I probably give off the impression for the name as well as the jokes about peners. lolYes, the person who named themselves after a franchise which is often hero'ed by someone who I can only wish to be half as manly as.
I probably give off the impression for the name as well as the jokes about peners. lolYes, the person who named themselves after a franchise which is often hero'ed by someone who I can only wish to be half as manly as.
There is no guy alive who obessed with cats like you are, and there is only a crazy cat lady, not crazy cat sir, lol.Half the internet thinks I'm a guy2:
@Jacob Fox kick his ass for this blasphemy!There is no guy alive who obessed with cats like you are, and there is only a crazy cat lady, not crazy cat sir, lol.
Hey, he is a gay man who handles a lot of puss, okay. He gets a pass from me, lol.
Wait, you are a dude...welp learn something new today.
Also, was it Carnivine?
I was going to guess Victreebel lolI COMPLETELY FORGOT! YES, YOU ARE RIGHT!
That is gen 1, my dude.I was going to guess Victreebel lol
Wait, you are a dude...welp learn something new today.
I finally have a question that maybe hard, and I got the idea from a thread Beavie linked.
Clue 1: This Pokemon is said to know what will happen before it even happens.
Hmm I am guessing this makes it a psychic typeClue 1: This Pokemon is said to know what will happen before it even happens.
Good attitude to have, man.Also at this point I just let people say what they think. Like, whatevs. It's 2019
Yes. That is your second clue it is a Psychic type.Hmm I am guessing this makes it a psychic type
No.BirdStickMan? (Xatu)
Hey just keep rocking on, you know.Like, I don't blame anyone for thinking of me as a girl. I have two female e-fed characters, play as female characters mostly, and even someone who got banned from here thought I was a girl because my first e-fed character on this site was Ivy Hale.
Online... Unless you are in porn or looking up medical things, your gender is irreverent. lolSpoiler: Last mention of the topic of what people think I am