World Wrestling Entertainment 2009

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Feb 24, 2008
Reaction score
Ottawa, Canada
Highlights from past Royal Rumble's air, with the winners going on to WrestleMania.

Cameras come to the arena and pan out as they rotate looking in to the crowd. Howard Finkel is in the ring.

Howard Finkel: Ladies and gentlemen, the following, is the 22nd annual, Royal Rumble Match! The rules are as follows. Two superstars will start out the match, every 90 seconds, a new superstar would've entered the match. Now, the only way to get eliminated, is by being thrown over the top rope with both feet hitting the floor. The winner of this match, will go on to headline WRESTLEMANIA 25!

Michael Cole: Oh boy, am I ever excited! Which two superstars are going to start out this match!?

A gong is heard and the lights dim. After several more gong tolls 'The Darkest Side' is heard throughout the arena. The fog on the rampway builds up and The Undertaker walks out from behind the curtain to stand on the top of the rampway to a huge pop from the fans. The Undertaker takes his time making his way to the ring as. The Undertaker walks up the steel steps, raises his arms and a loud thunder sound is heard as the lights turn on. The Undertaker enters the ring and looks around in to the crowd. The Undertaker unzips the sleeves off his trench coat, hands it to a ringside worker from over the top rope. The Undertaker pulls his hat off, over his face as his eyes are rolled behind his head. The Undertaker hands the hat to the same ringside worker as he adjusts his straps over his shoulders. Undertaker pulls up his elbow pad as he waits for his opponent that will be for 90 seconds.

'I Walk Alone' plays and Batista walks out to a mixed reaction, mostly pops from the crowd. Batista slaps on his chest and points to The Undertaker in the ring on the top of the rampway. Batista spins on the top of the rampway, slaps his hamstring and then does his drum roll on the rampway as the pyro explodes from up the rampway. Batista throws his arm down and the last big explosion comes up. Batista walks down the rampway with confidence written all over his face as he enters the ring with The Undertaker. Batista walks to the corner, climbs up to the second rope and poses as the fans give out a small pop. Batista goes down and walks to the opposite corner as The Undertaker as the two men stare at each other.

Jim Ross: Oh boy, it's The Undertaker and Batista starting it out. These two men had a year long rivalry that changed the face of WWE in 2007 and now we have these two men starting it out.

Royal Rumble Match
Winner gets to headline WrestleMania 25
Batista & Undertaker to start out.


Batista and Undertaker run at each other but Batista takes Undertaker down with a clothesline. Batista picks Undertaker up, pushes him to the ropes and irish whips him. Undertaker bounces back at Batista and Batista goes for a clothesline but Undertaker dodges and continues to run off the ropes. Batista turns around and Undertaker nails Batista across the chest with a flying clothesline! The Undertaker gets up to his feet and picks Batista up as well. The Undertaker twists the arm of Batista and then drives his shoulder in to the arm of Batista. The Undertaker wrenches the arm and Batista drops to his knees. The Undertaker brings Batista to the corner and The Undertaker climbs up to the top turnbuckle. The Undertaker scales the top rope but Batista pushes The Undertaker's right leg and The Undertaker falls off the top rope but lands on the apron as the fans let out a 'Awe!' The Undertaker grabs Batista by the head, drops on the apron and Batista falls back as his throat went across the top rope. The Undertaker rolls under the bottom rope back in to the ring. The Undertaker gets up to his feet and stares down at Batista. The Undertaker bounces off the ropes and then nails Batista across the throat with a huge leg drop. The Undertaker got up to his feet and nailed Batista in the chest with an elbow drop. The Undertaker picks Batista up to his feet and lets him stay on his feet. The Undertaker runs off the ropes and back at Batista but Batista runs at 'Taker and takes him down with a vicious spear! Batista gets up to his feet and looks around as the fans applaud. Batista picks The Undertaker up to his feet. Batista lays Undertaker in the jaw with a bone crushing right hand. Batista picks Undertaker up on his shoulder and rams him kidney first in the corner. Batista backs away a little bit and then drives his shoulder in the gut of The Undertaker. Batista grabs The Undertaker by the arm and irish whips him in to the opposite corner. The Undertaker bounces out of the corner and Batista hits The Undertaker in the middle of the ring with a huge back body drop.

10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1! BUZZER!

Entrant #3: Gregory Helms

Gregory Helms runs down to the ring and looks up at Batista and then down to The Undertaker. Helms starts to stomp away at The Undertaker on the mat. Batista laughs as Helms looks at Batista with a smile on his face. Both men share a laugh. Helms motions to Batista to throw Undertaker over the top rope. Batista nods. Both men go down to pick The Undertaker up but Batista knees Helms in the gut and the fans go nuts. Batista picks Helms up on his shoulder and plants him down to the mat with a huge spinebuster. Batista picks Helms up and tucks Helms head in between his legs. Batista picks Helms up for the Batista Bomb and then plants Helms on the mat with a vicious, spine tingling Batista Bomb. Batista picks Gregory Helms and then looks over to the outside. Batista grabs Helms by the back of the head and throws him over the top rope to the outside and Gregory Helms is eliminated!

Elimination #1: Gregory Helms

Batista turns around and gets nailed under the chin with a huge uppercut from The Undertaker and Batista drops down on both knees and then falls back on the mat as The Undertaker leans against the ropes to catch a breather. The Undertaker walks over to Batista and picks him up to his feet. The Undertaker kicks Batista in the gut. The Undertaker throws Batista's arm over his back and then picks him up in the air. The Undertaker walks around with Batista high in the air as the fans go wild. Batista kicks his legs and The Undertaker puts Batista down on his feet in front of him. Batista pushes The Undertaker off the ropes and The Undertaker bounces back at Batista and Batista picks The Undertaker up on his shoulder in a powerslam position. Batista walks around with The Undertaker on his shoulder but The Undertaker kicks down and The Undertaker holds Batista in tombstone position in the middle of the ring. The Undertaker drops down and plants Batista top of the head first in the mat with a huge tombstone as the fans applaude. The countdown begins for the next entrant as The Undertaker sits in the corner waiting.

10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1! BUZZER!

Entrant #4: Mark Henry

Mark Henry walks down to the ring and enters the match. The Undertaker runs at Mark Henry but Mark Henry puts his hand on the chest of Undertaker, picks him up in mid-air and plants him on the mat with a huge sit down spinebuster! Mark Henry gets up to his feet and turns his attention to Batista. Batista runs at Mark Henry and goes for a clothesline but Henry doesn't budge. Batista runs off the ropes, back at Henry and goes for a flying shoulder tackle but Mark Henry doesn't budge again and Batista drops down on the mat. Mark Henry runs off the ropes to the downed Batista and squashes Batista with the worlds strongest splash. The Undertaker sits up behind Mark Henry and gets up to his feet without Mark Henry knowing. Mark Henry turns around and gets nailed in the jaw with a huge right hand. The Undertaker starts to pound Mark Henry in the gut with huge rights and lefts until Mark Henry is in the corner. The Undertaker continues to nail Henry repeatedly with huge right hands. The Undertaker backs away and then nails Mark Henry in the jaw with a huge elbow. The Undertaker grabs Mark Henry by the arm and goes to irish whip him but Mark Henry counters with his strength and irish whips The Undertaker in to the corner. Mark Henry runs at Undertaker and squashes him in the corner. Mark Henry picks The Undertaker up across his chest, walks to the middle of the ring and then plants Undertaker in the mat with the worlds strongest slam! Mark Henry gets to his feet and turns his attention to Batista. Mark Henry picks Batista up to his feet but Batista bursts up, picks Mark Henry up on his shoulder and plants Henry in the mat with a monstrous spinebuster!

10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1! BUZZER!

Entrant #5: William Regal

Batista gets up to his feet and challenges Regal. Regal slowly gets on the apron and takes his sweet time. Batista gets pissed off, grabs Regal by the hair and flips him over the top rope and back in to the ring. Batista picks Regal up and strongly irish whips him in to the corner. Regal bounces out and back at Batista and Batista kicks Regal in the gut. Batista throws Regal's arm over his back, grabs him by the tights and picks him up in the air. Batista turns around and finds Henry on the mat in front of him. Batista throws Regal chest first on Henry's body. Batista turns to his side to find The Undertaker and Undertaker nails Batista in the chin with a huge big boot. Batista backs up towards the ropes and falls through the second rope on to the apron. The Undertaker walks toward the ropes, steps out on to the apron through the middle rope and he and Batista start to exchage huge right hands. The Undertaker pushes Batista shoulder blade first in the steel ring post and Batista screams in pain. The Undertaker nails Batista right in the face with a big boot and Batista looks out of it as Batista falls on to the floor with both feet hitting but Batista is not eliminated because he went on to the apron through the middle rope. The Undertaker strokes his hair back and looks down on the floor at Batista. The Undertaker looks in to the ring and finds Henry holding Regal over his head. Mark Henry throws William Regal over the top rope and on to Undertaker's head which causes The Undertaker to fall off the apron and on to the floor. Regal is eliminated but not 'Taker for the same reasons as Batista.

Elimination #2: William Regal

Mark Henry walks towards the ropes and puts a big smile on his face as he has no more competition in the ring. The countdown starts.

10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1! BUZZER!

Entrant #6: Snitsky

Snitsky walks past Batista and 'Taker on the floor and immediately enters the ring. Snitsky and Henry stare at each other face to face. Both men exchange words. Snitsky goes for a right but Henry dodges. Henry puts his palm on the face of Snitsky, backs him up and flips Snitsky over the top rope to the outside eliminating Snitsky like that!

Elimination #3: Snitsky

Mark Henry laughs as he waves bye-bye to Snitsky. Snitsky goes crazy on the outside. Snitsky looks beside him at The Undertaker who is on his knees on the floor. Snitsky nails Undertaker in the side of the head with a big boot knocking The Undertaker down. Snitsky picks The Undertaker up to his feet and throws him back in to the ring. Mark Henry grabs Undertaker by the hair and picks him up to his feet. Mark Henry picks The Undertaker up and locks on a bearhug as The Undertaker screams in pain. Mark Henry applies tons of pressure which causes The Undertaker to scream even more. The Undertaker starts to drive his elbow in the neck of Henry trying to make him break it up. The Undertaker pulls his head back and nails Henry in the forehead with a headbutt. The Undertaker wraps his arm around the head of Henry and locks on a guillotine as Henry screams in pain. The Undertaker causes Henry to move forward to the ropes. The Undertaker wraps his leg around the second rope as he bends back to flip Henry over the rope but Henry won't get off his feet, despite being in the submission hold. Suddenly, Batista enters the ring with a steel chair and knocks Henry in the back. Batista drops the chair and flips Henry over the top rope and The Undertaker and Batista have eliminated Mark Henry.

Elimination #4: Mark Henry

The Undertaker flips himself back in to the ring as he and Batista stare face to face. The countdown starts and both men turn their attention to the rampway.

10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1! BUZZER!

Entrant #7: Carlito

Carlito runs out. Carlito enters the ring, runs to Batista and goes right to work with huge right hands. The Undertaker from nowhere nails Carlito in the jaw with a huge big boot! The Undertaker picks Carlito up and holds him for Batista. Batista starts to nail Carlito with huge rights and lefts. Batista takes Carlito and holds him for The Undertaker. The Undertaker winds up and nails Carlito in the jaw with a huge right hand which seems to knock Carlito out as Batista drops him carelessly. Batista picks Carlito up to his feet and throws him over the top rope to the outside and Carlito is eliminated.

Elimination #5: Carlito

It's down to The Undertaker and Batista once again. Both men stare at each other as the fans exchange in "Undertaker! Batista!" chants. The Undertaker goes for a huge right but Batista dodges. Batista goes for a wild left but Undertaker dodges, rams his shoulder in to the gut of Batista and takes him in to the corner. The Undertaker walks to the opposite corner slowly and in that time, Batista sneakingly took the turnbuckle padding off. The Undertaker runs at Batista in the corner but Batista moves out of the way and Undertaker rams himself chest first in the exposed steel. Batista runs off the ropes as The Undertaker turns around and nails Undertaker in the gut with a huge spear. Batista gets up to his knees, looks in to the crowd and then falls on his back as both men are down. The fans applaud for both men. Batista raises his arm, grabs a hold of the second rope and uses it to help him up to his feet. Batista looks down at The Undertaker who sits up from nowhere. Batista kicks Undertaker hard in the spine and Undertaker screams in pain. Batista picks The Undertaker up to his feet and tucks Undertaker's head in between his legs. Batista picks Undertaker up for a Batista Bomb but The Undertaker jumps off Batista's shoulders and lands on the mat behind Batista. Batista turns around and Undertaker kicks Batista in the gut. Undertaker tucks Batista's head in between his legs and then raises his arm to signal the big move as the fans go nuts. The Undertaker picks Batista up on his shoulders, grabs Batista's tights, picks him up high in the air and then drops him in the middle of the ring as the fans go nuts for the last ride on Batista. The Undertaker drops down to the mat from exhaust as he and Batista breathe heavily while the countdown begins.

10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1! BUZZER!

Entrant #8: CM Punk

CM Punk walks out from behind the curtain with a gigantic bandage on his head from his match earlier. CM Punk enters the ring and goes to work with stomps on Batista. CM Punk picks Batista up to his feet and nails Batista in the head with repeated knees. CM Punk irish whips Batista in to corner. CM Punk runs at Batista in the corner and goes for a running knee but Batista catches CM Punk's leg. Batista puts CM Punk on his shoulders, walks to the middle of the ring for the Batista Bomb but The Undertaker gets up to his knees and low blows Batista to break it up as Batista drops CM Punk on his feet. CM Punk falls back against the ropes. CM Punk runs at Batista and nails him under the chin with a huge superkick which sends Batista off his feet. CM Punk and The Undertaker stare at each other. The Undertaker gets up to his feet and he and Punk meet face to face as Punk's bandage fills with red. The Undertaker challenges CM Punk to give him the first shot. Instead of a punch, Punk slaps the taste out of 'Taker's mouth to a ton of heat from the fans. The Undertaker nails CM Punk in the head where the bandage is to a huge pop from the fans as Punk falls down on the mat. The Undertaker picks CM Punk up to his feet and takes him to the corner. The Undertaker wraps CM Punk's arm around the top rope and Undertaker nails it with a right hand and CM Punk drops down to his knees screaming in pain. Undertaker turns around and finds Batista on his feet. The Undertaker runs at Batista but Batista picks him up on his shoulder and plants him on the mat with a bone crunching spinebuster! Batista gets up and looks at CM Punk. Batista does the 'thumbs up, thumbs down' and the fans pop. Batista points at CM Punk and the fans go nuts. Batista points at Undertaker and the fans give heat. Batista points at Punk once more and the fans go nuts. Batista picks CM Punk up to his feet and tucks Punk's head in between his legs. Batista picks Punk up, walks to the center of the ring and plants CM Punk in the mat with a huge Batista Bomb and right then, the countdown starts as Batista gets to his feet looking down at Punk.

10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1! BUZZER!

Entrant #9: Chris Jericho

Chris Jericho comes out with a bandage on his head but smaller than CM Punk's. Chris Jericho enters the ring and Batista immediately takes his head off with a huge clothesline! Batista picks Chris Jericho up to his feet and walks him to the corner where the exposed turnbuckle is. Batista picks Jericho up on his shoulder and then throws him down head first on the exposed steel and Jericho backs up and then collapses to the mat as he covers his face. Batista picks the steel chair up off the mat and starts to hit Jericho in the back with it. Batista turns around and sees The Undertaker just to his feet. The Undertaker turns around and gets nailed in the head with a steel chair shot. Batista runs to the ropes and puts a smirk on his face as the fans pop. Batista slightly turns his head to CM Punk and Batista walks over to his body as he holds the chair. Batista puts his hand on the top of the chair and starts to hit it in the kidneys of CM Punk. CM Punk rolls to the corner in pain. Batista drops the chair. Batista picks Chris Jericho up to his feet, throws Jericho up on his shoulder and drives him in to the corner. Batista turns around and finds The Undertaker resting in the corner. Batista runs at Undertaker and nails him with a clothesline in the corner. Batista turns around and runs at Jericho, nailing him with a clothesline in the turnbuckle. Batista runs back at The Undertaker but The Undertaker runs out of the corner and Batista drives himself shoulder first in the top turnbuckle. Batista slowly turns around as The Undertaker runs off the ropes. Batista quickly picks The Undertaker up in scoop slam position and plants him on the mat. Batista drops down on one knee and looks at the titantron as the countdown begins.

10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1! BUZZER!

Entrant #10: Mr. Kennedy

Mr. Kennedy walks out from behind the curtain and enters the ring. Mr. Kennedy runs at Batista on his one knee and nails Batista in the face with a running facewash which takes Batista down. Mr. Kennedy runs at CM Punk who sits in the corner and nails Punk across the face with a running facewash as well. Mr. Kennedy walks over to The Undertaker and starts to stomp like a bad man on Undertaker's body. Mr. Kennedy slowly turns around and finds Chris Jericho on his feet. Mr. Kennedy runs at Chris Jericho and Chris Jericho catches Kennedy and goes for a powerslam but Mr. Kennedy jumps off Jericho's shoulder and lands behind Jericho. Chris Jericho turns around and Mr. Kennedy nails Chris Jericho in the side of the head with a kick to the head and Jericho falls to the mat. Mr. Kennedy gets up and is standing tall all by himself. Mr. Kennedy turns around and looks at CM Punk. Mr. Kennedy puts both his feet in the shoulders of Punk and applies pressure with help of the top rope. Batista gets up to his feet and puts his head between Kennedy's legs. Batista picks Kennedy up and walks backwards to the middle of the ring. Batista drops Kennedy in the mat with a thunderous electric chair and Kennedy screams in pain on impact while Batista sits up with a smile on his face. Batista drags CM Punk by the leg in to the middle of the ring, gets to his feet and hits him in the chest with an elbow drop. Batista gets up to his feet and screams as the fans go nuts. Batista picks The Undertaker up to his feet and puts him against the ropes. Batista backs away and then runs at The Undertaker against the ropes and goes for a clothesline over the top rope but The Undertaker goes over and lands on the apron. Chris Jericho gets up to his feet and runs at Undertaker on the apron but Batista gets in the way and spears Jericho down to the mat. The Undertaker enters the ring once again. Batista turns around and finds Undertaker. Undertaker throws his hand on the throat of Batista, grabs his tights, picks Batista up and then plants him on the mat with a thunderous chokeslam and the countdown begins once again.

10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1! BUZZER!

Entrant #11: Edge

Edge runs in to the ring. The Undertaker and Edge run at each other but Edge takes Undertaker down with a spear. Edge looks at Jericho on his feet, runs at Jericho and takes him down with a spear! Edge turns around and finds Kennedy up. Edge runs at Kennedy and hits him with a huge spear. CM Punk gets to his feet and runs at Edge. Edge runs at Punk and takes him down with a monstrous spear and it's Spear-A-Mania! Edge sets up Batista in the corner who is on one knee. Batista gets up to a vertical base and turns around at Edge. Edge runs out of the corner but Batista runs at Edge and both men go for a spear but hit heads hard and both men go down. Batista holds his head as Edge holds his. Edge slides his hand off his head and Edge is bleeding from the side of the head off the impact while Batista sits up looking dizzy, but no blood. The Undertaker sits up in the middle of the ring and looks around at everyone else who is down, including Edge. The Undertaker gets up to his feet and slowly walks over to Edge but Mr. Kennedy gets back up to one knee and low blows Undertaker. Mr. Kennedy drops back down on the mat as The Undertaker screams in pain as he falls against the ropes, holding his groin area. Chris Jericho uses the ropes and gets back to his feet. Chris Jericho picks up the steel chair and nails The Undertaker in the top of the head with the steel chair and The Undertaker falls on the mat laying flat on his back. Chris Jericho drives the top of the chair in the throat of Edge. CM Punk gets to his feet and looks dizzy as he tries to keep his balance. Punk looks at Jericho in the corner and just runs at him. CM Punk jumps in the air and takes Jericho down. CM Punk starts to throw huge right hands to the downed Jericho as Jericho tries to cover up. Jericho pushes Punk off and gets to his feet as does Punk. Jericho runs at Punk but Punk catches Jericho under the chin with a huge superkick as the countdown begins with Punk standing tall.

10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3..2...1! BUZZER!

Just at the buzzer, Batista hits CM Punk with a huge spear which takes Punk down.

Entrant #12: John Morrison

John Morrison enters the ring buts gets speared by Edge. Edge and Batista are the only two men standing. Edge trash talks Batista but Undertaker gets up to his knees and low blows Edge. Batista picks Edge up on his shoulder and plants him in the middle of the ring with a huge spinebuster! Batista gets up and slaps his chest as Edge's blood smeers on Batista's chest. Batista wipes it across his chest like a real animal. Batista looks behind him and finds John Morrison on his feet. Batista picks John Morrison up above his head and throws him over the top rope to the outside of the ring. Morrison is eliminated!

Elimination #6: John Morrison

Batista picks CM Punk up to his feet and Punk looks groggy as hell. Batista picks CM Punk up above his head and throws him over the top rope on the body of John Morrison and CM Punk is eliminated!

Elimination #7: CM Punk

Batista gets up and turns around to find The Undertaker to his feet. Batista looks beside him and Jericho is on his feet. Mr. Kennedy sneaks up behind Batista and low blows him. Kennedy and Jericho start to pound on Batista as The Undertaker stands there. The Undertaker grabs Mr. Kennedy by the throat and pulls him back all the way to the other corner. The Undertaker pulls Jericho off Batista and nails him with a huge right hand. The Undertaker pushes Jericho to the corner and starts to go to work with huge right hands while Batista goes to work with kicks and punches to Kennedy in the corner. Edge gets up to his feet and jumps Batista in the corner. Edge brings Batista to the middle of the ring and hits him with an Edgecution. Edge gets up to his feet and jumps The Undertaker. Edge takes Undertaker by the hair, walks him to the corner with the exposed steel and throws The Undertaker face first in the steel. The countdown begins.

10...9...8...7...Edge hits Kennedy with a huge spear in the corner and Kennedy drops to his knees in pain!

5...4...3...2...1! BUZZER!

Entrant #13: JBL

JBL enters the ring and runs at The Undertaker. JBL goes down and starts to pound Undertaker with huge right hands. JBL picks Undertaker up and pushes him against the ropes. Edge joins JBL. Both men grab the arms of Undertaker and irish whip him off the ropes. Undertaker bounces back and JBL and Edge go for a double clothesline but Undertaker dodges and continues to run off the ropes. Edge and JBL turn around and The Undertaker nails them across the chest with a double clothesline and both men drop on the mat. The Undertaker looks at Mr. Kennedy on his knees and boots Mr. Kennedy in the side of the head which knocks Kennedy down. Chris Jericho runs at Undertaker and goes for a crossbody but The Undertaker catches Jericho. The Undertaker throws Jericho up and has his head sticking through Jericho's legs as the fans go nuts. The Undertaker gets up on his toes and then plants Jericho with a huge tombstone. JBL gets up to his feet. The Undertaker grabs JBL by the back of his head and throws him over the top rope but JBL holds on to the top rope as he lands on the apron. JBL gets up to his feet but Batista runs at JBL and nails him in the gut with a spear and JBL flies off the apron and JBL is eliminated!

Elimination #8: JBL

The Undertaker turns around but Edge nails Undertaker in the chest with a dropkick and Undertaker falls on the mat. Edge gets up to his feet as the blood starts to wipe away. Edge turns around and finds Batista running at him but Edge raises his knee and drives it in the shoulder of Batista. Batista falls back and holds his shoulder as he rolls to the corner. Edge looks side to side and sees Jericho and Kennedy trying to corner Edge. Edge tells them to bring it on. Jericho turns and nails Kennedy in the gut with a kick. Edge kicks Jericho in the gut and plants him in the mat with a DDT. Edge gets up to his feet and brings Kennedy to the middle of the ring. Edge throws Kennedy's arm over his back, grabs Kennedy by the tights and picks Kennedy up in the air and plants Mr. Kennedy in the mat with a suplex. The countdown begins.

