Why bother having the Intercontinental Title

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Dec 14, 2008
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Melbourne, Australia
The IC and US titles should be valuable to the company, as they are developmental titles for future superstars, and will gauge if these superstars are worthy of a push into the ME scene.

They are not just second-tier titles for the mid-carders per se. They have determined all of Randy Orton, Edge and Jeff Hardy were capable of competing in the big smoke.

I think CM Punk winning the IC title and holding the belt for a long reign would be an example of the WWE investigating if Punk can hold his place in the ME.


Sep 5, 2008
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Jacksonville Florida
The problem is not that WWE needs to get rid of the IC title and then bring it back. What the heck will that do?!? If you did that, all that would do is make it totally disappear and if you bring it back with the same ole stuff, still same thing later, just delayed.

As for the title itself, WWE needs to simply go back to what they did in the 90's with the title and early 2k. What that was is they only gave that title to people who either could or were soon to able to carry the WWE Title and then later, that was confirmed when it happened.

Now, there are plenty of people that can carry the IC title that are also able to carry the WWE or World Title. Regal is ok and yes he has been sick so that is understandable. Plus, let us not forget that Regal came back and is still in the back of Vince mind gaining trust again as well. So lets hold off on what Regal has not or does not do, because he actually does his part and plays his role well and does treat the IC title as prestigious. How; because he is not out there every week and only who they bill to him as worthy has a shot.

That in itself is the prestige. Remember, back in the day the IC title was similar to the WWE title in that it only for the most part was defended on PPVs as well.


Jan 1, 2009
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I never knew Regal was injured so I guess I was a bit harsh. He must've got hurt right after his win. Just to clarify on the name of the thread. I didn't mean you don't need the intercontinental tite. I just think Regals run has been pretty weak so far. Would be pretty bad if he lost it to punk straight away.


Sep 5, 2008
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Jacksonville Florida
I never knew Regal was injured so I guess I was a bit harsh. He must've got hurt right after his win. Just to clarify on the name of the thread. I didn't mean you don't need the intercontinental tite. I just think Regals run has been pretty weak so far. Would be pretty bad if he lost it to punk straight away.

That is understood and yeah, if they pass around titles too quickly, then that alone tends to lose prestige ala title worth and value.


New Member
Jan 6, 2009
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I miss the huge feuds that would occur over the IC title. The Punk/Regal one is at least decently in depth (and no, he's apparently not injured), but nothing compared to previous feuds over the title. Like Axel proved, the prestige of the title, in regard to the company, is still fairly primitive. I'm sure Punk will win it next week.


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Mar 9, 2007
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The whole tournament was build up to the match. It was the only hyped match for the show, so there was PLENTY of hype. And while I agree maybe Regal should have had some more matches, why should he wrestle too much? He's the champion, he wrestles on HIS terms because he's the champ and he calls the shots. Yes, he answers to Stephanie McMahon, as they all do, but the champion should be more protected. John Cena, and the rest of the champions should not be wrestling week in and week out because, why the hell is he wrestling scubs like Santino Marella? Santino isnt a top contender. It diminshes the prestige of the champion and the title.


^^^Agreed 100% regarding there being less world champ singles action on weekly TV.

Keep it promo's, skits, backstage and non-match physical confrontations as much as possible.

Drawing a comparrison, the idea of Hogan wrestling on 'Challenge' or 'Superstars' during the height of his popularity is just laughable.



As the other guy said, Morrison went on to win the ECW Championship and really become a main guy on the ECW brand. Due to that, he's one of the brightest young stars in the company.

Santino Marella has gained a significant increase in reactions since his "Honk-A-Meter" stint. Plus, now he's both a comedy act AND a legitimate competitor.

Kofi Kingston came over as just a young talent floating from ECW, but he INSTANTLY changed that by winning the Intercontinental title. Since then, he's actually one of the most over faces on Raw, which surprises me as well.
Morrison was already a multi time tag champion before getting the IC title,a nd that helped him get over.
On top of that, Morrison went on to win the Ecw title because he was put in the match because Benoit died.
If Benoit didn't die, Morrison would have still won it, but probably months later, and when he did eventually win it, it would've been because of his makeover to become Morrison from Johnny Nitro, and get an actual good gimmick, not because he was IC champ a year or two beforehand.

As for Santino, what did the IC title do for him? He's still in the same position on the card he was in before. And the comedy stuff he has done with Phoenix, Golddust, etc, had/had nothing to do with the IC belt. The only thing to do with the IC belt was his Honk-A-Metre (like you said), but like I said, it didn't really help him. He's still in the same spot on the card, and was doing all the same stuff before his IC win (unless you refer to his debut, where he won it as a face)

Like I said though, the IC title is great, and I actually really like it, but you can't deny that it has taken a huge step back the past 2 years, and really means nothing now, other than just being there. It's no longer used to "launch" guys into the main event. In fact, mostly, it's used for guys who were world champs (Punk, jericho, etc) who now are back in the midcard, and just get it thrown at them.
Still a great belt, but like I said, it really needs to be reestablished, and get it's prestige back (because right now, it isn't helping anyone)... if it isn't going to be disbanded (like I think it should), then hopefulyl a Pun vs Regal feud can focus on just good, solid matches, to help restore the belt.


^^^I'm still struggling to understand how taking the IC-title out of action can do anything to help rebuild it's credibility.

Primarily it means so little because it's hardly ever defended. You'd only be digging 'yourself' a bigger hole, so to speak.


^Because when something returns, it is easier to build it up.
For example: When Jericho left, people were upset to see him leave, but were fine with it, then when he came back, they were acting as if he was the greatest of all time.
When Christian left, he was just a midcarder strugglign to find his way, now he's returning, people (me included) act like he's the fucking saviour.
When the IC title was taken away last time, and it came back, it seemed mmuch more prestigious, and like it was the return of one of the greatest titles ever.

Basically, by taking it away for a while, like taking anything away for a while, it will
1-give them time to think of how to make it better when they bring it back
2-When they do bring it back, people will remember it as better than it was, and there would be a ton of hype surrounding it, making it seem more prestigious, and from there, they can keep rolling with it. It's easier to make the hype of it being "a prestigious belt" when bringing it back, then it is right now, when we all remember how it's meant nothing for 2 years.

TBH, I don't even know how this discussion is still going.
The poster just asked, "why bother having this belt around" and I just responded by saing IMO, it shouldn't be around, because the way they have booked it has made it look like shit.
But I've said plenty of times that likely won't happen, and the more likely way to make it worthwhile is to just have it have some kickass matches, and stop using it as a sideshow belt.


Another thing I've noticed was that years ago the IC title seemed to be a bit more interchangable. The main event guys would step down and hold it from time to time as well. Anyone remember the HHH/Hardy one week reign thing?


Active Member
Jul 13, 2008
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Easton, Maryland
Another thing I've noticed was that years ago the IC title seemed to be a bit more interchangable. The main event guys would step down and hold it from time to time as well. Anyone remember the HHH/Hardy one week reign thing?

Yeah I was thinking the same thing. The days where the title would be like a stepping stone before going to the world titles and maineventers. And then there were times when the maineventers would step down from the world title picture and go for the mid card/tag titles. But now a days, some go from tag team, to mid-card title, to world title, and then stay in either upper mid card or ME status. They can't go back down and go back for the tag titles, or the mid card titles. The only one's who seem to go from world title are the transitional champs, Eddie, Benoit, Punk, Mysterio, Jericho (old Jericho not now Jericho, he was transitional Undisputed champ), Old Orton with some maybe going back up to World title scene. I actually thought they were going back to that way when they had Rated-RKO/D-Xfeud going on. They steped down from the world title scene and went back to tag team. But I think they should go back to that way instead of only transitional champs going back while having others remain in the ME scene.
Dec 23, 2008
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The problem is the amount of time the IC champions hold the belt, IMO All these 1 month reigns are too numerous/meaningless. Go back to the 1980's program where an IC Champ would hold the belt at LEAST 5-6 months. I think there's more anticipation then.