Never claim your amount of shots. Ever. If you had have said yes all strongman, then some of us could have put two and two together. Provided we've got no other vig role (please dont CC on D1 if you're a vig), I can buy that.
The OP specifically states don't hunt on set up spec.
You've seen it enough times to know. I lead from the QT, bus my teammates to mitigate suspicion and activity isn't a tell for me either way. I think I'm stronger scum than I am town, though.Xenus, can you explain your scum game to me?
A strongman shot also seems kinda weird alongside a day kill as in its another unblockable extra kill for town.
But does make sense if those are our only 2 killing roles, where each is 1xshot and has the potential to kill a townie.A strongman shot also seems kinda weird alongside a day kill as in its another unblockable extra kill for town.
But does make sense if those are our only 2 killing roles, where each is 1xshot and has the potential to kill a townie.
Why Jeff over Brutus?Vote: Jeff
Assumed Chris just didn't have anyone around to help him with a fake but if Odo says it can be town etc ig back to this
Why are you pushing Brutus when your vote is on Barry?Why Jeff over Brutus?