10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1! BUZZER!

Entrant #14: Umaga

Edge hears Umaga's music and drops on the mat playing dead. Umaga enters the ring and looks around. Edge jumps up to his feet, runs at Umaga and goes for a spear to no avail as Edge just bounces back in disbelief. Batista gets up to his feet in the corner and Umaga runs at Batista and nails him with a splash in the corner and Batista drops to the mat like dead weight. Umaga turns around and runs at The Undertaker but Undertaker moves out of the way and Umaga goes chest first in the exposed steel in the corner. Umaga turns around and The Undertaker picks him up for a tombstone but Undertaker collapses as Umaga lays on Undertaker's body. Edge picks the steel chair up and waits for Umaga. Umaga gets up to his feet and screams. Umaga turns around but gets nailed in the head with the steel chair from Edge and Umaga drops on the mat like a ton of bricks. Chris Jericho jumps up to the second turnbuckle and jumps at Edge but Edge nails Jericho in the gut with the top of the steel chair and Jericho lands on his feet and reels in pain. Edge drops the chair, runs off the ropes and takes Jericho down with a huge spear! Edge gets up and puts a huge smile on his face. Mr. Kennedy gets to his feet and Edge runs at Kennedy for a clothesline but Kennedy dodges. Kennedy turns Edge around and puts his arm across the chest of Edge. Kennedy plants Edge in the mat face first with a perfect Mic Check! Kennedy gets up to his feet and turns around but Batista hits Kennedy with a huge spear as Batista stays on the mat. Umaga gets up to his feet and looks around as he is the only man standing.

Umaga walks over to Batista and picks him up. Umaga pushes Batista off the ropes and Batista bounces back at Umaga. Umaga picks Batista up on his shoulders and plants him on the mat with a huge samoan drop. Umaga sits up with a sadistic look on his face. Umaga goes out on the apron and climbs up to the top turnbuckle. Umaga screams something in samoan and then jumps off and goes for a splash on Batista but Batista slides out of the way and Umaga crashes on the mat. The countdown begins as all the men in the ring are down.

10...9...8...7...6...5....4...Edge gets up to his feet....3...2...1! BUZZER!

Entrant #15: Matt Hardy

Matt Hardy runs down to the ring and runs right at Edge, hitting him with huge right hands. Matt Hardy throws Edge face first in the top turnbuckle. Matt Hardy irish whips Edge in to the corner. Matt Hardy runs at Edge in the corner and hits him in the clothesline. Matt Hardy pulls Edge out of the corner towards him and puts his arms across the chest and back of Edge. Matt Hardy picks Edge up and hits him with a huge side effect. Matt Hardy gets up to a pop from the fans. Matt Hardy picks Chris Jericho up to his feet and lays him with huge right hands in the jaw. Matt Hardy irish whips Chris Jericho off the ropes and Matt Hardy nails Jericho in the chin with a spinning heel kick as Jericho bounced off the ropes. Batista gets up to his feet and stands behind Matt Hardy. Matt Hardy turns around and stares at Batista right in the eyes. The Undertaker gets up and stands with Batista and Matt Hardy as all three men stare at each other. The Undertaker, Batista and Matt Hardy turn their attention to Umaga who is on his feet. Umaga screams. Matt Hardy, Undertaker and Batista run at Umaga and triple team him as they take him to the corner and pummel him with huge right hands. Batista and Hardy hold Umaga in the corner as The Undertaker backs up. The Undertaker runs at Umaga and nails him in the corner with a clothesline. Batista pulls Umaga out of the corner and hits him with a huge spinebuster on the steel chair. Undertaker puts the chair on Umaga's face as Matt Hardy steps out on to the apron and climbs up to the top turnbuckle. Matt Hardy jumps off and hits Umaga with a leg drop with the steel chair on his face. Matt Hardy gets up to his feet but gets speared by Edge right away. The Undertaker nails Edge with a huge big boot. The countdown begins once again.

10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1! BUZZER!

Entrant #16: Rey Mysterio

Rey Mysterio runs in to the ring and runs at Mr. Kennedy and hits him with a hurricanrana. The Undertaker and Batista start to brawl with huge right hands. Batista irish whips The Undertaker off the ropes and Undertaker bounces back. Batista goes for a spinebuster but The Undertaker somehow changes it up and locks a gogoplata on Batista. Chris Jericho runs to the ropes, bounces off the second rope and hits The Undertaker with a huge lionsault to break up the lethal submission hold. Chris Jericho starts to hit Undertaker in the head with huge right hands. Rey Mysterio runs off the ropes and nails Jericho in the side of the head with a low dropkick. Edge runs off the ropes and nails Rey Mysterio with a spear and all the men are down. Umaga, Matt Hardy, Edge, Mysterio, Kennedy, Undertaker, Batista, Jericho are all down. Edge slowly gets up to his feet and looks around and sees Umaga getting up to his feet. The Undertaker rolls behind Umaga as Umaga continues to walk towards Edge. Undertaker gets up to his feet and low blows Umaga as Umaga screams holding his groin area. Edge runs off the ropes and hits Umaga with a huge spear as the entire ring shakes. Batista gets up to his feet and spears Edge and Edge flies half way through the ring as he lands just short of the corner. Matt Hardy gets up to his feet and walks over to Jericho. Matt Hardy picks Chris Jericho up to his feet but Jericho trips Matt Hardy up and locks on the walls of Jericho. Rey Mysterio rolls out on the apron. Rey Mysterio jumps up, bounces off the top rope and nails Jericho with a springboard hurricanrana as the countdown begins as all the superstars stand in the ring and wait for the next entry.

10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1! BUZZER!

Entrant #17: The Miz

The Miz runs down to the ring but Batista picks him up above his head and throws him to the outside and The Miz is eliminated just like that!

Elimination #9: The Miz

Batista and Umaga start to brawl with huge rights and lefts as they take it to the corner. The Undertaker and Edge start to brawl as they take it to the corner as well. Mysterio and Jericho brawl with kicks and punches and Kennedy and Hardy brawl in the middle of the ring. Matt Hardy kicks Mr. Kennedy in the gut and goes for a twist of fate but Mr. Kennedy picks Matt Hardy up in the air and plants him on the mat with a flapjack. Rey Mysterio hits Chris Jericho with a hurricanrana in to the middle of the ring and Chris Jericho lands on top of Matt Hardy. The Undertaker picks Edge up and makes him sit on the top turnbuckle. The Undertaker puts his hand on the throat of Edge and climbs up to the second turnbuckle. Edge tries to fight out of the choke and instead pokes The Undertaker in the eyes and then low blows Undertaker. Edge pushes Undertaker off the turnbuckle. Edge stands up on the top turnbuckle, jumps off and nails Undertaker with a super spear off the top rope as Edge gets up on his knees looking dizzy and then falls back. Umaga irish whips Batista in to the opposite corner. Umaga runs at Batista and goes for a splash but Batista runs out of the corner and Umaga crashes chest first in the exposed steel. Batista runs off the ropes and back at Umaga and nails Umaga in the gut with a huge spear. Batista, Mr. Kennedy and Rey Mysterio all stand tall as the countdown begins and those three men turn their attention to the titantron.

10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1! BUZZER!

Entrant #18: Elijah Burke

Elijah Burke runs in the ring and gets trapped by Mysterio, Batista and Kennedy. Rey Mysterio nails Burke with a huge right hand and Burke staggers to Kennedy. Kennedy nails Burke in the head with a huge right and Burke goes to Batista. Batista picks Burke up and hits him with a huge spinebuster! Batista picks Burke up to his feet and throws him over the top rope to the outside.

Elimination #10: Elijah Burke

Mr. Kennedy picks Matt Hardy up but Matt Hardy pushes Kennedy to the ropes and Kennedy stands against the ropes. Matt Hardy runs at Mr. Kennedy but Mr. Kennedy hits Matt Hardy with a back drop over the top rope but Matt Hardy lands on his feet on the apron. Rey Mysterio runs at Mr. Kennedy and goes for a crossbody but Kennedy moves and Mysterio crashes in to Matt Hardy which knocks Hardy off the apron and to the floor to eliminate Hardy.

Elimination #11: Matt Hardy

Mr. Kennedy picks Rey Mysterio up and and throws him over the top rope but Mysterio lands on the apron as well. Edge runs at Kennedy and hits him with a spear and Kennedy backs in to Mysterio which knocks Mysterio off the apron and to the floor.

Elimination #12: Rey Mysterio

Umaga gets up to his feet and hits Kennedy with a samoan spike as Kennedy bounced off the ropes. Umaga picks Edge up to his feet and irish whips him off the ropes. Edge bounces back at Umaga and Umaga holds Edge in a bearhug position but Edge's feet are still on the ropes. Umaga picks Edge up and plants him in the mat with a belly to belly suplex. Umaga gets up to his feet and looks at The Undertaker on the mat. Umaga runs off the ropes and runs to Undertaker on the mat. Umaga jumps up high in the air and hits Undertaker with a headbutt in the chest. Undertaker sits up in pain and quickly falls back down as he holds his chest in pain and breathes heavy trying to catch his breathe. Umaga turns around and gets spinebustered by Batista. Jericho runs out gets up to his feet and hits hits Batista with a bulldog in the middle of the ring. Chris Jericho runs to the ropes, bounces off the second rope and hits Batista with a lionsault and Jericho gets up to his feet as he backs in to the corner and the countdown begins.

10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1! BUZZER!

Entrant #19: Finlay

Finlay enters the ring and runs to Jericho in the corner, nailing him with a clothesline. Finlay irish whips Jericho in to the opposite corner. Finlay runs at Jericho in the corner but Jericho moves and Finlay rams himself shoulder first in the exposed steel. Finlay turns around to face Jericho and Jericho nails him in the side of the head with an enziguri. Chris Jericho gets up to his feet and walks over to Kennedy on the mat. Chris Jericho slowly picks Kennedy up but Kennedy picks Jericho up on his shoulder and throws Jericho chest first on the mat. Mr. Kennedy turns around and gets kicked in the gut by Edge. Edge picks Kennedy up in a sidewalk slam position but hits Kennedy with a backbreaker instead. Edge picks Chris Jericho up to his feet and irish whips him. Edge goes for a clothesline but Jericho dodges and continues to run off the ropes. Jericho runs back at Edge and Edge nails Chris Jericho in the head with a big boot. The Undertaker and Batista run together at Edge and take him down with a double clothesline! Batista and Undertaker stare at each other. Both men start to exchange huge right hands with each other. They quickly stop as they both get a clothesline from Umaga at the same time. Umaga walks over to Finlay but Finlay nails Umaga in the gut with a shellaligh. Finlay nails Umaga in the back with the shalellaigh. Finlay runs off the ropes at Umaga but Umaga picks Finlay up on his shoulders and plants him on the mat with a huge samoan drop. Umaga is the only man standing when Finlay, Chris Jericho, Edge, Undertaker, Batista and Mr. Kennedy are all down as Umaga stands there. Umaga walks around until he hears the fans countdown and looks at the titantron.

10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1! BUZZER!

Entrant #20: Jeff Hardy

Jeff Hardy runs down to the ring and starts to lay Umaga with huge right hands. Jeff Hardy attempts to irish whip Umaga but Umaga over powers Jeff. Umaga pulls Jeff Hardy towards him and plants him in the mat with a huge samoan drop! Umaga picks Jeff Hardy's dead weight up and brings him towards the ropes. Umaga picks Jeff Hardy up above his head and tries to throw him over the top rope but Undertaker gets involved and kicks Umaga in the gut. Jeff Hardy stands against the ropes and Edge runs at Jeff Hardy and clotheslines Hardy over the top rope!

Elimination #13: Jeff Hardy

The Undertaker hits Umaga with right hands to the gut as Edge goes down and hits Undertaker with chop block which brings Taker down to one knee. Umaga hits Undertaker with a stiff right hand and Undertaker falls back. Edge turns his head and finds Batista to his feet. Edge runs at Batista and goes for a spear but Batista moves out of the way and Edge goes shoulder first in the second turnbuckle. Edge bounces out of the corner and Batista hits Edge with a huge spinebuster. Umaga runs at Batista but Batista picks Umaga up and hits a spinebuster on Umaga but slammed Umaga over the body of Edge. The Undertaker stands against the ropes and Jericho and Kennedy walk over together. Both men lift Undertaker's legs and try to eliminate The Undertaker but Undertaker tries to fight it. The Undertaker holds on to the second rope as Kennedy and Jericho try to eliminate him. Batista walks over to the ropes and pull Kennedy and Jericho away from Undertaker. Batista hits Jericho with a thunderous clothesline and then elbows Mr. Kennedy in the nose which takes Kennedy down to the mat.

Batista turns around and finds Finlay staggered towards Batista. Batista picks Finlay up on his shoulder and hits Finlay with a running powerslam. The countdown begins.

10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1! BUZZER!

Entrant #21: Chavo Guerrero

Chavo Guerrero runs down to the ring and kicks Batista in the gut. Guerrero and Edge grab Batista by the tights and throws him shoulder first in to the steel ring post and Batista falls over on the apron. Chavo and Edge turn their attention to The Undertaker who is in the corner resting. Chavo Guerrero and Edge run over to Undertaker start to lay him with huge right hands. Edge and Chavo lift Undertaker's legs and places them on the top rope as they try to eliminate The Undertaker. The Undertaker holds on to the top rope as he tries to prevent himself from elimination. The Undertaker moves his foot closer to his body and then kicks Chavo Guerrero in the face. The Undertaker grabs a hold of Edge's throat and then put his feet on the mat. The Undertaker grabs a hold of Chavo's throat. Edge and Chavo almost immediately low blow The Undertaker. Edge and Chavo grab The Undertaker in a front facelock and plants The Undertaker with a double DDT. Edge picks the chair up and hits The Undertaker in the back. Batista enters the ring once again and Edge knocks him over the head with the steel chair and Batista falls back against the ropes. Chavo Guerrero runs at Batista and lifts his legs trying to eliminate him. Umaga walks over to Chavo Guerrero and hits him with a headbutt in the back of the head. Umaga picks Chavo Guerrero up from the leg and tries to eliminate him but Chavo Guerrero grabs on to the bottom rope. Edge nails Umaga in the back with the steel chair to almost no reaction from Umaga. Umaga slowly turns around to Edge who looks worried. Umaga grabs Edge by the hair and holds his thumb up but Chavo Guerrero runs at Umaga and takes him down with a chop block. Chris Jericho runs at Umaga and hits him in the back of the head with a low enziguri. The countdown begins as Edge knocks Umaga over the head with a steel chair.

10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1! BUZZER!

Entrant #22: Bobby Lashley

Bobby Lashley runs down to the ring. Lashley hits Jericho with a clothesline. Chavo runs at Bobby Lashley but Lashley picks Chavo Guerrero up across his chest and plants him on the mat with a scoop slam. Edge runs at Lashley but Lashley runs at Edge and takes him down with a spear. Bobby Lashley turns around and finds Finlay on the mat. Bobby Lashley hits Finlay in the chest with a knee drop. Mr. Kennedy runs at Lashley and goes for a running facewash but Lashley dodges and Kennedy over runs it. Kennedy turns around and Lashley picks him up on his shoulder. Chavo Guerrero runs at Lashley but Lashley hits him in the jaw with a big boot and Chavo flies over the top rope on impact to the outside.

Elimination #14: Chavo Guerrero

Bobby Lashley runs to the middle of the ring and plants Kennedy in the mat with a running powerslam. Finlay runs at Bobby Lashley but Lashley picks Finlay up over his head and throws him to the outside on Chavo Guerrero!

Elimination #15: Finlay

Bobby Lashley stands by the ropes as he looks down at Finlay and Chavo Guerrero. Umaga runs at Lashley and goes for a clothesline over the top rope but Lashley lands on the apron. Lashley sticks his legs up and wraps them around Umaga's head. Umaga won't go over the top rope but he's teetering! The Undertaker runs over to Umaga, grabs his leg and flips Umaga over the top rope to the outside of the ring and Umaga is eliminated!

Elimination #16: Umaga

Lashley re-enters the ring. Undertaker turns around and sees Batista running at him. The Undertaker sticks up his boot and nails Batista in the face with a big boot. The Undertaker is standing tall as he looks around and sees Jericho, Kennedy, Batista, Lashley and Edge all on the mat and not moving as The Undertaker stands tall. Chris Jericho gets to his feet. Chris Jericho runs at The Undertaker but The Undertaker catches Jericho by his side and hits Chris Jericho with a running sidewalk slam. The Undertaker reaches over to his side and picks up a steel chair as he is the only man standing once again. The countdown begins.

10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1! BUZZER!

Entrant #23: Shelton Benjamin

Shelton Benjamin runs down to the ring. The Undertaker goes for a chairshot but Benjamin dodges. Benjamin turns Undertaker around and hits him under the chin with a superkick which sends The Undertaker over the top rope but Undertaker grabs on to the bottom rope and pulls himself in to the ring before falling off the apron. Benjamin picks Lashley up to his feet and pushes him to the corner. Shelton Benjamin starts to stomp in the gut of Lashley repeatedly in the corner. Benjamin backs up and then nails Lashley in the side of the head with a huge kick. Shelton Benjamin turns around and finds Kennedy. Kennedy goes for a right hand but Shelton dodges and Kennedy stands by the ropes. Kennedy turns around and Shelton Benjamin nails Kennedy under the chin with a superkick and Kennedy falls over the top rope and tries to hold on to the ropes but his hand slips and Kennedy's feet hit the floor!

Elimination #17: Mr. Kennedy

Mr. Kennedy is in disbelief on the outside as Benjamin smiles down at Kennedy. Shelton Benjamin turns around and runs at Batista but Batista catches Benjamin and plants him in the mat with a thunderous spinebuster! Batista gets up and slaps on his chest repeatedly. Batista gets up to his feet and stands against the ropes. Chris Jericho runs at Batista but Batista lifts Jericho up and Jericho goes over the top rope but lands on the apron. Batista turns around and Jericho slaps the taste out of Batista's mouth. Chris Jericho climbs up to the top turnbuckle but Batista grabs Jericho and throws him off the top turnbuckle and Jericho lands on Edge and Shelton Benjamin! Lashley and Undertaker get to their feet. Undertaker, Batista and Lashley meet in the center of the ring for three way action. Batista and Lashley trash talk while Undertaker stands there. Undertaker backs away and then knocks Lashley down with a huge big boot. The Undertaker elbows Batista in the chin. The Undertaker irish whips Batista off the ropes, Batista bounces back and The Undertaker knocks Batista down with a big boot. The Undertaker is the last man standing as Benjamin, Edge, Jericho, Lashley and Batista lay in a group together as The Undertaker looks at the rampway as the countdown begins.

10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1! BUZZER!

Entrant #24: Triple H

Triple H enters the ring. The Undertaker and Triple H stare at each other face to face as Smackdown's! finest exchange words. Triple H gives Undertaker the first blow in the jaw and Undertaker retaliates with a right in the head. Triple H goes for another right hand but The Undertaker dodges and picks Triple H up in bearhug position. The Undertaker looks at the exposed steel in the corner. The Undertaker runs at Triple H in the corner with the exposed steel and Triple H goes back first in the steel. Undertaker lets Triple H go and Triple H drops to his knees on the mat. The Undertaker turns around and finds Chris Jericho on his feet. Chris Jericho runs at Undertaker but Undertaker hits Chris Jericho with a hip toss in to the corner. Bobby Lashley gets to his feet. The Undertaker picks Lashley up on his shoulder, rams Lashley face first in the top turnbuckle. The Undertaker runs off the ropes and nails Lashley in the face with a big boot! The Undertaker turns around and runs at Triple H but Triple H recovers, picks The Undertaker up and hits him with a double A spinebuster on the steel chair! Triple H jumps up and poses for the fans. Batista gets to his feet and he and Triple H stare down each other as the fans go nuts. Smackdown's! Triple H and Raw's Batista exchange words to each other. Batista nails Triple H with the first shot and Triple H retaliates with a right hand. Batista goes for a right but Triple H dodges. Triple H goes for a right and Batista dodges it. Batista picks Triple H up and plants him in the mat with a huge spinebuster! Batista picks Shelton Benjamin up and irish whips him in to the corner. Batista picks Edge up and irish whips him in to the same corner as Shelton Benjamin. Batista picks Chris Jericho up and irish whips him in to the same corner as Benjamin and Edge. Batista runs at the three and hits all three of them with a triple clothesline as he squashes all three of them. All three men go down as Batista stands tall. Lashley runs at Batista but Batista quickly hits Lashley with a huge spinebuster! Batista stands tall alone as the countdown begins!

10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1! BUZZER!

Entrant #25: Ted DiBiase

Ted DiBiase runs down to the ring. Ted and Batista share a smile. Ted DiBiase points at The Undertaker. Ted DiBiase goes to work on The Undertaker with hard stomps to the chest. Batista quickly gets angry, grabs DiBiase by the head and tights and throws DiBiase over the top rope to the outside.

Elimination #18: Ted DiBiase

Ted DiBiase stands on the floor with his hands on his hips as he stares at Batista. Batista and Ted DiBiase laugh as Batista shrugs. Batista turns around and sees Chris Jericho running at him. Batista picks Chris Jericho up on his shoulder and plants Chris Jericho in the canvas with a hard powerslam. Batista pulls the chair out from under Triple H's body and waits. Batista looks in to the corner as Shelton Benjamin gets up to his feet. Batista nails Benjamin in the head with the steel chair and Benjamin falls back in to the corner. The Undertaker sits up and walks over to Batista. The Undertaker looks at Batista and then turns his head to Benjamin in the corner. The Undertaker runs at Benjamin goes for a running boot in the corner but Benjamin moves and Undertaker flies over the top rope but lands on the apron as he almost eliminated himself. The Undertaker crawls back in to the ring under the bottom rope. Batista drops the chair and walks over to Chris Jericho on the mat. Batista tucks Chris Jericho's head in between his legs and Batista picks him up for the Batista Bomb but Jericho tries to fight it as he changes it up and locks Batista in a front facelock. Chris Jericho continues to apply pressure on the facelock but Batista picks him up and then lifts Jericho up above his head. Batista walks towards the ropes and then throws Jericho over the top rope to the floor and Jericho is eliminated!

Elimination #19: Chris Jericho

Right when the elimination occurs, the countdown beings.

10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1! BUZZER!

Entrant #26: Shawn Michaels

Shawn Michaels enters the ring. Michaels' and Batista stare at each other after there long past. Batista and Michaels exchange rights and lefts before Michaels dodges a right from Batista and then takes Batista down with a drop toehold. Lashley stands against the ropes to rest but The Undertaker runs at Lashley and big boots him over the top rope and Lashley is eliminated!

Elimination #20: Bobby Lashley

The Undertaker turns around and picks Edge up off the mat. The Undertaker grabs a hold of Edge's throat, grabs the tights, picks Edge up and throws Edge down on the mat with a thunderous chokeslam. The Undertaker walks over to the ropes and picks up Batista. The Undertaker takes Batista to the corner and he and Michaels' double team on Batista with huge kicks to the gut. Shawn Michaels' turns his back on Undertaker and chops him hard in the chest. The Undertaker retaliates with a huge right hand to the head of Michaels' and Michaels' falls back against the ropes. The Undertaker irish whips Shawn Michaels' off the ropes, Michaels' bounces back and The Undertaker nails Michaels' in the face with a huge big boot!

The Undertaker turns around and gets speared by Edge. Edge stands up tall all by himself. Edge walks over to Batista in the corner and continues to pound Batista repeatedly in the head with huge right hands. Edge attempts to irish whip Batista but Batista counters and irish whips Edge in to the opposite corner. Edge bounces out of the corner and Batista hits him with a back body drop. Batista stands tall as the countdown begins.

10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1! BUZZER!

