Where are your standards people?

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Active Member
Aug 1, 2006
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Ottawa, ON
Not trying to single anybody in particular out but I've already seen two comments stating that tonight's Raw was epic/awesome.

What the fuck happened to your standards? Has wrestling been feeding you enough shit for so long that you're willing to accept half-assed as amazing?

During tonight's two hour show, say about ninety minutes after taking commercials into consideration there was eighteen minutes of wrestling on the goddamned show. That is nothing short of pathetic. And you can call this awesome? Seventy two minutes of non wrestling during a two hour show? Not to mention that aside from the Kofi/Orton stuff none of that seventy two minutes was even remotely entertaining.

As to the matches themselves, well let's see here/ Miz/MVP meant nothing at all. Sure Miz gets a nice, clean win but it means nothing given that pretty much everyone gets wins over MVP these days.

Santino/Chavo shouldn't even be classified as a match as much as it is a long, over done, painfully unfunny running joke.

Divas match? 90 second match? Their entrances took longer.

Swagger/Bourne? How many times has Swagger beaten Bourne now? Does it even matter anymore?

The tag main event was okay if not entirely too short. Oh yeah, there's a PPV this weekend? One of the Big Four? You wouldn't know it judging by this show. Though I'd venture the guess that we're getting Cena/Taker at WM 26. Enjoy that.

This show was awful. Every Raw in 09 has pretty much been at least mostly awful. I don't know how you guys can praise this crap.


Everyone has their own opinions. I didn't think it was awesome or epic, I just marked for Piper, but maybe the show was exciting for those guys. I found most of it to be fairly stupid and way too much useless talking.

In other wrestling forums I am at, people are saying the same thing about the show being epic....I didn't even think it was that great....it was alright but it was mostly the same old shit.

Quintastic One

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Jul 2, 2008
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In my beard
Not trying to single anybody in particular out but I've already seen two comments stating that tonight's Raw was epic/awesome.

What the fuck happened to your standards? Has wrestling been feeding you enough shit for so long that you're willing to accept half-assed as amazing?

During tonight's two hour show, say about ninety minutes after taking commercials into consideration there was eighteen minutes of wrestling on the goddamned show. That is nothing short of pathetic. And you can call this awesome? Seventy two minutes of non wrestling during a two hour show? Not to mention that aside from the Kofi/Orton stuff none of that seventy two minutes was even remotely entertaining.

As to the matches themselves, well let's see here/ Miz/MVP meant nothing at all. Sure Miz gets a nice, clean win but it means nothing given that pretty much everyone gets wins over MVP these days.

Santino/Chavo shouldn't even be classified as a match as much as it is a long, over done, painfully unfunny running joke.

Divas match? 90 second match? Their entrances took longer.

Swagger/Bourne? How many times has Swagger beaten Bourne now? Does it even matter anymore?

The tag main event was okay if not entirely too short. Oh yeah, there's a PPV this weekend? One of the Big Four? You wouldn't know it judging by this show. Though I'd venture the guess that we're getting Cena/Taker at WM 26. Enjoy that.

This show was awful. Every Raw in 09 has pretty much been at least mostly awful. I don't know how you guys can praise this crap.

I've been a long time critic on RAW for a long time now. Anyone with half a brain cannot call RAW entertaining at ANY point. This year alone we've seen the teasing push and yet nothing to come of it of MVP, Mr. Kennedy, Legacy, and soon to Kofi Kingston. It's been the same old shit for a loooooong ass time. The only time it was even remotely entertaining was in the beginning of the year when Randy Orton was making the McMahons his play things.

RAW is shit and everyone who's an actual fan of wrestling knows it.

It's exactly as you said MS.

Has wrestling been feeding you enough shit for so long that you're willing to accept half-assed as amazing?

The answer is yes. Everyone's been fed shit for so long, now they are just happy to see something even 50% as good as it should be. It's sad, but it's true.

Wrestling Station

I think this would actually explain why Shane left the WWE.

Anyway, the guest host thingy must stop; and I think they have to have an angle were something happens to a guest host that they will cancel it. (just like the million dollar thingy, they had Vince get injured to stop it).

Best thing to help Raw is.............................................. A STRONG GM!!!! :smh damn it!


For these reasons, I miss RAW most of the time. I cant take it. Last night, after Piper called VKM out, I just fell asleep. I fall asleep every week now. I have given up on raw. Wake me up when RAW gives me a reason to give two shits again


Active Member
May 17, 2008
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Milwaukee, WI
Raw is so bad that I'm watching at most 30 minutes of it a week. It just doesn't keep my attention anymore. I will say that Piper's midshow promo was pretty good.


