Bret Hart drew well in Canada and other places overseas (like Germany for some reason), which is why the WWF in the mid 90's started doing more house shows internationally to capitalize on Bret's popularity there and also make up for the dwindling business on the States. He didn't draw well in the States at all (though arguably better than Diesel and HBK), unless you call headlining the company during one of it's worst periods a draw.
You really think it was Diesel's fault the WWe was in a dead period? First of all wrestling has these periods, you better than anyone know wrestling is cyclical and we had just left the Hulkamania era behind, so it was the worst time to try and become the new face of the company. Second look at who he was forced to work with. Sid, Mabel, Bulldog, ect. WWE had no stars left after Savage, Hogan, Warrior, ect all bounced out of town, how is that Diesel's fault? How many fans had already turned off the TV during Yokozuna's boring ass time on top of 10 minute rest holds during main events? He had Bret and Shawn to work with, and he put on decent matches with each.
I think its become fun to throw out 'oh, Nash, worst drawing champ ever!' when realistically he came in at a time when the company was sucking a lot of dick and faltering and he at least righted the ship to pull them out of a nose dive. 1995 They had Hall, Nash, MIchaels and Hart. that was literally. it. The main freaking event of Mania that year was Lawrence Taylor vs... BAM BAM BIGELOW. Come on, this is Nash's fault the year sucked dick?? 1995 was a disaster because WWF was still stuck in the 80s, none of this is on Nash.
Yea I'm basically just making up some excuses for Big Sexy, but can you dispute any of what I've said? Bret or HBK dawning the title in '95 wasn't going to go over any better than Diesel. He was in the worst situation of any champ and did a decent job of keeping things from sinking.
I don't think anyone can deny that once he fled to WCW Nash was indeed a very powerful drawing figure.