WS Mafia VI: End of an Era - GAME THREAD

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Dec 16, 2019
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I'm actually less certain on smark now since not only did he vote Sky but he also switched to killing Doddsy and voted to end day when it was tied I think? Why would he sacrifice both? But if he dies he dies, maybe they just gave up

Yeah it could be a writing on the wall scenario.


Social Progressive
Mar 7, 2019
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Good shot mate

Sorry for getting annoyed with you towards end of day there, just felt like you were discounting the work some of us have been doing here all day

Best player says sorry

It's fine, it worked out in the end.


Tiffy Time
Dec 7, 2019
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TFW confirmed, Twunk confirmed, Pein confirmed, Haza confirmed :mark:


Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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TFW confirmed, Twunk confirmed, Pein confirmed, Haza confirmed :mark:

Kinda taking offense here smh I was the first to vote Sky and was very critical of the haza wagon when it started. Also Doddsy was hard reading me scum before today lol

Not too worried about it tho, we're in great position lol

Marty McFourth

My Strange Addiction
Feb 9, 2020
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So who do you guys have any lingering doubts on

Would like to hear different perspectives

You know for science and research purposes


Marty McFourth

My Strange Addiction
Feb 9, 2020
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Kinda taking offense here smh I was the first to vote Sky and was very critical of the haza wagon when it started. Also Doddsy was hard reading me scum before today lol

Not too worried about it tho, we're in great position lol

Ya, I got you as town

That didn't feel like a bus at all either

Welcome to the team



Pathological Liar
Dec 30, 2019
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End of Night 2

Nothing could stop the following from occurring….

Smark was blown up by a toaster…
Character: Smarkslayer
Alignment: Mafia
2x Rolewatcher

The measure of improvement is there for all to see. Back in the day you were somewhere between a tier 3 and 4, now you're a comfortable tier 2 and one of the better players in the section as either alignment. How we got here will always be a bone of contention, as will the fact that it neatly coincided with switching over to your forum! However, the fact that it has sustained over this period means we must give you the benefit of the doubt... Welcome to the good player club.

Now that's out of the way and the accusations are behind us, you can cheat freely without worry. Access to role PMs gives forth a wealth of information, as you allegedly well know! Twice at night, you may target a player and learn who visited them, as well as what type of role the target has. And hey, it could be worse... You could have pretended to be your own brother!


You win when mafia control the majority, or nothing can stop that from happening.

Which means…


Remaining roles:

Character: Jeff Valley Driver
Alignment: Town
Post Restriction

Robin to someone's Batman, War Machine to someone's Iron Man, Lois Lane to someone's Superman. Being the sidekick suits you. A good lieutenant that can't cut it as the leading man. Knowing this fact cuts deep, and leaves a huge chip on your shoulder. As a result, you spend half of the game trying to make sure that everybody knows you're good and that they should follow your reads. You've made a living in the past out of insisting that everything would have been better and your team would have won had you been playing or still been alive. That will continue this game!

In all of your posts, you must include at least one sentence about how everything will be good, or would have gone better if only the others had listened to your reads or followed you! You can also include talk about how great of a player you are.

You will be allowed 3 strikes with this PR. If you break it 3 times, you will be modkilled. In this instance, day will continue rather than end, unless I deem you to have broken your PR on purpose in order to covet a modkill, in which case I will end day.

You win when all threats to town have been eliminated.

Character: He Who Must Not Be Named Mk 3
Alignment: Town

I remember when you used to be a good mafia player, a solid tier 2 as both alignments! Unfortunately in latter years, you have succumbed to your childish desire to troll at every opportunity, offend as many people as possible and court forum bans. As such, you cannot be trusted with a role this game, so that modkilling you after your inevitable ban will have less of an impact on the game.

You win when all threats to town have been eliminated.

Character: Blaine
Alignment: Town
1x Mafia Toaster

You are one of the most bizarre players I have ever had the pleasure to play against. Its honestly like trying to play mafia with a toddler. Unpredictable and zero coherent thoughts whatsoever. The one game you hosted will live on in infamy due to the sheer batshit nature of the game, and the many botches that went down with your setup. However the funniest of all was the MAFIA TOASTER and that will be your role this game.

Once at night, you may put a toaster bomb on somebody's door. This will roleblock them during the night it is placed, and then kill them the following night. You can be blocked the night you place the bomb, but the kill will go through the following night regardless of you being blocked or if you're dead. The only thing that can stop the kill is if they are otherwise protected on the night they are due to die.

You win when all threats to town have been eliminated.

