This will be a one time deal....Kane wont have anymore title shots after Edge spears Kane to hell.I can see Matt beating Henry or Khali in the next month and that should build him up enough for a long title program
kane can be better than matt hardy at any given time.
I think it woud be better to give mysterio the match vs Edge at GAB. We all know it is happening and it would have made more sense. You know, when T.Long said to Edge your biggest guest ever in Cutting Edge, and Mysterio comes out. I would have cracked up laughing with the possible jokes Edge could have made
i'd quit watching smackdown forever if i saw mysterio holding the WHC title again...
anyway, why is kane the #1 contender?
1)he's the only superstar from the active roster that is worthy of getting in the ME scene. kane > batista, kane > mvp, kane > henry (i dont care if he jobbed, he's still better), kane > khali, kane > finaly, kane > flair, kane > masters. who else?
2)Kane did not get any title shot 3 years.
3)kane will retire soon.
4)kane, as a wrestler, looks like the guy who can beat em up! his gimmick is just stupid these days, but they can fix it.