Why pick just one guy? Building AROUND just one guy is kinda dumb. Could we see Joe beat the shit out of everyone and plummet to the top? Yeah, but they have too much talent for this. They NEED two shows (they already have the fucking air time, one is just a piece of shit called Reaction, what in the fuck?), everything would unfold perfectly if they had two shows, one with AJ Styles as the champion (the WORLD champion, not this TV title bullshit) surrounded by Fourtune and Flair. That show would be where all this Fourtune vs. EV2.0 clusterfuck goes down. It would also be the show primarily where the tag team wrestling was aired, since BEER MONEY is there (bring in Tomko/Albert too). The other show, Impact, would be where guys like Pope, Wolfe, Joe, Hernandez, Angle, Hardy, Anderson, and the Knockouts. Joe would be built up as a bad ass, steamroll all of Fourtune, culminating in AJ vs. Joe loser leaves *name of brand*. AJ somehow screws Joe, AJ wins, Joe goes to the other show with Pope as the top face champ, there you have an epic rivalry of Joe vs. Pope, face vs. face, crowd split. I think Anderson will reheel at BFG so him/Wolfe would make nicely for the top heels and Pope/Hernandez top faces along with Joe and wishful thinking says bringing back Daniels too. Personally, I say fuck the X-Division, because there's no way you're gonna convince me that people want that shitty title over the world title (unless you can convert it to 100% mid-card title which they've KINDA already done, so ok), so scrap that and have Douglas Williams, Magnus, Brian Kendrick, etc. on that show. Anyways, none of this will ever happen, it's just wishful thinking, just like hoping the "them" Abyss is referring to is actually Paul Heyman and James Mitchell! Hey man, it could happen. Oh, and Jim Cornette too! K, Cornette might seem kinda odd, but god damn, Heyman/Mitchell look like legit mad scientists so it'd make sense and be believable.