Wrestle Kingdom 9

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CM Punk

AJ Styles
Dec 27, 2011
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Ontario, Canada
I'm angry. So Tana hits a Dragon Screw and the stream freezes. I switch to the english stream to see JR talking about how that was a monumental win for Tanahashi.
JR said a lot of stupid shit on commentary. He said Tanahashi came up to him and asked for a photo and then that he posted it on twitter.

He said the "late great" Shawn Michaels. He said Tanahashi was about to win the championship when he is already champ and much much more.

Leo C

Backlund Mark
Apr 7, 2012
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São Paulo, Brazil
JR said a lot of stupid shit on commentary. He said Tanahashi came up to him and asked for a photo and then that he posted it on twitter.

He said the "late great" Shawn Michaels. He said Tanahashi was about to win the championship when he is already champ and much much more.
Well, my point wasn't JR saying stupid stuff, moreso that the stream screwed me out of the main event finish :dawg:
But yeah, I assume he must've made some mistakes.


May 12, 2013
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English commentary was piss poor. You have to look at it, as if they did commentary for TNA. And just compared the whole show to WWE. This was a nice try, but these 2 are just WWE fans. They shouldn't call the matches.


Feb 2, 2012
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Bada Bing, New Jersey
Random observations:

The World stream was flawless and great quality, I only had to F5 is once, during Omega/Guerrero.
The Japanese commentators are simply the best.
Great show all around, with three great matches, srsly the final 90 minutes were something else.
MiSu/Saku was nifty, new MiSu looks BADASS and 20 years younger.
Makabe won, hate it. Good match, tho.
Good, short 'n' sweet tag title match, such a feelgood moment with Best Friends finally gaining redemption. Hey, Shibata is an accomplished pro-wrestler now!
Didn't see AJ winning, fabulous Super Styles Clash finish. About damn time AJ changed the gear!
Ibushi/Nakamura was fantastic, alls I'm sayin. Gotta rewatch it later to see if it was better than their first encounter. This was brutal. ****1/2 at least.
Main event was kind of ordinary in the first half, but man oh man, these two always find new ways to spice things up, despite working with each other so many times. All the "ordinary" stuff from the first half built and built and everything had some kind of payoff. It's only fitting that Tana is the one surviving the Rainmaker. The climax of the match was amazing, it reminded me on KOPW '12 and Invasion Attack '14 so much, surreal stuff, Tana destroying his legs and owning him silly, such an amazing watch. No one saw Tana winning again, I guess they're taking the old school All Japan route with Okada, the Dome main event win is the only thing missing in his resume. ****3/4
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Leo C

Backlund Mark
Apr 7, 2012
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São Paulo, Brazil
I didn't hear the English commentary, only about 15 seconds of it, but what I got is that it was great commentary for a first-time fan. And I believe that's exactly what they were going for. Two familiar voices to the more casual (not casual casual, but more casual than us, for example) American pro-wrestling fan explaining how Puro works.

Prince Bálor

I'm kind of a big deal
Apr 27, 2014
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Just done watching it. It was an awesome show! The commentary, JR & Striker were decent, although I expected 'em to do a much better job! I'd give this a strong 9/10.

- The Young Bucks vs Forever Hooligans vs Time Splitters vs The reDRagon was fun-tastic, absolutely enjoyed this one! This might be favorite match from the show.

- Tenzan, Kojima & Honma vs Bullet Club was kinda meh with some decent spots here and there, I guess. I wasn't really much into it.

- Nicholls, Marufuji, Haste & Yano vs Suzukigun was meh, but had a nice ending, though.

- Suzuki vs Sakuraba was kinda okay, but boring to me. The concept of the match was nice, but I feel like they could've done much more with it.

- Makabe vs Ishii was good, I liked the intensity!

- Kenny Omega vs Taguchi was great, I really liked it and I'm digging the fact Omega's the new champ!

- Meiyu Tag vs Bullet Club was a good one, definitely.

- AJ Styles vs Naito was another great match I enjoyed.

- Nakamura vs Ibushi was simply uber-awesome and entertaining! Another MOTN candidate, for sure.

- The ME, Tanahashi vs Okada was just great.

Jacob Fox

Quiet You
Sep 22, 2014
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The Japanese commentators are simply the best.

Undoubtedly. I'm practically fluent in Japanese now, but even when I couldn't understand a word they were saying, it added to the match. I actually got the PPV mainly because I could afford it this month and I will have to rewatch the event in Japanese. I've never actually been a big fan of Jim Ross, although he was a really good commentator in his pre WWF/E days. But he did seem out of place in this one. I actually don't think Matt Striker was terrible, just understated. But the Japanese guys have so much energy and even if you can't understand them, they get so worked up during the matches that they add tons of excitement. For the most part, neither Ross nor Striker seemed very excited to be there.
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Jacob Fox

Quiet You
Sep 22, 2014
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I just finished watching this and can say I am mostly rather happy with it. Although I, obviously, would have preferred a different outcome in the main event, that was a five star match all the way. That match was what wrestling is all about.

But my opinions are as follows:

Red Dragon vs the Young Bucks vs Forever Hooligans vs Time Splitters. *** It wasn't as wonderful as I was expecting, but it was a cool match. Red Dragon continues to show why they are undoubtedly one of the best tag teams in existence. I'm personally an Alex Shelley fan, so I was hoping for a different outcome, but the match was solid.

Jeff Jarrett and the other two Bullet Club guys vs Tenzan Hiroyoshi, Honma Tomoaki and Kojima Satoshi was a big letdown for me. There are a very few wrestlers that I completely mark for, and although very few people seem to understand why, Jeff Jarrett is one of those wrestlers. But in this match, he just looked old. Sigh. But even with that, it was just a filler match which made me sad **

Eight man tag was over too quickly and was also a filler match **1/2

Sakuraba Kazushi vs Suzuki Minoru was good for what it was. I am not really an MMA style guy, though. I like pro wrestling due to the movement and variety of moves and holds so this match did almost nothing for me. **1/2

Ishi Tomohiro vs Makabe Togi This was a damn fucking brutal match. I am not the biggest fan of brawlers, but every now and then you get a brawler who just excels. This reminded me of the match on WCW Saturday Night when Vader crushed Mick Foley's nose. From the perspective of a wrestler, it didn't seem like much happened. But the hits were hard and I felt quite a few of them ****

Tagushi Ryuska vs Kenny Omega It was a decent match... again, a little shorter than I usually like, but entertaining nonetheless. ***1/2

Tag Titles: A good match, but what I liked the most was Jim Ross's comment about how the champion should always be introduced last. I have always felt that as well and it was obviously a shot to Vince McMahon who has constantly ignored that tradition. I am not a tag wrestlig fan really, but a solid ***1/2 match.

Styles vs Naito Tetsuya Exactly the sort of thing I would expect from an AJ match. I probably won't remember it forever, but it was a good ***1/2 star match.

Kota Ibushi vs Shinsuke Nakamura. When I was watching this match, I automatically compared it to the Rick Steamboat and Randy Savage match at Wretlemania III. The two matches had almost nothing in common, but this match was so outstanding that I thought there was no way it could be outdone. I was wrong, but this was a easy **** match. Absolutely fantastic.

Okada Kazuchika vs Tanahashi Hiroshi. I don't know what to say other than that this match is what professional wrestling is all about. This was an almost perfect match. I was thinking it was odd that Okada dominated the match so consistently in the early going and felt like it wouldn't catch up. I am glad I was wrong. Tanahashi's splash to the outside of the ring, his suplexes, Okada's absolutely beautiful dropkick.... the only thing that would have made this fantastic match any better would have been Okada winning. But when my favorite currently competing wrestler loses a title match and I still give it five stars, it shows what a fabulous job the guys did. I am still in awe. This match was what pro wrestling is all about. *****

Full rating, I'd say 8/10. I may have rated it higher, but a few of the matches were throwaway matches and the Jarrett match was disappointing enough for me to drop it down too.