World Wrestling Entertainment Season 1

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Please don't like answer people here you might get in trouble for it, possibly take it to the chat room. But here are my predictions for NWO.

Elimination Chamber match - Cena
JBL vs. Shawn Michaels - Shawn Michaels
Intercontinental Championship match - Charlie Hass
Number 1 Contender tag team match - Team Priceless
No DQ Match - Shane McMahon

There is no flamming in the BTB area, and I do beleive that wasn't constructive critism

You can do anything here now, as long as the admins and smods don't see it. XBA is never online.


Nov 29, 2007
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Good BTB cena316, and I want to see what your results will be from the actual PPV. Yet I agree with connorten, that the Shane/Orton match is a little cheesy. Tbh, this BTB looks alright, and il check in for NWO.

Predicitions for NWO:

Elimination Chamber match - I might be the only one who hates John Cena, but I certainly dont want him winning. I think Jericho should hold over.
JBL vs. Shawn Michaels - Ofcourse Shawn Michaels. JBL is a future champion, but not anytime soon, and if he beat Michaels, it would probably turn into a re-match at Mania.
Intercontinental Championship match - Not to sure who I want to win here, but il go with Regal. He seems like the best chance for a good rival with those 3.
Number 1 Contender tag team match - Cryme Tyme. I cant stand Cody Rhodes. Im ok with DiBiase, but Cody I just cant stand at all, something bugs me about him, not to sure yet, so Shad and JTG.
No DQ Match - Shane will get his ass kicked, therefor, Orton will take the win. I just dont see Orton losing to a guy who has not wrestled in 2 years.

Ok card, il defently have to check up on the PPV.

CT Styles

Wtf? The Orton/McMahon No DQ match is happening in real life. Make a thread in the WWE Section if you hate it that much.

The Anigma

Active Member
Mar 26, 2007
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Yeah, I don't know why a couple of people are complaining about the card having Shane vs. Orton when he said in his first post that the pay-per-view will include the matches from the actual pay-per-view this Sundayas well as his own.

Now as far as the BTB itself goes, there's not much to say because it's simply the way the WWE is right now but I'll be checking out your show anyway to see what you can do. Here are my predictions.

John Cena vs Kofi Kingston vs Rey Mysterio
vs Kane vs Mike Knox vs Chris Jericho

JBL vs Shawn Michaels

Charlie Haas vs Manu vs William Regal

Cryme Tyme vs Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase

Randy Orton vs Shane McMahon

Well, good luck with this BTB and hopefully you stick with it.


Elimination Chamber match - Cena
JBL vs. Shawn Michaels - Shawn Michaels
Intercontinental Championship match - William Regal
Number 1 Contender tag team match - Team Priceless
No DQ Match - RKO


Active Member
Feb 8, 2008
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Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
John Cena vs Kofi Kingston vs Rey Mysterio
vs Kane vs Mike Knox vs Chris Jericho

JBL vs Shawn Michaels

Charlie Haas vs Manu vs William Regal

Cryme Tyme vs Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase

Randy Orton vs Shane McMahon

THE Renegade Diesel

Active Member
Jun 26, 2008
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John Cena vs Kofi Kingston vs Rey Mysterio
vs Kane vs Mike Knox vs Chris Jericho

JBL vs Shawn Michaels

Charlie Haas vs Manu vs William Regal

Cryme Tyme vs Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase

Randy Orton vs Shane McMahon


New Member
Oct 27, 2007
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Cena316 Presents No Way Out 2009


Sunday February 15, 2009
Key Arena

Written by Cena316

We see footage from the past few weeks with Randy Orton and the McMahon family. We see Orton punting
Mr. McMahon's head. We also see the footage of Shane McMahon going after Orton. We also see footage from past
Chamber matches and teh danger of the match.

The Pyro explodes and we are live for NO WAY OUT.

Jim Ross: Hello everyone and welcome to No Way Out. We are live in Seattle Washington. Im Jim Ross alongside Jerry the King Lawler and King what an explosive night this is going to be.

King: Well JR There is no doubt about that. We have an Elimination Chamber match and JR I cant wait to see Randy Orton go one on one with Shane McMahon.

JR: And King lets not forget about HBK taking on JBL. And King if Shawn wins he it out from under the realm of JBL.

Tony Chimmel: The Following contest is scheduled for one fall and is a number one contenders match foR the World Tag Team Championship


Cryme Tyme vs Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase Jr.​

Out first is Cryme time to a huge pop followed by the Legacy.

Shad and Rhodes start the match with a collar and elbow tie up. Shad whips Rhodes to the ropes and hits a big shoulder block. Rhodes quickly slides out from under the bottom rope and to the outside where he is consoled by DiBiase.

King: JR you gotta wonder, with Randy Orton at the head of this Legacy group how hard is it gonna be for Cryme Tyme to defeat these two?

JR: King I dont know but I do know if Cody Rhodes doesnt get back in teh ring he is gonna get counted out and they wont have to worry about being the tag team champs.

Rhodes finally gets back in the ring and they tie it up again. Shad puts Rhodes in a side headlock. Rhode sends Shad to the ropes and Shad again hits a big shoulder block. Rhodes shakes the cobwebs and tags in DiBiase. DiBiase gets in and quickly goes over to Shad and kicks him int he gut. He sends Shad to the corner and follows up with a splash on Shad. Shad hits the mat cover by Ted but a kickout after two by Shad. Ted continues to work over Shad by going to his arm and working on it for a while.

King: JR you gotta give DiBiase some credit. He is taking away big Shad's arm. Something he is obsviously gonna need in this match.

JR: Well King nobody ever said DiBiase or Rhodes for that matter were dumb.

DiBiase gets Shad back to his feet and sends him to the ropes and hits a clothesline on Shad. Cover by DiBiase but anotehr kickout after two by Shad. DiBiase tags in Rhodes who quickly goes back to the arm of Shad. Rhodes gets Shad in an armbar and goes down tot he mat with it. He yells at the ref to ask Shad if he gives up but he says not.

JTG is chomping at the bits to get in the match but all he can do is watch from the ring apron.

Shad manages to get to his feet but is quickly knocked back down by a dropkick from Rhodes.

Rhodes tags DiBiase back in and DiBiase isnt quick enough as Shad has crawled over and tags in JTG. JTG comes in and goes to work on DiBiase. Rhodes comes in and is sent flying over the top rope by JTG. The crowd explodes and JTG starts to work over DiBiase.

JTG sends DiBiase to the ropes and hits a big clothesline on him. JTG goes to the top but is knocked off to the floor by Rhodes. Shad runs around and pulls Rhodes off the ring apron and the two of them start to go at it on the outside.

Meanwhile on the other side of the ring DiBiase has gotten out and he and JTG are going at it. The referee is trying to restore some order but is not having any luck. Finally JTG slams DiBiase's head into the announce table and rolls him back in the ring. Cover by JTG but a kickout after two by DiBiase.

Shad and Rhodes have finally seperated and the match is back to being normal.

JTG goes over and knocks Rhodes off the apron and to the floor. While he is mouthing at Rhode DiBiase comes up from behind him and rolls him up and almost gets a three count but is barely able to kickout after two.

JTG quickly gets to his feet and is poked in the eyes by DiBiase. DiBiase takes advantage by hitting a running bulldog on JTG. Cover by DiBiase but JTG is able to kick out. DiBiase goes over and spits in Shad's face. Shad tries to come in but is held back by the referee.

Meanwhile Cody Rhodes has come into the ring and he and DiBiase are double teaming JTG. The ref does not see all this because he is still trying to get Shad out of the ring. DiBiase gets out of the ring and Rhodes stays in with no tag being made. Rhode sends JTG to the ropes and hits a dropkick. Rhodes then starts to work over the knee of JTG. Rhodes picks JTG up and sends hin through the ropes and to the floor. Rhodes distracts the referee while DiBiase workd JTG over on the outside.

King: Well obviously Rhodes and DiBiase have been paying some attention to Randy Orton.

JR: Well JTG is being assaulted on the outside and the referee has no idea whats going on. This isnt right king!

King: Well it may not be right but it's sure smart.

DiBiase throws JTG back in the ring after working him over on the outside.

Rhodes goes for the easy pin but JTG kicks out.

Rhodes goes over to towards Shad and taunts him. While he is taunting him JTG comes up behind him and rolls Rhodes up for the 1..2..3..

Chimmel: Here is your winner. Cryme Tyme!

Winner: Cryme Tyme

King: Wow JR did you see that?

JR: I sure did King, Rhodes was running his mouth to Shad and he paid for it.

King: Cryme Tyme are the new #1 contenders to the World Tag Team Titles.

Cryme Tyme celebrates as the crowd goes crazy. Rhodes and DiBiase are livid and DiBiase cant believe they just lost. He gets mad and walk out on Cody. Rhodes just stands in the ring yelling at DiBiase that he is sorry.

In the back we see footage from earlier in the day with Charlie Haas just arriving into his locker room. He is taking gear out of his bag when Shelton Benjamin walks in. Neither man says anything they just stare at each other.

Haas: Is there something I can help you with?

Shelton: No, im just sitting here watching you get ready for your match.

Haas: Is there a reason for that?

Shelton: Yeah there is a reason for it. Ya see I remember once upon a time when we were the best damn tag team in the WWE. Back when we kicked ass. Well things have changed thats for sure.

Haas: Hows that?

Shelton: Hmm well lets see, I went on and continued to win matches and win titles. All you do is run around here ripping off gimicks of washed up wrestlers. You just cant hack it anymore. And for you to think you accually have a chance to win the Intercontinental title is hilarious.

Haas: Ya think so?

Shelton: I know so. Ya see ive been to the top of that mountain. I have beent eh IC champ. I know what it takes. It takes a serious athelete not some gimick stealer. Charlie you just dont have it anymore. You might as well face it.

Haas: I tell you what I will face. I will face the fact that I am in the match and your not. So obviously the "Gold" in your "Standard" has gotten tarnished.

