in the spring; however, there were some complications with her current contract with Stardom, keeping her in Japan longer than originally thought. The belief is that Priestly will fulfill her contracted dates by the end of July, allowing her to officially sign with WSW. Priestly is the real-life girlfriend of Will Ospreay.
  • WSW also has interest in signing Sadie Gibbs of Stardom. Only 27, Gibbs is a fitness competitor that has been wrestling professionally for two-years. She has received high praise from Stardom for how quickly and naturally she took to the Japanese style. Priestly and Ospreay have also lobbied for her.
  • On the men’s side, Maxwell Jacob Friedman (MJF) is very high on WSW’s radar. Viewed as one of the best young, unsigned talents in the US – Friedman is currently working for MLW. Friedman is a natural heel with tremendous promo skills. His work in MLW has been compared to that of a young Roddy Piper. Cody is said to be actively involved in this, as Friedman has trained at Cody’s Nightmare Factory gym in Atlanta and the two have a very good relationship.
  • Advertised for the 7/11 go-home Ignition:
    • Ricochet vs. Dawson
    • Travis Banks vs. Will Ospreay
    • Pentagon Jr. vs. Davey Boy Smith Jr.
    • Elite 8 Tournament Semi-Final: Jungle Boy vs. Alexander Hammerstone
    • Cody Promo
    • Kenny Omega Promo
    • Kay Lee Ray & Io Shirai vs. Tessa Blanchard & Tenille Dashwood


Jan 4, 2023
Reaction score
Ignition: Episode 199

Promotion: World Series Wrestling
Date: July 11, 2019
City: Daytona Beach, FL
Venue: Ocean Center
Attendance: 5,000

The 7/11 Ignition began with a tribute to Paco Alonso.

The Ignition intro airs before cutting inside the Ocean Center in Daytona Beach, FL.

The commentary team of Mauro Ranallo, Chael Sonnen, and Paige Knight welcomed the audience to the show – just 3 days away from the biggest show in WSW history, SummerFest! The ring ropes went back to their usual, black ropes/black turnbuckles set up.
Match One: Ricochet vs. Dawson (w/ Wilder & Adam Cole)

The opening match of Ignition was a singles match between Ricochet and Dawson. The crowd cheered for the arrival of Ricochet who challenges Adam Cole for the Intercontinental Championship at SummerFest. Boos rained from the rafters for the arrival of Black Arrow.

Dawson confidently walked to the ring, accompanied by his tag team partner Wilder. Adam Cole joined the commentary desk for the match with his usual smarmy bravado:

Ladies and gentlemen...THE champion of WSW has arrived.

Hey cameraman, get a shot of that belt...oh my god isn’t she beautiful?!

It feels good to be champ! How’s it feels to sit next to a star, guys? Black Arrow and the Adam Gold Era are taking the world by storm. Did you see us last week? We were in London last week at Download Fest, hanging out with my best friends Slipknot and Def Leppard.

That’s what being THE champion is all about...being an A lister and growing WSW internationally.

Mauro Ranallo stated:

It’s certainly been a busy few weeks for you Adam, but in three days at SummerFest you will step into the ring and defend that Intercontinental Title against a man who scored a pinfall against you in Ricochet....

Adam Cole interrupted:

....Mauro, I cannot wait to get to Toronto and kick the smug, entitled look off of Ricochet’s face. This entire year has been about Adam Cole and Black Arrow. We have accomplished more than any faction in WSW! I slip on a banana peel once, and Ricochet thinks he’s on my level. I promise, I will set the record straight at SummerFest, but tonight I’m excited to watch Dawson go old school and grind Ricochet down. Ricochet is nothing more than flashy West Coast Offense, Dawson and Wilder are smashmouth, three yards and a cloud of dust. He’s going to rough ole’ Ricochet up tonight, and I can’t wait to watch it.

Also, I can’t help but wonder what happened to the Golden Triangle? I thought they were a dream team forged through an unbreakable friendship. Last I checked, Ibushi’s in the hospital for trying to fight Omega’s battles for him, and Kenny is nowhere to be found -- too selfish, two faced, and caught up in his own world to come out and stand with his so-called friend...poor Ricochet, we all learn the hard way about the character of Omega. That’s why I’m here guys; I’m the champion this company deserves!

At the bell, the two men squared off. Dawson, knowing the challenge Ricochet presents, tried to ground things early with a stiff lock up transitioned into a side headlock. Ricochet quickly escaped, delivering a series of fast strikes and a springboard tilt-a-whirl headscissors that sent Dawson tumbling. The crowd loved the quick offense, but Dawson regained control with a WICKED chop that stunned Ricochet.

Dawson shot Ricochet into the ropes, and Wilder took a swipe at Ricochet’s feet. Ricochet was distracted by this, and Dawson took advantage – hitting a stiff lariat that took Ricochet down. Dawson smiled, acknowledging Wilder’s interference. Cole laughed on commentary:

Look at that teamwork. Even in a singles match, the Death Busters are as cohesive a unit as you’ll find. I’ll ask again – where are the Golden Triangle?! No where to be found that’s where!

Dawson imposed his physical brand of offense – targeting Ricochet’s back with a series of backbreakers and a power slam for a quick 2 count. Ricochet would attempt to rally, but Dawson cut him off with a snap back suplex, followed by a reverse chinlock. The crowd got behind Ricochet, chanting his name.

Fueled by the crowd, Ricochet broke the hold. He showcased his agility on a rope running sequence: ducking clotheslines and hitting leapfrogs until he dropped Dawson with a dropkick. Ricochet shot Dawson into the corner and followed with a flurry of chops and kicks!

Wilder jumped to the apron, distracting the referee, allowing Dawson to rake Ricochet’s eyes! Cole was giddy on commentary:

That’s how you do it, Dawson! Smart wrestling!

The referee threatened Wilder to stay on the floor or get ejected. Wilder pled innocence. Dawson went for a German Suplex, but Ricochet flipped over in midair and landed on his feet. Ricochet STUNNED Dawson with a superkick to the jaw.

Ricochet charged at Dawson, but Dawson catapulted him into the corner. In one fluid motion, Ricochet landed on his feet on the middle rope and jumped backwards on Dawson’s shoulders (landing in the electric chair position). Ricochet then snapped off a textbook poison rana that SPIKED Dawson onto his head!

Ricochet landed an enziguri that sent Dawson toppling through the ropes to the floor. With the crowd behind him, Ricochet flew...SPACE FLYING TIGER DROP!

Ricochet popped to his feet, jumped to the apron and took out Wilder with a running Shooting Star Press!

Not done, Ricochet leapt to the middle rope and connected with an moonsault onto Dawson on the floor!

The crowd went nuts for the unbelievable athleticism of Ricochet. “This Is Awesome” chants sounded out!

Ricochet rolled back into the ring and climbed up top....


NO! Dawson rolled out the way, but Ricochet landed on his feet and rolled through!


Dawson spit on the canvas, and lifted Ricochet for a brainbuster........

NO! Ricochet landed a knee to the head and countered with a Stun Dog Millionare!

Dawson fell back against the ropes, bounced back..........


1, 2, 3!

Ricochet (11:42)

This match was a whole lot of fun to put together. Ricochet is a superstar, and we need to push him as such. He’s not the best promo, and that’s the only chink in his armor – but his freakish athleticism can cover it up. The crowd loves him.

This match was all about showcasing Ricochet in preparation for SummerFest. The crowd ate up Ricochet’s spots – especially the flurry of dives on the floor. Dawson is so good. He’s a helluva tag team guy, but he’s fantastic as a singles despite not wrestling many singles matches.

Ricochet’s music hits, and the crow erupts in cheers as Ricochet’s hand is raised in victory. He stands tall and triumphant, clearly sending a message just days before his Intercontinental Championship match with Adam Cole.

As Ricochet celebrates, he got BLASTED from behind by Wilder!

Cheers turned to boos as Wilder put the boots to Ricochet. Adam Cole said:

It’s time to send a message...

Cole threw down the headset and headed down the ramp towards the ring.

Wilder helped Dawson to his feet as the numbers game was in full effect. Like a venomous snake, Cole slithered into the ring. He urged Wilder and Dawson to hold Ricochet up.

Cole grasped his Intercontinental Championship belt:

You want to be champ?! You’re not ready for the TRUE champion of WSW!

Cole charged with the title to strike Ricochet.....


Cole stopped dead in his tracks and faced the stage.

The music of Ricochet’s Golden Triangle stablemate provided the brief distraction he needed.


Cole turned his attention to Ricochet and swung with the Intercontinental Title.....

Ricochet ducked.......

He sprung off the middle rope and took out all three members of Black Arrow with a quebrada!

The crowd exploded as Ricochet escaped the ring and backed up the ramp. He stood next to World Champion Kenny Omega and fist bumped him. Omega raised Ricochet’s arm in the air.

Cole was incensed in the ring. The cocky bravado was gone, replaced by an expression of anger and embarrassment. Ricochet pointed right at him and motioned for the title, signaling he’s coming for it at SummerFest!

Ignition returned from commercial with Chael Sonnen standing in the center of the ring:

Welcome back to Ignition! Please welcome my guest at this time...Cody!

Cody walked out to a gigantic ovation from the Daytona Beach crowd. Pyro exploded around him as Cody looked around at the crowd, it was clear there was appreciation on his face for the reaction.

Cody entered the ring and shook Chael Sonnen’s hand, as a LOUD “Cody” chant sounded out.

Sonnen started:

Cody, let’s just take a moment to LISTEN to this crowd here in Daytona...this is incredible...

The cheers got louder, and Cody looked around the arena. The crowd of 5,000 sounded like 100,000 chanting his name. Cody couldn’t help but crack a smile.

Sonnen asked:

It is very clear that the WSW fans are behind you as you head into SummerFest on Saturday night against Austin Aries.

Cody, Austin Aries shocked everybody when he walked back into the doors of WSW a few weeks ago. Plain and simple brother, he’s put you directly in his crosshairs and has had some strong words to go along with it. This is the moment before the are you feeling heading into this contest?

Cody took the microphone:

You know Chael, it’s funny. A few years ago, if you would’ve asked me that question, I’d probably have given you a cocky, arrogant response. I’d have said something about legacy, about my name, and how this is what I was born for.

But the truth is, I’m not that guy anymore. And for those of you who still think that I am... I want you to listen closely, because I’m here to tell you what you want to hear. I’m here to tell you the truth.

I’ve made mistakes. I’ve been the guy who thought the world owed him something, that my last name was enough to get me into the main event. I’ve walked into locker rooms wearing that weight belt like it was a crown, and thought THAT was who I was supposed to be. I thought I deserved to be handed everything.

When Austin Aries came back to WSW a few weeks ago, running his mouth about how I was a ‘false hero,’ the entitled son of a legend, he was right.

He was right about all of it. Because I WAS that guy. I did a lot of bad things with Revolver, stabbed a lot of people in the back, and I’m not sure if there is anyone on this roster that would have my back if things got thick in here tonight.

I did all those things in this pursuit of greatness...this burning desire to live up to an unattainable legacy that I had in my head.

But here’s the thing – I wasn’t chasing greatness; I was running from the truth. I was running from who I really am.

Cody took a breath, the weight of his words sinking in with the crowd. He looked directly into the camera and spoke with a strong voice:

The American Dream Dusty Rhodes....

For a long time, I thought I needed to live up to that name. But what I’ve realized here recently is that legacy isn’t something you live up to. It’s not some idea you chase. Legacy is something you create with your own hands. It’s what you do while your feet are planted in this ring. It’s what you leave behind in the hearts of people who know who you really are, not who they think you are.

That’s what Dusty did......

I’ve tried like HELL to clear the red in my ledger. I’ve bled for it.

I’m not the same guy I was when I came to WSW in 2016...I’m not the same guy I was six months ago.

You want to know something, Chael. I don’t deserve this applause tonight. But you know what? I LOVE IT!

I love that these people believe in me. I love that WSW is something they believe in too!

Cody paused and looked at the crowd.

I’m proud of WSW! I’m proud of what we’ve built together! This company, the talent we have, the inclusivity, the schedule, the pay – we're doing the right things for this business!

This FEELING...this can’t be held by me or anyone else...THIS IS OURS!

A “WSW” chant fired up, fueled by Cody’s passionate words. He continued:

I don’t care about legacy anymore. I care about who I am, I care about being happy with the man I see when I look in the mirror. I CARE about stepping through those ropes and doing the one thing that I’ve always wanted to do...WRESTLE.

And then there’s Austin Aries....

The self-proclaimed ‘last magician of pro wrestling.’

A man who’s build his entire career on illusion and manipulation.

A man who calls me entitled, yet he’s looked for any reason to pick up his ball and go home whenever he doesn’t get what he wants!

Austin, I RESPECT the fact that you were here on DAY ONE! I RESPECT your in-ring ability! I RESPECT the fact that you are absolutely one of the best bell to bell wrestlers in the world and you have been for a long time!

I look at you...I see your bitterness and anger...I see the fact that you’ve got NO respect for this business, for what we do here....and I see the very same man that I was not too long ago.

So, Austin, at SummerFest when we meet—when I beat you—I won’t just win a wrestling match...I’ll be clearing that last little bit of red in my ledger that has haunted me for months. You may be the magician, but I’m the real deal!

I don’t need anyone’s approval anymore. But I’ll DAMN sure give Austin Aries a lesson in humility. This is about ME. This about what I’ve become!

I’m going to Toronto, and I’m going to beat Austin Aries. And when I do, when that final bell rings...I’m coming for championship gold. Because that’s not about legacy, that’s about my future, and I’m taking control of it!

Cody’s emphatic words rung throughout the Ocean Center, and the crowd cheered. His music hit, and he looked around the arena one more time, his face a mixture of determination and pride. He exited the ring as chants of name sounded out again.

Ignition returned from commercial with a backstage interview. Melissa Santos brought us in:

Welcome back to Ignition here on the Paramount Network. I am joined at this time by Alexander Hammerstone.

The hulking Hammerstone walked into the interview area. Santos asked:

Alex, in just a few moments you will walk through that curtain and face Jungle Boy in the semi-finals of the Elite 8 Tournament. You had an impressive first round win over Alan Angels, what are your thoughts heading into this match?

Hammerstone smirked and crossed his arms over his massive chest.

Is this a joke? Jungle Boy? Seriously?

Look at me. Look at what I’ve built. I’m THE physical specimen. I’m the ELITE athlete in this tournament, I was the KING of the Dojo, and I’m the future of WSW.

This’s a work of art.

This’s unmatched...

Hammerstone rolled his shoulders, flexing:

Jungle Boy is a cute act...but he should have never left his family business. When I’m done with him tonight...he’s going to crawl back to Hollywood and beg to for a role in a soap opera because that’s where he belongs....NOT in this tournament, NOT in WSW.

This is MY world now, and trust me...I’m taking over!

Hammerstone smirked and walked off.

Match Two: Elite 8 Tournament Semi-Finals: Alexander Hammerstone vs. Jungle Boy

The second match of Ignition was a singles match between Alexander Hammerstone and Jungle Boy. The commentators break down the brackets of the tournament, featuring the top 8 wrestlers from the WSW Dojo. Hammerstone defeated Alan Angels in the first round, and Jungle Boy defeated Myron Reed.

The winner of this match advances to the Finals to face Brian Pillman Jr. at Ignition 200 next week.

Jungle Boy got a great reaction, particularly from the women in the crowd as he made his entrance.

Hammerstone towered over Jungle Boy, and showed no respect by smirking and pie facing Jungle Boy at the opening bell. Jungle Boy didn’t back down though, and he responded by slapping Hammerstone across the face!

Jungle Boy fired chops into the massive chest of Hammerstone and tried to cut him down with leg kicks. Jungle Boy hit the ropes for momentum, ducked a lariat attempt, and connected on a dropkick. Hammerstone staggered back into the ropes. Jungle Boy charged, but Hammerstone cut him off with a kitchen sink knee to the gut, followed by a release overhead belly to belly suplex.

Hammerstone landed several clubbing forearms to the back. He drove Jungle Boy into the corner, driving his shoulder into the midsection of Jungle Boy. The crowd tried to rally Jungle Boy, but Hammerstone showcased his power tossing him halfway across the ring with a MASSIVE biel throw!

Jungle Boy landed with a thud. He grabbed at his back, but refused to stay down on the canvas.

On commentary, Chael Sonnen said:

Hammerstone is just too much for Jungle Boy. You can see the power difference. This is a mismatch!

Hammerstone was all over Jungle Boy, landing powerful chops, slams, and a crushing bear hug. Jungle Boy's body contorted under the pressure, but the young star gritted his teeth, clenched his fists, and tried to fight out.

Hammerstone was unbothered, and he laughed as Jungle Boy struggled. He PLANTED Jungle Boy with a uranage that folded Jungle Boy like a cheap suit!

He made a cocky cover, but Jungle Boy kicked out!

Hammerstone threw Jungle Boy into the corner and ran over him with a corner lariat. Hammerstone lifted Jungle Boy overhead in a gorilla press and walked around the ring.

Hammerstone dropped Jungle Boy into a massive power slam! He covered, but Jungle Boy kicked out at 2 again!

Growing frustrated, Hammerstone threw Jungle Boy through the ropes to the floor by his hair. Hammerstone jaw jacked with ringside fans, flexing and screaming at one fan:

It’s called a push up jackass. All you need is a floor and some!

Jungle Boy tried valiantly to fight off Hammerstone on the floor, but Hammerstone absorbed the strikes and whipped Jungle Boy into the steel guard rail.

Hammerstone then pressed Jungle Boy overhead yet again.......


Jungle Boy crashed hard, bouncing to the floor mats with a sickening thud.

Hammerstone smiled and slowly sauntered back into the ring. He looked at the referee at the referee and said:


Hammerstone then flexed in the ring to jeers, as Jungle Boy tried to gather himself on the floor.

Somehow, someway Jungle Boy climbed into the ring at the count of 8 (WSW uses a 20 count). Hammerstone looked surprised. Jungle Boy pulled back his hair and motioned for Hammerstone to bring it on! The crowd cheered his resilience. On commentary Paige said:

You’ve gotta give it to Jungle Boy. This is heart. This is guts. But the clock is ticking, and Hammerstone isn’t going to give him much room to breathe.

Hammerstone grabbed Jungle Boy and lifted him for a powerbomb, but Jungle Boy rained down elbows to the head of Hammerstone to escape!

Jungle Boy ducked a lariat and landed a spinning kick to the gut! Jungle Boy hit a leaping forearm....followed by another! Leaping knee strike!

Hammerstone was staggered. Jungle Boy hit the ropes and landed a dropkick that sent Hammerstone through the ropes to the floor. The big man landed on his feet, but he was clearly rattled.


Jungle Boy flipped through the air and connected with the high risk move!

The crowd started a Jungle Boy chant. Jungle Boy had taken Hammerstone off his feet! Jungle Boy rolled the big man back inside and climbed to the top.




Hammerstone kicked out at one!

The crowd gasped at the kickout, but Jungle Boy stayed on offense. He chopped Hammerstone back into the corner. Jungle Boy sat the big man on the top turnbuckle and climbed up as well. Jungle Boy looked for a Frankensteiner......

BLOCKED by Hammerstone!


Jungle Boy laid motionless, his body limp from the impact.

Undeterred, Hammerstone rose to his feet....Nightmare Pendulum!




Alexander Hammerstone (7:28)

Big man, little man match was the vibe here and both guys played their roles perfectly. Jungle Boy has a natural connection with the crowd, and he played his role as the valiant babyface well here. We’ve got to find a way to package Jungle Boy moving forward, because there’s something there...he has the potential to be a big star.

Hammerstone is a stud. We need to lean into him being a modern, more athletic version of an 80’s wrestler.

Hammerstone stood tall in the center of the ring. He jerked his arm away from the referee and shot a menacing glare. Hammerstone then flexed.

On commentary, Sonnen said:

Hammerstone has GOT to be the favorite to win this tournament. I don’t know if anyone can stop him!

Ranallo followed:

Jungle Boy gave it his all, but the sheer power of Alexander Hammerstone was too much tonight. Hammerstone now moves on to the Finals where he faces Brian Pillman Jr. next week at Ignition 200!

A vignette on Claudio Castagnoli airs. The Way by Zack Hemsey plays. The music begins slow and deep, pulsing like a heartbeat as black and white footage rolls.

The first shots show Claudio Castagnoli emerging form the shadows. The footage cuts to September 8, 2015, the inaugural episode of Ignition, where Castagnoli made his shocking debut. We see Claudio standing on the stage, and crowd cheering his arrival.

Mauro Ranallo’s voice is head and then the camera cuts to a sit down interview with him:

When Claudio Castagnoli first arrived in WSW, it was clear that he was a man on a mission. Not just to compete...but to dominate. There was no other man like him in the locker room.

Cut to Castagnoli winning the WSW World Championship on October 6, 2015 over Alberto El Patron.

The camera cuts to a sit down with Mike Tenay:

Claudio Castagnoli became the first WSW World Champion, and with that, he fulfilled a 15-year journey. On that night...October 6, 2015, he received the recognition he always sought – he was no longer viewed as just a good talent, he was a Champion.

The scene goes black for a moment, and then fades to footage of Castagnoli losing the World Championship on January 30, 2016. We see the struggles that followed. Castagnoli once stood on top of the world, but was dragged deeper into darkness. Footage of his partnership with Salina de la Renta is shown.

Cut to Claudio seated on a weight bench in a dark gym. His expression is vacant. We see the tan hand of Salina de la Renta emerge from the shadows, placing itself on the broad shoulders of Castagnoli. She leans down and whispers into his ear, feeding his anger.

Clips of Castagnoli’s turn into “The Assassin” are shown – brutalizing Drew Galloway, Pentagon Jr, and AJ Styles.

Cut to a sit down with Chris Van Vliet:

The Claudio we saw at the start, the champion, began to crack. And then Salina de la Renta appeared, and something inside him snapped. He went from a man of honor to a man who would stop at nothing to ensure his dominance.

Cut to Castagnoli’s face off with Kenny Omega. We see him pie face Omega at the SummerFest press conference, and we see his brutal match with Kota Ibushi – the German Suplex on the apron, the powerbomb, and the stomps onto Ibushi’s head.

Mike Tenay’s voice is heard:

Salina de la Renta has unlocked something inside Claudio Castagnoli. He’s cold, calculated, and dangerous. Most importantly, he’s been undefeated for over eight months.

Chris Van Vliet voiceover:

Kenny Omega and Claudio Castagnoli are on two opposite ends of the spectrum. They represent and stand for diametrically opposite beliefs. Claudio is obsessed with not just beating Kenny, but breaking his mind, body, and soul.

The music intensifies, becoming more foreboding as the screen shows Claudio in intense, solitary training sessions. The camera zooms in on his face – his jaw clenched with anger, sweat dripping down his forehead. He’s lifting insane amounts of weight in a shadowed gym. The footage is gritty, grainy, and resembles a psychological breakdown – a physical and mental transformation.

Claudio is seen running at night – a training parachute behind him. He lifts weights – his muscles trembling but his eyes never flinch. He slams a medicine ball against the wall, each throw more violent than the last. The montage shows him obsessed – training like a machine.

Mauro Ranallo voiceover:

What we’ve witnessed over the past year was a transformation. Claudio has been trying to reclaim his past, and in doing so...he’s become the most dangerous man in professional wrestling.

The scene shifts to Castagnoli sitting in a dark room. Shadows envelope his body, as the camera slowly circles him. His eyes are cold. His voice is calm:’ve never understood.

I was broken once. I thought I could build myself up, make the world see me as the man I once was...

But I learned that I had to allow myself to fall into abyss to be what I always wanted...

Cut to footage of Omega’s eyes full of tears as he cried for help over the fallen Ibushi. Cut to footage of Castagnoli putting Omega through a glass table with a Ricola Bomb.

Castagnoli’s voice is heard again:

I’ve spent years in the shadows, hurting, aching to feel what I once had. But the only way to truly reclaim my destiny is to hurt people.

To break them.

When I step into your home country, Kenny, I’m going to take everything from you.

The title...your spirit....everything...

I’m going to break you in front of your people and make you feel the same emptiness that I’ve felt for four long years.

SummerFest...Toronto. It’s the end of your story, Kenny and the beginning of mine. When I take the World Championship, I will finally be whole again. The Assassin has one final victim to claim....

The camera cuts to Castagnoli’s face. He stares into the camera one last time, cold and resolute.

The screen fades to black as the haunting melody of The Way continues to play.

Match Three: Will Ospreay vs. “The Kiwi Buzzsaw” Travis Banks

The third match of Ignition was a singles match between Will Ospreay and Travis Banks. The Ocean Center erupted in cheers, with fans chanting “Ospreay, Ospreay” as Will Ospreay strides out, full of confidence. He stepped into the ring and did a trademark flip off the ropes, landing in a superhero like stance in the center of the ring.

Travis Banks came out, looking focused at the task at hand.

There is an air of mutual respect between the two men as they bumped fists at the bell and circled each other.

Both men used their speed and athleticism to seamlessly go through a chain wrestling sequence full of counters and reversals. Ospreay got an arm drag and locked in an arm bar, but Banks fought out – twisting Ospreay’s wrist into a hammerlock. Ospreay countered with a textbook headscissors takedown. Chael Sonnen noted this on commentary:

Ospreay’s agility is unreal. He's a high-flyer, but don’t forget the technical side of his game. To me that’s where he has really grown his game. He’s not afraid of mixing it up on the mat.

Banks took a moment to regain his bearings, and a rope running sequence saw Bank catch Ospreay with a heavy roundhouse kick to the ribs. Banks used his striking ability to land stiff chops to Ospreay, backing him into the corner.

Banks charged for a forearm smash, but Ospreay moved, and Banks ate turnbuckles.

Moving quickly, Ospreay hit a handspring back elbow to the jaw, followed by a standing shooting star press for a 2 count!

Ospreay eyed the top rope, but as he vaulted to the top – Banks got to his feet just in time and hit a dropkick – sending Ospreay tumbling over the top rope, all the way to the floor!

Banks followed to the outside, hitting hard kicks to the chest. Banks hit a snap suplex on the floor!

Back inside, Banks kept the pressure on with a series of forearms. He transitioned to a rear chinlock, trying to sap the energy from the high flyer. The crowd chanted for Ospreay to power out, and he began to work his way to his feet.

Ospreay broke the grip of Banks with a series of elbows to the ribs. Ospreay shot Banks into the ropes, ducked a roaring forearm attempt, and CRACKED Banks with a hook kick!

Ospreay went for a springboard 450 Splash.......

Banks rolled out of the way at the last possible moment! Ospreay crashed hard on the canvas!

Both rolled away from each other – catching their breath and rising to the feet.

A back-and-forth strike sequence ensued. Banks hit a particularly hard forearm to the jaw that sunned Ospreay. Banks went for a superkick, but Ospreay caught the foot! He spun Banks around and SPIKED Banks with a half and half suplex.

Ospreay went for the Oscutter....

