Kingston is the definitive "no-look" guy. I'll always recommend his match with Quackenbush for the Chikara Grand Championship. Easily one of the best promos there ever was on the indies. He was doing Ciampa's schtick before he even thought of it. Kingston's real from the heart in all of his promos. And holy fuck, that backfist tho.
He is, without a doubt, one of the guys who have a comeback story. In the beginning of 2019, Kingston said this was his last year unless something big happen. He had a nephew born recently, and has a story. His brother asked him, "How do I raise my son like a man? I want you to be the example". Kingston said ok to it, and before his brother left, he went "How's he gonna look up to you if you quit?" It's a hilarious, yet touching story. Now he's in NWA and doing just as great as ever. Last of A Dyin' Breed, indeed.