Haas walks off leaving Shelton with a smirk on his face.

Tony Chimmel: Ladies and Gentleman the following contest is scheduled for one fall and is a Triple Threat match for the WWE Intercontinental Championship.


William Regal vs Manu vs Charlie Haas

We hear the music of William Regal and out he comes accompanied by Layla.

Next out is Manu.

After Manu gets in the ring we hear IF YA SMELLLL...come across the speakers. The crowd goes nuts and out walks Charlie Haas dress up as the rock comes out. He is introduced as "The Haas".

Haas comes to the ring and tries to do a pose like the rock but he is quickly knocked down by William Regal. Regal quickly goes to work on Haas as manu just looks on. Regal and Haas are outside the ring and Regal is slamming his head into the ring barrier. He walks about 5 feet and slams his head into the barrier again. he repeats this severla more times before Manu gets out of the ring and suggests that they double team Haas. Regal agrees and he and Manu work Haas over together. Regal throws Haas in the ring and continues the assault. He and Manu exchange kicks to Haas. All of a sudden Regal turns and clothesline Manu over the top rope and to the foor.

Regal continues to work on Haas. Regal gets out of the ring and grabs a steal chair. He takes the chair and gets back in the ring. He pulls the chair back but before he can hit Haas Manu gets in the ring and grabs the chair from Regal. Regal looks veru upset and turns his attention to Manu. With Regal's back turned Haas get sup out of the corner and chop blocks Regal's knee sending him to the mat. Manue gets rid of the chair and he and Haas start to work over Regal. They hit a double suplex on Regal. Haas covers Regal but Manu pulls him off. Manu makes the cover and Haas pulls him off. Both men get nose to nose until Haas hits Manu with a hard right hand. The two men exchange rights until Haas clotheslines Manu.

Haas starts to stomp away on Manu as Regal gets to his feet. As Regal gets to his feet Haas knocks him back down with a hard right hand. Manu gets to his feet and Haas sends him down with a hard right hand. Haas goes back and forth knocking both men off their feet. The crowd is really getting behind Haas as he is in control of the match.

Haas gets Regal back to his feet and sends him through the ropes. He goes back over towards Manu but Manu is ready for him and kicks him in the gut and hits a suplex on Haas. Cover by Manu but a kickout after two by Haas.

Regal is still on the outside and goes back over and picks up a chair. He gets back in the ring and swings the chair at both Manu and Haas but they both duck. The chair flies out of Regal's hand and hits the referee in the head knocking him out of the ring. Both Haas and Manu hit a double clothesline on Regal. Haas throws Regal back out of the ring.

We are back down to Manu and Haas. Both men square off with hard rights and lefts. Manu hits Haas in the mid section and sends him to the ropes. Manu goes for a clothesline but Haas ducks the clothesline and hits the ropes and follows up with a flying clothesline of his own. Haas makes the cover on Manu but there is not referee to make the count.

Regal gets back in the ring and has pulled a pair of brass knucks out of his trunks. Haas turns around and Regal hits Haas in the jaw with the brass knucks. Regal then stalks Manu waiting for him to get to his feet. While he is waiting Sim Snuka runs down the ramp and gets into the ring. Regal turns around and Snuka hits a Diamond Cutter type move on Regal. Snuka then tells Manu to cover Regal.

Manu seems a little confused but he makes the cover as Snuka gets out of the ring and walks back up the ramp. There is still no referee to make the count. Finally another referee runs to the ring and starts the count.

Thr.......Kick out by Regal.

Manue gets frustrated and grabs the second referee by the neck and starts yelling at him. Haas runs up behind Manu but he moves causing Haas to slam into the second referee knocking him to the mat. Haas kicks Manu and delivers a DDT. Cover by Haas but we still dont have a referee.

Haas notices that when Regal fell his brass knucks came off and are laying on the mat next to him. Haas looks at the knucks and then looks at the crowd. They cheer him on as he walks over to the brass knucks. He looks down and goes ahead and picks them up. He puts them on and waits as Regal starts to get to his feet. Haas waits but before he can hit Regal he is hit from behind by Manu. Manu takes the knucks away from Haas and nails Regal in the jaw with them as he gets to his feet.

Manu makes the cover on Regal. The original referee gets back in the ring very groggy.

He crawls over and starts the slow count.


Chimmel: Here is your winner and NEW Intercontental Champion. Manu!

Winner and new IC Champ: Manu​

King: JR can you believe that. Manu is our new IC champ?

JR: Yeah he's the champ alright but he didnt do it by himself. he had help from those damn brass knucks and Sim Snuka.

King: Well either way he is the new Intercontental Champion.

JR: Well in all honesty King its Regal's own fault, he brought the knuckles into the match to begin with.

Manu gets his belt and celebrates as he walks up the ramp and to the back.

We go to footage from last Monday's RAW where Shane McMahon attacked Orton. We also see footage of Orton hitting Shane and Stephanie in the hallway from several weeks back. We then go to the back where Todd Grisham is standing by with Randy Orton.

Todd Grisham: Ladies and Gentleman please welcome my guest at this time. Randy Orton.

Orton comes on the screen to a crowd full of boos.

Grisham: Randy what are your thoughts going into your match with Shane McMahon?

Orton: Well ya see Todd its like this, Shane McMahon is making a huge mistake. First of all im nto some snot nose kid from Greenwich. I am the Legend Killer. And tonight Shane McMahon is going to find out exactly why they put the "killer" part in there. And I dare any other member of the McMahon family to come down to the ring tonight. Last Monday night I said that I had no intentions of kicking Stephanie McMahon, but tonight all bets are off. Tonight I will eliminate any threat that comes my way. And if that means taking out a member of the McMahon famle who happens to be female then so be it.

Orton walks off leaving Grisham standing there.

We then go to another part of the building where Kofi Kingston is getting ready for the Chamber match. All of a sudden a masked person runs up and hits him in the knee with a pipe. Kingston hits the ground screaming as the person runs off. Officials run to his aid as we head back to the ring.

JR: well King what in the hell was that all about?

King: JR I dont know but it looks like Kofi could be out of the Chamber match.

JR: Well we will be trying to get and update on Kofi Kingston as it is available but in any event ladies and gentleman, up next is a match that has been long over due in my oppinion. Shawn Michaels has been under the reign of JBL for months. And tonight HBK gets his chance to make it all go away. Take a look.

We see a video montage of the HBK/JBL story. We then go to the ring.


JBL's music hits first and he comes to the ring. Next out is HBK. HBK gets in the ring and JBL gets a mic. He says that HBK is still his employee and he still runs Shawn's career and controls his matches. He says that last Monday Shawn has a tune up match but he doesnt think Shawn is ready. So he has set up another Tune Up match here right now. And if Shawn wins then and only then will he get his shot at JBL.

We await the arrival of Shawn's opponent. Its UMAGA from Smackdown.

Umaga comes to the ring and Shawn doesnt even let him get in the ring. He knocks him off the ring apron and gets out of the ring and goes to work on Umaga. He sends Umaga into the ring steps. Umaga is dazed and lays on the mat. Michaels grabs the ring steps and hits Umaga in the head with them. He then waits for Umaga to get to his feet. When he does Shawn delivers Sweet Chin music on Umaga. Michaels gets back in the ring and referee starts the count.

The ref calls for the bell and Shawn is announced as the winner. JBL looks pissed off and grabs the mic again and says that the bell never rang and the match never officially started. He tells the referee to ring the bell and re start the match. Shawn looks very upset. He tuens around and Umaga is behind him. he goes for the Samoan Spike but Michaels ducks and hits Sweet Chin Music on Umaga. Cover by Michaels.

The ref calls for the bell and announces HBK as the winner.

JBL paces around the ring.

HBK motions for JBL to get in the ring. But before JBL does Umaga gets back to his feet and delivers a sidewalk slam on HBK. He then picks Shawn up and delivers a Samoan Spike on Shawn. JBL then gets in the ring and tells the referee to ring the bell. He does and JBL covers Shawn for the easy win.

The ref starts the count.

Thr...Kickout after two by JBL.

JBL gets back out of the ring and gets a mic and announces that the match is now a No DQ match.

He gets back in the ring and orders Umaga to hit HBK with another Spike. Umaga does as he is told but Shawn ducks and goes for SCM but he misses and is hit with the clothesline from hell by JBL. Cover by JBL.

Thr...kickout again by HBK.

JBL gets Umaga back to his feet. He then picks HBK up and sets him up in the corner. Umaga then runs at Shawn and hits a butt splash on HBK. HBK staggers out of the corner and is hit with another clothesline from hell by JBL. Just for good measure JBL whispers something in Umaga's ear. Umaga then hits the ropes and hits a big splash on Michaels.

JBL makes the cover


Chimmel: Here is your winner. John Bradshaw Layfield.

Winner: JBL​

King:JR can you believe this. HBK has lost. What does this mean for Shawn Michaels?

JR: Well he may have lost but he didnt lose fairly. Dammit this isnt right King!

JBL gets up and Umaga leaves the ring. JBL laughes as he looks at Shawn laid out in the center of the ring.

JBL walks up the ramp and leaves Michaels in the ring.

In the back Santino Marella is seen going into Stephanie McMahon's office. He goes in and tells Stephanie McMahon that he should replace Kofi Kingston in the Elimination Chamber match. Stephanie tells him to get out of her office because she has bigger things to worry about than the Chamber match. Santino leaves and Randy Orton walks in. Stephanie asks him what he wants. Orton just says that he wanted to make sure that Stephanie was around later to see the masacre that was going to take place. Orton continues to talk abouthow he has a feeling Stephanie wont be a problem during the match. He then goes on to insult Stephanie and calls her a two bit whore. Stephanie slaps Orton across the face. Orton smiles and says he was hoping she would do that. Stephanie asks what Orton is gonna do kick her in the head? Orton laughs and replies that he doesnt need to do anything. Orton laughs and turns and walks out. Stephanie looks confused as the camera fades out.

