the dark knight

^^whats the 619? the drop kick inflicts more pain that the 619 does...even when i was a kid, the move bugged me all the time.
Cm punk needs something about than GTS. He can barely lift Morrison up, how can he possibly lift someone like Marcus Cor Von.
Who, in your opinion really needs a new finisher?
I think MVP is in desperate need of a new finisher. I mean come on The Playmaker? Whats up with that? He puts his leg on the back of your neck. falls and lands on his knee??? WTH!!!! You get no impact at all. So if he is going to be pushed at all he really needs a new finisher, not one that is gonna dislocate his own kneecap.
How in the hell is that surposed to "hurt MVP more than it hurts his opponments". A big boot wouldn't fit his character either.MVP: The Playmaker is a terrible finisher, A terrible move, it hurts MVP more than it hurts his opponments, I would like to see MVP use the running boot as his finisher move because that looks much more powerful than the playmaker or just give MVP a new finisher move that at least looks like it hurts his opponments.
Wikipedia said:Emerald Frosion
This is a sitout side powerslam in which the wrestler lifts the opponent up on his left shoulder like in a Front powerslam. The wrestler wraps his right arm around the opponent's neck, and the left arm around the opponent's torso. The wrestler then sits down while flipping the opponent forward to the right side of him, driving the opponent neck and shoulder first into the mat.
The move was named by Mitsuharu Misawa but there is no direct translation into English for his Japanese language name for the move, "エメラルドフロウジョン (Emeraludo Furoujon)". Emerald Frosion is the most common English name, as it's the closest to the pronunciation, but Emerald Flowsion has been used on official NOAH merchandise. Another commonly used translation is Emerald Fusion.