
Damn, sorry to hear least the cops were nice enough to let you are one lucky son of a bitch....I'm happy I don't do drugs....
Lmao. In montreal Weed is chill. Cops don't give a fuck. They'll sit down and smoke a J with you. Unless it's a shitload. Which i suppose it was considering u had half an ounce in your pipe.
Alcohol is a drug.
you dont smoke weed.
Actually i don't i have...but i don't. I do it like once a month. But trust me in MTL it's not as big a deal as in the states. Unless your carrying more than 3 G's but dude who walks around with 3 g's and if you don't believe me check it out for urself. Why do u think that people walk around with fucking joints in there hands downtown.
I have heard, that in Canada, most drugs, especially weed aren't a big deal at all. God, I would love to live there. But still, as long as your smart, its still unlikely you'll get caught. As least where I live (A little outside Philly).
Actually i don't i have...but i don't. I do it like once a month. But trust me in MTL it's not as big a deal as in the states. Unless your carrying more than 3 G's but dude who walks around with 3 g's and if you don't believe me check it out for urself. Why do u think that people walk around with fucking joints in there hands downtown.
Its not a matter of getting hig. Its a matter of having enough on you to last however long.
Dude i saw some of those for like 10 bux in china town. My friend bought one. It will probly break in a week. Yours is probably better quality how much can u fit in yours?
And I'm saying I'll be smoking three G's max at a time. And my friends would have the rest of the weed at his crib.,