World Wrestling Entertainment: No Catchy Tagline!

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Moonlight Drive

Thanks for all the feedback guys. All the picks had a purpose, you'll just have to keep reading to find out what. :shifty: I'll be checking out all your shows shortly.


Supplemental Draft

1 ~ Matt Striker to Smackdown
2 ~ Evan Bourne to Raw
3 ~ Kofi Kingston to Smackdown
4 ~ R-Truth to Raw
5 ~ Hurricane Helms to ECW
6 ~ Sim Snuka to Smackdown
7 ~ Charlie Haas to ECW
8 ~ Tazz to ECW

9 ~ Chavo Guerrero to Raw
10 ~ Manu to ECW

News & Rumours

After the trio left a great impression on Vince McMahon, it has been announced Jim Ross, Jerry Lawler and Matt Striker will commentate on every match on every Pay-Per-View from now on.

After the Draft and Supplemental Draft, No Way Out has been left in a state of flux. There are many interpromotional match-ups, with half the competitors in both Elimination Chambers competing on different shows. Right now, nobody is sure who will take home the gold as having both World champions retain would leave both championships on Raw. This is not out of the question, although the other options seem more realistic and reliable from a storyline standpoint on the Road to Wrestlemania.

The Orton vs. McMahon program isn’t over just yet. No matter what the result is at No Way Out, the WWE feels that since the feud is garnering so much heat, it will somehow stretch till ‘Mania more than likely. No word on how this will affect Orton’s title shot, although there are talks of having Randy lose to Vince only to return for an Unsanctioned match.

While it hasn’t been officially announced, there a few choices which WWE plans to utilize for the Wrestlemania Main Event. There have been talks of Randy Orton vs. Shawn Michaels, Randy Orton vs. John Cena, John Cena vs. Shawn Michaels or Edge vs. John Cena, but none have been confirmed as of now.

Shawn Michaels Wrestlemania opponent has been another subject which has been talked about extensively. Vince feels that it has to be somebody big, although a returning legend isn’t his number one choice. The WWE are looking at Shawn taking on Triple H, John Cena, Undertaker, Randy Orton, The Rock, Chris Jericho or even attempting HBK vs. Hulk Hogan II. More news as it comes.

Speaking of Wrestlemania, the ECW Championship match is also up in the air. There are a lot of contenders the WWE are considering for the match, including Hurricane Helms, Rob Van Dam and JBL. Right now, the preferred choice is Tommy Dreamer though, to send Dreamer off with an emotional ECW Championship victory.

February 10, 2009

The 2009 Draft was much kinder to ECW than it has been in recent years. While ECW has lost Evan Bourne, Mark Henry and John Morrison, they have gained many new superstars, including John ‘Bradshaw’ Layfield, Hurricane Helms, Manu and Charlie Haas. Tazz has also returned to commentary. Tonight, in celebration of all this new talent, Teddy Long has decided to spice things up. To compete with the juggernaught cards of Raw and Smackdown, the Main Event will be a clash between Jack Swagger and Rob Van Dam for the ECW Championship, in none other than an Extreme Rules match! Teddy Long has said this won’t be the last Extreme rules match, as he plans to try and fit one onto the card every week.

The New Hart Foundation have been impressing everyone in the WWE in recent weeks, with their combination of strength, speed and wrestling prowess. But this week comes their first true challenge in the WWE; the confronting World Tag Team Champions, The Miz & John Morrison. Mizorrison have been having some issues lately, but they are still a formidable team. The New Hart Foundation wish to solidify themselves as top contenders for the Unified Tag Team Championship belts after No Way Out, and the Miz & John Morrison need a win to pick up some steam heading into NWO. With cracks beginning to show and John Morrison now over on Smackdown, can the World Tag Team Champions keep it together or will The New Hart Foundation get the biggest win of their young careers?

Finally, ECW will be host to the debut of the young second generation star, Joe Hennig, son of ‘Mr. Perfect’ Curt Hennig. Hennig has been turning heads in the WWE’s developmental territory FCW and has finally got the call-up. He has his first match on ECW this week, against the grizzly veteran, ‘Hacksaw’ Jim Duggan.

Known Card

Main Event
ECW Championship
Extreme Rules
Jack Swagger (c) vs. Rob Van Dam

The New Hart Foundation vs. World Tag Team Champions, The Miz & John Morrison

Joe Hennig vs. Jim Duggan

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
I only say that there should be a new winner in that Elimination Chamber match from SD! You're having some good picks with the Supplemental Draft. Pretty Interesting on how you will pull this show out with your new Roster.

