Thank GAWD he got rid of them awful corn rows or whatever the hell they were. Henry-rows? Either way, The Hoff thinks Henry's better baldHenry looks badass.

Thank GAWD he got rid of them awful corn rows or whatever the hell they were. Henry-rows? Either way, The Hoff thinks Henry's better baldHenry looks badass.
He works a bit stiff in the ring, doesn't he? Oh Johnny Boy, Johnny Boyive beat cena many a times
after you get him to quit showin off its pretty much down hillHe works a bit stiff in the ring, doesn't he? Oh Johnny Boy, Johnny Boy
naaa im liken the rick ross look somebody indeed will be gettin there ass beatAm I the only one who loved Henry's hair? It looked badass, and now I don't like his look. He looked better with hair and the BEAAAARD.