Entrant #27: Kane

Kane enters the ring and takes Batista down with a clothesline. Edge runs at Kane but Kane hits him with a huge big boot. Shelton Benjamin runs at Kane but Kane catches him by the throat, lifts him up in the air and slams him down on the mat with a thunderous chokeslam! Triple H gets up and sneaks the steel chair in his hands. Kane turns around and gets knocked in the head with the steel chair! Triple H drops the chair. Edge gets up to his feet and Triple H kicks him in the gut. Triple H tucks Edge's head in between his legs, hooks the arm and goes for the pedigree but Edge fights it and back body drops Triple H on the steel chair. The Undertaker gets up to his feet and big boots Edge down to the mat. The Undertaker picks Batista up to his feet. The Undertaker twists the arm of Batista and then drives his shoulder in the arm of Batista. The Undertaker climbs up to the top turnbuckle and scales the top rope. The Undertaker jumps off the top rope but Batista catches The Undertaker and plants him in the mat with a huge spinebuster! Batista gets up and finds Benjamin running at him but Batista picks Benjamin up on his shoulder. Batista runs in to the middle of the ring but Benjamin jumps off Batista's shoulder. Batista turns around at Benjamin but Shelton Benjamin catches Batista under the chin with a huge superkick that was heard throughout the arena! Shelton Benjamin runs over to Triple H who just got to his feet but Triple H runs at Benjamin and nails him in the chest with a running knee. Edge runs at Triple H for a spear but Triple H sticks his knee up and catches Edge in the top of the head. Triple H tucks Edge's head in between his legs, hooks the arms of Edge and then plants Edge in the mat with a huge pedigree and the countdown starts.

10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1! BUZZER!

Entrant #28: Lance Cade

Lance Cade runs down to the ring and runs at Triple H but Triple H kicks Lance Cade in the gut. Triple H grabs Lance Cade by the head and throws him over the top rope to the outside and Cade is eliminated!

Elimination #21: Lance Cade

The Undertaker sneaks up behind Triple H and dumps him over the top rope to the outside of the ring on the floor.

Elimination #22: Triple H

The Undertaker turns around and finds Kane running at him. Kane goes for a clothesline on 'Taker but Undertaker moves out of the way and Kane bounces off the ropes. Shelton Benjamin hits Kane in the side of the head with a huge kick. The Undertaker picks Kane up and plants him in the mat with a tombstone very quickly as The Undertaker lays back in fatigue. Shelton Benjamin runs at Shawn Michaels but Shawn Michaels hits Benjamin with a huge sweet chin music! Shawn Michaels looks down and finds no one to their feet. Shawn Michaels slowly turns around and gets a huge clothesline from Batista. The Undertaker gets up to his feet. The Undertaker runs at Batista and hits him with a running DDT. The Undertaker looks up and finds Kane at the ropes. The Undertaker gets up, runs at Kane and hits him with a big boot in the jaw over the top rope to the outside and Kane is eliminated.

Elimination #23: Kane

The Undertaker turns around and finds Edge running at him. Edge dropkicks The Undertaker in the knee which takes Undertaker down to one knee. Edge backs away and then runs back at The Undertaker, taking him down with a neckbreaker. Edge gets up to his feet and strokes his hair back. Edge turns around and finds Shawn Michaels to his feet. Edge runs at Michaels for the spear but Shawn Michaels hits Edge in the chin with a superkick and Edge backs all the way to the corner, groggy and dizzy. The Undertaker gets up to his feet slowly and looks at Edge. The Undertaker hits Edge with a clothesline in the turnbuckle. The countdown begins just as Benjamin gets to his feet.

10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1! BUZZER!

Entrant #29: Big Show

The Undertaker runs to Shelton Benjamin along the ropes and clotheslines Benjamin over the top rope to the outside.

Elimination #24: Shelton Benjamin

The Undertaker turns around and strokes his hair back. The Undertaker runs at Edge in the corner and hits him across the face with a running big boot and Edge flips over the top rope to the outside and Undertaker has eliminated Edge.

Elimination #25: Edge

The Undertaker, Batista, Shawn Michaels and Big Show are now in the match. The Undertaker nails Big Show with a big boot to almost no reaction from Big Show. Undertaker runs off the ropes at Big Show but Big Show clotheslines The Undertaker down to the mat. Big Show turns around. Shawn Michaels runs at Big Show and Big Show nails Shawn Michaels in the jaw with a stiff right hand which sends Michaels' flying! Batista gets up to a vertical base and stares right in to the eyes of Big Show. Big Show points at him and Batista lipping, "You and me!" Batista and Big Show lock up, but Big Show over powers Batista and throws him to the ropes. Batista runs at Big Show and both men lock up once more, and again, Big Show throws Batista to the ropes. Batista runs off the ropes at Big Show once again and spears Big Show off his feet and on the mat. Batista gets up to his feet and screams as the fans go wild. The Undertaker gets up to his feet and runs at Batista. Batista picks The Undertaker up across his body and throws Undertaker down on the mat with a scoop slam. Batista bounces off the ropes and hits The Undertaker with a leg drop on the mat. Batista is the only man standing as the countdown begins.

10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1! BUZZER!

Entrant #30: John Cena

John Cena runs down to the ring and he and Batista brawl. Batista hits John Cena with a hip toss in the middle of the ring. John Cena gets right up to his feet. Batista goes for a clothesline but Cena dodges, runs off the ropes and nails Batista with a shoulder block which takes Batista down. The Undertaker gets up to his feet. John Cena runs at The Undertaker and takes him to the corner with huge rights and lefts. John Cena goes for another right but The Undertaker dodges and runs out of the corner. The Undertaker pushes Cena in to the corner and starts to maul Cena with huge right hands. The Undertaker irish whips John Cena in to the opposite corner. The Undertaker runs at Cena in the corner and hits him with a huge clothesline in the corner and Cena drops to his knees. Big Show gets up to his feet. The Undertaker runs at Big Show but Big Show catches The Undertaker by the throat, picks him up and slams him down in the mat with a huge chokeslam! Shawn Michaels gets up to his feet and goes for a superkick on Big Show but Big Show ducks and catches Michaels' on his shoulders. Big Show backs up and throws Shawn Michaels over the top rope and to the outside.

Elimination #26: Shawn Michaels

Big Show, John Cena, The Undertaker and Batista are the only four men left. Big Show runs at Batista and Batista hits Big Show with a huge clothesline which sends the big man to the ropes. Batista runs at Big Show and tries to lift him but can't do it himself. John Cena runs to help out Batista but still cant. Batista and Cena back away as they let Batista go. The Undertaker runs at Big Show and hits him with a big boot over the top rope!

Elimination #27: Big Show

It's down to Batista, John Cena and The Undertaker. All three men stand in a triangle in the middle of the ring. Batista does his 'thumbs up, thumbs down' taunt. John Cena does his 'you can't see me' taunt to The Undertaker and Batista. The Undertaker does his 'slash' taunt to his throat to both, Cena and Batista. Batista and Cena run at The Undertaker and double team him with huge right hands as they take him to the corner. Batista and John Cena kick him in the gut repeatedly at the same time. Batista and Cena double irish whip The Undertaker in to the opposite corner. The Undertaker bounces out of the corner and hits Cena and Batista with a double clothesline as the only Smackdown! superstar left is trying to do it all for Smackdown!. The Undertaker runs off the ropes and hits John Cena with a leg drop. The Undertaker gets up to his feet and picks Batista up. The Undertaker picks Batista up across his body and slams Batista down in the middle of the ring with a scoop slam. The Undertaker jumps up in the air and hits Batista with a leg drop. The Undertaker gets up to his feet and picks John Cena up. The Undertaker goes for a right hand to Cena but Cena moves out of the way. Undertaker turns to John Cena and John Cena drives his shoulder in the gut of Undertaker and backs him in to the corner. John Cena continues to pound Undertaker with huge right hands. John Cena climbs up to the second rope and starts to pound Undertaker with rights and lefts as the fans count along. 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...John Cena stops and does his 'you can't see me' taunt to the fans as the fans give him a mixed reaction. The Undertaker takes advantage and picks Cena up on his shoulders. The Undertaker picks Cena up higher in the air by grabbing the shorts and then throws Cena down in the middle of the ring with a huge last ride as the fans applaud for 'Taker. The Undertaker gets up to his feet and goes to work on Batista who just gets to his feet. The Undertaker kicks Batista in the gut and pushes him against the ropes. The Undertaker irish whips Batista, Batista bounces back and The Undertaker hits Batista with a high back body drop that just misses the chair.

The Undertaker picks up the steel chair and waits for either Cena or Batista. John Cena crawls to the ropes and uses them to help him to a vertical base. The Undertaker holds the chair above his head and once Cena turns around The Undertaker smashes the chair over the head of John Cena. The Undertaker drops the chair as he rests against the ropes. The Undertaker runs at Batista, and Batista, who quickly recovers, spears The Undertaker down on the mat hard. Batista rests against the ropes with his back turned to the entrance ramp and suddenly...

RANDY ORTON RUNS OUT FROM BEHIND THE CURTAIN WITH THE WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP! Batista slowly turns around and Randy Orton knocks Batista out with the World Heavyweight Championship! Randy Orton sits over Batista's chest and continues to pound Batista in the head with huge right hands and Batista is now busted open profusely. Randy Orton picks Batista's dead weight up to his feet and Randy Orton hits Batista with a huge RKO on the World Heavyweight Championship. Randy Orton exits the ring with the World Heavyweight Championship and sits at the Raw commentary table.


Randy Orton: You'll find out tomorrow night on Raw! And I'll tell ya one thing right now, Batista isn't going to win this Rumble match!

John Cena stands against the ropes staring at Randy Orton in complete disbelief. John Cena then looks down at Batista and back at Randy. The Undertaker sneaks up behind John Cena and dumps him to the outside! It's down to Undertaker and Batista!

Elimination #28: John Cena

The Undertaker looks at Randy Orton and then down at Batista. The Undertaker tries to pick Batista's dead weight up and finally does after a while. The Undertaker runs off the ropes back at Batista but Batista quickly picks The Undertaker up and hits him with a spinebuster. Batista kneels down on his knees and hands as Batista stays near Undertaker. The Undertaker quickly takes advantage and locks Batista in the gogoplata as Randy Orton laughs at ringside on commentary. The Undertaker applies tons of pressure as Batista's blood continues to pour out of his head and then starts to pour out of his mouth. Randy Orton enjoys every second of this while The Undertaker continues to apply pressure. Batista starts to raise his hand like he's not done. Batista gets up on both knees and Randy starts to get worried on the outside. Batista gets up to both his feet and carries The Undertaker with him. Batista slowly walks over to the ropes and once he gets their, he hangs The Undertaker upside down. The Undertaker continues to apply pressure as Batista holds on to the top rope. Batista hooks his feet to the bottom rope so he won't get eliminated. Batista jumps over the top rope which causes The Undertaker to apply more pressure as he continues to wrench on Batista's head. Batista's feet become un-hooked as Batista jumps up and goes over the top rope. Batista holds on to the second rope as The Undertaker lets go and is eliminated! Batista wins!

Elimination #29: The Undertaker

2009 Royal Rumble Winner: Batista

The bloodied Batista crawls back in to the ring after he rested on the apron. Batista gets up to his feet with a shocked look on his face as the fans go nuts. Batista looks to the outside at The Undertaker who is on his feet. The Undertaker points at Batista and nods in approval. Batista nods and points back at The Undertaker as he holds the back of his head. Batista climbs up to the second turnbuckle and poses for the fans. Batista turns his head and stares at Randy Orton who is jumps the barricade with the World Heavyweight Championship and flees the area. Before walking through the doors, Batista screams, "I'm going to get you back!" to Randy Orton who walks through the doors to the back. Batista continues to pose for the fans as they go wild. Batista beats on his chest a few times before jumping off the turnbuckle. Batista drops to his knees in the center of the ring and looks down at the mat as his blood continues to pour down on the mat. Batista gets up to his feet and looks up at the WrestleMania 25 symbol hanging from the roof. Batista points at it as confetti starts to fall from the roof of the arena.

Jim Ross: I was hoping it would be a Smackdown! guy win the Rumble, Undertaker put up a fight, but Batista came out on top. Congratulations to Batista.

Mick Foley: What a Royal Rumble match this was. The better man came out on top, a huge victory for Batista.

Jerry Lawler: But guys, what about the ending when Randy Orton basically kicked Batista out of Evolution with that attack.

Michael Cole: Batista will not forget that, not in a several years that's for sure. Batista is going to WrestleMania! Batista is going to main event WrestleMania! Batista will go head to head with the World Heavyweight Champion and I bet he hopes that's Randy Orton!

Jim Ross: Folks, thank you for joining us at the 22nd annual Royal Rumble event. Batista has won the 2009 Royal Rumble! Batista is going to WrestleMania! Make sure to join Smackdown! at the next PPV, No Way Out, for the Smackdown! brand and don't forget about WrestleMania 25, April 5th, 2009. Thank you for joining us, folks! We hope you enjoyed the event!

The cameras fade once we see Batista on the second turnbuckle with his arms spread out and the WrestleMania 25 logo in the background with the confetti continuing to pour down from the roof in the arena. The cameras cut to end the show with the WWE logo flashing.
Quick Results:

Chris Jericho defeats CM Punk via Submission
Rob Van Dam defeats MVP via pinfall to retain the WWE Title
Candice defeats Beth Phoenix, Katie Lea & Melina to retain the Womens Title
Randy Orton defeats Kurt Angle via pinfall to retain the World Heavyweight Title
Mr. Kennedy defeats Triple H via pinfall.
Batista wins the 2009 Royal Rumble.

The Rated R CMStar

First, good intro for the PPV, nice touch.

Punk vs Y2J: Good match, you managed to mix their styles nicely. Nice gruesome ending, altough I am not sure about the ending. It set up a nice underdog story with Punk later on tonight.

Edge and HHH promo: I wasn't feeling Edge at first, he came off more as a babyface, but then he and HHH got really in character, and I can see something between them later on the line, after WM or even at Mania.

Y2J promo: Nice promo, altough the HBK reference was unnecasary, considering it is 09 and their feud in 08 would at least only reach 08

RVD vs MVP: Not digging RVD as the WWE Champion, but still, it was a god back and forth match. I was shocked to see it this early. The promo afterwards was good.

Kennedy promo: Good, however, I don't know, it just felt too much of a filler.

Divas Match: Meh, it went too long, and in the end it started dragging. This match should have been placed before and gone shorter.

Orton and Evolution first promo: Awesome work on Orton, who came off looking amazingly, however, Batista came off looking weak with letting Orton scream at him like that.

Orton vs Kurt Angle: Nice match, obviously MOTN behind the RR. However, there were some weird things on it, like for example Orton asking for Evolution to come down when he just had connected the RKO.

Orton and Evolution second promo: Orton once again came off looking strongly, same for Cody and Ted, however Batista came off a little weak again, he should be taking names and kicking ass, not giving Randy some lesson.

Vince promo: Unnecesary, but got the message across. An advert video would have werked just as well.

HHH vs Kennedy: Good match, with the style of imo brawl was good. However, the ending left me shocked as to where this feud will go from now.

RR: Good match, however I do think that some superstars should have done a better job and lasted long in the match, once again, considering it's a year from now. Anyways, nice match, and good ending with Batista winning.

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

Royal Rumble: I like how you bolded the names (with the exception of HBK, who you missed) to make it clear. The match itself was damn longm and took a long time to read lol. Batista vs Orton shold be huge, especially after Randy's attack. I think you should have left Kennedy and Umaga in longer persoanally. Anyway, it was a good match, probably best of the night imo, as it would have been the hardest to write.


Feb 24, 2008
Reaction score
Ottawa, Canada
WWE News & Notes

--The MVP broken rib storyline may be apart of a storyline. We'll get more on this as it becomes available.

--Many injuries happened this Sunday at the Royal Rumble. Candice Michelle was busted open the hard way when she collided heads with Melina. Melina almost got knocked out, but stayed in their. Candice had to get 13 stitches in her open gash. Tons of injuries happened during MVP/RVD. MVP supposedly strained his neck while taking the hurricanrana over the top rope and also "broke his ribs." Although we did post a news item about the injury, it may be storyline. We can't confirm anything yet. RVD also was legit knocked out for a few seconds when he hit his head on MVP's knees when going for the five star frog splash. RVD was OK though after that. Jericho/Punk was probably the most worrying for talent and management backstage. The match was not scripted to be a bloodbath like it was, just a very physical, hard fought match, instead, something went wrong and Punk was bleeding buckets. The blood wouldn't stop after he went behind the curtain. He got stitched up and once the bandage went on, blood still soaked through from the wound. Chris Jericho as well. Although it wasn't as big as Punk, it was still worrying because management had no clue how much blood both men lost. All the blood that happened at the event was the hard way, including the World Title shot Randy gave Batista.

--Even though The Undertaker was the last man to get eliminated, he isn't expected to main event WrestleMania for Smackdown!.

--Expect Mr. Kennedy to get a push.

--The plan for the Royal Rumble was have MVP win by DQ, a rematch coming at No Way Out with MVP winning the WWE Championship. Now, it seems that plan isn't happening, with MVP's broken ribs and all. If the injury is kayfabe, it's obvious WWE went in another direction for an angle.

--Expect a storyline where you see DiBiase & Smith struggling on who to take sides with, Batista or Randy Orton.

--A Candice/Mickie rivalry is in the works which will likely take place at WrestleMania 25.

--The plan for Kurt Angle/Randy Orton Last Man Standing match was completely last minute. Just before Vince walked on camera, he had read the script that was just handed to him. The original script had Orton/Angle going one on one in a regular match the next night on Raw, but instead, they re-wrote it during the Angle/Orton match to include the tag team match for the next night on Raw and to have a Last Man Standing match next week.

--They will likely be doing a storyline where Batista refuses to work the tag team match that will main event Raw because of Randy Orton. This is all we know of right now, we'll get an update on this when we can and if we can't, we'll just have to find out what this means on Raw. It's not even a sure thing yet, it's just being talked about.

Smackdown! House Show Results from Saturday

Jeff & Matt Hardy defeat Bam Neely & Chavo Guerrero in 8:31

Mark Henry defeat Finlay by DQ in 5:44

Natalya defeats Michelle McCool to retain the Divas Championship in 10:11

MVP defeats Rob Van Dam via DQ in 16:02 (RVD retains WWE Championship)

Victoria defeats Cherry in 7:04

Big Show defeats Umaga & Bobby Lashley in 13:20 (Triple Threat Match)

Triple H defeats Edge in 17:56 (No Holds Barred Match)

The Undertaker defeats Mr. Kennedy in 25:32 (2 Out Of 3 Falls Match)​


Feb 24, 2008
Reaction score
Ottawa, Canada
January 26th, 2009
Allstate Arena - Rosemount, Illinois

Highlights from the Royal Rumble plays, highlighting the Royal Rumble match. It shows a split screen of Batista and Randy Orton, what looks to be the WrestleMania 25 main event.


The cameras search through the crowd as the fans in Rosemount go absolutely insane. We are immediately welcomed to...

'I Walk Alone' plays and Batista walks out in a suit to a nice pop from the fans as he officially turned face once again last night. Batista does his drum roll as the pyro explodes up the rampway. Batista walks down with confidence as he slaps some fans hands. Batista enters the ring and picks a microphone up off the mat.

Batista's music ends as he stands in the middle of the ring with a smile on his face as the fans go nuts. Batista takes his sunglasses off and hangs them from his shirt as he looks up in to the crowd.

Batista: 2005, Royal Rumble winner. And now... 2009, Royal Rumble winner.

The fans go nuts!

Batista: Last night I went through intense stuff. I went a little less than an hour, 56 minutes to be exact, along with The Undertaker, we went through 28 other men. We started it out, and we finished it off, just the way it should be. And truly, the better man came out on top.

The fans pop.

Batista: But I have to give credit to The Undertaker. He took me to the limit. But when locked me in that lethal submission maneuver, I didn't give up, I fought back and I eliminated The Undertaker to punch my ticket to WrestleMania 25!

The fans go wild!

Batista: But because of one man, that dream could've quickly faded away. Someone I thought was my friend, someone I thought I could trust...RANDY ORTON.

The fans boo at Orton's mention.

Batista: Because of Randy Orton that dream could've been taken away like that. Because of the chump. Trying to fight his way out because he knew I was going to win the Rumble, he just kept it inside and he knew the only he wouldn't be in my path was if I lost the rumble match. But Randy...

The cameras zoom in on Batista's face.

Batista: You failed. And now you've unleashed, not an animal, but a monster inside of me. And I want the World Heavyweight Championship more than ever. And tonight, I have to take part in a six man tag team match, teaming with Randy and Chris Jericho. I refuse to take part in that match. I refuse to team up with someone, someone who's ass I will have to beat down in three months at WrestleMania 25!

The fans pop.

'Medal' is heard throughout the arena and Kurt Angle walks out to a nice pop from the fans. Kurt Angle walks out with a serious expression on his face. Kurt Angle slaps some fans hands as he jumps up to the second step, gets on the apron and enters the ring. Kurt Angle spreads his arms out as the fans pop and fireworks explode from the ceiling. Kurt Angle walks over the ropes and gets a microphone.

Kurt Angle walks to Batista as both men stare at each other face to face.

Kurt Angle: First off, I wanna be the first person to congratulate you on your victory last night at the royal rumble. Sadly, I can't say the same for myself. But you see, I got a little problem with you and your mouth.

Batista: Oh really, now?

Kurt Angle: Yeah and you wanna know why? See, it was just moments ago, and all throughout today. I've heard it backstage about people saying it's going to be Batista challenging Randy Orton for the World Heavyweight Championship at WrestleMania 25, but you're forgetting about one element. And that's me. The Olympic gold medalist, Kurt Angle! You see next week, I go face to face with Randy Orton ONE more time, in a last man standing match. And I have the opportunity to win the World Heavyweight Championship! There's no reason I can't be thrown in to that equation. Because Batista, you know just as well as I do, I am better than Randy Orton. I can make his ass tap out, just like I can do yours.

The fans boo as Batista laughs looking at Angle.

Batista: Is that a challenge!?

Batista rips off his suit as Kurt Angle takes off his t-shirt and adjusts his straps. Kurt Angle squats down as Batista screams, "C'mon!"


'Voices' plays and Randy Orton walks out with the World Heavyweight Championship on his shoulder to a chorus of boos from the crowd. Randy Orton looks in to the ring at Angle and Batista. Randy Orton slowly and hesitantly climbs up the steel steps and enters the ring as he stays clear of Batista. Randy Orton walks to the ropes and grabs a microphone.

Randy Orton:
Guys, guys, guys, why the fighting!? First of all, Angle, you are not better than I am, because if memory serves me correctly, I'm the one who pinned your ass one, two, three last night to retain MY World Heavyweight Championship. And Batista, you actually think you can beat me!? I took you under my wing! That's right, under my wing. But yet you couldn't accept it. You thought I was holding you down, yeah, I read your interview with, you thought I was holding you down. When really, you were holding me down. Evolution was dominance until you changed. Something happened and you changed. So it was time to send you packing from Evolution. Dave, you knew you couldn't handle us.

The fans give Orton major heat.

Batista: Randy! I've beat you before, and I'll do it once again!

'No Chance In Hell' is heard and a chorus of boos break out. No Mr. McMahon, but instead, he appears on the titantron.

Mr. McMahon: Now I am sure many of you heard last night at the Royal Rumble I was going to introduce a new general manager to Raw. And I am, and the time has come. Ladies and gentlemen, meet the new Raw general manager!

The titantron cuts to black. Then suddenly...

'I'm Back!' is heard and Eric Bischoff walks out to a chorus of boos from the fans. Batista and Kurt Angle look on in disbelief as Randy Orton puts a smirk on his face. Eric Bischoff walks down to the ring and grabs a microphone up off the steel steps.

Eric Bischoff: Yes folks, it is true! I AM BACK! AND I AM BETTER THAN EVER!

The fans pour major heat on Bischoff as Bischoff stands there in shock.

Eric Bischoff: Last night, in my opinion Mr. McMahon made a horrible decision booking a six man tag team match as tonight's main event and a last man standing match as next weeks main event, don't ya think!

The fans pop.

Eric Bischoff: First, CM Punk and Chris Jericho were supposed to be involved in that match, but instead, I changed it up. Look above the ring, you see a 15 foot steel cage. So tonight, CM Punk and Chris Jericho will go at it... IN A 2 OUT OF 3 FALLS MATCH!

