Also...I doubt the WWE Brass will want to pair Heyman up with
their "Chosen One" & I doubt Heyman would want to use his
regular "shtick" to make the Plank of Wood look strong.
Can you imagine Heyman doing his standard spiel about Reigns?
Just the idea of it makes me feel sick in the stomach...but then
I wouldn't bother watching I guess I wouldn't end up
Frankly I'll be happy to see the back of both Lesnar & Heyman
because I don't really care for either of them.
Also the Plank of Wood isn't turning "FULL" heel...and even if
he does it won't fix anything.
He'll still be an over pushed Plank of Wood with no personality
or charisma...& that's the problem...not whether he's a face (Ha!)
or a heel.