Banks blocked and countered with spinning neck breaker for a 2 count!

Banks rose and charged for a PK, but Ospreay ducked and hit a rapid-fire sequence of high impact moves: German Suplex, superkick to the face, knee strike to the face, and the Robinson Special!

Ospreay looked around at the crowd and removed his elbow pad......


The impact was SICK!


Will Ospreay (9:56)

Match was designed to be a showcase for Ospreay, particularly his striking and grappling to prepare for the match with Moxley. He debuted a new finisher tonight too to go along with the Oscutter and Storm Breaker. Ospreay is fun to watch, he’s so good and he makes everything look easy.

Good showing from Banks. He’s a solid hand, but we’ve struggled getting him and TK Cooper over since the Global Cup. Crowd is not super into him, but they respect his ability. Ospreay really likes him and wanted to give him some shine tonight.

Ospreay stood tall, and grabbed a microphone. His expression was a mixture of intensity and raw emotion. He spoke:

You want viciousness, Mox...that right that the Hidden Blade, and I’m going to take your head off with it at SummerFest!

Moxley...I’m not here to talk shit about you, bruv. I don’t hate you. I looked in your eyes last week, and I know that you’re a new man now – free of the bullshit that you used to be tied to. You’re’re a stalk your prey and kill it simply because you can.

But you know what bruv...I’m a lion hunter!

Ospreay paced, his eyes burned with intensity:

The Year of Ospreay isn’t just some damn catchphrase for a t-shirt. It’s a promise to myself. It’s me proving that I am the best wrestler in the world....that I can stand toe-to-toe with the top dogs and beat them!

You want to talk about being vicious?! Bruv, you have no idea! There’s nothing you can do to me that I haven’t done to myself in my own damn head!

I’ve fought against myself for years – dealing with anxiety and self-doubt. The pressure of being away from my family and friends can be crushing. Sitting in hotel rooms, alone at night, staring at the walls wondering if I’m good enough...wondering if all of this is worth it...that’s vicious.

But deep inside my heart, I can FEEL my dream, I can hear these people chant my name, and THAT keeps me going!

I’ve bled, I’ve broken bones, and I’m still standing!

And I will spill more blood to prove that I am the best, because I NEED THIS!

I’m coming for you, Moxley! I’m bringing violence! When I beat you at’re going to look into my eyes and know exactly who the HELL I am!

Ospreay dropped the microphone and exited the ring. The crowd roared at the passionate, raw words of Ospreay.

Returning from commercial, Melissa Santos was backstage. She was flanked by AJ Styles, Karl Anderson, and Doc Gallows. The trio stands together, arms crossed, ready to speak.

Santos said:
I’m standing here with three men that need no introduction. Three of the most dominant men in WSW have reunited ahead of their match against the LA Express at SummerFest.

Guys, it’s been years since we’ve seen you together as a unit. What brought you back together after all this time?

AJ Styles smirked and looked over at Gallows and Anderson.

You know Melissa, there’s a lot of history between us. There’s been a lot of ups, a lot of downs. We’ve fought against each other; we’ve had our issues...but blood is always thicker than water.

Karl Anderson cut in:

Exactly. For years, people have talked about it. ‘When are y’all gonna reunite? When are the real badasses gonna get back together?’ But there’s something different this time. We’ve seen what the LA Express is doing – spouting off like they’re the big dogs.

Johnny Mundo is a smug prick that’s about to learn a hard lesson. Don’t write checks with your mouth that your ass can’t cash!

Gallows spoke:

The LA Express crossed a line. They didn’t just run their mouths...they took something from us. They took away my damn ankle back in January. They broke my foot, and I’ve had to sit on the sidelines and watch those punks think they ran things around here.

They’ve woken up the monster, and they’re gonna regret it!

Johnny Mundo – your time is up! You’ve had your fun, but you’ve got no idea that you just kicked a hornet’s nest boy!

This isn’t about kicking your ass at’s about shutting you up for good!

Anderson spoke:

And you know the thing about a reunion like this,’s not something we take lightly. We’ve been all over the world – dominated Japan and Europe. It doesn’t matter where we were...the three of us were always connected – as friends, as enemies...we were always brothers.

AJ Styles closed the interview:

People wanted this reunion for years.

Be careful what you wish for. Because when we get together – bad things tend to happen. We’ve made history before, and we’re about to do it again. We don’t need your spotlight – we take it.

So, WSW...get ready. The Club is back, and we’re coming for everything!

Back inside the arena, Todd Keneley stood on-stage:

Ladies and gentlemen, in just three days, July 13, we head to Toronto for SummerFest. The biggest event in WSW history!

I am excited to announce that the SummerFest Kick Off Show will stream live on the WSW YouTube channel beginning at 7 PM. On the Kickoff Show, we will see a four-way tag team match to determine new Number One Contenders for the WSW World Tag Team Championships!

The winner of that match will receive their title match next week on Ignition 200!

Please welcome my guests at this time, one the teams competing in that match...The Von Erichs!

The crowd respectfully cheered the arrival of Marshall and Ross Von Erich. The brothers flashed the Claw symbol to the crowd.

Keneley asked:

Gentlemen, you’re undefeated since signing with WSW back in May. How do you feel about this opportunity – the chance to receive your first title shot?

Marshall spoke:

Todd, I can promise you this...Ross and I will ready. We’ve been preparing for this our entire life. When you think of the name Von think championships. That’s what we came here to do! We came to WSW to prove that we are the BEST tag team in the worl........

The lights in the Ocean Center went out!

The crowd buzzed, knowing something was about to happen.......

LA FACCION INGOBERNABLE logo appeared on the video board!



Clad in black suits, Rush and Dragon Lee put the boots to Ross and Marshall!

Boos began to sound out as Dragon Lee threw savage kicks down on Ross Von Erich on the ramp. On stage, Marshall tried to fight back against RUSH, but RUSH overwhelmed him. RUSH then DESTROYED Marshall with a running kick to the face!

Marshall’s cowboy hat flew off his head, and RUSH stomped down on it!

With a wicked smile, RUSH removed his belt. He handed the belt to his brother. Dragon Lee looked at the belt for a moment, knowing there was no turning back – this was seemingly the last test from RUSH to prove he stood with his brother.


The boos got louder, as RUSH ripped the t-shirt off of Marshall Von Erich, exposing his bare chest. RUSH held him up......

Dragon Lee charged, swung the belt, and it CRACKED like a whip across the chest of Marshall who dropped like a rock, crying out in pain.

RUSH and Dragon Lee looked around at their dirty work. RUSH picked up the microphone.

La Faccion Ingobernable is here...and we will take all your gold!

Dragon Lee then struck the tranquilo pose as RUSH stood over him, raising his hands high in the air. Boos rained down, as LFI fired their first shot in WSW.

A video package highlighting the rivalry of Kay Lee Ray and Tessa Blanchard aired narrated by Paige Knight:

Since their arrival in 2018, Diamond has ruled the WSW women’s division with an iron fist...

Quick cut to Tessa Blanchard standing tall with the Women’s World Title, flanked by Tenille Dashwood and Nixon Newell.
  • Blanchard’s victory over Candice LeRae at Grand Prix Finals 2018 is shown, winning the World Title.
  • Various clips of Blanchard defending her title are shown: featured prominently is her victory over Deonna Purrazzo at Undisputed that saw the return of Nixon Newell.
Paige’s voiceover continued:

Tessa Blanchard, Tenille Dashwood, and Nixon Newell have ruthlessly enforced their rule over the division. Tessa’s reign as World Champion has been unbreakable.

The screen flashes to December 2018, showing Kay Lee Ray’s debut in London. Clips of Kay Lee Ray are shown, highlighting her striking skills and fire.

Paige voiceover:

For years, Kay Lee Ray has fought tooth and nail for her place in the wrestling world. Against all odds, against the system...she’s always fought back.

The screen transitions to highlight the alliance between Kay Lee Ray, Deonna Purrazzo, and Io Shirai. The three women came together to combat Diamond. The trio defeated Diamond on the 6/13 Ignition, with KLR scoring the pinfall over Blanchard.

Paige voiceover:

In the ring, Kay Lee Ray proved she could stand toe-to-toe with the best, with a victory that shook the foundation of Diamond’s reign.

The camera cut to Kay Lee Ray’s passionate, tearful promo from the 6/20 Igntion, we see and hear her words from that night:

Time after time I was turned down by major promotions for not having ‘the right look’ or for ‘having an accent that no one would understand.’ I was told to stay in the UK, that I’d never appeal to the mainstream. All those scars from my past resurfaced…

We see quick flashes of pictures of Kay Lee Ray as a child, home videos, and videos of her early matches on the UK independents.

Kay Lee Ray’s promo continued:

But when WSW was formed, I knew this was my chance. This was my chance to EARN my keep and prove that I was UNDENIABLE!

Flash cuts of Tessa Blanchard viciously attacking Kay Lee Ray, and Nixon Newell slamming Deonna Purrazzo’s arm in a car door, showing the lengths Diamond is willing to go.

Paige voiceover:

But Diamond doesn’t play fair. They strike when least expected, and they’ll stop at nothing to maintain their iron grip on the division. Kay Lee Ray has felt the wrath of Diamond firsthand, but she stands resolute.

We see Kay Lee Ray nearly hit Blanchard with the Gory Bomb at the contract signing last week.

Paige voiceover:

Kay Lee Ray has been fighting for this moment her entire life. This Saturday at SummerFest, she’ll finally get her shot at Tessa Blanchard and the Women’s World Championship.

The final shot of video package is Kay Lee Ray and Tessa Blanchard standing eye-to-eye at the contract signing last week.

Match Four: Kay Lee Ray & Io Shirai vs. Diamond (Tessa Blanchard & Tenille Dashwood) w/ Nixon Newell

The fourth match of Ignition was a tag team match pitting Kay Lee Ray and Io Shirai against Tessa Blanchard and Tenille Dashwood of Diamond.

The bell rang, and Kay Lee Ray demanded Tessa Blanchard start the match. The World Champion teased a confrontation, but smugly tagged out to Dashwood, drawing loud boos.

Kay Lee Ray shrugged it off, engaging in a fast-paced exchange with Dashwood, showcasing her athleticism with a series of arm drags and a springboard dropkick.

Shirai tagged in, and the duo worked together with a series of double-teams – culminating in a pop-up knee strike that yielded an early 2 count!

Growing frustrated, Blanchard yelled at Dashwood to get it together. Shirai gestured for the Blanchard to enter, but the World Champion refused, taunting the crowd instead.

KLR tagged back in and peppered Dashwood with a series of strikes. Backing Dashwood into the corner, the crowd chanted “Kay” “Lee” “Ray” for a trio of hard kicks that landed on the sternum.

KLR shot Dashwood into the ropes, and Blanchard blind tagged in. KLR didn’t notice the tag, and Blanchard BLASTED her behind with a lariat!

Blanchard smiled at her craftiness, and she quickly tagged back out to Dashwood, drawing tons of boos from the crowd.

A weary Dashwood reentered the ring, but she got an assist from Nixon Newell on the floor. During a rope running sequence, Newell landed a forearm to small of Kay Lee Ray’s back. The interference allowed Dashwood to land a rising knee strike and a superkick!

Diamond isolated Kay Lee Ray, cutting the ring off with quick tags. Dashwood hit a sliding forearm, and Blanchard tagged to deliver punishing strikes – talking trash to KLR the entire time:

You aren’t going to make it SummerFest! The dream is OVER bitch!

The trash talking fired up KLR. With an angry look of passion on her face she urged Blanchard to hit her – absorbing the strikes.


Blanchard obliged and threw several STIFF forearms to the jaw that KLR absorbed! She rose to her feet!

Blanchard went for the knockout shot, but KLR kicked her arm to cut her off! KLR landed two hard leg kick, a kick to ribs, and a roundhouse kick to the head that echoed throughout the Ocean Center! This whipped the crowd into a frenzy! The World Champion went down, and so did KLR!

Both women crawled to their respective corners and made tags.

Shirai took out Dashwood with a lightning quick strike sequence. Dashwood tried to fight back, hoisting Shirai up into a fireman’s carry, but Shirai countered a TKO attempt with a DDT! Dashwood rolled to the outside. Shirai then knocked Blanchard to the floor with a running knee in the corner.

Diamond attempted to regroup on the floor, but Kay Lee Ray flew like a missile and took them out with a tope suicida!

Shirai climbed to the top, and FLEW.....


Diamond was wiped out!

Back inside, Kay Lee Ray tagged in and set up Dashwood for the Gory Bomb, but Nixon Newell jumped to the apron to run interference. The referee screamed at her to get down..........

DEONNA PURRAZZO rushed down the ramp to a cheers! With her arm heavily wrapped up in tape -- a side effect of having her arm slammed in a car door -- she ripped Newell off the apron and struck with haymakers! On commentary, Mauro Ranallo said:

Deonna Purrazzo is here, and she’s evened up the odds! Two weeks ago, Newell slammed Purrazzo’s arm in a car door! Purrazzo will face Nixon Newell at SummerFest, but the fireworks are flying tonight!

The two brawled furiously to the back.

The distraction worked though! Dashwood escaped the Gory Bomb, and Blanchard shocked KLR – flying off the top with a Magnum!

Blanchard smiled as she exited to the apron, urging Dashwood to pin KLR. Dashwood crawled over and hooked the leg.....


Blanchard’s eyes got HUGE. She couldn’t believe it!

Dashwood knocked Io Shirai off the apron, and she charged for the Spotlight Kick (running single legged dropkick)......


Kay Lee Ray didn’t waste one second...she hoisted Dashwood up for the Gory Bomb!

KLR dared Blanchard to get into the ring and stop her...........Blanchard dropped to the floor – she wanted NOTHING to do with KLR!



Kay Lee Ray and Io Shirai (11:42)

Fast-paced tag team match, and the entire goal was to continue Kay Lee Ray’s momentum leading to title shot at SummerFest. KLR was the standout performer in the match, and the crowd is really into her and buys her strikes as legit.

Dashwood is a solid hand, but she’s not at the level of the other women in this match. She played her role well. Blanchard’s facials are fantastic. There really is limitless potential for her.

Blanchard backed up the ramp, trash-talking Kay Lee Ray. The crowd roared, as Purrazzo reappeared behind Blanchard!

Grabbing her by the hair, Purrazzo ran Blanchard down the ramp and threw her into the ring!

Kay Lee Ray PLANTED Tessa Blanchard with a Gory Bomb to cheers!

Kay Lee Ray looked around the Ocean Center, and eventually her gaze went to the Women’s World Championship belt on the canvas. Kay Lee Ray picked the belt up, stared deeply into the gold, and raised it above her head!

Mauro Ranallo narrated the scene:

Is this a preview of what’s to come at SummerFest?! Kay Lee Ray holds the title in her hands tonight in Daytona, but can she WIN that belt and etch her name into the record books in Toronto?!

A vignette airs, opening with a sweeping shot of a bustling dentist office. Patients fill the chairs and staff members scurry about. The camera focuses on Dr. Britt Baker, dressed in her pristine white coat and confidently inspecting a patient’s x-rays.

Britt Baker’s voiceover narrates the scene:

Being a dentist is more than just my’s a huge part of who I am. It’s about discipline, precision, and helping people smile – literally. But there’s another side to me...

The scene transitions to a brightly lit wrestling school, where Baker hits the ropes and executes a crisp slingblade on a sparring partner. The sound of the mat reverberates as she stand talls.

Wrestling is my passion. It’s my heart and soul. When I step into that ring, it’s not just about winning. It’s about proving that you can chase your dreams no matter how big or crazy they seem.

Clips of Baker training in the ring are cut with moments of her lifting weights, running drills, and studying tape. He voiceover carries a tone of determination:

I’ve worked harder than I ever thought possible to get here. Balancing two careers isn’t easy, but it’s who I am. I’m proud to be Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D., and a pro wrestler.

And now, I get to show the world what I can do on the biggest stage of all....World Series Wrestling!

The vignette concludes with Baker standing in the middle of the ring under the bright lights, staring into an empty arena.

The doctor is in......and I’m just getting started!

Dr. Britt Baker debuts next week on Ignition 200!

Ignition cut to Jon Moxley sitting in a dimly lit stairwell in the Ocean Center. He leaned against the cold, brick wall, his gaze locked on the camera. His voice is low, almost a growl, as he be:

You know, Ospreay… I heard what you said out there tonight. All that talk about anxiety, about self-doubt, about needing this win. You’re out here baring your soul to the world, and I get it. I’ve been there. Hell, I am there. You think you’re the only one who’s had those voices in your head, telling you you’re not good enough? Kid, I’ve had ‘em screaming at me since day one.

But here’s the difference between us—you’re chasing something. You wanna be the best in the world. Me? I’m not chasing a damn thing anymore. I already know who I am. And I need to win on Saturday, not because I wanna be the best, but because it’s the only thing I know how to do. You say you’ve battled your demons? I’ve made mine my drinking buddies.

Moxley smirks bitterly, standing to his as the tone of his voice increased, echoing off the walls.

You think I don’t see it? You’ve got the world buzzing, Ospreay. Every flip, every strike, every match—you leave your mark. And that’s why I picked this fight. It wasn’t a coincidence. You’ve got everyone fooled into thinking you’re a one-man revolution, but Saturday, we’re gonna find out how much of that hype is real.

I spent years locked in chains, playing a part for people who didn’t give a damn about Jon Moxley. They called me a sadist, a freak, just another sideshow act. And maybe they were right, but now? Now, I call my own shots, and I’ll be damned if I let you or anyone else tell me who I am or what I can do.

He stepped closer to the camera, the intensity in his eyes burning brighter.

Saturday at SummerFest, there’s no curtain to hide behind, no fancy entrance to save you. It’s just you and me, Ospreay. You wanna be the best in the world? Good. I hope you bring every ounce of fight you’ve got.

Violence is the only language I’ve ever spoken, and on Saturday, everyone’s gonna understand exactly what the hell Jon Moxley is. There’s no running now, kid. Welcome to the deep water. Let’s see if you can swim.

Moxley smirked one last time, then walked off.

Ahead of the main event, the commentary trio ran down the card for SummerFest:
  • WSW World Championship: Kenny Omega (c) vs. Claudio Castagnoli
  • WSW Intercontinental Championship: Adam Cole (c) vs. Ricochet
  • WSW Women’s World Championship: Tessa Blanchard (c) vs. Kay Lee Ray
  • WSW World Tag Team Championships: Escalera de la Muerte – The Hart Foundation (c) vs. Lucha Brothers
  • Jon Moxley vs. Will Ospreay
  • Austin Aries vs. Cody
  • Nixon Newell vs. Deonna Purrazzo
  • The Club vs. LA Express
WSW SummerFest Kickoff Show – streaming live and FREE on YouTube at 7 PM
  • Number One Contenders Four Way: The Von Erichs vs. La Faccion Ingobernable vs. The Death Busters vs. #StrongHearts
  • Paco Alonso Tribute Match: Los Guerreros Lagueneros (Euforia & Ultimo Guerrero) & Templario vs. Bandido, Caristico & Diamante Azul
Ignition 200 NEXT WEEK
  • World Tag Team Championship Match
  • Candice LeRae & Racheal Ellering vs. Ivelisse & Mercedes Martinez
  • Finals of Elite 8 Tournament: Brian Pillman Jr. vs. Alexander Hammerstone
  • Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D. debut

Match Five: Davey Boy Smith Jr. vs. Pentagon Jr.

The main event of Ignition was a singles match between Davey Boy Smith Jr. and Pentagon Jr.

Highlights of the rivalry between The Hart Foundation and the Lucha Brothers aired, leading to Escalera de la Muerte – a ladder match for the World Tag Team Titles at SummerFest.

On commentary, Mauro Ranallo noted that due to the volatility of the rivalry – Shane McMahon and WSW officials had officially banned everyone from ringside for this match.

The bell rang, and immediately, both men locked eyes in a tense stare-off. Pentagon raises his arms and taunted the crowd with his signature "Cero Miedo" gesture. Before Pentagon could even finish his taunt, Davey Boy Smith Jr. charged in with a brutal headbutt that sent Pentagon staggering back. This set the tone—this is going to be an all-out war.

On commentary, Mauro Ranallo noted:

Two bulls in the ring here tonight, guys!

Chael Sonnen agreed:

This is going to be a knock-down, drag-out fight. Neither one of these men is known for taking a backseat, and tonight is no exception!

The early minutes were a pure slugfest, with both men throwing wild punches and exchanging strikes in the center of the ring.

Davey Boy showed his power advantage with a series of devastating clotheslines and a gutwrench suplex that shook the ring.

However, Pentagon Jr.’s high-flying skill and brawling ability keep him in the fight, as he responds with quick, sharp kicks and a spinning back fist that rocked the larger Smith.

The fight spilled to the outside, where both men continued their brutal battle. Pentagon, ever the tactician, grabbed a steel chair from ringside. The referee threatened a DQ, but Pentagon didn’t care. Tonight was about inflicting as much damage as possible.

He charged with the chair.....

Davey Boy cut him off with a bicycle kick!

The chair went flying at ringside!

Davey Boy grabbed Pentagon and dropped him across the timekeeper’s table with a back suplex! Smith whipped Pentagon back first into the ring apron for good measure. Pulling Pentagon up to the apron, Smith went for a Northern Lights Suplex on the apron, but Pentagon bit his face to escape!

Pentagon took Smith to the floor with a vertical suplex off the apron!

Both men splattered on the floor mats!

Pentagon pressed the attack, sending Davey Boy crashing into the guardrail and following with a vicious superkick! Pentagon then catapulted Smith into the steel ring post!

As Smith collapsed to the floor, he grabbed at his face in pain, and everything came up red! Davey Boy was bleeding from the forehead!

Pentagon rolled back outside and methodically attacked the wound, slamming Davey Boy’s face into the steps, then raking his forehead across the barricade.

Smith was in pain, but he dug deep, pushing through the blood and fighting back. He manages to land a big boot that sent Pentagon reeling. He landed another big boot! He hooked Pentagon.....release belly to belly over the timekeeper’s table!

Bodies went everywhere!

Mauro Ranallo exclaimed:

What a chaotic scene! This is breaking down into pure chaos, folks. You can see the hatred between these two men right here!

With blood dripping down his face and onto his chest, Davey Boy took things back inside. He DESTORYED Pentagon with a discus lariat! He signaled for the running powerslam. However, as he lifted Pentagon into position, Pentagon fought out with a series of elbows to the open wound. He then hit a slingblade!

With Smith down, Pentagon went for the kill. He headed to the top rope, looking for a diving double foot stomp.


Smith moved...Pentagon landed on his feet and rolled through. He turned to charge at Smith.........





Smith got fired up. He started pounded on his own open wound, further open up the cut! He bellowed a primal roar and climbed to the top!

Smith flew with a diving headbutt from the top. The crowd gasped as the big man flew, but Pentagon rolled out the way!

Smith missed by inches, crashing hard into the mat. Pentagon quickly capitalized on the opening, smashing his knee into the cut on Davey Boy’s head, causing more blood to spill. Superkick from Pentagon!

1...2.....KICK OUT!

Pentagon stayed on the attack, raining down elbows into the open wound of Davey Boy. Blood splattered on his mask and the canvas. Pentagon went for the Arm Break.........

DAVEY BOY fought it off, keeping his hands clasped together. In a show of brute strength, Davey Boy power bombed Pentagon to escape the submission.

Both men were slow to their feet, finally meeting in the center of the ring for a back and forth strike exchange. They threw BOMBS – chops from Pentagon and forearms from Smith.

Back and forth they went until Davey Boy hit a flurry of forearms, he had Pentagon rocked! He hooked a rear naked choke!

The submission was in tight!

Pentagon went down to a knee. With a demonic roar, Pentagon got back to his feet, but the massive arms of Smith were locked in tight! Pentagon staggered over to the corner, and the referee got trapped in the corner.

Pentagon hit a low blow mule kick! The referee didn’t see it!

The crowd booed at the dirty trick by Pentagon.

The submission was broken! Superkick to Smith...another.....and another!

Pentagon looked to finish things off. He hoisted Smith up once more and this time, with perfect precision, hit the Package Piledriver in the center of the ring.

1... 2... 3!

Pentagon Jr. (12:45)

Good brawl. Our only direction was to lay it in and no rest holds. They delivered. Everything was designed to build towards their ladder match at SummerFest, this feud has the most heat of anything on the card.

Probably one too many timekeeper’s tables spots, but we thought the blood was important to add one more element to the build of the ladder match. Both of these guys have primarily been tag guys, but I would recommend a singles run in the near future for both.

The crowd erupted in boos as Pentagon Jr. stood victorious, raising his arms in the air, a sadistic smile playing across his face. He took a moment to taunt the crowd, his hands forming the signature “Cero Miedo” gesture, before he turned back to look at Davey Boy Smith Jr., who was still lying in a pool of his own blood in the center of the ring.

Fenix charged the ring, and the Lucha Brother stomped down on Davey Boy. The set up the Fear Factor.....

Teddy Hart—the high-flying member of the Hart Foundation—sprinted to the ring. He shoved Fenix off the top rope, all the way to the floor and nailed a vicious clothesline on Pentagon.

Hart went on the attack, throwing punches at Pentagon....

Konnan, the Lucha Brothers’ manager, slid into the ring and CRACKED his cane across Teddy’s back, sending him to the mat.

On commentary, Paige Knight exclaimed:

HERE WE GO AGAIN! Absolute pandemonium between the Lucha Brothers and The Hart Foundation!

Konnan laughed, as Fenix and Pentagon flanked him.........

BRIAN PILLMAN JR. RAN DOWN! The up-and-coming member of the Hart Foundation, ran down the ramp and slid into the ring! Superkick to Fenix, superkick to Pentagon. Lariat to Fenix! Lariat to Pentagon!

Konnan swung his cane, but Pillman ducked...Pillman took the cane and backed Konnan into the corner! Konnan begged off.

Pillman raised the cane to strike.....DOUBLE SUPERKICK from Fenix and Pentagon sent him to the outside!

The brawl quickly escalated into a full-scale war, with the two teams exchanging punches, kicks, and high-impact strikes in the ring.

Chael Sonnen screamed:

This is chaos, Mauro! The Hart Foundation and the Lucha Brothers have completely lost control! SummerFest can’t come soon enough!

Security rushed to the ring, but the two teams are completely out of control. The fight spilled to the stage area, where Teddy Hart, full of adrenaline, climbed the entrance set and stood at the top, looking down at the brawling melee below.

With no hesitation, Teddy LEAPT OFF THE STRUCTURE, hitting a somersault dive onto the pile of bodies below.

The crowd erupted in a frenzy, the sheer craziness of the moment electrifying the entire arena. “HOLY SHIT” chants gave way to “WSW” chants!

Mauro Ranallo was on a level 10:

What the hell is Teddy Hart thinking?! He just jumped off the top of the entrance set into the chaos below! This is an all-out war!