Character: He Who Must Not Be Named Mk 2
Alignment: Town
2x Tracker

Where to start? If you looked up the definition of psychotic breaks in the dictionary, it would probably come with a picture of you. Some undeniable mafia talent often lends way to insane conspiracy theories, death tunnelling and lynching out of spite. In a throwback to one of your most infamous moments, you can put your propensity for looking up where people live to good use! Two times at night you may target a player and track them, learning who, if anybody, they visit. I apologise in advance if you lose the game, but please don't hack the site!

You win when all threats to town have been eliminated.

Character: T-Pein
Alignment: Town
Post Restriction/4x Cop

I legitimately don't think anybody alive has a clue how to read you, and I'm sure that's by design. The downside to this is, your town game is fucking horrendous. There are no rhyme or reason to your pushes, and they often come down to either a shot in the dark or OMGUS. Mafia LOVE having you alive, and that's a bad sign. You create chaos, make posts that are had to read and don't work in tandem with your fellow town brethren. You also have a strange aversion to claiming, as either alignment.

That said, if people can learn to read throught the horse shit this game, they could be rewarded! Four times at night, you may target a person to investigate and learn their alignment.

This game you will have a T-Pein post restriction. You must follow the following rules:

1) You must start every sentence on a new line
2) You can never claim your character or role (fake claiming is allowed) (YOU WILL NOT GET 3 STRIKES WITH THIS RULE, IF YOU ARE UNSURE THEN ASK)
3) You must end every post with a gif or picture

You will be allowed 3 strikes with this PR. If you break it 3 times, you will be modkilled. In this instance, day will continue rather than end, unless I deem you to have broken your PR on purpose in order to covet a modkill, in which case I will end day.

You win when all threats to town have been eliminated.

Character: Lethal Weapon & Poyser
Alignment: Town
Double Voter/2x Bus Driver

If ever anybody was crying out for a mentor, it's the much maligned Lethal Weapon. Every now and then we see flashes. Just tiny, tiny sparks, of a good player in there somewhere. Unfortunately, this almost always gets buried under a cavalcade of flaming, defensiveness, incoherent thoughts that don't track with themselves nevermind the game and a desire to lynch people for reasons that are outside the scope of the current game. At the end of your tether, frustrated with your current standing, something desperately needs to happen before you wilter away into the sunset with your tail between your legs and a career full of failure. You need a mentor that will take you under their wing.

Who better to mentor you but the greatest mafia player of all time, and esteemed section moderator, Poyser? If anybody can drag the good player out of you, it's him. As evidenced by the amount of times he's helped you put forth your best scum performances, in this game hopefully he can help bring out a rare quality town performance from you. He's not a miracle worker, but he's damn sure close to it!

As two players, you will obviously have two votes. It is assumed that Lethal will follow Poyser's lead no matter what, so they will both go on the same player. As Poyser is a master manipulator, WIFOMer and chaos causer, you will also be a bus driver. Twice at night, you may target two players, swapping all actions targeting Player A to player B and vice versa.

You win when all threats to town have been eliminated.

Character: Ekkologix
Alignment: Town
1x Pluralitarian

Hey dude, I've only played one game with you so I lack any real material here. You strike me as a more coherent T-Pein, which I guess is good but that's an incredibly low fucking bar. I moreso just included you in this game because I wanted this role!

The one time I saw you, you were passionate about the benefits of plurality lynch over majority lynch, so I'm giving you the chance to show that here.

Once this game, during a day phase, you may post "Activate Plurality" in the thread and that day phase will become plurality lynch. Which means that whoever has the most votes at the end of the day will be lynched. If there are an equal number of votes on more than one player, RNG will determine the lynch between them.

There are no restrictions on how you may use this, other than you only have one shot.

You win when all threats to town have been eliminated.

Character: PHEN0M
Alignment: Town
1x Strongman

The fairly new DADN0M. You were always a coaster but now it's been taken to the extreme. Considering your circumstances, it's fair enough. The thing with you is that the majority of the time, when you can actually be bothered to read and keep up with the game, your reads are solid! Problem is, you're so fucking irrelevant these days, that nobody gives a fuck what your reads are.

I have a solution! Instead of trying to convince people of your reads, you can take it into your own hands. Once at night, you may target a player and kill them. This kill can not be stopped by any conventional blocking or protective roles. You have one last chance to relive former glory and revive GOATN0M. You'll probably fuck it up, but hey, I'm just the host. There's only so much I can do.

You win when all threats to town have been eliminated.

Character: The Fourth Wall
Alignment: Town

I know the name of the game here is roasting, but I just can't do it. It's been fantastic to see you back playing and you're a great addition to the roster. Your reads may not be the best, and you may be too scared to really persue the reads you actually do have right, but hey, we all love having you back!

As a result of that, we don't want you to leave. It will be more difficult to make that happen this game, where it will always take +1 vote to lynch you.

You win when all threats to town have been eliminated.