Miz's promo was great. Orton/Kofi was great. The main event was a great spotfest.

I'd say it was pretty good for free television. If you want to watch actual wrestling matches you will have to buy the PPV's.

Historically, the WWE has rarely had more than 30 mins of actual wrestling on Raw. It's purpose to build matches and promote PPV's.

Remember when Hogan rarely ever appeared on free TV? Or when every match was an uppermidcarder vs some local jobber?


"Remember when Hogan rarely ever appeared on free TV? Or when every match was an uppermidcarder vs some local jobber?"

LOL... I doubt many do tbh.

I wish they'd do that more with the ME-ers.... Would certainly keep 'em fresh and go some way to preventing E' pissing away hot prospective fueds on throw-away TV matches. Would give the mid-card more time for their own storylines and to in turn blossom and get over too.

Great One

I don't see what you think is so wrong with TNA. Where is the huge flaw in their logical decisions? Everything has seemed pretty good thus far, the only thing I saw arise was how Joe/Daniels got in the main event at Turning Point? Who the else would step up and main event at Turning Point? Eric Young?


Active Member
Aug 1, 2006
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Ottawa, ON
Miz's promo was great.

Cheap heat does not make a great promo. I love the Miz but he had a SS match to build up against his former tag partner none of which was sold. Instead he ripped on the Yankees and that was really it. How does that get Miz heat anywhere but New York? How does that further his character? Anyone can get cheap heat, Miz can get real heat so again let's not take half-assed and call it great.

Orton/Kofi was great.

Aside from the production botch (which does happen) it was and I already credited that.

The main event was a great spotfest.

The ME was about six minutes long. That's one minute ring time for each guy in the match. That is nowhere near long enough to tell a story, or sell the upcoming SS main events. And main events shouldn't be spot fests. They should be treated far more seriously. Spot fests go on the undercard.

I'd say it was pretty good for free television. If you want to watch actual wrestling matches you will have to buy the PPV's.

So because it's free it's okay to offer a mediocre product? And if they want me to watch the PPVs to see the wrestling, fine, sell the PPV to me then. Oh wait, they didn't do that. What about this show, the go home show before the PPV made you want to order the show? What did they do to hype SS?

And again wrestling has been on free tv for years and has still been better than this.

Historically, the WWE has rarely had more than 30 mins of actual wrestling on Raw. It's purpose to build matches and promote PPV's.

The original days of Raw disagree with you. The Attitude era changed that, but it was acceptable because practically every match that did happen actually meant something and wasn't throw away garbage like you get on Raw today.

With ninety minutes of TV time they can schedule 3 ten minute matches and two or three five minute matches. That would be acceptable because Miz/MVP going three minutes is not. There's barely time to get the matches started. And it didn't mean shit either in terms of advancing a story. And then they still get forty five minutes to do stupid Santino skits.

Remember when Hogan rarely ever appeared on free TV? Or when every match was an uppermidcarder vs some local jobber?

Yeah I do. Those shows made me want to see the big shows so I could see the big stars against the others.

I wish they'd do that more with the ME-ers.... Would certainly keep 'em fresh and go some way to preventing E' pissing away hot prospective fueds on throw-away TV matches. Would give the mid-card more time for their own storylines and to in turn blossom and get over too.

The world title should almost never be defended on television. It should be a big deal. That's a good first step to changing this.

I don't see what you think is so wrong with TNA. Where is the huge flaw in their logical decisions? Everything has seemed pretty good thus far, the only thing I saw arise was how Joe/Daniels got in the main event at Turning Point?

Okay, fine Joe and Daniels in the ME. The two guys who lost their matches at the last PPV.

Foley's incessant heel/face turns.

Abyss as a muppet.

Jay Lethal losing cleanly to Jim Neidhart in two minutes.

Eric Young. We're supposed to take him and the WE seriously but his stable is full of jobbers.

I can keep going...

Who the else would step up and main event at Turning Point? Eric Young?

That is not my problem. They are the ones who need to credibly build up their stars, not me.


Active Member
Aug 1, 2006
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Ottawa, ON
I also feel the need to point out that on last night's ECW broadcast, which is only an hour (about forty five with commercials), they managed to fit about twenty five minutes of wrestling on the show.


Agreed^^^its the best wrestling show on tv. Smackdown is getting worse almost like raw now.


"Jay Lethal losing cleanly to Jim Neidhart in two minutes."

Best part of Impact that week IMO... :y:

The quicker the squash the better for that one.

Fuck Lethal... He doesn't even do a good Savage voice!


I used to like lethal before the savage gimmick. And the lethal combination was awesome. Now i look at him and think, missed opportunity. Creed is the same, where is he by the way?