I pretty much feel like Tweet didn't want to be part of the wagon and found reasons to support that as scum. Unlike his Lucha reasoning, there wasn't as much logic in why he read Ekko town for me.
My gut is saying Ekko flips town here if we get rid of him, I really hate this Duel as I'm starting to think they are both town. Neither really seem desperate to live, which I think they would be if they were scum. Ekko still being stubborrn on the claiming makes me leans towards town. Neither of their play seems good from a scum perspective IMO.
so people are just cool with Ekko not claiming. Got it.
Hope you enjoyed normal, game playing Phenom by the way. That’s apparently going to end after Day 1.
i mean i can probably find ur alignment if i took time to iso u, but ur unable to tell mine for some reason, nor rly give me a solid case on why u think im scumWhat an insane viewpoint. I'm having a hard time coming around to it. Baiting, baiting, baiting. Maybe try hunting instead?
so people are just cool with Ekko not claiming. Got it.
Hope you enjoyed normal, game playing Phenom by the way. That’s apparently going to end after Day 1.
so people are just cool with Ekko not claiming. Got it.
Hope you enjoyed normal, game playing Phenom by the way. That’s apparently going to end after Day 1.
Day ended over an hour ago. He's most likely dying when Barry comes back.so people are just cool with Ekko not claiming. Got it.
Hope you enjoyed normal, game playing Phenom by the way. That’s apparently going to end after Day 1.
so people are just cool with Ekko not claiming. Got it.
Hope you enjoyed normal, game playing Phenom by the way. That’s apparently going to end after Day 1.
not everyone wants to game throw like u sadly ;(so people are just cool with Ekko not claiming. Got it.
Hope you enjoyed normal, game playing Phenom by the way. That’s apparently going to end after Day 1.
i mean i can probably find ur alignment if i took time to iso u, but ur unable to tell mine for some reason, nor rly give me a solid case on why u think im scum
i know u dont like to claim this soon as scum from last game so u coming out saying ur a duellist puts good light on u. im soft leaning town but im sorry i gotta yeet a townie because they did a suicidal duel with me whose also a townie
like u put me in a rly bad situation where death of a townie might be unavoidable
but hey ik im 100% town but only have like 70% townish read on u so ill always vote the 70% out over the 100%
if we can stop the duel we should do so but seems like we cant
no one said that, and he's losing the duel quite handedly at the moment. I'm not going to waste brain cells on it when were seemingly going to find out today. Is there a reason why you're adamant about letting us know you are upset?
Phenom you saying we're just cool with him not claiming is just as bad as the new guys saying all we want is claims and we clear everyone bc of themneither extreme is true