DOOM - 2/300
Investigating Hospital...
You are now entering COMBAT...
HP: 28
Damage: -2 STA
PWR: 8
Order of Actions:
1. Aiko (@Demo God)
2. Miku (@Jeff Valley Driver)
3. Moriko (@Juice)
4. Kouji (@Atticus Fetch)
5. Mimi (@Christian Cage)
6. Kirie (@Grim Cornette)
7. Mizuki (@Blaze)
8. Haru (@Shania Twain)
9. Bloodsucker (Enemy)
Welcome to the Combat Tutorial!
Here you will be taught how to commit to combat in the World of Horror© Interactive Game! Let's familiarize ourselves with the basics!
1. Each player has a set number of actions that they can take during their turn, determined by the integer of TIME. Each player cannot exceed 6 Action Slots (Items/Trinkets permitting). Every action takes TIME/SPEED (except for equipping items, which one can do only once for each slot [WEAPON, EQUIPMENT, and TRINKET]; Weapons/Actions that take over 100 Speed take up two Action Slots.
2. Depending on Perks (Gained Every 100 XP) or specific items, some players can move faster than others. Enemies will always go last.
3. There are different types of actions to use during combat, such as ACTION, SUPPORT, DEFENSE, and SPIRITUAL attacks. ACTION types will deal either damage or buff accuracy to attacks. SUPPORT types deal with usage of allies or items in your inventory. DEFENSE types act as a buff to lessen damage, or escape from combat entirely. SPIRITUAL types are used in conjunction to GHOST-Type Enemies, that cannot be damaged by ACTION types.
4. Each attack has a set accuracy (based on equipped weapon), and will hit accordingly. The Enemy will
always land their hits unless dodged successfully.
5. Each Enemy has HP, Damage, And Power. HP is their health, Damage is the type of damage they put out, and Power is their subtraction to player accuracy.
(* = Variable)
Kick - 55* Speed, 80% Chance to Hit, 3 Damage.
Use Weapon - * Speed, * Accuracy, * Damage.
Use Strong Attack - *x2 Speed, * Accuracy, *+2 Damage.
Fire Weapon (Uses Bullets) - * Speed, * Accuracy, *Damage.
Prepare Attack - 40 Speed, Next Attack This Turn Will Always Hit.
Attack Boost - 10 Speed, Accuracy Increases 10% for next Attack this turn, STACKABLE.
Look For an Improvised Weapon - 120 Speed, A Random Low-Grade Weapon Will Be Found and Equipped.
Use Ally - 60 Speed, An Ally Will Attempt to Attack the Enemy. Ally Has a Chance of Dying.
Combat Skill - * Speed, Knowledge based, increases Accuracy by 10% For Rest of Encounter.
Desperate Struggle - [ONE TIME USE ONLY] Usable Only with 3 STA Left. Doubles All Damage Dealt This Turn.
Run Away - [REDACTED]
Unusable with Cthac-Atorasu Active.
Meditate - 20 Speed, Regain 1 Reason at the Cost of 2 Stamina.
Brace For Impact - * Speed, Strength Based. Lowers Incoming Damage This Turn, and Ignores Special Attacks.
Dodge - * Speed, Dexterity Based, Drastically Lowers Chance for Enemy To Hit.
Clap - 30 Speed, Used as Part of a Combat Ritual. Paired In a Sequence of Five. Hints Will Be Provided if Incorrect.
Bow - 30 Speed, Used as Part of a Combat Ritual. Paired In a Sequence of Five. Hints Will Be Provided if Incorrect.
Pray - 20 Speed, Regain 1 Stamina at the Cost of 2 Reason
Leave an Offering - (GHOST ENEMIES ONLY) 104 Speed, Spend 1 FUNDS to Dealing Between 10-12 Damage
Sever Ties To Our World - (GHOST ENEMIES ONLY) * Speed, * Damage
Tutorial Complete... BEGIN COMBAT.
@Demo God
Aiko Steps Up First, Preparing to take on the ungodly creature.