Utterly disgraceful. Referencing a couple of times and Punk claiming that he didn't have any involvement is simply pathetic. This was the main talking point coming out of Hell in a Cell, yet it's taken a back seat to some shitty generic love angle between three characters that everybody has gotten completely bored of just now.
Why did Ryback not even mention it? You have a chance to add a totally different dimension to his character, and yet they just have him do his usual stuff like nothing had happened? Why not have Ryback cut a promo asking where the hell Maddox is as he demands answers? It's a hell of a lot better than 'I'm gonna eat Punk cause he's in my food chain lol'. They should have had him attacking guys backstage, raping Matt Striker and others because he demands they tell him where Maddox is. Seriously, if they doing the same shit with him every week they run the risk of completely ruining Ryback.
As for the story, they'll just brush it under the carpet and pretend it never happened cause we're all idiots.