The fans pop hugely in excitement as they jump up and down, all of them are on their feet.

Eric Bischoff: Last night Punk and Jericho brutalized each other, so why not cap off their rivalry with a 2 out of 3 falls match tonight. The first match will be a no holds barred match. The second match will be a steel cage match as you see above the ring, and if necessary, the third match will be a SUBMISSION MATCH!

The fans go nuts at that announcement!

Eric Bischoff: Oh, but that's not all. I'm really going to make my presence get felt tonight, because the last man standing match between Randy Orton and Kurt Angle has been pushed up. Instead of it taking place next week, it's going to take place this week, tonight in the main event for the World Heavyweight Championship! And Batista, don't think I forgot about you! Because tonight you go head to head against Lance Cade for the Intercontinental Championship! Good luck guys!

Bischoff's music plays as Batista and Angle both turn their heads to Randy Orton who exits the ring, hops the barricade and backs up, the picture similar to last night at the Royal Rumble when he and Batista had the stare down. The cameras cut to commercial.


Michael Cole: Well folks, welcome to Raw and moments ago, the new Raw general manager, Eric Bischoff, made huge announcements. Batista defends the Intercontinental Championship against Lance Cade tonight. CM Punk and Chris Jericho go at it in a 2 out of 3 falls match, the first match being no holds barred, the second being a steel cage and the third, if necessary a submission match and the main event, a last man standing match for the World Heavyweight Championship. Randy Orton defeats against Kurt Angle. Oh my goodness, I personally can't wait, how about you partner.

Jerry Lawler: Oh god, just like you, I can't wait. This is a Raw making in the history, I just can't wait! CM Punk and Jericho, one of them will prove who is the better man. It got personal quickly in the late part of 2008, it carried in to 2009 and now it comes to an end tonight. One of them will prove who the better man is. And then the deal gets sweeter, we see the last man standing match between Kurt Angle and Randy Orton, World Heavyweight Championship on the line, the winner will indeed go to WrestleMania and take on the 2009 Royal Rumble winner, Batista. But enough of us talking, lets get to the first bought, the Intercontinental Championship match!

Lilian Garcia: Ladies and gentlemen, the following match is an Intercontinental Championship Match!

'Generic' plays and Lance Cade walks down the rampway to a chorus of boos from the fans he, just like his music, is generic while entering the ring while receiving a very negative reaction.

'I Walk Alone' plays and Batista walks out to a roof shattering pop as he wears the Intercontinental Championship around his waist. Batista does the drum roll and Batista throws his arm down as the fireworks explode up the rampway. Batista walks down confidently as he looks in to the ring at Lance Cade and laughs. Batista runs up the steel steps and enters the ring. Batista walks to the corner, climbs to the second turnbuckle and poses as the fans go nuts. Batista jumps off, hands the title to the referee and bell rings.

Intercontinental Championship
Batista (c) vs Lance Cade

The match started off with the newly turned face, Batista showing his power and dominance. Right when the match started, Batista had driven Lance Cade in to the corner with his shoulder planted in his gut. Batista took advantage of the situation and started to ram his shoulder repeatedly in the gut of Lance Cade. In the middle of the match, the heel, Lance Cade, who has the opportunity of a lifetime took advantage of a situation when Batista was against the ropes and Cade clotheslined him over the top rope to the outside. Lance Cade continued to take advantage and went to work and the injured limb of Batista's arm as Batista landed on it awkwardly on the outside. The end came about and Batista started to fight it out. Batista flipped Cade over his back while locked in a sleeper hold and there Batista got the advantage. Batista hit Cade with a number of clotheslines before PLANTING HIM IN THE MAT WITH A HUGE SPINEBUSTER! Batista continues to pick up momentum with help from the fans. Before Batista could him the Batista Bomb, Cade took off the turnbuckle padding which distracted the referee. Batista, who got angry after that set Cade up but, RANDY ORTON RAN DOWN TO THE RING AND KNOCKED BATISTA IN THE FACE WITH THE WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP! Randy Orton quickly high tailed the scene there as he ran up the rampway and Cade took advantage going for the pin fall. The referee there went down and counted the three making Lance Cade the NEW Intercontinental Champion!

Result: Lance Cade wins the Intercontinental Championship @ 8:31

Lance Cade quickly rolled out of the ring as he received the Intercontinental Championship. Batista was looking up the rampway as he store in Randy Orton's eyes. Randy Orton held up the World Heavyweight Championship as Batista looked on with a smile on his face. The cameras cut to the back.

Backstage we find Todd Grisham along side the man who will compete in a two out of three falls match later tonight, Chris Jericho.

Todd Grisham: Ladies and gentlemen, my guest at this time, Y2J, Chris Jericho! Jericho, last night you bloodied CM Punk, you beat him to a pulp and yet you still attempted to add insult to injury, possibly trying to end his career! WHY!?

Chris Jericho: WHY!? I'll tell ya, why, junior. You see CM Punk thought it would be fun to get in to my business. I mean what right does he have getting involved in MY business!? Aside from that, he humiliated me when he threw me in to that dumpster truck a week before the Royal Rumble, and I was thinking to myself how to add insult to injury, and you saw how I did it at the Royal Rumble. I bloodied that Punk. And you know just as well as everyone else I could've ended his career, but I decided to let it live. I decided let his career stand to see this night, because I'm promising you this. Tonight, when I have his career in the palm of my hands, I won't hesitate to end it just like that! Now get out of my face, four eyes, my match is next!

Chris Jericho walks away as it says "NEXT" in the bottom corner. The cameras cut to commercial.


Highlights from the Chris Jericho/CM Punk match at the Royal Rumble air.

'Break The Walls Down' plays and Chris Jericho walks out to a chorus of boos from the fans. Chris Jericho walks down the rampway with confidence written all over his face as he looks right in to the ring while coming down to the ring. Chris Jericho stops mid-way and looks up at the steel cage hanging above the ring. Chris Jericho walks up the steel steps and enters the ring. Chris Jericho walks to the ropes and stomps on the mat as he looks in to the crowd to a chorus of boos from the fans.

Lilian Garcia:
Ladies and gentlemen, the following is a two out of three falls match! The first match, will be a no holds barred match, the second match will be a steel cage match, and if necessary, the third match will be a submission match! In the ring, weighing in a 225 pounds, from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Y2J, CHRIS JERICHO!

'This Fire Burns' plays and CM Punk walks out to a huge pop from the fans as he still has the bandage over his head.

Chris Jericho yet again runs out of the ring and up the rampway at CM Punk just like what happened at the Rumble. CM Punk and Jericho brawl on the rampway, exchanging rights and lefts. CM Punk pushes Chris Jericho kidney first in to the barricade. CM Punk grabs Chris Jericho by the tights and head and throws him in to the ring as the match starts.

First Fall is No Holds Barred
CM Punk vs Chris Jericho

The first fall of the two out of three falls match is a no holds barred match. This is set up to end the rivalry as Jericho vowed he would end Punk's career tonight, and he wasted no time getting to work on that as right when he enters the ring he tossed Punk to the outside of the floor. The fight, right then spilled to the outside where Jericho had an environment of weapons. Jericho took full advantage as he threw Punk in the steel steps and steel ring posts repeatedly. Punk took a huge pounding at the hands of Jericho as Jericho started off where he left Punk last night in their one on one match. Jericho quickly uncovered the announce table as he was setting Punk up, but as Jericho attempted to put Punk through the table, Punk took the biggest chance of his career and put Jericho through the table with a risky hurricanrana. In the middle of the match, it was Punk who actually had the match in his hands. The match got filled with weapons at this point with such like ladders, tables, chairs, street signs, lead pipes, steel steps and a trash can. CM Punk had used every weapon on Jericho which eventually busted Y2J open. Maybe Jericho was wrong about ending Punk's career? It certainly looked like that as the end of the first fall came around the corner. Chris Jericho attempted a enziguri but Punk had ducked and Jericho went on the steel steps chest first. CM Punk there picked Chris Jericho up to his feet and hit him in the jaw with a GTS and then went for the cover as the referee counted the three PUNK WINS THE FIRST FALL @ 10:21.

Second Fall is Steel Cage Match
CM Punk (1) vs Chris Jericho (0)

In the second match, all the weapons were left in the ring, so you could call this an "Extreme" Steel Cage Match. CM Punk started off where he left off in the no holds barred match in control as he continued to pound Jericho with the weapons that were involved. Both men made attempts early on to climb the ladder to escape the cage but were broken up repeatedly. The middle of the match came more wrestling than weapons but more use of the steel cage. A spot came where CM Punk ran at Jericho but Jericho side stepped Punk and threw him in to the cage but CM Punk jumped up and attempted to climb the steel cage but Jericho grabbed the steel chair and threw it up at Punk's back to break it up. After that, Jericho gained complete control and looked as if Punk's career may really be over as Jericho had a sadistic look in his eyes as his blood kept trickling down his face. Close enough to the end, Chris Jericho had locked on a walls of Jericho on Punk, however, Punk wouldn't give. He didn't want the score to be even. CM Punk just about rolled out of it but almost cost himself the match as Jericho went in to the door, lucky for Punk, the door was padlocked. The end was a face paced five minutes, despite the blood lost by both men as there were tons of high flying moves! The finish came when both men climbed up the ladder by the side of the cage. Chris Jericho jumped up and nailed Punk with an enziguri which knocked Punk off the ladder in to the cage and Jericho somehow landed on the top of the cage. Jericho ended up jumping down for the victory. JERICHO WINS THE SECOND FALL @ 16:43 (LONE MATCH; TOTAL TIME = 27:04)

Third Fall is Submission Match
CM Punk (1) vs Chris Jericho (1)

At this time, both men were dead tired. Both men lost a significant amount of blood similar to the Royal Rumble encounter between the two competitors. Jericho laid on the outside motionless while the cage raised with Punk right beside. The beginning started off slow as both men were fatigued on the outside as both exchanged right hands, but Jericho had countered a punch and threw Punk in to the steel steps on the other side of the ring. After that, the match spent the most part in the ring with Punk taking control, attempting to go for a submission maneuver but Jericho found a counter for everything Punk threw at him like a picture perfect technician. The middle of the match was very physical, with more wrestling and in Jericho's favor. A spot came close to the end where CM Punk went for the hurricanrana off the top turnbuckle but Jericho held the top rope and Punk crashed gut first on the steel steps! Similar to the Royal Rumble when Punk crashed on the steel steps by a Jericho suplex. The end came rather quickly when once Punk recovered, he went for a GTS but Jericho countered, tripped Punk up and went for the walls of Jericho, the move Punk submit to at the Royal Rumble, but CM Punk used his martial arts skills to trip Jericho up face first on the steel steps. CM Punk then turned Jericho's own move against him as he locked Jericho in the walls of Jericho. CM PUNK HAS THE WALLS OF JERICHO LOCKED ON JERICHO! Jericho screams in pain. CHRIS JERICHO FINALLY TAPS OUT TO HIS OWN SUBMISSION HOLD @ 9:09

Result: CM Punk wins 2 - 1 @ 36:13

CM Punk rolls to the outside of the ring and raises his arms in victory as the blood of Punk rolls down his face. CM Punk raises his arms in victory screaming at Y2J! The fans start a "You tapped out!" chant towards Y2J! Y2J gets up and kicks the bottom rope in anger as he screams towards the fans to SHUT UP! Jericho shakes the ropes and kicks all the weapons as he screams as CM Punk walks behind the curtain. The cameras cut to commercial.


Backstage we find Randy Orton with Lance Cade and the rest of Evolution.

Randy Orton: Hey man, Cade, you absolutely killed Batista out there, and look now, you're the new Intercontinental Champion, congratulations! Ted, Harry, c'mon.

Ted and Harry just sit on the couch and look at Orton in disbelief as Lance Cade leaves the room.

Randy Orton: What the hell is the matter?

Ted DiBiase and DH Smith get up to their feet and look at Orton in the face. Both men shake their heads and sigh as they walk out of the locker room. Randy Orton looks on. We find Todd Grisham running through the doorway to get Randy.

Todd Grisham: Randy, do you mind if I ask you a few questions.

Randy Orton:
Make it quick.

Todd Grisham: Alright, later tonight you go head to head with Kurt Angle in what will most likely be a brutal last man standing match. Kurt Angle vows victory. What are your thoughts?

Randy Orton: My thoughts. My thoughts is that Kurt Angle talks a lot of crap. Kurt Angle is filled with crap coming out of his ears, his nose, his mouth. Kurt Angle will find out why it isn't good to spout off your mouth. There's an old saying. Pride before the fall. Kurt Angle seems to have a lot of pride going around here. And tonight, I'm going to make him fall. Tonight, I guarantee victory. Tonight, I guarantee I will retain MY World Heavyweight Championship. And come WrestleMania, I guarantee you this, Batista will be the fallen one, as he will look up and see me with my World Heavyweight Championship... STILL!

Randy Orton stands in his spot in the locker room as the cameras zoom in on his face that has confidence all over his face as the cameras zoom out a tad to see Randy and the World Heavyweight Championship in the same picture.

We look in the ring and see Val Venis already stretching in the ring as he gets ready for competition.

'Glued' plays and Snitsky comes out to a small amount of boos from the fans. Snitsky jumps up on the apron and enters the ring as he paces back and fourth in the ring.

Val Venis vs Snitsky

Another Snitsky squash. Snitsky dominated the match and showed off his true power as he started the match off with a clothesline right at the bell. Right in to the end Snitsky continued to dominate Venis but Venis got in little offense close to the end with right hands. Val Venis ran off the ropes but Snitsky took his head off with a monstrous big boot. Snitsky then went down for the cover and the referee counted the three for the victory.

Result: Snitsky wins @ 2:07

Snitsky gets up and shows off his yellow teeth to the fans as he shakes the ropes and raises his arm in victory. Snitsky exited the ring and just looked up the rampway looking furious as he walked through the curtain as Venis was being checked on by the referee.

Backstage we find Kurt Angle alongside Todd Grisham who is stretching as his match is next.

Todd Grisham: Ladies and gentlemen, my guest at this time, Kurt Angle.

Kurt Angle gets up and grabs Todd by the collar.

Kurt Angle: Listen here, Todd! I don't need you to hold the damn microphone for me! Understand! I can do this by myself. I just wanna make a damn statement!

Kurt Angle takes the microphone out of Todd Grisham's hand and looks to the camera as the camera zooms in.

Kurt Angle: Randy! Look in to my eyes you snot nose son of a bitch! I'm locked and I'm loaded. And I'm ready to beat your ass all over the arena to take the World Heavyweight Championship and go to WrestleMania to face off with Batista! Randy, get ready. Because in just a matter of moments. You're in for the fight of a lifetime.

Kurt Angle hands the microphone to Todd Grisham and walks away as the cameras fade away to commercial.


A No Way Out Promo plays.

Highlights from the Randy Orton/Kurt Angle match at the Royal Rumble.

Michael Cole: Well folks, up next, it's the Last Man Standing match. This is personal. It all started a few months ago when things were just about normal. Evolution was still good together and then Kurt Angle challenged Randy Orton, and suddenly things fell apart which we saw last night at the Royal Rumble. It's the last man standing match and it's right!

'Voices' plays and Randy Orton walks out to a chorus of boos from the fans as Randy Orton walks out with the World Heavyweight Championship on his shoulder. Randy Orton takes his time walking down to the ring as he looks in to the crowd as the fans continue to pour heat on Orton. Randy Orton slowly climbs up the steel steps and then enters the ring as he looks around the arena. Randy Orton walks to the corner and climbs up to the second rope as he holds the World Heavyweight Championship up high with the lighting bouncing off it. Orton quickly holds the title down and gets off the turnbuckle as he looks at the stage waiting for Angle.

'Medal' plays and Kurt Angle walks out to a magnificent pop from the fans. Kurt Angle walks out as he stands on the stage and looks in to the crowd before raising his arms up and the pyro shooting up the rampway. Kurt Angle walks down the rampway to the ring. Kurt Angle runs up the steel steps and then enters the ring as he spreads his arms out as the fireworks come down from the roof of the arena in Rosemount, Illinois!

Last Man Standing Match
World Heavyweight Championship
Kurt Angle vs Randy Orton (c)

Both men wanted to win this match and go to WrestleMania to face Batista, but Kurt Angle showed he wanted it more at the opening when took Orton down with a spear and pounded him with monstrous right hands. Randy Orton dodges as he rolls to the outside of the ring and picks up a steel chair. Kurt Angle, who had a tense look in his eyes went on to the apron and jumped off to Randy Orton but RANDY ORTON SWIFTLY TURNED AROUND AND CLOCKED ANGLE IN THE HEAD WITH THE STEEL CHAIR! Right then, Orton demanded the referee make the first count of the match, but Angle got up to his feet at the five. Orton, now in the drivers seat, start to take control of Angle with huge right hands and ended up kicking Angle in the knee before THROWING ANGLE IN THE STEEL STEPS! Orton, who had that sadistic look on his face demanded the referee count again, but this time, Angle got to a vertical base a four much to the World Champions disliking. Randy Orton ran at Angle, but Angle caught him and hit him with a belly to belly suplex on the floor! The fans quickly got into the action. Come the middle of the match, both men are bloodied, battered and tired. Both men busted open by chair shots and the announce table is uncovered by Kurt Angle earlier in the match. Randy Orton walked over to Angle and went for the clothesline but Angle ducked and ANGLE SLAMMED RANDY ORTON THROUGH THE ANNOUNCE TABLE! The challenger demanded the referee count which the referee did. Angle could taste the victory until Randy Orton reached his feet at the nine count. Kurt Angle knew he was moments away from victory which is why he threw everything at Orton now. Kurt Angle took the World Heavyweight Championship in his hands and knocked the bloody Orton over the face with it and the referee counted once again, but it quickly stopped as Orton reached his feet at the five count, not wanting to give up the World Championship without a fight. The end of the match came to a near and both men were down on the mat inside the ring and dead tired. Both men ended the count as they reached their feet at the same time when the count was a eight. Randy Orton, still determined to pick up the victory called for someone from the rampway. Lance Cade ended up running down but mid-way towards the ring, Batista ran down and knocked Lance Cade out from behind. Batista picked Cade up and spinebustered him on the rampway. Batista walked towards the ring, and at this time, Orton was in disbelief. He knew he was in trouble, but he couldn't do anything about it. Earlier in the match, a wooden table was introduced in the match and was set in the middle of the ring. Kurt Angle got to his feet with that table, but was quickly PLANTED THROUGH THE TABLE WITH A HUGE RKO FROM RANDY ORTON! Randy Orton demanded the referee make the count, which he did, and that was that! RANDY ORTON RETAINED THE WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP @ 21:48

Result: Randy Orton retains the World Heavyweight Championship @ 21:48

Randy Orton, who had forgotten about Batista, celebrates the victory with the World Heavyweight Championship. Batista runs in to the ring and knocks Orton out with a stiff forearm to the side of the head. Batista picks up a steel chair and continues to hit the downed Orton with huge chair shots. Batista put the chair on the mat and picked the bloodied Orton up. Batista tucked Orton's head in between his legs and Batista picked Orton up and planted him on the mat with a huge Batista bomb. Batista picks the World Heavyweight Championship up off the mat and poses with his as the cameras fade to close the show.

Eh, wasn't too fond of recap. So luckily, the Smackdown! will be a full show yet again!​

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

Opening promo: Everyone was in character in this promo. Batista was even interesting lol. Bischoff being GM again came as a bit of a shock, but it is a good one. Some nice match announcements too. Great opening promo.

Cade vs Batista: This enhances the Batista/Orton feud, and serves as a good way to start to get Lance Cade over, which made sense from a booking point of view.

Jericho promo: This felt more like a 2003 Jericho promo than the current day one to me. No mention of him saving himself or anything like that. Decent, but not as good as the Jericho promos you had at the Rumble.

Punk vs Jericho: It was a good way to end the feud, but I wouldn’t throw away a Three Stages of Hell match on Raw. Still, a good way to end the feud, and I am assuming Punk will be getting a good push of this. It shouldn’t damage Jericho as it was a long, even contest.

Evolution/Cade promo: Seems to be showing DiBiase and Smith heading to join Batista. Nice little promo.

Orton promo: Your average Orton promo. In character.

Snitsky vs Val: Just did all it had to do, in making Snitsky look strong. I’ll be surprised if you push him properly though.

Angle promo: Him grabbing Grishim by the shirt doesn’t seem too much like Angle imo, same go for what he uttered to Grishim. The ending was alright.

Orton vs Angle: Again, not too sure about throwing away a match like this on Raw. TBH, I don’t see you being able to keep this build going until WM, I think you have gone too fast, too early, as shown at the conclusion of this match. I hope you prove me wrong.

AC: This was maybe a bit too gimmicky for one show imo. I’ll have a look to see what you pull off this week with SD.


First off...CHICAGO! YES! I love reading shows in Chicago, because I know exactly how the crowd reacts which makes the read even better. Now...

BM: Orton vs. Angle LMS followed closely by the 3 Stages of Hell, both of those on Raw? You really pull out the stops in Chi-town, I applaud you.

WM: Snitsky vs. Venis, basic squash, what can I say?

BP: Hands down Jericho, it's so easy to write a Y2J promo it's funny, plus I am a huge fan and know his character and you got it dead on. Batista's opener was well done as well.

WP: N/A Good job

AC: I have to go back and read the Rumble, it looked great when I was scrolling down the page. Really enjoyed this read, keep it up.


Feb 24, 2008
Reaction score
Ottawa, Canada
January 30th, 2009

Highlights from the Royal Rumble play, highlighting the Smackdown! matches and the Royal Rumble match.

'Rise Up' plays with the new Smackdown! video.

We enter the arena to find nothing but dark. Undertaker? Triple H? No, instead, a spotlight hit the middle of the ring and we find Mr. Kennedy with a microphone in hand.

Mr. Kennedy:
Ladies and gentlemen, the man you see in the middle of the ring, is the man who defeat Triple H this past Sunday at the Royal Rumble. Mister Kennedy! ...Kennedy. And yes, that victory was a huge victory for Mr. Kennedy. Which is exactly why it's time for Mr. Kennedy to step up. You see, last night, I proved to the entire world that I was capable of hanging with the big dogs, and that's what I did last night with Triple H when I pinned his ass one, two, three!

Fans boo Mr. Kennedy heavily.

Mr. Kennedy: And now, I feel it's time for Mr. Kennedy to pursue other interests. Oh, I don't know, like the WWE Championship that Rob Van Dam currently holds. You see, RVD defeat MVP last night and retained the WWE Championship, which is exactly why I feel it's time for me to step up. You see, I'm stick of sitting back for the other superstars, it's time for the real phenom in the WWE to step up and take the WWE Championshi...

Vickie Guerrero suddenly appears on the titantron.

Vickie Guerrero: Kennedy! Kennedy! Listen, I see you want a WWE Championship match. But if you were looking to get that opportunity at No Way Out, you're mistaken. See, I'm not sure what I want to do yet for No Way Out regarding the WWE Championship, but I do know what else I will do that WILL END at No Way Out. A championship chase tournament. I'm holding an official championship chase tournament from now to No Way Out, and the winner of that tournament will main event WrestleMania 25 with our WWE Champion. Whether that be Rob Van Dam or someone else. And Kennedy, you are involved in it. All I have to say is... GOOD LUCK!

The tron gets cut as it shows Kennedy in the ring once more. Kennedy nods in approval as the cameras fade to commercial.


Backstage we find Edge with Vickie Guerrero in her office.

Edge: I love it when you give out authority like you did moments ago to Kennedy's face. I loved it!

Vickie Guerrero: Well that's not the only announcement. At No Way Out, every championship that is apart of the Smackdown! brand will be on the line. The United States Championship, the WWE Tag Team Championships, the Divas Championship and the WWE Championship! And babe, you gotta get ready, you're apart of that tournament to determine the WrestleMania main event.

Edge: Who am I facing?

Vickie Guerrero whispers in to Edge's ear and Edge put a smile on his face. Edge looks at Vickie Guerrero and nods in approval as the cameras cut.

