World Champions?

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I can't think of any particularly boring long title reigns apart from SuperCena.
Apr 25, 2009
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I agree with everything MizMasta said yeah Brock Lesnar won the world title in 5 months and within that 5 months he destroyed RVD, Hardy Boys, Rikishi, Mark Henry, Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan among others and by the time he challenged the Rock at Summerslam 2002 he was such a credible threat to the Rocks title that it was scary. Going into the match you knew he had a credible chance to defeat the Rock and he did. Brocks Push was easily the most successful and that is how they should have pushed Sheamus.


Active Member
Feb 7, 2007
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New Jersey
This kinda question can't really be answered for sure. One of my favoirte title reigns of all time was JBLs in 04 and that lasted a year. JBL was a fresh face who hadn't main evented much prior to his title win against Eddie so he had plenty of new opponents and feuds waiting for him. His reign was never boring at all during that entire year imo. But when its someone like Cena who had already had main evented with about every other main eventer on the roster, then that's when it gets stale. I think that even if Sheamus held the title for a few more months that he wouldn't get stale and boring due to the fact that he hasn't faced everyone there is to face yet. So basically I think that long title runs are good if its something we haven't seen yet which is new and exciting, but when its the same thing over and over, that's when long title reigns don't work.

Short title reigns are probably the worst of them all. Especally when it dosent last at least a month. All short title reigns do is make the champ look extremely weak when they lose it. A world title reign is something special and for someone to be given that honor, just to have it taken away within a matter of weeks, just seems like a waste of time.


This kinda question can't really be answered for sure. One of my favoirte title reigns of all time was JBLs in 04 and that lasted a year. JBL was a fresh face who hadn't main evented much prior to his title win against Eddie so he had plenty of new opponents and feuds waiting for him. His reign was never boring at all during that entire year imo. But when its someone like Cena who had already had main evented with about every other main eventer on the roster, then that's when it gets stale. I think that even if Sheamus held the title for a few more months that he wouldn't get stale and boring due to the fact that he hasn't faced everyone there is to face yet. So basically I think that long title runs are good if its something we haven't seen yet which is new and exciting, but when its the same thing over and over, that's when long title reigns don't work.

Short title reigns are probably the worst of them all. Especally when it dosent last at least a month. All short title reigns do is make the champ look extremely weak when they lose it. A world title reign is something special and for someone to be given that honor, just to have it taken away within a matter of weeks, just seems like a waste of time.

To touch on your point about Cena, I hate him but I still think a long reign can be good if done right. If they keep shitting out lame storylines, of course it will suck, but if they make a great storyline, I think anyone, even someone who has held the title many times over, can make it an interesting reign.