We see a video footage promoting Wrestlemania 25 in Houston.

We then go to Todd Grisham who is standing by with Chris Jericho.

Jericho says that tonight he is going prove exactly why he was the superstar of the year in 2008, and when he wins the World title tonight he will go on to Wrestlemania and defend it succesfully and will once again be the superstar of the year in 2009. Jericho walks off.

We then go back to Stephanie's office. She is on her cell phone. She tells the person she is talking to that she will have to call them back. Two Police Officers walks into the frame.

Stephanie: Can I help you Officers?

Officer: Yes are you Stephanie McMahon?

Stephanie: Yes I am what can I do for you I am a very busy woman.

Officer: Well Ms. McMahon im afraid your gonna have to come with us.

Stephanie: Excuse me? For what?

Officer: Well Randy Orton is pressing charges for assault on you Ms. McMahon.

Stephanie: Your kidding me right?

Officer: Unfortunetly no im not. Im gonna need to you to turn around and place your hands behind your back.

Stephanie: Your kidding me. You are accually going to arrest me?

Officer: Yes maam, please place your hand behind your back.

Stephanie: I cant believe this is happening.

Stephanie turns around and the Police Officer places her in handcuffs and she is led out of he office and through the hallway. All of the superstars watch as she is paraded out of the arena. Right before they walk out the door Randy Orton and Legacy are standing there. Orton has a smirk on his face as Stephanie walks past him and is put into a patrol car.

King: Can you believe this JR, Stephanie McMahon has been arrested!

JR: Well King I dont know what to say but Orton got one over on Stephanie. He provoked her into slapping him so he could have her arrested.

King: Well what does this mean for the Orton and Shane match?

JR: Well it means Stephanie wont be around to watch it thats for sure.


We hear "Voices" hit the speakers and out come Randy Orton. He gets in the ring and we await the arrival of Shane McMahon.

Shane's music hits but he doesnt come out. All of a sudden Shane hits Orton from behind and goes to work hitting him with hard rights and lefts in the back of Orton's head. Shane unloads with rights and lefts on the back of Orton's head. Orton is able to roll out of the ring but Shane is right behind him and knocks Orton int he back of the head sending him to the ground. Orton gets back to his feet and climbs over the baricade and starts going through the crowd to get away from Shane. The continue through the crowd towards the stage area. Shane jumps on Orton's back and starts pounding on the back of his head again. Orton shakes Shane off and continues towards the back. They make their way past the stage and into the backstage area. Shane picks up a trashcan and throws it at the back of Orton's head. Orton falls but ges back to his feet and continues towards the dressing room.

Orton continues and goes out the back door of the arena.Orton goes out into the parking lot and Shane follows. Shane stops at the door and Orton is taunting Shane to come on out in the parking lot. He tells him that if he is a real man he will come out in the parking lot and fight him. Shane starts walking towards Orton. All of a sudden a car starts driving towards Shane. Shane is able to jump out of the way and the car kep going. Orton is still taunting Shane. Shane gets back to his feet and all of a sudden DiBiase and Rhodes come out of nowhere and knock Shane to the ground. They both start kicking him and Orton comes up. Shane takes DiBiase down to the gound. Cody Rhodes comes up behind Shane with a steal pipe and hits Shane in the back of the head and knocks him to the ground. Shane is busted open from the hit. His head starts bleeding pretty bad from the back of his head.

Shane is not moving but finally starts to stir. Shane gets to his knees and is punted in the head by Orton. Shane hits the ground hard and doesnt move. Orton orders Rhodes and DiBiase to do what they talked about earlier. JR and King have no idea what they are talking about but DiBiase and Rhodes know exactly what they are supposed to do. They take Shane over to a guardrail out at the loading dock. They get two pair of handcuffs and handcuff Shane to the guard rail. Orton points to a parked car and the motor revs up. Orton motions for the car to go forward and it starts racing towards Shane. All of a sudden the screen goes to black.

We then go back to the arena.

JR:King what the hell just happened?

King: I dont know JR but I think Orton may have went too far this time.

JR: Well we need to get somebody out there and find out if Shane is okay.

King: JR this isnt good at all. I mean this rivalry was already getting to be too much, but this is un called for. Randy Orton has crossed the line.

JR: Well folks I dont know what the hell is going on but we are gonna try to get somebody out in the parking lot to see if Shaen McMahon is okay.

King: JR we need to get somebody back there quick. Stephanie was arrested earlier so shes not even here.

We go back out to the parking lot where Shaen McMahon is bleeding very badly from his head. Legacy is standing over him with officials standing all around. Orton has that crazed "what have I done" look on his face. The driver side door opens on the car and the driver steps out with a black mask on his face. We can hear a female screaming from somewhere. The back window rolls down on the car and we see Stephanie McMahon still handcuffed and in the back seat of the car. Orton gets in the passenger seat and the car speeds off.

Meanwhile Shane is receiving medical attention as we go back to the arena.

JR: Oh my god King. What is Orton gonna do with Stephanie?

King: I dont know JR but I wanna know what happened to Shane. Did Orton hit him with that car?

JR: King I dont know I sure as hell hope not but Shane is in bad shape.

King: JR this is bad and what about Stephanie? Orton has aken her. I thought she was arrested earlier.

JR: Well King obviously those were fake cops. King things have gotten way out of control.

King: But JR who was the masked person driving that car?

JR: King how should I know. Things are out of control. But in any event the show must go on. Folks its now time for the Elimination Chamber match.

King: Yea but JR Kofi Kingston was taken out earlier. Who is gonna replace him?



Jericho, Knox, Kane, and Mysterio all come out and get into their cells. John Cena comes out and is in the ring awaiting the arrival of the replacement for Kofi Kingston.

KENNEDY! hits the speaker and out to the ring comes Mr. Kennedy. He gets in the ring to a pretty good pop from the crowd. Kennedy comes out and gets in the ring. He and Cena start the match off. The bell rings and we are under way. Cena and Kennedy lock up and Cena sends Kennedy to the ropes and hits a shoulder block on Kennedy. Kennedy quickly gets to his feet and sent back down to the mat by Cena with a clothesline. Cena covers Kennedy but he quickly kicks out. Both men get to their feet and lock up again. This time Kennedy puts Cena in a headlock. Cena sends Kennedy to the ropes and leapfrogs over Kennedy's head and Kenendy hits the ropes again. Cena leans over for a backdrop but Kennedy holds on to the ropes and kicks Cena in the chest.

Cena stand up and is greated with a clothesline from Kennedy. The lights go out and it is time to open to the first pod inside the chamber. The lights alternate until one finally stops on Rey Mysterio. His pod is opened and he comes into the match.

He goes right after Kennedy with hard kicks to the side of Kennedy's legs. Rey hits the ropes and dropkicks Kennedy out of the ring and onto the steel of the chamber. Cena gets to his feet and Rey goes after him next. He kicks Cena the same as he did Kennedy. He hits the ropes but Kennedy pulls the top rope down sending Rey over the top rope and to the steel floor.

Kennedy gets Rey up and sends him face first into the steal chain of the chamber. Cena comes over and dropkicks Kennedy from behind sending him face first into the chamber. He picks Kennedy up and throws him through the ropes and back into the ring. Cena locks in the STF and has Kennedy screaming. All of a sudden Rey comes back into the ring and kicks Cena off of Kennedy.

The lights starts flashing and we are fixing to open up another pod.

They lights alternate until one stops on Mike Knox. His pod opens and he is now in the match. Knox gets out of his pod and goes right after Mysterio. He knocks him down with a clothesline from behing. He picks Rey up and throws him over the top rope and onto the steel floor. He gets out of the ring and sends Rey into the steel chain like a lawn dart.

Meanwhile Cena has locked the STF back on Kennedy and Kennedy is screaming again. Knox notices this and gets back in the ring and knocks Cena off of Kenendy once again. Knox grabs Cena and slams his head into Kane's pod busting the glass of the pod. Kane is now free from his pod and goes after Mike Knox.

Kane is released early but doesnt seem to care and continues to work on Mike Knox sending him flying face first into one of the empty pods. Kane then turns his attention to Kennedy. He grabs Kennedy and delivers a Choke Slam on him. Cover by Kane but the count is interupted by Rey Mysterio. Kane gets to his feet and grabs Rey and delivers a chokeslam on him. He cover Rey but this time it is Mike Knox who breaks up the 3 count.

Knocks grabs Kane by the head and sends him flying into Chris Jericho's pod. Jericho is still inside and cant wait to get in the match. Knox the takes Kane and throws him out of the ring. Cena comes up behind Knox and hits the FU. Cover by Cena


Mike knox is eliminated from the match.

The last pod is opened and Chris Jericho is now in the match. He gets out and goes right after Cena. He unloads with hard rights and lefts on Cena. Cena starts fighting back and they exchange some hard blows back and forth. Finally Kane knocks both Cena and Jericho to the mat. Kane sets up for the chokeslam but he is interupted with a chop block to the knee by Kennedy. Kennedy then climbs to the top rope but is knocks off and to the steel floor by Rey Mysterio. All of a sudden Mysterio turns around and is hit with a chokeslam by Kane. Cover by kane


Mysterio is eliminated from the match.

Cena, Jericho, Kane, and Kennedy remain in the match.

Jericho has gotten up and is now going after Kennedy. He picks Kennedy up off the floor and slams his head into the steal chain of the Chamber. He then takes Kennedy and slams his head into another part of the cell.

Back in the ring Kane is setting up Cena for a chokeslam. Cena turns around and Kane tries to deliver a chokeslam but it is reversed by Cena. Cena then picks Kane up for the FU. Kane counters and sends Cena into the ropes and hits a big boot on Cena. Cover by Kane but Cena kicks out after two.

Jericho and Kennedy are still going at it on the outside of the ring. Jericho is slamming Kennedy's head into the chain all around the ring.

Kane gets back to his feet and again sets up for the Chokeslam. Cena again counters and this time is able to hit the FU on Kane.

Instead of covering Kane, Cena sets up for the 5 knuckle shuffle. He hits the ropes and runs back towards Kane and is blind sided by Chris Jericho. Jericho hits a lionsault on Kane and covers him.


Kane is eliminated from the match.

Kane is getting out of the ring and Jericho pushes his way out of the cage and goes and grabs a steel chair from under the ring. He takes the chairs and gets back in the ring with them. Cena gets to his feet and Jericho smashed his head with one of the chairs.

Kennedy gets back in the ring and he is also hit with a chair by Jericho. Both Cena and Kennedy are out cold and Jericho is boasting.

Jericho locks Kennedy in the walls of Jericho. Kennedy starts screaming in pain. He crawls towards the ropes and almost makes it, but Jericho pulls him back to the center of the ring. Kennedy has no choice but to tap out.

Kennedy is eliminated from the match.

Jericho is now back to his feet and Cena is still out cold.

Cena finally manages to get to his feet and his knocked back out with a chairshot from Jericho.

Jericho starts taunting the crowd but doesnt realize that Kennedy is still inside the Chamber.

Kennedy picks up the seconds chair and smashes Jericho in the head knocking him to the mat. Kennedy laughs and exits the chamber.

Both Cena and Jericho are laying motionless in the ring.

The referee has no choice but to start the count. He starts to count both of the men down.


The referee calls for the bell and the crowd boos like crazy. Neither man is able to answer the ten count.

The referee whispers something to tony Chimmel.

Chimmel: Ladies and Gentleman I have just been informed by the referee that neither man was able to answer the ten count therefore this match is a draw!

The crowd fills the arena with boos.

Winner: No Contest

King: Are you kidding me JR? We still dont have a World Champion.

JR: Well King neither man answered the ten count therefore the referee had no choice but to count both men out.

King: Yea but who is the World Champion?

JR: Well King as of right now we dont have one. I assume things might be answered tomorow night on RAW.

King: Yea JR but whos gonna answer them, Stephanie McMahon has been kidnapped. Whats gonna happen tomorrow night on RAW?!?!

JR: King I dont know but we are out of time. What a wild night.

The camera fades out with both Cena and Jericho laying in the ring.


Nov 29, 2007
Reaction score
BM: I would have to go with Cryme Tyme .vs. Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase. I found the match to be your strongest point of the PPV. Yet, I think the Elimination Chamber can pass up for second place. I dont like how you ended the EC. I dont think it was the best idea to do tbh.

WM: Defently JBL .vs. Shawn Michaels. I think it could of been a way better match than you made it, but I do have to give you credit for the Umaga play in there. I think adding in that play could possibly spark a big feud at WrestleMania. Second place for worst match would be the IC Championship Match.

BP: Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas. I see these 2 breaking up as a tag team, with the way you made this promo. I dont think Haas would use some of those lines though, yet, it was the best of the night.

WP: Officer/Stephanie. I find this interesting. I like it, but I dont. I like it because it will put some hype into the next show, and make your show go a little wild, after the GM has been arrested, and this may cause Orton a whole hell of trouble. Yet, I dont like it, because it seems un-realistic, to see her get arrested, and I think Vince would back her up with it. I think the whole roster will be agaist Orton now, haha.

AI: Good PPV. I would suggest making your promos alot bigger, than they were. I like reading big promo's, cause it gives more chance for heat. More airtime for a superstar aswell, to express his or her opinion. I would rate your PPV 8/10. Very decent PPV, and I will forsure be checking in for your next show to see what happends with this whole arresting thing going on with Stephanie.


New Member
Oct 27, 2007
Reaction score

Spokane Arena
Spokane Washington

We see footage from last nights No Way Out pay per view. We see the footage from the Shane McMahon and Randy Orton fight. We also see the footage from Stephanie McMahon being "arrested". We then see Randy Orton getting into a car with Stephanie in the back seat and driving off.

The opening video rolls and the pyro explodes and we are live for Monday Night RAW.

JR: Hello everyone and welcome to Monday Night RAW. Jim Ross alongside Jerry the king Lawler and King what in the world is gonna happen here tonight?

King: JR I dont know but as far as I know we are without a General Manager tonight.

JR:Well King from what I understand nobody has seen or heard from Stephanie McMahon since last night.

King: Well JR what about the condition of Shane McMahon?

JR: Well King I dont know but the last time we saw Shane he was bleeding very badly and folks I just dont know what is gonna happen here tonight.

King: And JR we still dont have a World Champion.

JR: Well King there is no doubt there are a lot of questions to be answered here tonight live on RAW.

Kennedy! hits the speakers and out come Mr. Kennedy He gets in the ring and grabs a mic.

Kennedy: You know last night I was the recipient of a little good luck last night. But at the same time I was the recipient of a little bad luck too. Ya see somebody decided to take out Kofi Kingston, and in doing so they allowed me to walk into the Elimination chamber and almost win the World Title. But ya know whats really funny, the fact that Chris Jericho had to use a steel chair to get the job done. And whats even funnier is that in the end he still couldnt get the job done. I just find it ironic that the very chair that was brought into the ring and used by Jericho was the very same chair that prevented Jericho from finishing the match. Which brings me back to some more good news. There is still on World Heavyweight Champion. Therefore all 6 men including myself are entitled to a rematch. So basically what I am saying is, I am cashing in my Rematch tonight right here on RAW. And I dont really care who its against.

BREAK THE WALLS DOWN.....Jericho's music hits and out on the stage walks Y2J. Jericho walks down to the ring and gets a mic.

Jericho: You think your funny Kennedy? Your find yourself amusing. You know your right about one thing. I didnt finish the match, but atleast I was one of the final two. You see Kennedy your just like all the hipocritical fans out here. You come out here and you talk about how I didnt have what it took to get the job done, when you were eliminated from them atch before I was. And you talk about Irony, I find it ironic that you were even in the match. I mean just whow as it that attacked Kofi Kingston? I mean the guy had a mask on, for all we know it was your Kennedy that attacked Kingston and put yourself in the Chamber match. So I think maybe you should stop talking about deserving title shots. I think if anybody deserves a rematch its Chris Jericho. I mean after all I was originally scheduled to be int he match. I didnt attack another competitor and steal a spot in the match. Thats what I think.

All of a sudden John Cena's music hits the speakers. Out on the stage comes John Cena.

Cena: Now now now, you guys need to just chill. I mean after all I think its fair to say that we all deserve a rematch for the World Title. I mean I was one of the final two participants just like you Chris. And Mr. Kennedy I got hit by that same steel chair you hit Jericho with. So that begs the question. Who really deserves to ge ta rematch for the World Title? I mean how do we settle it. I mean im ready go right now so lets do it.

Cena backs up and takes his shirt off and is ready to fight. The crowd is behind Cena.

Jericho gets his mic and gets out of the ring.

Jericho: Yeah you would like that wouldnt you Cena. I tell you what, you can have a title match if you want. But it wont be against me. I refuse to compete until I am ready. So Cena you can just forget about facing Chris Jericho here tonight.

All of a sudden Kane walks out and up behind Jericho. Jericho doesnt see Kane. Kane grabs Jericho and throws him back into the ring. Cena picks Jericho up for the FU but it is interupted by Kennedy. Kennedy hits a DDT on Cena. Kane grabs Kennedy and delivers a chokeslam. During all of this Mike Knox has ran down with a chair and hits Kane over the back of the head. Knox is the only man standing when Rey Mysterio runs in out of the crowd. He grabs a chair of his own and hits Knox in the back with it. Knox turns around and Rey hits him in the head knocking Knox out. Mysterio is the only man standing as we fade out to commercial.


After the break we are in the parking garage where a long black stretch limo pulls up. Nobody gets out of the limo it just sits there. We then go back to the arena.

#1 Contender Match for World Tag Team Titles
Triple Threat Match

Jesse vs Cody Rhodes vs Carlito

In this match one member or each of the 3 teams will be represented. The winner will be granted a World Tag Team title shot with his tag team partner to face the other #1 contenders Cryme Tyme at a later date.

The match starts off with Rhodes hitting Carlito from behind. Jesse comes up behind Rhodes and tries to help Carlito but Cody turns around and hits Jesse before he has a chance to to anything. Rhodes is in control at this point. He picks Carlito up and sends him to the ropes and hits a clothesline. Cover by Rhodes but a kickout after two. Carlito gets to his feet and Rhodes delivers a dropkick. Jesse gets to his feet and he also gets a dropkick.

Rhodes covers Jesse but only gets a two count. Rhodes picks Jesse up and sends him to the corner. Rhode starts stomping on Jesse in the corner. He stomps Jesse until Jesse falls to his ass. Cody doesnt stop there and continues to stop on Jesse.

Carlito comes up behind Rhodes. Rhodes turns around and gets a jaw break from Carlito. Carlito quickly covers Rhodes but Cody kicks out after a two count. Carlito gets Cody to his feet and goes for the backstabber but Cody reverses into a clothesline. Jesse has gotten back to his feet and Cody goes over to him but Jesse hits Cody with a kick to the midsection. Jesse climbs the second turnbuckle and hits a double axe handle on Rhodes. Rhodes goes to one knee and Jesse goes back to the turnbuckle and goes to the top rope this time.

Jess hits a legs drop on Cody from the top rope. Cover by Jesse but Carlito breaks up the pinfall. Carlito starts kicking Jesse. He gets Jesse to his feet and throws him to the outside. Carlito then turns his attention to Rhodes who is still down in the ring. He picks Cody up and sends him to the ropes and hits a back elbow on Rhodes.

Jesse is on the outside and Ted DiBiase works him over slamming his head into the side of the ring and then into the barrier. He throws Jesse back in the ring. Carlito sees this and covers Jesse. DiBiase realizes Cody is still out and interupts the count by pulling the referee out of the ring.

The ref ges all over DiBiase but DiBiase doesnt seem to care.

Carlito hits the backstabber on Jesse and makes the cover. The referee is still outside the ring yelling at DiBiase.

Carlito gets up and yells for the ref to get back in the ring. As the ref gets back in the ring Cody rolls Carlito up from behind and the ref makes the count.


Winner: Cody Rhodes

Rhodes and DiBiase celebrate. It will be Rhodes and DiBiase vs Cryme Tyme for the Tag Team Titles.

In the back Charlie Haas is arriving at the arena. As he walks in Shelton Benjamin walks up to him. Benjamin asks Haas which has been Haas is going to portray tonight. Haas ignores Benjamin and tries to walk off. Benjamin tells Haas not to walk away from him but Haas just walks off. Benjamin just stands there.


After the break we go back out to the parking lot and the long black limo is still sitting there. Nobody has gotten in or out.

King:JR who do you think is in that long black limo outside in the parking lot?

JR:King I dont know but its making me a little un easy, this night just has a bad vibe to it.

King:Well JR with nobody in charge who knows whats gonna happen.

JR:Well folks I can tell you that Shane McMahon suffered a concusion at the hands of Randy Orton last night at No Way Out. And if you didnt join us on Pay Per View here's a look at what happened.

We see the footage of the match. We see Orton and Shane fight through the crowd and through the backstage area. We then see them go t the parking lot and see the car almost hit Shane. We then see the part where Shane is handcuffed to a guard rail. We then see the vehicle screaming towards Shane and the screen going black.

JR:Now folks we still do not know what happened when the camera went black, but we do know that when the camera came back on Shane was very visible injured. All we know at this time is that Shane McMahon is in a local hospital in the Seattle area.

King:And JR we wish him a speedy recovery.

In the backstage area Chris Jericho is getting some coffee when Mr. Kennedy walks up.

Jericho: What do you want Kennedy?

Kennedy: Geez Jericho calm down. Ya know I saw the way you looked at me in the ring earlier tonight. You dont like me do you Chris?

Jericho: How did you guess? Was it my facial expression? No Ken I dont like you. I dont like anything about you. You walk around here acting like your some big movie star. Just because you starred in a straight to DVD movie, that the WWE has crammed down our throats week after week. Ya know Kennedy just because your movie only made 20 or 30 bucks doesnt give you the rigth to act like some big shot hollywood star. Your not. Your just the same old boring, yelling into a microphone, bust a blood vessel in your head, nobody. And Kennedy the sooner you figure that out, the better of you and everyone else will be.

Kennedy walks up and gets nose to nose with Jericho

Kennedy: Is that a fact? Ya know Jericho there is somethign I have always noticed about you. You have a big mouth. So I propose this, why dont you put your money where your big mouth is. Why dont you go out to that ring and go one on one with..............MRRRRRRRRR.. KENNNNEEDDYYYYYYYYY..............KENEDYYYYYYY.

Kennedy smiles but Jericho doesnt look amused.

Kennedy: What do ya say Jericho?

Jericho doesnt say anything. He backs up from Kennedy and then throws his hot coffee in Kennedy's face. Jericho walks off as Kennedy hits the floor screaming and holding his eyes. Referees run in to help Kennedy. Jericho just has that Jericho smirk on his face as he walks off.


#1 Contenders Match for Intercontinental Championship
Charlie Haas vs CM Punk

Charlie Haas is wrestling as himself tonight and is more aggressive than we usually see out of him.

Haas starts the match off strong trying to takes CM Punk's legs away from him. Haas sends Punk to the corner. Haas runs at Punk but Punk hits a sunset flip and covers Haas.

Thr...Kickout by Haas.

Haas gets to his feet and hits clothesline on Punk. Punk gets to his feet and is sent back to the mat by another clothesline. Haas follows it up with one more clothesline taking Punk down to the mat.

Cover by Haas but Punk kicks out after two.

Haas sends Punk to the ropes and attempts another clothesline but Punk ducks, hits the ropes and connects with a flying forearm on Haas.

Cover by Punk but Haas kicks out after two.

Punk picks Haas up and sets him up for the GTS. Haas is able to get out of it and goes gets Punk in the Haas of pain. Punk is about to tap out when Shelton Benjamin runs down. Haas sees him and lets Punk go.

Haas tells Shelton to get away from the ring. Punk takes advantage and turns Haas around and connects with the GTS.

Cover by Punk


Winner: CM Punk

After the match Shelton walks back up the ramp with a big smile on his face.

JR:King now what the hell is wrong with Shelton Benjamin?

King: I dont know JR but apparently he has a problem with Charlie Haas.

JR:King its a shame that this match was ended so soon. And its even worse that Charlie Haas will not be taking on Manu for the IC Title.

We go to the back where JBL is walking towards the ring. He is out next!


After the break we hear the stock market bells and out to the stage comes JBL. He walks down to the ring and grabs a mic.

JBL:Now before you all start getting mad at me I need to say something. First off Shawn Michaels is not here tonight. He is back at home in San Antonio and is resting after the beating he took last night at No Way Out. Now I know what you are all saying. Your saying that JBL cheated, that I screwed Shawn Michaels. Well your all wrong. Ya see what I did last night was use my resources. I used my deep pockets and went out and gained some resources. Ya see as a millionaire, a self mad millionaire, I have resources that none of you people in this arena will ever understand. Ya see I helped Shawn Michaels out by giving him a job. Did he appreciate it? No he didnt. He is just like all you 9-5ers in this arena. You go to your miserable jobs and then come home, eat your ramon noodles and then do it all over again. You see im not like all you normal people in this arena. I am better than you. I am better than Shawn Michaels. And last night I proved that not only am I better than Shawn Michaels, but I am smarter than Shawn Michaels. Shawn should have known that I would be one step ahead of him. So what does all this mean? Where does JBL go from here. Well like I told Shawn Michaels last week. If he won He would be released from his contract with JBL inc. And if he lost he would remain my employee. And what happened? He lost. So therefore Shawn Michaels will continue to be my employee for as long as I see...................................

JBL is interupted with the music of Shawn Michaels. The crowd goes nuts as they wait for the arrival of Shawn Michaels. Michaels never comes out but instead he shows up on the titan tron. He is live via sattelite from his home in San Antonio.

HBK: JBL you talk to much. Whats wrong? You look a little surprised to see me up and about. I guess after the beating you and Umaga gave me last night I should probably be bed riden. But thats not HBK's style. Ya see JBL heres the thing. You come out there and you say your so smart. Well that is true you are smart. But you have apparently forgotten exactly who I am. Im The Heart Break Kid Shawn Michaels. And you have also apparently forgot how smart I am. Ya see JBL I had a feeling. Something told me I guess I had that itch or something because something told me that you were probably gonna screw me over at No Way Out. So I ha da little insurance policy put into the contract. The contract for our match, which by the way your probably didnt read very well. Ya see JBL I am your employee but I am on lease so to speak from the WWE. So you may control my matches but the WWE Board of Directors can not only change your matches but they can override them all together. So it goes like this. I had the WWE Board of Directors draw up another contract to go along with the one you made. And that contract states that if there is any outside interference on your part that I would receive a rematch at a time of my choosing. So I sat down and I thought about when I wanted that rematch. So here is what I came up with. Its gonna be HBK vs JBL on the biggest stage of them all. Wrestlemania! Oh and my the way JBL, I know how you like to use your deep pockets and pay somebody to help you, so this match is going to a Hell in the Cell match!

JBL looks as if he has seen a ghost. HBK's music plays and the crowd is going nuts.

JBL slowly gets out of the ring and walks up the ramp.

King: JR did you just hear that. JBL and HBK Hell in a Cell at Wrestlemania!

JR: King thats big news and its pretty obvious by the look on JBL's face that he knows Shawn Michaels has one uped him this time.


JR:King I have just been informed that a challenge has been made and accepted and tonight in the main event it will be a hug 6 man tag team match. It will be the team of John Cena, Mr. Kennedy & Rey Mysterio vs the team of Chris Jericho, Kane, and Mike Knox.

King:Wow JR what an explossive match thats gonna be. And what about Mr. Kennedy. Ya think he is gonna be ready after getting hot coffee thrown in his face?

JR:I dont know King but I can guarantee that Kennedy will have revenge on his mind come time for that match.

Intercontinental Championship
Manu(c) vs William Regal

Manu comes out with his newly won IC Championship. Next out is Regal.

Regal is not happy after losing the Title match last night at No Way Out. He gets in the ring and goes right to work on Manu. Manu fights right back and the two go back and forth with hard rights and lefts. Regal gets the upper hand on Manu and starts kicking Manu in the midsection. Regal then throws Manu out of the ring and starts working him over outside the ring. He slams Manu's head into everything he can find. Regal puts Manu back in the ring. He pick Manu up and throws him into the corner but the referee is in the way and is knocked out.

Regal takes this chance to get shis brass knuckles out. He take them out of his trucks and nails Manu with them in the head. Regal makes the cover but we dont have a referee.

Regal gets to his feet and tries to revive the referee. All of a sudden Sim Snuka runs out with a Kendo stick. He waits for Regal to turn around and when he does he nails Regal in the head with the Kendo stick. Snuka then puts Manu on top of Regal. The referee starts to come to and make the count.


Winner:Manu-Still IC Champ

Manu is very groggy but is able to get to his feet. He looks very confused but takes his title and makes his way up the ramp as Layla gets in the ring to check on Regal who still isnt moving in the ring.

We go to the back where Cena and his team are on their way to the ring.


6 Man Tag Team Match
John Cena, Rey Mysterio, Mr. Kennedy vs Chris Jericho, Kane, Mike Knox

Kennedy and Jericho start the match out. Jericho and Kennedy lock up. Kennedy kicks Jericho in the midsection and then hits him with a hard right hand knocking Jericho down. Jericho hits the mat and looks up at Kennedy kinda of surprised. Jericho gets to his feet and tags in Mike Knox. Knox gets in the match and goes right after Kennedy. Kennedy and Knox lock up and Knox send Kennedy to the ropes. Kennedy hits the ropes and Knox hits him with a big boot. Knox gets Kennedy up and sends him to the corner. Knox starts stomping away on Kennedy in the corner. Knox sends Kennedy to the other side of the ring to the corner. Knox runs at him and hits a big splash on Kennedy. Kennedy hits the mat face first. Knox makes the cover.
Thr....Kickout after two by Kennedy.

Knx gets Kennedy to his feet and Kennedy hits Knox in the mid section with a hard right. Kennedy follows up with a hard right to the head.

Kennedy hits the ropes and hits a clothesline on Knox. Cover by Kennedy but Knox kicks out quickly after a one count.

Kennedy tags in Rey Mysterio who comes in and goes right to work on Mike Knox.

King: JR can you believe the star power in this ring.

JR:Yes King and lets not forget there is no love lost between Rey Mysterio and Mike Knox. Knox participating in his first Elimination Chamber match last night at No Way Out, and didnt do real bad.

King: JR Look at Mysterio go to work on Knox.

JR:King Rey showed last night why he is in the WWE. This man has no quit.

Mysterio hits Knox with a series of hard kicks to Knox's left leg. Mysterio hits the ropes and nales Knox with a drop kick to the knee. Knox goes down to one knee. Mysterio hits the ropes and nails Knox with anther drop kick this time to Knox's head.

Cover by Rey but Knox kicks out almost sending Mysterio flying out of the ring. Knox tags in Kane. Kane goes over to Rey and Rey starts hitting Kane in the midsection but they are having no effect on the big red Machine.

King: JR talk about your mis match.

JR:King I dont think Rey realizes just how small he is. His heart is much bigger than he is.

Rey hits the ropes but Kane grabs him by the throat. Kane hits a chokeslam on Rey.

Cover by Kane but the count is broken up by Cena.

Kane tags Jericho back in.

Jericho gets in and goes over to Rey. Rey has started to get to his feet but Jericho pushed Rey over with his foot. Jericho then slaps Rey in the face. Jericho continues to taunt Rey by slapping him in the face.

Rey fires back by jumping to his feet and nailing Jericho with a roundhouse kick to the back of Jericho's head. Jericho falls to the mat. Cover by Rey.

Thr...The count is broke up by Mike Knox.

Knox grabs Rey and throws him to the outside.

Kane then gets in and goes over and knocks Kennedy off the ring apron and to the floor.

Cena gets in and goes after Kane. Kennedy gets in and goes after Jericho who has finally gotten to his feet. Knox throws Rey back in the ring, and now all 6 men are in the ring going at it. The referee is trying to regain control as we fade out to commercial.


JR:We are back here on Monday Night RAW. Our main event and we have finally gotten some order restored.

King: JR before we went to break there was mass chaos in the ring but somehow the referee has regained control.

JR: King You gotta ask yourself who is in that limo out back?

King: I Dont know JR but what a night it has been.

JR: Chris Jericho now working over the right leg of Rey Mysterio.

Jericho is stomping and kicking on Rey's leg. Rey manages to get to his feet. Jericho goes for a clothesline but Rey reverses into a sunset flip into a pin.

Thr...Jericho kicks out.

Jericho sends Rey to the ropes but Rey holds on. He gets out of the ring and goes for a Hurricarana but Jericho grabs Rey by the legs and reverses into the Walls of Jericho. Rey starts screaming and tries to make it to the ropes. Rey almost grabs the ropes but Jericho pulls Rey back to the center of the ring. Rey is about to tap out when Kennedy comes in and knocks Jericho off of Rey. The crowd loves it.

Jericho goes over and spits in Kennedy's face. Kennedy gets in and goes after Jericho.

The referee holds Kennedy back. While the referee is distracted Mike Knox comes in and hits his finishing move on Rey. Knox then exits the ring.

Jericho makes the cover on Rey.
Thr...Kennedy breaks up the pin again.

Rey crawls towards his corner and tries to make the pin but is grabbed by Jericho and pulled back to the center of the ring. Jericho goes for the lionsault but Rey moves out of the way. Jericho crawls towards his corner and Rey crawls towards his corner.

Jericho makes the tag before Rey does. Knox gets tagged in and goes for Rey but Rey manages to tag in John Cena and Cena comes in and knocks Mike to his ass. Kane gets in and Cena goes right after him. Kennedy comes in and clotheslines Kane out of the ring.

Cena hits sends Knox to the ropes and hits a spinebuster on Knox. Cena then motions to the crowd. They know exactly what is coming.

Cena tells Knox "You Cant See Me". Cena hits the ropes and drops the five knuckle shuffle on Knox. Jericho comes in and runs at Cena but Cena is ready and hits the FU on Jericho. Knox has gotten up to his feet but is groggy. Knox goes for a big boot on Cena but Cena ducks and picks Knox up for the FU. Cena hits the FU and covers Knox.


Winner: John Cena, Kennedy, Rey Mysterio

The crowd goes crazy as Cena gets the 3 count. Cena,Mysterio and Kennedy are celebrating their win in the ring. All of a sudden Jericho comes into the ring with a steel chair and hits Kennedy in the back of the head with it. Jericho gets out of the ring before Cena or Mysterio can do anything about it.

Jericho backs up the ramp steel chair in hand with that Jericho smirk on his face.

Cena and Rey check on Kennnedy as we go to the parking lot.

In the parking lot we see that the limo is still parked out back. The driver side door finally opens and the driver steps out. The driver walks around to the back passenger door and opens it. Out steps Randy Orton. Orton is in a black suit and has 3 armed guards with him. Orton and his men start walking towards the ring.


After the break we hear "Voices" hit the speakers. The crowd boos hard and out walks Randy Orton with three armed guards all wearing riot gear with helmets. Also present are Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase. They walk to the ring and gets a mic.

Orton: I want all of you to listen to me very carefully. Last night at No Way Out you witnessed the culmination of a master plan. A master plan that I Randy Orton came up with and executed with Perfection. Lets take a walk down memory lane shall we.

First I take out Vince McMahon with a punt to the head. Then I go on a win the Royal Rumble. Next I come to RAW and I coax Shane McMahon out of hiding and get him so worked up that he demands a no holds barred match with me. Thats exactly what I wanted. Which brings us to No Way Out. I first have Stephanie McMahon taken out of the picture. That was a masterful piece of work if I do say so myself. And lets just say that Stephanie wont be a problem any longer. Then to top it all off I brought the master plan to a close and finished it off by taking out Shane McMahon.

So what does all of this mean? Well like I told Stephanie McMahon a few weeks ago. I won the Royal Rumble and I WILL go to Wrestlemania and I will become a champion. But as for RAW it looks like the age of Orton is upon us once again. From here on out Randy Orton will run RAW and show Stephanie McMahon and her piss poor family how a show should be ran. I have been telling the McMahon family that I was going to take over this show and thats exactly what I intend to do.

Orton and Legacy get out of the ring. Orton has that crazed look in his eyes as he and Legacy start up the ramp.

JR:King did I just hear correctly? Randy Orton is gonna run RAW?

King: JR thats what he said but that cant be a good thing.

JR:King this isnt good at all King.

King: JR whats gonna happen next week?

JR:I dont know but I think business is about to pick up

RAW goes off the air with the Legacy at the top of the stage posing................


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Oct 27, 2007
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Preview for 2-23-09

Last Sunday at No Way Out Randy Orton had Stephanie McMahon "Arrested". Stephanie was not at RAW and has been MIA since No Way Out. Last Monday Orton said that the McMahon family is no longer an issue. Orton also said that he was going to run RAW from now until Wrestlemania. What is next on Orton's agenda?

Also it appears as though Shelton Benjamin has a problem with his former tag team partner Charlie Haas. Last Monday Shelton cost Haas his shot at the IC Title. What will be in store for Benjamin this Monday?

Chris Jericho made it known last Monday that he has a problem with Mr. Kennedy. Jericho accused Kennedy of attacking Kofi Kingston and taking his spot in the Elimination Chamber match. Jericho and Kennedy crossed paths on Monday and it looks like things arent over.

At No Way Out Cryme Tyme became one half of the number 1 contenders for the Tag Team Titles. Last Monday on RAW we found out that Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase are the other half. Next Monday night on RAW we will crown new Tag Team Champions.

And at No Way Out we had a World Title match but did not get a World Champion. What is next and who is in the title hunt now?

Find out all this and more Live this Monday Presented by Cena316.


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Oct 27, 2007
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Monday February 23, 2008
Nashville, Tennessee

We see footage from No Way Out with Stephanie being "Arrested". We then see footage from last Monday when Randy Orton said he was taking over RAW.

The opening Video Rolls, the Pyro explodes and we are live on RAW.

JR: Hello everyone and welcome to Monday Night RAW. We are live in Nashville Tennessee and King what a night this is gonna be.

King: Yeah JR, whats gonna happen tonight?

JR:King I dont know apparently we are under the age of Orton now...wait a minute King do you hear that music?

King: Yeah JR thats Mr. McMahon's music!

JR:King you dont think?

The crowd goes crazy as "No Chance" hits the speakers. Out on the stage walks Randy Orton and Legacy. Orton has a smirk on his face. All 3 men walk to the ring and Orton gets a mic.

Orton: Ladies and Gentleman. Welcome to Monday Night Orton. Im sorry if I led you people on, but did you honestly think Vince McMahon was going to come out here. After the punt to the head Mr. McMahon wont be doing anything for a long time. I came out here last week and I said I was going to take over RAW. And thats exactly what I am going to do. Atleast until Wrestlemania. Because at Wrestlemania I will become the World Heavyweight Champion. The only question is..Who will I face for the title? Well being that I am now in charge, I guess I will get to decide who will fce me for the World Title.

Before Orton can go any further John Cena's music hits the speakers. Out comes Cena to a huge pop from the crowd. Cena gets in the ring and Orton looks upset.

