Wrestlemania XXX Main Event Idea

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Lockard 23

The WWF/E Guru
Feb 10, 2012
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Union City, Tennessee

With Cena almost certainly headlining Wrestlemania as WWE Champion, with the rumors of CM Punk winning the Royal Rumble and headlining Wrestlemania, and with Daniel Bryan almost certainly winning the MITB briefcase which allows him to challenge for the WWE Championship at any time over the next year, does anyone think there is a possibility of seeing John Cena vs CM Punk vs Daniel Bryan for the WWE Title in a triple threat match?

Daniel Bryan said in 2011 when he won the MITB case that he was gonna wait until Wrestlemania to cash in, but he didn't. When/if he wins the case this year, maybe he reminds us of this fact and says that this time, he is being quite genuine when he says he is waiting until the big 30th anniversary of Wrestlemania before cashing in and finally becoming WWE Champion. Meanwhile, you can simultaneously play CM Punk's role in the story, which is that his big dream is to headline Wrestlemania (especially after coming off a most-likely-victory over Brock Lesnar) and he earns this chance by winning the Rumble. And then there's WWE Champion John Cena's role right there in the middle, who (if Bryan really doesn't cash in this summer) will have been champion literally for a year.

I know there's arguments against this. The fact that it's improbable that the headline match will be a triple threat between three baby faces (though Cena will be hated enough to play the 'heel' in the sense that he'll be the least favorite in the match, especially if he keeps the title all year until then.) There's the fact that Bryan wouldn't be cashing in for several months, which means not capitalizing on Bryan when he's at his hottest. There's the fact that if Punk is to finally achieve his dream of main eventing Wrestlemania, surely it's only right to have it end with Punk winning the belt? It creates a weird situation where both Punk and Bryan winning makes sense but both can't happen, obviously. It also creates an unpredictable scenario too, though.

Anyway, I normally would say this wasn't the most probable main event but the rumors say Punk is winning the Rumble and headlining WM, which makes me think a bit, and besides which, who else will Cena fight? Rock again? No, WM29 didn't do the buy rate that WM28 did with the rematch and so a third match would draw even less. Lesnar? No. The outcome to that is too obvious and wouldn't really draw more than another Rock match. Undertaker? That's one many of us want to see, but it's only speculated at this point, the only heavily rumored match for next year is Rock/Lesnar. What else? No, one of The Shield members is not getting the rocket push that fast. Cena/Punk/Bryan isn't so improbable, especially when he just had the shitty Cena/Miz main event a couple of years ago.



The Lunatic Fringe
May 13, 2013
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Hmmm, this idea is great I must say. Like you said there isn't many guys to face Cena at WM. Whether I want to see Cena as the champion for a whole year is a whole different story though... But if it means that we'll see a main event like this then it will all be worth it.

Leo C

Backlund Mark
Apr 7, 2012
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São Paulo, Brazil
Well, given that I don't want to see Rock/Lesnar nor Cena/Taker for the belt, this seems like a choice. Although I think Cena losing the belt to Henry is possible (not a big possiblity but it's there), losing to DB over the summer instead of them holding on for so long, I don't know. I think maybe Bryan wins the belt and holds it until then and Punk wins the RR and challenges him, DB/Punk along with Cena/Taker.
Jul 2, 2013
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I would love to think that Cena won't be the champ come Wrestlemania, however I strongly suspect he will. So I'm saying Cena/Punk or maybe a returning legend

Lockard 23

The WWF/E Guru
Feb 10, 2012
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Union City, Tennessee
Well, given that I don't want to see Rock/Lesnar nor Cena/Taker for the belt, this seems like a choice. Although I think Cena losing the belt to Henry is possible (not a big possiblity but it's there), losing to DB over the summer instead of them holding on for so long, I don't know. I think maybe Bryan wins the belt and holds it until then and Punk wins the RR and challenges him, DB/Punk along with Cena/Taker.

IMO, the only way Bryan gets a long title reign is if he does win it at Wrestlemania. I can't see Cena going without the title too long this year.

Of course, it's always possible Bryan gets the belt now, loses it within a few months, it finds it's way back around Cena's waist, and then Bryan qualifies for a title shot at Wrestlemania still anyway. However, I think Cena walking in as someone who's been champion for a whole year and is now stuck between two guys who are both absolutely hungry for the gold is the best story to go with. You have Cena, the one year reigning champion looking forward to surviving another challenge, this time in the main event of Mania... You have CM Punk, the guy who's waited his whole life for a moment like headlining Wrestlemania and waited a whole year (by the time 4-6-2014 gets here) to reclaim the WWE Championship... And then you have Daniel Bryan, a guy who's also waited his whole life for a moment like this and has waited patiently since winning the briefcase to finally cash it in... It's a great angle for the main event.


Chairwoman of The New Day
Jun 2, 2012
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I think it sounds like a fair idea honestly. CM Punk, Cena, and Daniel Bryan all sell really good in merchandize, Cena is popular with casuals, CM Punk is popular with the IWC, and Daniel Bryan is in the middle of those two. CM Punk and Cena have always managed to put on great matches and promos, and adding Daniel Bryan will be even better. I think if Bryan wins this match, it'll make up for the whole not cashing in when he's hot, since I don't really see anybody else able that can take the WWE Championship off of Cena and make it look good at the moment outide of Punk, Bryan, and Henry. Punk already has his historic reign, so I don't think he needs another reign. This would put Bryan over even more then before since he'll be beating the face of the company and the longest reigning WWE champion of the current era.

Leo C

Backlund Mark
Apr 7, 2012
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São Paulo, Brazil
IMO, the only way Bryan gets a long title reign is if he does win it at Wrestlemania. I can't see Cena going without the title too long this year.

Of course, it's always possible Bryan gets the belt now, loses it within a few months, it finds it's way back around Cena's waist, and then Bryan qualifies for a title shot at Wrestlemania still anyway. However, I think Cena walking in as someone who's been champion for a whole year and is now stuck between two guys who are both absolutely hungry for the gold is the best story to go with. You have Cena, the one year reigning champion looking forward to surviving another challenge, this time in the main event of Mania... You have CM Punk, the guy who's waited his whole life for a moment like headlining Wrestlemania and waited a whole year (by the time 4-6-2014 gets here) to reclaim the WWE Championship... And then you have Daniel Bryan, a guy who's also waited his whole life for a moment like this and has waited patiently since winning the briefcase to finally cash it in... It's a great angle for the main event.

It is a great angle indeed, just suggested an alternative because Bryan waiting that long to cash in didn't look good to me when I posted it. But yeah, it'd be nice to watch.


Jul 4, 2013
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My thoughts, Cena will lose the title to Whoever wins the MITB case and there will be your main event at WM 30 as for Cena it's still 1 all with him and The Rock so they will meet again and just like Brock Lesner and Triple H they will end there 4year conflict