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May 26, 2008
Reaction score
next two or three shows.


*Opening video plays and fire works soar over the crowd!

Cena4592: Welcome to Ultima, Tonight we Feature, Punk vs. Helms in No DQ. Also Samoa Joe as issued an open challenge tonight for any opponent. And our main event is a tag team match, Vampiro and Banderas vs. Ruckus and Sabian!

Tony Chimel: The following match is scheduled for one fall and is a no disqualifications match! Making his way to the ring, accompanied by Bryan Danielson, CM Punk! * Boos* and his opponents, accompanied with Nick Gage, Gregory Helms! *Cheers *


Helms and Gage isn’t a normal tag team you would find in any federation. There styles are uniquely different, really not alike in any other way. But something about Gage seems to inspire Helms, it has improved his game, make him a better star. Danielson and Punk are both former ROH champions and extremely good in what they do. Though styles have a few differences both have the ability to kick your ass in 7 different forms. We might see a few of them here tonight; no rules apply in this match. Punk runs as helms but he kicks him in the chest before he can get there, Helms grabs the head of Punk and brings his knee right into his temple, Helms does the same with the other knee. Then jumps and hits both knees in his face. Punk goes down but is back up quickly, Helms hits a dropkick! Punk is back up and helms Irish whips him at the ropes, Helm bends over, Punk kicks him in the does his own Irish whip. On the outside Danielson trips Helms, Helms gets back up and turns around to confront Danielson. Punk gets behind helms and does a roll up grabbing the tights! 1…. 2…Kickout! Evening cheating can’t beat helms that quickly. Helms gets back to his feet and Punk toe kick then sends for another Irish whip, Punk doesn’t bounce off the ropes, he flies over them and hits a suicide dive to Bryan Danielson! *Crowd chants This is awesome, This is Awesome! * Cm Punk goes to the outside and throws helms back in. Punk picks up helms and Helms slaps Punk, then kick to the side and another sidekick. Punk stops his momentum with a swift knee downstairs, that is the one place where it always hurts. Punk whips helms at the ropes, Gage grabs helms and pulls him outside. Protecting his partner here. Gage checks on helms but Punk won’t take it, he runs and dives to the outside, gage shoves Helms out of the way and Punk crashes! Nick Gage picks up Punk and throws him back into the ring, Danielson comes over and attacks Gage. Danielson throws gage into the steel step and he hits them hard. Danielson throws Helms back in the ring and Throws Gage into the guardrail. Inside the ring Punk and Helms get back face to face even once again, not perfect but even. Punk slaps Helms and Helms slaps him right back. Punk opened hand slaps him a second time, Helms fires back with a bitch slap and punk falls. The straight edge star is back up fast and Helms a hits a superkick! Punk falls into the turnbuckle, Helms runs and hits doubles knees to the chest of Punk. Helms picks Punk back up and sets him on the top ropes, looking high impact here. Helms climbs to the top with him, helms jump for a frankensteiner! But Punk holds on and Gregory falls to the ground, Cm punk gets situated on the top ropes and ropes for a flying hurricanrana! Helms rolls out of the ring! Danielson picks up Helms and slams him into the guardrail. Danielson always there to help Punk along. Danielson picks helms up and throws him into the crowd, 5 rows back. Cruiserweights tend t fly but not like that. CM Punk gets to the top ropes and dives to the outside! Cross body block on Nick Gage! Keeping both sides down. CM Punk struggles to get back up and walk around the ring to where Danielson is. Bryan checks on Punk who assures him he is all right. Danielson and Punk climb over the rail and pick up Helms, the two throws him into the chair left behind by the fleeing crowd. This is beyond a normal match is hate between these two teams but for what reason I don’t know. Simply because they can I guess. Punk picks up a chair and just tosses it on Helms. This is just a mockery. Danielson grabs helms and drags him over the rail, he lifts him up and drops him gut first on the rail and Helms falls back in the ringside area and out of the crowd. Punk and Danielson have him right where they want this match, they go over the rail and both men go into the ring. Helms gets to his feet, kind of and tries to fight back. Helms runs into a jumping enzuiguri kick! Punk catches on leg and ducks under the second he grabs one leg and Danielson grabs the second one, they both get an arm as well and picks helms up and slams him down! Danielson picks up helms and holds him from behind as punk hits cheap shots into the gut and face of Helms. Nick Gage! Gage is the ring and loaded with ligthbulbs! Punk turns around all he sees is a tube connect with his face! Danielson lets go of Helms and Gage hits him with another tube. This isn’t a deathmatch but the ref can’t stop this either no rules apply. Gage takes another one and cracks it across the back on Danielson. Gage looks to even the field and that he did in a matter of seconds. Gage picks up a jagged edge of a bulb and digs it into the face of Punk, he is bleed. Gage digs it deeper in, cutting the face of Punks. Nick gage lets up on Punk and goes over to helms. Helms is struggling to his feet but still in this match. He looks at gage then at the carnage around him. He gets a huge smile on his face. Danielson gets back to his feet and helms runs and hits a shining wizard! Wait a minute, Gage is arguing with Helms, He picks up Danielson and hits a hardcore drop! Helms looks impressed but he shakes his head at gage, he picks up Punk and hits a Vertabreaker! Gage isn’t done yet he picks up Punk and clutches his throat, and he lifts him into the air! He sets him back down, what he planning? Gage yells something at Helms and Gregory grabs the throat of Punk as well; the two lift him and drop him down for a double chokebreaker! 1…2…3! That was interesting to say the least.

Tony Chimel: Winner! Gregory Helms!

*Intermission, Shadow Fall plays ‘Fury of the storm’

*Backstage Matt Cross runs into Sonjay Dutt.

Cross: Watch where the hell your going!

Sonjay: Make me punk!

Cross: I don’t make trash I burn it! What I touch a cord? Comon get angry, hit me and lose you last chance at my title.

Sonjay: No thanks man, just do me a favor, keep that title until Final Fight, or want the pleasure you ripping you to shreds in front you’re your fat momma. Look who is anger now, one hit and I become Underground champion. Remember that.

Tony Chimel: The following match is scheduled for one fall! It is an open challenge. Making his way to the ring, from the isle of Samoa, Samoa Joe! *Wild Cheers *

*Lets see who has accepted Joe’s Challenge. Waiting, waiting, waiting. Nothing, Joe grabs the mic

Joe: see no one on the roster thinks they have what it takes to defeat me, I am that good. Well fine I will drag …

*Lights out! What happening?! Lights back on, Joe is laid out and Undertaker is in the ring!

Taker picks up Samoa Joe and hits a chokeslam! 1…2…Kickout! Taker picks Joe off the ground and sticks him between his legs. Lifts his arm high in the air and picks Joe off the ground and hits the Last Ride! 1…2…Kickout! What in the world? 2 finishers and Joe still can’t be beat! Takers makes a second pin 1…2…Kickout! The deadman looks pissed off. Joe won’t go down! Taker gets to his feet and does his slow cutthroat! He picks Joe back up and scoops him up, Joe falls back picking up taker and dropping him for the island driver! Joe is wasted and taker is down, But Taker sits up! He isn’t happy, he picks Samoa Joe off the ground and clutch his throat! Taker picks the machine off the ground and Joe grabs off and slides off, Joe lands on his feet but stumbles down to his knees. Taker runs and hits a big boot! Taker grabs Joe and scoops him a second time, this tiem he is successful in a Tombstone Piledriver! 1…2…3! This is done, hang a sign and lets move one.

Tony Chimel: Winner! The Undertaker!

*Intermission, Jay-Z teams with Linkin Park to perform ‘Numb encore’

*Backstage Samoa Joe, Matt Cross, Sonjay Dutt, AJ Styles, and Christopher Daniels are all assemble in Cena4592 locker room

Cena4592: I have asked you here is important reason. I hate to ask this but it is necessary to survive. With the forgotten Chapel and BLK OU 2.0 nearly killing each other, WNG needs a line of defense, the Indy Selection is running amuck with out a check. I propose you men form the last line of defense for WNG. FI you wish not to join I will understand but let me know now.

Cross: Not if Dutt is here!

Cena4592: Fine get out of here. Everyone else ok? We have just formed the Last Line!

Tony Chimel: The following match is scheduled for one fall, and is a tag team match! Making their way to the ring, members of the forgotten chapel. Vampiro and Ricky Banderas! *Mixed reaction * and their opponents, members of team BLK OUT 2.0, Ruckus and Sabian! *Mixed reaction *


Vampiro and Ruckus here to start things off in this match. The Chapel and BLK OUT have been waging away at each other simply for the Chapel’s refusal to add BLK UT to the tag title match when they had control of WNG. Ruckus utilizing his speed here and throws punch after punch after punch. Vampiro swing and Ruckus ducks under and slides behind him and punches him from then. Vampiro turns around and swings a punch but Ruckus again gets under it and behind Vampiro, This time he dropkicks him sending Vampiro against the ropes. Ruckus runs and hits a dropkick to the back of the head of Vampiro. Ruckus takes Vampiro to his feet and bounces him off the ropes, Vampiro comes back and ruckus hits jumping spin kick to the head of Vampiro. Ruckus kips up fast. Speed is his element. Ruckus runs into a handspring into standing moonsault. Beautiful maneuver there, Ruckus makes an early pin. 1…2.Kickout. Ruckus drags the fiends to his feet and throws him in the corner. Ruckus runs and hits the Razzle Dazzle (Handspring back elbow towards a cornered opponent)! Vampiro stumbles and collapses in the center of the ring! Ruckus goes to the top of the ropes; Banderas runs and shoves Ruckus out of the ring! Sabian is quick to act and is back in the ring in a matter of second, well after going to the top ropes and hits a back splash from the top to Vampiro. Sabian gets back up and takes Banderas off the apron with a running dropkick. Sabian faces back to Vampiro and makes a pin. 1…2..Kickout. Sabian picks up Vampiro and tries an Irish whip but Vampiro reverse it and hits a nasty looking clothesline! Sabian and Vampiro both struggle to there feet and trade blows back and forth. Sabian tries a jumping roundhouse but Vampiro ducks under it and hits a hard right hand! Sabian stumbles back and Vampiro grabs his throat and hits a chokeslam! 1…2..Kickout. Banderas and Ruckus get back in their respective corner and watch the action inside the ring. Vampiro pulls Sabian to his corner and makes a tag to Banderas, Vampiro hold Sabian in places with a full nelson as the big man punches the crap into his gut. Vampiro hits a full nelson suplex the second Banderas stops with the punches and he goes back to his corner. Banderas grabs Sabian and tries to lock in La Patriota but he is battling out of it with all his will power, Banderas is trying to flip him over to lock it in fully but the little man grabs the ropes forcing him to release to hold. Banderas kicks his face and pulls him away from the ropes. Banderas tags in Vampiro and he goes to the top. Banderas grabs Vampiro and throws him at Sabian, guess that is one way to hit a frog splash. 1…2..Kickout. Vampiro looks upset but gets over it, he picks up Sabian and Irish whips him at the ropes, Vampiro runs the other way for a flying spinning leg lariat! Didn’t know he was that athletic. 1…2…Kickout. Vampiro picks up Sabian and locks in a full nelson. Not his normal arsenal but nothing is normal in WNG. Vampiro keeps the holds and pushes Sabian toward a corner; he slams his head in the corner, pulls him back and slams his head again in the corner still with that full nelson. Vampiro throws back for a full nelson suplex but Sabian lands on his feet, at least for a second as he tumbles down quickly. Vampiro picks him off the ground and hits a powerbomb! 1…2…Kickout. Vampiro pulls Sabian to his corner and makes a tag to Banderas, they are keeping Ruckus out of this match. Banderas and Vampiro bounces Sabian off the off, he comes back and ducks under the double clothesline and keeps running. Vampiro and Banderas catch him on the rebound and hit a double flapjack. Sabian in mid air reaches out and makes a tag to Ruckus! Ruckus gets on top and hits a double flying clothesline. Ruckus runs and hits a handspring spinning heel kick on Banderas! Always the showoff! Flashy yes but also effective, as is the super kick Ruckus lands on the chest of Vampiro. Ruckus has to keep speed on his side no other way to stop these two men. Ruckus Springboards into a double bulldog on both members of the forgotten chapel. Ruckus takes off toward Vampiro with a Ruckus Star Press (SSP)! He gets back up and hits the Move of the Night on Banderas (Handspring into a standing 450° splash)! That is truly move of the night! 1…2..