Here's my Prediction:

Main Event
ECW Championship
Extreme Rules
Jack Swagger (c) vs. Rob Van Dam
- I just wish Swagger lose the title at Wrestlemania :p

The New Hart Foundation vs. World Tag Team Champions, The Miz & John Morrison
- Since Morrison is now on Raw, there should be a new tag team on the ECW scene!

Joe Hennig vs. Jim Duggan

CT Styles

I'm already liking this BTB a lot.

Main Event
ECW Championship
Extreme Rules
Jack Swagger (c) vs. Rob Van Dam

The New Hart Foundation vs. World Tag Team Champions, The Miz & John Morrison

Joe Hennig vs. Jim Duggan

Evil Austin

Main Event
ECW Championship
Extreme Rules
Jack Swagger (c) vs. Rob Van Dam
I have a feeling JBL will have something to do with the result in this so I am going to say RVD but it could be a No contest with him running down and cleaning house announcing himself wanting the gold being the God~ whatever.

The New Hart Foundation vs. World Tag Team Champions, The Miz & John Morrison

Joe Hennig vs. Jim Duggan

I skimmed over Raw reading the main important draft bits and it was very good; the ECW roster is getting interesting with JBL, Helms, Manu. While Smackdown is getting pretty stacked with Rey and Jericho. This is going great; hopefuly though you don't have that many bright colors anymore :p it's kinda like whoa on the eyes.


I liked the show. The draft was pretty unpredictable haha here are my predictions.

Extreme Rules
Jack Swagger (c) vs. Rob Van Dam

The New Hart Foundation vs. World Tag Team Champions, The Miz & John Morrison

Joe Henning vs. Jim Duggan


Jack Swagger- Hopefully a fuzzy win here so as to start a storyline with these two, unless JBL gets involved somehow which I don't think he will.

New Hart Foundation- A new tag team is always good, and can you please just split Mizorrison and have Morrison be pushed already? It's inevitable.

Joe Hennig- This win seems obvious, though I struggle to see why you have Hennig in every BTB, you must have a man crush on him.


Feb 8, 2008
Reaction score
Predictions~! 0 out of 3 imo.

Main Event
ECW Championship
Extreme Rules
Jack Swagger (c) vs. Rob Van Dam
Io adoro RVD. Lui e buono. [/italian ftw]
Anyways, this is more out of hope really, as I hope you take the title off of the Self Proclaimed Wrestling Prodigy w/ lisp, and then create a feud between RVD and Jibbles.

The New Hart Foundation vs. World Tag Team Champions, The Miz & John Morrison
Interference from the Colons and more dissention between Miz and Morrison sets up the loss, mere steps away from the fully fledged break up IMO since they are on separate brands, which I got right that Morrison would switch :eek:.

Joe Hennig vs. Jim Duggan
You <3 Hennig. Duggan = fat, old JOBBAH~!. Nuff said IMO.

Moonlight Drive

February 10, 2009

‘Don’t Question My Heart’ finishes playing as the camera pans around the arena, before we here the infamous music of John ‘Bradshaw’ Layfield, the Self-Made Millionaire’s Limo driving into the ECW arena for the first time. JBL steps out and walks down the ramp, making sure not to touch any of the fans reaching out along the ramp. Even when getting in the ring he is hesitant.

JBL: When I first heard that I was drafted over to this show, I was far from thrilled. I had built a legacy over on Raw, the legacy of a Wrestling God. But competing on ECW? I find that to be a slap in the face to me, to my legacy, and most of all, to all my loyal and loving JBL fans. I am a Wrestling God, to even be associated with this backwater show is ridiculous. ECW was never a wrestling promotion, and never will be. ECW was about untalented losers who didn’t have the wrestling talent of John ‘Bradshaw’ Layfield doing pretty flips and trying to please the bloodthirsty hillbilly’s who lined up at the bingo hall. The imbeciles would throw their bodies 20 feet in the air through tables, rip themselves to shreds with barbed wire, even get slammed onto thumbtacks. And for all the injuries, all the broken bones, all the blood lost, they got paid $20 and then went home to wonder how they ended up such losers. For a Wrestling God such as myself to be apart of this sham of a brand makes me throw up a little bit in my mouth. Extreme Championship Wrestling is the scum of the wrestling world-

Before JBL can continue on his hateful tirade ‘One Of A Kind’ plays over the loud speakers as former ECW Champion, Rob Van Dam, makes his way down to the ring to confront John ‘Bradshaw’ Layfield.

