Bret Hart is pretty bitter, but a lot of that bitterness is justified, in my opinion. I definitely don't agree on Hogan since he's past his skank of an ex-wife who took 70% of his assets, even though she did nothing to earn it except that she just happened to be married to the guy who helped build wrestling into a national empire. If people are judging him on the way he handled his son's car wreck four or five years back, then just remember that Wifebeater 3:16 isn't a saint either, but I'd hardly call him pathetic.
I'd say Ric Flair because he honestly can't let the wrestling go even at 64 ripe years of age (he says he wants to wrestle, but WWE won't let him, they won't even let him get physical with anyone anymore) and keeps getting married over and over and over again, even though his wives clearly are only interested in his money and keep draining his bank account. He even had to call the police on his latest ex-wife because she kept assaulting him (yes, the Dirtiest Player In The Game had to call the police because his wife wouldn't stop beating on him... LOL.) He blew most all of his money on partying over the years and even hit rock bottom enough that he put out ads last year that for a high priced fee, he would be willing to walk a girl to her high school prom.