Where Did It Begin For You?

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Apr 22, 2009
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Not sure if this is the right thread, but here goes. I wanna know more about you all. Where did your love of wrestling begin? Who got you interested, who influenced you. Let's take a trip down memory lane.

For me it was Undertaker. I'd been exposed to wrestling before Undertaker cause my brothers were all gaga over Hogan, and Savage back in the day. At that time it didn't amuse me much. Although I admit with guilt that my sister, and I LOVED GLOW. Americana, Nanutchka, Ivory(I forget what her name was than) Matilda the Hun, Mountain Fiji etc. It was silly , but we loved it. Anyways getting back to Taker.

I had been out of the wrestling loop for years, but was channel surfing one fateful Saturday morning , and there was Paul Bearer talking about Undertaker's upcoming match against the Underfaker at SummerSlam 94. I saw clips of Taker with his dark juju, and big black hat. I was in love...I said "I like him." He's different than the guys my brothers used to watch. Ironically since than I realize how ridiculous the doppelganger match really was, but my loyalty to Taker hasn't diminished at all. I've watched his character evolve through several eras since, and still love him as much as I did then.

How about you? What's your story?


Well, I started watching in the mid-90's, like '96ish, at around 4 years old. Mainly because my brother watched it though. So I would watch with him. During that time, I was a huge Bret Hart fan. From there, I continued watching, and through the Attitude Era, I was watching it by my own will, with my favourite probably being Stone Cold Steve Austin... After that, in 2000, I skipped that whole year. I think Imay have only watched 3 shows that entire year. But in 2001, I started watching again, and my favourite era came after, from the 2002-2004 time, with guys like Triple H (and Evolution), Chris Jericho, Brock Lesnar, and Goldberg being the reason for me watching...It also had some of the best Wrestlemania's (18, 19, and 20). Now, in the era of 2005-now, I continue to watch, and Edge and Chris Jericho would be the main reason for that...
Sorry if I got off topic a bit there, but to sum it up, I've been watching since '96.

Beer Money Army

i started watching wrestling around 1991 or 1992. my 1st PPV event was Royal Rumble 1991. I like Undertaker ever since then, In the 80's I really like Randy Savage, Steamboat, Flair, Rick Rude, Hart foundation, British bulldogs. I never really liked U.warrior(unsure on how he got so big in wwe). i use to watch alot of NWA/WCW, a bit of ECW. In the 1990's era Taker, Bret Hart, HBK, Diesel, Ramon, Foley, Austin, HHH were my favourites along with DX and Hart Foundation being my favourite stable during the 90's. I never really thought much of rock, but his promo when joinning The Nation started to be good and entertaining although his in-ring ability didn't amuse me at all.

Pby the time i stopped watching WWE would be 2004 Smackdown when JBL was WWE Champion(that was painful to see a midcarder as WWE Champion and that's why i refused to watch it)

My favourite Era of WWE would be 1996-2001(one match on Raw or smackdown 2001 i remember to this Date was benoit Vs Austin wwe title match, benoit did about 15-20 german suplex that match shits all over any of the matches that are on free tv wrestling at the moment), while with WCW the 80's pre WCW NWA Stuff is top stuff. I didn't mind 2002 tho, 2003 was good except Raw was basically WCW Raw or I.E HHH vs WCW main eventers.(i hated when WWE hated Goldberg, because the dude was shit in WCW)

Now from the passed 5 years, Taker/Benoit/Y2J/HHH would be my ultimate favourites in WWE.

But atm i watch WWE, TNA, ROH and sometimes Pro Wrestling Noah whenever i can.

i could type more but i CBF.

Chuck Taylor's Grenade

I originally started around 1990 watching WCW in particular Sting. Then I lost interest until about 1997 in the weeks leading up to Hogan vs. Sting at Starrcade (if only I knew then what I know now) From there I got into WWF's attitude era and ECW. Back then I was just a wee little mark obsessed with watching anything I could get my hands on (I guess this is as good a time to confess as any-my name is spiralshock and I was a fan of WOW Women of Wrestling. God it feels good to get that off my chest). These days I'll still watch anything but I'm more selective about how long I stick with a show before changing the channel.


Same here. Started out with WCW because of Sting. Jericho quickly became my favorite. From there...branched off into the Attitude Era which was obviously a little more gritty and RAW than WCW. When Jericho debuted in WWF that was pretty much the end of my WCW days. I just remember being a young kid sitting on the couch every Monday night...watching the first hour of Nitro then switching back and forth between the two showing for the final two hours.