And finally…
Character: Laughable Chimp
Alignment: Town
2x QT Messenger

Back when you tried, you were a decent player. However, that didn't happen very often and you've long since been known as one of the worst players in the section. Mostly due to the fact that you cant be arsed to contribute, and when you do its usually a random vote with no explanation, followed by random confidence in somebody being scum only to be completely wrong. However, NOTHING will ever come close to the time you had the ability to send a message to people in a QT, FAKE CLAIMED survivor as town, only to be countered by the real survivor and lose. An all time classic.

In this game, you have the chance at redemption! Twice at night, you will be able to drop a message into all existing QTs (except the mod QT). They will not know who it came from, unless you choose to include so in your message. It will simply read "You have received a communication: [YOUR MESSAGE]". Good luck!

You win when all threats to town have been eliminated.


MVP: Chris
- Absolutely stomping performance on D2. Saw through all the bullshit, kept town grounded and made sure the sensible outcomes were prevailing. Talked sense from start to finish. To top it off, started the wagon on the one remaining scum to finish off the game. Brilliant performance.
HM: PHEN0M - Properly CLUTCH usage. Not only did he sentence smark to death, but caught him in a lie very early which made the day (in theory at least) 100x easier to navigate. Nullified everything smark tried during the day phase. Probably the usage that won the game
HM: Barry - Last slot is a tough one as there were a fair few decent performances. Shouting out to TFW and Haza who both played pretty well. Had to go with the guy that just no nonsense blasted scum and got the first flip which started the snowball.

Wooden spoon: The Entire Mafia Team - This is tongue in cheek of course, but I’m not sure anybody contributed to the downfall of the team as much as they did themselves. Some shocking play on D2 really sealed their fate and ensured the game was completely unsaveable.

Thanks for playing everybody! Hope everybody enjoyed it and thanks to contributing to a really fun to read game which was bursting with activity. Special shout out to TFW who had me rolling with his PR, great job!

Also, feel free to share the role PMs with whoever else if they’re not here. They’re not some big secret or anything.


Mafia QT:
Dead QT:
Mod QT:

  • Love
Reactions: Marty McFourth


Dec 16, 2019
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I would look at the initial hesitation against switching to voting junk to win from Doddsy once TFW gave info for a suspect

Comrade Khan

The Ace of WS
Dec 2, 2019
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holy fucking balls, what an absolute masacre of a day 2. beautiful fucking play by the town core, like damn. :owens3

@Chris first off, wow, talk about grabbing the reigns. lead town all day, demolished sky and started the wagon that ended the game. beautifully explained to the rest of the thread why the direction made sense multiple time, never lost his cool and got the job done. im fucking impressed and more importantly, so fucking happy.

@Raidokken was also phenomenal day 2 and couldnt pick a better choice to cosplay me. similar to chris let 0 bullshit fly by day 2, adjusted his reads and went for the throat. extremely excellent performance by mr haza and a true town leader :pals

@Phenom fucking goat shot and caught smark with his hand in the cookie jar. amazing. just amazing.

@Grim Cornette that fucking snipe and the good read on guillo that helped me formulate a wagon and lead to killing the sk d1, then snipes ekko out of the water with his one shot. that flip legit got me hard

@The Fourth Wall I still think was an easy town read, and while their reads werent always on point, once again, also pivotted, listened to reason, and followed the town core to victory. great shit

@T-Pein™ this fucking guy bro hammers the sk while suckering in an extra vote to do it like a madman. actually had really good reads and lucid thoughts. I thought tpein was awesome

@Lethal Banks never panicked under pressure when sussed, did a good job getting town read by half the thread then doubled down and used his role properly on day 2. again ,well played

@Tweet killed himself and i had a good laugh. didnt get in hot water repping back in in a tainted slot. again, great shit

@RetepAdam. also had some shakey reads but again, much like 4th, didnt really panick and changed up and adjusted his reads when met with relevant information and made the right call. ultimately thats the only thing that matters here so i say good job here as well

junk did funky things too and it was wonderful to see and play with her again.

what a fucking town core :DEAD:

tough tough day for scum and the sk. I'm not going to waste any time digging the knife in because that was just rough and I'd be pretty bummed too. played hard as fuck though, just didn't quite work out this time.

@Guillo no hard feelings i hope :cozy

gg everyone and ty for the game @Poyser !


All glory to God
Dec 2, 2019
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Kinda taking offense here smh I was the first to vote Sky and was very critical of the haza wagon when it started. Also Doddsy was hard reading me scum before today lol

Not too worried about it tho, we're in great position lol
Yeah this is harsh on you

You're the one that saw through and debated the bullshit being thrown my way tbh

Feel very good about what we accomplished today

Best player says good shit brother


Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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