Security finally began to clear the area, but the damage has been done. The Hart Foundation and the Lucha Brothers are both left battered and bruised, sending a clear message that the war is far from over. The crowd is absolutely wild, chanting and cheering for what’s to come at SummerFest in just three days...Escalera de la Muerte.

The final segment of Ignition featured the music of WSW World Champion Kenny Omega hitting the arena.

The fans erupt, as Omega walked to the ring, the WSW World Championship slung over his shoulder. Omega’s face was intense, but calm, a subtle fire in his eyes. He took the microphone and spoke:

So here we are.....the final stretch on the road to SummerFest. 16,900 tickets have been sold, the biggest show in WSW history, and I find myself on the marquee against “The Assassin” Claudio Castagnoli in Toronto.

Saturday is about survival. It’s about standing in this ring with the most dangerous man in the world, Claudio Castagnoli, and finding out if I can still look myself in the mirror when it’s all said and done.

Omega paused and paced slightly:

I’ve been hearing my name a lot lately. Out fan’s mouths, out of critics’ mouths, and especially out of the mouths of Claudio and Salina de la Renta.

From the moment I signed with WSW, I knew what was coming. I was no longer going to be a wrestler – I was expected to drive this company forward. Every match, every main event, every promise I’ve made to’s been a weight on my shoulders. A weight that I’ve been proud to carry, but this time....I feel that burden.

Claudio, you’ve done everything to try and break me. You put Ibushi in the hospital, and you drove me through glass. Salina, you stand there and whisper poison in his ear – promising him that he can destroy my mind and my body.

Maybe you’re right.

Maybe I’ve bitten off more than I can chew. Maybe I’m not enough to stop the unstoppable.

But here’s the thing Claudio. You’re not stepping into the ring in Toronto with Kenny’re stepping into the ring with The Cleaner!

“The Cleaner” isn’t a nickname, it’s a dark place that I have to let myself sink into when it’s absolutely necessary.

It’s who I had to become when the odds were stacked against me in Japan as an outsider, fighting wars with Okada, Tanahasi, and Ishii.

It’s who I had to become to survive, to win, and to prove to the world that Kenny Omega wasn’t just a name, but the STANDARD of professional wrestling.

And now after everything you’ve done, Claudio, after all the pain and humiliation you’ve forced me to go back to that dark place. For one night, in my home country, I’m going dark. I’m loading a round in the chamber, I’m going to pull the hammer back, and take the Assassin down for good!

Omega stepped forward towards the ropes, looking directly into the camera:

What happens Claudio? What happens when Salina’s spell breaks?! What happens when I beat you?! You’ll have nothing left.

When the smoke clears, Claudio, this title stays with me!

I swear to every single person in this arena and watching at home: I will MAKE the WSW World Championship the most important title in the WORLD.
At SummerFest, I will beat you...because I HAVE TO...and.....

Because I am BETTER than you!

The crowd roared as Omega lowered his mic. Suddenly, the music of Claudio Castagnoli hit! The arena jeered the arrival of the Number One Contender and Salina de la Renta. They made a beeline to the ring.

Omega didn’t flinch. He held up the WSW World Championship, staring directly at Claudio:

You want this, Claudio?! Then come take it!

Claudio stepped onto the apron, and unbuttoned his suit jacket. As he entered, WSW security rushed to the ring – to separate the two. No physicality ensued – it was all intensity.

Castagnoli and Omega – eye to eye! Omega raised the title high above his head!

The final scene of Ignition was the two deadlocked in an intense stare down. The crowd chanted “Kenny,” and the camera lingered on the gleaming gold of the World Championship belt – the ultimate prize, the crown jewel of WSW.

Ricochet def. Dawson (w/ Wilder)​
Singles match​
Alexander Hammerstone def. Jungle Boy​
Singles match​
Will Ospreay def. Travis Banks​
Singles match​
Kay Lee Ray & Io Shirai def. Diamond (Tessa Blanchard & Tenille Dashwood) (w/ Nixon Newell)​
Tag team match​
Pentagon Jr. def. Davey Boy Smith Jr.​
Singles match​


Saturday, July 13: Scotiabank Arena in Toronto, Ontario, Canada -- Streaming LIVE on Netflix
WSW World Championship: Kenny Omega (c) vs. "The Assassin" Claudio Castagnoli
WSW World Tag Team Championships - Escalera de la Muerte: The Hart Foundation (c) vs. Lucha Brothers
WSW Women's World Championship: Tessa Blanchard (c) vs. Kay Lee Ray
WSW Intercontinental Championship: Adam Cole (c) vs. Ricochet
Will Ospreay vs. Jon Moxley
Cody vs. Austin Aries
Nixon Newell vs. Deonna Purrazzo
The Club vs. LA Express
SummerFest Kickoff Show - Paco Alonso Tribute Match: Los Guerreros Laguneros & Templario vs. Bandido, Caristico & Diamante Azul
SummerFest Kickoff Show - Four Way Number One Contenders Match: The Von Erichs vs. The Death Busters vs. La Faccion Ingobernable vs. #StrongHearts


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Jan 4, 2023
Reaction score
WSW SummerFest Media Call

July 12, 2019

WSW Owner & President, Shane McMahon, spoke with the pro wrestling media on July 12, 2019 to promote Saturday’s WSW SummerFest show.
Opening Statement:

I want to thank everyone for their time today, I appreciate everyone being here. Obviously, this a big weekend for us and we couldn’t be more excited.

I’d be remiss though if I didn’t start out by extending our condolences to the Alonso Family. We lost a great man and a genius in our business, Paco Alonso, a couple weeks ago. Of course, Paco was the President of CMLL and a great partner of ours here at WSW. I’ve gotten to know Paco really well over the past year or so, and it was truly a pleasure working with him. We connected instantly, as wrestling was his family business just like mine. I’m grateful for our partnership, and we certainly send our best to his daughter, Sofia, and the entire CMLL family. We look forward to spotlighting CMLL and honoring Paco with a special trios match tomorrow night during the Kickoff Show, streaming live and free on YouTube.

As we look at SummerFest...just incredibly excited. I had butterflies when we did our first shows back at Center Stage in 2015, I had them again for the Nassau Coliseum show a couple months ago, and I’ve got them again now. That’s a good thing, it means we’ve earned the right to do something we just have to execute.

We are excited to be back in the great city of Toronto and looking forward to running the Scotiabank Arena. You know, we ran SummerFest in Toronto last year at the Coca-Cola Coliseum, and it was pure electricity in the building. I think we all knew when the show was over that we had to run it back. So, in a way, this is a night that was a year in the making. We are grateful for the tremendous support of our fans, we have a great card, and we’re excited about the opportunity to go out and do what we do best.
  • McMahon said that SummerFest is sold out, with 16,900 tickets sold. He said that he will have final numbers tomorrow night, but the event was already the largest gate in company history. He anticipated the most significant merchandise sales day in company history too.
  • McMahon stated that Ignition will be live weekly, beginning on August 15, with the start of the 2019 Grand Prix from Houston. He announced that beginning Saturday, August 17, WSW will debut WSW OverDrive, a streaming show on YouTube.
  • McMahon said that the show would be available to view on demand on their YouTube channel, but it would stream live each Saturday at 6:05 PM as a nod to the past and WCW Saturday Night.
  • The matches will be taped prior to the start of Ignition each week, and McMahon said he was excited about the presentation of the show. He said that it would have an “old school” feel, and you would have to tune in to see what he meant.
  • McMahon said that social media was a major part of their business plan, as it allowed them to directly interact and engage their fan base. He said that YouTube offered an easy route to get new content out.
  • McMahon said that OverDrive was needed. He said that the Grand Prix was his favorite event of the year, as they were the only North American promotion to hold a tournament like this and dedicate so much time to it on their weekly television show. He said that it is a bit of a double-edged sword, as the Grand Prix tournament dominates the Ignition broadcasts for a solid month. He said that OverDrive will provide an outlet for WSW to continue telling the stories of the women’s division, tag division, and feature the new talent of WSW each week – while Ignition features the best tournament in pro wrestling each week.
  • McMahon said that WSW will return to the UK in December for a live event tour and Ignition tapings. He said that he anticipates the dates, information, and ticket on-sales “very soon.”
QUESTION: Shane, so much has been made about the instant sell out of this show. What do you attribute that to, and how do you continue the momentum moving forward?
  • McMahon said he directly attributed the sell out to interest in the product, but most importantly the stars. He mentioned that he knew they were on to something special last November when November Reign sold out in Los Angeles, and they made the decision to move to a larger venue. He said that it is very clear that people want something different in their wrestling, and they have found that with WSW. He said there is a lot trust between the fans and the company, and they value that.
    We don’t view our fans as a commodity, we view them as a relationship. We have earned their trust, and we must keep it as we continue to tell our stories and grow our product.
QUESTION: There have been several counterprograming attempts tomorrow night by WWE. What do you think of that?
  • I think it’s a sign they view us a threat. Trust me, I know their playbook better than anyone. At the end of the day, it’s not never has been. I could care less what they do—or anyone else does—I care about what WSW does. We have to take care of our own business.
QUESTION: With Ignition’s move to live television in August, can you speak at all about a potential move to Tuesdays this fall?
  • McMahon said that those conversations were still on-going. He praised the partnership between WSW and the Paramount Network. He noted that the network was extremely pleased with the performance of Ignition, and their investment into moving the show live is a good sign. McMahon noted that the NFL is scheduled to run a full slate of games on Thursday this fall, and that was something that had to be considered, he believed the NFL to be the most valuable property on television.
QUESTION: Shane, Jon Moxley has been signed for a little over a month now. This certainly turned heads. How has the relationship been so far?
  • Shane praised Moxley, his work ethic, and his desire to reinvent himself. He said their roads to WSW were very similar, and he is looking forward to Jon continuing to show the world who “Jon Moxley” really is. He praised the work of Moxley and Will Ospreay, and he said that match has the potential to steal the show tomorrow night.
QUESTION: You have nearly 4 years worth of content between Ignition and the tentpole specials. Has there been any further conversations or thoughts on a streaming service or a partnership to stream this content?
  • McMahon said that their library was incredibly valuable, and they were going to treat it as such. He said that those conversations are on-going, but he noted the challenges of starting a streaming service from scratch. He said that the streaming marketplace was already very crowded, and he thought a potential partnership with an established service was a better route than making a significant investment into owning their own startup service and then having to “shill like crazy” to grow subscriber numbers to try and turn a profit. He praised Netflix, and promoted that they were the first and only live streaming property in the history of the service, and fans could watch all the tentpole specials dating back to Inception 2016 on Netflix.
QUESTION: With the shift to Ignition moving to a live broadcast, this is going to change your schedule and put more dates on your calendar. Have you looked at what markets you want to bring Ignition to, and how does this impact your live event schedule?
  • McMahon said they have beefed up the staffing in their events department this summer and are actively booking buildings through the end of year. McMahon said that booking buildings can be a complex equation that ultimately comes down to available dates and costs. He said they have monitored some of the most highly rated markets for Ignition, and they will be making it an emphasis on getting there first. He said they plan on touring California and western Canadian markets “soon.” As for live events, McMahon sees a value in them, as they allow a unique interaction with fans unlike anything offered at television tapings or Netflix specials, and there is nothing more important for wrestlers than ring time in front of a live crowd. He said they would continually monitor and experiment with this.
QUESTION: We’ve recently seen younger talent from the WSW Dojo appear on television. How would assess the success of that endeavor?
  • McMahon had glowing things to say about the Dojo and the training staff, praising Head Trainers James Storm and Chris Sabin. He said that the Dojo was not created as a place to train brand new wrestlers/teach them the business, but it was, “the best finishing school in the wrestling world.” He said it was a place for wrestlers to come fine tune their skills and get ready for the world of television and mainstream exposure. He praised the recent talents to appear, and promoted the Elite 8 Tournament Finals between Brian Pillman Jr. and Alexander Hammerstone.
QUESTION: So much focus has been on SummerFest, and rightfully so, but Ignition 200 is next week. What is the goal of this show?
  • McMahon said that Ignition 200 was something he was really excited for, and he was fired up to get back to Atlanta, “where this all got started.” He praised the Paramount Network for the marketing strategy of “Biggest Summer Ever,” packaging SummerFest, Ignition 200, and the Grand Prix together. He said that Ignition 200 was going to be a celebration of 200 episodes of weekly, episodic television – no small feat. He was pleased with the advanced ticket sales, and he said the show will feel like a tentpole special, and that more matches will be announced at SummerFest.
QUESTION: Do you have any updates on your entry into the video game marketplace you announced several months ago?
  • McMahon said that the video game division was the newest addition of WSW’s business operations. He said that partnering with the City of Daytona Beach and CEO Fighting Games for Ignition a couple weeks ago offered the chance for several fantastic meetings with cutting-edge companies. He said that Kenny Omega was actively involved in those discussions, and they are tentatively looking at releasing a console game for the Q4 holiday sales period of 2020. McMahon said they anticipate entering the mobile gaming market Q3 or Q4 of this year.
McMahon closed the call with his thoughts on SummerFest. He said that walking into the Scotiabank Arena and looking at the staging and lighting set up gave him goosebumps. He mentioned that there will be a post-show press event as well.


Jan 4, 2023
Reaction score

Promotion: World Series Wrestling
Date: July 13, 2019
City: Toronto, Ontario
Venue: Scotiabank Arena
Attendance: 16,900

SummerFest Kickoff Show

The SummerFest Kickoff Show streamed live and free on YouTube on 7/13 at 7 PM.

The show began a quick montage highlighting the top feuds: Kenny Omega vs. Claudio Castagnoli, Hart Foundation vs. Lucha Brothers, Kay Lee Ray vs. Tessa Blanchard. A deep voice narrates the intro:

On July 13, WSW heads to Toronto for SummerFest – the biggest event in WSW history!

Escalera de la Muerte, the stairway to death! Lucha Brothers vs. Hart Foundation for the World Tag Team Titles!

“The Assassin” Claudio Castagnoli vs. “The Cleaner” Kenny Omega for the WSW World Championship...who walks out of Toronto with the crown jewel of professional wrestling?!

The SummerFest logo flashed on the screen, and the camera cut inside the Scotiabank Arena, where the crowd was packed to the rafters! The commentary trio of Mauro Ranallo, Chael Sonnen, and Paige Knight welcome us to the SummerFest Kickoff Show.

Ranallo welcomed everyone watching the show via YouTube and promoted Netflix to stream the main card. The announcers then threw to ring announcer, Justin Roberts.

Roberts stood in the center of the ring, clad in an immaculate all black tuxedo. He smiled and spoke in his powerful voice:

Ladies and gentlemen – this is a Four Way Tag Team Match!

The winners will be the first team to claim a pinfall or submission, and will become the Number One Contenders for the World Series Wrestling World Tag Team Championships!

Kickoff Show Match One – Four Way Number One Contenders Match: The Death Busters vs. #StrongHearts vs. The Von Erichs vs. La Faccion Ingobernable

The Scotiabank Arena crowd was electric. Mauro emphasized WSW’s international partnerships, hyping #StrongHearts from OWE in China and LFI from CMLL in Mexico. Paige Knight noted that this was the first time we had seen LFI in a ring, and they certainly made a statement on Ignition with their attack on The Von Erichs.

LFI entered last, and Dragon Lee and RUSH took their time getting to the ring. Ross and Marshall Von Erich exploded out of their corner at the bell – pounding on LFI and taking them to the floor. They slammed each other into the guardrails, the welts from the belt lashing were still apparent on Marshall’s chest.

Inside the ring, the Death Busters and #Stronghearts took center stage, showcasing fluid technical wrestling and hard strikes. CIMA and T-Hawk lit up Dawson and Wilder with stiff chops, kicks, and stereo dropkicks – allowing them to stand tall!

The Death Busters roared back though. Wilder blocked a back body drop attempt by CIMA with a hard boot to the skull, followed by a stiff lariat! Dawons and Wilder then backdropped a charging T-Hawk over the ropes!

T-Hawk flipped through the air, CRASHING into the Von Erichs and LFI on the floor!

The action escalated, as all four-team shined – showcasing the skills that make them special!

Marshall Von Erich and Dragon Lee went back and forth – with the powerful Von Erich blocking a springboard hurricanrana attempt, but Dragon Lee back flipping off his shoulders to escape. A rope running sequence ended when Marshall NAILED his picture perfect dropkick! He locked on the Iron Claw, but RUSH broke it up with a hard running knee strike.

Ross Von Erich entered to counter RUSH; however, RUSH caught Ross and LAUNCHED him with a release overhead belly to belly suplex!

CIMA blind tagged in and took out RUSH with a Meteora from the top!

CIMA with a deadlift German Suplex on Marshall Von Erich....guillotine leg drop from T-HAWK...



Wilder broke it up!

The Death Busters ran wild with that hard hitting, no non-sense style. They delivered stereo delayed vertical suplexes to #StrongHearts. Taking CIMA up top – they hit the old school Power & Glory Power-Plex (superplex by Dawson & flying splash by Wilder)!



RUSH broke up the pinfall!

The momentum of the Death Busters was cut off by LFI. RUSH and Dragon Lee, cleared the ring with lightning-quick tandem offense. RUSH was pure brute force, and Dragon Lee was a non-stop ball of butcher knives!

With the ring empty, LFI struck the tranquilo pose which drew “LFI” chants from the capacity crowd!

Dragon Lee hit the ropes, and RUSH VAULTED him over the ropes......


He CRASHED into the mass of bodies on the floor!

“Holy Shit” chants fired up! On commentary, Mauro Ranallo exclaimed:

Dragon Lee just turned himself into a human missile!

Back in the ring, RUSH and Ross Von Erich were the legal men. RUSH set up for the Bull’s Horns on Ross Von Erich.

RUSH charged.........


RUSH went flying from the collision!

T-Hawk tagged in on the fallen RUSH! T-Hawk with a springboard into the ring.....


Ross popped to his feet, and The Von Erichs hit the Yellow Rose of Texas (combination Claw Slam by Marshall/back suplex by Ross) on T-Hawk!



Dragon Lee pulled the referee out the ring!

The crowd booed as they thought it was over!


Amid the confusion, Dawson and Wilder used the opportunity to strike! Dawson blind tagged in on Ross, and tossed him out the ring.

FALL OF THE AXE (fka Shatter Machine) on T-HAWK!

On commentary, Mauro yelled:

The Death Busters are going to steal it!


Winners: The Death Busters (14:40)

All-action sprint that was a total car crash at times. This was designed to be a hot opener in front of a hot crowd, and it succeeded. There was no pacing, just go, go, go to get the crowd ramped up. We wanted to put the Death Busters over, to jump start them back into the tag division – lately they’ve been playing lacky to Adam Cole, and they are too good for that, plus Black Arrow are over as heels.

The Von Erichs can be great white meat baby faces, but we’ve got to get them over. They are still green and they looked nervous at times, but they have the look. We laid the groundwork here for a feud with LFI.

#StrongHearts are not known or over, but the crowd likes their hard strikes and both have charisma – if we’re going to continue to bring them in, it needs to be in roles just like this, openers on big shows.

The Death Busters arrogantly celebrated their victory, motioning for the belts and jawing at the fans as boos rained down. They have become the new Number One Contenders, and they will challenge the winners of Lucha Brothers/Hart Foundation for the belts at Ignition 200.

On the outside, the camera focuses on a frustrated Ross & Marshall Von Erich. They locked eyes with LFI, teasing further hostilities.

A video recapping the World Championship feud between Claudio Castagnoli and Kenny Omega aired. The package focuses on several key things:
  • The signing of Omega and incredible ballyhoo that went with the massive acquisition.
  • We see Omega’s vow to change the world, and his victory of AJ Styles at Seize the Day to become World Champion. We also see the formation of the Golden Triangle with Kota Ibushi & Ricochet.
  • We see the dominance of Claudio Castagnoli under the management of Salina de la Renta. His brutal wins over Drew Galloway, Pentagon, AJ Styles, and Kota Ibushi are shown along with his Ricola Bomb through glass on Omega.
  • The package is interspliced with clips of their promos in the buildup to this match. We hear Castagnoli’s haunting words:
I will BREAK you! I’m going to take EVERYTHING from you!
  • We hear Omega’s passionate words from the 7/11 Ignition:
But here’s the thing Claudio. You’re not stepping into the ring in Toronto with Kenny’re stepping into the ring with The Cleaner!

You see, “The Cleaner” isn’t a nickname, it’s a dark place that I have to let myself sink into when it’s absolutely necessary.

It’s who I had to become when the odds were stacked against me in Japan, fighting wars with Okada, Tanahasi, and Ishii.

It’s who I had to become to survive, to win, and to prove to the world that Kenny Omega wasn’t just a name, but the STANDARD of professional wrestling.

And now after everything you’ve done, Claudio, after all the pain and humiliation you’ve forced me to go back to that dark place. For one night, in my home country, I’m going dark. I’m loading a round in the chamber, I’m going to pull the hammer back, and take the Assassin down for good!

Backstage Melissa Santos was with the LA ExpressJohnny Mundo, Mike Bennett, Brian Cage, and Taya Valkyrie. All four are dress in matching sleek black and gold ring attire. As always, Mundo stood front and center with his signature smirk, sunglasses perched on his nose.

Melissa Santos said:

Please welcome my guests at this time – the LA Express.

Tonight, in the opening match of SummerFest, you’ll face the reunited Club: AJ Styles, Doc Gallows, and Karl Anderson. Johnny, the moment has arrived. What are your thoughts here with just about 30 minutes until you walk through the curtain?

Mundo adjusted his sunglasses and flashed a cocky grin. Taya Valkyrie looked fiercely confident, Bennett nodded along to each word Mundo said, and Cage stood with his arms crossed, visibly annoyed.

Mundo said:

Highly anticipated? Come on, Melissa. Maybe THEY anticipated it – dusting off their old leather jackets from 2014, pretending like they’re still relevant. But let’s face facts: The Club is a relic. A nostalgia act. They’re like that one band your uncle won’t stop talking about because they were big for five minutes.

Look at US...WE are the NOW!

The LA Express is faster, stronger, and better than anything The Club ever was.

AJ Styles may call himself phenomenal, but tonight, he’s gonna find out what happens when you put a classic car up against a Formula 1 machine. And don’t even get me started on Anderson and Gallows – those guys have been nothing but stooges for years.

We’re not here to play nostalgia games. We’re here to win, to dominate, and show the world WHY the LA Express is the premier faction in professional wrestling. Tonight, I’m going to lead my team to victory. Because that’s what I do....I LEAD!

Mundo paused, his tone grew sharper as he removed his sunglasses and turned to Bennett and Cage. His confidence shifted to a serious demeanor, his expression cold:

Now, Mike, Brian...listen closely.


No excuse, no distractions, no mistakes! Failure is not an option tonight!

Cage glared at Mundo, his jaw tightened, but he says nothing. Taya stepped in and placed a calming hand on Cage’s massive shoulder.

Relax, big guy. Johnny’s got this. We all do. The Club isn’t ready for what’s coming.

Mundo slid his sunglasses back on and smirked.

LA Express...let’s ride!

Mundo snapped his fingers and brushed past Melissa. Valkyrie and Bennett followed. Cage lingered for a moment, shooting a frustrated glance at Mundo’s back before slowly following the rest of the group.

Back inside the Scotiabank Arena, Justin Roberts stood in the ring and said:

Ladies and gentlemen, on July 6 the professional wrestling world lost one its true titans with the passing of Francisco “Paco” Alonso, the president of CMLL.

Tonight, we honor the memory of Paco, with a special trios match, to showcase the vision that Paco shared with the world.

The following contest will be contested under CMLL rules, best 2 out of 3 falls!

Kickoff Show Match 2 – Paco Alonso Tribute Match: Bandido, Caristico & Diamante Azul vs. Los Guerreros Laguneros & Templario

The camera showed the Alonso family seated at ringside, with Sofia Alonso – the new CMLL President – front and center. The crowd applauded them, and Mauro Ranallo spoke reverently about Paco Alonso’s legacy. Chael Sonnen noted:

This is the kind of match that headlines Super Viernes in Arena Mexico!

Mauro Ranallo set the scene for the viewers at home unfamiliar with CMLL. He noted that Ultimo Guerrero & Euforia represented 2/3 of the CMLL World Trio Champions, and the teamwork was going to be interesting to watch – he noted that Los Guerreros Laguneros frequently tag with Templario in Arena Mexico; however, this was the first time Bandido (a WSW talent) had ever teamed with Caristico and Diamante Azul.

Ranallo’s words proved prophetic early on as the rudos were a well-oiled machine, working well together. The rudos took control early in the first fall.

Ultimo Guerrero and Euforia relied on their size and power, grounding the faster tecnicos with traditional slams and submissions. Templario dazzled early with quick counters and precision strikes.

The rudos teamwork proved key, as Euforia tripped Diamante Azul behind the referee’s back as he ran the ropes, allowing Ultimo Guerrero to roll him up, grab the ropes for extra leverage and secure a quick 1...2...3!

Winner of Fall One: Los Guerreros Laguneros & Templario (2:57)

The tecnicos stormed back in the second fall, showcasing their dazzling offense. Caristico effortlessly walked the top rope, scoring a double arm drag on Euforia and Templario that brought the Toronto crowd to their feet. Bandido immediately followed, hitting a spectacular springboard tornillo on the duo for a 2 count!

The action was fast and frenetic, and Diamante Azul overpowered Ultimo Guerrero with a crushing powerbomb for another 2 count!

The action spilled outside, with Bandido nailing a tope suicia, and Caristico following up with a slingshot moonsault off the middle rope to the floor!

Back inside, Bandido NAILED Templario with the 21 Plex!



Euforia broke up the pin at the last moment!

Euforia and Bandido went back and forth – running the ropes at a dizzying pace. Bandido countered a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker attempt by Euforia into a hurricanrana....he hooked the legs....


Winner of Second Fall: Bandido, Caristico & Diamante Azul (6:12)

The third and decisive fall was an all-out sprint that got the Scotiabank Arena fully invested into the match. The rudos used underhanded tactics to isolate Bandido early.

The crowd got behind Bandido, and he countered the Guerrero Special (double team inverted superplex) into a double Avalanche Back Suplex on Ultimo Guerrero and Euforia!

The rudos went to the floor, and Bandido followed with a slingshot hurricanrana on Ultimo Guerrero!

Diamante Azul CRUSHED Euforia with a running cannonball off the apron!

Bandido took Ultimo Guerrero back inside and showcased his incredible strength, pressing the biggest man in the match overhead and walking around the ring....Gorilla Press Driver!

Mauro Ranallo exclaimed:

Bandido just lifted a man almost twice his size over his head!

The finish came when Caristico took center stage. He stunned Ultimo Guerrero with a high revolution tilt-a-whirl headscissors that he transitioned into La Mistica!

Submission was applied tight in the center of the ring!

Ultimo Guerrero had no choice but to tap out!

Winners 2 falls to 1: Caristico, Diamante Azul & Bandido (15:40 total)

This match was a gamble. Outside of Bandido, and to a much lesser degree Caristico, none of these guys have been featured on our TV. With a crowd this big, there were hardcores that watch CMLL that were aware, but the vast majority didn’t know who they were.

