it's odd because once his character is being put out of the equation, he's the most selfless person in any room in Stanford given his booking and how proud he is of his NXT guys and gals, who he repeatedly called "better than he could ever be" but he has a certain vision in his head of what the character "Triple H" should represent and there's little to nothing that's stopping him from realizing that vision because he's the COO lol. Personally I don't have a problem with it, because when it comes down to it, he's put over more guys than any other "old timer".
Recently WWE uploaded a video that included the wrestlers who lost the most matches at Mania and Triple H is by far #1 by losing to people like Batista, Cena, Bryan, Reigns and Rollins who all turned out to be stars later on. Rollins is bit debatable but I'd actually blame that on Trips losing his value due to the fact that he's lost so much at this point that it's not even a difficult task. Same is happening to Cena I feel like. The more you have these guys wrestle and lose, the less special they become
It's a very fine line indeed between someone getting a good rub from beating you and being a jobber with a history. Triple H, I feel is moving more and more into the 'legendary' jobber territory.
As for the guy himself, I think he threw himself into the business, learned the ins and outs and was smart enough, dare I say, cerebral enough, to know what to do to stay in the business.
Was he the most talented guy? Hell no. But I've always enjoyed his character work and his professionalism outside the ring and it actually gives me hope that when Vince kicks the bucket, WWE will improve.
I don't know or really care if he married the boss' daughter for love or for politicking. But it got us NXT, I'm thankful to the guy.
My only issue with him would be that he constantly takes up time with matches in WM. I mean he puts the young guys over so it's not like Oldberg situation but it's still time that young guys could use.
Out of all the part-timers, I like him the most because unlike the majority, he can still 'Go' in a match. His match vs Bryan was pretty good, and so was his match with Rollins.
Most other part-timers do 2-3 moves and then gasp for breath.