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- Aug 8, 2013
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- 1,015
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- 27
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- 48
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Forum Rules
Registration to this forum is free!
We do insist that you abide by the rules and policies detailed below.
If you are not sure of a rule or have any questions about the rules or forum in general then please ask one of the staff.
The Rules of WrestlingSmarks Forums
Note that these rules are flexible in our favour. Do not try to find ways to get around these rules because you will still receive warnings/infractions for your efforts if we the staff believe you are breaking the rules. Staff members decisions are final unless repealed by a higher ranking staff member.
1) Spam: There isn't a specific number of sentences that you must put into a post. However, any post considered to be spurious spam will be deleted and the poster sanctioned. Also please refrain from double posting or making duplicate threads. Do a quick search of the forum for similar threads before creating one.
2) Advertising: Posting links to sites or contacting people via PM advertising your web site or goods or services is not allowed. Advertising in your signature is also not allowed
3) Flaming: Insulting/Abusing/Attacking someone is not allowed here. Keep it civil on the forum and be respectful of the other members.
4) Signatures/Avatars: Keep it reasonable and keep it clean. Here are the sizes for the 2 main usergroups
Regular Members
Profile Pictures: 200X200 (500000 bytes)
AVATARS 150X250 (500000 bytes)
Signature Limits: 1 Image Max In Signature 500X500 in size (1000000 bytes)
VIP Members
Profile Picture: 500X500 (1000000 bytes)
Avatars: 250X250 (1500000 bytes)
Signature Limits: 500X500 2 Image Max In Signature (3000000 bytes)
5) Offensive Material: No nudity is allowed on WrestlingSmarks Forums. No offensive material whatsoever is allowed and neither are offensive posts about someone’s race, sex, religion, age etc. Keep the swearing to a minimum aswell. Keep it clean around the forums.
6) Becoming a Staff Member: If you aren’t a staff member don’t ask to be one and don’t act like one around the forums. We will contact members whom we want to join the staff not the other way around.
7) Spoiler Rules: We have in place a 24 Hour Grace period for spoilers, so after a live event of any of the promotions please label your threads with a **Spoiler** tag and try not to give away a major result in the thread title. This is included into the Chatbox, no spoilers in there either. If you want to discuss it you can either post a thread in the correct discussion section with Spoilers written in the title or if you just want to talk about it with VIPs set up a spoiler thread in the VIP lounge.
8) Punishments: We aren't going to throw out bans, but you will be warned if you break a rule, followed by a infraction if it continues, and in cases where you constintly breaking rules a temporary or permanent ban may be handed out.
The staff reserve the right to remove or alter your posts and threads at any time for any reason. We also reserve the right to ban, whether permanently or temporarily, at any time for any reason.
These rules are subject to change without notice. Please check this page on a regular basis for changes, additions and deletions.
Staff will be keeping an eye on these plus the other rules and members will receive warnings and infractions if they break the rules.
Registration to this forum is free!
We do insist that you abide by the rules and policies detailed below.
If you are not sure of a rule or have any questions about the rules or forum in general then please ask one of the staff.
The Rules of WrestlingSmarks Forums
Note that these rules are flexible in our favour. Do not try to find ways to get around these rules because you will still receive warnings/infractions for your efforts if we the staff believe you are breaking the rules. Staff members decisions are final unless repealed by a higher ranking staff member.
1) Spam: There isn't a specific number of sentences that you must put into a post. However, any post considered to be spurious spam will be deleted and the poster sanctioned. Also please refrain from double posting or making duplicate threads. Do a quick search of the forum for similar threads before creating one.
2) Advertising: Posting links to sites or contacting people via PM advertising your web site or goods or services is not allowed. Advertising in your signature is also not allowed
3) Flaming: Insulting/Abusing/Attacking someone is not allowed here. Keep it civil on the forum and be respectful of the other members.
4) Signatures/Avatars: Keep it reasonable and keep it clean. Here are the sizes for the 2 main usergroups
Regular Members
Profile Pictures: 200X200 (500000 bytes)
AVATARS 150X250 (500000 bytes)
Signature Limits: 1 Image Max In Signature 500X500 in size (1000000 bytes)
VIP Members
Profile Picture: 500X500 (1000000 bytes)
Avatars: 250X250 (1500000 bytes)
Signature Limits: 500X500 2 Image Max In Signature (3000000 bytes)
5) Offensive Material: No nudity is allowed on WrestlingSmarks Forums. No offensive material whatsoever is allowed and neither are offensive posts about someone’s race, sex, religion, age etc. Keep the swearing to a minimum aswell. Keep it clean around the forums.
6) Becoming a Staff Member: If you aren’t a staff member don’t ask to be one and don’t act like one around the forums. We will contact members whom we want to join the staff not the other way around.
7) Spoiler Rules: We have in place a 24 Hour Grace period for spoilers, so after a live event of any of the promotions please label your threads with a **Spoiler** tag and try not to give away a major result in the thread title. This is included into the Chatbox, no spoilers in there either. If you want to discuss it you can either post a thread in the correct discussion section with Spoilers written in the title or if you just want to talk about it with VIPs set up a spoiler thread in the VIP lounge.
8) Punishments: We aren't going to throw out bans, but you will be warned if you break a rule, followed by a infraction if it continues, and in cases where you constintly breaking rules a temporary or permanent ban may be handed out.
The staff reserve the right to remove or alter your posts and threads at any time for any reason. We also reserve the right to ban, whether permanently or temporarily, at any time for any reason.
These rules are subject to change without notice. Please check this page on a regular basis for changes, additions and deletions.
Staff will be keeping an eye on these plus the other rules and members will receive warnings and infractions if they break the rules.