ya know something... i tried to bite my tongue, i tried to wave it off, but no longer. sullinger, u fat, fecal, fundamentaless, fuckbag, lazy, 3 point launching landing in the ocean, smurf. toe fracture, and u quit on me? i made this guy a fuckin celebrity in this league with the ff brand i created. the merchandise we went 50/50 on, the t-shirts, the posters, the coasters, the toasters, the roasters, the holsters. i'm about to take the holster off right about now, and shoot that toe off. i hope u drown in a pool of cookie butter, u worthless tub of shit! let me say this, it was never really about ff. he wasn't in the long term plans. i knew that fatass wouldn't be able to hold up. u know who it's been about all along? the big o. the font of vermont(olynyk bought 80 tons of maple syrup there, and brought so much money into the state, they rewarded him with his own font, which can be found in every desktop/laptop purchased in the state of vermont), and the owner of the GOAT roast beef establishment, KELLY OLYNYK. if it wasn't for olynyk's injury, sullinger would be a glorified shavlik randolph by now. olynyk is the larry bird of this era in all honestly, and he's leading me to the championship. fuck u, sullinger.