The audience understood that this was a tribute to Paco Alonso, and they were respectful. This was not a WSW match, but rather a full blown CMLL match on our show. It was clear the 2 out of 3 falls stuff was foreign to the audience – especially how quickly the first two falls happened. However, they were invested into the third fall when the talent cranked it all the way up.

Give these guys credit – they got the match over, and working on this show really helped. The crowd was super into everything the tecnicos did, and Bandido really shined. He’s fantastic and we are pushing him hard. CMLL is happy with us, and that’s important.

As the bell rang, chants of “Lucha Libre” echoed throughout the arena. The tecnicos celebrated with the fans. They left the ring and embraced Sofia Alonso and the Alonso family at ringside. Mauro Ranallo concluded:

A fitting tribute to Paco Alonso, whose legacy lives on through matches like this and the incredible athletes and pageantry of CMLL!

A video package highlighting the feud between Will Ospreay and Jon Moxley aired. The package highlights several elements:
  • Ospreay proclaiming that 2019 was the Year of Ospreay.
  • The shocking debut of Jon Moxley on 5/23 is shown. We see the insane crowd reaction from the crowd in San Antonio that night. We see him drop RUSH and Ospreay with the Death Rider DDT.
  • We see Ospreay challenge Moxley for SummerFest on the 6/20 Ignition
  • We hear the words from both men that have proved what this match means to them. We hear Moxley’s words from the 7/11 Ignition:
You think I don’t see it? You’ve got the world buzzing, Ospreay. Every flip, every strike, every match—you leave your mark. And that’s why I picked this fight. It wasn’t a coincidence. You’ve got everyone fooled into thinking you’re a one-man revolution, but Saturday, we’re gonna find out how much of that hype is real.

I spent years locked in chains, playing a part for people who didn’t give a damn about Jon Moxley. They called me a sadist, a freak, just another sideshow act. And maybe they were right, but now? Now, I call my own shots, and I’ll be damned if I let you or anyone else tell me who I am or what I can do.
  • The package closes with Ospreay’s passionate words:
The Year of Ospreay isn’t just some damn catchphrase for a t-shirt. It’s a promise to myself. It’s me proving that I am the best wrestler in the world....that I can stand toe-to-toe with the top dogs and beat them!

You want to talk about being vicious?! Bruv, you have no idea! There’s nothing you can do to me that I haven’t done to myself in my own damn head!

I’ve fought against myself for years – dealing with anxiety and self-doubt. The pressure of being away from my family and friends can be crushing. Sitting in hotel rooms, alone at night, staring at the walls wondering if I’m good enough...wondering if all of this is worth it...that’s vicious.

Backstage, Todd Keneley was inside the locker room of Black Arrow. Dawson and Wilder, still in their ring gear, sat in their lockers, each holding an ice cold beer. They toast to their victory earlier on the Kickoff Show. Adam Cole taped his wrists, the gleaming Intercontinental Championship sat atop his locker.

Keneley sat next to Cole and said:

Ladies and gentlemen, I’m here inside the locker room of Black Arrow. Earlier, we say Dawson and Wilder, The Death Busters, secure their place as the number one contenders for the World Tag Team Championships. Later tonight, Adam Cole will defend his Intercontinental Title against Ricochet. Gentlemen, this is the biggest night in WSW history, and it’s already started out pretty well for you...

Dawson raised his beer with a grin, and Wilder took a long sip before answering:

You’re DAMN right it’s started out well. We just walked into the four way, and walked out the number one contenders. All of WSW was reminded of just who we are tonight. We’re winners...we’re top guys...and we’re coming for OUR World Tag Team Titles!

Adam Cole turned towards Keneley and said:

Todd, this is what excellence looks like. These two men are the best tag team in world, and tonight, they went out there and proved it.
But let’s not forget what’s coming next. I’ve got business to handle...big business.

I’ve been called a lot of things in my career – arrogant, cocky, a little too good-looking for my own good – but one thing I am not is a LIAR.

So, when I say that I’m going to KICK Ricochet’s teeth down his throat, and STILL be your Intercontinental better believe it.

Keneley moved the microphone to ask a question, but Cole grabbed the microphone:

Don’t move the damn microphone until I tell you to too, Todd! The champ is talking!

Let’s talk about Toronto for just a second. As far as I’m concerned, this is MY city. Last year, I walked into SummerFest and won the World Championship right here in Toronto. And tonight, I’ll do what I always do: shine brighter than everyone else.

Because I’m not just the Intercontinental Champion – I'm THE marquee. I’m the guy that put 17,000 butts in those seats out there and made WSW the hottest thing in wrestling.

Cole smirked at the camera, then looked at Dawson and Wilder:

The plan is coming together perfectly. Tonight, I retain my Intercontinental Champion, and at Ignition 200, these two become World Tag Team Champions—again!

Black Arrow will be draped in gold and the prophecy will be fulfilled.


That’s undisputed. Because when Black Arrow aims...we don’t miss!

Cole smirked and tossed the microphone back into the lap of Todd Keneley.

The camera cut across the arena to Melissa Santos, backstage with The Hart Foundation. The crowd roared for the appearance of Teddy Hart, Davey Boy Smith Jr., and Brian Pillman Jr. Melissa said:

Ladies and gentlemen, I’m here with the reigning and defending World Tag Team Champions – The Hart Foundation! Tonight, in front of a sold-out crowd in Toronto, you’ll defend your titles against the Lucha Brothers in Escalera de la Muerte.

The crowd cheered as Teddy Hart and Davey Boy shared an intense look, the significance of the moment washing over them. Pillman clapped his hand, psyching his partners up. Teddy spoke:

You hear that?! Tonight, the Hart Foundation isn’t just defending gold – we're writing history. The biggest show in WSW history, and we fight the final battle of this war on OUR SOIL!

Melissa continued:

The Lucha Brothers have pushed this rivalry to its breaking point. They’ve stolen your belts, they’ve attacked and injured you, and tonight, it all ends. There’s one wildcard – Konnan. How do you plan to counteract him tonight?

Davey Boy spoke:

Don’t forget the most important thing, Melissa. We’re in Canada. The legacy of the Hart Family is in every inch of this beautiful country! And when you’re in Canada, the Hart Foundation doesn’t just fight, we DOMINATE!

If Konnan thinks he can stick his nose in our business tonight, we’ve got a message for him: this isn’t Mexico, this isn’t America – this is OUR HOME!

Teddy closed:

For the first time in 22 years, the Hart Foundation walks again in Canada, and we’re walking into that ring with the fire of our family behind us!

Konnan, Lucha Brothers – bring your ladders, bring your games, bring EVERYTHING. When the dust settles and the final rung of that ladder is climbed, you’ll remember what happens when you step into Canada against the Hart Foundation!

Back at the announce desk, the commentators thank everyone for watching the SummerFest Kickoff Show. They promoted Netflix again to stream the show and ran down the card:
  • The Club vs. LA Express
  • Nixon Newell vs. Deonna Purrazzo
  • Austin Aries vs. Cody
  • Women’s World Championship: Tessa Blanchard (c) vs. Kay Lee Ray
  • Intercontinental Championship: Adam Cole (c) vs. Ricochet
  • Jon Moxley vs. Will Ospreay
  • World Tag Team Championships – Escalera de la Muerte: The Hart Foundation (c) vs. Lucha Brothers
  • World Championship: Kenny Omega (c) vs. Claudio Castagnoli
The camera panned around the Scotiabank Arena and the MASSIVE crowd on hand, Mauro Ranallo closed the Kickoff Show:

We are just moments away from history...the BIGGEST show in WSW history. The countdown is on here in the arena...we’ll see you on Netflix!


SummerFest began with Justin Roberts introducing Alessia Cara. The Canadian singer-songwriter performed the Star-Spangled Banner followed by O’Canada. Her performance generated a thunderous reaction.

The SummerFest opening video aired, set to the show’s official theme, Zeze, by Kodak Black.

The opening video begins with a sweeping aerial view of the Toronto skyline. The CN Tower looms over the city, bathed in the golden hues of the setting Canadian sun. The beat of Zeze by Kodak Black begin to drop, creating an electric energy that pulses as the visuals come to life.

Corey Taylor, lead singer of Slipknot, narrates the video. His gritty voice cuts through the drone footage of the Scotiabank Arena, buzzing with thousands of fans pouring into the building – chanting “WSW.”

Toronto...a city of history, of passion, of fire.

Tonight, it becomes the epicenter of a revolution.

The video transitions to clips of WSW’s past: the inaugural Ignition at Center Stage in Atlanta packed with rabid fans. We see Kenny Omega hitting a V-Trigger, Claudio Castagnoli suplexing an opponent with easy, Cody raising his arms in defiance, and Kay Lee Ray standing defiantly on the top rope.

Taylor’s narration continued:

Remember the beginning, Remember the humble halls where this groundswell movement started.

Wrestling needs a spark. Wrestling needed a heartbeat. And WE became that beat. WE were the revolution, the shot in the dark that changed EVERYTHING!

Marvel at what is the NOW!

The music intensifies. A quick montage plays: Kenny Omega holding the WSW World Championship high above his head. Claudio Castagnoli hitting the Ricola Bomb on Omega through glass. The Hart Foundation hitting the insane Hart Destroyer. The Lucha Brothers hitting the Fear Factor. Tessa Blanchard and Kay Lee Ray eye-to-eye. Austin Aries dropping Cody with a brainbuster.

The narration continued:

Tonight, we don’t just compete. We carve out our legacy.

These faces – remember them.

These moments – revel in them.

This is the culmination of the blood, the sweat, and the sacrifice.

We see highlights of Ricochet flipping through the air, Adam Cole smirking as he holds the Intercontinental Championship, and Jon Moxley dropping Will Ospreay with the Death Rider DDT.

Remember this night. Remember this moment. Because it’s destined to be etched in the annals of time. When the history books are written, THIS is the night that will stand above the rest.

The music crescendos, as we cut to Kenny Omega and Claudio Castagnoli face-to-face, Cody and Aries throwing fists, and Kay Lee Ray dropping Tessa Blanchard with the Gory Bomb. There is a slow-motion shot of ladders being set up in the ring, and the World Tag Team Championships being raised above them.

This is the night we’ll remember...long after the final bell tolls. SummerFest.

The screen fades to black, then bursts back to life with a live shot the SOLD OUT arena. Pyro EXPLODES, matching the insane energy in the building. We hear the voice of Mauro Ranallo:


The camera pans over the electrified crowd, and the commentary trio of Mauro Ranallo, Chael Sonnen, and Paige Knight run down the card for the night:
  • LA Express vs. The Club
  • Deonna Purrazzo vs. Nixon Newell
  • Austin Aries vs. Cody
  • WSW Women’s Championship: Tessa Blanchard (c) vs. Kay Lee Ray
  • WSW Intercontinental Championship: Adam Cole (c) vs. Ricochet
  • Jon Moxley vs. Will Ospreay
  • WSW World Tag Team Championship – Escalera de la Muerte: The Hart Foundation (c) vs. Lucha Brothers
  • WSW World Championship: Kenny Omega (c) vs. Claudio Castagnoli

Match One: LA Express (w/ Taya Valkyrie) vs. The Club

The first match of Ignition was a trios match between the LA Express (Johnny Mundo, Mike Bennett & “The Machine” Brian Cage) vs. The Club (“The Phenomenal” AJ Styles, Doc Gallows & Karl Anderson).

The Toronto crowd wasted no time making their feelings known. The LA Express was escorted to the ring with “LA Sucks” chants. Johnny Mundo, cocky as ever, flashed his trademark grin while Brian Cage look visibly annoyed.

The Club received a thunderous ovation, the crowd firmly behind the reunited trio. Mauro Ranallo hyped their history in Japan, and noted this is the first time we’ve seen the three men stand together in WSW. The Club carried themselves with a cool presence – knowing they were professional ass kickers.

The match kicked off with The Club coming out like a pack of wild animals. Gallows started with Mike Bennett, immediately laying into him with clubbing blows and huge corner splash. Anderson tagged in and hit a crisp swinging neckbreaker before tagging in Styles.

The crowd roared as Styles CRUSHED Bennett with a strike combination. Mundo hopped in the ring and ATE a spinning backfist. Styles ducked a lariat from Cage and caught the big man with a Pele Kick! Anderson and Gallows entered and clotheslined Mundo and Cage over the top to the floor!

Overwhelmed by the early assault, the LA Express retreated to the floor to regroup.

Mundo barked orders at his team, while Cage glared at him.

Anderson taunted the group from inside the ring, and the “LA Sucks” chants fired up again.

When the action resumed, LA Express finally managed to slow things down, thanks to a blindside cheap shot from Mundo to Anderson from the apron.

Taya Valkyrie made her presence felt, grabbing Anderson’s leg to trip him up. This allowed Bennett to nail him with a hard lariat!

The LA Express isolated Anderson in their corner. They utilized quick tags, taking turns landing stomps and strikes. Mundo landed a standing shooting star press for a 2 count!

Anderson tried to fight back with elbows and chops. The LA Express cut him off, but Anderson was finally able to break free – landing an enziguri to Bennett, ducking under a lariat, and leaping to tag in Styles!

AJ entered a house of fire. The LA Express entered illegally, but it didn’t matter. Styles fired off strikes, kicks, and delivering a trio of snap suplexes. Styles pin ponged back and forth – connecting on a ushigoroshi on Mundo and a lightning-quick sliding forearm on Bennett! Mauro Ranallo exclaimed:

AJ Styles is operating on another level tonight!

The tide turned when Brian Cage tagged in. Cage and Styles went toe-to-toe. The two then went at it – Cage showing his speed to go along with his massive size. Cage turned the former World Champion inside out with a discus lariat! A leaping knee strike sent Styles to the canvas limp!

Karl Anderson hopped in the ring, but ran directly into a pop up powerbomb!

Doc Gallows entered, and the two behemoths squared off in a Godzilla vs. King Kong moment. The crowd buzzed...and the two MEN blasted each other with forearms!

Gallows got an early advantage, but Cage powered back, PRESSING Gallows overhead! He then dropped him down with a devastating powerslam!

Cage stood tall – he cleared the ring HIMSELF! He drew both boos and reluctant cheers for his impressive display.

Cage hit his impressive outside-in superplex on Styles for a 2 count!

Cage whipped Styles in the corner, charged, but AJ moved out the way. Before Cage could react...Mundo tagged himself in!

This frustrated Cage. He glared at his teammate and screamed:

What the HELL!

Mundo said:

I’ve got this!

Momentum swung back and forth as all six men got involved, leading to a chaotic flurry of action. On the outside, Taya Valkyrie attempted to get involved again. The former Women’s World Champion threw a lariat at Styles, but he ducked and she DROPPED Mike Bennett! Miscommunication AGAIN from the LA Express.

Styles threw Bennett back into the ring. Gallows and Anderson capitalized, hitting Bennett with the Boot of Doom...but Mundo broke up the pin!

The finish of the match saw Johnny Mundo and AJ Styles square off. Styles put Mundo on the top and attempted a superplex, but Mundo raked the eyes to escape back to the canvas. Showcasing his insane athleticism, Mundo jumped all the way to the top rope and took Styles down with a Frankensteiner!



Kick Out!

Mundo called for the El Fin de Mundo........

Styles moved out the way!

Mundo CRASHED on the mat!

Styles slid out to the apron, Mundo rose....Flying Forearm CONNECTED!

Styles then immediately transitioned to the Calf Slicer!

Mundo screamed in agony! Cage stood on the apron looking at Mundo......

He hopped off the apron, leaving Mundo to fend for himself!


Winners: The Club (11:40)

Hot opener. The Club goes over in their first match together in WSW. They are a well-polished unit, and this was like riding a bicycle for them. The crowd was super into seeing them together.

One of the goals of the match was to showcase Brian Cage and make him stand out with his power moves and crazy athletic ability. We can now continue the story forward with the LA Express.

After the match, The Club stood tall in the ring, exchanging a triumphant Too Sweet to the delight of the fans. The chant “Too Sweet” fired up inside the Scotiabank Arena.

Meanwhile, Brian Cage walked up the ramp alone, not even glancing back at his teammates. On the outside, Taya helped her husband to his feet, but there was clear anger on the face of Mundo.

As the camera focused on The Club, Mauro Ranallo summed up the scene:

The Club is back, united, and dominant! But for the LA Express, there are cracks that seem to be getting wider by the moment!

A video package aired highlight the rivalry between Nixon Newell and Deonna Purrazzo.
  • We see the injury suffered by Nixon Newell at a live event in Concord, NC in August 2018.
  • We see Deonna Purrazzo’s rise in WSW – her lethal submission and technical skills earning her a World Championship match against Tessa Blanchard at Undisputed.
  • We see highlights of that match and just how close Deonna was to dethroning Blanchard. We see the post-match return of Nixon Newell, and her attack on Blanchard with a Shining Wizard – reuniting with Diamond.
  • Deonna has vowed to “surgically eliminate” each member of Diamond one-by-one.
  • We see highlights of the brawls between Newell and Purrazzo, and Nixon slamming Deonna’s arm in a car door two weeks ago in Ignition.

Match Two: Deonna Purrazzo vs. Nixon Newell

The second match of SummerFest was a singles match between Nixon Newell and Deonna Purrazzo.

Deonna’s arm was heavily taped from the attack two weeks prior on Ignition. Determined and focused, she crouched in the corner, rocking side to side on the balls of her feet.

The bell rang, and the two circled each other. Purrazzo shot in for a single leg, but Newell blocked, and Purrazzo transitioned to a waist lock followed by a hammerlock. Newell immediately countered with a sharp elbow to the injured arm, exploiting the weakness early.

The opening sequence featured more of the same – technical grappling. Purrazzo worked the shoulder and Newell focused on the arm. Newell created separation with a hard kick to the midsection and another kick to the arm.

Newell whipped Purrazzo into the corner, and she stumbled, clutching her arm already. Newell pounced with a muay thai clinch and repeated knees into Purrazzo’s torso. A snapmare into a stiff kick to the spine sent Purrazzo rolling to the apron.

Newell capitalized...STOMPING down on the injured arm against the apron! Purrazzo rolled to the floor, grimacing in pain!

On commentary, Paige said:

You have to wonder if Deonna rushed this. She’s a fighter, she’s tough as nails, but that arm is a bullseye for Nixon Newell. Nixon is a deadly striker, she’s healthy, she’s hungry, and she’s going to go after that arm like a shark to blood!

Newell methodically targeted the arm, wrenching it against the ropes and slamming it across the mat. Every time Purrazzo attempted a comeback with a submission attempt, Newell attacked the arm to escape. Newell ripped the tape off of Deonna’s arm and choked her with it! The referee wrestled the tape out of Newell’s hands and threatened a disqualification. Newell pushed past her, landing another kick to the arm.

Purrazzo gritted her teeth, fought through the pain and grabbed a wristlock, but Newell countered with a brutal arm trap suplex for a 2 count!

Newell mocked Purrazzo’s pain and taunted the crowd.

Come on Deonna! You want MY arm ...I’m going to TAKE YOURS

Purrazzo fired up, blocking a roundhouse kick and hitting a dragon screw leg whip. Purrazzo went right after the surgically repaired knee. Purrazzo caught Newell in a single-leg Boston Crab!

Newell screamed out in pain as Purrazzo wrenched back...but she scrambled to the ropes for a break.

Newell regained control with a flurry: a front suplex, followed by a low thrust kick to the stomach, and a devasting roundhouse to the side of Purrazzo’s head! The impact of the kick echoed throughout the sold-out arena!

She covered, but Deonna kicked out!

Newell then began paint brushing the back of Deonna’s head – taunting her.

Purrazzo fired up and rose. She yelled:


Newell reared back and swung with a forearm, but Purrazzo caught the arm and hit a judo throw!

Maintaining wrist control, Purrazzo transitioned to an arm trap position, and SNAPPED the fingers on her right hand!

Newell howled in pain, clutching her hand!

Both women staggered to their feet, the crowd began to applaud their intensity. They met in the center of the ring for a strike exchange. Back and forth they went – each strike hitting heavier than the last. The crowd got into the bombs the women were throwing at each other. Frustrated, Newell threw a HARD slap with her injured hand!

Purrazzo was stunned, but pain spread from Newell’s fingers and seized her body! Purrazzo struck, she hit a German suplex, maintained waist control, and dropped Newell with a bridging German suplex....




Purrazzo clutched her arm to her side. Everything she did caused it to writhe in pain. She stayed on the attack though and tried for a Gotch Piledriver, but she couldn’t lock her hands in due to the injured arm. The pain was too much!

Newell countered out with a back body drop followed by a standing double foot stomp!

Sensing the end was near, Newell crouched in the corner and sized up her target. She went for the knockout blow, the Shining Wizard!

But Purrazzo countered mid-charge with a perfectly timed head scissors takedown!

Purrazzo immediately transitioned into the Fujiwara Arm Bar!

Newell was trapped in the center of the ring.....

But she rolled through – pinning Deonna’s shoulders to the mat.



Purrazzo kicked out!

She maintained wrist control...and SAVAGELY stomped down on the injured hand of Newell!

Without hesitation, Purrazzo grabbed both of Newell’s arm and locked in a double Fujiwara!

Newell screamed in agony! Her fingers were mangled and arms wrenched to their limits.....


Winner: Deonna Purrazzo (11:30)

Really intense bout that was designed to be different than the tradition American-style of women’s wrestling. This was very snug, and both women laid into each other. The goal was to highlight their unique offenses while telling the story through the injured arm of Deonna from the angle on Ignition.

We are trying to build Deonna as the best technical women’s wrestler in the world, while building Nixon as a pure striker. The crowd was quiet for this at first, but they got into it when they started laying in the stiff strikes. Really well-done work by both women.

Purrazzo released the hold and knelt in the ring, cradling her injured arm. She stood, glaring into the camera as she raised one finger in the air and mouthed:

Two more to go

A direct message to the rest of Diamond.

Nixon Newell rolled to the floor, clutching her hand. She kicked the steps in frustration

The commentary team emphasized the hard-hitting nature of the match. Mauro Ranallo said:

A clear message has been sent! Deonna Purrazzo is a surgeon of pain! Nixon Newell showed the world just how dangerous a striker she is, but tonight the Diamond might be cracked, but it’s not shattered yet!

A commercial aired, promoting the new line of WSW action figures.

Match Three: Austin Aries vs. “The American Nightmare” Cody

The third match of SummerFest was a singles match between Austin Aries and Cody. Aries returned to WSW after a seven-month absence, specifically targeting Cody, who has continued to ride the road to redemption.

Aries sauntered to the ring, escorted by a loud chorus of boos by the fans. He paused on stage and extended double middle fingers over his head as he walked down the ramp.

The Toronto crowd erupted for the arrival of Cody. Pyro exploded around him, as he wore a determined expression on his face. Chants of “Cody, Cody, Cody” sounded out, as he made his way to the ring in red, white, and gold gear. Aries casually leaned against the turnbuckles and mockingly clapped for Cody.

The bell rang, and the two circled each other, the crowd buzzing with anticipation. Aries initiated a quick grapple, but Cody powered him into the corner. He broke clean, and Aries smirked, clapping for Cody’s efforts....before slapping him in the face!

Cody responded with a flurry of strikes: punches and chops – sending Aries retreating to the outside.

Cody didn’t let up, as he launched himself through the ropes with a tope suicida, sending Aries crashing into the steel guardrail. The crowd roared as Cody stayed on the attack, whipping Aries into the steel steps and delivering punches.

Aries escaped back inside, and caught a brief reprieve with a basement dropkick as Cody followed him back in.

Aries hit a slingshot dropkick through the ropes to send Cody back to the floor. Showcasing his own agility, Aries hit a tope suicida of his own! Followed by another! Aries went for the trifecta.....


Taking things back inside, Cody covered for a 2 count!

Cody chopped away at the chest of Aries, driving him into the corner. Cody hit 10 mounted punches, with the Toronto crowd loudly chanting along.

Aries found an opening when Cody let his aggression get the better of him. Aries dodged a corner charge, and Cody smashed his shoulder into the ring post. The crafty Aries immediately capitalized, wrenching Cody’s arm and neck, targeting the weakened areas. He hit a shoulder breaker followed by a missile dropkick for a 2 count.

Aries then went to work on the mat, applying a variety of submissions, while fishhooking Cody and taunting the fans and referee.

The crowd rallied behind Cody, as he fought back to his feet and used elbows to escape Aries' grasp. Cody ducked a clothesline and caught Aries with a Cody Cutter for another 2 count!

Cody went for Din’s Fire (vertibreaker), but Aries countered with surprise backslide for a 2 count of his own!

Both men popped to their feet. Cody went for a vertical suplex over the top rope, but Aries hung on and BOTH men went toppling out to the floor – landing hard!

The two men battled to the apron and went back and forth with pump kicks – each one landing with a heavy THUD. After each men landed two kicks each, Cody fired up for a third – but Aries cut him off with a roaring elbow that hit the jaw flush!

Looking directly into the camera, Aries said:

This company was build on MY BACK! I’m the last magician in this sport!



Chael Sonnen went nuts on commentary:

That’s it! Get the doctors! We saw Aries do this same thing to Lee Johnson...get some damn help this thing is OVER!

Cody fell to the floor mats, lifeless.

Aries rolled back inside the ring and screamed:


Cody grabbed at his head and neck on the floor. This was the same move that Aries had defeated Lee Johnson with – brutalizing the rookie and winning via count out.

The referee went through the 20 count:

15, 16, 17...........

The crowd chanted, “Cody, Cody, Cody”

Somehow, someway Cody got to his feet.......

He stumbled and fell back down..........................................



Cody jumped back in just in the nick of time!

The crowd erupted, willing Cody back into the fight. Mauro Ranallo described the scene:

Cody just won’t stay down! The heart, the fight, it’s incredible! 17,000 people are on their feet – willing The American Nightmare to keep fighting!

Aries couldn’t believe it, but he furiously pounced – stomping and targeting the neck.

Aries went to finish it...he locked on the Last Chancery!

He wrenched back on the neck of Cody!

Tap out you son of a bitch! QUIT! QUIT!

Cody cried out in pain, and clawed at the mat! Fighting through the pain he inched his way to the rope......

Cody got the toe of his boot on the bottom rope! It was all he could muster but it was good enough for the break!

Aries was furious. He pounded on the mat in frustration at not being able to put Cody away.

With everyone in the Scotiabank Arena urging Cody on, Aries looked to silence them. He ripped the weight belt off of Cody. He slapped the mat with the belt and reared back to lash Cody....

The referee ripped it from Aries’ hands! The referee threatened Aries and threw the belt out of the ring. Aries turned his attention from Cody, and it was costly....

Snap powerslam!

Disaster Kick!




Cody slowly rose to his feet...he started to beat his chest – feeding off the emotion of the crowd. He started to climb the turnbuckles. Cody was going for the moonsault......

Aries shoved the referee into the ropes and the impact crotched Cody!

