PS - If you don't take back all the crap you said about the big bad booty daddy, the man with the largest arms in the world is going to kick your fat ass.
I liked Gangrel. He wasn't anything special in the ring, but he had decent ring presence.
Fat ass? I'm 5'8" and 145 pounds and work out five times a week and have been practicing shotokan since fall of 2008....so I'm small, not fat

The guy with the largest arms in the world might be able to kick my NON fat ass but he'd better wear a cup and protective goggles because I'll shred his balls and take out both of his eyes on the way down.

When you're as small as me you have to learn to fight dirty and carry a ball peen hammer with you at all times.
(that was my "if I was a wrestler" trash talk response. In reality, I'd probably just stay home and play video games)
Oh, and agree with DZ... Scott Steiner has some damn good singles matches when he was still in the Steiner brothers.... he probably would have had a much better career if he didn't build himself up and basically lose of a lot of his movement ability.
Jesse "The Body" Ventura