Well zigglerheel doesn't want in so still need to find another dude. Who is this Canadian dude you guys talking about and why does Brandon hate him? lol
His name is Canadian on WF. He's a bandwagoner, knows very little about the NBA, and everybody shits on him routinely. He's had several mental breakdowns (most of which occur when he's called out for being a bandwagoner, which he denies, despite concrete evidence that he is), the most recent being a couple days ago. It happened here:
Fuck Biast, CANADIAN'S MELTDOWN - Wrestling Forum : WWE, TNA, ROH, Wrestling Videos, Women of Wrestling Forums (Sorry if you guys have a rule against linking to other wrestling forums)
It starts with his first post, and it went off the rails from there. Ever since that happened, he's been trying to get back into everybody's good graces by acting all buddy-buddy, but he's just being fucking annoying. Chico, for some reason, recruited him, even though we had a full league at the time.
Please, by all means, add him. Just let it be known that he has little knowlege, will be prone to Killswitch/Baller-like trades, and I will shit on him repeatedly.
I'm of the belief that Chico recruited Canadian, and asked BRJP behind the scenes to step out and send GA that PM, since BRJP has been mostly a place-filler. Also, I don't see why Magic and Chico think I'm outnumbered, seeing as those two are the only ones firmly in favor, and Noto and I are against.