Worst World Champion of all time

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Out of the whole history of the WWE, which World Champion (WWE/World Heavyweight) is the worst, calibur wise. Who sucked at promos? Matches? Sucked overall?

I think RVD had a pretty bad reign, mainly because it ended in his driving shirtless smoking weeb on the highway. However, he wasn't that great overall as WWE Champion. His promos were mediocre and his matches weren't "classics".


(Remember, this does not include WCW, because everyone would say David Arquette.)


Chris Benoit (yeah...I said it)
Randy Orton's last reign...they made him look like shit
Kurt Angle's WHC reign in 06

Chuck Taylor's Grenade

Khali-In terms of promos I would rather listen to a Mike Adamle promo for 20 minutes than a 30 second Khali promo. Plus he has the mobility of a tree.
RVD-His reign seemed more like a "this should shut the smarks up about RVD never getting the strap" reign. Plus he screwed himself when he got high and just sort of wandered off.


Active Member
Mar 28, 2008
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Any John Cena reign...

Nah only kidding. I'd have to go with Khali myself. He's best sticking to comedy like shouting at a phone, not being involved in world title matches... methinks I'll schedule a nap during the HHH-Khali match at Summerslam.


Kane (98?) - Won it due to Austin's arm(?) bleeding in a first blood match (lame) then lost it the following night.

Hogan ('93) - Politic'd a CHEAP reign whilst massively tainting what was an otherwise great WWF title match before it (Hart V Yoko), dissapears from TV for about 2 months (with the belt!) only to lose the title a further few weeks later in an equally as crappy fashion (smearing shit over the, until then, unstoppable looking Yoko's character in the process) then leaving WWF not to be seen again until 2002... A 'beautiful' and rather fitting swansong from everyone's beloved Hulkster! :puke:

Bob Backlund ('94) - Did the guy even make it on TV with his belt?

Can you say "transitional champ"?

...More recently:

CM Punk ('08) - C-R-A-P booking.... I expect him to drop this before he even get's a convincing & clean win. Honestly, why bother making him champ if you're gonna show him to be inferior to the rest of the ME stars... If you Can't find a way to convincingly book him then surely that means says something?

He would have been much better off in terms of 'building' to have had a kick-ass match challenging Batista (for example) with MITB and LOST. At least he'd have looked like a credible challenger.

Pre MITB: Lost ECW title. Mainly jobbed.
Post MITB: KOTR finalist. Otherwise jobbed (even in Tag matches with ECW champ Kane!).
Post draft: Wins WHC via assisted victory.
WHC reign: SOLELY assisted victories.

How the fuck are we supposed to beleive in this guy?????

Note: Never really followed WCW, but I get the distinct impression that there must be a shit load of crappy world title reigns during the Monday Night Wars...

The Rated R CMStar

JBL can say what he wants, but CM Punk beat him cleanly. As for Kane interfering, I will not say CM Punk got to be made any less credible than Batista.

He was going toe to toe with Batista, and then Kane came out and attacked Batista. It wasn't like Batista just nailed a Batista Bomb and had the match won already


JBL can say what he wants, but CM Punk beat him cleanly.
It was assisted by a distraction. Not clean.

As for Kane interfering, I will not say CM Punk got to be made any less credible than Batista.

As an isolated incident it isn't detrimental to either of them, but it's all about the accumulative effect with Punk (and the implications to his reign), besides Batista is already well and truly built into a ME-er - It's Punk who they're supposedly trying to establish.

He was going toe to toe with Batista, and then Kane came out and attacked Batista. It wasn't like Batista just nailed a Batista Bomb and had the match won already

As said above, It's an accumulative effect which has thus far culminated in him looking like a weak champion. Looking at the ME roster, I can't see them putting him over ANYONE... I guess Kane would be most likely but they're re-pushing/building him right now (far more succesfully I might add).

This is why I was all for a 3-way between Kane/Punk/Tista for SSlam... At least they could give Punk a decent win.


New Member
Jan 27, 2008
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Any John Cena reign...

That's not funny!!

CM JUNK! The guy looks like a hobo, his finisher is ****, and he gets his *** kicked each and every week. He's kinda like Cena.. Except he totally sucks while Cena rocks my socks.

RVD:Lol, Marijuana


^^True. At least Punk is getting wins (Even if its by DQ and/or flukes). Rey was getting squashed by non-title contenders on a weekly basis.

Solid Stinger the Big Boss

Khali reign was horrid

Also Rey Mysterio's reign wasn't all that great.


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Jul 13, 2008
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Easton, Maryland
Kane (98?) - Won it due to Austin's arm(?) bleeding in a first blood match (lame) then lost it the following night.


i honestly think that he wasnt supose to win that night. taker came down and hit autstin making him bleed, they couldnt fake it so the ref had nothing to do but rule kane as the winner. kane lost the belt the next night held if less than 24hrs. i honestly think that he wasnt supose to win it. i no that people have held titles for a day but form what i memeber not a world title.


Kahli. There is no way that a champion could have been any more worse than him.

Moonlight Drive

^^Oh yeah, Batista gets 9000 shots yet Booker didn't get even one re-match