^ These are probably the only things giving me pause on Haza, it's such a bizarre play as scum
I did actually vote him for it originally just because it seemed like really bad thought process from a player I consider good as town
I have noticed how he acknowledges it's not good scum play, so I have considered him doing it purposefully
Just to have the 'too scummy to be scum' thing out there
^ Don't like this post.
I still don't get what he was trying to go for with this and the doubling down never did sit well, especially with parking the vote too
^ This is not bad. If Junk flips scum, then I'd feel a better about Haza
Worse if she ends up being Town
^ This is in response to Lethal which I find curious considering his recent posts
Lethal did actually go back and read that thread in regards to Junk
Later Haza scum read Lethal and said he was trying to appear busy doing this, I personally find this interaction very interesting cause he edged him towards it
^ Back to this, and I still find it odd he finds it super hard to believe there could be multiple of the above when hosted games don't all follow the same pattern
Feels like super poor logic from where I'm standing
^ Has no problems with it here though
^ Basically defends me here or acknowledges I can be town, he was big in to the Junk/Guillo being in a team at one point
^ Suss on Barry who we know is most likely Town now, good to note
^ Goes back to shading me here for finding Lethal towny.
I do find it hard to believe he doesn't have any real town reads at this junkture
^ Lethal or Haza flipping would be interesting, prefarbly the latter for me as I feel quite comfortable on Lethal
Either of these being scum basically clears the other, Haza especially has been very aggressive on Lethal
He has used the 'apper busy' a lot to discredit Lethal, but if you look back to earlier he pushed for him to read Clock Tower
^ Calls me slimy but is yet to expand, not really a fan of those type of comments with no substance

Good chance of being a scum boi, but his early play around roles has me doubting myself
Seeing him flip would not be a bad thing
Right now I'm probably at Ekko>Junk>Haza for lynch tomorrow
Junk already claimed though, so I'm going to see what night brings