Just actually watched the segment (probably should have before commenting, haha) and saw the spoilers, and am actually happy they put Ryback in this spot.
(Well, ignoring Ryback's stupid botch. They didn't know that was coming, and really... you're that muscular and you can't catch a guy like Bryan right? Dafuq)
The feeling that I got after the match was that he couldn't put away Daniel Bryan after Bryan wrestled for 40 minutes. He hit big move after big move, and then a (kayfabe) gassed Bryan couldn't stay down. So then he got really frustrated and just threw the dude through a table. So Bryan came out smelling like a rose after this match, and Ryback looked like an idiot for costing himself the match for no reason + shit for not being able to beat a lil' dude after wrestling for 40 minutes even though he's "such a big bully." (What is that, Ryback's 10th ruined gimmick?)
So if the point of this was to make Bryan look awesome at the expense of a monster looking like complete shit, they couldn't have made a better choice!