*Lights out! Second time tonight! They come back on an Undertaker with Drake Younger are in the ring! Taker hits a chokeslam on Ruckus! Younger picks him up and hits Drake’s Landing (Vertabreaker)! Sabian slides back in the ring and Taker hits a big boor knocking him over. He picks him up hitting a second chokeslam! Vampiro stumbles to his feet and scoops Sabian of the ground and drives the last Nail in his Coffin!

Taker: BLK OUT, at Final Fight. 8 man elimination. Rest in Peace!

*Cloudy and Cheech rush the ring to attack the forgotten chapel but the lights black out again! They turn back on and The Forgotten Chapel is gone. What in the world? The two check on their partner looking confused as hell. They help them to the back stage arena. Final Fight is looking up with every single show.
Showcase (surprised yet?)

Opening Video plays on the Titantron and Fireworks go off

Cena4592: Welcome to Showcase!! Tonight we present 3 matches. Drake Younger takes on Gregory Helms, Samoa Joe has issued another open challenge match. Trent Acid returns to action to take on WNG champion Chris Hero. Also before I forget I have an announcement. WNG has been working closely with the AAA, NOAH, and WCC promotions and at Final Fight we bring you two international matches to WNG. Misawa comes WNG to take on Juventad Guerrera! We are looking forward ot this and many more like it to come in the future. Also Jimmy Jacobs and Tyler Black take on The Briscoe Brothers!

Tony Chimel: The Following match is scheduled for one fall. Making his way to the ring, member of the Forgotten Chapel, accompanied by Vampiro and Ricky Banderas. Drake Younger! *Boos* And his opponent, accompanied by Nick Gage, Gregory Helms! *Cheers*

Younger dropkicks Helms out of the ring the second he gets back inside the ring. Vampiro and Banderas instantly pick him up and throw him inside the ring. Younger picks Helms off the ground and hits a DDT! Younger holds onto the helms of Helms into a guilotine like hold. Younger chokes out the little man hoping for submission but he won’t tap out. Younger breaks his hold over Helms and gets to his feet. Helms gets up dazed from having the life choked out of him, Younger Irish whips Helms into the corner. Younger runs and hits a turnbuckle clothesline. Younger picks up Helms and set him on the top ropes. Drake slaps the side of his head mocking Helms, he grabs him and tosses him from the top rope! Helms hits hard and Younger goes over to his a leg drop. 1…2 kickout. Drake picks up helms and throws him to the outside of the ring. The ref tells Younger to keep it in the ring and Younger starts yelling at Him. On the outside Vampiro scoops up Helms and slams him onto the steel steps! Banderas grabs Helms and tosses him into the guardrail and the ref still arguing with Younger. Gage comes over and they stop the assualt for now. Gage checks on Helms while keeping a weary eye on Vampiro and Banderas. Younger slides to the outside of the ring and blindsides Nick Gage! Younger tosses Gage over the rail into the crowd and shouts to Vampiro and Banderas to go after him. Drake rolls him into the ring. On the outside Side Vampiro goes over the rail and Gage picks up a chair from the audience and throws it in his face. Gage picsk it back up and Banderas punches the chair in the face of Gage! Banderas Scoops him up and drops him down with a throw away slam and Gage is tossed across the chairs laid out for the audience. Gage looks half dead! Vampiro picks up a chair and drops it across the body of Gage. Meanwhile inside the ring Helms is starting to mount a comeback, Helms fires off rights and lefts. Drake puts a stop to that with a knee to the gut, he grabs Helms and sends his knee straight upside his head. Younger grasb the ehad and tights of Helms and preforms a snap suplex! Younger toying with him. 1…2.. kickout. Drake picks up Helms and loads him o on his shoulders. Drake walks around the ring and stares at Gage still down on the outside of the ring. Drake hits the modified fireman carry. 1…2…Drake breaks his own count. Looking for pain here. Drake Throws helms into the corner and charges into a running back elbow in the turnbuckle. Drake grasb the head of Helms and climbs up the ropes, looking for a what seems to be a tornadoe DDT. Helms fights back with what little strenght he has. He punches the head of Helms but Drake does a headbutt. Helms springboard dropkicks Drake! Drake falls back and his leg gets caught. Helms takes off running. Jumps on the ropes and springboards over landing on Banderas and Vampiro! Helms stumbles a little but rolls back inside the ring. Drake gets his leg unhook but is still on the top ropes. Gregory takes advantage running at his, He springboards off the near rops and jumps up! SHINING WIZARD onto Younger on the top ropes! Drake falls out of the ring and collaspes on the floor. Nick Gage gets to a weary standing point and goes over the rail back to ring side. The ref starts counting Younger out. 1…2…3…4…5…6…7… Drake rolls back inside the ring where Helms makes an instant cover. 1…2… kickout! Helms ask the ref if it was 3 and the ref assures him it wasn’t. Gregory picks up Younger and underhooks both his arms, turns into a back to back reverse piledriver so commonly called the vertabreaker, Helms picks him up and Younger keeps moving to and on his feet, he picks up helm,s and hits Drake’s Landing (Vertabreaker)! Younger rolls over and makes his pin. 1…2…3!

Tony Chimel: Winner! Drake Younger!

*Banderas and Vampiro get in the ring and out fast with Younger in tow. Not looking for more action! Wait a minute! Punk and Danielson threw the crowd attack Gage and Helms! Punks lands a Shining Wizard and Gage goes down. Danielson grabs helms and flisp into the cattle mutilation! Punk sets gage up and locks in the Anaconda Vice! Both men are tapping out!

**Intermission Godsmack preforms “Awake”

Tony Chimel: the following match is scheduled for one fall and is an open challenge match! Making his way to the ring Samoa Joe! *Cheers *

*time to see who wil step up to the plate tonight. Joe very upset over his last battle royal on Ultima here to redeem himself here. The ligths turn off and the return red? Siren is played and the Crowd sees him! It is the Notorious 187 Homicide! Open challenge means open challenge!

Homicide runs and ducks under Joe clothesline getting behind him him and hits a dropkick to the back of his head. Joe gets up and Homicide and forward dropkicks Joe right in the face. Joe gets back up and Homicide springboards off the ropes into a n enziuguri kick! Joe rolls to the outside of the ring. E needs to slow him down if he is to have any chance here. The Notorious 187takes off and dives, more like flips, threw the second and third rope onto Samoa Joe! Homicide runs aroudn the ring giving high five to all members of the audience possible. He is phych to be here and shows the crowd that while also showing he can waste time againist a man like Joe he is that good. Homicide truns back to Joe and damn nears kicks his head in, Homicid egeos down to one knee and Joe throws a solid punch and knocks him over. Homicide is Dazed and Joe slams his head into the guardrail. He ask for a chair and an audience member give him his. Joe sets it up next to the rail and sets Homicide on it. Joe uses his foot and does not one or two but 10 facewashes! He backs off to the other side for a minutes then cahrges back for the Olé Kick (running arch big boot to the face of an opponent seated on a chair)! Homicid efalls in the crowd! Joe tosses the chair and climbs over the rail to get Homicide. He picks him up and drops him gut first on that steel guardrail. Joe picks up Homcide and throws his over the guardrail back into the ring! That is strenght! Joe gets a WNG chant running threwout the crowd. Joe climbs over the rail and slides back into the run, Homicide is struggling to his knees. Joe runs and tries a running leg lariat but Homicide sidesteps and knocks Joe down. The Samoan gets abck up quickly and does a chop across the chest of Homicide pushing him back into a corner. Joe hits a second chop to the pectoral muscles! Homicide chops Joe back Joe hits a third one and Homicide falls back into the corner. Joe sets him on the corner and grabs his legs hitting a perfect muscle buster! 1…2…kickout! Homicide showing great skill not losing to the buster. Joe grabs the head of Homicide and gets in the Coquina Clutch! Who is this? 2 men in cloaks and bandans are on the apron and the ring is havin ahard time getting them off. Homicide is tapping out but the ref doesn’t see it. Joe breaks the holds and runs over knocking the two men off the apron! Homicide gets behind Joe and picks up Joe for Da Cop Killa! 1…2…3!

Tony Chimel: Winner! Homicide!

* the two men slide into the ring, who are they? They pull off the bandanas, it is Ruckus and Sabian on BLK OUT 2.0 You know they want Homicide on their side. Homicide looks from one to the other thinking what to do. He shoves past then and walks backstage. Ruckus and Sabian looked confused

**Backstage Daniels and Aj styles of the Last Line are seen talking

Daniels: I better get a rewaqrd for this, That asshole Cena4592 came to me for help. He had better return the favor when this is done

Styles: Comon man you don’t need payment. The fact we get to kick the sorry asses of anyone in your way is good enough for me. WNG is gonna live on and we get to say we are the reason why. Better then any championship

*Joe walks in on them. Stares at the two fo the,

Joe: Where were you two? BLK OUT cost me my damn match and you are here talking?

Styles: Calm down , we didn’t know something was happening. Sorrty we got your back from now on.

Joe: You had better!

Sonjay Dutt: He needs to Find Inner peace

Daniels: Didn’t you like beat the crao out of Matt Cross Twice before the matches eveen started?

Dutt: ………. See ya later.

*Intermission, Nickelback sings “Photograph”

Tony Chimel: The following match is scheduled for one fall. Making his way to the ring, a member of the Backseat boys, Trent Acid! *Boos * And his opponent member of the Indy Selection and your WNG champions, Chris Hero! *Mixed reaction *

Zandig, Briscoes and KENTA all stroll down to ringside. This turned into a lumberjack fast and not in Trent Acid’s favor. Trent shouts at them to leave the area but they won’t budge. The ref goes to the outside and starting shouting in the face of Zandig. Zandig picks up the ref and hits the Mother F’N Bomb! What the hell now? We are supposed to have a match here. Zandig takes off his shirt and underneath is a yellow and black CZW ref shirt! He slides into the ring and calls for the bell.

