and of course id say the same about you which is why you suggesting Barry should shoot me was such a shock loland I will say in all fairness when plugged in haza can have really good reads as town too
Guillo is not used too playing with townies that claim fir no reason like you did.
Does this mean you believe his claim then?
It’s a vig claim basically, why vote him niw when he can prove his shots?
yeah ill admit it was more or the saying stupid shit more than the serious side, and u just so happen to be close by in thread and a null at this time. even with 4th its a tough call if im thinking about it seriously. id rather not get rid of him as i think hes a good town guy amd im not reading him scum atm. but his role/slot fucking sucks major ass and only has a few ways to resolve properand of course id say the same about you which is why you suggesting Barry should shoot me was such a shock lol
glad you rescinded that to a degree
best player talking to best player what a fun thing
Sky best not too get distracted with day 1 TP nonsense and just do you.
All I say to Barry is not to use his Strongman that way
I can be useful for Town later on
Are you a subscriber to third vote theory TFW?
If there’s 4 kills and he claims one, it’s likely he’s telling the truth, mafia and or SK would only account fir two people f those kills, also no one has countered the vig claim and they’re pretty standard here tbhHow can he prove his shots exactly?
I am always a Towny boy what are you implying
Well TFW beat me to it but junks seemed opportunistic.
Didn't much care for sky's certainty at it. Can pass it off as blood thirstiness if you will but I feel like making the same mistake two games in a row would warrant more tentativeness