In that case there would have been 2 kills a night
The question isn't "why is Jeff the hostile", it's "why is Alco town"day 1 we have scum in ropes by magic case even if no lynch
day 2 we have scum in ropes
day 3 is the day jeff supposedly converted
day 4 we lynch cp, who magic played a big part on but jeff definitly faciliated
day 5 we lynch wang and jeff was on board with it completely
day 6 magic delivers barry and smark
day 7 we continue magic legacy and lynch smark. jeff and smark has this shitty end of game lylo argument that amount to nothing but clogging the thread
day 8 jeff doesnt want to solve alco/doink and instead takes the free juice lynch with her jester play
day 9 jeff tried his best to solve doink before alco despite all efforts to tell him that the coal cannot be good
day 10 jeff is now taking the backseat when its time to push alco
this is straight up power wolf 101. the guy never delivered any scum. literally.
day 1 we have scum in ropes by magic case even if no lynch
day 2 we have scum in ropes
day 3 is the day jeff supposedly converted
day 4 we lynch cp, who magic played a big part on but jeff definitly faciliated
day 5 we lynch wang and jeff was on board with it completely
day 6 magic delivers barry and smark
day 7 we continue magic legacy and lynch smark. jeff and smark has this shitty end of game lylo argument that amount to nothing but clogging the thread
day 8 jeff doesnt want to solve alco/doink and instead takes the free juice lynch with her jester play
day 9 jeff tried his best to solve doink before alco despite all efforts to tell him that the coal cannot be good
day 10 jeff is now taking the backseat when its time to push alco
this is straight up power wolf 101. the guy never delivered any scum. literally.
u r confirmed town ur thoughts r confirmed genuine. who do yall thinkY'all need to make this decision based on risk of LYLO.
u got lynched in a phase i was afkif only - you hadn't shut me down earlier in the game - for pushing on Jeff.
You won't be able to convince people this late into the game.
Tough break.
my original push on Jeff was days before I was killed.u got lynched in a phase i was afk
but u played jester asfk and made it easy for him to push u
anyway we r beyond that
jeff is literally confirmed indieThe question isn't "why is Jeff the hostile", it's "why is Alco town"
There's no answer to that
How does a survivor play, according to you? Especially a townsiding survivor?jeff is literally confirmed indie
he has been leading the god dem game for like 7 phases now
guy is not playing like a survivor
no survivor plays like this
my original push on Jeff was days before I was killed.
I'm just stating the irony of your situation
@T-Pein™ any reason why u claimed PGO n1 like that? like help me with the thought process behind it. i dont recall u ever mentioning it