I guess I could've gotten myself modkilled but that's cheap and as a mod I'd punish it severely
ur not rly convincing anyone with this. appeal to emotion isnt gna work.I'm just gonna let ekko have his win he worked hard for it nothing else I can really do. Ggs
How is Barry's kill still unaccounted for this I've been thinking about this the entire party
i cant do half that lol. i sux at basketballI set a new high score in the arcade for basketball with 71 points tho
Akshually I'm only 2 shot and used my second shot last night phase as a symbolic gesture (leaving town)what makes most sense to me is either mafia had an extra kill they used n2 that belonged to cp/shawn's role or cp is a serial that did this
n1 - commute
n2 - kill barry/wang (whichever mafia didnt kill)
n3 - commute (dodged my coal shot here)
n4 - kill poyser. lethal was lynched d4 so in this scenario the mafia team is gone and only killer left is cp
n5 - kill ace
i cant make any other sense of it than this