JBL: Well, if it isn’t the biggest loser of them all, Rob Van Dam. C’mon Rob, aren’t you going to satisfy these bloodthirsty idiots. Go on Rob, do your cute little thumb thing, do a pretty flip onto a burning table. It’s all your good for, you just do-

JBL is cut off with a hard slap to the face by Mr. Tuesday Night, the crowd popping huge and beginning a deafening RVD chant. JBL sneers condescendingly as Rob stares at the Texan with great intensity. Bradshaw swings his fist at the skull of Van Dam, but RVD ducks and nails Layfield right in the jaw with a spinning heel kick. Rob climbs onto the apron and plays to the crowd, JBL laying out cold on the canvas. The fans begin an ‘ECW’ chant

Grisham: Bradshaw has certainly made a big impression in his ECW debut

Tazz: It looks like RVD’s feet left an even bigger impression on Bradshaw

Grisham: Rob Van Dam looks to be fired up, can he use this aggression to carry him to an ECW Championship victory over Jack Swagger in tonight’s Main Event?

--Commercial Break--

Tazz: Welcome back to ECW ladies and gentlemen, our first match is about to get underway

Grisham: Miz & Morrison have been having a rough time over the last few weeks, can they get it together tonight?

The New Hart Foundation vs. World Tag Team Champions, The Miz & John Morrison

The bell rings and the match begins with John Morrison squaring off against the much bigger and more powerful DH Smith. They move on for the lock-up, but Morrison ducks under the mammoth arms of Smith, launching a hard forearm shiver into his opponents face when he turns around. Harry stumbles back, Morrison then whipping him into the ropes. Smith regains himself however, and when he rebounds he slams the tag team champion with a hard clothesline. Morrison quickly climbs back up to his feet, only to be caught with a second clothesline. Smith grabs John by the hair and pulls him to his feet, placing him into a front facelock and raising the Guru of Greatness high into the air. Smith showcases his strength by holding Morrison in position for a few seconds, before dropping back and completing the vertical suplex. The crowd pop as Smith drags John over to the Hart Foundation corner and tags in TJ Wilson. Harry drops an elbow across the chest and abdomen of Morrison while Wilson simultaneously springboards off the top rope and delivers a crushing leg drop. One, Two-No. Morrison kicks out.

TJ waits for John to get back to his feet, before charging forward and delivering a high impact spinning heel kick, which dizzies Morrison and sends him tumbling to the mat. Wilson plays to the crowd to a big pop as Morrison leans, regaining his composure in the corner. Wilson charges forward, John moving out of the way and TJ crashing sternum first into the turnbuckle, his showboating and perhaps inexperience costing him in this instance. As the young Canadian stumbles backwards, The Tuesday Night Delight capitalises, spring boarding off the second rope and delivering the flying roundhouse kick to his adversary. Morrison capitalizes on the move and drags Wilson over to the corner of the tag team champions, tagging in his partner, The Miz.

Wilson tries to get back to his feet, but has no chance to thanks to Miz. The World Tag Team Champion steps over the back of TJ, and begins unleashing one ferocious crossface after another. After Wilson collapses to the mat from the multitude of cross faces, Miz goes for the cover. One, Two-No, kick out. Miz angrily pulls Wilson to his feet and slaps him across the face, sneering cockily before TJ regains his composure and replies with a slap of his own. The Miz is furious and charges at Wilson, only to be hit with a reverse atomic drop. As one half of the tag team champions clutches his family jewels, Wilson leaps into the ait and nails his opponent with a picture perfect dropsault. Miz and Wilson both fall to the mat and begin the slow and arduous crawl to their corners. Miz makes it back first and tags in Morrison, who rushes over and grabs TJ by the foot. Wilson struggles but cannot make it to Harry as he gets back up to a standing base, shocking the Guru of Greatness with an enzuigiri! Wilson dives across and makes the tag to the son of the British Bulldog as the crowd pop.

