This was a great video. I actually learned a lot from it. I already knew that no one in the US owns their own land but the country/government own it. At most, you can own the house but never the land it sits on. You basically own the rights to use it. That is about it. And if for whatever reason the government decides to take it from you... they can. Just look at those Texas farmers who lost their land a few years ago.
Most people know that though. What I didn't know is that the Queen actually owns the UK, Canada, and Australia. Not in terms of "TRUE" ownership but she has rights over the land.
Also... If we were to give every single person fair ownership of the land in the entire world equally... We would all own 5 acres of land. That is a good amount of land. Enough to have a few homes on, a farm, and then some. Funny to think about. We aren't really short on space when you look at it that way.
TLDR/TLDW: No "one person" technically owns any land just the rights to it.
That is depressing. Thank God for cats. :kitler: