WS Mafia: Reloaded - GAME THREAD

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Jan 5, 2012
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BC, Canada
stop having a tantrum, I really don't care for it

i dont care for any of this either, jeff. you guys flat out dont think.

did my read backs look scum to you? did my reads look scummy to you? why is there so much overlap in my reads and everyone else's reads if im scum? do my progressions make sense, my comments, any of it?

oh wait "im good as scum so ill ignore all that and say youre scummy because you asked 'where's chimp'. you dont see how those two things could make someone angry? not a damn person even talked about my read multiquotes or read lists did they? were they too big?


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Jan 5, 2012
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BC, Canada
That doesn’t really answer my question. I don’t even necessarily put any stock in the chimp ‘hint’

yes it does, i outright think that's a stupid way to go about not getting shot. no i wouldnt hint like that not to get shot.


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Jan 5, 2012
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town vig just plz fucking shoot me. im so sick of this shit.

most of the scum is in alco/rugrat/odo/chimp if not all. rugrat is so blatant is blatant as fuck. banez/mitch are possible outside of that, but both look good from the brutus wagon so it doesnt make sense to go for them before these 4. i still dont think sky asks to test out brutus' claim if she was scum with brutus because they would get him killed.

Comrade Khan

The Ace of WS
Dec 2, 2019
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i dont care for any of this either, jeff. you guys flat out dont think.

did my read backs look scum to you? did my reads look scummy to you? why is there so much overlap in my reads and everyone else's reads if im scum? do my progressions make sense, my comments, any of it?

oh wait "im good as scum so ill ignore all that and say youre scummy because you asked 'where's chimp'. you dont see how those two things could make someone angry? not a damn person even talked about my read multiquotes or read lists did they? were they too big?

I mean I've simply been entertaining ideas, and you are in my poe. you've felt off to me, and this reaction seems different to me than last time. last time you had actual points, other directions, and logical realization you were both town. in this case you've instantly went to insult everyone mode, and focused on the more banal points, like the chimps thing, and made it huge. certainly feels out of proportion given your previous care level. and I will once again remind you insulting me and making assumptions about my reads are a very futile endeavor.


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Jan 5, 2012
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BC, Canada
All you going to defend yourself with is your town flip. ok Banez/ziggler mark

why wont you answer the question? where will you look when i flip town? what is the downside to this discussion for you?

if im scum it's all irrelevant, but im not and i know im not so im asking where you will look once i flip town and why shouldnt everyone look to lynch you?

Comrade Khan

The Ace of WS
Dec 2, 2019
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town vig just plz fucking shoot me. im so sick of this shit.

most of the scum is in alco/rugrat/odo/chimp if not all. rugrat is so blatant is blatant as fuck. banez/mitch are possible outside of that, but both look good from the brutus wagon so it doesnt make sense to go for them before these 4. i still dont think sky asks to test out brutus' claim if she was scum with brutus because they would get him killed.

well then you don't need to worry as rugrat and alco are up to bat next


Dec 9, 2019
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LDN Town
why wont you answer the question? where will you look when i flip town? what is the downside to this discussion for you?

if im scum it's all irrelevant, but im not and i know im not so im asking where you will look once i flip town and why shouldnt everyone look to lynch you?


Dec 9, 2019
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LDN Town
town vig just plz fucking shoot me. im so sick of this shit.

most of the scum is in alco/rugrat/odo/chimp if not all. rugrat is so blatant is blatant as fuck. banez/mitch are possible outside of that, but both look good from the brutus wagon so it doesnt make sense to go for them before these 4. i still dont think sky asks to test out brutus' claim if she was scum with brutus because they would get him killed.

I’ll tell you what was blatant - your hint.

about as covert as Cal behind this towel :cal3


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Jan 5, 2012
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BC, Canada
there is nothing to claim, im a vt. i wasn't even aware brutus was about to be lynched the first time, i just knew he had a wagon on him because he had claimed around when i was first starting my read back. like i cant defend myself against these hypotheticals, if you think i was aware of the game state and just pulling off some direction pivot then i wont be able to convince you otherwise. i just wasn't caught up, i did not care about brutus during my read back, i thought chris was scum.

im not going to bother a back and forth either because it will just end up as a huge thing that will waste my time. if you want to lynch me then lynch me, but it's not productive to just go forever. im just going to read day 1.
ive litereally read him as town from the start. after that he was on brutus the whole time and kept bringing brutus back up/mentioned to it to me twice. like he's obviously not scum and i dont think he's sticking his head out a lot as the sk or anything either when he doesnt necessarily have to be active to get by.
he seemed town from the early game stuff, but i haven't read most of his recent posts. like the whole time ive seen him be apart of was banez thing but apparently he looked bad/in association with brutus or something so idk.

can someone tell me what that was.
^these dont look good, but jeff very much seems like cp's wagon.

like, he's pushing his own wagon and wanting to maintain his wagon more than he cares about what brutus is doing. i dont know if that makes sense, but like when you push your own wagon you do it in spite of the other things being pushed so its not so much defending brutus as it is ruining the credibility of other wagons so his own gets pushed

i.e. not really a scummy thing, more of a "i want my wagon to go through" towny mindset.

(i say this with the rest of the context of cp's posts).

^^goes after jeff

he also had a back and forth with jeff about whether he left or not. idk he had a lot of posts directed at jeff which i dont think cp really does, even to save a teammate, early on because he doesnt want to make himself look bad early and it's not like the brutus wagon had really taken off yet.

also @Big Man you keep talking about how at page 14/15 i shouldve spotted what everyone else spotted in regards to brutus, but it was only like 2 people including jeff who everyone else was voting.

phenom joins after and the major wagon is jeff for awhile:

^jeff is obvious town.

idk where odo's posts went, but odo had a post asking where he should vote.

the only person to respond to him was @Jeffatron asking him to vote brutus.

instead odo:

ends up voting jeff.

i.e. i dont like.

this is kinda useless, but idk if it was really scummy. i mean he doesnt really seem to be picking "jeff over brutus", just jeff in general. i mean picking jeff over brutus stills look bad. idk maybe his scummy shit is later on.

ya so jeff is obvious town.

rugrat also pushes this and throws shade at jeff's comments

he doesnt even acknowledge any of the brutus stuff this whole time. @Big Man idc that youre wrong right now, but this is important here. he's in the thread in live action with both players being talked about, rugrat never talks about jeff while there in real time.

ya this is kinda a useless, but everyone knows jeff is town.

@Odo ignoring the wagons too wasnt a great look. altho idk there is the wifom of odo just not giving a fuck which i could see as a legitimate factor.

i still dont like the vote on jeff over brutus after jeff asks odo to vote brutus tho.

so this is like page 18 and the brutus wagon wasn't actually a thing.

a big part of big man's case is i read the first 15 pages and out of that i should have known brutus was scum "like a bunch of other people did", but most of the thread is still pushing jeff at this point.


ya still more pushing from cp. idk, i still think id feel the same way if the person i was pushing wasnt claiming.

also i remembered cp did go after me for basically going after chris which he wouldnt do as scum when he could just sheep me, have me lead that mislynch, and then push me the following day phase if he wanted.

^i mean he's already confirmed lel, but this is when the tides shifted towards brutus.

@Jeffatron i think this looks better for xenus too. he was the first person to respond to you about potentially going after brutus.

this looks good for lethal, maybe.

(phen0m did this too)

but i think cp just tells brutus to vote jeff in the thread if he was going to ask him in the thread for his thoughts anyways.

^this also looks really good for mr. tweet.
looks good for haza(agreed with not blinding lynch jeff under any circumstances)

this doesnt seem like a scum/scum interaction between brutus/xenus to me either, so i still think he's probably town.

he also town reads phen0m when tweet begins pushing him.
except rugrat, tweet's reads were on point as far as town reads.

@Sky what game was that

this is kinda random since the wagons were between jeff/brutus, but she was catching up so that could explain that.

breh you know you could have, like, discussed it :swaggyp:

this is kinda a useless post, no, like he would obviously vote them at that point lmao.

i guess this is mostly different than what everyone else is doing.

ya barry is obvious town.

sky how come you scum read both jeff and brutus even tho they both obviously couldnt be scum?
1. XENUS #1
2. Haza
3. Rugrat
4. Barry (Grimhail Gorbachev) E-V v2
7. Jeff
9. CP

10. Mitch
11. Skybox
12. Tweet
13. Lethal
15. Alco
16. Laughable Chimpy Chris v2
17. Big Man
20. Odo

idk if lethal looks better or not with brutus voting him after moving off jeff.

sky i dont really get. she votes jeff, but scum reads brutus, but also did seem genuinely to be reading back.

i didnt really like odo's play on the beginning of the brutus wagon.

rugrat's play on jeff's wagon i also didnt like. he seemed to be adding fuel to the fire while never even addressing brutus at any point. i think someone else mentioned this too.
this is actually pretty fair reasoning by mitch for voting jeff over brutus. like reasonable.

if his only post other vote all day phase was just brutus after this then rugrat might be right that he's just town(not that that makes rugrat not fwiw).

this seems not typical to scum!sky? i mean the last time she showed greater effort into scumhunting she was scum so it does make me hesitant but her later posts were better/she didnt feel scummy or omgusy against cp when he started suspecting her.

^ya id say cp is strong town with this combined with his vote on brutus after.

^lol my bad chris v1.

people shifting off jeff without trying to force his claim out first look better.

^good post/calling out brutus when he didnt need to walk back on his jeff read at all..

^also good.

this is a good reaction to the barry blow-up too. i think as scum sky would be calling for his modkill openly in the thread because she gets like that too. so she can be a town lean too.

ya sky can be town too

haza basically confirmed town for this and the last quote. if he wanted barry modkilled he would have done it in a scum qt. same with asking brute not to claim, no way a scum teammate says that for another scum teammate lmao.

these were reads that i wanted to see in the first 15 pages. i think it's cause you dont use the word scum/town often. :mj2:

^what i said above.
^lol this confirms sky as town.

he wasn't actually beloved right? sky asking to test his claim would kill him.

^@jeffatron was this early enough at trying to shut down your wagon on haza(and for the rest of it)?
his push on jeff looked like a town!cp and his play on brutus afterwards/jumping off.
1. XENUS #1
2. Haza
3. Rugrat
4. Barry (Grimhail Gorbachev) E-V v2

7. Jeff
9. CP
10. Mitch
11. Skybox
12. Tweet

13. Lethal
15. Alco
16. Laughable Chimpy Chris v2
17. Big Man
20. Odo

rugrat/odo are my suggestions are my top two scum reads(along with chimp/chris, but that's more due to poe and chimp just not playing scum games). if mitch is only other action in the day phase was voting brutus then ya he's probably town too, but that's conditional on that being pretty much the only thing he did.

idk why we didnt shoot chimp v.1. Id be down to lynch any of my scum reads if people dont wanna lynch me.

vote rugrat
ok ya mitch is probable town for this. dropping in just to say youre going through shit and dropping a vote on your teammate is probably not something mitch does to his teammate or like anyone does lol.

^lmao pretty sure banez is town from this interaction too.
1. XENUS #1
2. Haza
3. Rugrat
4. Barry (Grimhail Gorbachev) E-V v2
7. Jeff

9. CP
10. Mitch
11. Skybox
12. Tweet

13. Lethal
15. Alco
16. Laughable Chimpy Chris v2
17. Big Man
20. Odo

xenus is the town read im least sure of, but i still think he seems town(on page 45).

but the entire rest of scum is left in rugrat/odo/chimp/alco/lethal.

id say in that order.

game solved, good night.
banez he was leading the lynch on jeff and then before jeff claimed removed it and his own support when he was the pushing it the hardest

he then gave his support to the brutus wagon, the scum wagon, by unvoting jeff and going to brutus. this is before sky, yes, but this all put brutus at risk for literally no reason when jeff was still refusing to claim and thus there was always an excuse for scum to stay on the jeff wagon.

cp isn't scum.

he also defended chris from me while going after me. he is right that he could have easily just sheeped me onto chris and then pinned the blame on me afterwards if he wanted. it's an easy play, but he defended chris prior and was calling chris town.
im saying it's a stupid, net negative play to do as scum. he could do it, but there's literally no reason to do it. it's not the best possible play or a winning play. the plays i did describe are, not avoiding doing them for some super complicated wifom.
end of day 1:

Jeff (1) - Sky

Brutus (10) - Mitch, Banez, Tweet, Haza, Big Man, Rugrat, PHEN0M, Chris, Jeff
Lethal (1) - Brutus
Haza (3) - Xenus, Alco, Odo
Chris (1) - Magic
Mitch (1) - Lethal
Big Man (1) - CP

how did sky end back up on jeff? still the "test brutus claim" should clear her.

looks like this. i think brutus just bussed lethal awkwardly and it's weird how lethal did omgus back at all(kinda like sky/lethal in their last scum game together). lethal loves bitching for that stuff as town.

@Jeffatron also i know odo is your hero, but he avoided the brutus wagon at every opportunity. he asked who to vote, you were the only one that answered with brutus, and he voted you instead.

yet when it came time to following you on haza he was there with a shrug.
I mean I've simply been entertaining ideas, and you are in my poe. you've felt off to me, and this reaction seems different to me than last time. last time you had actual points, other directions, and logical realization you were both town. in this case you've instantly went to insult everyone mode, and focused on the more banal points, like the chimps thing, and made it huge. certainly feels out of proportion given your previous care level. and I will once again remind you insulting me and making assumptions about my reads are a very futile endeavor.

youre entertaining ideas? pretty sure youre just sidekicking to rugrat and odo.

tell me i dont have actual points in the posts i just quoted.

tell me i lacked "other directions".

tell me i lacked "logical realizations".

go through those posts and show it to me.
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Dec 9, 2019
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LDN Town
How come you’re so mad? Nothing wrong if you’re town losing to me and Odo :calout


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2012
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well then you don't need to worry as rugrat and alco are up to bat next

so my scum reads are up next?

and youre not realizing why that annoys me?

phen0m even asked why no one else was reading rugrat as scum outside of me at the start of day.

i was the first to put alco as scum.

tell me why you think i shouldnt be mad about this level of play.


All glory to God
Dec 2, 2019
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so my scum reads are up next?

and youre not realizing why that annoys me?

phen0m even asked why no one else was reading rugrat as scum outside of me at the start of day.

i was the first to put alco as scum.

tell me why you think i shouldnt be mad about this level of play.
I think I put alco as scum before you fwiw
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