Cena: Whoa Whoa Whoa Orton. Wait just a minute. Who died and left you the keys to the castle? Last time I checked you were just a wrestler. How exactl did you become the overnight owner of Monday Night RAW?

Orton: Cena first of all dont come out here like your somebody. I am Randy Orton. I put the entire WWE on notice last week that I was in charge, so dont act surprised that im running the show. Sometimes you just gotta take matters into your own hands.

Cena: So wait let me get this straight. You want to hand pick your opponent for Wrestlemania. So thats how it works? All you have to do is make a match. Well in that case I want a match for the World Title and I think I will make that match for...hmm...let me think....TONIGHT!

The crowd goes crazy.

Orton: Cena wait a minute. It doesnt work like that. Apparently you have a hearing problem, or maybe your just stupid. You are no in charge here I am. And I say who gets title matches and who doesnt. And quite frankly I dont think you deserve a World Title Match.

Cena: Well Orton I figured you might try to pull something like that so I went over your head. See last week you said something that caught my attention. You said that you had taken out every member of the McMahon family. Well thats not true, there is one member of the McMahon family that is still around and accually has a lot of pull and a lot of backstage stroke in this company.

The crowd starts chanting for Triple H. Orton goes crazy as the crowd chants for Triple H

Cena: Ya see this person has more throw around here than even you Randy Orton.Now I am not going to tell you who this person is but I will tell you that they will be here live next Monday on RAW. So Instead of taking your head off tonight. I am going to wait until next week. So Randy you might wanna have fun tonight while you still have the chance.

Cena turns around to walk out and Rhodes and DiBiase attack Cena from behind.

All three men attack Cena. They continue to attack him until Kofi Kingston of all people run out to save Cena.

Legacy exits the ring with Orton. Orton gets the mic and announces that tonight it will be Kofi Kingston and Cena taking on Legacy.

Orton smile as we fade out to comercial.


Money in the Bank Qualifying match
Mr. Kennedy vs Manu

This match doesnt last long. Kennedy has the upper hand in the begining of the match but Manue comes back strong. Towards the end of the match Chris Jericho comes down to the ring and gets Kennedy's attention off the match allowing Manu to pick up the win.

Winner: Manu

After the match Orton and Legacy are in the back. Rhodes and DiBiase are asking Orton who is coming to RAW next week. Orton says he is 100% sure its Triple H. He says that Triple is probably not happy about Stephanie and is gonna come here next week and try to get me to tell him where she is. Orton says that he is going to stand his ground next week. And that if Triple H wants a fight then he will get one.

Cody then brings up the fact that he and Ted have a tag team title match later on tonight. Orton tells Cody that he needs to get his priorities in line. he says that tonight is not about the tag team titles. Its about making RAW go Legacy's way. Orton then tells Cody to stop being selfish.

In the back Kennedy is looking for Chris Jericho. He sees Jericho standing by a soda machine. Kennedy grabs a chair and walks up the Jerichp very quetly. Kennedy slams Jericho in the back with the chair. Jericho hits the ground. The camera goes up to Kenney's face. He has a shocked look on his face. The camera goes down to the floor to reveal that it was not Jericho that Kennedy hit. It was a female with short blonde hair like Jericho. Referee's run in to help the female. All of a sudden Kennedy is knocked out from behind by Chris Jericho. Jericho just smirks as Kennedy lies motionless on the floor.


After the break Charlie Haas is in the ring.

Haas: It appears that somebody has a problem with me. Shelton Benjamin come out to this ring so we can finish this thing once and for all.

Shelton comes out to the ring

Haas: What is your problem?

Shelton: My problem? Your my problem Charlie. I mean we used to be the best tag team in the WWE. And now look at you. You run around here pretending to be washed up stars. And for what? To make these idiot fans cheer?

Haas: Maybe I like hearing these people cheer and chant my name.

The fans start to chant Haas's name.

Shelton: Thats what I thought. Charlie these fans dont care about you. All they care about is themselves. I figured that out a long time ago. So here is what I am saying. Why dont you tell these fans to shove it and come help me win the tag team titles?

Haas: Im sorry Shelton but I cant do that. I have always wanted to be that guy that these fans look up to. And I finally have it. So Im sorry I cant just give it up and leave it all behind. Do you understand?

Shelton: Yeah I understand.

Shelton starts to turn around to leave and instead knocks Haas down with a clothesline. Shelton then starts stomping on Haas. Shelton the gets out of the ring and gets a chair. Shelton takes the chair into the ring and waits for Haas to get to his feet and then smashes Haas in the head busting Haas wide open. Shelton then gets on the mic.

Shelton: Hey Charlie, if you can hear me. Since you wont join me, we will see if you can beat me. Me and you at Wrestlemania. I will get your answer when you wake up.

Shelton gets out of the ring and walks backwards up the ramp.

In the back Todd Grisham is standing by with Chris Jericho. He asks Jericho why he attacked Kennedy and why he cost him his match earlier with Manu. Jericho says that he cost Kennedy the match against Manu because he doesnt want Kennedy to be in the Money in the bank ladder match. One because he doesnt deserve it. And two because he wants Kennedy in a match at Wrestlemania. He says that Kennedy has walked around here acting like he is hot stuff. He says that Kennedy starred in one straight to DVD trainwreck and now he thinks he is a big star. So at Wrestlemania I am going to bring Kennedy back down to earth.

Jericho walks off as we fade to comercial.


Money in the Bank Qualifying match
CM Punk vs Mike Knox

Short match with Knox trying to over power Punk. Punk is able to pull off the win with a GTS.

Winner: CM Punk

In the back Legacy is heading to the ring.


World Tag Team Championship
Cryme Tyme vs Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase

Cryme Tyme is out next but Legacy doesnt come out. We go to the back where Orton is telling Legacy they cannot compete in the match tonight because they have a match with John Cena and Kofi Kingston later. Cody tells Orton that they worked their asses off to get this match. Orton says he doesnt care and forbids them to compete in the match.

Priceless hits the speakers and Cryme Tyme await the arrival of their opponents. Chimmel announces their names but they dont come out to the stage. The referee calls for the bell and starts to count out Legacy. The referee gets to 8 when Both Rhodes and DiBiase run down to the ring but they are not in time The ref calls for the bell and awards the titles to Cryme Tyme.

Winner: Cryme Tyme-New World Tag Team Champions​

Rhodes and DiBiase are very mad as Cryme Tyme celebrates with the tag team titles.

In the back Todd Grisham is trying to get a word with Charlie Haas. He asks Haas if he will accept Shelton Benjamin's match at Wrestlemania. Haas says he wants a piece of Shelton's ass and he will get it at mania.


Main Event
John Cena & Kofi Kingston vs Legacy

Legacy are still in the ring after getting counted out. They are still upset when John Cena dn Kofi come out. Match doesnt last long. Orton runs down to the ring and announces that the match is now a NO DQ match.

Legacy try use all kinds of weapons but they all backfire and end up getting used against them. Finally its Orton who helps Legacy pick up the win.

Legacy and Orton continue to beat down Cena and Kingston.

All of a sudden "No Chance" hits the speakers.

The crowd goes nuts as RAW goes off the air with the music playing and Orton looking very confused and worried..

Sorry about the short show. There will be Smackdown shows starting this Friday. I would really appreciate some feedback if possible. Other than this show being short I would like to know what people think about the fueds leading into mania..



May 9, 2007
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BM: None of them. None of them are worth being called the Best Match.
WM: All of them! They all deserve the title of worst match because none of them lasted 5 minutes.
BP: Opening segment with Orton and Cena. Can't wait to find out who this family member is. I don't know if it is gonig to be Triple H though.
WP: Probably Charlie Hass accepting Benjamin's challenge.
AC: Decent show. Matches weren't really worth reading. The promos were quite interesting and I didn't mind them. I give the show a 4.5/10. I hope they get better.


New Member
Oct 27, 2007
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Last week on RAW we saw John Cena challenge Randy Orton to a match for the World Title. Orton did not accept and said he would decide when and where the title is on the line. Cen however stated that this Monday a member of the McMahon family would be in the house and he would get his match. Who is this McMahon Family member? Orton seems to think it is Triple H?

Speaking of Randy Orton it seemed like there was a few problem within the ranks of Legacy. Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase earned the right to face Cryme Tyme for the Tag Team belts. However Randy Orton forbid them from competing saying they needed to concentrate on helping him. They did not make the ten count after the bell sounded and Cryme Tyme was awarded the belts. How will Legacy feel this week on RAW?

Charlie Haas was attacked by Shelton Benjamin and then accepted a challenge from Benjamin for Wrestlemania. What else will happen with these two on the road to Wrestlemania?

Also last week Chris Jericho attacked Mr. Kennedy. Jericho stated he wanted a match with Kennedy at Wrestlemania. Jericho cost Kennedy a shot to be in the MITB ladder match. Will Kennedy accept?

Find out all this and much more this week when RAW comes to you life from Boston Mass.


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Oct 27, 2007
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March 2, 2009
Boston, Mass.
TD Banknorth Garden

We starts off with footage from last Monday's RAw with John Cena challenging Randy Orton for the title. Orton declines and says that he will decide when the title match will be and who will be in it. He also says that he will make sure he gets the match. Orton says he has taken out every member of the McMahon family and now he runs RAW. Cena tells Orton that there is one member of the McMahon family that is still left and that person will be at RAW next Monday.
We then see footage of Legacy and Orton talking about who the McMahon family member will be. They all assume it will be Triple H.

The Opening video plays the Pyrop explodes and we are Live on Monday Night RAW

JR: Hello and welcome to Monday Night RAW. Jim Ross alongside Jerry the King Lawler and King what a nigth this is gonna be.
King: JR I have been racking my brain all week trying to figure out who from the McMahon family could be here tonight. And the only person I could come up with is Triple H.
JR:Well King John Cena said last week that we would find out who it is here tonight live on RAW.