Smith charges into the ring and with a rush of adrenalin begins to clean house. Smith knocks Morrison down with a clothesline before continuing his momentum and knocking Miz off the apron. DH moves back over to the Guru of Greatness and keeps his frenzy going, nailing the Tuesday Night Delight with a quick arm drag followed up by a tiger suplex. Harry now goes for the finish, lifting Morrison onto his shoulders for his trademark running power slam. The Miz however, pulls Wilson off the apron and climbs up, distracting the referee. Smith drops the Shaman of sexy and moves over to Miz, slamming his forearm into the cocky champions face. Harry is suddenly caught from behind by Morrison, who rolls him up. One, Two, Three!

World tag Team Champions, The Miz & John Morrison win by pinfall

Grisham: they put up a hell of a fight, but it seems inexperience has cost The Canadian Bulldogs

Tazz: The crafty Miz & Morrison may have won here tonight, but can they finally defeat The Colon’s at No Way Out?

--Commercial Break--

We come back from the break to see Joe Hennig standing in the ring, preparing for his first match.

Joe Hennig vs. Jim Duggan

The bell rings and immediately Hennig takes Jim down to the mat with a running lariat. Hacksaw crashes to the mat as Joe unleashes with a series of knee drops to the face of his opponent. Hennig pulls Duggan to his feet and throws him to the ropes, before sending him straight back down to the mat when he rebounds with a high impact belly to belly throw. Hacksaw slowly climbs back up, but when he gets onto one knee Hennig approaches and delivers a hard chop to the chest of his opponent, followed up with a dropkick directly to the jaw. Joe doesn’t give his adversary a chance to get himself together, lifting him up and delivering a move his father made famous, the Perfect-Plex. One, Two, Three.

Joe Hennig wins by pinfall

Grisham: Joe Hennig makes an impressive debut, making extremely short work of Jim Duggan

Tazz: That’s about as close to perfect a debut you can get

We now cut to backstage, where Eve Torres stands by with one of ECW’s newest superstars, Hurricane Helms.

Torres: Please welcome my guest at this time, Hurricane Helms. Hurricane, how does it feel to be here on ECW?

Helms: Eve, it feels great. I was always a huge fan of the original ECW, and I’ve always admired the superstars it’s brought to the big time. There’s so many greats who ECW has helped catapult into superstar stardom, and I hope to be the next

Torres: Does that mean you want to head straight for the ECW Championship?

Helms: That would be my ultimate goal, but right now, I understand I’m at the back of the line here and I’ll have to work my way up to the front. But I will definitely be watching tonight’s Main Event very closely, because no doubt sometime down the track, Hurricane Helms is going to be holding that gold around his waist.

Torres: Thank you for your time Hurricane

--Commercial Break--

Tazz: It’s time for our Main Event!

Grisham: And this is the first of many Extreme Rules matches on ECW, as Teddy Long has promised to try and squeeze at least one onto the card every week

Tazz: Jack Swagger is only early in his title reign, will RVD be able to reclaim the championship?

Main Event
ECW Championship
Extreme Rules
Jack Swagger (c) vs. Rob Van Dam

The bell rings as the crowd already begins a huge ‘ECW’ chant. RVD and Jack both move in for the lock-up, but Rob catches Swagger off guard with a spinning heel kick to the jaw. The All-American American groggily stumbles sideways and falls backwards into the turnbuckle, Van Dam keeping his assault up and delivering a monkey flip to the champion. Jack climbs to his feet as the Whole Damn Show charges towards him. The ECW Champion though sees him coming and moves out of the way, before grabbing Rob around the waist and taking him down to the mat with a german suplex.

The champion climbs back up to his feet and taunts the crowd, banging his chest and letting out a mighty, perhaps premature, roar. Swagger flashes that trademark smile of his and turns around, only to see Van Dam flying across the ring and crashing into the champion with a cross body. Rob performs his thumb taunt as the crowd chant along with him ‘R-V-D’, before leaping into the air for a spinning leg drop. Swagger though manages to roll out of the way, Mr. Tuesday Night landing hard on the canvas. Both men get up at roughly the same time as Van Dam rises near the ropes. The All-American American charges towards the challenger, but he is low-bridged out of the ring and down to the floor. Swagger slowly climbs back to his feet but Rob keeps the offence going, with a plancha over the top rope taking the ECW Champion back down to the floor.

