You have to be shitting me... Kane over someone like Stardust or Ziggler or Barrett? It makes little sense; Those three (well, Cody was instead of Stardust) were former Intercontentinental Champions, so they deserve a chance to step up. It would make the IC championship seem more important if they told one of these three that they would reward them further for being the best IC champions in the last decade with a MITB ladder match entry.
Anyways, I pick Kofi Kingston. He wins it with a bit of shenanigans and then Lesnar shows up and challenges him to a match in Japan (not entirely sure of the dates but if it is when I think it is, this works). MITB vs Lesnar ever being able to fight for the championship ever again. Lesnar destroys Kingston despite shenanigans and defends the MITB briefcase at Battleground before then destroying Rollins at Summerslam. He then holds the MITB briefcase and makes sure that as champion AND MITB briefcase holder, NOBODY can cash in on him ala Rollins and NOBODY can beat him one-on-one. He then holds it until WrestleMania 32 when suddenly, someone (Bryan or Cesaro pls) beats him but then The Authority, having been beaten out of power earlier in the night, announce that their final action is Lesnar defending the briefcase against... the golden boy, Rollins, where shenanigans ensue and Rollins pins Lesnar to gain the briefcase. Rollins then pins Bryan/Cesaro and becomes WWE World Heavyweight Champion, resulting in "LOL I'M GONNA KILL YOU" Lesnar, "what the fuck just happen- oh wait shit I'm gonna kick your ass too" Bryan/Cesaro and "oh wait shit I might have fucked up but hey, I'm too good" Rollins.