I agree at some points made in this thread, but I also disagree with a lot of it.
First, I dont understand why Hogan put himself in the main story-line of the show. The whole deal is just not interesting. Abyss feeling "the force" in the ring? I didnt like Abyss to begin with, and this certainly didnt make me change my opinion about the guy. AJ and Flair together, sure, having Flair being AJ's mentor would make sense. AJ trying to be a copy of Flair does not.
I know there's a PPV coming up "dedicated" to the X-division, but this is something they need to realize people want to see on a regular basis, and make the division interesting again. Hell, the X-Division is what made me interested in TNA in the first place, and Im sure plenty of other people discovered TNA the exact same way.
I also believe that A LOT of dead weight needs to be cut off. As it is right now, it seemed like Hogan promised everyone he knows a spot on the roster when he went to TNA. Nasty Boys, Shannon Moore, Sean Morley among others are people who can go away for all I care.
The women's division needs more focus as well. I've always praised the women in TNA for their actual wrestling skills, and I find it ten times more entertaining than the women in WWE, where honestly, 70% doesn't belong in a wrestling ring.
I know a lot of people complained when they removed the 6-sided ring and replaced it with 4 sides. Personally, I didnt mind that. What I do mind though, is that stupid ramp leading to the ring. I also hate how tight the space between the ring and guard rail is. When wrestlers do suicide dives now, they have to hold back, or else they'll fly right into the crowd.
The new titantron is cool though, and how they replaced the tunnels with the stairs coming up from the ground looks really awesome.
I think TNA really needs a second show. As of now, their roster is too packed to give everyone air-time.
So yeah, although TNA has some flaws right now, I still find it more enjoyable to watch than WWE nowadays. Im positive that in time, TNA will get more settled and actually give the WWE some competition.