Jim Ross: Well folks, up next is the first match of the championship chase tournament.

'Somebodies gonna get it' plays and Mark Henry walks out to a chorus of boos from the fans as he beats on his chest and raises his hands in the air. Mark Henry walks down to the ring as the fans pour the heat on him. Mark Henry walks up the steel steps and then enters the ring as he stands in the middle of the ring and waits for his opponent.

'Crank It Up' plays and Big Show walks out to a nice pop from the fans. Big Show slaps some fans hands as he climbs up the steel steps and steps over the top rope in to the ring.

Mick Foley: Well these two men have a past dating back to last year in 2008. Lets see what they put on here tonight as there is so much more on the line!

Round 1 of Championship Chase Tournament
Big Show vs Mark Henry


Big Show and Mark Henry meet in the center of the ring and they go face to face. Big Show and Henry exchange words as the fans start to unleash a "Big Show!" chant. Mark Henry decides to take a cheap shot as he punches Big Show and it works as Big Show walks over to the corner. Mark Henry starts to pound Big Show in the gut with huge right hands and then goes to work on the head of Big Show with huge right hands. Mark Henry grabs Big Show's head and hits him with a huge headbutt. Mark Henry backs away and stares at Big Show in the corner. Mark Henry runs at Big Show in the corner but Big Show runs out of the corner and takes Henry down with a clothesline! Big Show picks Henry up to his feet slowly but Henry pushes Show off the ropes and nails him in the chest with a clothesline but Big Show doesn't fall to the mat. Henry goes to work with huge right hands to Big Show as Big Show falls back against the ropes. Henry starts to rake the eyes of Big Show until the referee counts to four. Mark Henry grabs Big Show by the arm and irish whips him off the ropes. Henry goes for a clothesline but Big Show dodges and stops running behind Henry. Henry turns around and Big Show scoops Henry up across his chest and plants him on the mat with a huge scoop slam as the fans go nuts. Big Show bounces off the ropes and hits Henry with a huge leg drop. Big Show quickly hooks the leg of Henry for the cover. 1...2...Henry kicks out! Big Show picks Henry up to his feet and irish whips him in to the corner. Henry bounces out of the corner and back at Big Show and Big Show catches Henry. Big Show picks Henry up and plants him on the mat with a belly to belly suplex. Big Show quickly hooks the leg for the cover. 1...2...Henry gets the shoulder up!

Big Show picks Henry up to his feet but Henry drives his shoulder in the gut of Big Show and drives him back in to the corner. Mark Henry starts to stomp in the gut of Big Show before driving the top of his head in the gut of Big Show. Mark Henry grabs Big Show by the arm and irish whips Show towards himself in the middle of the ring. Mark Henry picks Big Show up across his chest and quickly plants him on the mat with a huge worlds strongest slam! Mark Henry falls over the body of Show and hooks the leg for the cover. 1...2...Show kicks out and the fans go wild! Mark Henry gets up on his knees in disbelief as he looks at Big Show's downed body. Mark Henry gets up to his feet, gets out of the ring on the apron and climbs up to the top turnbuckle as the fans are all starting to get up to their feet.

Jim Ross: Bah gawd, Mick! What the hell can Henry do from up there.

Mick Foley: I don't know, JR! I've never seen Mark go up there before!

Mark Henry looks at Big Show who finally gets to his feet. Big Show turns around at Mark Henry and Mark Henry jumps off the top turnbuckle and takes Big Show down with a flying shoulder block and the ring literally shakes on impact. Mark Henry crawls over the body of Show and hooks the leg for the cover. 1...2...Big Show kicks out! Mark Henry sits up and looks at the referee in disbelief as the fans go nuts. Mark Henry picks Big Show up to his feet but Big Show picks Henry up on his shoulder and plants him on the mat with a spinebuster. Big Show falls back against the ropes as he looks down at Henry waiting. Mark Henry gets up to his feet and turns around to Big Show. Big Show wraps his huge hand around the throat of Mark Henry, picks him up in the air and plants him down on the mat with a thunderous chokeslam. Big Show falls down on Henry's body and hooks the leg for the cover. 1...2...3!

Result: Big Show via pinfall to advance @ 5:04.

Big Show gets up to his feet and raises his arms in victory. Big Show looks at the titantron and sees his name advance to the semi-finals. It's also announced with that, eight superstars will be involved in the tournament.

Backstage we find Edge walking down the hallways with a smirk on his face. His tournament match is up next.


'You think you know me' is heard followed by 'Metalingus' and Edge walks out to a chorus of boos from the fans. Edge walks out with a smirk on his face as he stops in the middle of the rampway and looks in to the crowd. Edge strokes back his hair and raises his arms in the air with the devil horns and the pyro explodes from the stage. Edge continues to walk down the rampway now and then slides under the bottom rope and in to the ring. Edge gets up to his feet and walks over to the corner where he climbs up to the second rope and raises his arms in the air again as the fans boo. Edge jumps off the rampway and takes his jacket off as he throws it to the outside and waits for his opponent.

Funaki's music hits and the man himself runs out to a nice pop from the fans. Funaki slaps some fans hands as he slides under the bottom rope and in to the ring.

Round 1 of Championship Chase Tournament
Funaki vs Edge


Edge and Funaki meet in the center of the ring and tie up. Edge takes Funaki to the corner and the referee forces a clean break but Edge remains all over Funaki. The referee starts to count. 1...2...3...4...Edge slowly backs away but then nails Funaki in the jaw with a huge right hand. Edge irish whips Funaki in to the opposite corner. Funaki bounces out of the corner and back to Edge but Edge lifts Funaki high up in the air and drops him down on the mat with a huge back body drop! Edge picks Funaki up to his feet and starts to nail him with huge right hands. Edge grabs Funaki by the back of the head and throws him over the top rope to the outside of the ring on the floor. Edge steps out on to the apron and jumps down on the floor right beside Funaki's body. Edge picks Funaki up to his feet and grabs his arm. Edge turns back and looks at the barricade. Edge strongly irish whips Funaki kidney first in to the barricade which sends Funaki face first on the floor. Edge slowly walks over to Funaki with a cocky smirk on his face as he looks in to the crowd and the fans start to pour major heat on Edge. Edge walks over to the ring, rolls under the bottom rope back in to the ring and back out to break up the ring out count. Edge walks over to Funaki and picks him up to his feet. Edge goes to irish whip Funaki in to the ropes but Funaki counters and goes to irish whip Edge in to the steel steps but again Edge counters and this time, successfully throws Funaki back first in the steel steps. Edge gets up to his feet and looks in to the crowd with a smirk on his face as he looks down at Funaki. Edge walks over to Funaki's body and before picking him up, Edge motions around his waist for the WWE Championship. Edge picks Funaki up to his feet and throws him under the bottom rope and back in to the ring. Edge slides under the bottom rope and back in to the ring and Edge hooks the leg of Funaki for the cover. 1...2...Edge gets off the body of Funaki breaking up his own pinfall.

Edge gets up on his knees and shakes his head with a smirk on his face. Edge strokes his hair back and then walks to the corner. Edge kneels down and waits for Funaki who is out of it. After a few seconds, Funaki grabs on to the second rope and then pulls himself up to his knees. Funaki crawls to the corner on his knees and then pulls himself up with help of the top turnbuckle. Funaki backs out of the corner and turns around to Edge who runs out of the corner and takes Funaki down with a huge spear! Edge, on his knees, looks down at Funaki's body and then falls over Funaki and hooks the leg for the cover. 1...2...3!

Result: Edge via pinfall to advance @ 3:01

Edge gets up to his feet and raises his arms in victory. Edge looks at the titantron and sees himself advance to the semi-finals, against Big Show. Suddenly, the titantron cuts to pitch black and the lights in the arena go out. We are welcomed to a gong sound as a man raises his hand on the titantron and it's The Undertaker who is welcomed to a thunderous pop. Edge looks at The Undertaker in disbelief. The Undertaker continues staring at Edge until The Undertaker rolls his eyes behind his head and then slashes his throat to a huge pop from the fans as Edge looks on in disbelief as the smoke and fog continues to rise in the arena. The cameras cut to commercial.


We come back and we find Mr. Kennedy backstage warming up, jogging on the spot getting ready for his match. Eve Torres walks up to Mr. Kennedy and Mr. Kennedy immediately stops, looks up the ceiling and then down at Eve Torres.

Eve Torres: Mr. Kennedy, do you mind ...

Mr. Kennedy: How much times do we have to go over the damn routine!? It's MISTEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRR KENNEDAYYYYY!! ...... KENNEHDAYYY! Get it through your stupid head! Now go on.

Eve Torres: OK... well, tonight you enter the championship chase tournament, the winner goes to WrestleMania and fights the WWE Champion, obviously, for the WWE Championship. What are your thoughts and just how confident are you about this?

Mr. Kennedy: How confident? How confident? You're cute. You really are. How confident do you think I am? I'm coming off the victory of my career when I defeat Triple H in the middle of the ring this past Sunday, I pinned him one... two... three, and I beat him. You have to feel pretty good... and pretty confident coming off a victory like that. And if you don't. You're just a plain idiot. Now tonight will be no different that what happened at the rumble. Because tonight, I will pin whoever I face, one...two...three, just like at the rumble I did to Triple H. Then it'll be the same story next week, in the second round! And then, come No Way Out, where the finals take place, I will be the victor, and I will walk in to WrestleMania, without the strap, but when I walk out, I guarantee you this, everyone around the world will be yelling, YOUR WINNER AND THE NEW WWE CHAMPION, MISTEEEEEERRR KENNEDY!!!!!! .......KEN-NEH-DAY!

Mr. Kennedy looks up at the ceiling as the cameras cut to commercial.


Jim Ross: The final two matches for the championship chase tournament have been announced. Mr. Kennedy will go one on one with none other, than Matt Hardy while the main event will be Umaga going one on one against The Undertaker!

'Kennedy' is heard followed by 'Turn Up The Trouble' and Mr. Kennedy marches out from behind the curtain to a huge amount of heat from the fans. Mr. Kennedy walks up the steel steps and enters the ring. Mr. Kennedy runs in to the middle of the ring and raises his arm up for a mic but instead...

'Live For The Moment' plays and Matt Hardy walks out from behind the curtain to a huge pop from the fans as Mr. Kennedy looks displeased in the middle of the ring. Matt Hardy walks down the rampway to the ring as he and Kennedy stare holes through each other. Matt Hardy runs up the steel steps and enters the ring as he pulls his t-shirt off and throws it to the outside.

Round 1 of Championship Chase Tournament
Matt Hardy vs Mr. Kennedy


Mr. Kennedy and Matt Hardy circle the ring as Kennedy stares a hole through Hardy. Both men meet in the center of the ring and tie up. Mr. Kennedy takes Matt Hardy down in a headlock. Matt Hardy backs Kennedy to the ropes and pushes Kennedy off the ropes. Kennedy bounces back at Hardy and both men go for shoulder block but both men fall to the mat. Both men immediately get to their feet and run off the opposite set of ropes and back at each other. Matt Hardy goes for a clothesline but Kennedy dodges and continues to run off the ropes. Matt Hardy turns around at Kennedy running and goes for another clothesline but Kennedy dodges, raises his arms and takes Hardy down with a huge neckbreaker! Mr. Kennedy quickly takes advantage and hooks the leg of Hardy for the cover. 1...2...Matt Hardy kicks out! Mr. Kennedy and Matt Hardy both get to their feet and stare at each other as Hardy has one hand on his neck. Matt Hardy runs at Mr. Kennedy but Mr. Kennedy kicks Matt Hardy hard in the gut. Mr. Kennedy grabs Matt Hardy by the back of the head and the pants and then throws Hardy through the middle and top rope to the outside of the ring on the floor. Mr. Kennedy tells the referee to count as Kennedy walks closer to the ropes but the referee pushes Kennedy back as he tells the referee to count once more. 1.....2.....3.....4.....5.....Mr. Kennedy exits the ring to the outside and picks Matt Hardy up to his feet as the referee beings to tell Kennedy to bring it back in the ring. Mr. Kennedy grabs Matt Hardy by the hair and throws him face first in the ring apron. Mr. Kennedy walks behind Matt Hardy and grabs a hold of his shoulders. Mr. Kennedy runs with Matt Hardy and controls Hardy to the steel steps but at the last second Matt Hardy moves out of the way and trips Kennedy up and Kennedy goes face first in the steel ring steps as he falls hard on to the floor covering his face in pain.

Matt Hardy gets up to his feet and notices the ref's count is at seven. Matt Hardy walks over to the ring and crawls in and out to break up the count. Matt Hardy turns back to Kennedy who just got to his feet. Kennedy goes for a clothesline on Matt Hardy but Matt Hardy dodges it and puts his arm across the chest of Mr. Kennedy. Matt Hardy picks Kennedy up and plants him on the floor with a huge side effect as Kennedy screams in pain after that dreaded 'THUD!' sound. Matt Hardy gets up to his feet and holds up the V1 sign as the fans go wild. Matt Hardy leans back against the apron as he looks down at Kennedy on the floor who holds his back. Matt Hardy gets one knee up on the apron and then reaches a vertical base standing on the apron. Matt Hardy holds up the V1 sign with both hands as he screams and Hardy receives a huge pop from the fans. Matt Hardy jumps off the apron and goes for a legdrop to Kennedy but Kennedy just slides out of the way and Hardy crashes on the floor as the fans scream in 'awe!' after hearing that huge 'THUD!' Mr. Kennedy gets up to his feet and looks down at Hardy who sits on the floor holding his thigh. Mr. Kennedy nails Matt Hardy in the jaw with a boot which takes Hardy down on the floor. Mr. Kennedy rolls inside the ring and back out to break up the ring out count. Mr. Kennedy stands over Matt Hardy's body and mocks Hardy by holding up his own 'V1' sign with his fingers to a huge amount of heat from the fans. Mr. Kennedy picks Matt Hardy up to his feet and knees him repeatedly in the gut. Mr. Kennedy drives his shoulder in to the gut of Matt Hardy and then backs him in to the barricade kidneys first! Mr. Kennedy takes his shoulder out of the gut of Hardy and Hardy falls on to the floor chest first as Kennedy backs away with a sadistic smirk on his face.

Mr. Kennedy picks Matt Hardy up to his feet and brings him to the apron where he throws Matt Hardy against. Mr. Kennedy raises his hand and slaps Matt Hardy hard on the chest. Mr. Kennedy picks Matt Hardy's legs up, places them on the apron and pushes Matt Hardy back in to the ring. Mr. Kennedy follows, crawls to the body of Hardy and hooks the leg for the cover. 1...2...Matt Hardy gets the shoulder up and the fans go nuts as Kennedy looks on in disbelief! Mr. Kennedy gets up on his knees and he stares down at the downed Hardy. Mr. Kennedy grabs Hardy by the hair and starts to pound Hardy in the head with huge right hands. Mr. Kennedy shoots up to his feet and starts to stomp hard in the chest of Matt Hardy. Mr. Kennedy runs off the ropes, back at Hardy and jumps up high for an elbow drop but Matt Hardy rolls out of the way and Kennedy drops himself on the mat as he immediately tends to his elbow after that. Mr. Kennedy and Matt Hardy get to their feet after that. Mr. Kennedy runs towards Matt Hardy against the ropes but Matt Hardy kicks Mr. Kennedy in the gut. Matt Hardy runs off the ropes, back at Mr. Kennedy and takes him down with a huge swinging neckbreaker! Matt Hardy puts his arm over the chest of Mr. Kennedy and the referee goes down to make the count. 1...2...Mr. Kennedy grabs a hold of the bottom rope. Matt Hardy gets himself off Mr. Kennedy's body and Mr. Kennedy uses the ropes to pull himself up to a vertical base. Matt Hardy nails Kennedy in the jaw with a huge right which sends Kennedy to the middle of the ring, but Kennedy remains on his feet. Matt Hardy walks over to Mr. Kennedy but Kennedy kicks Matt Hardy in the knee. Mr. Kennedy goes for a kick to the head but Matt Hardy dodges but Kennedy continues to follow up and nails Matt Hardy in the side of the head with the second attempt of the kick which sends Matt Hardy off his feet and to the mat. Mr. Kennedy crawls over to Matt Hardy's body and hooks the leg for the cover. 1...2...Matt Hardy gets the shoulder up!

Kennedy gets up to his feet and backs in to the corner in disbelief. Mr. Kennedy waits for Matt Hardy who gets on his knees and arms on the mat. Mr. Kennedy runs out of the corner and goes for a running boot but Matt Hardy moves out of the way and Kennedy runs at mid-air. Matt Hardy gets to his feet and spreads his arms out as he waits for Mr. Kennedy to turn around. Eventually, Mr. Kennedy turns around and Matt Hardy hits Mr. Kennedy in the gut with a huge kick. Matt Hardy grabs Mr. Kennedy in a front facelock as the fans get up to their feet in anticipation. Matt Hardy goes for the twist of fate now but Mr. Kennedy also spins out of it and backslides Matt Hardy and puts both his feet on the bottom rope as the referee starts to count. 1...2...3!

Result: Mr. Kennedy via pinfall to advance @ 9:58

Mr. Kennedy rolls to the outside of the ring and raises his arms in victory as Matt Hardy gets to his knees and looks on in disbelief as he strokes his hair behind his head. The referee holds up Kennedy's hand but suddenly...

THE LIGHTS GO OUT AND A GONG IS HEARD! Mr. Kennedy turns around and looks up at the titantron where he sees The Undertaker just staring on. The Undertaker rolls his eyes behind his head and suddenly a lightning bolt hits the top of the stage in front of Mr. Kennedy and the stage engulfs in flames! The cameras cut to commercial.


Inside the ring we see the VIP Lounge set up and in the ring on a leather couch we see none other than the one, the only, Montel Vontavious Porter who is tending to his ribs.

MVP: Once again, MVP is in the ring, and that can only mean one thing. Big things poppin', little things stoppin'! So sit back, relax, and enjoy the view, because the VIP Lounge is for people better than you! AND, for people better than Rob Van Dam. The man that injured me, this past Sunday at the Royal Rumble when he decided to use his stupidity rather than his wrestling in the match.

The fans boo relentlessly as MVP looks around in the arena with his sunglasses still on.

MVP: Don't hate me because I'm stating the facts, alright. You idiots know just as well as I do that RVD is champion right now by luck. He knows that if I didn't get injured in the match I would've won the WWE Championship and be giving out my victory speech, NOT Rob Van Dam, that pathetic piece of garbage and that sad excuse of a wrestler AND a champion!

MVP breathes heavily as he is poured with a ton of heat from the fans. This is the most heat heard tonight.

MVP: OK, you know what, go ahead and hate me. But I know for a fact that I am not the only one who thinks this because there are a handful of superstars in the locker room who think the same as me!

The fans boo even more as MVP just sits on the leather couch with almost no care for what he says about Rob Van Dam.

MVP: Hell, you know what, talking about Rob Van Dam, I have to bring up this question to Vickie Guerrero. Just WHY IN THE HELL are you wasting money on RVD when we could re-negotiate my Smackdown! contract which expires in exactly six months!

The fans boo even more. Suddenly...

'One Of A Kind' plays and Rob Van Dam walks out from behind the curtain to a huge pop from the fans. RVD parades the WWE Championship around as MVP looks on in disgust. Rob Van Dam slides under the bottom rope and in to the ring. RVD picks a microphone up off the coffee table and looks down at MVP on the leather couch.

Rob Van Dam:
Dude. You got injured! OK! We get it. You know what, bro. This is wrestling, and in wrestling, accidents happen. And what happened this past Sunday at the Royal Rumble was an accident. Just get over i...

MVP: No! Don't tell me to get over it, alright. First of all, I know for a fact that you hate me, just like I hate you, which is why you intentionally tried to injure me at the rumble with your stupidity that's not wrestling. Second of all, if I were you, I'd cherish the WWE Championship for however more longer you have it, because when I am medically cleared to wrestle, you better know that I will come after you like no one has ever come after you before, RVD! Soon enough, the franchise player of Smackdown!, mister 305, half man half amazing, the man better than you, will indeed become the WWE CHAMPION!

RVD and MVP stare at each other face to face as MVP pulls his sunglasses off and hangs them from his shirt while the fans boo.

MVP: And you know what else. Since you intentionally tried to injure me, in which you did succeed, I ask... NO, I DEMAND for Vickie Guerrero to come out here and strip you of the WWE Championship as of this moment!

The fans boo wildly as RVD has a 'WTF?' look on his face.

Rob Van Dam: You gotta be kidding me, dude!

MVP: No, I ain't. See you gotta be careful when you're wrest..

MVP gets cut off as 'The Game' plays and Triple H walks out to a huge pop from the fans as he sports the new Triple H t-shirt available on Triple H takes his sunglasses off and puts them on his t-shirt as he walks out water bottleless. Triple H walks up the steel steps, walks along the apron and enters the ring. Triple H walks over to the ropes and grabs a microphone.

MVP: Excuse me, just who the hell do you think you are. This is my talk show. The VIP Lounge, man!

Triple H: Yeah, I see that. You got it nicely set up. Congratulations. There's a reason I'm out here though, MVP. First off, RVD, I just wanna congratulate you on your successful WWE Championship defense at the royal rumble.

The fans applaud as Triple H and RVD shake hands.

Triple H: Second of all, MVP, I think you should just shut the hell up.

The fans go nuts at that as MVP looks at Triple H in disbelief.

MVP: Excuse me! This is my show, you don't tell me to shut up, I tell you to shut up! So right now, I AM TELLING YOU TO SHUT THE ...

MVP gets cut off with "Shut Up!" chants from the crowd as MVP looks on in disbelief while RVD and Triple H laugh in the ring.

Triple H: MVP, you can't cry about all the things that don't go your way in wrestling. I mean you cried about losing the tag titles back in 2007. You cried about losing the United States Championship in 2008, and now you're crying about losing your opportunity at the WWE Championship. You can't cry about everything, MVP. It's wrestling!

Wait a minute, it's not crying, it's stating facts about how I got screwed. The WWE Tag Titles, Matt Hardy held me down. He lost the titles, NOT ME! The United States Championship, Matt Hardy blatantly cheated. And well, RVD, well he's just a trash wrestler that has trash wrestling that comes from the trash organization that is ECW.

The fans boo wildly as MVP looks around in to the crowd.

MVP: And if I'm not mistaken, you're the one who complains about every loss when you lose the championship, so I wouldn't be talking.

The fans boo as Triple H sarcastically nods.

Triple H: Aside from all that, there's another reason why I am out here. RVD, you've defended the championship against a ton of superstars and you've had success every time. I mean, defeating the likes of Umaga, Edge, Big Show, Bobby Lashley, The Great Khali, Jeff Hardy, but yet there is one man you haven't defeated yet, and that's me, the king of kings, the game, the cerebral assassin, the 12 time WWE Champion, ME, TRIPLE H!

The fans pop as they can anticipate something huge happening.

Triple H: So RVD, I ask you right now, man to man, superstar to superstar, I challenge you to a WWE Championship match at No Way Out!

The fans in the arena go wild at the challenge as every fan is on their feet while Triple H and RVD stand face to face.

MVP: Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Hold up, playas. Not so fast. I have broken ribs. And sadly for you, Triple H, no one is getting a title shot before me, which won't be anytime soon, so sadly for you, Triple H, there will be no WWE Championship match for you at No Way Out and you better believe it!

Vickie Guerrero suddenly appears on the titantron and the fans pour a tremendous amount of heat on Guerrero.

Vickie Guerrero: EXCUSE ME! EXCUSE ME!

The fans continue to pour a tremendous amount of heat on Vickie Guerrero as MVP, RVD and Triple H suddenly realize Vickie on the titantron.

Vickie Guerrero: MVP, sadly for you, you don't make the decisions around here, I DO! And Triple H, I like the sound of that challenge you laid down moments ago. So! At No Way Out, the main event is going to be Triple H vs Rob Van Dam for the WWE Championship!

The fans go nuts!

Vickie Guerrero: But that's not all! MVP, don't think I forgot about you. See, you can't wrestle, but you'll have another duty. You're going to be the special guest referee for that match!

