Shamrock was never good enough on the mic for a main event spot. He was lucky to get the push that he received.
Senhor Perfect said:Shamrock was never good enough on the mic for a main event spot. He was lucky to get the push that he received.
Respect Gohan6425 said:: HE WAS FUCKIN GREAT IN THE RING! he should have got a wwe title push.
Respect Gohan6425 said:: HE WAS FUCKIN GREAT IN THE RING! he should have got a wwe title push.
Seabs said:Sadly he was an awful promo guy.
Senhor Perfect said:By that logic Marty Janetty, Tito Santana, and Rick Martel should've been champion too.
Respect Gohan6425 said:I rather havea better wrestler a WWE Chamnpion then a guy who just talk on the mic expmle Miz
Just b/c u can't talk on the mic does not mean u should be WWE Champion. Miz can't wrestler shit if he life departed on it and b/c he can't talk on the mic he get a WWE Champion run and a main event of WM OH HELL NO.! I take the guy who wrestler as WWE Champion over a guy who suck in the ring any day of the week!ipebomb:
Senhor Perfect said:Hulk Hogan: fantastic on the mic, mediocre in the ring
Steve Austin: fantastic on the mic, at the time of his big run very limited in the ring
Miz: better on the mic than in the ring
That's the 2 biggest draws in WWE/F history and a fairly recent champ.
Seabs said:It really does in the WWE, it's the entertainment side they're into Gohan. If you want great wrestling watch PWG or NJPW.
Respect Gohan6425 said:IF I WANTED ENTERAINMENT I will go watched lizard lick towing!
Pop Tatari said:I think promo/charisma was the main factor. Still the guy was a legit beast in the ring and they could of pushed him further if they gave him a manager.
Seabs said:Curious now who would you have had manage him? Heyman could have been incredible but he was obviously working in Philly so he's out. Lawler running his mouth as Ken torqued on the Ankle could have worked if you're going down the heel route.