Rob now moves over to the ring and begins to search underneath it, to a big pop from the crowd. He reaches under and pulls out a steel chair, just as Swagger is up onto one knee. RVD swings the weapon at the head of Jack, who somehow manages to move out of the way and rush back into the ring looking like a man running for his life. Van Dam slides into the ring with the chair in hand, but before he can even get back to his feet, Jack begins to stomp maliciously all over the body of his opponent. Swagger picks up the chair and throws it back over the top rope, before returning his attention to Van Dam. Swagger pulls Rob into the centre of the ring and gets in position for his Swagger Bomb (re-named because I can). Rob showcases his incredible flexibility though, and manages to wriggle out and hit the champion right in the face with a spinning wheel kick. The ECW Champion falls to the mat as Van Dam, looks around at the crowd prompting them to cheer. He moves over to the ropes and bounces off in preparation for Rolling Thunder. Swagger though produces a magnificent counter, catching RVD after the first roll and deliver a bone shattering powerslam. One, Two-No! RVD kicks out.

Jack looks frustrated, before casting his eyes to the outside and seeing the steel chair from earlier in the match. He moves outside and picks up the chair, smiling like only he can as he re-enters the ring. Van Dam is slowly climbing to his feet as the All-American American stands in wait, like a batter waiting for the pitch. Swagger moves forward going for a shot to the skull of his challenger, but Rob nails him with the Van Daminator, sending the chair straight back into his face! Swagger falls down to the mat, a small cut of seen on his forehead. Rob moves back outside the ring once again and goes under the ring. He throws a garbage can, a stop sign and finally a table under the bottom rope and into the ring before entering himself. The ECW champion is still trying to re-gain his composure as Rob picks up the stop sign, slamming it across the skull of Swagger, sending him back down to the mat. Van Dam now sets up the table in the centre of the ring, when suddenly we hear the familiar cow bells of John Bradshaw Layfield.

RVD looks down at the ramp as JBL appears, one of ECW’s newest draftees, Manu, by his side. Manu, like a man possessed, sprints down the ramp, as JBL casually walks to the ring, removing his jacket and rolling up his sleeves as he goes. Manu enters the ring and begins to slam fist after fist into the face of RVD, followed up by a massive head butt which causes Rob to collapse to the mat. Manu now savagely rips RVD to his feet, before swiftly lifting him up in the air and slamming him back to the mat with a side slam, reminiscent of an electrifying superstar of WWE’s past. JBL now walks up the stairs and steps into the ring, commanding Manu to lift Mr. Tuesday Night back to his feet, before bouncing off the ropes and delivering a hellacious Clothesline From Hell to the weakened RVD. JBL & Manu step back admiring their handiwork, as Jack Swagger moves over to Van Dam and pulls him to his feet, delivering the Swagger Bomb through the table. One, Two, Three!

Jack Swagger wins by pinfall
STILL ECW Champion: Jack Swagger

Grisham: Jack Swagger retains the championship, but only after foul play by JBL and Manu

Tazz: Seems Bradshaw is here to make an impact, he certainly did tonight



No Way Out
February 15, 2009

World Heavyweight Championship
Elimination Chamber
John Cena (c) vs. Shawn Michaels vs. John ‘Bradshaw’ Layfield (ECW) vs. Rey Mysterio (Smackdown) vs. Chris Jericho (Smackdown) vs. Kane

WWE Championship
Elimination Chamber
Edge (c) (Raw) vs. Christian vs. Undertaker vs. Triple H (Raw) vs. Big Show vs. Umaga (Raw)

Street Fight
If Randy wins, Vince loses control of the WWE
If Vince wins, Randy is fired
Randy Orton vs. Vince McMahon

Intercontinental Championship
2-out-of-3 Falls
CM Punk (c) vs. William Regal (Smackdown)

Loser Leaves WWE
Jeff Hardy vs. Matt Hardy

World Tag Team Championship & WWE Tag Team Championship
World Tag Team Champions, John Morrison (Smackdown) & The Miz vs. WWE Tag Team Champions, The Colons

United States Championship
Shelton Benjamin (c) (Raw) vs. The Brian Kendrick vs. Hurricane Helms


Feb 8, 2008
Reaction score
Y2J reviews Pat's ECW
Review imo.

Best Match: Well out of the three matches that you had, two were very good and told a great story and/or served a good purpose, the story being in the first match that inexperience was the key, and the last match set up the biggest thing perhaps in the history of the shitty ECW; JBL vs. RVD. Morrison and RVD pwn meaning the standards of these matches go even higher, so it is a tie. No marks for Swagger winning though :N:.