"I Hear voices in my head...." hits the speakers and out on stage walks Randy Orton. No Legacy. Orton gets in the match and gets a mic.
Orton: If I could have your attention please.
The crowd gets even louder and boos Orton out of the building
Orton: I need you full un divided attention. Last week I said that I was going to make sure I was in the World Title Match at Wrestlemania. Well I have changed my mind. I have decided that since I am in charge I am not going to face anybody in a match at Wrestlemania. I am the boss right now. So why should I fight somebody for something when I dont have to. So later on tonight I have decided to have a little ceremony. Tonight I am going to award the World title to.....Myself.Ya see when you are as talented as Randy Orton you dont need to fight people to get what you want. You get things handed to you. And the fact is I have earned the right to be the World Champion. As a matter of fact I have more than proved myself and yet I am passed over for a title shot time after time. So I have made the decision to become the World Heavyweight champion tonight.
The crowd is going crazy yelling "You Suck" at Orton.
"Break the Walls Down" hits the speakers. Out comes Chris Jericho to a sea of boos from the crowd.
Jericho: Randy Orton. I just have one question. Who in the hell do you think you are? I mean you come out here and decide that you are going to make yourself the new World Champion? Incase you missed it I was in that Elimination chamber match at No Way Out. As a matter of fact I lasted almost longer than anybody. So I think that if anybody deserves to be the World Champion it would be me.
Orton: Oh really? You think you deserve to be World Champion? well quite frankly Chris you dont deserve to even be on this show, much less deserve to be the World Champion. So as far as your request to be World Champ. Request denied.
Jericho: Orton I figured you might say something like that. So I am going to wait until the "Mystery McMahon" gets here later tonight and I will get a title shot. because even if you make yourself the World Champ, that decision wont last long. So enjoy being the champion while you can.

Jericho gets out of the ring and is attacked from behing by Mr. Kennedy. Kenndey starts tearing into Jericho. Jericho has no chance to do anything. They both fight up the ramp and to the back.


After the break we are in Randy Orton's dressing room.
Cody Rhodes: Okay Randy, last week we did what you asked and we lost our chance to be the Tag Team Champions. What exactly are you gonna do about that?
Orton: Well Cody, in case you forgot I am in charge of this Legacy group. I decide when and where you two get your matches. But you did help me last week. You scratch my back and I will scratch yours. You two want a match with Cryme Tyme? Fine your up next.
Rhodes and DiBiase walk out.

King: Wow JR a tag team title match up next.
JR: King did I hear Randy Orton correctly? Did he say he was gonna award himself the World Champion?
King: Thats what I heard JR.
JR:Well John Cena is not here yet but I would venture to guess he is not going to agree with this when he gets here.

World Tag Team Championship
Cryme Tyme(c) vs Legacy
This match never gets started as Legacy never shows up. Cryme Tyme is awarded the match. They look very confused as they leave the ring.

In the back JBL's limo is pulling up....


After the break the bells ring and out some JBL. He walks down to the ring with a pissed off look on his face. He gets in the ring.

JBL: If I could have your attention please.
The crowd boos even louder
JBL:At No Way Out I beat Shawn Michaels. I beat him right here in the center of this ring. Now some might argue that I used my money to win the match. And to the people who say that I say this. You are exactly right. I used my money and my intellegance to win that match. The bottom line is I won the match and Shawn Michaels still works for me. Now 2 weeks ago I came out here to celevrate my victory and Shawn Michaels informs me that the WWE board of directors has decided he should get a rematch. Now here is my problem with that. Shawn Michaels works for me. He does not work for the WWE board of directors. I bought Shawn Michaels contract from the WWE. So what I am saying is that the WWE board of directors have no say in what Shawn Michaels does. I can stand..............
Before JBL can go any further Shawn Michaels music hits and out comes Shawn Michaels to a huge pop from the crowd.
HBK:JBL, JBL, JBL. Ya see thats what I never liked about you. You come out here and run your mouth about things and you have no idea what you are talking about. Ya see I always took you to be a smart business man. But apparently I was wrong in that assumption. Ya see I think of a good businessman as somebody who dots their I's and corsses their T's when it comes to their bussiness decisions. But apparently thats not completely accurate....JBL you look a little confused. Well let me explain. Ya see that contract we signed for that match at No Way Out had a special stipulation in it. You always gotta read the fine print. It clearly stated in black and white clear as crystal that I was entitle to one rematch if I lost that match at No Way Out. And since I did lose thanks to Umaga, I do get a rematch. So JBL what I am getting at is you are not a good bussiness man. And at Wrestlemania it will be The Showstopper, the Main Event, the Heart Break Kid Shawn Michaels going One on One with JBL, inside Hell in a Cell.
JBL:Have you lost your mind Shawn? There is no way I am going to have a Hell in a Cell match with you at Wrestlemania. I am JBL. And I will be competing at Wrestlemania but it wont be against you. I am going to be challenging for the World Title. Ya see Shawn I do make sure all my I's are Dotted and T's crossed. And I made sure that I would be in the main event at Wrestlemania. I made sure I would be challenging for the World Title. So Shawn your out of luck.
HBK:Well Johnny boy I thought you might try to worm your way out of this match but there again you havent read the fine print. If you dont compete in this match at Wrestlemania then I automatically am released from my contract with you. So Bradshaw its like this. Compete, dont compete what do I care. As a matter of fact if you dont compete its easier on me. So I guess we can go that route. Its been nice working for you JBL....
Shawn turns around to leave the ring.

JBL:Wait! You want your match you got it. But if you lose then you lose. No more rematches and no more "fine print". But until then you still work for me and you have a match later tonight. And you will find out who your opponent is before the match.

HBK exits the ring with a smirk on his face as we fade out to commercial


Money in the Bank Qualifying match
Kofi Kingston vs Rey Mysterio

High flying match going both ways. Mysterio is able to pick up the win over Kofi.
Winner: Rey Mysterio


In the back Todd Grisham is with Chris Jericho. Jericho says that Kennedy is not here tonight because he is still in the Hospital after the beating he got last week from Jericho. Jericho says that he has changed his mind and doesnt wanna wait until Wrestlemania to face Kennedy. He wants to fight him next Monday on RAW. Jericho walks off.

Shawn Michaels vs ?????

HBK comes out to the ring and awaits his opponent. The stage explodes and out comes Kane!
Kane gets in the ring and HBK goes right to work on him. HBK is not able to take Kane off his feet but he starts kicking him in his knee. Kane goes down to one knee and HBK drop kicks him in the head sending Kane to the outside. HBK follows and slams Kane's head into the ring barrier. Kane fires back with a headbutt to HBK. Michaels hits the mat hard. Kane picks him up and puts him back in the ring. cover by Kane....
Thr....Kickout after 2 by HBK.
Kane goes to the top rope but HBK quickly gets up and sends Kane flying to the mat back first. Quick cover by HBK...
Thr.....Kickout after two by Kane.
HBK goes over to the corner and starts tuning up the band. He stomps 3 times. Kane gets to his feet and HBK goes for Sweet Chin Music but Kane ducks and sets Shawn up for the chokeslam. Kane picks Michaels up but Michaels is able to power out of it. HBK turns Kane around and hits Sweet Chin Mucis out of nowhere and covers Kane.

Winner: Shawn Michaels

Kane is shocked that he lost so fast and Michaels looks a little shocked himself.

King: Wow JR Shawn Michaels made quick work of Kane.
JR:King Kane is shocked and it looks like Shawn is a little shocked as am I.
King: Well JR HBK better get ready, he has a hell in a cell match with JBL and we both know how brutal that can be.

In the back Randy Orton is pacing back and forth in his locker room. Legacy is there with him.
Cody Rhodes: Randy why are you acting so Nervous?
Orton: I am not nervous. Im anxious. I am ready for Triple H to show up so I can kick his teeth down his throat.
All of a sudden Ted DiBiase runs in and tells Orton that Triple H's limo was spotted about 15 minutes away from the arena headed this way.
They all walk out and head to the ring.


After the break Randy Orton's music hits and out he comes with Legacy. In the ring is a stand with a cloth over it. There is something under the cloth but you cant see what it is.
Orton: As I said earlier tonight I am going to crown myself the new World Heavyweight Champion because lets face it. There is nobody here on this RAW roster that deserves to be the World Champion more than I do.
Orton takes the clothes off of the stand to reveal the World Title.
Orton grabs the belt and puts in over his shoulder. All of a sudden a long black limo is pulling up out back. It is shown pulling up on the titon tron. Orton is getting Legacy ready for the attack.
The limo pulls up and the driver gets out and opens the back door. Linda McMahon steps out of the limo. Orton has a shocked look on his face. She gets out of the limo and starts walking towards the ring.
Linda's music plays and she walks out to the stage. She walks down to the ring with a mic.

Linda: Randy, you look a little surprised. Expecting someone else? I am out here tonight to let you know that you are NOT the World Heavyweight Champion and you are NOT in charge of Monday Night RAW. You see Randy I have been watching your actions over the past few weeks and I am not happy at all. You kick my husband in the head and then you attack my son and my daughter. These types of things are unacceptable Randy. However, you did win the Royal Rumble and therefore you will recieve your World Title match at Wrestlemania as promised. But as far as RAW goes, the age of Orton as you call it, is over. Randy I have appointed somebody to take control of RAW. This appointment is just on a Temporary basis until my Daughter Stephanie can get well enough to come back and assume her position as General Manager. So allow me to introduce you to the new Enforcer for Monday night RAW.........
Before Linda can make the announcment Orton grabs Cody Rhodes and pushes him into Linda knocking her to the mat. Orton then gets that crazed look in his eye as he waits for Linda to get to her feet. Orton is setting up to punt Linda's head. Linda slowly starts to get to her feet. She gets to one knee and Orton starts towards her but before he does we hear the Glass Shatter over the speakers and out runs Stone Cold Steve Austin with a steal chair. Orton and Legacy clear the ring as Austin has a crazed look in his eye.
RAW goes off the air with Orton and Legacy at the top of the ramp and Austin staring them down from the ring....................