Chris Hero grabs the head of Trent Acid and hits a cravate suplex! One of his signatures is the cravate and all the ways he can use it. Trent Acid struggles up and on the outside Jay Briscoe throw a powder in his face! No way can one man face all these odd. Chris Hero grabs Trent Acid and his the forward fall suplex! 1…2… Kickout! Chris Hero picks up Trent Acid and throws him into the corner. Hero sets trent on the second rope aand grabs his head for a cravate and hits the Cravate Buster ( Second rope cravate into somersault cutter)! 1…2…kickout! Acid showing great skill not to lose to Chris Hero but the odds here are overwhelming. Hero picks up Acid and throws him to the outside of the ring. Jay Briscoes Picks up Acid and sets him into an electric chari position, mark sldies into the ring and runs. He bounces off eht ropes and comes back dives threw the second ropes hitting Trent! Modified doomsday move. Trent I think lost his head there. Wait a minute! Samoa Joe, Chris Daniels, AJ Styles, SonJay Dutt and Trent;s partner Johnny Kashmere all charge to ring side! A brawl spills between the IS and LL. Zandig can’t restore any order and goes to the outside to join the fray. Kashmere stays out of the fight and check on Trent. Chris Hero goes to the outside after Trent Acid. Johnny Kashmere runs and spears Chris Hero! Hero gets up and Samoa Joe slams a chair into the back of his head. Zandig grabs the head of Joe and headbutts him and the two go back into the melee at ringside. Trent Acid tries to get up but falls down quickly. Kashmere goes back over to Acid and helps him to his feet. Kashmere tries to lead him to the backstage are but Acid will have nothing of it, he shoves Johnny away and rolls back inside the ring. Johnny Kashmere picks up Chris hero and throws him back inside the ring and the joys the LL in taking on IS. Hero and Acid both are weak, they get to one knee and face to face. Hero punches Trent, Trent punches back, Hero chops the chest of Acid and Acid fires back with open hand slap. They continue to trade blows both feeding off the energy and get back to a vertical base. Trnet Acid ducks Hero’s punch and clotheslines the back of his head. Chris hero gets back to one knee and Trent Acid runs at the ropes, he come sbakc and hits an arched big boot to the back on the head of Hero and Keepings running to hit a solid Yakuza kick! Trent makes a pin but Zandig is still fighting and the orignal ref is out cold. The brawl on the outside is brutal with weapons cheap shots and stiff shots. No one has any sort of edge it is just a fight. Wait, Cena4592 runs to ringside and sldies into the ring to make a pin. 1…2… Kickout! Hero kickouts, Trent Acid doesn’t believe. The yakuza kick is one of his best moves. Trent Acid picks up Hero and tries irish whip but bute Heor catches the head of Acid for a Cravate, Hero spin into a spinout cravate facebuster! Hero tries a pin and Cena4592 counts it 1…2… kickout! Hero looks tired and Trent Acid is out again. 1.2..3…4….5…..6…...7 Hero gets to a vertical base and the count is broken. Chris grabs Trent locks in the Hangman’s Clutch II(Cravete Crossface)! Trent acid is already out of it. Cena drops his arm 1, drops it a second time 2, drops it a thrid time but Trent catches him before it hits the ground. He tries to fight out of it but Hero has it locked on tight Finally Trent Acid taps!

Tony Chimel: winner! Chris Hero!

*The Last Line and Indy Selection still fighting. Zandig gets in the ring and attackes Cena4592 from behind! He picks him up and hits the Mother F’N Bomb! 2 refs in under 20 minutes. This is hell and the Last Line can’t stop it. What will happen on Ultima and Final Fight?

*Opening Video plays across the Titantron and Fireworks roars over the crowd.

Cena4592: ladies and gentlemen, I welcome you to ULTIMA! Tonight I have to address a few issues, one Final Fight is this Sunday and it is time I take control of this mess. At Final Fight it will be my representative vs. Zandig’s representative in a ladder match! Above the ring will be two contracts one is my contract the other is Zandig. The winner of that match receives full control of WNG! Next with the other little problem we have. At Final Fight we Present Team BLK OUT 2.0 vs. The Forgotten Chapel in a 6-man tag team match! Plus we always have more surprises up our sleeves. Tonight we feature an invitational battle royal to any tag team that wants a shot at the MCMG at Final Fight. Plus Undertaker will take on Samoa Joe! Plus news, Showcase will not happen this week to give my stars full possibility to rest for the ppv this Sunday.

*Backstage Backseat Boys are with Homicide

Trent Acid: I know BLK OUT want you on their side but the backseat boys looking for a new homie. You know what I mean?

Johnny Kashmere: You are the perfect fit for us think about it dog.

*Homicide takes one look at them then walks off.

Tony Chimel: the following match is an open invitational over the top rope battle royal for the number one shot at the WNG tag team Championship!

*Teams starts coming down the ramp

Tony Chimel: We have the Backseat boys, Trent Acid and Johnny Kashmere. BLK OUT 2.0 members, Cloudy and Cheech. Jay and Mark the Briscoe brothers. AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels!


Rules of this match are that both members of the team must me eliminated. Last man or team standing earns the title shot. If the Briscoes pick up the victory then they will have 2 matches at Final Fight. All factions but the forgotten chapel are represented here. Acid and Kashmere set into work on Styles and Daniels while Cloudy and Cheech go after the Briscoes. Jay and Cheech trade blows back and forth for a minute as Mark kick Cloudy and throws him in the corner. Mark grabs Cheech from behind and hits a backbreaker and holds him there as Jay hits a standing leg drop. Jay grabs mark and throws him in the corner at Cloudy. But the one hit wonder ducks under and slides to the outside apron. Jay runs over and Cloudy gets between and shoulders his gut. Delivers a forearm to the face of Mark and springboard drops kicks Jay! Trent Acid runs at Styles, Styles side steps him and he runs into the corner. AJ grabs him form behind and hits a German suplex with a bridge. He flips over into a grounded Bearhug. Johnny Kashmere tries a running big boot but Daniels ducks underneath and hits a dragon screw driving him to the mat. Styles legs go of the bearhug and uses Trent Acid as a step stool to hit a standing shooting star press onto Johnny Kashmere! Trent Acid gets to his feet and Daniels hits the back of his head. The fallen angel Irish whips him at the ropes; Acid comes back and Jumps over Daniels only to get a superkick from AJ Styles. Those two working really well here tonight. Meanwhile Cloudy and Cheech hits a double dropkick into the face of Jay Briscoe. Cheech grabs Mark and hits a vertical suplex! Cloudy stand beside mark and does a standing moonsault! Jay gets up and Cheech does a jumping heel kick knocking him back into the turnbuckle. Cloudy gets beside Cheech and Cheech throws him into Jay who takes full impact, Cheech runs and as Cloudy moves out of the way his a rolling elbow in the corner! Cheech slides to the outside of the ring and grabs the head of Jay Briscoe. He jumps on the ropes and hits springboard diamond dust like move. AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels picks up Johnny Kashmere and Irish whip him on the ropes, Johnny Catches the ropes to stop his momentum. Styles and Daniels charge Johnny who pulls the ropes down and they fall to the outside but still on the apron. Cloudy and Cheech runs over and both hit dropkicks and Styles and Daniels are both eliminated! Out Of all the teams who would have guess them to be the first one out? I know they didn’t because they are pissed and the officials are having a hard time getting them out of the ringside area, Daniels jumps back on the apron looking to get back in the ring but Jay and Mark Briscoe hit a double superkick! And he falls down hard. Jay and Mark take team to mock Daniels, this goes back to the LL vs. the IS. And here the Indy boys got the advantage. Cloudy and Cheech go to the top ropes and when the Briscoes turns around they dive! Cloudy hits a hurricanrana on jay while Cheech does a missile dropkick to Mark. Who falls over the top ropes but hangs on. Mark struggles to his feet and Trent Acid runs and hits a Yakuza kick! Mark is eliminated! Johnny Kashmere grabs Cheech and hits a scoop slam. Johnny goes up top and tries a moonsault but Cheech rolls out of the way and he crashes and burns. Cloudy runs and hit a spinning headscissors into hurricanrana but Trent Acid catches him and hits a side slam. Jay Briscoe Picks up Johnny Kashmere and throws him into the corner, Cheech blind sides jay with enzuiguri kick! Jay stumbles and finally falls down Cheech runs and tries a dropkick to Acid but he trips before he can takeoff. Acid gets behind Cheech and gets in the Acid lock (Mounted Full nelson)! Cheech tries to fight out but Acid has the size and weight advantage and is too strong. Cloudy sees his partner is distress and kick the head of Acid. Trent breaks the hold and turns his attention into time to see the lariat hitting him right in the face! Cloudy picks up Trent and tries to tip him over the top ropes but he wouldn’t go anyway. Mark Briscoe comes over and grabs a leg of Trent to help and try getting him out of the ring. Trent Acid is forced over but he holds onto the ropes. Mark and Cheech try to push him off but he won’t go. Johnny Kashmere grabs Mark hits a half nelson suplex. Cheech still trying to Acid to the out side doesn’t see Johnny Kashmere take out Mark and come back and hit a full nelson suplex! Cloudy does a diving shoulder block on Kashmere who catches him in mid air. Kashmere loads Cloudy on his shoulder and hits a Death Valley driver! Kashmere helps Trent back inside the ring. This is all about tag work and these too simply have it. They pick Cheech of the ground and hit their signature tag move the T-Gimmick, double team crucifix powerbomb! Acid picks him off the ground and sets him on his shoulder. Trent runs over the ropes and a powerbomb or the Acid burn as he calls it to the outside! Down to Trent Acid, Johnny Kashmere, Mark Briscoe, and Cloudy. Cloudy runs at the Backseat boys who catches grabs him and drop into double back breaker! Mark Briscoe grabs Johnny Kashmere from behind and performs a double knee backbreaker! Trent Acid sets Cloudy on the top ropes and grabs both of his arms, Acid bomb here? Mark kicks the chest of Trent Acid! Trent downs his guard for Mark Briscoe to hits a superkick! Trent Acid falls down sitting in the corner. Cloudy climbs down from the turnbuckle and says something to Mark. Mark and Cloud go the opposite sides of the ring and both goes toe the outside apron. Mark and Cloudy jumps up into springboard. Cloudy drops to the ground but mark keeps going and hits a springboard coast to coast dropkick! Cloudy runs up and does a back spin kick and Mark trips over the top ropes and falls on the outside apron. Kashmere is back to a standing base and low blows Cloudy! Kashmere runs and spears Mark Briscoe off the apron! Cloudy is stuck in the ring with both backseat boys. Not the best place to be. Kashmere and Acid both back into a corner to catch break; Cloudy is down and out so not much of a trouble yet. Johnny Kashmere pick up Cloudy and hits and inverted atomic drop and holds in him places for Trent Acid to hit a Lariat takedown. Johnny holds onto the leg of Cloudy and turns him over into a Boston crab! Trent Acid runs and hits a leg drop to the back of Cloudy’s head. Kashmere lets go of the leg and locks in an inverted chinlock. Trent Acid runs and hits dropkick into the chin of Cloudy! The dream street Sequence 2002! That is usually a sign this one is over. Kashmere and Acid high five and pick up Cloudy, the grabs him and attempt a T-Gimmick! Lights out! Lights on and Ruckus and Sabian are Trent Acid and Kashmere are caught off guard but able to battle back. Ruckus superkicks Kashmere and Sabain hit a roundhouse kick sending him over the top ropes! Kashmere is eliminated! Ruckus and Sabian hit a double enzuiguri kick to Trent Acid! Acid goes down and Ruckus does the Ruckus star press! Lights go out a second time! How does everyone have access to the fuse box? When the darkness is lifted Vampiro and Banderas are standing over the knockout Ruckus and Sabian. This is gone too far. Vampiro and Banderas pick up the two and toss them out of the ring. Vampiro and Banderas turn over to Cloudy and Trent Acid. This match is open Invitational as long as they are a team they are welcome to compete but now they seem to want the quick way out of this. Vampiro Picks up Cloudy and hits the Nail in the coffin! Banderas just looks at Trent and laughs this is barely a match. Banderas scoops Trent off the Ground and sets him in the corner, he tells Vampiro to go up top. Vampiro obeys with out question and Banderas lifts Acid up to his partner. The demon grabs Acid and hits a Super Nail in the Coffin! Trent Acid I swear is out cold! Cloudy doesn’t look in much better condition. Lights out a third time. This is getting as common as a Snitsky match. The veil is lifted again and but to a red shade, we know what this mean! Homicide runs to the ring with a fork! Homicide hits the West Brooklyn Lariat on Vampiro! Homicide runs at Banderas who catches him in mid air, Banderas lifts him up for a powerbomb! Homicide stabs the eye of Ricky with the fork! Banderas drops him tries to get the fork out of his eye. The Notorious 187 turns him around and hits Da Cop Killa! Vampiro tries to get up and Homicide stabs him with the fork then hits the Gringo Cutter! One man single handedly destroyed half of the forgotten chapel. Homicide throws Banderas and Vampiro over the top ropes. He looks at Trent Acid then at Cloudy, the only 2 legal men of this match. He hasn’t exactly had a good history with either BLK OUT of the Backseat boys. Homicide picks Trent Acid up to his feet and raises his arm! Looks like he chooses the Backseat boys! Homicide jumps and hits the gringo cutter of Trent Acid! HE picks him up and throws over the top ropes!