Worst Match: Well there is only one other match on the card from the ones that I have just mentioned, so this obviously goes to the squash for Hennig vs. Duggan. Push for Hennig and future endeavor Duggan's {fat and saggy} ass plz.

Best Promo: Would have to go with the first promo with JBL expressing his disgust about being on ECW {not disagreeing IMO}, and furthering the ever so obvious Rob vs. JBL feud. Would have been better if it was over the ECW Championship IMO.

Worst Promo: The Helms promo was the only other one on the show and was quite short, but with 3 matches and 2 of them rather long, I guess that was to be expected TBH.

Additional Comments: Nice first ECW here Pat, and it gets me excited for the future ECW's which I am sure was the purpose {you should take this a massive compliment, as ECW should fuck off IMO}. You have managed to do something that the WWE have yet to do with their ECW: creat a feud that is exciting. JBL vs. RVD for WrestleMania seems inevitable, I just wonder where Swagger goes from here. Morrison plz :p.


JBL Promo- Good work here, some nice heel work with JBL establishing himself here as a threat on ECW. I also liked how RVD didn't need to say anything, as it could have ruined the promo tbh. There was genuine intensity at the end and it set up for something heated. Good promo, best of the night. Feud plz.

Mizorrison v New Hart Foundation- I think that the wrong decision was made with the end of the match, and that the NHF should have won to push themselves as threats, and even though they looked strong, they still lost. Mizorrison losing also goes with the current storyline and the Colons could have even interfered if it was necessary. I understand why you chose what you did but it would have been better the other way around imo. The match itself was written very well with a good size and action, as well as some good descriptions and emotions, making the match fun to read.

Hennig v Duggan- Squash here, and it served its purpose. I reckon you masturbated while writing this match, that's how much you love Joe Hennig. Well written for what it was.

Helms Promo- Alright interview here with Helms introducing himself and establishing himself on ECW. Him saying he'll go for the title at one stage makes me hope he wont be thrown away like he is right now on Smackdown. I'm also surprised no fued was started here, it would have been a good place and a good way to elevate Helms.

Main Event- Well first of all, I like how you didn't just go straight into weapon use, but after the match was over, it didn't really catch the extreme aspect. I liked how Swagger wanted RVD not to go into his comfort zone with all the weapons, but at the end RVD got all these weapons out and they were hardly used. Make them have a purpose. JBL coming out was expected after what happened earlier, and Manu as a bodyguard for him is good, becuase at least you are using him and not having him as filler.

AC- A JBL v RVD feud is on the horixon, but I feel something else could have come out of ECW and maybe another feud could have been made in the undercard. Nevertheless it was a good show that could have used another promo or two.

ECW Week 3 is posted in WWE 2009- Fast Forward to Future. It is the last full show before I just post the rest of the crap and quit the BTB.

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: The main event none the less, you put an entertaining match here with a predictable ending due to the opening promo. We could see a JBL/RVD in the future and I just wish you put the ECW title in the middle of it.

Worst Match: Well, it's obvious, you made Joe Henning debut by beating an oldie superstar.

Best Promo: There are only two promos in the show and between the two, the opening one with JBL is good. If the RVD/JBL won't happen, we could see JBL feud with ECW itself.

Worst Promo: The Hurricane Helms is a good promo for me and this could only mean a push for him, so I think there's none.

Additional Feedback: Good to see you're putting our interest back in ECW. The one with RVD/Swagger/JBL is getting interesting. I can't comment more from now but I hope you continue giving us some surprises and twists.

Chuck Taylor's Grenade

JBL Promo-Classic heel work by JBL playing the "I'm above wrestling here" shtick.

Miz and Morrison vs. Hart Foundation-Smith and Wilson looked strong and Miz and Morrison show their sneaky side picking up the victory. A good match with several different ways storylines can go from here.

Joe Hennig vs. Jim Duggan-A perfect debut. This was a squash as expected.

Hurricane Helms-What a suckup. So Hurricane Helms wants the ECW Championship (M. Bison: Of Course!).

Jack Swagger vs. RVD-Good psychology executed with Swagger trying to keep it a straight wrestling match and RVD going for weapons. Interference was almost academic considering how the show opened. A better finish would have been RVD has the match won after a five star frog splash but JBL and Manu interfere leading to Swagger barely getting the victory (and I would have had Manu come in from the crowd to get a bigger shock reaction).