Boos rained down, as Aries smiled – pushed past the referee who was irrate...and took Cody down with a SUNSET BOMB!

Cody crashed hard!



Kick Out!

Aries hoisted Cody up for the brainbuster, but Cody escaped – landing a knee strike to the head as he was lifted up. Stunner by Cody!


The crowd went NUTS with the loudest cheer of the night so far as Cody channeled his late father with the bionic elbows!

Aries was staggered! Cody grabbed him and turnabout was fair play....


Cody maintained control of the head and neck.....





Winner: Cody (13:40)

Really solid work by both men. Cody was insanely over in this building; they see him as a big star and his story and character are resonating with the fans. He played the resilient babyface very well. The teased count out spot got over big. We need to save big spots like this for matches like this. It helped because Aries won a match via count out recently.

Aries is still one of the best bell-to-bell wrestlers in the business, and hopefully we can continue to stay on good terms because he is so good and is a phenomenal heel.

Had this feud really had more time to develop, this could have gone to another level, but it was fine for where it was.

The crowd exploded in celebration as Cody rose to his feet, his hand held high in victory. Exhausted, but triumphant, he looked around the jam-packed arena and saluted the fans that were with him every step of the way. He looked into the camera and said:

This is just the beginning...

Mauro Ranallo summed it up:

The American Nightmare’s legacy is being forged in the fires of redemption. Just listen to these fans, it is CLEAR that he is not walking this road alone!

A commercial aired promoting Ignition 200 on the Paramount Network, Thursday, July 18 at 8:00 PM.

A video package aired, highlight the feud between Kay Lee Ray and Tessa Blanchard for the Women’s World Championship.
  • We see Kay Lee Ray earn her title shot, pinning Blanchard in a trios match.
  • We see clips of KLR’s passionate promo, and the vengeful retaliation of Blanchard and Diamond.
  • We see KLR hit the Gory Bomb on Blanchard on the go-home Ignition and hold the Women’s World Title high.

Match Four – WSW Women’s World Championship: Kay Lee Ray (w/ Io Shirai) vs. Tessa Blanchard (c) (w/ Tenille Dashwood)

The fourth match of SummerFest was a singles match with Tessa Blanchard defending the WSW Women’s World Championship against Kay Lee Ray.

Kay Lee Ray, the tough as nails challenger entered first, with Io Shirai as her second. The World Champion entered second, flanked by Tenille Dashwood. Bodak Yellow blared throughout the Scotiabank Arena, as Tessa appeared in a sparkling diamond studded robe – the World Championship around her waist.

The crowd rained down boos on Blanchard as she walked confidently to the ring.

Both women burned holes in each other as the bell rang. They met in the center of the ring and talked trash. Blanchard swung first, but Ray dodged and landed a forearm that hit flush. KLR exploded with strikes, driving the Champion into the corner! She landed her corner kicks to the chest, with the crowd chanting “Kay” “Lee” “Ray” each time one connected.

KLR charged for a running big boot, but Blanchard dodged it, hitting a drop toe hold that sent KLR draping over the middle rope. Blanchard charged and drove her knees several times into the back of a draping KLR to slow the challenger's momentum.

KLR rolled out to the apron, and springboard dropkick from Blanchard sent KLR to the floor, and the World Champion followed. Blanchard slammed KLR’s head onto the timekeeper’s table and whipped her back and forth between the ring apron and the steel guardrail – talking trash to KLR and the ringside fans.

Blanchard went to whip KLR into the steel steps, but KLR reversed and hit a superkick! KLR hopped to the apron and nailed a PK that popped like a firecracker! KLR leapt off the apron for a hurricanrana.....

Blanchard blocked, and SWUNG KLR into the steel guardrail! Showing her raw power, Blanchard hoisted KLR up and hit a Death Valley Driver on the floor!

Blanchard climbed back inside and bowed to the crowd, drawing more jeers. On the floor, KLR grimaced in pain, grabbed her back and climbed her way back into the ring. Blanchard struck again with a powerbomb!



Kick Out!

Blanchard pulled her hair back and yelled into the face of KLR:


“Kay Lee Ray” chants started up by the crowd. Blanchard grabbed KLR and pressed her overhead. She looked for her overhead throw into the turnbuckles, but KLR slipped out, and caught Blanchard with a hard boot to the face followed by a running neckbreaker! Half and half suplex by KLR! Tessa kicked out at 2!

Blanchard shifted the tide back in her favor, scoring a chop block to the knee. Blanchard targeted KLR’s leg, wrapping it around the ropes and stomping on it mercilessly – taunting Io Shirai at ringside while doing do. Blanchard drug Kay Lee Ray into the center of the ring and applied a Figure Four!

KLR screamed in pain, but she refused to quit! She reached for the ropes, but they were too far away!

Io Shirai pounded on the apron to keep her friend fighting...the crowd followed suit.

KLR slowly shifted her body......

She rolled over and reversed the pressure!

Tessa’s eyes bulged from the pressure, and she clawed to the ropes for the break. Both women pulled themselves to their feet, but KLR was quicker and hit a step up enziguri. KLR with a clothesline that sent both women over the top and back to the floor!

The two women slugged it out on the ramp, with Blanchard hitting a knee to the gut to take the advantage. Blanchard then whipped KLR into the steel steps with authority!

KLR smashed knees first into the steps and went tumbling!

Blanchard stalked her challenger. She grabbed KLR and hoisted her up....Blanchard went to a running powerbomb on the ramp.......

KLR drove elbows into the head of Blanchard and escaped at the last second......

And hit a cutter on the ramp!

Both women were down, KLR grabbed at her knees – screaming in pain.

Both women crawled into the ring. They met each other in the center of the ring. KLR landed a forearm. Blanchard grabbed her jaw...and SPIT into the face of KLR!

KLR STRUCK! She launched into the World Champion....forearm after forearm after forearm. The Toronto crowd responded to the frenzy. KLR grabbed Blanchard and hit a Samoan Drop!

KLR climbed up top....SENTON BOMB!



Kick Out!

KLR went for the Gory Bomb.....Blanchard fought it and then DUG her fingers into the eyes of KLR. Blanchard then powered KLR up......


Blanchard showed her ridiculous strength and power! KLR crumbled to the mat from the impact. Blanchard climbed to the top.....


Blanchard hit it! Cover!




KLR kicked out!

Blanchard didn’t waste a second, she looked for the Buzzsaw DDT, but KLR blocked it and hit a superkick out of nowhere; stunning the champion!

Codebreaker from KLR!

KLR couldn’t follow up though – she grabbed at her knees and back – using the ropes to try and regain her vertical base.

Sensing trouble, Tenille Dashwood grabbed the World Title belt off the timekeeper’s table and placed it on the ring apron. Knowing her role, Dashwood ran to the other side of the ring and jumped onto the apron – drawing the attention are ire of the referee. Blanchard saw the golden equalizer on the apron!

Io Shirai ran around the ring and ripped Dashwood off the apron and DESTROYED her with a roundhouse kick to the head!

While all of this was happening, Blanchard grabbed the belt.....

Blanchard BLASTED KLR with the belt!

She threw it outside the ring as the referee turned around!

Blanchard covered......





The arena erupted in disbelief. Tessa’s frustrations boiled over. She berated the referee, demanding she count faster!

Blanchard turned towards the weary KLR. She placed the toe of her boot under the challenger’s chin and said:

Night, night sweetheart.

Blanchard went for the Buzzsaw DDT.....but KLR countered with a Northern Lights Suplex. With the crowd chanting her name, Kay Lee Ray rose......

She hooked Blanchard for the Gory Bomb......her knee gave out......

With a defiant roar – Kay Lee Ray powered Blanchard up.......




Blanchard got her foot on the bottom rope!

Kay Lee Ray transitioned into a crossface! The submission was in deep!

Blanchard rolled over in desperation to put KLR’s shoulders on the mat!

1..2...Kick Out!

Both women got to their feet – leg kick by Tessa and another chopblock!





The crowd went nuts – KLR got SPIKED and she still refused to die. Mauro Ranallo exclaimed:

The alley cat! The street fighter from Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotland just won’t go quietly into the Toronto night!

Blanchard looked at the challenger. KLR got to her knees, tears in her eyes....she screamed:


These would be the last words of Kay Lee Ray...





Winner and STILL WSW Women’s Champion: Tessa Blanchard (15:00)

Fantastic work. Emotional, hard-hitting match, and the crowd was behind Kay Lee Ray the entire way. Kay Lee Ray was given this opportunity and ran with it all the way. She is a star in the making. We wanted to give her everything even in defeat.

Tessa is incredible. From an in-ring standpoint, she’s one of the best women in the world. She wrestles like the All Japan women of the 90’s with more modern flare. We have built her into a dominant champion that is truly the final boss of the women’s division.

A battered and bruised Tessa Blanchard held the belt high. On commentary, Mauro Ranallo said:

It’s over.....
Kay Lee Ray spilled every ounce of guts she had, but in the end, Tessa Blanchard is left standing once again. Regardless of your feelings, we are witnessing history with the reign of the undeniable force of the women’s division...Tessa Blanchard!

Io Shirai hopped in the ring and helped Kay Lee Ray to her feet. Clutching her head the Toronto crowd gave her a standing ovation for her unbelievable effort and performance.

A video package aired highlight the feud between Ricochet and Adam Cole for the Intercontinental Championship.
  • We see Adam Cole win the Intercontinental Title at Seize the Day in a three way against Bobby Lashley and Will Ospreay. We see Black Arrow go on the Adam Gold Bay Bay Victory Tour, and Cole continually proclaim the Intercontinental Title as THE belt of WSW. He promises that Black Arrow will be draped in gold in 2019.
  • We see Cole’s victory over Bobby Lashley in a cage match at Undisputed, and their post-match attack – breaking the leg of Lashley and the arm of Arn Anderson.
  • We see Black Arrow’s budding rivalry with the Golden Triangle, and their trios match on the 6/20 Ignition that saw Ricochet pin Adam Cole.
  • We see Ricochet’s challenge, and highlights of his insane athletic ability. We see a slow-motion clip of his flip dive out of the ring during the promo with Cole, and him taking out Black Arrow with the quebrada on the go-home Ignition.

Match Five – WSW Intercontinental Championship: Ricochet vs. Adam Cole (c)

The fifth match of SummerFest was a singles match for the WSW Intercontinental Championship, with Adam Cole defending against Ricochet.

Ricochet entered to a solid ovation, laser-focused on winning his first singles title in WSW. Adam Cole strutted to the ring, solo, the epitome of arrogance. With the Intercontinental Championship around his waist, he reveled in the chorus of boos while leading the crowd in his signature “Adam Cole BAY BAY” chant.

At the opening bell, Cole immediately began jawing at Ricochet, calling him a “flash in the pan.” An early grappling exchange saw Cole slap on a side headlock. Ricochet escaped, hit the ropes, but slammed on the brakes as Adam Cole loaded up for a superkick. Ricochet grinned at Cole and said:

I’ve been reading your mail big boy!

The two went at it again, this time Ricochet scored a spinning headscissors takedown followed by a dropkick that sent the Champion sprawling to the outside.

Ricochet teased a dive, but instead he performed a flawless handspring backflip into the center of the ring, drawing cheers from the crowd!

Cole smirked, regrouped, and rolled back inside.

The two locked up again, with Cole using a knee to the gut to take control. A shoulder tackle sent Ricochet down, and Cole taunted with his trademark “Adam Cole Bay Bay” chant. Ricochet kipped up and fired back with a sequence of lightning-fast arm drags. He kicked off the chest of Cole with a dropkick, backflipped, landed on his feet, and dropped Cole with an enziguri!

Ricochet kept up the attack, but as he went for a springboard off the middle rope – Cole turned the tide by shoving him over the top to the floor!
Ricochet went head over heels to the floor mats, hitting hard!

Cole followed and whipped Ricochet into the steel guardrail several times. He posed on the outside mockingly as boos rained down. Cole took things back inside and began working over Ricochet’s neck with calculated strikes and a neckbreaker. He slapped on a chinlock and yelled:


Ricochet raised his arm in the air and fought his way free with elbows. He hit the ropes but ran directly into a Ushigoroshi from Cole for a 2 count!

Cole continued to taunt Ricochet – pie facing him and saying:

What do you got this it?! You’re not special! You hear me, YOU’RE NOT SPECIAL!

Cole drove his knee into the spine of Ricochet and slapped on another tight side headlock. On commentary, Chael Sonnen said:

Like him or hate him, Adam Cole is wrestling a helluva match so far. He has completely grounded Ricochet. He’s forcing Ricochet to wrestle his style of match...that’s the sign of a very smart fighter and a champion.

The crowd started clapping their hands together to rally Ricochet. Ricochet felt them and threw strikes to the midsection to escape the grip of Cole.

Ricochet hit a hard back elbow. Cole whipped Ricochet into the corner. He charged but ate boots, and then Ricochet hit a rolling dropkick that connected flush! Cole rolled to the outside to slow the pace down again.

Ricochet wasn’t going to let that happen....SPACE FLYING TIGER DROP!

Ricochet hit Cole with pin-point precision. He took things back inside where he hit a strike flurry....Cole slumped in the corner, and Ricochet hit a 619!

Springboard uppercut by Ricochet got a 2 count!

Both men rose to their feet, and Ricochet hit a dizzying display of rapid-fire offense, capped by a standing shooting press followed immediately by a middle rope Phoenix Splash for another 2 count! On commentary, Mauro Ranallo described Ricochet:

Ricochet is so effortless, so fluid...this guy is a human cheat code!

Ricochet continued to pour it on, delivering rapid-fire chops that backed Adam Cole into the ropes. Ricochet went for a handspring back elbow.......





The crowd oohed and and ahhed at the counter by Cole. The two men jockeyed for position – slugging at each other with forearms. Cole vaulted Ricochet over the top, but Ricochet landed on the apron and scored a gamenguri to the back of the head to stun the Champion. Ricochet flew again with a springboard.......

Cole tried to superkick him, but Ricochet showed insane body control and blocked it! Discus lariat by Ricochet that nearly took Cole out of his boots!
Ricochet wasted no time, springboard off the middle rope – quebrada.......







The Scotiabank Arena went nuts! Cole hit an inverted Ricochet flush on the chin with the superkick! “This is Awesome” chants engulfed the arena! Cole vowed to kick Ricochet’s teeth down his throat, and he couldn’t believe Ricochet kicked out!

Ricochet was on his knees with a far-away look in his eyes. Cole went for the kill........LAST SHO......

NO – Ricochet countered with a rollup!

Cole kicked out at 2!

Ricochet started to fire up with a series of forearms! Ricochet hit the ropes, slid under a superkick attempt and hit an uppercut. What followed was a back-and-forth sequence that brought everyone in the Scotiabank Arena to their feet:
  • Bicycle kick by Ricochet!
  • Cole remained on his feet and immediately responded with a leaping enziguiri!
  • Leaping knee strike by Ricochet!
  • Bicycle kick by Cole...Superkick by Cole!

Leaping enziguri by Ricochet!

Both men collapsed......

Cole fell on top of Ricochet!




Both men got a standing ovation! “WSW” chants rang out followed by “Mama Mia” chants in honor of Mauro Ranallo.

Both men were staggered and dazed, Cole rose first at the count of 8. He pulled the kneepad down and went to end it......


Ricochet ducked it and countered with a Poison Rana! Adam Cole got spiked on his head!

Sensing victory, knowing gold was so close, Ricochet ascended to the top rope. He was looking for the 630!

Cole rolled all the way across the ring to the apron. The crowd booed at Cole who flashed an evil grin on the apron.

Ricochet climbed back into the ring and improvised.........he leapt over the top rope and delivered a jaw-dropping hurricanrana to Cole off the apron to the floor!

“Holy Shit” chants erupted!

Ricochet could feel it – everyone was standing! He rolled Cole back in and climbed to the top rope!




Sensing the opening, Cole struck.....






Winner and STILL WSW Intercontinental Champion: Adam Cole (15:18)

Awesome match – these two are studs and five tool players. We are building the company around talent like this and matches like this.

Story was told perfectly – we started slow and built throughout knowing the finish was going to be frenetic, and the crowd was with us the whole way. They really added a ton to the match with their reactions, and at some point the heel/face thing didn’t matter, they just knew they were watching a special match.

Cole clutched his prized Intercontinental Title in his arms. A crestfallen Ricochet sat slumped in the corner – his dazed eyes couldn’t hide the disappointment.

Cole looked over at him – the man that pushed him to the absolute limit and walked over.

Cole extended his hand!

Ricochet looked up at it, a bit bewildered. Slowly he extended his arm.....


Close! But NOT good enough!

Boos rained down on Adam Cole at his actions, but the boos became cheers when these words sounded out:


Clad in a Nightmare Family tracksuit, Cody walked out fresh off his victory over Austin Aries.

Cody got in the ring, standing between Ricochet and Adam Cole. Cody and Cole went eye-to-eye!

Without uttering any words, Cody pointed to the Intercontinental Title on Cole’s shoulder!

The crowd buzzed, and Cole held the title belt up! Cody and Cole toe-to-toe!

Adam Cole then rolled out the ring. Cody helped Ricochet up to his feet and received a gigantic ovation from the crowd. Mauro said:

Adam Cole’s reign continues, but tonight Ricochet showed the world that he’s not just special – he's extraordinary!
It also appears that Cole’s next challenger has emerged. Cody vowed to challenge for gold once he beat Austin Aries, and his message has been sent and heard loud and clear!

Match Six: Will Ospreay vs. “The Death Rider” Jon Moxley

The sixth match of SummerFest was a singles match between Will Ospreay and Jon Moxley. The clash between Ospreay and Moxley was rooted in deep passion and emotion for both men.

Finale by Madeon cranked into the Scotiabank Arena, and the crowd came unglued for the arrival of Will Ospreay.

The beloved aerial artist, turned all-around warrior made his way out. He walked to the ring determined to prove he could adapt to Moxley’s worth of grit, violence, and chaos.

Ospreay slid outside the ring and stood on the floor, he yelled:

Let’s Go!

He was looking for Moxley – knowing the wild man could come from anywhere in the building.

A buzz went through the arena as the opening chords of Shoot to Thrill were heard....everyone turned to see which direction Moxley would come from.....

A roar was heard, as Moxley appeared in one of the entrance portals!

Moxley made his way down the steps, a mob of people surrounding him.

Ospreay didn’t wait – he vaulted to the top of the guardrail and JUMPED onto Moxley in the crowd! The fight was on before the bell!

A wild brawl took place in the crowd – both men threw BOMBS at each other! The Shoot to Thrill music kept playing during the fight!

The two men tore into each other as the crowd went wild! Ospreay promised to bring violence, and he was showing it! Ospreay grabbed a chair.....


Moxley was busted open just minutes into the match!

Blood streaming from Moxley’s head as Ospreay threw him over the guardrail to ringside. Ospreay threw Moxley into the ring and the bell officially rang to start the match!

Inside, Ospreay rained down elbows in the open wound – blood flickered onto the cerulean blue ring mat and onto Ospreay’s chest!

Dueling chants of “Let’s Go Moxley” “Let’s Go Ospreay” sounded out.

Blood poured from Moxley’s head, as Ospreay lit into Moxley’s chest with chops. Moxley fired back with chops of his own. Moxley scored a hard forearm to the face. He climbed to the middle rope, but Ospreay hit a hard overhand chop that sent Moxley all the way to the floor.

Moxley grabbed at his forehead, and Ospreay climbed to the top.....


The crowd erupted into chants of “Ospreay! Ospreay!”

Ospreay had brought the fight to Toronto. He took things back inside and landed a spinning backbreaker for the first 2 count of the match!

Grabbing wrist control, Ospreay fired a series of chops, but Moxley got fired up each time one connected! Moxley responded with headbutts! His blood stained the face of Ospreay as his head landed like a bowling ball!

In a fluid motion, Moxley dropped down, got waist control and PLANTED Ospreay with a German Suplex!

Ospreay’s momentum carried him through the ropes to the apron. Moxley landed a dropkick that sent Ospreay FLYING off the apron and HEADFIRST into the steel guardrail!


Both men were bleeding, and Moxley caught Ospreay with a Regal Knee as he got back into the ring. Moxley drove Ospreay into the corner and hit 10 Mounted Punches to the open wound....and then BIT at the wound, opening it up further!

“You Sick Fuck” chants started up!

Moxley LAUNCHED Ospreay high into the air with an X-Plex that scored a 2 count!

Moxley went for the Death Rider, but Ospreay blocked and the two men teed off on each other some more – blood all over their faces. Ospreay caught Moxley with a handspring corkscrew kick followed by a running corner boot! Ospreay climbed up top and hit a diving forearm to the back of the head for a 2 count!

Ospreay looked for Storm Breaker, but Moxley countered out with a German Suplex, he maintained waist control and landed another! He maintained waist control and went for a release German this time, but Ospreay flipped over, landed on his feet, and POPPED Moxley with a leaping enziguri!

Ospreay went to the apron and vaulted to the top for another springboard – but Moxley ran over and CRUSHED him with a forearm that sent him falling off the top rope all the way to the floor with a sickening thud.

Moxley followed outside and grabbed Ospreay, bringing him to the apron. Moxley looked for a piledriver on the apron!

Ospreay blocked and blocked again.......Moxley bit into Ospreay’s wound again and then started to savagely rake at his back! Mox went for the Death Rider on the apron...Ospreay blocked again and scored a leaping knee strike!


Both men were on the floor. Ospreay took Moxley and put him on the timekeeper’s table.

Ospreay got back inside the ring and climbed to the top..........................




The crowd wents NUTS and “Holy Shit” chants fired up! Mauro Ranallo was beside himself:


Ringside officials ran over to check on the two men who laid in a tangled mess of limbs and shattered wood!

Somehow, some way – both men staggered their way back into the ring at the count of 10 by the referee. Ospreay was ready to attack – springboard missile dropkick! Ospreay went up top....SHOOTING STAR PRESS!




Ospreay went for another Oscutter......





The crowd roared with approval as the two men stared up at the lights, bloodied and exhausted.

The two men got their feet at the count of 9 and teed off on each other again! Moxley’s face was a crimson mask. Ospreay’s hair was stained red from blood and he had blood all over his chest and arm.

The two warriors exchanged lariats, both men absorbed each strike, refusing to go down. They hit the ropes and landed simultaneous lariats – both men went down! The crowd chanted, “This Is Awesome!”

Moxley rose first. He swung for the fences with a King Kong Lariat, but Ospreay had a stunning flip counter and landed a sit-out Liger Bomb for another 2 count!

Ospreay ripped the elbow pad off. He called for the Hidden Blade, Chael Sonnen provided context:

This is it! This is the Hidden Blade! This is the move Ospreay has introduced – a brutal elbow strike needed to put a lion down!




Moxley grabbed Ospreay and rained down anvil elbow strikes! Moxley hit a Curb Stomp!




Moxley attempted another Death Rider, but Ospray escaped and hit a hook kick! Moxley followed with a lariat, but Ospreay WORE IT! He remained standing! Ospreay was fired up and the crowd stood to their feet and chanted his name!

Moxley hit the ropes for momentum, but Ospreay hit a Spanish Fly!



Kick Out!





The crowd gasped!

Ospreay had blood on his arm from where the hidden blade hit the sea of crimson that was Moxley’s face! He couldn’t believe it! Paige Knight went nuts on commentary:

That was it! That was his shot! That’s the move he wanted to put Moxley down with, and Moxley just won’t die!

As the 20-minute time call was made by Justin Roberts, Ospreay went for the Storm Breaker.........








Winner: Jon Moxley (20:24)

Just an insane match. This had to feel different than Ricochet/Cole, because the crowd was going to be tired after just watching a banger. This was completely different from the very beginning with crowd brawling. Perhaps one to many near falls after the previous match was full of them, but the crowd was invested the whole way.

Ospreay is out of this world talented, and he was phenomenal here. This was the most violent match Ospreay has ever wrestled in WSW, and he delivered. The elbow drop from the ring to the table should be on every highlight clip and commercial we have.

Jon Moxley came to us bound and determined to prove he was not Dean Ambrose, and this match tells the world that Ambrose is dead. Moxley bleed like a stuck pig for 20 minutes and looks like the biggest badass we have...that’s the point. He is a main event level star, and he wrestles a style different than anyone else on our roster.

Moxley, battered and bloodied, sat in the corner, staring at the carnage that he just endured. Ospreay was barely conscious. He was helped to his feet by the referee.

Moxley walked over to Ospreay, and extended a bloodstained hand.

After a moment of hesitation, Ospreay shook it, cementing the mutual respect between the two warriors. Both men left to thunderous applause, their war etched into the minds of every fan in attendance. Mauro Ranallo closed the scene:

Will Ospreay just went to a place he’s never been before! Jon Moxley proved why he is the standard-bearer of violence in professional wrestling. Oh my God, what kind of hell has just been unleashed on WSW!

A commercial aired for the 2019 Grand Prix – the biggest tournament in wrestling returns, beginning Thursday, August 15 and concluding on Saturday, September 21 with Grand Prix Finals 2019 at the Cow Palace in San Francisco – streaming live on Netflix.

12 men – 2 blocks – 1 winner and a shot at the WSW World Championship and main event of November Reign at Madison Square Garden.

A video recap aired, highlighting the rivalry between the Lucha Brothers and the Hart Foundation for the WSW World Tag Team Championships.
  • We see the debut of the Hart Foundation on Ignition in London in December 2018. We see their success – beating the Young Bucks to win the World Tag Team Titles and highlights of their defenses with their unique style.
  • We see the return of the Lucha Brothers under the tutelage of Konnan. Embracing a dark, violent side. Their return was in a tag team battle royal on Ignition in May – winning to become Number One Contenders.
  • We see highlights of their match at Undisputed – a high-risk war, that saw Teddy Hart remove the mask of Pentagon to lead to the win.
  • We see the war declared by Konnan, and the subsequent attacks by Pentagon and Fenix – brutal sneak attacks that saw them steal the World Tag Titles.
  • We see the Hart Foundation’s return in an ambulance and Teddy Hart’s challenge for Escalera de la Muerte
  • The package closes with flash cuts of the war between the two teams – concluding with Teddy Hart’s dive off the top of the entrance set on the go-home Ignition.

Match Seven – WSW World Tag Team Championships – Escalera de la Muerte: The Lucha Brothers (w/ Konnan) vs. The Hart Foundation (w/ Brian Pillman Jr.) (c)

The semi-main event of SummerFest was Escalera de la Muerte for the WSW World Tag Team Championships.

Ladders were set up around the ring, and the World Tag Team Titles were hung high above the ring.

A blackout of the Scotiabank Arena signaled the entrance of the Lucha Brothers. Walking through pyro explosions, Pentagon Jr. and Fenix made their way to the ring with Konnan at their side. Boos rained down from the rafters.

A special video package played:

Aerial drone shots of the legendary Hart House in Calgary sets the scene – taking fans on a journey through the legendary Hart Family legacy: Owen’s dazzling in-ring style, Davey Boy Sr.’s strength, Jim Neidhart’s ferocity, a flash of pink and black trunks..........