The fans boo as MVP throws the microphone to the canvas in anger. The titantron cuts as Triple H and RVD stare at each other. RVD goes for a superkick but Triple H dodges quickly and the fans pop. RVD turns around and Triple H kicks him in the gut. Triple H tucks RVDs head in between his legs and hooks both arms and the fans are going wild. Triple H jumps up with RVD and plants him in the mat with a huge pedigree and the fans go wild as MVP gets out on to the apron. Triple H picks the WWE Championship up off the mat and stares at MVP as he holds it up. MVP motions around his waist as MVP walks down the steel steps, walks around the ring and up the rampway as the cameras cut to a graphic.

The Final Match of Round 1
The Undertaker vs Umaga


Highlights from the other three first round matches air. Big Show and Edge will go toe to toe next week in the second round and Mr. Kennedy will go toe to toe with either Umaga or The Undertaker.

Jim Ross: Well folks, moments ago, a huge match was just announced for No Way Out.

A graphic comes up plugging the match.
Triple H vs Rob Van Dam - WWE Championship
MVP is Special Referee

Jim Ross:
It's going to be huge. The Game, Triple H contends against Mr. Friday Night, Rob Van Dam, the current WWE Champion, and MVP is going to be the special guest referee.

Mick Foley: This match has possible match of the year candidacy written all over it. Who will prevail!? The Game or The WWE Champion!?

'Virtual Voodoo' plays and Umaga marches out to a chorus of boos from the fans. Umaga spreads out his arms and screams as he walks down the rampway to a chorus of boos. Umaga walks up the steel steps and enters the ring, and once he does he screams like a wild samoan. Umaga stands in the middle of the ring as he waits.

A gong tolls, the lights dim, another gong tolls and 'The Darkest Side' beings to play as The Undertaker walks out to a huge pop from the fans. The fog beings to build as The Undertaker slowly walks down the entrance way. The Undertaker slowly walks up the steel steps and stands on the top step. The Undertaker raises his arms in the air and the lights turn on with a loud thunder noise heard. The Undertaker enters the ring and stands there. The Undertaker un-zips his sleeves and then pulls his jacket off. The Undertaker throws it over the top rope to one of the ringside workers. The Undertaker pulls off his hat and hands it to one of the ringside workers.

Main Event
Round 1 of Championship Chase Tournament
The Undertaker vs Umaga


The Undertaker and Umaga circle the ring but suddenly...

'Metalingus' plays and Edge walks out in street clothes to a chorus of boos from the fans. Edge walks down the rampway and around the ring. Edge walks to the announce table and sits in the extra seat.

Jim Ross: What brings you here, Edge.

Edge: Just simple observation, JR!

Mick Foley: Well it's a pleasure to have you here with us, Edge.

Edge: Thank you, Mick.

The Undertaker stares at Edge at the announce table. Umaga runs at Undertaker and attacks Undertaker from behind with a huge right hand. Umaga throws Undertaker in to the corner and starts to nail Undertaker with huge rights and lefts in the gut of 'Taker. Umaga grabs Undertaker by the arm and strongly irish whips him in to the opposite corner. The Undertaker bounces out of the corner back at Umaga and Umaga takes 'Taker down with a huge clothesline. Umaga goes down for the cover. 1...2...The Undertaker gets the shoulder up! Umaga gets up to his feet and then grabs Undertaker by the hair using it to pull him up to his feet. Umaga goes for a right but Undertaker dodges and nails Umaga in the gut with a huge right hand. The Undertaker stands up straight and starts to take Umaga out with huge right hands but Umaga pushes The Undertaker to the ropes and Undertaker stays there. Umaga runs at The Undertaker but The Undertaker falls down and pulls the top rope down as well which causes Umaga to sail over the top rope and to the outside on the floor hard. The Undertaker raises his head slightly and looks down at Umaga on the floor. The Undertaker rolls to the outside of the ring where Umaga lays. The Undertaker leans back against the announce table and then slightly turns his head towards Edge sitting on the commentators chair. The Undertaker grabs Edge by the throat and Edge looks at 'Taker in shock. The Undertaker pulls Edge on to the announce table and the fans go nuts. The Undertaker throws Edge towards the ring but instead, Umaga gets in the way and Edge lands on top of Umaga and then rolls off him. The Undertaker stands over both, Umaga and Edge as the fans go nuts. The Undertaker rolls under the bottom rope and back to the outside to break up the count. The Undertaker picks Umaga up to his feet and then throws him face first in to the ring apron. The Undertaker throws Umaga in to the ring and then sticks his head out off the apron. The Undertaker jumps up on to the apron and backs up to the ring post. The Undertaker runs along the apron, jumps up and hits Umaga across the chest with a huge legdrop on the apron. The Undertaker falls to his side on the floor as Umaga rolls in to the ring. The Undertaker gets up to his feet and crawls under the bottom rope back in to the ring. The Undertaker crawls over to Umaga's body and hooks the leg for the cover. 1...2...Umaga kicks out!

The Undertaker gets up to his knees and strokes his hair back as he looks at the referee. The Undertaker picks Umaga up to his feet and nails him in the jaw with huge right elbow. The Undertaker grabs Umaga's left arm and twists it. The Undertaker drives his shoulder in to the arm of Umaga which sends Umaga down to one knee. The Undertaker twists the arm yet again and backs in to the corner. The Undertaker climbs to the top turnbuckle and then scales the top rope. Before The Undertaker can do anything, Umaga places his right hand on the leg of The Undertaker and pushes him off the top rope and in to the Smackdown! announce table right in front of Mick Foley and Jim Ross!

Jim Ross: Bah gawd, Mick!

Mick Foley: Holy smokes!

The Undertaker lays motionless on the broken pieces of the announce table while Umaga rests by sitting in the corner. Umaga looks just to his side on the outside and finds Edge still down on the floor. The Undertaker continues to lay motionless on the announce table as all the fans in the arena are dead silent while the referee starts to count. 1.....2.....3.....4.....5.....6.....7.....8.....9.....Umaga rolls to the outside of the ring to break up the count! Umaga picks The Undertaker's dead weight up and takes him away from the announce table. Umaga picks The Undertaker up on his shoulder and locks on a bear hug. Umaga continues to apply pressure. Umaga turns to the apron and rams The Undertaker kidney first in the apron which causes Undertaker to let out a huge groan! The Undertaker eventually drops to his knees and crawls towards the steel ring post. The Undertaker gets up to a vertical base and leans against the steel ring post as he stares at Umaga. Umaga runs at The Undertaker against the ring post but The Undertaker moves out of the way and Umaga crashes chest and shoulder first in the steel ring post. The Undertaker grabs Umaga by the head and throws him face first in the apron. Both, Umaga and Undertaker lean against the apron but Undertaker takes advantage and kicks Umaga in the side of the gut. The Undertaker picks Umaga's legs up, places them on the apron and slides him in to the ring. The Undertaker rolls under the bottom rope, crawls to Umaga and hooks the leg for the cover. 1...2...Umaga kicks out! The Undertaker gets up to his feet and looks at the referee in shock. Umaga raises his head slightly off the mat. The Undertaker bounces off the ropes and nails Umaga right in the head with a huge boot which takes Umaga down on the mat. The Undertaker runs off the ropes, runs back to Umaga and then nails Umaga across the chest with a huge legdrop. The Undertaker quickly changes his position and hooks the leg for the cover. 1...2...Umaga gets the shoulder up. The Undertaker gets up to his feet and backs in to the corner as he leans in there waiting for Umaga. A few seconds later, Umaga gets up to a vertical base with his back turned to Undertaker. Eventaully, Umaga turns around and Undertaker runs out of the corner, towards Umaga for a running shoulder block but Umaga doesn't give an inch. Umaga screams as The Undertaker runs off the ropes, back at Umaga but Umaga throws Undertaker up high in the air, catches Undertaker on his shoulders and then plants him in the mat with a huge samoan drop! Umaga sits up and turns his head as he looks down at Undertaker. Umaga lays back on Undertaker's body for the cover. 1...2...Undertaker gets the shoulder up!

The Undertaker turns over on his stomach and chest as he holds his back. Umaga gets up to his feet and screams. Umaga backs in to the corner and then jumps up to the second turnbuckle as he looks at Undertaker on the mat who continues to hold his back as he lays on his stomach. Umaga jumps off the second turnbuckle and plants his head in to the spine of The Undertaker which lets out a huge groan from the deadman as he turns over on his back! Umaga simply jumps up to his feet and slaps on his chest as he screams. Umaga looks down at The Undertaker who lays on his back while holding his back. Umaga runs off the ropes, runs back at The Undertaker, jumps up high and lands on the body of The Undertaker with a roof shaking splash! Umaga gets up and holds his thumb up as the fans boo. Umaga waits for The Undertaker as he screams something in samoan. The Undertaker uses his arms to just barely get off the mat and The Undertaker crawls to the corner. The Undertaker sits in the corner with his back facing the turnbuckles. The Undertaker strokes his hair back as Umaga backs in to the opposite corner. Umaga spreads his arms out, screams in samoan and then slaps on his chest. Umaga jumps up and runs out of the corner as he goes for the samoan hip attack in the corner but The Undertaker just slides out of the way as he gets on to the apron and Umaga runs himself spine first in to the corner. The Undertaker gets up to his feet on the apron and then climbs up to the top turnbuckle. Umaga turns around and faces Undertaker and Undertaker jumps off the top turnbuckle and goes for a flying shoulder tackle but Umaga's strength takes Undertaker down to the mat instead of Umaga! Umaga looks down at The Undertaker. Umaga grabs a hold of The Undertaker's hair and uses it to pull The Undertaker up to his feet. The Undertaker stands defenseless in the hands of Umaga as Umaga holds his thumb up. Umaga screams and then goes for the samoan spike but The Undertaker dodges and runs behind Umaga. Umaga turns around and gets his throat caught in the grip of The Undertaker. The Undertaker throws Umaga's arm over his shoulder, picks him up in the air and plants Umaga in the middle of the ring with a huge chokeslam! The fans applaud the deadman as he walks to the ropes and leans against them as he holds his back.

The Undertaker gets off the ropes and slashes his throat as he waits for Umaga. Umaga finally gets up to his feet, groggy and all as he turns around to The Undertaker. The Undertaker picks Umaga up across his body but because of the weight, The Undertaker collapses with Umaga on top of him and the referee goes down to make the count. 1...2...The Undertaker gets his foot on the bottom rope! Umaga turns over on his back in disbelief as the fans go wild. Umaga and The Undertaker sit up at the same time. Both men immediately turn their heads to face each others at the same time as well as the fans go nuts. Both men get to their feet and start to exchange rights and lefts. Umaga knees Undertaker in the gut and hits him with a headbutt which causes The Undertaker to get staggered. Umaga drives his shoulder in to the gut of Undertaker and backs him in to the corner. Umaga nails Undertaker with huge right hands in the head while in the corner. Umaga climbs up to the second rope and has a clear view of Undertaker. Umaga raises his hand and nails Undertaker in the top of the head with a huge right hand. And then another, and another, and another, and another, and now Umaga stops as he slaps his chest and screams something in samoan. The Undertaker takes advantage and grabs a hold of Umaga's tights as he picks Umaga up on his shoulders. The Undertaker picks Umaga up and plants him in the mat with a huge last ride in the middle of the ring! The Undertaker drops to his knees and then falls over the body of Umaga for the cover as the referee goes down to make the cover. 1...2...3!

Result: The Undertaker via pinfall to advance @ 15:31

The Undertaker gets up to his knees and The Undertaker advances to face Mr. Kennedy next week on Smackdown!. Mr. Kennedy runs down to the ring without The Undertaker knowing with a steel chair. Mr. Kennedy measures Undertaker up as he stands behind The Undertaker with the steel chair. Undertaker turns around and Kennedy goes for the chairshot but Undertaker dodges and Kennedy knocks the chair off the ropes and it rebounds in to Kennedy's face. Kennedy drops the chair and staggers as he turns around to face The Undertaker. The Undertaker grabs a hold of Mr. Kennedy's throat, grabs his tights, picks Mr. Kennedy up in the air and then plants Mr. Kennedy in the mat with a huge chokeslam! The Undertaker turns around and Edge runs at The Undertaker and takes him down with a huge spear! Edge jumps up to his feet and puts a sadistic smile on his face as he strokes his hair back and looks down at his work as The Undertaker lays motionless on the mat. Edge steps out through the middle rope on to the apron and jumps off as he walks up the rampway to a chorus of boos from the fans.

Jim Ross: What the hell just happened!? Undertaker won the match, then Kennedy ran down, but Undertaker took care of him and then Edge spears The Undertaker! WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!?

Cameras turn to The Undertaker who continues to lay motionless on the mat. The cameras turn back to Edge on the top of the stage where he holds up the devil horns with his hands as he continues to get booed and the cameras fade to signify the end of Smackdown!.

No Way Out
February 15th, 2009

Special Referee Match for the WWE Championship
Special Referee: Montel Vontavious Porter
Triple H vs Rob Van Dam (c)


Feb 24, 2008
Reaction score
Ottawa, Canada
WWE News & Notes

-Discussion is going around of holding yet another Jericho/HBK feud just for WrestleMania 25.

-CM Punk is expected to get somewhat of a push after going over Jericho on Monday Night Raw. The original plan was for Jericho to go over 2 - 1, but Jericho quickly told Creative Staff he wanted Punk to go over in which he did.

-The Raw Rating was a 3.7 this week.

-Edge/Kennedy is likely going to be the finals for No Way Out with the winner going to WrestleMania. It's not secret, Mr. Kennedy is expected to receive a huge push pretty soon.

-Triple H praised MVP for his great mic work on the VIP Lounge from Smackdown!. MVP, just like Kennedy, is in line for a push this summer.

-Expect a draft announcement pretty soon to come up. It'll likely take place sometime in April.

Raw Brand House Show Results; January 28th

Cryme Tyme defeat John Morrison & The Miz @ 6:23

John Cena defeat Kane @ 10:56

Candice defeat Beth Phoenix @ 7:39 to retain the Womens Championship.

Lance Cade defeat Rey Mysterio @ 13:14 to retain the Intercontinental Championship.

Shawn Michaels defeat Chris Jericho @ 27:29 [Was said to be match of the night.]

CM Punk defeat Kurt Angle @ 18:03

Ted DiBiase & DH Smith defeat Paul London & Brian Kendrick @ 5:41

Batista defeat Randy Orton by DQ @ 23:48 when Orton nailed Batista in the head with the World Heavyweight Championship. As a result, Randy Orton retains the title.


BM: I found Mr Kennedy Vs Matt Hardy to be the best match on the show tbh, it flowed nicely and I like both of the superstars. I also liked Taker winning lol. Edge spearing him at the end makes good fued and lol at Kennedy running down and getting smashed...

WM: Funaki Vs Edge wasnt terrible but it wasnt exciting coz you just know Edge won't lose to him lol.

BP: The VIP lounge was awesome! It was in character with everyone in it and long which I liked. Great promo, I also thought Mr Kennedy's were quite good :)

WP: None were bad but I felt there could have been much more promos on the show, they were good and long but not enough lol.

AF: Good show, I really like the matches! The matches are awesome, and also that VIP lounge was great...I will check out your next show.

CP: Check out YTW if you want :D

now, good House show results. nice news about MVP getting a push, also Edge and Kennedy lol. Keep up the good work :y:


Feb 24, 2008
Reaction score
Ottawa, Canada
Raw Preview

Raw comes to you on Monday Night from Buffalo, New York in the HSBC Arena and what a night it is going to be.

Kurt Angle has told he will indeed be addressing the live crowd on Monday Night Raw. What could Kurt Angle have on his mind? Especially since coming off his tremendous Last Man Standing match with Randy Orton just last week, albeit, losing the match and losing his opportunity at WrestleMania 25. What does Kurt Angle have on his mind? What could the Olympic Gold Medalist want to get off his chest?

Not only is Kurt Angle going to be addressing the live crowd, but Shawn Michaels wants to address the Buffalo fans on Monday Night Raw. What could the heartbreak kid have on his mind, especially since coming up short at Royal Rumble of winning the match and punching his ticket to WrestleMania.

Last week, Lance Cade defeat Batista to win his first singles title in the WWE, the Intercontinental Championship. His first title defense WILL be this Monday Night on Raw when he defends against Kofi Kingston. Can Lance Cade retain the championship in his first defense or will the first ever Jamaican WWE superstar become the Intercontinental Champion for the first time in his career?

The WWE Womens Champion will be competing in in-ring action Monday Night as well as she defends the title against Katie Lea, one of her other three opponents from the Royal Rumble. Can Katie Lea be the victor and lock a Womens Championship match in the future for the victory, or will Candice be the victor and send Katie Lea to the back of the line?

All this and SO much more can be answered on Monday Night Raw. Live from the USA Network and 9 PM Eastern/8 PM Central.


May 25, 2007
Reaction score
Washignton DC
BM: Undertaker vs. Umaga I liked how the ending played out. I'm interested in seeing how the edge/taker storyline will unfold going into mania.

WM: Edge/Funaki nothing special

BP: MVP Lounge rocked!!

WP: None

Overall: 9.5/10 Overall i would say this was a pretty good show. Keep it up and i will be reading.


Apr 26, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: The Undertaker vs Umaga for me. Undertaker is one of my favorite wrestlers and the way you wrote the match really had me into it.

Worst Match: None were bad really, but I'm gonna have to go with Edge vs Funaki. To Predictable, I already knew Edge was gonna win from the start.

Best Promo: The VIP Lounge promo was good, although I'm not a big fan of MVP, I did enjoy the promo.

Worst Promo: None.

Feedback: I'll give this a 8.5/10. Overall a good show, you got some nice storylines going on and I'm interested to see how they play out. Keep up the good work.


Feb 24, 2008
Reaction score
Ottawa, Canada
February 2nd, 2009
Buffalo, New York

'To Be Loved' plays as the new Raw opening video plays.


The cameras search through the crowd as the fans go absolutely wild for Monday Night Raw. The cameras turn to the commentators, Michael Cole and Jerry 'The King' Lawler.

Michael Cole: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to a sold out edition of Monday Night Raw, here live, in Buffalo, New York, and boy what a night do we have tonight!

Jerry Lawler: Last week, Lance Cade defeat the 2009 Royal Rumble winner, Batista to win his first ever singles title in the WWE, the Intercontinental Championship, tonight, he defends against Kofi Kingston. Not only that, but the womens champion, Candice Michelle defends the Womens Championship against Katie Lea Burchill.

Michael Cole: And tonight, Kurt Angle will address the crowd, but right now, the heartbreak kid will do so.

'Sexy Boy' plays and Shawn Michaels walks out from behind the curtain to a huge pop from the fans.

Shawn Michaels enters the ring and takes a microphone. HBK walks to the center of the ring and looks around the arena as the fans continue to pop for him as his music stops playing. The fans break out an "HBK! HBK!" chant. The fans die down and allow HBK to talk.

Shawn Michaels:
Good ole' Buffalo, New York!

The fans pop as their city is mentioned.

Shawn Michaels: Now, I'm not here to talk about anything crazy or anything, y'know. But it seems to me, that many people in the back have forgotten just who HBK is.

The fans boo.

Shawn Michaels:
See, my accomplishments have been over looked and many superstars have said that they're better than I am and everything else. Well I just wanna re-iterate my accomplishments. I am the first ever triple crown champion, I have won EVERY championship there is to be held in World Wrestling Entertainment! I've done absolutely everything in this industry whether the superstars in the back like it or not, it's true...

'Break The Walls Down' plays and Chris Jericho walks out to a chorus of boos from the fans as he walks out with a small bandage over his right eye.

Chris Jericho enters the ring and walks past Shawn Michaels as he takes a microphone. Chris Jericho walks close to Shawn and stands right in front of him.

Chris Jericho: Listen, Shawn...

The fans boo wildly not allowing Chris Jericho to talk. Chris Jericho waits as the fans after a while finally hush down.

Chris Jericho:
Listen, Shawn. I know you're wondering why am I out here, what do I have to do with anything, but I know what you're talking about. I mean they're doing the same for me in the back...

Shawn Michaels: Listen, Chris. The reason they're probably doing it to you, is because you're an ass.

The fans pop as Chris Jericho puts his head down and slightly smirks sarcastically.

Chris Jericho:
I guess I had that coming, especially after our long past. And that's exactly what I wanna talk about. Our past. Especially last year. Listen, Shawn, I know you're a changed man. You're no longer a liar, I deemed for you to be last year, I know you have changed. So I wanna put our differences aside. Because I am a changed man too. I can promise that.

Chris Jericho extends his hand to Michaels as the fans boo.

Shawn Michaels: How do you expect me to trust you, Chris. I thought you were my friend, you were my supporter last year, yet what happened, you decided to turn your back on me and tried to take my eye out by throwing me in to your television. How exactly do you expect me to believe you're a changed man!?

The fans pop as Jericho lifts the microphone up to his mouth.

Chris Jericho:
I'm a changed man, Shawn. Let me prove it to you. Give me a chance to prove myself to you. Please. That's all I ask.

Chris Jericho extends his hand once more to Shawn Michaels, yet the fans continue to boo. Shawn Michaels moves his hand in but then back as he's reluctant. Chris Jericho says, "Please." away from the mic as Shawn Michaels moves his hand in once more and shakes Chris Jericho's hand, reluctantly. Chris Jericho says, "I'm a changed man." off mic as Chris Jericho lets go of Shawn Michaels' hand and exits the ring as he walks up the rampway to a mixed reaction from the fans. The cameras fade to commercial.


Backstage we find Chris Jericho walking down the halls. He runs in to Eric Bischoff.

Eric Bischoff:
What a touching, touching moment you and Shawn had out there moments ago. Almost brought a tear to my eye.

Chris Jericho:
What do you want, Eric?

Eric Bischoff: What do I want? Quite frankly, I don't see it that way. I see it as, what do you want, to make Shawn trust you again. So here's what I'm going to do. Tonight, in that ring, you and HBK will team up, to take on John Morrison and The Miz. And I don't want to hear any complaints. Because you said it yourself out there, you're a "changed" man and you want Shawn Michaels to trust you again. So, all I have to say is, good luck.

Eric Bischoff smiles at Jericho as Jericho just looks at Eric Bischoff before Bischoff walks off. The cameras fade to the ring.

'SOS' plays and Kofi Kingston runs out from behind the curtain to a good pop from the fans.

'Generic' plays and Lance Cade walks out with the Intercontinental Title around his waist to a chorus of boos from the fans.

Intercontinental Championship
Kofi Kingston vs Lance Cade (c)


Lance Cade and Kofi Kingston run to the middle of the ring and tie up with Cade powering Kingston to the corner. Lance Cade grabs Kofi Kingston by the arm and irish whips him in to the opposite corner. Kingston bounces out of the corner and Cade kicks him in the gut. Cade grabs Kingston in a front facelock and plants him on the mat with a huge DDT. Lance Cade turns Kofi Kingston over on his back and hooks the leg for the cover. 1...2...Kofi Kingston kicks out! Lance Cade picks Kofi Kingston up to his feet but Kofi shoots up and starts to nail Cade with huge right hands. Kofi Kingston goes to run off the ropes but Kane appears behind him and big boots Kingston out of his boots!

Result: Kofi Kingston via DQ @ 1:23

Lance Cade tries to hightail but Kane grabs him by the trucks and pulls him back in the ring. Kane grabs Lance Cade by the throat and says something. Kane picks Lance Cade high up in the air and plants him on the mat with a huge chokeslam. Kane picks Kingston up by the hair and throws him over the top rope to the outside. Kane goes to the outside and looks at the commentators. Kane screams, "I SHOULD'VE WON THE RUMBLE!" Kane walks over to one of the ringside workers and grabs him by the throat. Kane screams, "I SHOULD'VE WON THE RUMBLE! I SHOULD'VE WON THE RUMBLE! RIGHT!?" Kane picks the worker up high and plants him on the floor with a huge chokeslam. Kane looks at Lilian Garcia who tries to run but Kane catches her by the dress. Kane pulls her near him and grabs her by the throat. Kane screams once again saying, "I SHOULD'VE WON THE RUMBLE, RIGHT!?" Kane picks Lilian Garcia up but suddenly...