Overall: Good debut ECW with good feuds established and good potential matches. I can already see a RVD and ??? vs. Manu and JBL match in the coming future. Keep up the good work.

Moonlight Drive

Thanks for all the reviews and support guys, it's really keeping me motivated. I'll try to swing round your shows before the end of the week, probably Thursday/Friday.

News & Rumours

With the removal of both the Divas and Womens Championships and the tag team divisions being unified at No Way Out, there is an idea snowballing that it might be time for some new titles in the WWE. Right now at the top of the list are the returns of either; Cruiserweight Championship, European Championship or Hardcore Championship (without the 24/7 Rule of course)

Vince has grown to dislike the idea of superstars jumping between brands week-to-week. The Raw/ECW Talent Exchange shall continue, but after No Way Out you probably won’t see guys, unless involved in interpromotional feuds, jumping between Raw and Smackdown. But in an effort to loosen up the roster, there will be more trading between shows. Every now and again superstars may be traded across, usual low-mid carders, to spice things up. Occasionally ME talent will switch, but not often.

World Wrestling Entertainment is proud to have signed the following superstars to it’s roster:
-Johnny Devine
-Joey Mathews (Better known as Joey Mercury)
-Teddy Hart
-Bryan Danielson
-Brother Ray
-Brother Devon

All will be reporting to Florida Championship Wrestling until further notice.

World Wrestling Entertainment has come to terms with the release of the following superstars:
-Ricky Ortiz
-The Boogeyman
-DJ Gabriel
-Curt Hawkins
-Zack Ryder
-Ryan Braddock
-The Great Khali

WWE wishes these superstars all the best in their future endeavours.

Wrestlemania is still being nailed down. The Main Event matches are in no way settled and even after No Way Out the plans may change.


February 13, 2009

This weeks Smackdown is set to blow the roof off, right into the stratosphere. Several Raw and ECW superstars shall be in attendance for the show, but no names have been revealed as of yet. They’re there to hype the Elimination Chambers along with their Smackdown colleagues

The Steel Cage is perhaps one of the most brutal and sadistic in all of professional wrestling. In it’s bloody history it has made, broke, shortened and flat out ended careers. Another chapter will be written in the history books this Friday, as Randy Orton goes one on one with the Deadman, The Undertaker inside a 15 foot high steel cage. This is what Vince and Shane have called Randy’s ‘warm-up’ match for No Way Out, where the Royal Rumble winner will put his championship match on the line against Vince McMahon, who puts his position as Chairman on the line. Undertaker and the Legend Killer have a long and storied history, facing off in a series of matches back in 2005, including a match at Wrestlemania 21 and a Hell in a Cell match at Armageddon. Both want to stake their claim, but who will walk out and who will be stretchered out this Friday night?

Always a master of controversy, the WWE Champion, Edge, will host the Cutting Edge with all of the competitors in this Sundays WWE Championship Elimination Chamber. Will the emotions explode before No Way Out?

Also booked are World Tag Team Champion, John Morrison facing WWE Tag Team Champion, Carlito, in a re-match from Monday Night Raw. Mizorrison have gained some momentum after ECW, but can they finally get a win over The Colons? Finally, Kofi Kingston will be making his Smackdown debut, competing against The Brian Kendrick.

Also scheduled to be a part of the show; Chris Jericho, Jeff Hardy, Matt Hardy, William Regal, Rey Mysterio and a whole lot more!

Known Card

Steel Cage
Randy Orton vs. Undertaker

World Tag Team Champion, John Morrison w/The Miz vs. WWE Tag Team Champion, Carlito w/Primo

The Brian Kendrick w/Ezekiel Jackson vs. Kofi Kingston

Cutting Edge w/Elimination Chamber Participants

WWE Poll

Would you like to see more championships in the WWE?

1) Yes, one more

2) Yes, two more

3) No, none


Randy Orton vs. Undertaker

World Tag Team Champion, John Morrison w/The Miz vs. WWE Tag Team Champion, Carlito w/Primo

The Brian Kendrick w/Ezekiel Jackson vs. Kofi Kingston

Cutting Edge w/Elimination Chamber Participants

Big brawl tbh.

Show looks good tbh, will be reviewing as always. 1 more championship plz, the Cruiserweight one.