says the guy who doesn't watch WWE any least last I heard....
he's injured and wants to be 100%....he's talented as well and the only thing he doesn't do as good as Ziggler is sell moves...Ziggler is great but also a cocky asshole..maybe if he gets his head out of his ass, he will actually be world champ and not settle for IC champ.
You're so judgmental, it's astonishing.
He and I fight tooth and nail. It's like talking to a brick wall. To him, you are wrong and talking out of your a**.So much wrong with this shitty post (shitty post is redundant for you, just post would work fine) I don't even know where to begin, so I just won't lol. You were on my ignore list for a reason, but I have no idea how you got off of it.
Ziggler is a confident, talented, hilarious, awesome, sexy fucking beast and you clearly don't know what a real asshole is. If you think Ziggler is an asshole you will burn in hell because no just god will stand for your buffoonery. Now, please direct yourself to the nearest busy intersection and throw your head into oncoming vehicles.
His methodology of argumentation is entirely foreign to me.
By the rationale by some in this thread, they expect a reality finish.Who would you prefer defeated Lesnar next year?
In reality, Swagger, Ziggler and Del Rio would be the only talent to fit that criteria.
Business wise, Triple H and John Cena are comparable but obviously an 'established' star beating Lesnar would garner an extreme backlash and defeat the initial purpose.