I think the main problem is, it's because they just pushed him to the main event way to quickly. His tiny feud with Jinder could have moved him to the US or IC title scene easily, especially after squashing all those jobbers, but instead they used him as back up for Cena against Punk for months. After that, he went to feud with the Shield and Henry, which after those he could have at least went after the WHC or IC title, but instead they turned him heel and used him against Cena. They ruined his character after that, becoming a baby and basically dropping him(in my opinion) down low. After that, he became a bully, which would have been a great time to slap a midcard belt on him just for the time being, but instead now he is feuding with Punk as a Heyman guy.
There were plenty of opportunities to slap belts on him, which I myself think he would have made a great midcard champion, but they fucked up every time.
There were plenty of opportunities to slap belts on him, which I myself think he would have made a great midcard champion, but they fucked up every time.