What would be fucking epic is if he shows up the night after the Rumble next January, healthy as he's been in years, and challenges Taker to a match at Mania, how would that not be epic and an absolutely sick match? There really isn't anything for him in TNA anymore, Kurt needs to go home.
Angle/improved Orton
Angle/improved Cena and that's just a start.
What's for him to do in TNA?
Abyss? Jarrett? RVD? Hardy?? Really the only thing I'd like to see from Angle before he leaves TNA is he and the Pope have a go around. It's kind of like Batista's situation, I wouldn't mind seeing him in TNA, because what is there for him the E, besides Sheamus? But Batista is 40 and has his eyes on acting, plus I bet he sees TNA as a major step down, Angle's whole life is wrestling and he has put over his former employer in interviews as not to burn bridges. Plus, as crazy as he is, Angle is smart, I think he realizes how long he's been in TNA for 3+ years and it's gone absolutely nowhere, so why not get off the ship to nowhere in favor of the luxury cruiser where everybody knows your name?