'My Time Is Now' plays to a huge pop from the fans as Cena runs out from behind the curtain as Kane drops Lilian to the floor.

Cena runs around the ring and then jumps off the steel steps and at Kane and both men fall on the floor. Cena sits over Kane's chest and pounds him in the face with huge right hands but Kane pushes Cena off towards the ring. Both men get up to their feet and Cena runs at Kane but Kane nails Cena under the chin with a huge uppercut. Kane grabs Cena by the head and throws him face first in the announce table. Cena backs up in to the ring apron. Kane walks over to Cena but Cena kicks Kane in the gut and throws Kane face first in the apron to no avail. Kane clotheslines John Cena hard on to the floor. Kofi Kingston gets up and tries to help but Kane grabs Kingston by the throat and throws him spine first in the steel ring post. Kane walks over to the announce table and clears it. Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler just stand behind their chairs as Kane screams at them to move. Kane walks around to Michael Cole and screams, "MOVE!" Kane grabs Cole by the throat and throws him over the barricade in to fans laps. John Cena picks up the steel ring steps as Kane is still distracted by Cole. Kane turns around and Cena nails Kane in the head with the steel ring steps which causes Kane to fall back against the barricade as Cena drops the steel ring steps. Cena picks Kane up on his shoulders and Cena steps up on to the steel steps. John Cena flips Kane over and through the announce table with a huge F-U! John Cena stands up on the steel steps and screams as the fans go wild and Michael Cole gets up and looks down at Kane on the broken announce table. John Cena helps Lilian Garcia up and then walks around the ring and up the rampway to the back.


We see highlights of what happened moments ago between Cena and Kane.

Michael Cole: Well folks, moments ago, total chaos broke out as Kane went on a rampage interrupting the Intercontinental Championship match, and then John Cena ran down and even more chaos ensued between the two men.

Jerry Lawler: Kane is one scary freak that's for sure! And look at our announce table! It's totaled because John Cena F-U'd Kane through the table earlier.

Michael Cole: It seems Kane is mad about not winning the Rumble.

Jerry Lawler: And later tonight, John Cena goes one on one with World Heavyweight Champion, Randy Orton.

'Medal' plays and Kurt Angle walks out to a nice pop from the fans.

Kurt Angle enters the ring and takes a microphone off the steel steps. Kurt Angle walks to the middle of the ring with a serious expression.

Kurt Angle: I'm going to get straight to the point. There is one thing I want, THE WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP! And seeing as Randy Orton is the champion and Batista is the number one contender, I won't want any of them out of their WrestleMania contest, but I want one thing, I want in that WrestleMania contest and I want it to be triple threat!

The fans pop as Kurt Angle walks back and fourth in the ring.

Kurt Angle:
So Randy, Batista, if you two are as much of men as you claim to be, you'll accept me in to the WrestleMania main event to make it triple threat!

The fans pop even louder as Kurt Angle turns his attention to the rampway waiting.

Kurt Angle:
I'll wait out here all night long if I have to if it means me getting an answer from you two pansies!

The fans pop as Kurt Angle walks closer to the ropes waiting for Randy Orton or Batista.

'Voices' plays and Randy Orton walks out to a chorus of boos from the fans as he stays on the rampway with his own microphone and the World Heavyweight Championship on his shoulder.

Randy Orton: Kurt! Kurt! I beat your ass...TWICE! You don't get another opportunity, bro. That's just not how it works, I'm sorry to break it to you, but it's true.

Kurt Angle: Randy, you oughta shut your snot nose mouth up right now, I've beat you before and I'll do it again. Wanna know why you beat me at the Rumble and last week!? Because of your damn Evolution, Ted DiBiase and Harry Smith! So you listen to me you snot nose...

Randy Orton: No, you listen to me you smug son of a bitch! The fact of the matter is I beat you, hell I knocked you out for 10 seconds last week, that doesn't earn you another shot at MY World Heavyweight Championship. I hate to break it to you, but at WrestleMania it's going to be the legend killer, Randy Orton against the traitor, Dave ...

'I Walk Alone' plays and Batista walks out to a huge pop from the fans as Orton walks down to the rampway to the floor.

Batista has his own mic with him as he stays on the top of the rampway.

Batista: I thrive on competition. Randy, quite frankly, I think you're scared of competition.

Randy Orton: Me scared of competition?

Batista: Yeah! Explain the royal rumble you stupid son of a bitch, you tried to take me out and lose, but Randy, you failed. And last week what I did to you is nothing compared what I do to you at WrestleMania when I take the World Heavyweight Championship!

Kurt Angle: Hold on, Batista. Don't come to conclusions just yet! See, if I do get my wish granted, then I will be the one who walks out with the World Heavyweight Championship! NOT YOU!

'I'm back!' plays and Eric Bischoff walks out to a chorus of boos from the fans as he has his own microphone and joins Batista on the rampway.

Eric Bischoff: I love competition too. Batista, you love competition so much, am I right?

Batista nods.

Eric Bischoff: So there it is! Tonight, the main event is going to be Batista vs Kurt Angle and if Kurt Angle comes out the victor, then we have ourselves a triple threat match at WrestleMania!

The fans go nuts as Angle nods in approval while Orton looks back at Bischoff in disbelief and Batista nods while staring at Kurt Angle. The cameras fade to commercial.


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Later Tonight
John Cena vs Randy Orton


If Kurt Angle Wins; WrestleMania Main Event Turns In To Triple Threat Match
Batista vs Kurt Angle


Shawn Michaels & Chris Jericho vs John Morrison & The Miz


Womens Championship Match
Candice Michelle (c) vs Katie Lea

'Obsession' plays and Mickie James runs out from behind the curtain to a nice pop from the fans.

'Paparazzi' plays and Melina walks out from behind the curtain to a nice pop from the fans.

'Glamazon' plays and Beth Phoenix walks out from behind the curtain to a chorus of boos from the fans.

Triple Threat Match
Mickie James vs Melina vs Beth Phoenix


Mickie and Melina run at Beth Phoenix as they start to pound her with huge right hands in the corner. Melina and Mickie both grab Beth's arms and irish whip her in to the corner. Beth Phoenix runs out of the corner and clotheslines both, Mickie and Melina down to the mat and Mickie rolls out on to the apron holding her chest as Beth picked Melina up and took her to the corner. Beth Phoenix starts to kick Melina in the gut repeatedly. Beth Phoenix grabs Melina by the arm and irish whips her in to the opposite corner. Melina bounces out of the corner, back at Beth and Beth picks Melina up over her head and then plants her on the mat chest first. Beth Phoenix runs over Melina, bounces off the ropes, runs back at Melina and crushes her back with a splash! Mickie James gets up to her feet and climbs up to the top rope. Beth Phoenix turns to the corner and Mickie James jumps off the top turnbuckle for a crossbody but Beth catches her and plants her on the mat with a powerslam! Beth hooks the leg of Mickie for the cover. 1...2...Melina breaks up the pinfall! Melina picks Beth Phoenix up to her feet and starts to clobber her with right forearms to the jaw. Melina runs off the ropes back at Phoenix and Melina goes for a hurricanrana but Beth throws Melina gut first on the top rope and then throws her completely over the top rope to the outside. Beth turns around but gets a spin kick in the gut from Mickie. Mickie pushes Beth Phoenix off the ropes and irish whips her. Phoenix bounces back and goes for a clothesline on Mickie but Mickie dodges and quickly turns around as Beth continues to run off the ropes. Beth runs back at Mickie but Mickie nails her in the chest with a dropkick and Beth falls through the middle rope to the outside of the ring on the floor right beside Melina. Mickie James raises both her arms as the fans applaud. She looks to the outside and sees Melina and Beth Phoenix both getting to their feet. Mickie James walks to the corner and climbs up to the top turnbuckle and waits for an opening. Beth and Melina start to brawl with rights and lefts but then look up and find Mickie James. Mickie James jumps off the top turnbuckle and takes out both, Beth and Melina with a crossbody off the top turnbuckle to the floor! Mickie James gets up to a vertical base on the outside and the fans applaud. Mickie James picks Beth Phoenix up and throws him in to the ring. Mickie follows and crawls to the downed Phoenix for the cover. 1...2...Beth Phoenix kicks out!

Mickie James gets up to her feet and walks around Beth Phoenix as she waits anxiously. Melina gets up on to the apron but Mickie James runs at her and knocks her off to a pop from the fans. Mickie James turns around and finds Beth to her feet. Mickie James runs at a groggy Beth but it seems Beth was playing possum as she catches Mickie on her shoulder and plants her in the mat with a bone crunching spinebuster! Melina hops back on to the apron and stares at Beth. Beth runs at Melina on the apron but Melina drives her shoulder in to the gut of Beth Phoenix. Melina runs to the turnbuckles and climbs to the top turnbuckle. Melina jumps off and takes Beth down with a crossbody as the fans pop. Mickie gets to her feet and against the ropes. Melina grabs Mickie James by the arm and irish whips her off the ropes. Mickie bounces back and Melina goes for a clothesline but Mickie dodges and hooks on to Melina's arm. Mickie James swirls through Melina's body and ends up in front of Melina holding her in a front facelock. Mickie jumps up and plants Melina in the mat with a tornado DDT. Mickie James crawls to the body of Melina for the cover. 1...2...3!

Result: Mickie James via pinfall @ 4:04

Mickie James rolls to the outside of the ring as Beth Phoenix sits up and looks at her in disbelief. Mickie James walks up the rampway with one of her arms raised in victory. The cameras cut to the back.

Backstage we find Candice Michelle who was watching Mickie James' match on a monitor. Candice Michelle nods and then moves away from the monitor as she starts to warm up for her match later tonight.

Shawn Michaels & Chris Jericho vs John Morrison & The Miz


We see highlights of the Shawn Michaels/Chris Jericho segment that took place earlier tonight.

Michael Cole: Well folks, moments from now, it's Chris Jericho and HBK teaming up to go head to head with John Morrison and The Miz. How did this happen? Well, Chris Jericho interrupted Shawn Michaels' earlier tonight and told him he is a changed man. At first, Michaels' didn't buy in, but then he did, and now Jericho promises to show Michaels that he is a changed man.

Jerry Lawler: I believe Chris Jericho that he has changed...

Michael Cole: Oh, c'mon, King!

Jerry Lawler: What!? It's been a year! You think people DON'T change after a year, Cole!

'Ain't No Make Believe' plays and both, John Morrison and The Miz walk out to a chorus of boos from the fans.

'Break The Walls Down' plays and Chris Jericho walks out to a mixed reaction from the fans.

'Sexy Boy' plays and Shawn Michaels comes out to a HUGE pop from the fans.

Tag Team Match
Shawn Michaels & Chris Jericho vs John Morrison & The Miz


John Morrison is going to start things out for his team while Jericho and Michaels take a while longer to discuss it. Shawn Michaels is going to start it out. Shawn Michaels and John Morrison circle the ring as the fans break out in "HBK! HBK!" chants. Shawn Michaels and John Morrison lock up and Shawn Michaels quickly takes Morrison down in to a headlock position and in to a headlock takeover. Shawn Michaels applies pressure but John Morrison locks Shawn Michaels in a head scissors. Michaels kicks out of it and both men get to their feet. John Morrison runs at Shawn Michaels but Shawn Michaels chops John Morrison hard across the chest which sends Morrison down hard on to the mat. Shawn Michaels picks John Morrison up by the hair and pushes him to the corner. Shawn Michaels chops John Morrison yet again across the chest hard and John Morrison drops to his knees and crawls to his corner as he reaches out for a tag but Shawn Michaels brings Morrison back to the corner as he shakes his head. Shawn Michaels grabs Morrison by the arm and strongly irish whips him in to the opposite corner. Shawn Michaels runs at John Morrison in the corner but John Morrison raises his knee and catches Michaels in the gut. John Morrison runs out of the corner and hits Shawn Michaels with a swinging neckbreaker. John Morrison crawls to his corner and tags in The Miz. Miz enters the ring and goes right to work on Shawn Michaels with repeated elbow drops to the chest! The Miz drives his forearm in the face of Shawn Michaels for the cover. 1...2...Chris Jericho enters the ring and breaks it up to a pop from the fans. John Morrison runs in and at Jericho but Jericho hits John Morrison with a back body slam! Chris Jericho steps back out on to the apron as he and Miz exchange words which gives time for Shawn Michaels to regain momentum. The Miz turns around to Shawn Michaels on his feet. The Miz runs at Shawn Michaels but Michaels' kick The Miz in the gut. Shawn Michaels hops up to the second turnbuckle and then drives his elbow in to the spine of The Miz which takes him down face and chest first on the mat. Shawn Michaels kicks Miz in the gut which turns him over on to his back. John Morrison gets to his feet and runs at Shawn Michaels but Shawn Michaels back body drops him over the top rope but Morrison lands on his feet. Morrison nails Shawn Michaels with a right hand in the eye which takes Michaels down to one knee. Chris Jericho runs along the apron, jumps over the top turnbuckle and top rope and takes John Morrison off the apron with a flying clothesline and both men crazy on the floor!

Back in the ring, Shawn Michaels regains sight as he rubs his eyes. The Miz gets to both his knees and nails Shawn Michaels in the gut with a forearm. The Miz gets up to his feet and nails Shawn Michaels in the chin with a high knee lift. Chris Jericho gets up on to the apron but The Miz runs at him. Both men think the same thing and stick their heads out, but eventually, the knock each others head and Jericho falls off the apron and lands hard on the floor as The Miz falls hard on the mat. Shawn Michaels leans against the ropes and looks down at The Miz. Shawn Michaels walks off the ropes, drops to his knees and covers the leg of Miz for the cover. 1...2...Miz kicks out! Shawn Michaels gets up to his knees and picks Miz up. Shawn Michaels takes Miz to the corner and throws him face first in the top turnbuckle. Shawn Michaels backs away and then drives his knee in the kidneys of Miz. Shawn Michaels steps up to the second rope and drives his boot in the spine of Miz. The referee starts to count since Miz hugs the ropes. 1...2...3...4...Shawn Michaels moves his boot. Shawn Michaels hooks his leg under the arm of The Miz and does the same with the other leg. Shawn Michaels tries to roll Miz up but Miz continues to hold on to the ropes. Miz lets go and just plants Shawn Michaels on the top of his head like that as the fans all go in 'awe!' Miz throws Michaels' legs away from him and the goes for the cover on Michaels. 1...2...Shawn Michaels grabs a hold of the bottom rope. The Miz drives his elbow in to the arm of the Shawn Michaels to take it away from the ropes. The Miz picks Shawn Michaels up to his feet and kicks him in the gut. The Miz throws Shawn Michaels' arm over his back and then grabs a hold of the tights. Miz tries to pick Shawn Michaels up but Shawn Michaels fights it. Shawn Michaels pushes Miz away. Shawn Michaels quickly goes for sweet chin music on Miz but Miz catches Shawn Michaels foot. Miz pulls Shawn Michaels closer towards him and attempts a clothesline but Michaels dodges and runs behind Miz. Shawn Michaels picks The Miz up and plants him in the middle of the ring with a back suplex. Shawn Michaels quickly hooks the leg of Miz for the cover. 1...2...Miz gets the shoulder up!

Shawn Michaels gets up to his feet and picks Miz up as well. Shawn Michaels throws Miz shoulder first in to the steel ring post in Miz's own corner. John Morrison jumps up to the apron and tags himself in. John Morrison jumps over the top rope and runs towards Shawn Michaels. John Morrison runs completely by Shawn Michaels, bounces off the second rope and nails Shawn Michaels in the head with a huge kick. John Morrison quickly crawls to Shawn Michaels and hooks both legs of Michaels for the cover. 1...2...Shawn Michaels kicks out! Chris Jericho finally gets up on the apron in to his corner. Shawn Michaels crawls to his corner slowly with his hand reached out but John Morrison grabs Shawn Michaels by the leg and drags Shawn Michaels to the middle of the ring. John Morrison drops an elbow on the upper back of Shawn Michaels. John Morrison turns Shawn Michaels over on his back and hooks the leg for the cover. 1...2...Shawn Michaels gets the shoulder up. John Morrison walks over to Chris Jericho's corner and starts to make fun of Chris Jericho. Chris Jericho tries to enter the ring but the referee tries to hold him back. The Miz runs out of the corner to Shawn Michaels but Shawn Michaels nails The Miz under the chin with a huge superkick as somehow, Michaels got up to his feet! Shawn Michaels, on his knees, crawls to John Morrison and lowblows him before the referee can see anything, but Chris Jericho sees it all and has a 'WTF!?' look on his face. Shawn Michaels takes advantage and rolls John Morrison up. 1...2...3!

Result: Chris Jericho & Shawn Michaels via pinfall @ 9:06

Shawn Michaels rolls to the outside of the ring as Jericho remains on the apron and stares at Shawn Michaels in disbelief over what happened. Shawn Michaels shrugs it off with a smirk and continues to back up the rampway as the cameras fade.

John Cena vs Randy Orton


No Way Out Promo airs.
Triple H vs Rob Van Dam (WWE Championship - MVP Special Referee)

'Voices' plays and Randy Orton walks out with the World Heavyweight Championship on his shoulder to a chorus of boos from the fans.

'My Time Is Now' plays and John Cena walks out to a huge pop from the fans.

John Cena vs Randy Orton


John Cena and Randy Orton circle the ring as the bell rings. John Cena and Randy Orton quickly meet in the center of the ring and tie up. John Cena uses all his strength and powers Randy Orton to the corner. The referee forces a clean break. John Cena backs away slowly but Randy Orton slaps John Cena with a smirk on his face. John Cena lunges at Randy Orton in the corner and starts to pound him with rights and lefts everywhere on the body. John Cena grabs Randy Orton by the arm and irish whips him in to the opposite corner. Randy Orton bounces out of the corner and back at John Cena but John Cena takes Randy Orton down with a clothesline and Randy Orton immediately rolls to the outside of the ring as he holds the back of his head. Randy Orton walks over to the barricade and tries to jump it to leave the match but Ted DiBiase is there. Randy Orton backs away and goes to the other barricade but finds DH Smith there instead. John Cena slides under the bottom rope to the outside and takes Orton down with a huge right hand. John Cena picks Randy Orton up to his feet and throws him face first in the ring apron. John Cena pushes Orton back in to the ring and Cena follows. Orton immediately gets up to his feet and once John Cena runs at Randy Orton, Orton takes Cena down with a huge clothesline! Randy Orton hooks the leg of Cena for the cover. 1...2...John Cena kicks out! Randy Orton picks John Cena up to his feet and takes him to the corner. Randy Orton throws John Cena face first in the top turnbuckle. Randy Orton turns John Cena's back in to the corner and starts to nail Cena in the gut with stiff forearms. Randy Orton goes down and drives his shoulder in to the gut of John Cena. Randy Orton picks John Cena up on his shoulder and rests John Cena up on the top turnbuckle. Randy Orton nails Cena in the head with hard right hands and then climbs up to the second rope. Randy Orton throws John Cena's arm over his back and then grabs the shorts. Randy Orton tries to go for a superplex but Cena holds on to the top rope. Cena punches Orton in the gut repeatedly and then picks Randy Orton up on his shoulders for the F-U but Randy elbows John Cena in the jaw. Randy Orton grabs John Cena in a facelock as he stands on the top rope. Both men stand up and Randy Orton jumps off the top rope with Cena and plants him in the middle of the ring with a super RKO! Randy Orton lays on the mat beside John Cena as the fans erupt. Randy Orton slowly turns John Cena over on his back and places his arm on the shoulder for the cover. 1...2...John Cena gets the shoulder up!

Randy Orton sits up in disbelief as he sees DiBiase and Smith watching on. Randy Orton gets up to his feet and measures Cena up. Randy Orton jumps up high and drives his knee in to the chest of John Cena! Randy Orton gets up to his feet and smirks as he looks down at John Cena's body. Randy Orton stomps hard on the chest of John Cena which causes John Cena to sit up and holds his chest in pain. Randy Orton bounces off the ropes and boots Cena in the face and Cena lays on the mat motionless as he holds his jaw. Randy Orton goes down on top of Cena for the cover. 1...2...John Cena gets the shoulder up! Randy Orton grabs Cena by the head and picks him up to his feet. Randy Orton kicks John Cena in the gut and then walks him to the corner. Randy Orton attempts to throw Cena face first in the top turnbuckle but John Cena fights it as he holds on to the ropes. Randy Orton pulls Cena back and tries for it again but Cena holds on to the ropes to block it again. John Cena elbows Randy Orton in the gut once, and then a second time and Orton backs in to the middle of the ring, bending down and holding his gut. John Cena runs off the ropes behind Randy Orton, runs back and then plants Randy Orton face first in the mat with a throwback! Randy Orton turns over on his back as he holds his head. Ted DiBiase jumps up on the apron but John Cena quickly takes care of him with a huge right hand. DH Smith runs in to the ring and at Cena against the ropes but Cena back body drops DH Smith over the top rope and on to the floor. John Cena looks to the outside of the ring and Ted DiBiase and DH Smith with a smile on his face. Cena turns around and Randy Orton somehow jumps up to his feet and goes for the RKO on John Cena but John Cena pushes Orton off and in to the middle of the ring. Randy Orton gets up to his feet and holds his back as Cena charges at him and takes him down with a clothesline. John Cena picks Randy Orton up to his feet, pushes him against the ropes and irish whips him. Orton bounces back at Cena and goes for a clothesline but Cena dodges and takes Orton down with a drop toehold. John Cena wraps his legs around of Orton's legs and applies the STF-U now! Randy Orton screams in pain as Cena applies pressure. Orton digs his finger tips in to the mat and crawls to the ropes with everything he's got. Randy Orton reaches out, but can't get the ropes. Randy Orton once again crawls to the ropes, closer and reaches out and grabs a hold of the bottom rope but Cena doesn't let go! The referee starts to count. 1...2...3...4...The referee stops his count and tries to pull Cena off and finally, Cena relinquishes the hold. John Cena gets right back up to his feet and kicks the arm of Orton that's on the ropes.

Orton rolls to the center of the ring and screams in pain as he holds his arm close to his body. John Cena picks Randy Orton up to his feet and pushes him to the corner. John Cena starts to pound Orton with huge right hands in the gut. Lance Cade runs down to the ring. Lance Cade runs at Cena but Cena grabs Cade by the back of the head and tosses him over the top rope to the outside on the floor. Cena turns his attention back to Orton but Orton rakes the eyes of Cena. Orton grabs John Cena in a front facelock and then lifts Cena's legs to put them on the second rope. Orton looks in to the crowd as he seethes on Cena. Randy Orton quickly goes down and plants John Cena on the top of the head with an inverted DDT! Randy Orton turns Cena over on his back and hooks the leg for the cover. 1...2...Cena gets the shoulder up! Randy Orton sits Cena up and then applies a chinlock but Cena quickly escapes that as he pushes Orton off in to the mat chest first. John Cena rolls out on to the apron and then climbs up to the top turnbuckle. Randy Orton gets up to his feet but bends down as he holds his chest and gut. John Cena jumps off the top rope and nails Orton in the back of the head with a legdrop and Orton falls face first on the mat. John Cena jumps up to his feet and waits for Orton. Orton slowly gets up to his feet with his back turned to Cena. Cena takes advantage and picks Orton up on one shoulder and Cena plants Orton in the mat with a spin-out powerbomb. John Cena holds up his hand as the fans go nuts. John Cena looks down at Orton and does his 'you can't see me' taunt. John Cena runs off the ropes and then nails Orton on the head with a five knuckle shuffle! John Cena jumps up to his feet and holds up his 'word life' sign with his fingers as he waits for Orton. Randy Orton crawls to the ropes and uses them to help him up to his feet. Randy Orton turns around and John Cena picks him up on his shoulders for the F-U but Orton fights it and lands on his feet behind Cena before Cena can execute the move. Randy Orton turns John Cena around and goes for the RKO but Cena pushes Orton off. Cena drops down on his back and pulls Orton down on both his shoulders as Cena rolls Orton up. 1...2...3!