The Hart Foundation’s music hit and the crowd EXPLODED as Teddy Hart, Davey Boy Smith Jr., and Brian Pillman Jr. emerged on stage. Clad in Canadian flag themed gear, the three stood side by side, soaking in the adoration. Teddy extended his arm back to the entrance tunnel..........

The roof nearly blew off when Bret “The Hitman” Hart walked out clad in his iconic leather jacket. He raised a fist to the roaring Canadian crowd.

The Hart Foundation marched to the ring!

The camera showed members of the Hart Family sitting ringside.

The arena was pure electricity as the two teams stood eye-to-eye under the belts. The Lucha Brothers went for a Cero Miedo taunt, but the Hart Foundation pounced!

Davey Boy launched himself at Pentagon, payback for bloodying him on Ignition, while Teddy Hart lashed into Fenix! Chaos ensued. The Hart Foundation brought a flurry of punches and kicks – channeling their frustration over weeks of sneak attacks!

The first ladder was introduced by Fenix, but Teddy Hart intercepted with a baseball slide – knocking the ladder into Fenix’s face. Teddy set up the ladder, but Pentagon cut him off with a superkick.

On the outside, Davey Boy and Fenix battled. Smith whipped Fenix into the steel guardrail, but in an unbelievable show of athleticism and quickness, Fenix vaulted himself over the rail in a single leap. Fenix landed a gamenguri from the front row, vaulted on top of the rail, ran on top of it, flew with a moonsault.....but Davey Boy caught him!


Back inside, Pentagon positioned the ladder and began to climb. Teddy sent him crashing to the mat with a springboard missile dropkick! Hart followed with a split-legged moonsault before resetting the ladder and starting to climb.

Fenix reentered and knocked the ladder over, sending Teddy throat-first over the top rope!

The violence escalated as multiple ladders were introduced into the ring – including one being bridged across the middle rope in the corner.

On the outside, Pentagon delivered a Slingblade to Davey Boy on the floor. Pentagon then drove Smith headfirst into the steel steps.
Meanwhile, in the ring, Fenix ascended a ladder......

But Teddy springboarded on the same ladder and landed like a cat!

The two reached up for the belts in between slugging away at each other! Fenix then slammed Teddy’s face off the top of the ladder.........



“Holy Shit” chants fired up!

Pentagon entered the ring and started to climb, but Davey Boy cut him off with clubbing shots to the back. Davey Boy ripped Pentagon off the ladder and crushed him with a buckle bomb! Fenix charged, but Davey Boy caught him with a release overhead belly-to-belly suplex sending him CRASHING into his brother!

The big man, Davey Boy Smith, set up a ladder and started to climb. Pentagon and Fenix pulled him off and hit stereo superkicks...Davey Boy remained on his feet...stereo superkicks again....Davey Boy pounded his chest and told them to bring it on!


Fenix and Pentagon dropped the big man to his knees! They took a ladder and rammed it into the skull of Smith!

Davey Boy flopped through the ropes to the floor!

Teddy Hart started to pull himself up, but he was decimated by a kick combination and rolling cutter by Fenix. The Lucha Brothers set up a table at ringside and placed Teddy on top of it.

Fenix climbed to the top rope – The Lucha Brothers were trying to officially decimate The Hart Foundation in Toronto! At the last second, Davey Boy hit a running boot on Fenix to crotch him on the top turnbuckle!

On the outside Teddy fought back – he dug his fingers into the eyes of Pentagon.........HART WITH A CANADIAN DESTOYER OFF THE TABLE ONTO THE FLOOR!

Pentagon flopped into a heap.

Davey Boy and Teddy Hart set up Fenix on the table.....Teddy positioned a tall ladder on the outside........

He climbed all the way to the top.........


“Teddy, Teddy, Teddy” chants sounded out!

The Hart Foundation regained control. Teddy set up two tables side by side at the foot of the entrance ramp. Davey Boy started to climb.....

Pentagon sprinted up the other side of the ladder and took Smith down with a Slingblade off the ladder!

Pentagon grabbed a table and set it up in the ring.

Pentagon was immediately dropped by diving DDT by Teddy Hart!

Hart sent Pentagon spine first on a ladder with a Falcon Arrow!

Hart started to climb......

Hart reached the top of the ladder!

His hands were on the belts.............................



Fenix started to climb..........he reached the top!

Davey Boy cut him off!

Davey Boy and Fenix threw bombs at each other on the top of the ladder!

Davey Boy got the better of the exchange with machine gun forearms! Standing on the top rung of the ladder, Davey Boy grabbed Fenix – pulled him over the top of the ladder onto his shoulder........



“This Is Awesome!” and “FIGHT FOREVER” roared throughout the Scotiabank Arena!

Pentagon started to rise, clutching his back. He began to climb the ladder.

From the mat, Davey Boy threw clubbing blows to slow Pentagon! Pentagon hit a superkick while still on the ladder to knock back the big man.
Teddy Hart emerged from the rubble of the broken wood and started to climb the opposite side of the ladder.......

Pentagon got his hands on the belts!

Teddy Hart scrambled to the top and landed punches to slow Pentagon!

Pentagon fired back!

Teddy went for broke..........


Mauro Ranallo went nuts:

Pentagon and Teddy Hart lay motionless in a sea of splintered wood! “Holy Shit” chants were deafening!

Davey Boy started to climb the ladder...there was no one around!

Like a snake, Konnan entered the ring and BROKE his cane across Davey Boy’s back! Davey Boy slumped off the ladder in pain.

Konnan urged his Fenix and Pentagon to climb – he raised the shattered cane and looked to stab Davey with it....

Pillman ripped it from his hands from behind!

Pillman and Konnan went face to face! Konnan dared Pillman to hit him! Pillman just smiled and motioned for Konnan to turn around!



The crowd erupted in disbelief! Bret wasted no time, HE LOCKED KONNAN INTO THE SHARPSHOOTER to a thunderous ovation!

Simultaneously, Teddy and Davey Boy recovered and locked Pentagon and Fenix into Sharpshooters as well, creating an unforgettable visual!

The crowd went nuts over this as the Lucha Brothers writhed in pain!

With Konnan neutralized, Teddy Hart and Davey Boy Smith started to climb opposite sides of the ladder. The crowd was on their feet......

Teddy and Davey Boy pulled the belts down!

STILL WSW World Tag Team Champions: The Hart Foundation (21:02)

This was just pure insanity. An absolutely excellent and crazy ladder match that felt right for the stakes and the crowd was pure molten lava for everything.

There were some really risky spots, but both teams wanted to push this to the limit. We’ll check on the injury status of the teams, as they went to steal the show. The finish with Bret getting involved was the loudest pop of the night.

The arena exploded in celebration as Bret Hart joined Teddy, Davey, and Brian Pillman Jr. In the ring. They raised the titles high. Mauro Ranallo said:

The Hart Foundation stands tall, their family legacy cemented once again in Canadian wrestling lore!

As the celebration continued, boos were heard, as the Death Busters emerged onto the stage. They clapped sarcastically and looked down at the ring and carnage strewn about.

The Death Busters won the four-way tag on the Kickoff Show, and earned a shot at the titles on Ignition 200.

The Hart Foundation stood united and eyed their next challengers. They raising the titles high in defiance. The Scotiabank Arena crowd pumped out a thunderous, “Hart Foundation” chant!

A commercial aired for November Reign LIVE from Madison Square Garden on Saturday, November 30. Steaming on Netflix!

Ahead of the main event, the announcers hyped Ignition 200 this Thursday on Paramount Network and announced several matches:
  • WSW Intercontinental Championship: Cody vs. Adam Cole (c)
  • Candice LeRae & Rachael Ellering vs. Ivelisse & Mercedes Martinez
  • Elite 8 Finals: Brian Pillman Jr. vs. Alexander Hammerstone
  • Debut of Dr. Britt Baker DMD
  • WSW World Tag Team Championships: The Death Busters vs. The Hart Foundation (c)

A video package aired on the rivalry between Claudio Castagnoli and Kenny Omega for the WSW World Championship.
  • The package focuses on several key things:
  • The signing of Omega and incredible ballyhoo that went with the massive acquisition.
  • We see Omega’s vow to change the world, and his victory of AJ Styles at Seize the Day to become World Champion. We also see the formation of the Golden Triangle with Kota Ibushi & Ricochet.
  • We see the dominance of Claudio Castagnoli under the management of Salina de la Renta. His brutal wins over Drew Galloway, Pentagon, AJ Styles, and Kota Ibushi are shown along with his Ricola Bomb through glass on Omega.
  • The package is interspliced with clips of their promos in the buildup to this match. We hear Castagnoli’s haunting words:
  • We hear Omega’s passionate words from the 7/11 Ignition:
But here’s the thing Claudio. You’re not stepping into the ring in Toronto with Kenny’re stepping into the ring with The Cleaner!

You see, “The Cleaner” isn’t a nickname, it’s a dark place that I have to let myself sink into when it’s absolutely necessary. It’s who I had to become when the odds were stacked against me in Japan, fighting wars with Okada, Tanahasi, and Ishii. It’s who I had to become to survive, to win, and to prove to the world that Kenny Omega wasn’t just a name, but the STANDARD of professional wrestling.

And now after everything you’ve done, Claudio, after all the pain and humiliation you’ve forced me to go back to that dark place. For one night, in my home country, I’m going dark. I’m loading a round in the chamber, I’m going to pull the hammer back, and take the Assassin down for good!

Match Eight – WSW World Championship: “The Assassin” Claudio Castagnoli vs. “The Cleaner” Kenny Omega (c)

The main event of SummerFest was a singles match between Claudio Castagnoli and World Champion Kenny Omega.

Justin Roberts stood in the ring with a microphone:

TORONTO, your main event of SummerFest is set for one fall with a 60 minute time limit and is for the World Series Wrestling WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP!

Claudio Castagnoli entered first, accompanied by Salina de la Renta, his presence radiating cold, methodical menace. He wore a long black trench coat and a stoic expression as the audience showered him with jeers. Claudio’s 9-month unbeaten streak and ruthless attack on the life of Kenny Omega drew their ire.

The energy shifted dramatically as the lights dimmed, and a nostalgic 8-bit video game-style graphic appeared on the screen. Two glowing white eyes pierced through the darkness as scrolling text read:

You don’t remember you?

We’re still inseparable after all this time, aren’t we?”

The Cleaner logo appeared, and the word CLEANER filled the screen.

The screen cut to black and the piercing sounds of Immigrant Song by Led Zeppelin rang out in the Scotiabank Center!

Kenny Omega made his entrance to an ENORMOUS ovation. Omega was dressed in a black leather jacket with aviator sunglasses. The gleaming WSW World Championship was around his waist. His aura was electric, his focus unwavering. Pyro exploded around him. This was a version of Omega the fans hadn’t seen in several years, he was ready for war!

Justin Roberts handled the formal ring introductions:

Introducing the challenger first. Accompanied to the ring tonight by Salina de la Renta, he weighed in at 232 pounds...from Lucerne, Switzerland..... “The ASSASSIN” CLAUDIO CASTAGNOLI!

And from Winnipeg, Manitoba, CANADA, weighing 218 pounds, he is the WSW WORLD CHAMPION.... “THE CLEANER” KENNY OMEGA!

As soon as the bell rang, Omega wasted no time, sprinting across the ring for a V-TRIGGER!

Claudio sidestepped, but Omega spun around and caught him with a stiff forearm. The match exploded into a slugfest immediately, both men trading strikes at a frenetic pace. Omega landed two sharp kicks to the ribs of Castagnoli, but the challenger simply glared at him, daring him to continue.

Omega got two more kicks in, but Claudio absorbed the punishment and countered with a BRUTAL European uppercut that sent Omega reeling into the ropes and spit flying. Another uppercut landed, and a German suplex sent the World Champion rolling to the floor for a reprieve.

Castagnoli followed, coldly stalking his prey. He landed several HARD chops that immediately turned Omega’s chest red. Castagnoli whipped Omega into the guardrail so hard that the World Champion toppled over into the front row from the impact!

Castagnoli landed another wicked chop before yanking Omega back over the rail to ringside. Castagnoli went for a German suplex on the floor.....

Omega clutched the top of the rail for dear life..........

Castagnoli landed a savage elbow right to the back of the skull and then ripped Omega with a Geman suplex....

Omega flipped over in midair and landed on his feet! Kick to the gut, and Omega landed a snap suplex on the outside!

Sliding back into the ring, Omega positioned himself for the Rise of the Terminator! He hit the ropes.....

Castagnoli slid back in and NAILED a running uppercut! The momentum and impact was sick!

Salina de la Renta flashed an evil smile at ringside.

Castagnoli drove Omega into the corner with chops and headbutts – Omega's chest was already bright red! Castagnoli with a straight choke in the corner with his boot! Salina loved it and pounded on the apron!

“Let’s Go Kenny” chants started to fire up.

Kenny tried to fire back with forearms, but a SINGLE chop from Castagnoli took Omega down. Castagnoli hit a snapmare and then a HARD kick to the spine!

Omega pounded on the mat, pain coursing through his body. He screamed:

Castagnoli obliged and kicked him again right in the spine!

Trying to block out the pain, Omega rose! The two men went back and forth with chops! Each one cracked like gunfire! Omega’s chest was already starting to bleed from the savage chop of Castagnoli! The crowd went back and forth with “Boo” and “Yeah;” until, Castagnoli chopped Omega right in the throat! Omega fell back into ropes, gasping for air!

A straight headbutt from Castagnoli knocked Omega into the corner. Castagnoli got right into the face of Omega and said:

You are weak! You are nothing! I will break everything!

Omega with a slap to the face! With the crowd clapping along, Omega fired back with forearms. He countered an Irish whip into the corner with a boot to Claudio’s face. He charged, but ran right into a belly-to-belly suplex! This scored the first 2 count of the match!

Omega fought with chops and forearms. Castagnoli blocked a running boot, but Kenny ducked a lariat and planted The Assassin with a straight DDT!

“Let’s Go Kenny” chants got louder.

Omega landed two polish hammers to the chiseled chest of Claudio and hit You Can’t Escape. He covered, but only got a 1 count!

The World Champion saw his opportunity. He used his speed, bouncing off the ropes: low dropkick to the knee followed by the Kotaro Krusher!
Castagnoli rolled to the floor this time, stunned at the flurry. Inside the ring, Omega rhythmically beat on the cerulean blue mat – the crowd clapped along.........


Omega hit with pin-point accuracy! Back inside, Omega climbed to the top rope...MISSILE DROPKICK TO THE BACK OF THE HEAD!

Castagnoli somehow stayed on his feet, but he was staggered....Omega drilled him with a charging back elbow in the corner!

Omega lashed into Castagnoli in the corner with forearms and chops! A hard overhand chop POPPED throughout the sold out arena!

Omega went back to the forearms, but Castagnoli fired up. Castagnoli was a cyborg – absorbing the strikes from Omega...he started to headbutt each strike Omega threw. Claudio with a forearm to the jaw!

Claudio went for a discus uppercut, but Omega avoided it and hit a hurricanrana to cut off Castagnoli and send him to the apron.

Castagnoli got to his feet on the apron, but Omega landed a running boot! Castagnoli grabbed the top rope to maintain his balance. Omega with another running boot!

Omega went for a third, but Castagnoli caught him with a headbutt! Castagnoli tried to suplex Omega from the ring to the floor...he lifted him......

Kenny blocked and landed on the apron. Castagnoli threw hard kicks to the inside of Omega’s knee. Castagnoli tried a German Suplex off the apron to the floor! Omega clutched the top rope! Castagnoli pulled back with all his strength, but Omega’s grip was white knuckle!

Salina de la Renta urged for it:


Omega hit a back elbow to free himself, another back elbow......a third!

Omega freed himself and jockeyed for position on the apron...he began to slap the back of Castagnoli! With a wild look in his eyes, Omega screamed:



Omega got revenge for Ibushi – the German suplex on the apron by Castagnoli damaged the neck of Omega’s best friend, and now The Cleaner folded Castagnoli in half. For the first time ever, Salina de la Renta’s face showed fear!

Omega rolled back into the ring. Castagnoli started to stir at the count of 10...he clutched at the ring skirt – trying anything to regain his balance! Castagnoli got back inside at the count of 15!

Omega covered....



Kick Out!

Omega pointed the finger gun at The Assassin!



Omega went for a third.....


Omega backflipped out to escape and hit another V-TRIGGER!





Omega slit the throat and hoisted Castagnoli up into the electric chair....One Winged An.....

Castagnoli countered with a DDT!

Both men rose at the same time. Omega went another V-Trigger...blocked...and Castagnoli turned Omega inside out with a hard lariat!

The crowd clapped as both men pulled themself up in opposite corners! Castagnoli rose first and struck with a charging uppercut!

Castagnoli took Omega up top.....AVALANCHE GUT WRENCH SUPLEX!




Omega kicked out and stayed alive – Castagnoli was inches away from being World Champion again!

An evil look went on the face of Castagnoli. He grabbed the arms of Omega...and started to stomp on the unprotected head of Omega! The boots rained down like anvils! Castagnoli beat Ibushi this way....the referee dropped down looking to stop the match if Omega could no longer protect himself........






The crowd went nuts! Castagnoli stomped harder, but Omega rolled out the way! Omega ducked a lariat....V-TRIGGER!

Omega charged for another....





“This is Awesome” rang out – the crowd was now fully living and dying with this match! Omega was dazed, the World Champion was battered – his chest looked like Swiss Cheese.

Castagnoli grabbed Omega.....Ricola Bomb...NO! Omega escaped with a hurricanrana.....


Omega went for the Kotaro Krusher Omega jumped to execute the move, CASTAGNOLI CAUGHT HIM IN THE ELECTRIC CHAIR!





The Scotiabank Arena came unglued! Castagnoli tried to beat Omega with his own move, but Omega REFUSED to die!


Both men were on the mat, gasping for air! Castagnoli went for the end....Ricola Bomb........Omega blocked and powered Castagnoli up and hit an Alabama Slam followed by ANOTHER V-Trigger!

Both men went down again!

Crawling to their feet, the two men met in the center of the ring. Unable to stand they laid into each other with back-and-forth forearms from their knees! Each strike seemed to wake the men up.........they went forehead to forehead.....intensity burned in their eyes and they rose to their feet!

Castagnoli roared and hit a flurry of forearms! Omega TOOK Castagnoli down with a SICK palm strike! The Assassin was down on the mat!

Omega with a Deadlift German Suplex!

Omega rose, the crowd chanting his name. The Cleaner pointed the finger gun at Castagnoli.....but changed his aim to Salina in a symbolic gesture! OMEGA RAN OVER CASTAGNOLI WITH A V-TRIGGER!







Omega roared and went for broke.....POISON RANA!




OMEGA CAPTURED THE WRIST....................





Winner and STILL WSW World Champion: Kenny Omega (27:20)

Fantastic main event that started slow and built throughout. These guys were in a tough spot having to follow the car crash spectacle of the ladder match. The crowd gave Omega a superstar entrance, but it was clear they were tired when the match started.

The story these guys told got the crowd invested, and they were on their feet for the last 10 minutes. There may not be a better wrestler in the world than Kenny Omega right now, and Claudio is a perfect opponent for him.

Goal was to put Kenny over in a different style of match than he’s wrestled in WSW so far, while continuing to make Claudio look like a killer.

This was a fitting main event. A modern version of the old school, gritty NWA World Title matches.

The crowd was jumping up and down as Omega sat in the ring in pure exhaustion. He stood to have his arm raised in victory, he clutched his WSW World Championship, and then rose it in triumph to the roars of the sold-out crowd!

Omega called for the microphone. He waited out a thunderous “OMEGA” chant before speaking:

I’m not going to lie...this year has been hard on me.

I think about the struggles, the hardships, the burden that I feel on my shoulders sometimes...the weight that comes with being the World Champion for a company that is providing so much hope for this beautiful sport....

And then I remember, I’m just a human.

We ALL have our own struggles and hardships that we deal with every single day. I get in my own head sometimes, but then I walk through our locker room...the WSW locker room, and I see something special!

I see a group of men and women with a fire, many of them were never valued as anything, but they never gave up, they kept fighting for their dream, and they have created something SPECIAL!

Each and every one of you are special and TOGETHER we are creating HOPE!

That is why I push so hard for you people! YOU made this show! YOU made this a night no one in WSW will never forget!

As long as we all STAY together...we will RULE the wrestling world!

Goodbye....and goodnight.....BANG!

The crowd roared again, and Omega held the World Championship high. The camera panned back to showcase one final shot of the sea of people in Toronto. Mauro Ranallo closed SummerFest:

A historic night for World Series Wrestling comes to a close here in that we will long remember. Thank you for joining us for SummerFest, and thank you for making WSW what it is today!


Death Busters (Dawson and Wilder) defeated The Von Erichs (Ross & Marshall Von Erich), #StrongHearts (CIMA and T-Hawk) & La Faccion Ingobernable (RUSH and Dragon Lee)​
Four Way Tag team match​
Bandido, Caristico & Diamante Azule defeated Los Guerreros Laguneros (Ultimo Guerrero and Euforia) & Templario​
Trios match​
The Club (AJ Styles, Karl Anderson and Doc Gallows) defeated LA Express (Johnny Mundo, Brian Cage and Mike Bennett) (with Taya Valkyrie)​
Trios match​
Deonna Purrazzo defeated Nixon Newel​
Singles match​
Cody defeated Austin Aries​
Singles match​
Tessa Blanchard (c) defeated Kay Lee Ray​
Singles match for the WSW Women's World Championship​
Adam Cole (c) defeated Ricochet​
Singles match for the WSW Intercontinental Championship​
"The Death Rider" Jon Moxley defeated Will Ospreay​
Singles match​
The Hart Foundation (c) (Teddy Hart and Davey Boy Smith Jr.) (with Bret Hart and Brian Pillman Jr.) defeated Lucha Brothers (Fenix and Pentagon) (with Konnan)​
Escalera De La Muerte for the WSW World Tag Team Championships​
"The Cleaner" Kenny Omega (c) defeated "The Assassin" Claudio Castagnoli (with Salina de la Renta)​
Singles match for the WSW World Championship​


Jan 4, 2023
Reaction score
SummerFest Press Conference

Following SummerFest, WSW hosted a press conference, hosted by Melissa Santos. The event streamed live on YouTube.

Melissa stood at the podium and welcomed everyone:

Hello, and welcome to the official SummerFest press conference. We have a ton of media members joining us, and we are streaming live on YouTube. My name is Melissa Santos, and I’ll be your moderator for the evening.

Here’s how this is going to work. Tonight, WSW Women’s World Champion Tessa Blanchard, Cody, World Tag Team Champions The Hart Foundation, and World Champion Kenny Omega will be available for questions. Please raise your hand, wait for the microphone, and then state your name and outlet.

Shane McMahon will appear last and will be available for questions as well.

At this time, please welcome WSW Women’s World Champion, Tessa Blanchard!

Tessa Blanchard walked on stage to applause. She was dressed to the nines with the gleaming Women’s World Championship belt. She propped it up on the table in front of her as she sat down.

Melissa opened:

Tessa, welcome and thank you for joining us. Congratulations on your successful defense of the Women’s World Championship. How are you feeling after that super physical match with Kay Lee Ray?

Blanchard responded:

ANOTHER successful left that part out. Melissa, I know you’re new so I’ll cut you some slack...don’t do it again!

As far as how I’m feeling...honestly, I’m really sore. I’m bruised...Kay Lee Ray hits hard as hell, but I am STILL the Women’s World Champion. I just continue to get the job done, but that’s what you do when you’re an athlete of my get the job done no matter what.

I have beaten everyone that WSW has thrown at me since I won this title. Who’s left?! That’s the real question that all these journalists should be asking...who is left in this women’s division that I haven’t already beaten?

I think I made it pretty clear tonight that I’m in a class of my own. Nobody is on my level, and that’s the reality.

You’re going to here from a lot of people tonight and in the days after this show bragging about the attendance and the gate. Just know, I was the reason they were here. Put my name in that same sentence with Omega, Styles, and Cody when you talk about the foundation of WSW.

So, let’s get to these neckbeard IWC reporters...I have reservations.

You in the front row, raise your hand...HIGHER I can’t see it. Go!

Question: Tessa, I’ll just go ahead and ask it. Who do you see as the next possible challenger?

What was the name of your website....ScreenRant....never heard of it.

Honestly, it doesn’t matter. Line them up, and I’ll knock them down. Go find somebody on our roster, CMLL’s roster, any one...they can’t carry my water.
As far as I’m concerned, I’m the greatest women’s wrestler walking the planet today, and I’m the greatest World Champion in all of wrestling – men's or women’s division.

Question: This match tonight had a lot of emotion involved in it. We saw that in the weeks leading into the match from Kay Lee Ray. You even said it yourself, ‘this match feels different.’ As we sit here now, was this different than your previous title defenses and if so, why?

It absolutely was. Kay Lee Ray is good. The scary thing is, I don’t think she even knows how good she is yet.

What made this different is that Kay Lee has this unique ability to pull raw emotion out of people. Trust me – go stand in that ring with 17,000 rooting against you...hating your guts. It’s not easy.

Maybe more than any of my opponents, Kay Lee made the fans believe. They didn’t just want me to lose...they believed I could.

I’m a generational talent, all I need is my god given ability and I’ll prove I’m better than anyone else. I’m on a high right now, not only because I won...but because I crushed the hopes and dreams of everyone that walked into this arena tonight believing in Kay Lee Ray.

Question: Tessa, you are having an incredible year. Lately, there’s been a lot of comparisons between your style and body of work to that of the women in All Japan in the 90’s. Do you see any correlation there and what are your thoughts on that?

The only comparisons I see are that I hit hard as shit and do things in the ring no other women in the world are doing.

Don’t get me wrong, those women were trailblazers. But what you are witnessing right now in front of your very eyes is living history.

There is NO ONE in the history of women’s wrestling that looks the way I do, wrestles the way I do, and makes the money that I do. There’s no comparison when you talk about Tessa Blanchard. Tweet that, print that, podcast about that...

I gave you three questions and now I’m done. I have places to be.

Blanchard got up with her belt and left the stage.

Melissa spoke:
Please give it up for the reigning and defending Women’s World Champion, Tessa Blanchard!

Melissa transitioned:

At this time, please welcome a man who was victorious tonight over Austin Aries. “The American Nightmare” Cody!

Cody walked out, clad in a tailored three-piece suit. He took his place on stage; he was a lot more joyful that Tessa and gave a big smile as he adjusted the microphone.

Melissa asked:

Cody, this was an emotional night for you. Obviously, your match but also this night as a whole...I know this was special for you. Can you talk about what all of this means to you?

