holy fucking balls, what an absolute masacre of a day 2. beautiful fucking play by the town core, like damn.
@Chris first off, wow, talk about grabbing the reigns. lead town all day, demolished sky and started the wagon that ended the game. beautifully explained to the rest of the thread why the direction made sense multiple time, never lost his cool and got the job done. im fucking impressed and more importantly, so fucking happy.
@Raidokken was also phenomenal day 2 and couldnt pick a better choice to cosplay me. similar to chris let 0 bullshit fly by day 2, adjusted his reads and went for the throat. extremely excellent performance by mr haza and a true town leader

@Phenom fucking goat shot and caught smark with his hand in the cookie jar. amazing. just amazing.
@Grim Cornette that fucking snipe and the good read on guillo that helped me formulate a wagon and lead to killing the sk d1, then snipes ekko out of the water with his one shot. that flip legit got me hard
@The Fourth Wall I still think was an easy town read, and while their reads werent always on point, once again, also pivotted, listened to reason, and followed the town core to victory. great shit
@T-Pein™ this fucking guy bro hammers the sk while suckering in an extra vote to do it like a madman. actually had really good reads and lucid thoughts. I thought tpein was awesome
@Lethal Banks never panicked under pressure when sussed, did a good job getting town read by half the thread then doubled down and used his role properly on day 2. again ,well played
@Tweet killed himself and i had a good laugh. didnt get in hot water repping back in in a tainted slot. again, great shit
@RetepAdam. also had some shakey reads but again, much like 4th, didnt really panick and changed up and adjusted his reads when met with relevant information and made the right call. ultimately thats the only thing that matters here so i say good job here as well
junk did funky things too and it was wonderful to see and play with her again.
what a fucking town core
tough tough day for scum and the sk. I'm not going to waste any time digging the knife in because that was just rough and I'd be pretty bummed too. played hard as fuck though, just didn't quite work out this time.
@Guillo no hard feelings i hope
gg everyone and ty for the game
@Poyser !