Tony Chimel: Winners of this match and new number one contender for the tag team championship, Cloudy and Cheech!

*It is clear now; Homicide is officially BLK OUT 2.0 property! Homicide picks Cloudy up and raises his arm! Cheech runs in the ring and joins the 3 soon after with Ruckus and Sabian. BLK OUT 2.0 is now up to 5 members and has possible tag team champions on their side!

*Intermission. Craig Morgan sings “International Harvester”

*Nick Gage is sitting down backstage with Gregory Helms gearing up for his match when Punk and Danielson walk in.

Gage Get out before we kick your Asses!

Punk: Calm down I just came to propose we end this little feud of yours. We all know who is better. Looks who was tapping out last week. We are the better men and now just admit it and we will move on

Helms: I got a better idea,

*Helms superkicks CM Punk! Gage picks up the chair he was sitting on and throws it in the face of Danielson. Gage picks Up Punk and throws him into the locker door and Helms grabs the chair and stomps it in the face of Danielson

Gage: Final Fight, Deathmatch!

*Gage and helms walk off.

Tony Chimel: the following match is scheduled for one fall! Making his way to the ring from Death Valley, The Undertaker! *Mixed reaction, mainly cheers* and his opponent from the isle of Samoa, Samoa Joe! *Cheers *

Samoa Joe very furious about his open invitational recently and has flat out challenge the Deadman to get his payback. Taker and Joe circle the ring, the Deadman arms raises ready to knock Joe out. Taker advances and Joe back into a corner. He swings but Joe ducks under and gets back to the middle of the ring. Taker moves slowly toward Joe again both men trying to keep this their pace, Joe make s asudde4n move and does martial arts like takedown. Joe rolls to his side and laying his the punches into Taker. The Ref counts Joe for using closed fist. 1…2…3…Joe lets up and gets to his feet and Taker is up just as quickly. Joe runs and does another martial arts takedown, gets in a headlock and laying more fists on to Taker. Joe lets up and Taker gets back up quickly. Going to take more then closed fists and a couple of takedowns to the Deadman. Joe tries another take down but taker punches him straight in the jaw before can even get near. Joe stumbles back and He takes advantage laying in the fists, left and rights, back and forth. Joe falls into a corner and Taker doesn’t relent his barrage. The ref tries to separate the two men. Taker pulls back for another shot and hits the ref who goes down hard. Taker looks down at the ref for a second. He turns back around and Joe slap taker across the face then kick to the gut. Taker bends down for a second and Joe kicks the head. Taker falls back and Joe does a spear! A spear from Samoa Joe? Hell whatever works. Joe looks down on taker for a second to catch a break. Taker sits up! Joe fires with a kick to the back then a chop to the chest, knocking taker back down. Joe runs and hits a back splash! Joe tries to make a pin but the ref is out cold. What is with all the weak officials in this business? Joe goes to his feet and grabs the hair of the Deadman to takes him up as well. Joe tries to Irish whip Taker in the corner, but he corners and sends Joe. Taker runs for a corner splash but Joe turns and sticks out his elbow for taker to run into. Joe turns around and kicks the temple of Taker who falls down into the bottom corner. Joe sticks his boot right in his face and pushes it straight across. Joe takes off to the other side of the ring and bounces off the rope. The machine comes back and drives his boot straight across Taker face damn near decapitation him! Joe pulls Taker away from the corner and tries to make a pin but the Ref still out of it. Can someone please get a new official here? Joe gets to his feet and walks over to where the ref is. Joe kicks him in the gut not any response. Joe shakes him but the ref is out solid. Taker tends to do that too you. Speak of the devil! Taker sits up but Joe doesn’t realize it. Taker gets to feet and signals with a cutthroat this one is near done. Joe finally leaves the ref around and turns around and Taker clutches his throat, he lifts him up and slams him down with a chokeslam! Takers turn for a pin but still no response. Wait a second, another ref charges the ring and does the pin. 1…2 Kickout! Taker get sup and drags the form of Samoa Joe with him, Taker sits Joe between his legs and lift him up for the Last Ride but Joe slides down. Taker turns around and gets a kick to the temple for his trouble. Taker stumbles and Joe jumps and kicks the temple again and this time the deadman falls into the corner. Joe picks taker up and sets him on the second rope. He grabs his legs and lifts him up back way from the corner and hits the muscle buster!!! 1…2…Kickout! Not Enough yet. Joe looks outraged! His best isn’t enough! Joe rolls taker over and locks in the cohina clutch! Taker has never tapped out in a match in his long and illustrious career. Will Joe be the first man to do so? Lights out in the arena! Why isn’t this surprising? The darkness disappears and the forgotten chapel is in the ring and stomping away on Joe! Danielson Styles and Dutt run to the ring! To save their partner! BLK OUT! All 5 of BLK OUT 2.0 run in to the ring and destroy everything in site. Threw the Crowd the Indy Selection! All the stables are present. 20 men in that ring fighting for control over WNG!

Final Fight Final Card

3 tables, 2 men, 1 title, no one the same afterwards

Sonjay Dutt vs. Matt Cross

Tables Trifecta

WNG underground championship

War over WNG, hatred with each other

3 members of the Forgotten chapel vs. 3 of BLK OUT 2.0

Promotion and Nationalities collide

Misawa vs. Juventad Guerrera

Hatred between two teams. Death at risk

Nick Gage vs CM Punk


Company on the Brink and owner battling out

Cena4592 representative vs Zandig representative

Ladder match

Control of others contract.

Cruisers Duel with Gold on the line

MCMG vs Cloudy

WNG tag team championships

Promotion collide and lives change

Jimmy Jacobs and Tyler Black vs the Briscoe brothers


May 26, 2008
Reaction score
My second ppv
Final Fight
Please note i DID NOT write the main event match. A friend wrote it to spark and interpromo stunt between our two companies of the time WNG and WCC

**Video package over every event since Hell’s Inferno.

*Opening Video plays and fireworks fly!

“For Whom The Bells Tolls†plays across the arena as Nick gage makes his way to the announcer table.

Nick gage: This commentating table as been empty for far way too long! Hardcore Nick Gage is taking over as color commentator! Tonight is WNG second ppv, Final Fight! Up on the WNG website, www.cena4592.♂♂♂♂♂♂♂♂♂82.com/ is a thread on the naming of the next ppv to be in December date to be announced.

*Video package for Final Fight

Company on the Brink and owner battling out

Cena4592 representative vs Zandig representative

Ladder match

Control of others contract.

Nick Gage: Gage back here on commentary joined by Todd Grisham. Nick hair btw

Todd Grisham: Thank you Nick. Just got it cut, well tonight is simply the best wrestling in the world.

Gage: Damn straight lets get on the roll.

Tony Chimel: The Following match is schedule for one fall. Making his way to the ring representing Pro Wrestling NOAH as the GHC champion! Misawa! *Cheers* and his opponent out of AAA. Juventad Guerrera.


Todd: Battle of the international legends here in WNG. Guerrera goes on his speed to win his matches but Misawa and literally not you out with one forearm shot

Gage: Great contrast in styles here and lets watch the action.

Guerrera runs around to the backside of Misawa and lands rapid forearms. Misawa hits a forearm and Juventad stumbles back. Misawa runs and hits a shoulder block knocking him down. Misawa runs at the ropes, Juventad gets up and dropkicks Misawa on the rebound. The GHC champion gets up and Juventad tries to hit an Irish whip but Misawa won’t budge. He pulls him in and hits a clothesline. Misawa jumps into the air and hits a massive elbow drop! 1…2.. Kickout. Misawa picks up the little man and throws him into the ropes, He runs but Juventad uses the ropes and sunset flips over trying to him to roll for a pin but the big guy doesn’t budge. He drops down with a Bonzai drop! 1…2.. His arm in under the rope thus not victory. He gets to his feet and looks down at Juventad. Out cold

Nick Gage: he is down, a man like Misawa drop straight onto eh chest isn’t a pretty sight.

Todd: how would this affect the outcome of this match?

Gage: Guerrera if he can get back in will be much slower and unable to pull as much high risk.

Misawa drags Juventad to his feet and pushes him back into the corner. He runs to the outside of the ring and comes back with a turnbuckle splash, his size always a factor. Juventad falls down but Misawa catches him and sets him up on the second rope and hits the Super Emerald Frosion, Second rope sitout powerslam!

Gage: That one is done for

Todd: never count out a man like Guerrera

1…2…Kickout! Misawa looks puzzled but he doesn’t question and tosses Juventad to the outside of the ring. Juventad falls to the floor near lifeless. The Ref starts a count out hoping to end this one but only get to a 3 count before Misawa slides to the outside of the ring. He picks up Juventad and throws him into the crowd! Misawa all over this match not like you would have predicted. He goes over the rail and walks over to Juventad He grabs a chair from an audience member and tries to use it but the ref yanks it from his grasp. Misawa looks furious if that is possible! He pulls the chair back from the ref and swings but Juventad rolls out of the way and Enzuiguri kicks Misawa!

Gage: steel in face!

Todd: Not going to be pretty in the morning


Guerrera gets wobbly to one knee and Misawa pulls himself up. Juventad rolls over the guardrail and tries to get in the ring but Misawa grabs his hair and slams his head against the guardrail. Misawa goes over the rail and rolls into the to scale the turnbuckle. Juventad holds his head and struggles up I think he is bleeding. Misawa makes a crossbody but no one there! Juventad turns to roll inside the ring Juventud thinks it is time for a little hang time and runs at the ring ropes. He bounces off the ropes and comes back with some Air Juvi, Suicide dive! He rolls back inside the ring after the ref reaches a 6 on the count out but Misawa is still down. The ref gets to 18 when finally he rolls into the ring. Guerrera grabs the head of Misawa and hits a double underhook piledriver!

Todd: Both men looked strained from this match and moves like that ain’t helping

Gage: No they don’t it takes a lot of power to lift Misawa high enough for a piledriver much less just grabbing his arms

Juventud Guerrera made a slow ascend to the top ropes. He looks down at the un flinching Misawa then does a perfect 450 splash! 1…. 2…. Kickout! Juventud rolls off of Misawa to catch his breath. Again both are great athlete but they are exhausted. Misawa rolls on shi stomach and tries to get to his feet. Juventud gets pick and drags Misawa to his feet. He calls for an end and scoops up Misawa for the Juvi driver (Michinoku driver II)! Misawa battles out with a wicked forearm to the face and Juventud drops Misawa and falls down. 1…2… Kickout!

Gage: Those are the wicked Forearms I mentioned. He has knocked out the best in the business with them

Misawa stumbles to his feet and climbs to the top ropes. Juventud grudgingly gets up and Misawa flys with a dropkick! Misawa gets back up and so does Juventud. Misawa throws a forearm but Juvi ducks under it. He tries a lariat but Misawa catches him arm! He head butts Juventud and locks both of Juventud’s arms. He lifts on off the ground and hits the Tiger Driver ’91!


Todd: He might of broke his damn neck!


Tony Chimel: Winner of this interpromotinal match between NOAH and AAA. The GHC Champion, Misawa!

*Back Stage cena4592 and Zandig bump into each other

Cena4592: Hello, assistant

Zandig: Cena, got your choice yet?

Cena4592: maybe, maybe not. See you already do

Zandig: Can’t go wrong with the WNG Champion! Chris Hero

Cena4592; Then you won’t mind me add his title to the collection above the ring

Zandig: What!

Cena4592: You heard me, good day and good luck.

Tony Chimel: The following match is a tables trifecta! And It is for the WNG underground championship. Making his way to the ring, the challenger. Sonjay Dutt! *Wild cheers* And his opponent, the Underground champion, Matt Cross! * Wicked boos*

Nick Gage: Sheer hatred between these two men. Feuding across many companies CZW included.

Todd: Tonight we hope to see an end to this tonight in a tables trifecta match.

Gage: Simple 3 tables. One just normal, another covered in thumbtacks, the third something we call tower of pain.

Todd: a table we two chair set up and a pane of glass between the chair.

Gage: Cross was in the first tables trifecta and won under controversial circumstances. Time to get to the action


Dutt runs and slides underneath Cross to the downside. He jumps up and hits a dropkick just as Matt turns around. Sonjay gets back up and takes off grabs Cross with a tilt a whirl into headscissors into a hurricanrana. Cross rolls up into a corner and Dutt dries another dropkick but Cross side steps him. Dutt falls but is up quickly. Matt Cross step up into an enzuiguri kick. Dutt falls to the outside of the ring! Dutt struggles to his feet nd looks up just into time to see Matt Cross dives to the outside with a springboard split legged twisting crossbody!

Gage: Did you see that? These guys are too damn fast for me

Todd: I saw but I can’t believe it

Cross turns over and kips up off the ground! Still raring to go. He picks up Dutt and sets him on top of the plain table looking for the early advantage. Cross climbs up to tables with Dutt and drags him to his feet and umps for a spike DDT but Dutt shoves him of the table had Cross hits the floor. Dutt gathers himself for a minutes then runs off the tables for a shooting star press!

Gage: The Shooting Star press! I Wish I could do one of those

Todd: Can’t blame you that move is so deadly the wimps in the WWE banned it.

Gage: Not is banned here. We saw the damn tiger driver 91 most dangerous move in wrestling.

Dutt scoops Matt off the ground, grabs his head and tights and lifts him into the air and holds for a delay, the blood rushing to the head of cross. Dutt a few steps back and drops Cross with a brainbuster threw the table! 1 to 0 Dutt lead!

Gage: I see a concussion in is future.

Todd: Maybe a trip to the hospital as well

Dutt looks down at Cross for a minutes then rolls inside the ring. Paramedics rush to ringside and check on Cross. He hasn’t moved since the brainbuster. They bring a stretch down. Look like we won’t get to see this match after all. They try to load Cross into the Stretch but he rolls off of it. He won’t leave with out finishing the match. The medics try reasoning and try him not to go but He won’t have anything of it. He gets to his feet and falls back down. The ref calls for the end of the match, Cross cannot continue.

Tony Chimel: THE winner of this match, Sonjay Dutt! But since the win was not of the stipulation or pinfall or submission. Still WNG underground champion, Matt Cross.

Dutt looks at the ref then Chimel he isn’t happy with that one.

Gage: Ref made the right call but Dutt should be champion. Cross couldn’t beat him.

Todd: like it or not Cross is still champion.

Cross is helped up the ramp is almost backstage when he shoves the officals away. He starts moving back toward the ring but the medics stop him.

Cena4592: Cross you don’t have to continue you still have your title. We are concerned about you.

Cross grabs the mic from the GM and tells him to continue the match! He punches the closest offical and goes back to the ring. He gets inside the ring and Sonjay Dutt is all over him in a second with a tornado DDT! Dutt stands up and hits a standing moonsault!

Todd: Why did cross agree to this torture?

Gage: Pride is the only reason I can see

Sonjay Dutt climbs to the top ropes and jumps hitting the Hindu press, Phoenix splash! This isn’t even a match anymore. Dutt wants that title so much he is willing to practically destroy his opponent here tonight. The Playa from the Himalya picks up Cross and Sets him in the corner. High Risk action here. There are dangerously close to the thumbtacks table. Dutt jumps for Frankenstiener but Cross holds onto the ropes and Dutt falls to the amt below. Dutt gets up in a second and jumps clear up to the top rope! He punches Cross again and again the crowd counts to 10 and Dutt keep going. After 20 punches Cross is bleeding! Dutt tries a Frankenstiener and hits it this time. Cross is lifeless in the middle of the ring. The Playa walks around the ring and goes to the outside, he looks over the 2 remaining tables. He spread the tacks around a little then looks under the ring. He pulls out a second pane of glass and sets it onto of the first. Dutt goes back into the ring and drags Cross back into a turnbuckle and sets him on top. Looking to throw him threw the tower of pain. He goes to the outside and climbs up behind Cross. Dutt jumps and hits a reverse hurricanrana off the top ropes! Cross drops to the outside and threw the table!

Tony Chimel: Winner of this match and NEW WNG underground Champion! Sonjay Dutt!

Paramedics ready at ringside picks up Cross, set him on a stretch and wheel him out of the arena. The Crowd is in shock of what happened. Dutt destroyed Cross here and maybe ended his career

*Intermission, Nickleback performs “Photographâ€

*Cell Phone rings and Gage answers it

Gage: Hello,…, Justice? Sup man how you doing?,…, What?,…, n…o…

*Hangs up the phone and walks of

Todd: Where is he going we have a show to call, his match is next

Tony Chimel: The following is a deathmatch! Making his way to the ring, CM Punk! *Boos * and his opponent, Nick Gage! *Gage isn’t seen *


Helms: Gage where you going? Your match is next

Gage: I got to go! Don’t have time for the match

Helms: What is the problem?

Gage: Get out of my way I need to go dude sorry.

Tony Chimel: The ref has informed me if Nick Gage doesn’t come to ring side in a count of 10 he forfeits the match.

Todd: What is going on with Nick Gage?

1…2….3….4…5…6… Gregory helms walks down the ramp into the ring.7… 8… says something to the ref who talks to Chimel

Tony Chimel: I have just been informed Gregory Helms will replace Nick Gage in the deathmatch!

Todd: Didn’t see this one coming but it is wrestling. Anything is possible


Bryan Danielson jumps threw the crowd and slides into the ring behind Helms. Punk slaps Helms and Danielson grabs him and hits a tiger suplex! Punk goes to outside and picks up a few weapons and slides them into the ring. Chairs, kendo stick, lightbulb and a baseball bat. Bryan Danielson scoops Helms off the ground and throws him into the corner, he charges him with a running European uppercut! He picks up and light bulb and slam it into the face of Helms.

Todd: helms taking a lot of punishment in the early and most likely only stage of this match.

Punk gets back inside the ring and grabs the head of helms and pulls him over to the chair and hits powerful DDT! Danielson and Punk gets the chair up and set a lightbulb on top of it. Danielson picks up the opponents and throws him into the corner. Punk walks over and slaps him across the face! He toe kick him and hook both his arms as he climbs to the top rope! Pepsi plunge on the way! He jumps off but Helms breaks free with a back body drop and the straightedge boy falls n the chair and lightbulb! That will break your back! Danielson swings a lariat at helms but he ducks under it and hits an X-Kick, superkick! Danielson falls into the corner and helms jumps up and hits a shinning wizard in the corner. Bryan stumbles down and helms goes up to. Measures his opponent but doesn’t get time to think as Punk trips him up. CM climbs the corner and grabs the tight of helms, superplex in process. Helms battles out of it with all he as. He breaks the grip of punk and jumps grabbing the head of Punk for a knee facebuster off the top ropes! Helms runs into a cover but Danielson break it up before a two count. The American Dragon grabs the arms of helms and flips into the cattle mutilation! CM Punk grabs the legs of Helms for a boston crab in the cattle mutilation. Helms holds out for a while but taps eventually.

Tony Chimel: Winner of this match! CM Punk!


Homicide: Boys tonight we show those freaks what BLK OUT 2.0 is capable of. From CZW to CHIKARA to PWS to JAPW to WNG. We are taking over the wrestling world!


Undertaker: BLK OUT will be destroyed. My minions will make sure of it. Younger death is his middle name. Vampiro is from hell and Banderas is beyond hell. We are not to be reckoned with. REST IN PEACE!

Tony Chimel: the following match is a 6-man tag team match! Making their way to the ring representing team BLK OUT 2.0! Ruckus, Sabian, and Homicide! *Cheers * and their opponents representing the Forgotten Chapel, Vampiro, Ricky Banderas and Drake Younger! *Boos *

Todd: 6 men enter. Only 3 of them can be called winners. BLK Out and Forgotten chapel hated each other since their week of power after Hell’s Inferno.


Ruckus and Younger starting this one tonight. Ruckus takes early advantage with the use of his speed and several kicks to Younger. Ruckus grabs Younger and throws him into his corner. Sabian and Homicide Hold Younger down for Ruckus to hit the Razzle Dazzle, running handspring back elbow! Ruckus tags in Sabian and holds Younger in place for Sabian to kick his face in. Quick tag and using all members, that is tag team wrestling. Sabian hits a snapmare on Drake, runs at the ropes and comes back with a low drop kick in his face. A lot of facial abuse here tonight and it is just early minute of this match. Sabian pulls Younger back to his corner and tag in Homicide. The notorious 187 gets in the ring and both men lay kicks into Younger until he falls down into the bottom of the corner. Homicide and Sabian go to the 2 corners closest to Younger and scale them. Ruckus uses a bandana and chokes Younger keeping him in place while he two partners soar corner to corner double dropkick to Younger! 1…. 2… Banderas gets in the break the count up.

Todd: BLK Out 2.0 isolating Younger with quick tag and underhanded tactics but it works. They are in control of this match

Homicide pulls Younger to his feet and locks him into a standing headlock. Drake slowly falls to one knee, taken a lot of punishment in this match. He finally hits the ground and Homicide releases his hold. Homicide leaves the mat and goes up top. Time to fly! Homicide jumps and lands a frog splash! 1…2… Kickout. Not enough to put him away yet. Homicide drags Younger by the hair back to his corner and tag in Ruckus. All three men get inside the ring and helps to Irish whip Younger. Ruckus and Homicide swing lariats and Sabian pulls a superkick!

Todd Grisham: Holy Hell! That took his damn head off! Brilliant moves and this one is done for no way he can kick out of that one.

1….2… Vampiro turn to save the match. Ruckus backs up from Younger and makes sure Vampiro is out of the ring and Younger is still out. He runs forward and hits the Ruckus Star Press! 1…2… Banderas breaks this count up. Ruckus pulls Younger back to his corner and makes a tag to Sabian. Black Jesus as he was called in CZW helps Ruckus set Younger on the top ropes. Ruckus goes down on all fours, Sabian back up then runs, jumps on Ruckus, jumps up to Younger and use his legs to hit a reverse Hurricanrana! Younger lands on his head. Sabian and Ruckus high five each other and Sabian makes a pin. 1… 2… Vampiro Break it up. Both are eager to get in this match but BLK Out has Younger isolated. Sabian pulls him into their corner and tag in Homicide. They pulls Younger to the ropes and Irish whip him. Drake comes back and ducks under double lariat and slides to the outside of the ring and collapses in exhaustion. Banderas in the ring in a matter of Second and hits double clothesline on Homicide and Sabian! HE picks up Homicide and grabs his with both arms by the throat to throw him back into a corner. Sabian tries a sneak attack but he side steps and lifts him into the air for a side walk slam!

Todd: Banderas turning this match around fast strength and power all you need.

Banderas lifts Sabian off the amt and throws him into the same corner as Homicide. He back into the far corner and comes back crushing both men. Sabian falls down and rolls out of the ring. Banderas grabs Homicide and hits belly to belly suplex launching him across the ring. Ruckus tries to intervene but Vampiro cuts him off with a leg lariat! The vampire in WNG lifts Ruckus and throws him to the outside landing on Sabian. Vampiro back into his corner and watches the action but not for long. Banderas lifts up Homicide and throws him into the corner. He reaches out and makes a tag to Vampiro. The two men lift Homicide with a double chokeslam! 1….2… Kickout

Todd: Great skill to kick out of that move. Especially with Vampiro and Banderas behind it.

Vampiro sits up then gets to his feet. He looks down at Homicide and hits a leg drop. He gets back up and hits a second leg drop. He up once again and drop for a third leg drop. 1…2… Kickout.

Todd: Won’t finish the match but it will slow down Homicide.

Sabian and Ruckus both are back in their corners but Younger is still struggling on the outside. Vampiro tags in Banderas. Banderas lifts Homicide into the air for a military press while Vampiro goes down on one knee for landing point. That will break ribs. Banderas pulls Homicide to his feet and Irish whips him hard into the corner. He takes off and hits a clothesline in the corner. Homicides falls to the mat and Banderas grabs his legs to lock in La Patricia, Sharpshooter! Homicide is tapping out but Ruckus is in the ring distracting the ref. He breaks his submission hold and walks over to Ruckus. Ruckus tries to hit a lariat but Banderas just stand there unaffected. Ruckus tries a superkick but Banderas catches his foot, and slam it down! He picks up Ruckus for a piledriver but Sabian hits his superkick! Vampiro get into the ring gets hit with lariat from Ruckus. Vampiro gets up quickly and Ruckus picks up to deliver the hate crime, falcon arrow! Sabian runs and hits a dropkick on Banderas but he doesn’t move. Ruckus jumps and hits an enzuiguri kick to Banderas and Sabian does shining wizard. Ruckus tells Sabian to go up top. He obeys with out question and looks down at Banderas he leaps for a Black Jesus Stomp! 1…2… Drake Younger is back in the ring with a steel chair! He slams the chair into Sabian breaking the count. He ducks under a lariat from ruckus and throws the chair in his face! Ruckus stumbles over the ropes to the outside. Younger picks up Sabian and hits his modified Fireman carry slam on the chair! Homicide wobbles forward and Younger jabs the chair into his gut and gets both his arms in a double underhook, he spin around and lifts Homicide up to drop him down with the Drake’s Landing. Lights black and when they reshow BLKOUT is gone.

Todd: Forgotten Chapel may have last by DQ but they got the last laugh here tonight. Homicide and Younger both use a version on the Vertabreaker and Younger’s put Homicide down.

Tony Chimel: The following match is scheduled for one fall! And is for the WNG tag tea championship! Making the challengers, Cloudy and Cheech! *Mixed Reaction * and their opponents, the champions! MCMG! * Motor city don’t show up

Todd: Where are they? They know their titles are on the line?

Tony Chimel: And the champions, Motor City Machine Guns! *Still no show * If they do not appear within the next minute they will forfeit the match and their titles.

Todd: We are waiting the arrival on the tag team champions, if they don’t show we will have no tag team champions.

10 seconds in

20 seconds in

30 seconds in

40 seconds in

45 seconds on

50 seconds in

55 seconds in

60 seconds

Tony Chimel: Ladies and gentlemen winners and new tag team champions! Cloudy and Cheech!

*team BLK OUT 2.0 walks up the ramp with tag team gold in hand. They hand them to Cloudy and Cheech and raise their hands into the arm. Ruckus grabs a mic

Ruckus: Ladies and Gentlemen. This is the night BLK OUT starts it take over! We won against the Forgotten Chapel and now we have tag team champions!

Todd: Well it appears we know why the guns are missing. BLK OUT attacked them and stole the damn titles knowing the ref would have no choice but o give them to Cloudy and Cheech. This sickens me!

*Intermission, Lost Prophets perform “Rooftopsâ€

Todd: We would like to thank Nickleback and Lostprophets for the music here tonight. The official theme songs of Final Fight. Now to the first of 2 main events here tonight.

Tony Chimel: the following is a ladder match for the WNG championship and the contracts of both acting gm of WNG. Making his way to the ring accompanies by Zandig, Chris Hero! *Boos *

*Cena4592 appears on the titan tron

Cena4592: before I reveal my choice, 2 things. Everyone is barred from side beyond the 2 competitors; anyone who shows will be fired immediately. Zandig that includes you too. I know you boys been wonder and think you know who I got?

Zandig: let me guess? Samoa Joe, Chris Daniels, AJ Styles? Anyone of those last line morons right.

Cena4592: Yes and no. He is last line but he is not one you said. The newest member and your worst nightmare…

*Breaking points’ “One of a kind†goes over the arena and the crowd goes into a fury


Tony Chimel: And his opponent, presenting Cena4592. Rob Van Dam!!


RVD runs and kick the face of Chris Hero! Hero stumbles against the ropes and Van Dam flips into a spinning heel kick and Hero falls to the outside of the ring

Todd: Speed already in use here. RVD using his style of wrestling only how he can. Whoa! Speak of the devil Van Dam just flipped over the ropes caught Chris Hero and hit a hurricanrana.

The Crowd is chanting this is awesome! RVD picsk up Hero and throws him into the barricade! He walks over the announcer tables and picks up a chair and put son a headset

RVD: God it feels good to be back in action here in WNG. This crowd is like no other, well maybe ECW’s

*RVD throws the chair into the face of Hero as he tries to sneak attack him

RVD: Ladies and Gentlemen, they don’t call me the whole F’N Show for no reason, one second please

He picks the chair up and throws it again at Hero, but Chris catches it and throws it back. Van dam catches it and gives it right and hits a vandaminater!

RVD: my name is ROB VAN DAM! Your next WNG champion! * Takes off headset and lead the crowd in RVD chants

Todd: Great to have him on commentary.

Van dam picks up hero and rolls him into the ring. He picks up a chair and sends it in right afterwards. RVD roots around under the ring until he pulls out a ladder and puts it in the ring apron; he goes back under the ring and pulls out a second one. Lord knows what he is planning here.RVD pushes the first fully into the ring and is about to add the second one when Chris Hero baseball slides it right into Van Dam. Hero goes to the outside of the ring and grabs RVD to his the Hero DDT! Chris gets up and holds his head for a second, the van daminater still having affect. He rolls into the ring and starts setting up the ladder in the center of the ring. He starts the climb but doesn’t get far before RVD Springboards and kicks the ladder out from under him. Chris stumbles but lands on his feet nonetheless. RVD picks him up for a suplex but Chris Hero reverse it and lifts RVD into the air for a delay suplex. Van dam punches the head of Hero until he sets him on his feet. Van dam tries again and hits the suplex on the other ladder! RVD rolls p and sets hero on the ladder and the ladder parallel to the ring ropes. Van dam takes time to taunt hero and runs at the ropes, he comes back and rolls on the ground flip up to hit rolling thunder on a ladder! Van Dam struggles up and sets in a corner for a minute to catch his breath as hero is rolling around on the mat hold his back. RVD goes over to a ladder and puts it up in the ring. He goes up to the top it taking his time. RVD is all the way up and stick his hand out on the title and briefcase. He keeps fumbling with the lock, which gives Hero time to knock the ladder down. RVD falls on the ropes! And Bounces back inside the ring. Chris Hero catches RVD with a cravate hold then does the Cravate suplex!

Todd: This match is off the hook! Never know who will win this one. RVD does rolling thunder only 3 minutes ladder receive the cravate suplex.

Chris hero and Van dam are both down and out. Too much goes into a ladder match for them to be full this far in. Chris Hero and Van Dam wobbling and barely standing get to a standing base. Hero grabs RVD for another Cravate but Van dam showing great ability kicks the gut of Hero then one straight to the forehead. RVD picks up Hero and drops him with a back suplex. RVD gets up to his feet and picks up the steel chair. He jumps into the air for an Arabian facebuster but Hero rolls out of the way! RVD tumbles around holding that leg of his. Hero gets up and hits a reverse STO on Van Dam, he grabs his face and locks in the Hangman’s Clutch! The Original and the best one of the three versions he has. Taker has tapped to this hold so have many others! RVD is tapping! Another taps but submission will not win you this match. Hero breaks the holds and lays on the ground for a while. Chris Eventually gets to his feet and re positions the ladder abd starts the climb up. RVD pulls himself to the foot of the ladder and he grabs the leg of Chris Hero ands pulls the champions off. RVD kicks Hero but it is caught. Van damn swings his foot for an enzuiguri but he ducks under, not the back kick! Hero falls down. Van Dam falls into the corner for a minute. He stares out into the Crowd and jumps unto the top rope! He sits down on top for a minutes then raises full up stares down at Hero and Raises him arms point at him Self while the crowd roars, ROB VAN DAM!! He soars threw the air and hits the 5 star from splash!

Todd: The 5 star from splash, far too long since the wrestling world has seen that move

Van dam rolls around the ring his gut in serious pain. Hero Is simply isn’t moving. Van dam taunts RVD again. Wasting a lot of time here. RVD finally set the ladder in place and ar a weary pace goes up. He has no fear but does feel pain. He is at the top but again fumbling with the lock. Chris Hero gets up slowly and climbs up the same side as Van Dam. RVD and that lock isn’t mixing he goes to trying to pull then down but they are firmly in place. Hero is right behind Van dam on the top of that ladder, RVD reaches up and gets full on the title and contract. Hero grabs him form behind and hits the Hero’s Welcome off the ladder! RVD and Hero falls to the floor below and the Contract and title fall with them, one in each hand the ref doesn’t know what o do. RVD has the contract and Chris Hero has the Belt. What is this going to lead too?

Tony Chimel: The ref has declared this a draw! Still WNG champion! Chris Hero! Now owner of Zandig and Cena4592’s contracts, Rob Van Dam!

*Intermission *

Todd Grisham: What repercussion will come of this match? Only time will have to answer of that one. Tonight WNG has gone threw hell and back and things aren’t looking to settle down soon. Plus there is still a match left to do! This is what makes us better then the competition. We break any limits in front of us.

The arena goes silent as the audience prepares to witness the first of what could be a long line of Interpromotional matches between World Carnage Championship and Wrestling Next Generation. As we get set for action, an explosion disturbs the eerie silence. Everyone’s eyes are directed to the entrance ramp. Mist surrounds two figures. The dust settles and the Briscoe Brothers emerge. Jay and Mark are greeted with an amazing ovation as they head down the ramp and climb into the ring. Both men climb to the top and salute the fans, before the entire arena descends into darkness. An eerie music begins to play and a spotlight dances across the arena. Suddenly the lights come back on and standing behind the Briscoes are Tyler Black and Jimmy Jacobs. The crowd tries to warn the two brothers, but Jacobs and Black seize their opportunity dropkicking both men off the top turnbuckles. Mark is sent tumbling to the outside, as Jay gets hung up on the second turnbuckle. Jacobs climbs out onto the apron, as Tyler Black places a hung up Jay Briscoe into an inverted facelock, before slamming him down hard on the back of the head. Black picks him back up and drags him into the middle of the ring, before trying the early cover. The ref makes the count but he can only reach a 1 count, before Jay gets the shoulder up. Meanwhile on the outside, Mark struggles back to his feet, Jacobs stalks him as he turns around, before launching from the apron with a flying clothesline. But as he tries to connect, Mark shows incredible strength to catch him over his shoulder. Jimmy tries to fight out, but Mark puts him down across his knee for an inverted atomic drop. Jacobs is unable to defend himself, as Mark drops him with a huge Big boot right across the face. At the same time Black picks up Jay Briscoe inside the ring and Irish whips him into the corner. Black sprints towards him looking for the flying calf kick into the corner. But Jay ducks underneath, as Black is sent crashing into the top turnbuckle. Jay rolls across the ring and makes the tag to Mark, as Tyler falls off the turnbuckle onto the mat. Mark picks up Black and puts him right back down with a scoop slam, before rushing off the ropes and dropping a snap leg drop. Before Black can even blink, he drops a second leg drop, before trying a quick cover. The ref can again only reach a 1 count, before the kick out. Mark doesn’t show any mercy as he lifts Black back up to his feet and Irish whips him hard into the corner. As soon as he connects with the turnbuckle, Mark rushes towards him and hits him with a running back elbow that leaves Black’s brains scrambled. The former ROH star falls face first onto the canvas as Mark climbs up onto the turnbuckle and signals that it’s time for the Shooting Star Press. As Mark takes his position, Jacobs climbs up onto the apron and pulls his legs to hang him up on the turnbuckle. Jay tumbles off the ropes onto the canvas, as Jacobs rushes around to his corner and pleads his innocence with the referee. Jay tries to cut across the ring but the ref stops him before he can reach Jimmy. As the ref forces Jay out of the ring, Black gets back on his feet and makes the tag to Jacobs. He rushes into the ring and drops Mark with a dropkick to the knee as he tries to get up, before rushing off the ropes and planting him with an Ace crusher. Jacobs doesn’t stop there, as he kips back up and rushes off the ropes. The former ROH tag champ springboards off the ropes to perform an amazing lionsault onto Mark Briscoe. He connects flawlessly, before hooking the legs. The ref makes the count. 1,2,2 ¼, but somehow Mark can get the shoulder up in time to stay in this match. Jacobs doesn’t allow Mark to recover though, floating over into a sleeper hold. He begins to wrench the neck of Briscoe, trying the squeeze the very life out of him. As the seconds pass, Mark begins to tire. But the crowd soon gets behind him at the behest of Jay and Mark begins to fight back. He hits Jacobs with a series of elbows to the midsection. Finally Briscoes breaks the hold and sends Jacobs rushing off the ropes. He tries a clothesline but Jimmy is just too quick as he ducks underneath and rushes off the opposite ropes. As Jacobs comes back he attempts a running spinning heel kick. But again Mark shows incredible strength, as he catches him in midair. Jimmy tries to struggle free but Briscoe is just too strong, as he slams him down across his knee for a vicious backbreaker. The young cruiserweight rolls across the ring in agony, as Mark crawls to his corner and makes the tag to Jay. The older Briscoes explodes into the ring, stomping a mudhole in Jacobs as he tries to reach Black for a tag. He lifts Jacobs to his feet and hits him with a huge European uppercut, before Irish whipping him off the ropes. Jacobs comes back and tries to take Jay down with a flying head scissors. But Jay counters it Jacobs again, landing him back on his feet before slamming him down with a huge three-quarter full nelson slam. Jay rushes over to Black and hits him with a huge right hand, before pulling him over the top rope into the ring. As he stands back up, Jay drops him with a running clothesline, before delivering a huge elbow drop to the chest. As he turns around, Jacobs tries to blindside him with a shot across the back. But Jay overpowers Jimmy, nailing him with a boot to the midsection, before planting him with a DDT. He quickly turns his attention to Tyler, lifting him back up to a vertical base and Irish whipping back into the corner. Jay follows that up by lifting Jimmy to his feet and sending him crashing into the corner with an Irish whip of his own. He delivers a quick elbow to Jacobs, before rushing towards Black and connecting with a flying body press. He then rushes back across the ring and connects with an Arched Big boot that sends Jimmy Jacobs hurtling over the top rope and out onto the floor. But still Jay continues this onslaught, rushing across the ring and trying another Arched Big boot on Black. But Tyler’s ready for him, as he pulls the ref in front of him, allowing him to absorb the entire blow. Briscoes looks on, as the ref crumbles to the mat and is left laid out. As he’s distracted, Black nails him with a sickening low blow. Jay crumbles to the mat along with the ref, as Mark rushes into the ring to aid his brother. Black doesn’t see him coming, as Mark connects with a running clothesline that takes him and Black over and out onto the floor. All four men are left down and out around and inside the ring, as the ref is left unconscious. Suddenly the lights go out and the crowd goes silent. After about a minute the lights come back on and standing inside the ring are Kevin Thorn and “The Monster“ Abyss with Jay and Mark Briscoe. The Briscoes are both covered in blood Abyss holds Jay by the throat, before Chokeslamming him down hard onto the canvas. Meanwhile Thorn picks up Mark and places him seated onto the top turnbuckle. Mark’s face is dripping with blood, as The Follower of Vampirism plants him with the Original Sin (Elevated Stunner). Both Briscoes are left down and out in the middle of the ring, as both Jacobs and Black search under the ring. Both can barely stand up, but somehow Black manages to slide in a table, as Jacobs grabs a bag full of something and climbs back inside. The ref is still left down and out, as Black and Thorn set up the table. Meanwhile Abyss lifts Jay back to his feet and drops him down hard across his shoulders for the Shock Treatment. As the table stands in the middle of the ring, Jacobs and Black lift Mark to his feet and shove him into the waiting arms of Kevin Thorn. The Enigmatic Vampire lifts him up into position, before driving him through the table with a ferocious Crucifix Powerbomb. Mark is left down and out in the middle of the ring, as Abyss signals that it’s time to reveal the contents of the bag. He turns it upside down and shards of glass are scattered from within. Hundreds of various sizes are sprawled across the canvas, as the crowd begins to chant for the Briscoes. The fans try to urge them on, but nothing can save them now, as Black and Jacobs pick up Jay and toss him into Abyss. The Monster sends him hurtling into the air, before slamming him down onto the unforgiving glass with the Black Hole Slam. The ref begins to stir, as Thorn and Abyss exit the ring and wait outside. Jacobs makes a disrespectful cover on Jay, placing just one leg on his chest. The ref crawls into position and makes the cover. 1...2...3. The winners of the match are Jimmy Jacobs and Tyler Black. These guys have really stolen this one. No doubt, the Briscoes will want a rematch sooner rather than later. As the ref calls for the medics to help the Briscoes, Jacobs and Black rejoin Abyss and Thorn

Todd Grisham: That is what Abyss, Black and Jacobs? Where will this lead? WNG is in trouble, say tuned on Ultima, Ignition, and Showcase. Ladies and Gentleman on behalf of WNG, Fuck WWE, Fuck TNA this is where the action is at. Lights out and good night!

THE Renegade Diesel

Active Member
Jun 26, 2008
Reaction score
Hey bro, add some color, organize a tad better. Make things bold, and add ittalics to your show. It will catch someones eye. I will try to review your next show, if I get to it, or if I get good (were I read most stuff).


May 26, 2008
Reaction score
Ultima After Final Fight

*opening video is played and fireworks roar!

Todd Grisham: Ladies and gentlemen welcome to Monday Ultima! Last night history was made in WNG with Final Fight. Tonight we unravel the mysteries and solve the problems caused by it. Many questions have been left unanswered and tonight the reality should be revealed. WNG fans, this is wrestling, this is action, This is ULTIMA!!!!

*Chris Hero’s theme music plays as he makes his way to the ring

Chris hero: Well, well, well. Looks like the ass cena4592 couldn’t get the job done. I still have my title! The Indy Selection still holds all the cards!

*One of a kind plays for RVD to come down

RVD: Not all the card. I have 3 contracts here. Mine, yet to be signed, cena4592’s and.. Zandig’s! Isn’t he the leader of your little group. If I were lets say burn it he would be out of a job and you would all be with out a leader.

Chris hero: So… I can take his place if he leaves the company. I got the skills

RVD: If you say so bro,

*pulls out a light and sets it under the contract

Chris Hero: WHOA whoa whoa! Lets talk things over a little bit. Not do anything hasty. I am sure we can negotiate things here.

RVD: Here is negotiation. I want a rematch got that! Put the title on the line tonight and I let Zandig keep his job, for a while.

Chris Hero: …….. ARG! Deal! Showcase, RVD vs Chris Hero for the title.

RVD: Mello out dude, not the state of mind for a title defense.

*RVD leaves and soon after Chris hero looking upset.

Todd Grisham; Well that was near explosive. Tonight WNG brings you 3 matches. The Phenomenal AJ Styles takes on KENTA. John Cena teams with Necro Butcher to take on the forgotten chapel’s Vampiro and Ricky Banderas. The main event of the evenly will be Gregory Helms vs CM Punk in a deathmatch, Danielson is barred from ringside. No help this time. Plus hopefully we will get a few more answers to the questions of Final Fight

Tony Chimel: The following is the opening match of the evening. Making his way to the ring representing the Last Line! AJ Styles! *Cheers * and his opponent out of Japan representing the Indy Selection! KENTA! *Mixed reaction *


KENTA starts the match with rapid forearms to AJ pushing him against the ropes, He grabs his arm and Irish Whips AJ across the ring, AJ comes back and KENTA hits a rolling back forearm smash. Styles is back up and receives kicks to the gut from his opponent. KENTA holds AJ still and hits a double knees to the head

Todd: KENTA really looking to stick it the Last Line here tonight with his quick offense, not enough time for Styles to recoup and mount a comeback

KENTA jumps into the air and brings a knee down to the head of Styles, soften him up for the G2S maybe? He pulls AJ to his feet and throws him at the ropes, on the bounce back KENTA jumps and hits a hurricanrana. He falls into the ropes, KENTA runs and swing threw the ropes for a feint tiger kick but styles ducks under. Styles runs and hits a running forearm. KENTA bounces off the mat and gets back up quickly. Styles grabs KENTA by the arm and throws him into a corner, styles run and rolls into the corner, jumps on KENTA and does a monkey flip. Styles bounces to his feet still full on energy in the early goings of this match. KENTA rolls and gets to his feet on the apron on the ring. Styles hits a running dropkick sending KENTA to the outside of the ring. Styles stop for a minute letting himself catch up. He looks at KENTA then the crowd and runs toward the ropes but the ref stops him from diving! The ref shoves Styles back and bends over to talk to KENTA on the outside. Styles won’t take no for an answer as he runs again and flies over the top rope and referee!

Todd: no one can fly like AJ Styles!

Styles kips up off the ground and jumps up the air! Adrenaline running on high. Styles rolls into the ring and waits for KENTA to get back inside the ring while the ref starts a countout. 1… 2…3….4…5..6…7…8…9…10…11….12….13….14… KENTA rolls back inside the ring. KENTA using the entire 20 count to his advantage. Styles drags KENTA to his feet and pushes him back into a corner. Styles raises his arm up high and brings it down with knife-edge like chop to the pectoral muscles of KENTA. Styles raises his arm and tries another chop but KENTA catches the arm and hits and arm dragon screw! Styles falls into the bottom turnbuckle. KENTA gets to his feet and looks at Styles for a while. He runs to the other side of the ring and comes back with a facewash!

Todd; KENTA in seconds turns this match into his favor.

KENTA pulls Styles out of the corner and makes a pin. 1… 2… Kickout. Styles pulls himself to his knees and KENTA kicks his head in! Styles falls down, KENTA grabs him by the head and pulls him to his feet. He hits 2 open handed slaps! KENTA raises his foot for a high kick but Styles ducks under! He turns around and jumps for a Pele kick but Kenta moves aside! KENTA pulls styles up and loads him on his shoulders! KENTA drops him forward and slams him knee into his face! GO 2 SLEEP!

Todd: The G2S, KENTA made his career off that move which he created.

1… 2…. Kickout! Styles won’t be done for yet! KENTA slams the mat and yells at the ref who doesn’t understand him. KENTA kicks up Styles and bounces him off the ropes, Styles comes back and KENTA rolls for a high Bushido knee but styles ducks under it and falls to the floor. KENTA gets up and pulls styles off the ground, he throw shim again and runs a second to and hits the Bushido High Knee right on target! 1….2… Kickout again!

Todd: Great Charisma in this match. Styles will not going to be done in yet.

KENTA pulls Styles to his feet and sets him on his shoulders again, and throws him for the G2S but styles lands on his feet and flips nailing the Pele kick! Right on target the backflip kick to the head. Styles rolls on the mat for a second trying to build strength to get up. KENTA gets up before Styles can and stomps the back of the head. He drops down and tries a camel clutch on Styles but AJ rolls outside the ring. Styles using the guardrail to get to his feet and leans against it to build a little ability. KENTA takes off and dives to the outside of the ring with a flying forearm abut Styles is not there anymore! Styles picks KENTA off the ground and places him between his legs, grabs his waist and pulls him into the air! Styles drops him for the Styles Clash on the ramp! All the while the ref is counting them out 12…. 13…. 14…. 15…. 16…. 17…. 18…. Styles realizes the count 19… runs toward the ring and slides 20! Into the ring at the last second! Styles looks at the ref but the ref tells him it is over. Live to fight another day.

Tony Chimel: The match was been declared a draw via double countout!

*Backstage team BLK OUT 2.0 is celebrating still over Final Fight

Ruckus; Tag team champions, Forgotten Chapel failed to beat us, Homicide joining BLK OUT, Life is good

Cloudy: Gold never felt so good

Cheech: Never more true. I give it a month BLK OUT will own WNG!


Cean4592: Boys, think I was gonna sit be and watching that little desecration of my tag team division that put WNG on the map? HELL NO! Hands the titles over they are now Vacant!

Cloudy and Cheech: WHAT?!

Cena4592: Thank you fellas, as to settle this little dispute at the December ppv event we are going to have something known to use as a blackout match! See ya later boys

Homicide: he is messed up, BLK OUT 2.0 in a blackout match.

*Intermission, Breaking Benjamin does ‘Fireflyâ€

*Briscoes with Zandig are in the ring as the show resumes

Jay: So those WCC assholes think they can pull that shit on us do

Mark: Hell no! That is why we are calling your asses out! Briscoes vs Freaks at the next WNG ppv!

Zandig: Bring it fellas and we aren’t leaving until we get an answer!

Briscoes: MAN UP!

*Cena4592 walks onto the ramp

Cena4592: I can’t have those monsters back wresting in WNG and I Can’t have you boys holding up my show. Get out of my ring or else

Zandig: What could you possibly have to make us move?

Cena4592:Me? Nothing but my contract and a signed RVD contract.

Zandig: W. Wh.. where you going with this?

*RVD walks up next to cena4592

RVD: Nothing dudes, yet. Get out of that ring or this contract might find a fire.

Zandig: Your bluffing!

Cena4592: Hero said the same thing at top of the show.

*Zandig and Brisoces looked pissed! But slowly leave the ring and head back stage soon with RVD and Cena4592.

Tony Chimel: The following match is a tag match for one fall. Making their way to the ring members of the Indy Selection, John Cena and Necro Butcher! *wicked boos * And their opponents, Vampiro and Ricky Banderas! *boos *

*Before the team could get into the ring Cena and Butcher rush out side and start an assault! A brawl spills between the two teams, Cena and Vampiro, Banderas and Necro. Necro attacks with vicious rights and lefts and Banderas stumbles back. Butcher picks him up and slams him down on the guardrail! Butcher isn’t done yet he asks for a chair and steals one from an audience member and slam it into the head of Banderas!

Todd Grisham: This is a brawl the match hasn’t even started yet!

Cena goes after Vampiro and the two trade blows. Vampiro ducks a hard right hand and hits a jawbreaker on Cena. Cena stumbles back and Vampiro hits a lariat and they both fall into the ramp. Vampiro pulls Cena up and throws him into the guardrail and is about to follow up when Necro Butcher swing the chair and hits him from behind! Vampiro falls down to one Knee and Necro butcher swings again and this time he hits the floor. Butcher pulls Cena up and pats his shoulder the two men then turn back to the target at Hand. Cena scoops Vampiro off the ground and loads him on his shoulders. Necro butcher kicks off the up part of the steps and pulls the bottom out into the open. Cena goes over to the step and hits the FU on Vampiro on the steel steps! Butcher pulls Banderas up and sets him on his shoulders! He smiles at Cena as if to say watch me do better. Butcher goes over to the steel steps and drop Banderas on them with a Death Valley Driver!

Todd Grisham: This is just sick; they might have ended the career of these men!

Cena and Butcher roll the men inside the ring and follow them for the match to officially begin.

Cena pulls Banderas to the center of the ring and locks in the STFU! Necro Butcher not to be outdone picks up Vampiro and puts him in the Asiatic Spike! Both men tap out in second and then pass out as the Indy Selection won’t let go of their submission holds!

*Lights out and the slam out chair and ligthbulbs can be heard. Lights resume and Cena and Butcher are out cold and everyone is gone.

Todd Grisham: This has forgotten chapel written all over it. This was a massacre and the Chapel came to save their partners.


*Backstage Sonjay Dutt is seen holding his new title with the last line around him

Dutt: I have finally reach peace with Cross

Daniels: After putting him in the hospital

Styles: He has it coming

Dutt: Enough this is a night of the party of the last line. See we now have two champions soon to be 4

Styles and Daniels: Four?

Dutt: Didn’t hear? MCMG and BLK OUT 2.0 won’t be the only teams in that blackout match. It is a 4 team match and qualifiers for the other 2 spots happen later this month.

RVD: Sup fellas, seen cena4592 anywhere? Need to talk to him

Styles: Nope sorry, try Zandig locker, heard he had yell at him for those idiots he calls Butcher and Cena.

*Back in the ring

Tony Chimel: the Following match is scheduled for one fall and is a deathmatch! Making his way to the ring, Gregory Helms! * Cheers* and his opponent CM Punk! *Boos *

CM Punk: Since your side had to substitute at Final Fight I get to choose a substitute for tonight. Ladies and Gentle men, meet Gregory Helms opponent, Unscarred! SICK! NICK MONDO! *Mixed reaction *

Todd Grisham: Punk pulling a fast one here. Punk did not prepare for Mondo. Mondo is a deathmatch specialist. Made a career out of weedwackers, ligthbulbs, and 30 feet falls. White crazier version of New Jack.


Nick Mondo first time back in a long, long time in WNG. Deathmatches were his career. Nick Mondo moves forward on Helms but the former cruiserweight champion ducks under his attacks and gets back into the center of the ring. Nick Mondo runs again and Helms hits a hurricanrana! Mondo get back up and Helms hits a dropkick, then a second one and Mondo falls into the corner. Helms runs and jumps on him for a monkey flip but Nick catch him to hit a powerbomb! Nick jumps and hits a back splash on Helms in the center of the ring. The former CZW champion looks around the ring then goes to the outside looking for weapons. He roots under the apron on the ring. Always something painful there. He pulls out a bucket, lightbulbs, panes or glass, table, and a bag.

Todd Grisham: Didn’t take that long before Nick decided to get hardcore here.

Mondo picks up a lightbulb, he hesitates then drops it and picks up the table he slides it into the ring and is about to follow it but Sugar Helms hits a baseball slide knocking him to the outside. Helms grabs the ropes and throws him over to hit Mondo but Nick swings a lightbulb connecting straight to his face. Mondo picks up Helms and tosses him into the steel ring post! The deathmatch specialist takes a minutes to catch up the breath he lost from the baseball slide then goes into the ring and starts setting up the table. After it is set up Mondo goes back outside and set more weapons on the ring apron, in ready reach for later use. Backyard or professional no one can play the game like Nick Mondo. Nick goes over to Helms and lifts him up into the air! Holds him there for a minutes then drops him with a press slam on the guardrail!

Todd Grisham: that one will knock the wind out of you, again helms expecting Punk not Mondo. Might be why he can’t seem to get a break here.

Sick Nick, as he once was called, picks up Helms again and hits a second press slam this one over the ropes and into the ring! He rolls back inside after and makes a pin. 1….2…. Kickout by Gregory Helms. Sick Nick tops the table over on its side and pushes it out of the way, he goes over to the bag and holds it high into the air opens it up and pours thumbtacks all over the center of the ring! Helms starts to get to his knees but Mondo cuts him off with a kick to the gut. He picks Helms off the grounds and Irish whips him. Helms comes back at Mondo and gets caught with a powerslam into the thumbtacks! Helms might as well be a pincushion. 1…2… Kickout.

Todd Grisham: The Blood starting to spill in this match and odds are it won’t be the last.

Mondo picks Helms off the mat and sends him into the corner, Mondo charges at him but Helms sticks his foot up for him to hit instead. Helms hops up the top rope and jumps for a missile dropkick but Mondo sidesteps and helms hits the tacks! Again the pain of tacks into the back of helms. 1….2…. again a Kickout. The CZW star goes over and picks up the bucket he pulled out from the ring. Nick goes to Helms and kicks him onto his stomach and dumps salt into the back of Helms!

Todd Grisham: Literally Salt on the wounds on Helms!

Helms writhes in pain on the Mat while Mondo focuses on the table, he sets it back in place in the middle of the ring. Nick picks up the pane of glass and lays it on top of the table, he ducks under the table and picks up handfuls of tacks and starts adding them to the table! That is not Wood, glass, and thumbtacks, not pleasant to go threw which I guarantee is what Mondo as in mind. Nick pulls helms to and Irish whips Helms, Gregory bounces off the ropes and comes back, Nick lifts him up for a flapjack threw the table but Helms slides down just in time. Helms stumbles and Nick hits a toe kick, pulls him under and lifts him into the air for a powerbomb but again Helms slides down

Todd Grisham: I think he seen the table and is doing all he can to avoid it.

Helms lands on his feet this time and jumps back into the air hitting a modified shining wizard! Mondo stumbles to the floor along with Helms. Helms drags himself to one knee but Nick Mondo gets up to both feet before him. Mondo grabs another lightbulb and slams it into the gut on Helms! Helms stumbles and Nick Mondo lifts him up on his shoulders looking for the Assault Driver (Iconoclasm from an electric chair position) threw the table. But wait a second Helms leasn forard and rolls into a victory roll! 1…2… Kickout!

Todd Grisham: Almost over in a second, well 3 second but you get my point.

Helms tries to get up but nick Mondo picks up a jagged edge of the lightbulb and drives it into his head! Helms is blleding profusly from the wound on his head, again deathmatch rules so the ref can’t stop this to lost of blood. Nick gets him go and goes bac to check on the table. Helms reaches for the chair when Mondo back is turned. The unscarred soldier goes back to Helms and gets pelted in the face with the cold steel of a chair! Helms wobbles forward and hits a superkick and Nick Mondo falls down! CM Punk gets in the ring and slam a ligthbulb into Helms! Punk picks up Helms and running to hit his shining wizard! Helms hits the ground hard on impact! Punk check on Mondo and helps him to his feet.

Todd Grisham: Knew he wouldn’t stay out this for long. Now a legal 2 on 1.

Mondo sets Helms on the top of the ropes and startes to climb up but Punk pulls him down, “I’ll do it!†Punk goes up but Mondo pulls him down. Nick and Punk start arguing until Punk swing a solid kick at Mondo but no one is there. Nick hits a low blow on Punk! The straigth edge star stumbles and Nick Mondo picks him up for the Driver. Nick walks over to the table loks out over the crowd and then Slams Punk threw with the Assault Driver!

Tood Grisham: CM Punk threw the table and out cold! Might need a hospital.

Helms climsb off the corner and gets behind Mondo, eh gets under him and hooks both his arm behind his back. Nick tries to fight off but to no avail as Helms lifts him to hit the Vertabreaker! 1….2….3! Helms rolls out of the ring and back a safe distance from the carnage in the ring, I doubt he is willing to do any rmoe deathmatch with Nick Mondo.

Tony Chimel: Winner of this match, Gregory Helms!

Todd Grisham: This is it for ULTIMA, catch the replays for Final Fightall year long and please stay active on the forums. Don’t forget to vote for the December ppv at

Todd Grisham: I am out, on behalf of WNG, see ya showcase!