- This film really weirded me out, but I appreciated that. It was a bizarre, wild trip that had me questioning what I just watched so many times. It definitely felt very Cronenberg-esque in that respect. A lot of the visuals too, I absolutely loved those. It has some really disturbing and gnarly death scenes, it's been a while since I felt that uncomfortable watching a horror film. The main character is very interesting, complex and well-acted by Agathe Rousselle. This is definitely not for everybody, but I thought it was really interesting. Even if I'm not sure if I understood the whole message of everything. It got me thinking a lot and reading anyalysis done by others.
- This is up there with my favourite British horror films. Neil Maskell is really good in it. I really enjoy the gritty realism and tone, the cast give very realistic performances. I remember going in to this one blind and it went totally in a direction I would have never expected it to go. It's a film that constantly shocks and surprises you, especially towards the later parts of it. It's fun to rewatch it, I haven't seen it in a number of years now so I rediscovered how great it was again.
- One of my favourite Sam Rockwell performances. It really made me realise how good of an actor he is, even today he still feels pretty underrated. He's consistently a highlight of whatever he's in. Even the lesser known films. I'm a big fan of what Duncan Jones did here, this is a really beautiful movie with some great visuals. I enjoy the character development a lot, you really connect with Rockwell's character. He really does a terrific job selling the isolation and loneliness of the situation.
- Big fan of this movie, especially the atmosphere. I get why the ending divides people so much, although I personally like when directors aren't afraid to go with a more sad ending. It made the whole situation that much more heartbreaking to me, especially after seeing these characters try to survive. I really enjoy Frank Darabont as a director and I feel like he really did such a great job with the visuals and setting. It's very creepy and effective. The concept from Stephen King in general I always thought was one of his best ones.
- My personal favourite Winona Ryder performance. I love her in this movie. I like that this had a different vibe to most coming-of-age films coming out in the 80's. It was a lot darker, but still had it's fair share of good comedic moments too.
- Whilst not as talked about as other Peter Jackson films, it's some of his finest work. I really enjoy the cast, I always found Melanie Lynskey incredibly underrated and Kate Winslet is great. The performances are very strong and I enjoyed the way the story is told here.
- Fight Club is one of those I simply think just gets even better with further rewatches. The first time around is amazing due to the surprises that are in store but it's fun to watch it again and analyse a lot of the scenes and heavy foreshadowing in it. It's a very clever film.