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Aug 1, 2006
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Ottawa, ON
My Grandmother liked wrestling actually and I guess it was somewhere around Wrestlemania 3 I started watching.

Hidden Blaze

The Wanted Man
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Well my dad watched it when he was little and still after I was born but I don't recall really getting in to it until about 94. Anyway I didn't really have a favorite or reason to watch expect my dad was watching so I watched with him. 1996 is when I really really got in to it. Where I would get the shirts and cheer on people and stuff. In WWF Austin was my favorite. WCW for some reason even as a kid I liked NWO. I guess they just seemed pretty cool. But yeah I've never that I can recall had a point where I stopped watching wrestling so I can't add that to this. The only time I've missed wrestling is either when I was in trouble or power was out lol.


Ive been watching it since i was 4 years old in late 1986. I liked ricky steamboat, ric flair, hogan and big boss man. Early 90's i liked hbk and bret hart. From 94 i started watching wcw and ecw and i loved it. From 97 onwards i started to get into the backstage news and whats going on kind of stage. Stone cold was born and he was my favourite guy up until hhh returned in 2002. When Orton debuted i knew he was going to be big so i started following Orton. When hhh turned heel in the summer of 02 i just had two favorite wrestlers then.
Orton and Cm punk who i loved as soon as i saw him, as the years went on Orton got bigger and i started liking Angle, Benoit, Eddie g. And Ive been a hardcore fan of wrestling since. I loved tna when it first started cause Aj, Low Ki, Jerry Lynn and amazing red where awesome and had classic matches.

After i saw Cm Punk vs Joe in 3 iron man matches in Roh i downloaded and got a hold of every Roh show i could and watched them. At the time in 2006-07 i thought Roh had it all and the wrestling was amazing. Then roh got quiet and tna got joe and i liked it all then i even liked tna more then. WWE was getting a bit boring and i started to miss a few raw and smackdowns. Then when No mercy 2007 came around i liked the ppv and it converted me back to wwe then and ironically tna became shit again. So im a wwe guy now and i hope to be when im 35. I love wrestling and what tna and roh did a few years ago is still the best wrestling ive ever seen.


By the way my first ever match i saw was a wrestlemania match between Steamboat vs Hercules i know its was not live but that is my vaguest memory of the first match i saw.

★Chuck Zombie★

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Feb 8, 2007
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St. Bernard/Cincinnati, Ohio
My dad used to watch wrestling when I was real little in the late 80's. He even took me to a few shows. According to him, my first words (other than mom, dad, and no....my first REAL words) were Hulk Hogan (ironic since I can't stand him, lol). I remember the L.O.D./Road Warriors and being a pretty big fan of them, but my parents wouldn't let me watch wrestling after I hit my little brother with a guitar, ha ha. Fast forward 10 years: My uncle and my dad continued to watch wrestling and one time instead of going to mu uncle's house, my uncle came to mine. He had a VHS tape of WCW Souled Out 1998. 3 matches in and I instantly fell right back in love with wrestling after seeing my instant favorite defeat Rey Mysterio for the cruiserweight title.....Chris Jericho. I was HOOKED and as soon as Jericho debuted in WWF, I stopped watching WCW. Now Jericho is still one of my favorites, but I really long for the cry-baby, arrogant Chris Jericho to come back.

noumenon said:
Jericho quickly became my favorite. From there...branched off into the Attitude Era which was obviously a little more gritty and RAW than WCW. When Jericho debuted in WWF that was pretty much the end of my WCW days. I just remember being a young kid sitting on the couch every Monday night...watching the first hour of Nitro then switching back and forth between the two showing for the final two hours.

Dammit, you stole MY story.



this is where all the magic happened lol...growing up just before the attidude era my neighbor and my brother always watch wrestling around the Mid- 90's and i would watch with them. and i remember we would always play this game too. and we would wreslte around just playin and having fun even though they were 6 years older than me i would always do the "Walls of Jericho" good times good times


Well one day, after I got foxtel, I changed the channel to Fox8 and saw some guy beating up another. I was 10, so I'm like: cool! I've been hooked since.

(it was actually Batista beating up Christian) :eek:


Royal Rumble 1990.... Satellite TV (remember them dishes??? lol) hit the UK mainstream and, along with The Simpsons, we'd started swapping round VHS tape of old PPVs, Superstars, Challenge etc.

First PPV watched 'live' = WM6.


Royal Rumble 2005. At school. I was hooked instantly as soon as Eddie & Holly beat the shit out of Daniel Puder.


^Everyone beating the shit out of Hassan was even better though. Best Rumble moment of the 2000's. :laugh: