I posted my predictions on my Tumblr a couple days before Summerslam. And I knew something fishy was going to happen. Because of what everyone is saying now. Daniel Bryan wins and then...? My guess was either Bryan goes heel (which was something that I highly doubted, since WWE are just raking in the cash having him as an underdog babyface), or that HHH goes heel and screws Bryan over. And that's exactly what happened.
Although I wish Bryan could've held the title for at least a night (so we could've all slept so wonderfully), and then lost it on Raw, the good news is we have a HEEL champ backed by the Corporation.
History has proven that if there's any way to get superstars over to LEGEND status, pitt them up against a HEEL champ backed by the McMahons. Obvious examples would be Mick Foley and Stone Cold.
As popular as Bryan is, he's not a LEGEND yet. Honestly I don't even think he's peaked yet. Him holding the title would've caused his rise to plateau.
Not only that, a heel champ gives the opportunity for other superstars to get over too. Anyone feuding with a champ that everyone utterly hates already has the crowd behind their back. And I could think of a number of superstars who deserve to get over.