Cody responded:

I promise I’m not going to cry...I get it, we’ve got a room full of reporters here that want to see me babyface my way into crying, but I’m not going to do it! (laughter)

Tonight was special. First of all, I had a great match with Austin Aries – a guy that I had never wrestled before believe it or not. He’s an unbelievable talent and has been for a very long time. I gave everything I had out there, and I know the fans felt it. I’ve had my ups and down, but this match – it was about proving something. Proving to myself that I belong here in this moment, and I belong at the top.

As for the weekend, I don’t think I have the words. I think this weekend and this event was one of those that was best to be lived. I hope all the men and women that were a part of this feel an immense amount of pride for what we just did.

Look, I know a lot will be said and written about what SummerFest means. No promotion since WCW has ever sold this many tickets and brought home the gate that we just did. Those are really important business metrics...but this was a once in a lifetime type of thing to be a part of. This is one of those nights that I hope everyone will get to tell their grandchildren about.

The word historic gets thrown around so much in our business that it’s become a cliche or a gimmick. Trust me when I say this, tonight was historic and I think everyone that witnessed it would agree with me.

Question: Cody, where does this night rank for you in your career?

It’s pretty high up there.

You know, just three years ago I was wrestling in a high school gym in Joppa, Maryland. True story. I’d left what many believe to be the pinnacle of pro wrestling...I’ll say their name because everyone knows who it is...I left WWE.

My last match there was against Zach Ryder in Greensboro of all places...go figure. We must have had 9-10,000 people there. I knew it was my last night, and I remember looking around the arena and thinking, “Alright man, you’re betting on yourself and that’s cool and all, but it may be a while before we see this many people again at a wrestling show.”

Three months later, I was wrestling Zack Sabre Jr. in front of 85 people in a high school gym.

Tonight, is special not just because of the crowd, or the momentum of WSW, tonight was special because you could see the pride in the eyes of every man and woman in that locker room and a part of this crew. We’ve got such a special locker room, I think Kenny nailed it perfectly when he closed the show. We’ve got young guys, guys that were told they weren’t good enough, and we’ve got older guys making one last run. We have the entire barometer of pro wrestling just down that hall. The one uniting thread is they all believe in what we’re doing here. We’re all pulling the rope in the same direction.

Tonight was the culmination of that work, and to see those people realize...”we did it” that to me is better than any personal accolade I can achieve.

I wasn’t here on day one...God knows Aries has told that to anyone that will listen for the last month, but I was here pretty early on. I’ve been a part of this rise, and to see what we did tonight...for WSW, for pro wrestling. It’s unbelievable.

So, long answer to your question, but really really high.

Question: Cody, we saw you confront Adam Cole tonight after his match. That has been announced for Ignition on Thursday. I know there’s a lot of emotions and thoughts going through your mind right now, but what are your thoughts on that match right now?

Got to turn the page and start preparing. That’s wrestling right? Enjoy this one for the night, but you gotta make the next town.

What’s next is Atlanta, Ignition 200, and the Intercontinental Championship. I’ve talked a lot about my journey. I’ve talked a lot about how wins and losses matter. By my count, I’m 6-0 since winning that unsanctioned match at Undisputed – 7-0 if you want to count it. I’ve earned this title shot, and I promised that when I won tonight, I was coming for gold.

Adam Cole is unreal. One of the best all around guys in business today. He talks a real big game, but he backs it up too.

I know what I’m putting on the line. Going to my hometown and challenging for the Intercontinental Title. It’s a risk, but I wouldn’t be here today, performing in the biggest pro wrestling show in North America in twenty years if it wasn’t for taking risks.

Question: The crowd has a natural connection to you. You could see it and hear it tonight. Where do you think that comes from?

I’m grateful for it. It certainly helps when Austin Aries is out there tying me up like a pretzel.

Umm...I think it just comes with being real and authentic. I said this on Ignition the other night, for most of my career I thought I had to live up to a legacy...I had to be a Rhodes. What I really needed was to just be myself – show the world the good, the bad, and the ugly and yes – I am a’s just who I am.

The thing’s a lot easier said than done. It’s scary being yourself...putting yourself out there.

What you find when you do that though, is you find authenticity. You find connection, because somewhere out there, there’s someone that’s as happy as you, as sad as you, as weird as you...and they are looking for someone to connect with as well.

That’s where I think it comes from.

I was booed so frequently when my music hit that I forgot what cheers felt like. I’m not going to lie, hearing thousands of people sing Kingdom is a whole lot better.

Question: Hey Cody, congrats on a great show. The word revolution gets used a lot to describe WSW. What do you think WSW means to pro wrestling, and where does the company go from here?

Well...we’re going to Atlanta on Thursday night. Buy your tickets now or watch on Paramount Network at 8 PM. (laughter)

Umm...I think revolution is a fun word to say because this is a sport, a genre, that has been under the thumb of a monopoly for so long. That monopoly also tried to dictate what was considered the “right” and “wrong” way to present wrestling. No one else’s opinion mattered, not the talent, not the fans, not anyone.

It’s kind of funny when you think about it, because the beauty of pro wrestling is the variety. Just look at this show tonight, we had lucha, we had technical wrestling, we had an incredible high risk ladder match, and women that are pushing boundaries. We had a little bit of everything, and that’s what the fans want. That’s what they’ve been starved for. We’re in a fortunate position that we have a larger platform than others that came before us to cater to that audience. I think what we’re seeing right now, is that audience is pretty damn big.

As far as what’s next. We’ve just to continuing being us...uniquely WSW. That’s been our identity, and it’s brought us the dance. I think the sky is the limit as long as we stay true to ourselves and our audience.

This wrapped up Cody’s portion of the press conference.

Melissa Santos spoke:

Joining us next are the DEFENDING World Tag Team Champions and men that brought the house down tonight...Teddy Hart, Davey Boy Smith Jr., and Brian Pillman Jr.....The Hart Foundation!

The Hart Foundation walked on stage with their World Tag Team Titles. They received applause, and Teddy Hart placed his belt on the table. Davey Boy chose to hold his, saying:

These were stolen from us...I trust everyone in here, but it’s been a minute since I’ve held this. I’m going to keep it on me if that’s okay with everyone.

Santos said:

Gentlemen, congratulations on retaining your titles in one of the most insane matches that I’ve ever seen in my life.

This was obviously a huge night for you. We saw The Hitman in Toronto once are you feeling right now?

Teddy spoke:

Greatest night of my none. I could die tomorrow, and I’d be happy.

You know I just heard Cody say that this was a night that was best lived to experience it, and he’s 100% correct. Tonight, was something I’ve probably dreamed of my whole life...but somewhere along the line, I gave up on that dream. So, to get to wrestle in Toronto in front of that crowd, steal the show, and get our gold’s perfect. Simply perfect.

Davey Boy said:

I’d just like to say thank you to Toronto. You were electric tonight. This was a big moment for us, defending these titles in Canada. Uncle Bret being with us was an out of body experience. Our family has deep history here, and we take a lot of pride in continuing that tradition.

Question: Congratulations guys, that was a helluva match. Teddy, to start with you – you were pretty raw in the build to this show. Now that it’s over, what’s going through your head right now?


Gratitude for these two men sitting next to me and to Shane McMahon. I’m a liability. I’m a risk. I don’t deserve to be here. I have blown every second, third, and fourth chance I’ve ever gotten, but those men believed in me. They gave me one more chance, and I am grateful for that because I will always have this memory. I will always have SummerFest.

QUESTION: Who’s idea was it to contact Bret, and how did that come together?

Davey Boy said:

I had to call him...

Teddy said:

Yeah, he doesn’t always take my calls anymore. I pissed him off one to many times. (laughter)

Davey continued:

I think in my brain, I always knew that I wanted him here. I had no clue how we were going to pull that off though. So, obviously when the ticket sales went crazy I called him and pitched him the idea. He was typical Bret, ‘I don’t know kid. I’m too old.’

But as we started talking about what this means. To be in Toronto, to be in Canada as The Hart Foundation. To wrestle the Lucha Brothers who are managed by Konnan...I think that resonated with him. There was a lot of legacy out there. Mexican history and Canadian history and it came together perfectly.

Teddy said:

Yeah it blew the roof off the freaking place!

I mean the ground was shaking. That’s a testament to Bret. He’s a guy that truly lives in the hearts and minds of everyone that grew up in this country and loved this sport. I also think it speaks to the name 'Hart Foundation.' That’s not something we take lightly. We know the legacy that comes with that.
Having lived it, I can’t imagine this night without Bret being here with us.

Question: Guys that match tonight was insane. Congratulations. How are you feeling after a match like that? Teddy, you especially; I know you caught your foot on the rope when you went off the ladder.

Teddy said:

It hurts like hell.

Yeah, honestly a match like that will take years off your career. That’s what these stakes were though right?! World Tag Titles, Lucha’s the way it had to end. A match like this.

Honestly, could be a lot worse. It’s battle scars. You aren’t going to be world champions without a few of those.

Question: We saw new Number One contenders crowned tonight in the Death Busters. You are going to defend your titles against them in five days. I’m curious, after a match like this – how do you get your body ready on such short notice?

Davey Boy said:

You can’t. That match tonight was like being in a car wreck. It’s brutal. It’s chaotic. Like Teddy said, it takes a lot out of you. But that’s the cost of being champions. I hear a lot of guys saying they want to be champion without knowing what it takes to be the best night in and night out. That’s our standard.

Being a champion is a double edged sword, because there’s always another snake in the grass, waiting for you to be weak and vulnerable to try and take you down.

We’ve got the Death Busters on Ignition. They were the team we took down to win these belts, and we’re going to do the same thing on Thursday.

Question: As a Canadian, I think it is so cool seeing this version of The Hart Foundation after the original was so popular. What do you three see for yourselves in the future?

Teddy said:

Well the big man and I intend to stay Tag Champs. And young Pillman here – he isn’t a mute guys, you can ask him questions too – he's got a big match on Ignition. He’s gonna bring that Elite 8 Tournament trophy home and hang his own mantle in our trophy case.

One thing that is important to me is showing that tag team wrestling can be the main event. I know we didn’t go on last tonight, but that was a main event match. Before WSW came along, tag team wrestling was kind of put in a box. At it’s highest level, I think tag team wrestling is the most exciting thing in wrestling – the strategy, the four men, all of it. We’ve got some of the best teams in the world here, and I want to prove that tag team wrestling can be a feature on every card and main event.

Long term, I think we’d also like to branch out and do some singles. I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again, I think Davey Boy is one of the best stars in our business. The future is incredibly bright for this guy. He’s the whole package, and I think he will be World Champion one day.

Brian Pillman said:

Yeah, just to piggyback off that – I think we’ve shown that we dominate the tag team division. Now I’ve got an opportunity to showcase myself as a singles. I have a big match on Ignition against Alexander Hammerstone. Bringing home that Elite 8 Tournament trophy would solidify ourselves in every division of WSW. I’m excited about that.

Melissa closed:

Thank you guys and congratulations again!

Melissa Santos transitioned to the next media availability:

Please welcome at this time, the WSW WORLD Champion, Kenny Omega!

Kenny Omega walked on stage with the World Championship belt. He was still in his gear from the main event. He smiled as he put the belt on the stand in front of him. Santos asked:

Kenny, congratulations on your victory tonight. You successfully defended your title in the main event tonight against Claudio Castagnoli. This match was deeply personal, what are your thoughts now as you sit here victorious?

Kenny said:

Honestly, I’m relieved it’s over.

I can say this with 100% honesty...Claudio Castagnoli is one of the best wrestlers I’ve ever been in the ring with. The guy is a killer. He’s ruthless, he’s brutal, and he may be the strongest guy I’ve ever wrestled.

Every match is a different story. Every match requires a different mindset. This one was personal because Claudio and Salina made it that way.

Therefore, I had to get personal too. I had to go to places internally that I haven’t been to in a long time. It’s the only way that I was going to win.
I’m grateful to win, grateful to be Champion, and grateful to here with you beautiful people.

Question: In your post-match comments, you mentioned that this has been a hard year for you. Can you elaborate on that?

Yeah, it’s been an emotional year. I made ummm...I made a tough decision to leave Japan, a place that I love, to come to WSW. It was the best decision I’ve ever made when it comes to wrestling, but it was an emotional one.

Now I find myself in a position I’ve never been in. A quote/unquote “face” of this company. I’ve never been that before, that was never my role. And so now I find myself the World Champion of the hottest wrestling promotion in the world...that comes with some weight. Truth be told, the adrenaline carried me through the first few months. This rivalry with Claudio really made me feel that weight ya know? For the first time in my career, it’s bigger than Kenny Omega.

What I do, the decisions I make, what I say can impact all of the people in this company. That’s taken some getting used to.

But it’s all worth it. It’s all worth it because you look out in that crowd tonight and you see the joy. You can see people believing in wrestling again...falling in love with wrestling again. That’s all I ever wanted to do. To bring joy to people. To make them feel.

I know many of you will wax poetic about this event and the trajectory of WSW, but I think our biggest success is we are allowing people to love wrestling again. I talk about changing the world...that’s exactly what I’m talking about.

Question: Kenny, for the first time since you’ve been in WSW it felt like you had your back against the wall tonight. You even brought The Cleaner persona back tonight. What was going through your head before you walked through the curtain tonight?

Yeah it did feel that way.

Claudio and Salina are so dangerous because they wage war on you – total war. Not just physical, but mental too. Once I saw what they did to Ibushi, I knew I had dig deep, because you’re back was against the wall. For the first time since I’ve been in WSW, I felt like I was drowning and frantically swimming for air.

If I can correct you for just a second, The Cleaner isn’t a persona. It’s very much a part of Kenny Omega – it's the hungry wolf inside of me that always has to eat...that has this appetite to be the best in the world. I’ve grown and matured, but I know that wolf is always inside me. He had to come out tonight, because I was standing across from an Alpha that wanted to do nothing but destroy me and break everything I’ve worked so hard to build.

To answer your second question. I was totally focused before I walked through that curtain. Totally ready to execute and win.

Question: Kenny, throughout your career you’ve wrestled in big matches around the world, but this was your first main event in Canada. What was tonight like for you as a Canadian?

It was really cool. I think a lot of people see me, and they kind of look at me as some world traveling nomad. I guess in some ways that’s true...but I’m always a Canadian and very proud of it.

I think I said this the last time we were here; I was an IGA stockboy in Winnepeg when this whole journey began. My mom used to drive me to junior hockey practice, and when I was a kid I either wanted to be an NHL player or a wrestler. I wasn’t good enough to play hockey after a certain age, so thank God wrestling worked out (laughter).

Really neat experience for me. To perform in this building with all the stakes, it’s something I’ll carry with me for the rest of my life.

Question: Kenny, if you look forward – who would you like to wrestle for the World Championship moving forward. Doesn’t have to be one guy, but who do you see on this roster as someone that you’d like to face?

Yeah, you know you look at my first two defenses and they have come from two radically different individuals in Johnny Mundo and Claudio Castagnoli. Both elite, but very different. I think that’s what makes WSW awesome, and I think it’s what makes things so challenging as a competitor – everyone is a little different.

Obviously, I think my story with Adam Cole is still being written. There’s a lot of history there, and he seems to have a really hard time keeping my name out of his mouth. I think Cody has tremendous momentum and is a former World Champion. AJ Styles and I are cut from the same cloth...I think that’s very much a dance that is destined to continue. Obviously, Jon Moxley is quickly making a name for himself here too.

There’s no shortage of options, and I’m excited about that. I’m not World Champion to sit on top of the mountain. I’m World Champion because I want to wrestle the best...I want to make this World Title the most prestigious in all of wrestling, and the only way you do that is by beating the top guys in the world.

Question: Hey Kenny, I just want to congratulate you on a really good match tonight. The Grand Pix is approaching. Tournaments like this are where you really came into prominence. Are you excited to participate in this event this year?

Thank you, and absolutely I’m ecstatic.

Moving forward, all of my focus will be on the Grand Prix. I view myself as the best tournament wrestler in the world, and now I get a chance to challenge myself and prove that. All those names I just rattled off...all of those guys will be in the Grand Prix.

Obviously, this will be my first Grand Prix. I’ve wrestled in and won the G1, so I’m familiar with the round robin layout, but this field is elite. You win the WSW Grand Prix and you’ve accomplished something special.

I came to WSW to be the best. No active World Champion has ever won the Grand Prix...I want to change that statistic this year.

Question: Hi Kenny, congrats on the title defense and a great show. You were in the main event slot tonight following that ladder match. As a performer, how difficult is it to wrestle after a match like that; especially when it comes to the crowd reaction?

Yeah, it’s challenging right? I mean those people just saw The Hart Foundation and Lucha Brothers tear down the house, and they saw Bret Hart put Konnan in a Sharpshooter in Toronto.

But, wrestling is about’s about storytelling. People have to invest in a match and a rivalry if you want to get a reaction. I think too often that equation gets inverted. Wrestlers just go for the reaction without building the investment from the fans.

I think we proved that tonight. As tired as those people may have been, this was a long show with fantastic wrestling up and down the card, they were on their feet – jumping up and down at the end of the main event. They were invested in this struggle over the ultimate prize in WSW.

That makes me so happy as a wrestler, and it makes me joyful as a fan of this sport. I think every person that bought a ticket or watched on Netflix is saying to themselves tonight...’man that show was awesome, I can’t wait to see what happens next.’

That’s gold in wrestling...that’s what investment from the fans looks like.

Melissa Santos closed:

Thank you Kenny, and congratulations again!

The final segment of the press conference, saw WSW Owner and President, Shane McMahon, address the media.

Thank you to everyone for being here. It’s great to see everyone. Thanks, Melissa for hosting. Thank you to Red Bull for being the title sponsor of WSW. This has been an awesome night, a historic night for WSW and pro wrestling. I’m happy to answer any questions you may have, but I do have a few notes that I would like to share.

Tonight was an official sell out of the Scotiabank Arena, we had a crowd of 16,900 – the largest crowd in WSW history. We also had a gate in excess of $1M. This is our first million-dollar gate in company history, and I have goosebumps just saying that. We also shattered the record for merchandise sales tonight too. Obviously, we’ll have finalized numbers in the next couple of days, but man – what an incredible night for WSW.

I’m grateful for everything. Grateful for the talent, the fans, our front office, our production team, makeup, wardrobe...everyone who put their fingerprint on making tonight happen. With that, I’ll open up the floor for questions.

Question: Shane, as you sit here tonight and reflect on the past four years and the journey to get to this point, what are some the lessons you’ve learned along the way?

Wow...that’s a helluva first question. You may have to wait till I write a book one day to get the complete answer.

God, you know...I think umm, being persistent and knowing that incremental growth is still growth is an important one. We started WSW in January of 2015, and we did our first show in September of that year. I can still remember walking into Center Stage in Atlanta to book out those first set of tapings. At that point, there was no viable professional wrestling promotion in the United States and Canada outside of WWE. Companies came and went, but we wanted to build this for the long haul. We knew there was a void in the industry that we could fill.

Slowly but surely, we did that. If you know me, you know that I hate being patient. I wanted to book Madison Square Garden or the Scotiabank Arena immediately, but we weren’t ready for that and I don’t think pro wrestling was ready for it either. We had to grow and mature, we had to cultivate an audience, and we had to deliver a product people wanted to see.

That takes time, and I’m grateful that we’ve grown the way we have. It makes nights like this feel like the Super Bowl.

Question: Shane, this was a stacked show. Who impressed you the most tonight?

I thought everyone brought it tonight.

The opener to the Kickoff Show was a helluva match, and the Death Busters proved again that they are one of the best tag teams in the world. I can’t say enough about the CMLL talent that flew here on short notice to honor the memory of Paco Alonso.

I was really really impressed and proud of Deonna Purrazzo and Nixon Newell. That’s a different style of women’s match than we’ve typically seen in North America, and I thought the crowd really appreciated it.

I have no words for that ladder match other than that was insane.

To me, the Moxley/Ospreay and Omega/Castagnoli matches are what WSW is all about. Elite in-ring action coupled with emotional storytelling. I think both of those matches were parallel to each other in terms of the stories they told and the action in the ring. The crowd was emotionally invested, and it’s because those two key elements: in-ring action and storytelling were totally synched up.

Question: We saw Bret Hart tonight. Any chance we will see him again?

Never say never.

I mean what an incredible reaction. I’ve been around Bret my entire life, so when he put that Sharpshooter on Konnan, it was like being 12 years old all over again. I was really excited about that, and to be able to connect the generations of the Hart Family together was an incredible moment.
We’d love to see him again.

Question: Piggybacking off that last question, Shane. Was there any consideration to putting the ladder match on last in the main event slot?

Ummm...not really. We didn’t promote it this way specifically, but to me we had two main events. The ladder match and Kenny/Claudio. I’m not a stickler that the World Title has to go on last...obviously more often than not it will. But, I felt really good about the way the card was presented.

Look, you have a ladder match like that – you run the risk of peaking your crowd. I just felt really good about the story we told with Kenny and Claudio to put them on last. I felt the audience was invested into that story. It’s the biggest match Kenny has ever wrestled in Canada. There were so many little threads that we tugged on in the buildup, that I felt really good about our ability to keep the crowd invested.

To the credit of those two guys...they absolutely did. That was a phenomenal World Title match, and to see people jumping up and down at the end of a four and a half hour show means it worked.

Question: We see a lot of three-man teams and trios matches on Ignition and WSW television. Is there any thought into introducing trios titles?

Again, never say never. I think it would make a lot of sense.

I’m of the belief that less is more when it comes to championships. Championships and champions should feel special.
I don’t think we’re looking to add any more titles at this point, but I do see value in a trios title and we’ll just have to see if the road takes us there.

Question: Shane, what are your thoughts on the Women’s World Title match tonight? Kay Lee Ray really seems to be on a path to stardom and Tessa is wrestling at an elite level right now.

No doubt. Kay Lee is someone that Paige deserves a lot of credit for. In addition to being a trailblazer for women’s wrestling and a fantastic commentator, she has an eye for talent and she’s still insanely tapped in to the UK scene. She brought Kay Lee to my attention a year and a half ago, and never let me forget about her. To see her emotional story these last few months has been really special. It’s true, it’s real, and she’s a badass. All those things combined are why our audience has gravitated towards her. She wrestled a helluva match tonight.

Tessa is just Tessa. There’s no one else in the world like her. She wrestles with amazing intensity, and she commands the entire arena when she’s out there. I heard her earlier talking about the foundation of WSW, she is absolutely one of the foundational pieces of this company and will be for many years to come.

Question: Shane, congratulations on a record setting night. Show length is a hot topic right now, and tonight you ran just over four hours. Is this something we should come to expect as the new norm for Netflix specials and what are your thoughts on that topic as a whole?

First of all, thank you. That’s a great question too by the way.

Second...I think as long as we put on a great show, the length doesn’t matter. Now, no one wants a seven-hour show...and I can promise you we are never going to do one!

Tonight, was obviously different. We wanted this night to truly feel special and we went longer than we ever have. I think Malenko told me backstage this was the longest show we’ve ever done.

I think 3-3.5 hours is the sweet spot. If we have something great, then we may go longer. I think we had something great tonight.

Question: You announced the creation of a new YouTube streaming show on the media call on Friday. Can you elaborate on that some more, what will that show entail?

Great question. The name of the show is OverDrive, and we’ll start it on Saturday, August 17 at 6:05 PM on YouTube.

With the shift to going live on Ignition and the start of the Grand Prix, OverDrive gives us another outlet to produce content and tell our stories. Each week we’ll feature different matches and interviews. It will have its own unique presentation – it will feel different than Ignition.

We’ll tape the matches prior to Ignition going live each week and format the show from there.

I’m really excited about it.

You’ll see us really lean into YouTube because of the freedom the platform allows us when it comes to generating content quickly. Just like the Kickoff Show and this press conference tonight...we’re streaming as we speak.

Question: Shane, have you given anymore thought into the counterprogramming that went on tonight or the rumors that NXT could be moving to cable to run head-to-head with Ignition?

(chuckles) I don’t want to sound dismissive, but no I haven’t. We’ve got to run our own race and focus on us. It’s what we’ve done from day one, and it’s what we’ll continue to do.

Wrestling is a very humbling business. The minute you take your eye off the ball; you’ll get humbled really quick.

Look I know what my last name is. I know that this supposed “wrestling war” generates a lot of clicks, but at the end of the day, I’m not concerned with what WWE does or doesn’t do. I care about WSW.

I’ll say this though...good luck counterprogramming what we just saw tonight!

Question: Shane, curious to know your thought process behind holding your tentpole specials on Saturdays rather than the traditional Sunday night approach.

It’s certainly different than the traditional pro wrestling approach. The original goal behind it was to align ourselves more with the sports world. Boxing runs their big cards on Saturdays as does the UFC. It’s worked for us.

I’m not against running on Sundays. We may explore that in the future.

Question: We have seen a significant uptick in licensed music being used in recent weeks. I’m curious into why?

Me too...the cost on that Zepplin song tonight was insane! (laughter)

I could have wrung Omega’s neck when the bill came in (laughter).

In all seriousness, I think it adds to our production value – I think it gives us a very unique feel. You watch boxing and UFC, and the fighters enter to licensed music that they enjoy and feel depicts them...why not us?

It’s also led to some pretty cool moments. One of our highest engagement numbers we ever done on social media was Tessa Blanchard spending the day with Cardi B. It opened the door to new people to discover WSW and did huge numbers.

Now, you have to pick and choose your spots because licensing music can be very expensive. But as long as it makes sense, I think we’re open to anything.

I will say...hearing Immigrant Song blast in there was really freaking cool.

Question: Shane, you now run the most successful promotion in professional wrestling since WCW. What’s next?

We’ve got to keep the momentum going. We earned the right to be here tonight and to do a show like this. Now we’ve got to continue to earn the next opportunity and the one after that.

As much as SummerFest feels like a crescendo, I think the best is yet to come. We’ve got a helluva year left in front of us, starting Thursday with Ignition 200 and two title matches. After that it’s the Grand Prix, then the Cow Palace, and ultimately Madison Square Garden for November Reign.

I don’t know where this road ends up, but I’m glad to be along for the ride with this team. We’re having fun, and as Kenny said so perfectly, we’re making people believe in wrestling again and fall in love with it again...that to me, is what it’s all about. As long as we continue to do that, WSW will always be here.

Shane closed:

I want to thank everyone for their time. We truly appreciate all you do for wrestling and WSW with the coverage you provide.

This was an incredible night, one that I will remember forever. Thank you to the talent, the fans, and Red Bull. We look forward to seeing everyone on Thursday with Ignition 200 in Atlanta. Have a great night, and please travel safe!


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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2020
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Press conference was a nice touch to finish off Summerfest, which was a fantastic show. So happy you're more active suddenly, and seems you won't let off, with Ignition 200 likely to be a big show in its own right. Looking forward to Cole/Cody especially. Coming out of the show, I'm probably most intrigued to see what you do with the Claudio character, as he's been amazing ever since joining forces with Selina.


Jan 4, 2023
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Thanks so much @Stojy! Always appreciate your feedback, means a ton!

