So I finally got around to watching the main segment and bro, Roman is such a fucking good stage actor. Like it's just the right amount of extra over the top reactions that you should only do when acting in front of a live crowd. Not saying it'll translate to actual movies or anything either but considering it's a relatively new improvement since the heel turn, seems to be a real quick learner. Probably be better than Dwayne
That was honestly my main takeaway
Rock full heel was so much better than face would have been even if the crowd wasn't against him, and I thought Cody did well too but that was even more of a drastic 180 from his SmackDown promo than I expected just from reading other people's reaction. They definitely want you to think he went "off script" which like eh that's a sketchy line to try and go down, if this was mostly planned they already worked the internet great, no need to go full blurred lines. Nothing that can't still be rectified easy enough tho