Just moved this into it's own thread, so no need to vote if you have already done so.Year End Awards:
Best Wrestling Poster - Sponsored by iMPACT Wrestling: Wrestling Matters
Best Sports Poster - Sponsored by Tim Tebow
Best Non Wrestling Poster
Best Shoutboxer
Best Avatar
Best Signature
Hater Gon' Hate - The person who lets their hate for a particular superstar cloud their judgement
Tell Me, I Didn't Just Read That :fp: - A post you read and was like WTF? :fp: - Sponsored by the Andrewism Foundation
Most Controversial Member - Sponsored by CM Punk
Favourite Thread -
Copy and paste the above and pm me with your one nominee for each category. I'll announce the winners in around 2 weeks time and see if we can get some small little gfx made up for each.