I’ve had a lot more time to write lately, and I’ve utilized it to put some stuff “in the can“ so to be speak. Excited for what’s to come — I’ve had the entire 2019 year mapped out in my head for a long time, and now it’s neat to actually put pen to paper and write it out.

I’ve also had some more time to read other threads too — excited about all the good work being done in this community. Will be chiming in on some threads here very soon.
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Jan 4, 2023
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News and Rumors

July 17, 2019

  • WSW ran SummerFest in Toronto at the Scotiabank Arena on 7/13. The event, which had the largest initial ticket demand for any pro wrestling event ever held in North America, a stat that shocked the wrestling business (and infuriated some people beyond reason), was a record-setting night. The show drew a sellout crowd of 16,900, paying $1,500,374. This is the first million-dollar gate in company history, and shattered the attendance record previously set on 4.5 with Seize the Day at the Nassau Coliseum (that show drew 12,000). The company also did $348,800 in merchandise, by far the all-time record. It was reported that virtually all merchandise brought to the building sold out.
  • The show has received critical acclaim, with many journalists and pundits placing this on the “show of the year” short list. The last 5 matches were all rated 4 stars or higher by Dave Meltzer. The Ospreay/Moxley match received a 5-star rating.
  • If it wasn’t clear already, SummerFest showed that the company is loaded with talent. The action and layout in every match was strong, and all the talent worked above and beyond.
  • The show ran just over 4.5 hours, making this the third straight Netflix special/tentpole event that has clocked in at 4+ hours. Despite the long show, the crowd in Toronto was fantastic all night, and it was very clear from the opening match they were in attendance to see something special, and their reactions confirmed as such. The atmosphere was tremendous, coming off even better on Netflix than live, and those in attendance said the building sounded like a Raptors or Maple Leafs’ playoff game rather than a pro wrestling event.
  • It was very evident that the crowd knew they were witnessing something special, and they wanted to play their part. They cheered pretty much everyone and reacted huge. As such, there were less babyface/heel reactions than you would typically expect. The only true exceptions to this were Austin Aries, Tessa Blanchard, and Claudio Castagnoli who were all treated as true heels.
  • The layout of the card has received a lot of discussion – particularly a debate on whether the ladder match or World Title should have gone on last. There is a strong contingent that felt that given the show was in Canada, featuring the new version of the Hart Foundation in an absolute spectacle of a match, and a surprise appearance by Bret Hart that the ladder match should have gone last. On any other show, this is probably a no doubter as it would be a disservice to any other match to follow that. However, Omega/Castagnoli was a great main event, and they worked slowly to start, allowing the match to build. By the end, they had the crowd totally invested. It was a gamble that on any other show, or any other night, probably would have resulted in a tired, burned-out crowd, but on this night – it worked.
    • In the press conference following the show, Shane McMahon said that he never considered anything but the World Title match going on last.
    • Internally, there were some that felt Omega/Castagnoli had to go on last as it was announced as the main event at the press conference where they shot the big angle.
  • The Wrestling Observer’s Dave Meltzer had this to say about the show:
    • 1. The Death Busters (Dawson & Wilder) won a four-way tag over The Von Erichs (Ross & Marshall Von Erich), La Faccion Ingobernable (RUSH & Dragon Lee) & #StrongHearts (CIMA & T-Hawk) in 14:40. The stipulation was that the winners would get a title shot on Ignition 200 on 7/18. The crowd was red hot, and the match was non-stop from the very beginning but didn’t over stay its welcome. This was back and forth with each team getting time to shine. Dawson and Wilder are so smooth, and they hit the old school Power Plex for a near fall. This was the debut match for the newly formed LFI, and it was clearly designed to get RUSH and Dragon Lee over. There was an incredible spot where RUSH catapulted Dragon Lee to the floor, with Lee doing a sensational tornillo onto a pile. WSW is very high on both RUSH and Dragon Lee, despite them being CMLL talent. This was the best the Von Erichs have looked since signing. They have potential, but are still green for a major league promotion. Marshall, in particular, looked really good. They did a spot where RUSH went for the Bull’s Horns, but Marshall intercepted him with a great looking Pounce. The Von Erichs hit their finisher, The Yellow Rose of Texas, on T-Hawk, but Dragon Lee pulled the referee out as he was counting the pin. This led to LFI and the Von Erichs brawling on the floor, clearly setting up a program. Death Busters snuck in and hit the Fall of the Axe on T-Hawk for the pin. Death Busters are now number one contenders and challenge the Hart Foundation for the titles on 7/18 in what is a big match. ***
2. Bandido & Caristico & Diamante Azul beat Los Guerreros Laguneros (Ultimo Guerrero & Euforia) & Templario in 15:40. This was billed as a Paco Alonso tribute match. CMLL is WSW’s largest international partner, and this was a match Shane McMahon wanted to do. The original plan was to have Bandido compete in a singles match, but with the passing of Alonso, he was added to the tecnicos side. This was really well done, they showed Sofia Alonso, the new President of CMLL, ringside with other family members. This was a true CMLL, Arena Mexico style match – contested under 2 out of 3 falls stipulations. Despite there being more hardcores in the WSW fan base, this match took a while to get the crowd going. With the exception of Bandido, the fans didn’t know any of the other guys, and the best of 3 falls stipulation is seldom used anywhere outside of CMLL (or recently, Raw to avoid wrestling during commercials). The first fall came in 2:57 after Euforia tripped Diamante Azul, allowing Ultimo Guerrero to roll him up while grabbing the ropes for leverage. Bandido got to shine in the second fall, hitting his sensational tornillo dive to the floor along with the 21 Plex on Templario. The second fall came at 6:12 when Bandido hit a hurricanrana on Euforia and hooked the legs for the pin. The third fall was when the crowd got super invested, as all six men went all out as they do in Arena Mexico during this point in the match. Bandido hit an avalanche back suplex on Ultimo Guerrero and Euforia which got a big pop. Bandido then pressed Ultimo Guerrero over his head and walked around the ring with him, drawing big cheers. Bandido has the potential to be a big star for WSW and really draw the Mexican/Spanish speaking audience. Caristico scored the third and decisive fall, forcing Ultimo Guerrero to submit to La Mistica. The finish was a bit of a surprise, as Ultimo Guerrero seldom takes pins or submits. Guerrero and Euforia are 2/3 of the CMLL World Trios Champions, and CMLL has already announced Bandido, Caristico & Diamante Azul vs. Los Guerreros Laguneros for the titles on the 7/19 Arena Mexico show. ***1/2​

3. The Club (AJ Styles & Doc Gallows & Karl Anderson) beat LA Express (Johnny Mundo & Brian Cage & Mike Bennett) in 11:40. This was the opener to the main card, and there was nice, fast work. Story of the match was the pairing of Styles, Anderson, and Gallows in WSW for the first time, and the dissention between Mundo and Cage which they’ve built on television for a couple months. Styles looked great, and Gallows & Anderson add instant depth to the tag division. The Club ran wild early. Taya Valkyrie interfered from the outside to allow the heels to get the heat on Anderson. The big spot in the match was Brian Cage taking out all three members of The Club on his own: he took out Styles with a strike combination and Anderson with a pop-up powerbomb. This led to a standoff with Doc Gallows as the two biggest men in the match. Cage pressed Gallows over his head in an impressive spot before hitting a powerslam. Mundo blind tagged in once all the faces were down, causing Cage to become irate. This led to all kinds of miscommunication from the LA Express. Gallows and Anderson hit the Boot of Doom on Bennett for a near fall. The finish was Mundo missing the El Fin De Mundo on Styles. Styles hit the Flying Forearm and locked Mundo in the Calf Slicer. Rather than break up the submission, Cage hopped off the apron and walked up the ramp – Mundo tapped out. It appears they are pulling the trigger on Cage soon. They have been high on him for a while, and the reality is he’s a phenomenal worker and has been an under the radar talent since Lucha Underground. His body is insane, and his skill set is super unique. The question with Cage is his charisma and promo skills which is why they debuted him as the muscle of a heel faction. It looks like he’s going to get his big chance soon. ***​

4. Deonna Purrazzo beat Nixon Newell in 11:30. Good action and built well, but it took a while for the crowd to get into it. This was different than most women’s matches you see as it was heavily grappling and strike based rather than traditional pro wrestling. Purrazzo came in with her arm taped up from the angle a few weeks prior, where Newell slammed the arm in a car door. They are trying to get Purrazzo over as the best women’s technical wrestler in the world and Newell over as a muay thai-style striker. Newell worked the arm for the entire match, and did a really good arm trap suplex. Purrazzo did a nice job selling, and she worked the surgically repaired knee of Newell. The crowd finally got into it when they started throwing really hard kicks and forearms. Purrazzo did the joint manipulation and finger snap spot which always gets over if done well. The finish saw Purrazzo get the Fujiwara off a headscissors as Newell went for her Shining Wizard finisher. While in the submission, Newell rolled over into a pin. Purrazzo kicked out and then stomped on the worked over hand and locked in a double Fujiwara for the submission. ***​

5. Cody beat Austin Aries in 13:40. Cody got a huge reaction, and he truly comes across as a gigantic star. He is a tremendous babyface despite being a heel for so long in WSW, and the crowd is totally into him. On a night where the crowd really wanted to cheer for everyone, Aries was booed heavily. Cody started off on fire and he hit a tope. Aries hit two topes of his own, but when he went for a third, Cody caught him and hit a powerslam on the floor. Aries got the heat when Cody missed a corner charge and hit his shoulder on the post. Aries worked over the neck and shoulder to set up the Brainbuster and Last Chancery. Aries hit the Brainbuster on the apron, and they teased the count out finish. Cody sold it huge, and he jumped back in at 19 to gigantic cheers. New Japan does this spot on almost every show, but count outs have become so rare in North America this can work when done sparingly – it worked here. Aries got the Last Chancery, but Cody fought to the ropes. Aries took Cody’s weight belt off, but the referee grabbed it and threatened a DQ as Aries was about to whip him with it. Cody hit a Disaster Kick for a near fall. Cody went for a moonsault, but Aries pushed the referee into the ropes to crotch him. That looked silly because if using the weight belt was going to be a DQ, then physically shoving a referee should totally have been a DQ. Aries hit a sunset bomb and then went for the Brainbuster again, but Cody escaped and hit a stunner. Cody did the Dusty flip, flop and fly and hit a Brainbuster of his own. He followed with Cross Rhodes for the pin. ***½​

6. Tessa Blanchard beat Kay Lee Ray in 15:00 to retain the WSW Women’s World Championship. This match is really when the show went to a new level. They did a great job getting Kay Lee Ray over in the build to this match. They really played up the emotion to build the stakes. In-ring, this was a physical, well wrestled match by both women. Much like Aries in the match prior, Blanchard was a true heel and hated in the building. Ray started with hard kicks and strikes. She went for a hurricanrana off the apron, but Blanchard caught her in a power bomb position and began swinging her into the barricade and hit a Death Valley Driver on the floor. Blanchard got a Figure Four in the ring that Ray fought until she turned it over to reverse pressure. Blanchard went for a powerbomb on the ramp, but Ray escaped and hit a cutter. Ray got a near fall off a Senton Bomb. Blanchard blocked a Gory Bomb, hit a Razor’s Edge into the turnbuckles and Magnum for a near fall. Tenille Dashwood threw the belt into the ring and distracted the referee, Blanchard hit Ray with the belt for a great near fall. Blanchard spit in Ray’s face, and Ray fired up and hit the Gory Bomb, but Blanchard got her foot on the rope at the last possible moment. Ray put Blanchard in a crossface, and Blanchard kept acting like she was going to tap, but escaped. Blanchard hit a piledriver, but Ray kicked out and the crowd was going nuts at this point. Ray got to her knees, tears in her eyes, and Blanchard hit the Buzzsaw DDT and pinned her. Great match. They have something in Kay Lee Ray, and Blanchard is simply incredible. She wrestles with great intensity and is really the complete package. ****¼​

7. Adam Cole beat Ricochet in 15:18 to retain the WSW Intercontinental Title. This match was excellent and felt like old school PWG. Cole slowed the pace down at the beginning, yelling at Ricochet that he wasn’t special. Ricochet did a Space Flying Tiger Drop followed by a standing shooting star and Phoenix Splash off the middle rope. Ricochet did a springboard, and Cole went for a superkick, but Ricochet blocked and hit a discus lariat. Ricochet did a quebrada, but Cole hit a superkick in the big spot of the match that will be used on every highlight clip WSW has from here till eternity. Cole hit a brainbuster over the knee for a near fall. The superkick spot got the crowd going, and they were on fire for everything from that point forward. They did an insane striking sequence, where both men collapsed and Cole fell on Ricochet for another near fall. This drew “Mama Mia” chants from the crowd. Cole missed the Last Shot and Ricochet hit a reverse hurricanrana. Ricochet went to the top rope, but Cole rolled out of the ring. Ricochet did the Dragon Lee leap over the top rope into a hurricanrana off the apron to the floor. He went for the 630, but Cole got the knees up. He hit two Last Shots for the pin. After the match, Cole feigned helping Ricochet up before flipping him off. Cody then came down and squared off with Cole, challenging him for the title. That match will be on the 7/18 Ignition ****½​

8. Jon Moxley beat Will Ospreay in 20:24. This was at a match of the year caliber level. While the ladder match stole the show because of the spectacular car crash spots – this was the best wrestling match. If Moxley wanted to be sure he would never be considered Dean Ambrose ever again, he made his point here. This is likely the best match of Moxley’s career to this point. This was incredible, and they had to follow the previous match. They traded punches in the crowd before the bell rang, and Ospreay threw a chair into Moxley’s face. Moxley juiced just minutes in. Ospreay hit a corkscrew moonsault to the floor. Ospreay bled next, and Moxley bit the cut. Ospreay used an Oscutter on the apron. Ospreay put Moxley on the timekeeper’s table and then jumped off the post with an elbow drop to put Moxley through the table. Ospreay hit a shooting star off the top, but Moxley kicked out. Ospreay went for another Oscutter, but Moxley blocked and hit a Death Rider, Ospreay popped to his feet and hit a running back elbow (he debuted this move recently and calls it the Hidden Blade) to lead to the double down. The two men were bloody messes at this point and they kept clotheslining each other over and over to dueling chants. Ospreay flipped over after a massive lariat and hit a Liger Bomb for a near fall. Ospreay went for the Hidden Blade, but Moxley hit the King Kong lariat and curb stomp for a near fall. Moxley went for the Death Rider, but Ospreay hit a hook kick. Moxley went for a lariat but Ospreay turned it into a standing Spanish Fly. Ospreay finally hit the Hidden Blade, but Moxley kicked out. Ospreay went for Stormbreaker, but Moxley reversed and hit two straight Death Riders for the win. After the match, Moxley shook Ospreay’s hand and the crowd gave them a standing ovation. *****​

9. The Hart Foundation (Teddy Hart & Davey Boy Smith Jr.) beat Lucha Brothers (Fenix & Pentagon) in 21:02 in a ladder match to retain the WSW World Tag Team Titles. As expected, the Hart Foundation were massively over in Toronto. This was only heightened by the appearance of Bret Hart who accompanied them to the ring. The place went absolutely nuts for Hart who looked much older than he did in his last public appearance, but he wore the old Hart Foundation leather jacket. This seemed to be the match the crowd was waiting for all night. This was just insane and some of the spots were super risky. Fenix was the star of the match; his body control and agility is out of this world. They did a spot early where Smith whipped Fenix into the barricade, but he jumped over it and then ran on top of it. He came off with a moonsault, but Smith caught him and powerslammed him on the floor. Fenix gave Hart a sunset bomb off a ladder onto a ladder bridge. That looked brutal. They introduced tables. Hart gave Pentagon a Canadian Destroyer off a table onto the floor. Hart then scaled a huge ladder and put Fenix through a table with a huge splash. Smith and Pentagon were near the top of the ladder when Pentagon jumped off and twisted to give Davey Boy a sling blade and they both went to the ground. Hart was climbing, Fenix pushed the ladder over, Hart caught his foot on the top rope, and went face first into two tables on the floor. The spot was planned, but Teddy catching his foot on the rope was not, and he was lucky it was his forehead that hit the tables first, but that was the one spot that looked the most dangerous. Smith hit a powerslam on Fenix from the top of the ladder in another crazy looking spot. Pentagon climbed to the top of the ladder, got his hands on the belts, but Hart gave him a Canadian Destroyer off the top of the ladder through a table which probably got the biggest reaction of anything on the show. The finish came when Davey Boy was climbing, and Konnan entered the ring and broke his cane over Davey Boy’s back. He teased stabbing Smith with the broken wood, but Brian Pillman Jr. entered and took it away from him. Konnan and Pillman had a stare down until Bret Hart entered the ring to a massive pop. He laid out Konnan with a punch, and Bret, Teddy, and Davey Boy all locked the Lucha Brothers in stereo Sharpshooters. This blew the roof off the place. Teddy and Davey Boy climbed the ladders to get the belts to win. ****½​

10. Kenny Omega beat Claudio Castagnoli in 27:20 to retain the WSW World Championship. There was really nothing that could have followed the previous match outside of an elite Omega match. Luckily for WSW, they have Omega. He came out to Immigrant Song by Led Zepplin in his old Cleaner attire. The crowd was tired, but they reacted to Omega as a special level star. This was a fantastic match. They built this match great – starting slow and increasing the tempo and intensity as it wore on. This worked, as it allowed the crowd to get invested after being emotionally spent. They teased a German Suplex on the floor early, with Omega flipping over and landing on his feet. He teased the Terminator dive, but Castagnoli jumped in the ring and ran him over. They traded hard chops until Omega hit You Can’t Escape and the Terminator dive. Omega used a missile dropkick to the back of the head. Omega was throwing forearms, but Castagnoli acted like they were nothing and started headbutting the strikes. Castagnoli tried a German Suplex off the apron to the floor. Omega blocked and hit a Snap Dragon suplex on the apron – a callback to Castagnoli’s scary German suplex on Ibushi in the buildup to this match. Omega hit a series of V-Tiggers for a near fall. Omega went for One Winged Angel, but Castagnoli countered with a DDT. He caught a V-Trigger attempt and hit a hard lariat followed by a gut wrench suplex off the top rope for a great near fall. Castagnoli did the unprotected stomps to the head to tease the referee stoppage. Omega took a lot of punishment before getting his hand up to block. Castagnoli hit the One Winged Angel on Omega for a near fall. Omega used a Snap Dragon suplex and V-Trigger, but Castagnoli kicked out at one. Omega hit the reverse hurricanrana, another V-Trigger, and finally hit the One Winged Angel for the pin. ****¾​
  • Will Ospreay suffered a stinger in his match with Jon Moxley. Ospreay was said to have been in tremendous pain backstage. As of today, he is not expected at the 7/18 Ignition, and he could be off TV for a couple weeks to heal up for the Grand Prix which starts 8/15. The good news is Ospreay and WSW do not believe this to be a long-term injury.
  • On the 7/12 media call, Shane McMahon announced WSW OverDrive, a new show that will stream on YouTube beginning 8/17. McMahon spoke about needing to produce more content with an expanded roster; especially, during the Grand Prix when the TV show is consumed by the tournament for a month and a half. The plan now is for WSW to tape 2-3 matches prior to Ignition each Thursday. These will air on OverDrive, along with interviews and promos. McMahon teased that the show would have an “old school” feel that is distinct from Ignition, but he did not elaborate further.
  • All talent had their faces digitally scanned at SummerFest for the WSW video game that is in the early stages of development.
  • The counterprogramming attempts by WWE on 7/13 appear to have totally failed. The acclaim and buzz of SummerFest has been so strong, that those in charge at WWE do not even acknowledge the effort they took to counter. The NXT UK Takeover: Cardiff show was fantastic, and featured a match of the year candidate in WALTER vs. Tyler Bate. With the time difference though, this show ended up airing in the afternoon in the US. The Evolve 10th Anniversary show ran head-to-head with SummerFest, and was the first non-WWE live event on the WWE Network. It included surprise appearances by Paul Heyman and Johnny Gargano. The wrestling was very good, but the presentation of the show looked very independent. It is not even fair to compare Evolve and WSW; however, that door is wide open due to WWE’s counterprogramming strategy.
  • WSW will hold Ignition 200 on 7/18 in Atlanta at the State Farm Arena. This will serve as a celebration of 200 episodes and the fall out show for SummerFest. They have heavily promoted this for weeks, and Shane McMahon promised a tentpole special style show over the weekend. The show will feature two title matches.
    • The current card is:
      • Cody vs. Adam Cole (c) for the Intercontinental Title
      • Death Busters vs. Hart Foundation (c) for the World Tag Titles
      • Alexander Hammerstone vs. Brian Pillman Jr. in the Elite 8 Tournament Finals
      • Candice LeRae & Rachael Ellering vs. Ivelisse & Mercedes Martinez
      • Kenny Omega promo
      • Dr. Britt Baker D.M.D. debut
    • WSW sold nearly 1,200 tickets for the show this week coming off of SummerFest. The show is sitting at approximately 6,750 tickets sold. There is a good chance the show exceeds 7,000. The record crowd for Ignition is 7,700 set in Philadelphia earlier this year for the 4/11 and 4/18 tapings.
    • Shane McMahon announced on Twitter that Ignition 200 will have an overrun. While it is not known how long this overrun will last, this will be the first time Ignition will eclipsed the two-hour run time.
  • Grand Prix Finals tickets will go on sale on 7/19. The show will take place on 9/21 at the Cow Palace in Daly City, CA. This will be another test for WSW to gauge how hot their product is in its current growth period.
    • The choice to run the Cow Palace is interesting. The venue is one of the most historic wrestling venues on the West Coast. During the territory days, the building was the home of Big Time Wrestling in the 1960s and 70s, with San Francisco promoter Roy Shire running shows weekly. The venue is dated though, and the last major pro wrestling card run there was New Japan’s G1 Special in San Francisco last year. That show drew 6,333.
    • Shane McMahon has said that traditions and history in pro wrestling are something that WSW wanted to embrace, which is why they selected the Cow Palace. From a business standpoint, the Cow Palace is also the cheapest and easiest to book dates in out of all the major arenas in the Bay Area.
    • It is expected the venue will be set up for 10,000 – 11,000.
  • WSW announced two additional Ignition dates: 9/12 in Boston at the Agganis Arena and 9/19 in Fresno at the Selland Arena. This will be the WSW debut in both markets. The 9/12 show will be the Block Finals of the Grand Prix.
  • In a reminder that not everything in wrestling is sunshine and rainbows, the 7/25 tapings in Charlotte continue to have slow moving ticket sales. As of today, the show has sold approximately 3,600 tickets which is a bit surprising as Charlotte does some of the best ratings for WSW out of any market in the US. The 8/8 tapings in New Orleans are sitting around 3,000 tickets sold.
  • SummerFest’s success overshadowed what was a mostly solid Extreme Rules show on 7/14. The show ended with Brock Lesnar cashing in his Money in the Bank contract and winning the Universal title from Seth Rollins. The buzz around SummerFest led to a more muted response than usual for a WWE PPV – some of this can be blamed on the lack of intrigue for many of the matches.
    • The show drew 12,800 to the Wells Fargo Center. They announced a sell out; although they were doing two-for-one ticket discounts. Still, this is a very good number for today’s business.
    • WWE now begins the build to SummerSlam on 8/11. This show is also taking place in Toronto at the Scotiabank Arena, and it will be very interesting to see what they do after WSW’s performance in the city a month prior.
  • Despite both sides trying to downplay it, there is very much a wrestling war taking place. Sources inside WWE indicate the company is furious that WSW got the jump on them in Toronto with SummerFest. As such, WWE announced this week that Raw and Smackdown will air on back-to-back nights at Madison Square Garden on 9/9 and 9/10. This will be the first Raw taping in the building in ten years. WSW will air November Reign, their biggest show of the year, on 11/30 at MSG.
    • The thought process is WWE will get the “jump” on the building before WSW runs its biggest show of the year in an attempt to hurt ticket sales. In reality, the November Reign crowd is expected to feature a heavy “fly in” crowd, while Raw and Smackdown will mostly draw New York City locals.
  • In regard to the Scotiabank Arena situation, WSW booked the building and date nearly a year out, well before WWE made the decision to run SummerSlam in Toronto.
    • It will be very interesting to monitor WWE’s announced attendance for SummerSlam. WSW used a very similar style set up with staging and production to WWE, allowing for 16,900. There is a very high likelihood the number WWE announces will be in excess of that.
  • The 7/11 Ignition, the go home show for SummerFest, did 868,000 viewers and a .33 in the 18-49 demo. The show rebounded nicely from the low 4th of July holiday numbers a week prior, increasing 33.9% in total audience and 32% in the demo. This was the highest viewership number since 6/20 (Moxley’s debut match) and the highest demo rating since 6/27. The show finished 5th for the night on cable.
    • Internally, WSW was said to be thrilled with the go home show in terms of ratings but also the content of the show itself. They felt it really sold SummerFest well.
  • The 7/15 Raw averaged 2,453,000 viewers and averaged a .80 in the 18-49 demo. The show was up in total viewers and demo numbers. In a major surprise, Raw’s audience grew as the show went on. The third hour beat the first hour which very rarely happens. The first-to-third hour increase was the second highest since the show went to three hours.
  • The 7/16 Smackdown did 2,122,000 viewers and a .65 in the 18-49 demo. These were the best numbers for the show since the Draft. Smackdown finished first for the night on cable.
  • Despite reports that Eric Bischoff would begin on Smackdown this week, he was not at the show on Tuesday. He officially begins work on 7/17. Right now, it appears he will not have any input into creative. Instead, his job will be to quarterback the Smackdown team, overseeing all the different departments and interface with FOX. There still remains more questions than answers when it comes to defining Bischoff’s role at this point.
  • FOX held a summit meeting with northeast affiliates this week about their fall schedule. Here’s the WWE specific news that came out of it:
    • Smackdown will air 51 weeks a year. It will be preempted for the World Series (although it is expected to air on FS1 during that week).
    • There will be a special in late September to build to the 10/4 premier. The purpose is to introduce the stars to the FOX audience.
    • FOX is very much in talks about airing NXT. While nothing was reported or said, NXT moving to FS1 to counter WSW is seemingly becoming more and more of a reality every day.
    • WWE will air a weekly talk show on FS1 this fall as well, hosted by Renee Young.
  • The 7/22 Raw in Tampa is being billed as Raw Reunion. There was a ton of promotion for this on the 7/16, centered around appearances by Steve Austin and Hulk Hogan.
    • The onus of this came from the USA Network earlier this summer as a suggestion to rebuild the declining ratings.
    • The original plan for the debut Smackdown on FOX was to do something very similar. It is worth noting that neither John Cena nor Dwayne Johnson are advertised for Raw, and the hope in WWE is they would appear on the debut FOX show.
  • Braun Strowman has signed a new four-year deal with WWE.
  • Jeff Hardy was arrested on 7/13 in Myrtle Beach, SC and charged with public intoxication. Hardy was released later in the day on $153 bond. Hardy is currently on leave from WWE after reconstructive knee surgery.