Result: John Cena via pinfall @ 10:23

Immediately after the match...

'Slow Chemical' plays and Kane walks out to a chorus of boos from the fans.

Cena challenges Kane to bring it on. Kane enters the ring over the top rope and Cena runs at him nailing him with huge right hands to the body. Ted DiBiase and DH Smith enter the ring and take out Cena with blows to the back. Smith and DiBiase hold Cena as Kane nails Cena with huge right hands. Lance Cade enters the ring with a steel chair and Smith and DiBiase remain holding Cena for Cade this time. Cade holds the chair above his head and nails Cena in the head with the steel chair. Kane nails Cena in the face with a big boot as Cena starts to bleed, but Smith and DiBiase continue to hold Cena, this time for Orton who holds the World Heavyweight Championship in his hands. Orton seethes as he looks in to the crowd and then turns to Cena. Randy Orton runs at Cena and nails him with the World Heavyweight Championship in the face as DiBiase and Smith continue to hold dead weight of John Cena. Lance Cade throws the steel chair to the mat and tells Kane to chokeslam Cena on the chair. Kane grabs a hold of Cena's throat and takes him away from DiBiase and Smith as everyone in the arena is booing but suddenly...

'Bringing 'Da Hood T U' plays to a huge pop from the fans as Cryme Tyme stands on the stage with JTG holding a lead pipe and Shad holding a baseball bat. Both men run down to the ring.

Randy Orton runs at Shad but Shad nails Orton in the gut with the baseball bat and Orton falls to the mat and rolls to the outside of the ring. Cade runs at JTG but JTG hits Cade over the head with the lead pipe and kick him to the outside of the ring. Smith runs at JTG but JTG hits Smith in the leg with the lead pipe and throws him over the top rope. DiBiase runs at Shad but Shad knees DiBiase in the gut and nails him in the spine with a hard baseball bat shot and DiBiase rolls to the outside of the ring. Kane throws Cena to the corner and looks at Cryme Tyme. Cryme Tyme look at each other and shrug. Cena runs out of the corner behind Kane and picks up the steel chair and the fans go nuts. The bloodied Cena nails Kane in the back with a hard steel chair shot and Kane just turns around and looks at Cena as the blood rolls down his face. Kane goes for a right on Cena but Cena dodges and nails Kane in the gut with the steel chair. Cena then nails Kane in the head with the steel chair. Cena drops the steel chair and picks him up on his shoulders. Cena walks to the ropes as he looks to the outside and sees Cade, Orton, DiBiase and Smith standing in one big group on the outside of the ring. Cena F-U's Kane over the top rope and to the outside on those four as Cena runs all over the ring to a huge pop from the fans!

Michael Cole: Why look at this. Hold friends of Cena come back to save the day.

Jerry Lawler: When was the last time we saw Cryme Tyme and Cena together.

Michael Cole: I think it was Unforgiven in September, King.

Cena realizes Cryme Tyme in the ring and all three men smile at each other. Cena and Cryme Tyme shake hands the 'gangsta' way. Cena stands up on the top turnbuckle as he and Kane have a stare down. Cryme Tyme stands against the ropes and stare at DH Smith and Ted DiBiase as they motion around their waist while DiBiase and Smith hold up their titles. Smith and DiBiase stare at each other in shock as Cryme Tyme continues to motion around their waist.

We go backstage and we find Batista watching this on a monitor seemingly in disbelief as DiBiase and Smith have now 'chosen' sides. Batista shakes his head and then starts to jog on the spot to get ready for his match. The cameras cut to commercial.


Backstage we find Cena in the trainers room getting stitched up and a bandage being put on his head.

Trainer: You sure you alright, Cena.

John Cena: Doc, I'm fine...

John Cena looks at the door as Cryme Tyme now stands beside Cena. It's Eric Bischoff.

Eric Bischoff: Great showing out there, Cena. And you too, Cryme Tyme, coming to save the day. Well next week there will be no attacks because next week, I'm booking the three of you in a match. It'll be CTC. Cryme Tyme Cena vs Kane, Ted DiBiase and DH Smith in a six man tag team match. Good luck!

Eric Bischoff walks out of the trainers room laughing as Cena and Cryme Tyme look on. Suddenly a loud scream is heard. CTC run out of the trainers room and look down the halls as they see Kane choking Mickie James against the wall.

Kane: Since you're so CLOSE to John Cena! Send him...

Kane is cut off as Cena charges at him and takes him down with a spear on the concrete and Mickie James falls to the floor. Cena and Kane brawl on the concrete. Cena nails Kane with a huge right hand which only backs Kane up. Kane nails Cena in the side of the head with a huge big boot. Cryme Tyme jump in and start going at it with Kane. Kane nails JTG with a huge uppercut. Cena runs up on a production box and jumps on Kane and Cena, Shad, JTG and Kane all fall to the concrete as Mickie James watches on. Security run in. Cryme Tyme tries to pull Cena off but to no avail as Cena continues to go at it with Kane. Security pulls Cena off of Kane but Cena just fights out of it as he continues to go at it with Kane. Kane throws Cena against the wall while on the floor and then gets up to his feet. Kane nails JTG with an elbow to the chin but JTG recovers and jumps Kane from behind along with Shad. Even more security run in and pull Cryme Tyme away. They then get to Kane and Cena. They try to pull Kane off but Kane just takes them out with huge right hands. Kane turns back to Cena but Cena nails Kane in the head with a steel trash can to no avail. Cryme Tyme pick up a ladder off the ground and put it on the production box. Both, Shad and JTG get up on the production box with the ladder, throw it over security and throws it on Kane. Kane simply catches it and hits all security with it as Cena still lays on the ground. Kane chokes Mickie James yet again without noticing Cena. Cena recovers and low blows Kane as he lets go of Mickie James. Cryme Tyme run off the production boxes and walk down the halls. Cena gets Mickie James and brings her along with him and Cryme Tyme down the halls. The cameras cut to ringside.

We see Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler looking at the monitors with a shocked look on their faces.

Michael Cole: What the hell is going on with Kane!?

Jerry Lawler: He's a monster. It's like 2003 and 2004 all over again!

Michael Cole: Up next folks is diva action and it's for the Womans Championship. Candice defends against Katie Lea. It's next!


Highlights from the CTC/Kane brawl moments ago play.

'What Love Is Techno' plays and Candice Michelle comes out to a nice pop from the fans with the Womens Championship around her waist.

'Generator A' plays and Katie Lea comes out to a chorus of boos from the fans.

Womens Championship
Candice Michelle (c) vs Katie Lea


Candice and Katie Lea immediately tie up in the center of the ring with Katie Lea taking Candice down in a headlock. Candice bounces Katie Lea off the ropes and then pushes her off. Katie runs back at Candice but Candice takes her down with an elbow to the chin. Candice quickly goes down and hooks the leg for the cover. 1...2...Katie Lea kicks out! Candice picks Katie Lea up and takes her to the corner and throws her face first in the top turnbuckle. Katie Lea turns her back in to the corner and Candice drives her boot under the chin of Katie Lea in the corner and the referee begins to count. 1...2...3...4...Candice breaks it up. Candice picks Katie Lea up off the mat and brings her to the middle of the ring. Candice throws Katie Lea's arm over around her neck and then picks her up in the air. Candice drops her on the mat face first with a facebuster. Candice turns Katie Lea around on her back and hooks the leg for the cover. 1...2...Katie Lea kicks out! Candice picks Katie Lea up to her feet and irish whips her off the ropes. Candice goes for a clothesline but Katie Lea counters and continues to run off the ropes. Candice turns around and gets taken off her feet off a flying clothesline from Katie Lea. Katie Lea picks Candice Michelle up to her feet and goes for a sidewalk slam but Candice lifts her legs, wraps them around Katie Lea's head and takes her down with a hurricanrana. Candice gets up and waits for Katie Lea. Katie Lea finally gets up to her feet and turns around to Candice. Candice goes for a kick to the gut but Katie Lea catches her feet and spins her around. Candice kicks Katie Lea in the gut and sets her up for the candywrapper. Candice hits it successfully as the fans go wild. Candice turns Katie Lea over on her back and hooks both legs for the cover. 1...2...3!

Result: Candice via pinfall to retain @ 1:53

Candice receives the Womans Championship. Candice continues to celebrate until cameras cut.

Backstage we find Kurt Angle walking down the hallways as his match is next.

A graphic comes up
If Kurt Angle Wins the WrestleMania main event turns in to triple threat
Kurt Angle vs Batista


A No Way Out Promo Airs.

Michael Cole: Well folks, as we have seen throughout the night, Kane and Cena have been getting in to huge brawls, especially a recent one in the backstage area. Kane went as far as trying to choke John Cena's friend, Mickie James out to get the message across to Cena he's not playing around, however, Cena didn't take to kindly to that, and we got another brawl in the backstage area.

Jerry Lawler: But before that, a huge match was made for next week. CTC, Cryme Tyme Cena will go head to head with DH Smith, Ted DiBiase and Kane in a six man tag match.

Michael Cole: But now, we have our first non-title match for WrestleMania set up. It's going to be...

A graphic comes up for WrestleMania
John Cena vs Kane - Street Fight

Michael Cole: It will indeed be John Cena vs Kane going toe to toe but in a street fight.

Jerry Lawler: I can guarantee you one thing, those two men WILL clobber each other until there is only one man standing whether it be Kane or John Cena.

'I Walk Alone' plays and Batista walks out to a nice pop from the fans.

'Medal' plays and Kurt Angle walks out to a FANTASTIC pop from the fans. Biggest of the night, ahead of Shawn Michaels.

If Kurt Angle Wins He Gets Added to WrestleMania Main Event
Kurt Angle vs Batista


Angle and Batista walk out of their respective corners and start to circle the ring as fans start to break out an "Angle! Angle!" chant. Kurt Angle and Batista meet in the center of the ring and tie up. Batista powers Kurt Angle to the corner to a mixed reaction from the fans as Kurt Angle looks on at Batista while on one knee. Kurt Angle steps up to a vertical base and nods as he and Batista circle the ring once again. Both men tie up in the center of the ring once again but this time, Batista takes Kurt Angle to the corner. The referee forces a clean break and barely gets it as Batista slowly backs away, but Kurt Angle pushes Batista. Batista swings at Kurt Angle but Angle runs out of the corner to dodge it. Kurt Angle pushes Batista in to the corner and starts to nail him with huge right hands to the jaw. Kurt Angle backs away as Batista walks out of the corner towards Kurt Angle. Kurt Angle grabs Batista and throws him to the middle of the ring with a belly to belly overhead suplex! Kurt Angle quickly crawls to the body of Batista and hooks the leg for the cover. 1...2...Batista kicks out! Kurt Angle picks Batista up to his feet and throws him face first in the top turnbuckle. Kurt Angle leaves Batista in the corner with his back exposed. Kurt Angle backs up to the middle of the ring and then charges at Batista but Batista runs out of the corner and Kurt Angle rams his shoulder in to the steel ring post himself and Kurt Angle drops out on to the apron and then to the floor. Batista rolls under the bottom rope and too the outside as well. Batista walks around the ring post to the other side of the ring where Angle is and picks him up. Batista grabs Kurt Angle by the back of the head and throws him shoulder first in the apron and Angle drops to the floor hard holding his shoulder. Batista looks in to the crowd who give Batista a nice pop. Batista picks Kurt Angle up to his feet and pushes him against the barricade. Batista nails Kurt Angle with huge right hands to the jaw. Batista grabs Kurt Angle by the arm and irish whips him hard kidney first in to the ring apron. Kurt Angle screams in pain as Batista runs at him and nails him with a clothesline against the apron and Kurt Angle picks himself up and rolls in to the ring again. Batista follows, crawls towards the body of Kurt Angle and hooks the leg for the cover. 1...2...Kurt Angle kicks out!

Batista gets up to his feet and leans back against the ropes shaking his head as he waits for Kurt Angle. Kurt Angle gets up to both his knees and then steps up to a vertical base once again. Kurt Angle turns around towards Batista who runs off the ropes towards Kurt Angle but Kurt Angle takes Batista down face first on the mat with a drop toehold. Kurt Angle quickly tries to apply the ankle lock but Batista rolls out of it and sends Kurt Angle to the corner. Batista gets up to his feet and stares at Kurt Angle in disbelief. Kurt Angle nods as the fans applaud. Kurt Angle and Batista run to the middle of the ring and brawl with each other exchanging huge rights and lefts. Batista pushes Kurt Angle off the ropes and Kurt Angle bounces back, Batista picks Kurt Angle up and plants him in the mat with a bone crushing spinebuster and Kurt Angle rolls to the outside of the ring and falls off the apron on to the floor. Batista gets up, walks to the ropes, steps out on to the apron and jumps down to the floor. Batista picks Kurt Angle up to his feet but Kurt Angle quickly grabs Batista by the arm and irish whips him hard in to the steel ring steps. Kurt Ange quickly runs at Batista against the ring steps and knees him in the chest which causes Batista to reel in pain. Kurt Angle picks Batista up to his feet and throws him face first in the ring apron. Almost immediately after that, Kurt Angle throws Batista in to the ring and Angle follows. Kurt Angle hooks the leg of Batista for the cover. 1...2...Batista kicks out! Kurt Angle sits Batista up, wraps his legs around Batista's torso for the body scissors. Kurt Angle applies pressure as Batista reels in pain. Batista drives his elbow in the shinbone of Kurt Angle to try to break it up. Batista continues to dig the elbow in the shinbone of Angle and Angle finally releases the body scissors. Kurt Angle uses the ropes to get to his feet as does Batista. Kurt Angle runs at Batista but Batista picks Angle up on his shoulder and throws him on the mat with a scoop slam. Kurt Angle reaches his feet and holds his back. Kurt Angle staggers to Batista who picks Angle up on his shoulder and rams him on the mat with a huge running powerslam! Batista quickly hooks the leg of Angle for the cover. 1...2...Angle kicks out!

Batista gets up to his feet and leans against the ropes in disbelief. Batista picks Kurt Angle up to his feet and throws him face first in the top turnbuckle. Batista turns Kurt Angle's back to the corner and starts to lay him with huge right hands to the gut. Batista grabs Kurt Angle by the arm and irish whips him in to the opposite corner. Batista runs at Angle and nails him in the corner across the chest with a clothesline. Kurt Angle staggers out of the corner towards Batista. Batista kicks Kurt Angle in the gut, throws Angle's arm over around his back and then picks him up in a suplex position but keeps him up in the air. The fans go nuts as Batista stands in the middle of the ring with Angle up high but finally, Kurt Angle struggles and lands on his feet behind Batista. Kurt Angle starts to clobber Batista in the back with huge right hands. Kurt Angle wraps his arms around the front of Batista and then throws him back with a German suplex. Kurt Angle continues to hold on to Batista as both men get to their feet. Kurt Angle picks Batista up again and plants him on the mat with another German suplex and yet again, Kurt Angle remains holding on to Batista's body. Kurt Angle gets up with Batista yet again and goes for a third but Batista holds on to the top rope. Batista nails Kurt Angle in the side of the head with a huge elbow and then catches Kurt Angle in the jaw with a second. Kurt Angle backs away in to the middle of the ring and Batista runs right at Kurt Angle and goes for a clothesline but Angle side steps Batista and takes him down in an armlock. Kurt Angle applies pressure on the armbar now as Batista reels in pain. Kurt Angle wraps his legs around the arm of Batista and applies a crippler crossface now and the fans go nuts. Batista raises his arm like he's going to tap and the fans are still going wild. Kurt Angle applies more pressure but Batista rolls out of it but farther from the ropes. The fans continue to go wild as Batista reaches out for the ropes. Batista gets up on his knees and then picks Kurt Angle up in the air. Batista gets out of the crossface and holds Kurt Angle up on his shoulders. Batista drops down to his knees with Angle on his shoulders and then carelessely drops Kurt Angle on the mat with a huge torture rack. Batista falls back on the body of Kurt Angle for the cover. 1...2...

Batista gets off Kurt Angle himself and walks towards the ropes as he looks at Randy Orton along with Ted DiBiase and DH Smith on the top of the rampway. Randy Orton leads the three as Batista yells at them to bring it on. Ted DiBiase goes on way and DH Smith goes the other way as Orton stands on the end of the rampway staring at Batista. Ted DiBiase jumps up on to the apron but Kurt Angle clotheslines him off the apron and to the floor to a huge pop from the fans. DH Smith runs in to the ring but Batista plants him in the mat with a huge spinebuster! Cameras go to the back and see Cryme Tyme and Cena watching this on the monitor. Cameras go back to the ring and see Batista and Kurt Angle staring at Randy Orton. Batista tries to pull fast one and runs at Kurt Angle but Kurt Angle picks Batista up on his shoulder and throws him down on the mat with a modified spinebuster. Randy Orton jumps up on to the apron and Angle swings for the fences but Orton quickly backs off and jumps down on to the floor as he puts a smirk on his face while he stares at Kurt Angle. Kurt Angle turns around, drops down on to his knees and covers Batista. 1...2...Batista grabs a hold of the bottom rope! Kurt Angle gets up on his knees and puts his hands on his head in disbelief. Kurt Angle picks Batista up to his feet and nails him under the chin with a European uppercut which sends Batista to the corner. Kurt Angle nails Batista in the jaw with huge right hands. Kurt Angle grabs Batista by the arm and irish whips him in to the opposite corner. Batista bounces out of the corner towards Kurt Angle and Kurt Angle catches Batista and flips him over with a belly to belly overhead suplex! Kurt Angle immediately takes advantage and drives his forearm in the face of Batista for the cover. 1...2...Batista gets the shoulder up and all the fans in the arena jump up in 'awe!'

Kurt Angle jumps up to his feet and stomps Batista hard in the chest. Ted DiBiase runs in to the ring at Kurt Angle but Angle side steps DiBiase and tosses him over the top rope on top of DH Smith! Randy Orton jumps up on the apron and this time Kurt Angle nails Orton in the side of the head with a wicked right hand which sends Orton off the apron and to the floor. Kurt Angle walks back towards Batista but Batista picks Kurt Angle up to his feet and powers him to the corner. Batista continues to drive his shoulder in the gut of Kurt Angle repeatedly. Batista brings Kurt Angle out of the corner and stares at him as both men stand in the middle of the ring. Batista bends down, picks Kurt Angle up on his shoulder and plants Angle in the mat with a huge spinebuster that shakes the ring and the fans are going wild! Batista shoots up to his feet and walks towards the ropes. Batista holds on to the top rope, stomps on the mat and shakes the top rope like mad man as the fans boo. Batista gives the thumbs up thumbs down to Kurt Angle. Batista walks over to Kurt Angle, picks him up and tucks Angle's head in between his legs. Batista picks Kurt Angle up and on his shoulders. Batista backs away from the ropes and plants Angle in the mat with a thunderous Batista Bomb! It has to be over! Batista goes for the cover as the fans go nuts. 1...2...Kurt Angle gets the shoulder up and the fans go even more crazier in the arena! Batista gets up on his knees and puts his hands on his head in disbelief. Batista shakes his head and then picks Kurt Angle up to his feet once again. Batista tucks Kurt Angle's head in between his legs once more and looks in to the crowd as they go wild. Batista picks Kurt Angle up high but Kurt Angle jumps off Batista and lands on his feet behind Batista. Kurt Angle wraps his arms around Batista's torso and throws him back with a huge german suplex and the fans are going wild!

Kurt Angle gets his head up off the mat and looks in to the crowd. Kurt Angle uses the ropes and gets up to his feet. Kurt Angle pulls his straps down and waits behind Batista as the fans go nuts. Batista gets up to a vertical base with his back turned to Kurt Angle and the fans go nuts. Kurt Angle gets his arm around Batista's leg and plants him in the mat with a huge Angle slam and the fans go nuts! Kurt Angle runs to Batista's legs and applies and ankle lock on Batista as he drags Batista to the middle of the ring and the fans are going wild! The arena is shaking in excitement as Batista raises his hand like he's going to tap! Randy Orton runs around the ring and screams at Batista not to tap! Ted DiBiase runs in the ring but Kurt Angle releases the hold and hits DiBiase with a back body drop. Kurt Angle drags Batista back to the middle of the ring and applies another ankle lock! DH Smith immediately runs in to the ring but Kurt Angle breaks the hold and hits DH Smith with an overhead belly to belly suplex. Kurt Angle goes back to work on Batista and applies another ankle lock and the fans once again go wild! The arena shakes as everyone chants "tap out! tap out!" Kurt Angle wraps his legs around the entire leg of Batista and continues to apply pressure. Batista can't take it anymore and he finally taps out! BATISTA TAPS OUT!

Result: Kurt Angle via Submission to advance to WrestleMania @ 21:06

Kurt Angle jumps up to his feet as Orton looks up at the roof in disbelief. Batista holds on to his ankle as Kurt Angle goes on to the second turnbuckle and spreads his arms out to pose with the fans! Kurt Angle is in disbelief at his victory. Kurt Angle is in near tears as he enters the ring and raises his arms in victory. Orton, DiBiase and Smith enter the ring and surround Batista. Kurt Angle looks up at the titantron. Randy Orton, DH Smith and Ted DiBaise attack Batista and it's a 3 on 1 attack!

Michael Cole: Oh, c'mon! He was just in a hard fought match up and now this! You gotta be kidding me!

Jerry Lawler: C'mon Batista!

Ted DiBiase and DH Smith hold Batista for Randy Orton and Randy Orton nails Batista in the head with the World Heavyweight Championship and Batista starts to bleed out from the forehead. Ted DiBiase and DH Smith drop Batista carelessly on the mat and now they go to work on Batista with steel chair shots. Kurt Angle turns around on the rampway and looks in the ring. The fans break out in an "Angle! Angle!" chant. Kurt Angle blows it off and walks behind the curtain to a ton of boos from the fans which puts a smirk on Orton's face, but suddenly Kurt Angle runs out with a steel chair of his own. Kurt Angle enters the ring and nails Randy Orton in the head with it. Kurt Angle nails DiBiase in the gut with the chair and then DH Smith in the head. Smith and DiBiase roll to the outside of the ring and Orton tries to escape but Kurt Angle grabs a hold of Orton's ankle and applies an ankle lock and the fans go nuts. Kurt Angle continues to apply pressure but finally lets go as Orton slips out of his reach. Randy Orton gets up to his feet and joins DH Smith and Ted DiBiase on the rampway. Kurt Angle picks the World Heavyweight Championship up off the mat and holds it up as he looks on at Randy Orton, DH Smith and Ted DiBiase on the rampway. Kurt Angle steps up to the second turnbuckle and holds the World Heavyweight Championship up as Orton looks on in disbelief. Kurt Angle is shown once again holding the World Heavyweight Championship and the cameras fade to end the show.
Next Week's Raw

6 Man Tag Team Match
Cryme Tyme Cena vs Ted DiBiase, DH Smith & Kane


Smackdown! Presents: No Way Out
Febraury 15, 2009

Special Referee Match for the WWE Championship
Special Referee: Montel Vontavious Porter

Triple H vs Rob Van Dam (c)

WrestleMania 25
April 5th, 2009

World Heavyweight Championship Match
Kurt Angle vs Batista vs Randy Orton (c)

Street Fight
John Cena vs Kane

The Rated R CMStar

BM: It's really a hard contest between John Cena vs Randy Orton and Batista vs Kurt Angle, and it's even more hard because I disliked both endings. Orton shouldn't be losing cleanly at this stages and Batista tapping out, nah. So I'll leave it a tie.

WM: NOne, because even though there were too very, very short matches, they all had a reason in booking.

BP: I am going with Y2J and HBK, both were in character.

WP: None.

AC: It's a good show, but tbh, I am not too sure about you bringing the rivalries going on in real life to your 2009 BTB. Your best rivalries have been Orton vs Kurt vs Batista because it's new, but for example Y2J vs HBK feels too much like...right now. Hell, you even had the Y2J/HBk vs Mizorrison that happened in real life, with almost the same ending of Y2J staring in WTF mode to HBK. Anyways, good work and nice the way you build Cena vs Kane throughout the show, even if you took the Kane goes bizark angle of the begininning from real life as well.

Check out BTW, show has been posted